How can I get my two year old to stop swearing?

Please do not pinch your child til they bleed, this is going to cause your child to end up in the same cycle you and your husband were obviously stuck in with your parents… It is also abuse. And do not use food as a punishment, that can create eating disorders in the future. Figure out a punishment for him like sitting in the corner, taking away electronics, etc. if he continues to do it after you tell him no once or twice. Yes, it may take longer this way than physical punishment, but eventually he will realize why he’s getting these punishments. I would also stop cussing around your house because if he continues to hear it, he’s more likely to keep doing it.


He learned to swear from his father. Please don’t teach him to be violent by hurting him. Him getting a rise out of you for saying it is part of the issue. Ignore it

It’s learnt behaviour so it’s not his fault. Paying him attention either physically or mentally is still attention that he’s after. So just Ignore it

You pinched his lip so hard that he bled but you think him swearing means you failed as a mother? Wow :woman_facepalming:t3:

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We all do what we have to, I don’t know about pinching a lip but soap in the mouth was definitely a thing when I was young, but at 2 he is just mimicking no need to be frantic just let it ride next focus word could be something silly like. “Buttbutt” :joy::woman_shrugging:

I have 3 kids with no help from anyone in my family I have a 6 year old girl 4 year old girl 1 year old boy I went through this with both of my oldest swearing is common for children to pick up when even one adult in there life swear , I will whoop my kids when they misbehave and time outs don’t work or toy taking don’t work or corners that’s what’s wrong with this generation half of y’all kids on here where never whooped and it shows I know the good times and the bad times I’m going through bad times with my kids now and it hurts and sucks but for all of you telling her she failed is wrong yes she should of never pinched her sons lips I never even knew people did that still when u go to your children with violence after telling them to stop the violence will only make it worse the best things are too
1: completely ignore do not give in do not talk to them do NOT LAUGH that’s the big one
2: Sit your toddler down and tell them it’s a no no word bad words and the bad word fairy will come and take one toy away every time you cuss and if they continue to cuss take one toy away every time.
Your not failing as a mother your just failing parenting and we all do idc what anyone says who has kids it ain’t easy and we all fail most times but make it right continue to educate yourself and keep at it do not give up what so ever you’ll get through this just fine and one last thing kids are the most forgiving people on the planet I can guarantee you that your son doesn’t hate you or anything it’s the terrible twos that’s why that call It terrible. Stay strong and move on with your life do better every day then the day before and everything will be okay.

First time mother, by far from perfect, definitely make mistakes but… come on… this is disgusting and these comments :scream::scream::scream:

No worries my 2 year old told daycare workers “momma cuts ass” bc my favorite thing to say was “ima cut your ass” I was like no that’s not nice don’t say that and then stopped using that reference and she’s now 7 and if you even pick like she said a cuss word she cry’s. Call it out that it’s ugly words. Be like eww that’s ugly and ignore him for a bit and be like big boys don’t use ugly words that’s for ugly boys. And make a fun word up like how you would the F word in context and all and you say it to without letting him know you trying and if notice y’all laugh he’ll come around. Promise :+1:

I hate the phrase terrible 2, they’re learning and it’s normal to get frustrated. They’re babies, their feelings are valid too, they just don’t know how to express them in the right ways. I’d say ignore it, causing the wrong attention to it will make him do it more even if you’re punishing it’s giving attention. Try redirecting. Pinching can be a form of abuse. We aren’t born as moms knowing everything so If I were you I’d take everyone advice as constructive Criticism… there’s always room to grow as parent.

Soap? I only heard of that but I would never i don’t think … i come from a spanking generation. Sometimes at family things you’d get a really bad look from mom and that was heart breaking enough to stop.
And that seems crazy for a 2 year old. Like a phase. No no for pinching. Need to talk about it to kiddies.

Time outs don’t do anything for a regular two year old. My kids get a FIRM ‘Don’t say that, that’s bad’ every single time I hear it. They never say it more than twice.

Well this momma cusses like sailor.I just kept repeating those are bad words to my bby girl. She messed up a few times. We kept correcting her. Now if she just kept doing it and i know she knows not too( which my child at 3yr does). I would do timeouts and if that aint work. Last resort would be a pop pop

Don’t use thst type of language around him. He heard ot from who he is around. He didn’t come up with it on his own!

“that’s a grown up word only mister. Say that again and you get a time out” then follow through if he does it again. You are his parent not his friend. Kids don’t like time out but boo freaking hoo! You disobey you sit. Simple.

I’ve popped my kid, I’ve times out my kid, I’ve done the hot sauce, I’ve done the mouthwash, I’ve done the thumping…and YES I’m a NORMAL mom who’s tried, FAILED, succeeded and came out from it with some good and bad. The thing is that YOUR trying and looking for alternatives. Dont feel bad. We all make these mistakes thinking they will be ok and then they arent. What will work for you might not work for the other 100 women on here…AND THATS OK!! Keep up the good work on your attempts…and FUCK it(as your toddler says) lol just dont use the word in front of them as much. They’ll grow out of it.

You need to lead by example. I would purposely “swear” but say things like fudge cakes. When frustrated. It helped my kids replace fuck when they were young but once’s he’s a teen you’ll be out of luck. Instead of punishing or trying to control the situation, think about it from the perspective you’re his teacher. Some days will be easier than others of course and some things are going to be punishable but you should try attachment style parenting and redirecting the behaviour by mimicking the behaviour with different words he will think are catchy or funny but not offensive!! Good luck mama!!

Yikes. He’s only 2 and has zero idea what he’s saying lol. Doesn’t matter where he heard it from. Just remind him each time he does it that that’s an adult word and not allowed. I don’t know… I think it’s kind of funny lol. Truthfully he’ll probably grow out of it if you don’t keep making it a huge deal.

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The cussing is not the failing part it is the abuse that follows.

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Ignore it. Don’t acknowledge that he has even said an inappropriate word, the more you acknowledge it, he will want to repeat it. This is what I did and do with my 2 yr old

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He learned it from the dad so maybe try these methods on the dad instead :smirk::ok_hand:

He’s a child literally 2 . I don’t usually shame moms but Jesus fuck lady do better .

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I put a drop of spicy hot sauce on my kids tongues when they said a bad word.

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Omg just ignore. Can’t believe u pinched his bottom lip and made him bleed that’s actually child abuse. He is 2, pls just ignore him when he says fu*k

I got pepper in my mouth or a bar of soap scrapped on my front teeth or my mum smacked my butt with a wooden spoon when i was older n i still swear like a sailor :rofl: didnt harm me… My kids dont ever swear in front of me though even my 26yr old :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I “swear” that some of these posts are just trigger fire starters…

But if this in fact true…

Your kid is frank’n TWO don’t pinch his lips - don’t slap or pinch him when he’s 7, 15 or 30 no one learns that way.

He’s doing it because he gets a reaction- talk to him like a parent and tell him the new rule is that bad words don’t work anymore and explain directly why. Short and sweet

Ignore and don’t respond to swearing EXCEPT - you stop what your doing (put the phone down) and say “remember the rule, none of those words “. Make sure he says ok or yes and remind him that he knows that.

You are the parent, act like one

He learned the word from his daddy. My son also learn the same word from his daddy when he was 2 years old. Don’t worry he’ll learn not to say it just keep on him and tell him no or what you could do is when he says that word direct his attention to a different word to replace it. Like use the word fudge to replace the F word.
Examples my mom used.
F*** ! fudge or fricking
Sob! Son of a bit my finger all the hello folks.etc
your child is 2 years old and is going to pick up a lot of words that he shouldn’t be picking up. but it happens oh, and your job is made harder because you not only have to watch your child and the things he says and teach him otherwise but you also have to make sure that people understand they have to watch their mouths around your child. You don’t punish the child especially at 2 years old for saying words like the f word. You teach him that it’s not acceptable. Punished the Daddy for saying the word in front of him. When the daddy comes home pinched his lip and tell them that’s for teaching your son bad words. But at the age of 2 he doesn’t even know what he’s saying. They don’t even reach the age of reasoning until they’re 10 years old. But two years old is way too young to be punishing him for learning to talk. You just have to remember he’s in a learning process right now and he is going to mimic everything anyone says so you’re going to have to just be very careful and watch the type of language people use around your son if you don’t want him repeating those words. But don’t punish him he’s too little yet like I said he doesn’t even know what he’s saying he’s just mimicking what he heard daddy say. That’s all you can do is make sure that people use correct language around him every time you hear him say that word the f word just tell him no that’s a naughty word. Good luck and don’t worry it’ll go away

They repeat what they hear its just part of it you have to change what they hear!

IGNORE it he will stop when he can’t get a rise or reaction out of you.

That’s child abuse and this person needs to be reported!

I usually give my daughter another word that sounds more fun. She said ass a few times and we substituted for booty. And made it cute and fun lol and she likes it.

Try a bit of soap
Wash the dirty out of his mouth
My uncle did that to me when I acted up
That or pepper

My son’s favorite was damn it, the bigger the deal made about it yhe more he did. If we ignored it and didn’t make a big deal about it he quit.

I mean I get it’s not ideal. But at least he’s using it in the correct context :rofl::rofl:

Alum. It’s a pickling spice. It helps a TON lol you can get it at ang grocery store in the spice aisle and just a teeny tiny bit is gross! It helped my daughter with her smart mouth! I even carried one in my purse lol

Wow just wow. You honestly pinch his lips til they bleed?!? That’s way worse than a baby saying a word they learnt from the same person or persons pinching their lips. Wow!! Just explain we don’t use those words they are mommy and daddy words. I personally think words are just words and forms of expression. By teaching him they are mommy and daddy words if that don’t work then let him know they are certain words you say only at home and not when you leave the house. Eventually he will realize that some words are not right to say all the time.

Pinch your husbands lip every time he swears in front of your child.

STOP GIVING IT ATTENTION! YOU ARE ENFORCING IT! Ugh!; is not something you discipline a child for EVER! He is 2… Make his life fun! Do you like to be told what to do it talked down to it physically hurt?? Make learning exciting!!!

I just pinched my own lip as hard as I could handle and it’s throbbing, and its still not bleeding. How fucking hard were you pinching him?

Wow… Is this real life? You seriously think it’s okay to make a two year old BABY bleed over a word he learned from YOUR household? Let alone the other cruel be unusual punishments… Lady, you need serious help. Get off the internet and go take some parenting classes. You are failing currently. Do better.

You punching his lip like that is abuse. I feel bad for that poor child.

The less attention you give it the less he will use it.

Wait… you made your son bleed because he did something he learned from his parents. Poor baby. :confused:

The swearing isn’t the main issue here but if you’re determined to think it is, ignore it or sit him down and try to make him understand that it’s a grownup word.

When my kids used these words, I’d say another similar word with extra emphasis…

Ughhh Duck!!! What a truck!!!

He eventually caught on

Omg leave that baby alone, you are failing by being a horrible mom because u are scared of what others think of you as a mom. Just ignore him omg i feel terribly sorry for the baby

So children that learn it from you are thinking it’s ok because they look up to you, that punishment stuff ain’t gonna cut it. I’m all for spanking older kids that understand what they have done wrong and talking ain’t working but with him being two, you need to sit him down explain gentle in his level that get babe that’s a no no word eww gross (something in that way) make him understand daddy says silly things but we don’t… then ignore the bad mouth behavior. That’s all you can do, your not a bad mom, my kids say what the hell not anymore but they learned that’s a no no word. Things happen is adults say ridiculous things kids pick up on but we can’t get mad at them and spank for saying it because to them we are perfect and they think it’s ok.

Is it considered being “judgmental” if it’s truth? The world is made up of all various people / most of which are parents. Many stories you could hear, she shared hers publicly. Hopefully she will receive these comments with the right mindset

, I’d swear too if someone pinched my bottom lip and abused me

Wsit…the son or the dad was on a ship for a few months? And what exactly was done with the whale meat? Sorry my imagination is going all over the place…

From my experience all kids do this at some point…be it because of their parents, an adult they know or tv…

I know my daughter dropped the F-bomb a few times at that age an tbh the first time I stood their in shock (at 2 an at great grandma’s), the 2nd time I smacked her in the mouth (at 5 and first day of school) and the 3rd time she got a bar of lava soap in the mouth (at 13 an a few days ago) parenting is hard in general but today’s society makes it 1000 times worse.

I know putting my daughter in timeout didn’t help ever she just thought of more ways to be naughty…but swatting her on the butt worked 99.9% of the time.

Maybe ask adults that are around him a lot to try using fork or duck instead of the f-bomb for awhile an see if he picks up on it. We did that for a little bit

Teach him a word to express what he’s feeling instead

My daughter is 2 and says shit a lot :woman_shrugging: I just ignore it or tell her no ma’am and she she hasn’t done it in over a 3 weeks

You could try " tricking" him into thinking hes saying the word wrong like saying no it’s not “F@#$ its FLIP” or something similar? X

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Hopefully he told you to go F yourself when you pinched him so hard you made him bleed. What is wrong with YOU?


Lol these perfect moms who think an accidental lip bleed is abuse are gonna have wild uncontrollable kids. Hahahaha I get it accidents happen maybe ur nail scratched him or something. It sounds a lot less painful than what my case worker told me when I was living in a family shelter, she told me to back hand my son in the mouth. My mom use to hit me and I was scared to misbehave or say bad words but she didn’t abuse me she would give me a good slap on my ass and that was enough. When it came to my brother she never laid a hand on him and he walked all over her and got in all kinds of trouble. Obviously 2 is too young to understand and will grow out of it, my two other kids did and now my two year old swears and I just keep telling her no you don’t say bad words. Eventually they’ll learn. And if I wanna swear I’ll swear cuz guess what we’re adults and kids need to understand that as adults we can do that and as kids they cannot. Idc who has to say what about anything because I will not be checking back at the comments cuz I could careless but just couldn’t believe the amount of shit people we’re talking because she accidentally did something.

Just completely ignore it like he’s not even saying them, do not pinch the child’s lip again, thats bitter

Wtf. Who does that!!! It’s wrong on so many levels, :confused: you do not pinch your child for swearing to make them bleed! Your the parents your in the wrong children follow there parents behaviour!! And you have the cheek to pinch him, what if he has pinched back because that’s what toddlers do COPY BEHAVIOUR! would the punishment of escalated, I know you have come here for advice but all the crap your getting is because alot of us don’t believe in pinching our children, our precious children whom we adore…ignore him and he will grow out of it, its a phase. There’s gonna be lots of phases he’s gonna go through. Especially if your sweating and behaving the way you are, it’s isn’t any kind of decent role model. Please try and be kind to him always, I’ve found this thread disgusting!! All the really bad comments on what you guys do to your babies, for “punishment” is beyond me. By all means use the naughty step. But not some form of abuse!!! Never inflict pain on your child, because one day they might be too big and also do it back to you and then you’ll ask your self why. And It’ll be because of you! Some of these poor babies and what they go through. So glad it’s morning here and I don’t need to sleep until tonight! Because this post would leave me not being able to sleep after what some of the “mums” have commented on how they punish there children. STOP before YOU guys really damage your children’s mental well being!!!

Wash his moth out was sope and by all means don’t say bad words around him say to him them are bad words or last resort spank his butt n put him n time out or take toys away line what he Sachs on tv simple stuff

ONE:: STOP pinching that child!!! Two Stop.using the word around him ( he learned it from you). Three try to ignore and redirect him in some way… Four. Every time he says it just tell him that is ugly and mommy stopped using it to…
Five. Give him another word to use when mad… Fudgecicle…
Kolache… Mango…

Stop hurting him. He’s a baby he’s learning and as you said he’s learnt it from an adult. So he thinks it’s ok. Just ignore him. If he swears at day care or any other inappropriate place just apologise and explain but do not let anyone laugh as he will keep doing it. And relax all kids swear at some stage. Just let it be known no one should swear around him.

When my youngest Daughter was real young I would say Shit… well I changed it to suger, then she said suger instead

My daughter is 3 and still says it she puts it in conversations now & honestly I don’t know what I’m gonna do when she goes to school

For one, remind me to never come into this group for advice. The mom shaming is through the roof.

For two, I don’t agree with the pinching. But you are not failing as a mother. Besides my mom used to pinch me as a kid when I’d do something wrong. Not hard but I did learn from it. Also you are still learning as are we all. But apparently some women in here are “perfect parents”. I’m only 22 and I may not have it all together, but I have a toddler(19 months) of my own. I don’t have the “village of help” everyone talks about but I do have a husband. He is learning right along with me. Being a parent is hard, no matter the culture. It’s not all shiny rainbows and unicorns like some make it out to be. I believe you are doing the right things and have the right intentions. If you see this, just know you come to me if you have any questions. No judgment this way!:heart:

Do not pinch or abuse your child!
You are failing as a mom!!!

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Why would you physically reprimand a 2 year old? They’re TWO, he learned from his environment. Seriously.

I curse like a sailor! Have 3 boys (13, 15, and 17) all I had to do was say no no…that’s a bad word and give the mom look. I think my middle one was more difficult I told him if he said bad words the devil will steal his voice and nobody will hear him…spent like 10 minutes pretending we could see he was TRYING to say something but we couldn’t hear him…he said I’m sorry I’ll never say a bad word again if mommy can hear me lol. All kids are different you just have to figure out what works for you and yours.

And fyi my kids even older I rarely hear them curse! I know they do as I have heard them but they watch in front of adults and small children lol and if they slip they give this look like hmm wonder if they caught that lol

Use short sentences like, We don’t say that. Ignore it and move on. The more attention you give the more the behavior at that age it will continue.

He hears From somewhere before he can repeat it. Just don’t let him hear it therefore there will be no repeating it.

You have to stick with time out let him keep kicking of as he will realise he can’t get away with it after it is done make shore he now’s what he done wrong

Just ignore it till he stops and quit doing shitty things to him so he’s not so pissed off all the time

From an old Grandama
MONKEY SEE, MONKEY DO! Need to watch your mouth, parents


i’m sorry but, what?
you pinched his little bottom lip and it bled?

that’s a little bit to far, pinching isn’t going to do anything but teach him more bad things…

Just Google “inuit” all that aren’t getting it. Jesus :roll_eyes:


Why in the world would you ever pinch a child let alone hard enough to draw blood

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My little girl was saying the f word a while back. I told her to use other words instead, and reacted positively when she did. Now she tells me she doesn’t want her silly shoes on, instead of her f-ing shoes.

I told them they can’t say it because it’s a mommy word. It seems to have worked, but I do have to chill on cursing a bit.

honestly I think swearing is healthy. Allows them to FULLY express themselves, usually when I swear I’m upset or mad about something, if deff allows you to get some frustration out :woman_shrugging:t3:

Everyone on here is focused on how she made her kids lip bleed, and calling it abuse… She admitted what she did, and never did it again. That is not abuse. It’s not like she sat there, pinching him multiple times on the lip to purposely make him bleed. That would be abuse. But that’s not what she did. Abuse is if the child is being physically and/or mentally abused on a daily. A pinch on the lip is no where close to abuse, even if she made him bleed. Her child is 2 years old, he doesn’t know what he’s saying, and as his mother, she is allowed to do whatever she thinks would be best to teach him not to say those words. Even if he learned the word from her. As long as she’s not beating, pinching, hitting etc., On him every day all hours of the day, then it’s not abuse. I bet half the rude comments on here are from girls and woman who don’t have any kids, therefore, have no room to talk or pass judgement. Considering, you have no idea what it’s like to raise a child. All she wanted was some friendly advice, from other moms on what they think would be a good way to teach her son that cussing is bad. All the negativity is unnecessary. She obviously knows that pinching his lip wasn’t the best decision. And she felt bad afterwards for doing it. Not all moms out there are perfect. And not all moms are “child abusers” just because they have a certain way of discipling or correcting their child. And telling a mother who already feels bad for what she did that she’s “failing” as a mother, is down right insensitive and cold hearted. Especially if she’s reaching out for advice. All those who are saying she’s abusing her child, never would’ve made it through the 90s. I got my ass whooped, got soap in my mouth and put in a corner when I did or said anything bad. It wasn’t considered abuse, it was discipline. That is how I as well as many other kids during that time learned good from bad, right from wrong. And you know what, it worked. Kids now a days are soft, they’re been coddled too much, which is why all the younger generations are turning out to be weak, entitled, disrespectful brats. Because their parents let them get away with everything, they didn’t get corrected by their parents when they’d do something bad, and they got babied anytime they got in trouble, or if their feelings were hurt. It’s been proven that when a child is coddled to much, that they will grow up thinking they can do and say whatever they want without any repercussions, because they know mommy and daddy won’t do anything to stop them.
So, my best advice to you dear, from one mom to another, if he says a curse word, give him the mean “mom glare” shake your head NO, and explain in a way he’ll understand at his age, that what he’s saying is bad, and if he says it again, then you’ll take something of his away. Like a toy or stuffed animal, anything. There are ways to teach a child, even a 2 year old what words are good or bad, what’s right from wrong. You just have to stick with it, stand your ground. No matter how upset he may get. You’re not failing as a mother, just because you accidentally made his lip bleed. And asking for advice, makes you a strong woman. Ignore all the haters and rude comments. You’ll find a way through this, and once you do, all years after that shouldn’t be hard for you, because you’ll know how to deal with it. Keep your head up.

I can’t wait until my son can swear. Seriously, they’re just words. You’re the sort of people that’ll stop your kids saying penis and vagina like they’re bad works too!

Just ignore him or when he says it override him an say a different word like “oh dear!”.

It’s a learned behavior! Don’t do it around him anymore and don’t respond when he does, he will move on…When u make a big deal out of it, they tend to do it more…

I used hot chili one time and they learned their lesson.

this sounds like it will be used as evidence in a future legal case but okay.

Don’t worry much. He will be ok in a few years time. Learnt that with my 3 sons.

I’m absolutely awed at some of these comments! Wow! I do have to admit though, I’ve never heard of lip pinching. Is that an Inuit thing? Also, I wouldnt just ignore it like so many parents are saying. I’d be so embarrassed if my kids ever said a bad word in public!

See what happens when you air your personal SHIT on the internet?

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My girlfriends son did this around the same age and it just comes down to not giving that word any attention when he says it also not hearing that word and they will eventually move on also don’t beat yourself up we can’t control other peoples behavior and you are noticing the issue and trying to fix it which is a big sign you are not a bad mother :heart:


Soap in the mouth worked for me! Worked on my son too :woman_shrugging:


Try rewards for not doing it … stadt a star chart… a special treat for everyday with out a bad eotd… $5 you got gold stars and trests for over a month… do it daily anything longer takes the fun outta it

But making your son bleed ?? That’s extreme you should just ignore him reframe from using curse words kids pick up everything

Let me rephrase my comment. Learned behavior. Google it. Start using , oh shoot. Or oh dear. When my son turned 1 and he was already mimicking my behavior. I started using oh dear, instead of fuck, or shit. I put my pointer to my mouth and said shssssss. He does the same now. And it’s fucking adorable. I speak pig Latin. So itshay. He said it once and im like cool. No one else speaks pig Latin so no one else will know what he’s saying. But that’s still bad behavior. Oh dear. Oh cmon. Darn it. Use those.

Puah! As an Inuk mom myself I totally feel for you mama! Try not to get so let down by some of these comments. I am super lucky my kid doesn’t swear even though she hears it a lot from people around. She knows not to say them. Whenever I caught her saying one at that age I would say, “What was that? What did you say?” And she would say, “Nofing!” with a cute, shy smile.

Kids learn words we don’t like sometimes. Don’t react to it when he does, if he sees you react to it it might be a way for him to get attention from you (since he’s using the, ‘f’ word when frustrated try to demonstrate what words you use while frustrated since his Ataata (father) is gone for a while. As for swearing at daycare, ask the teachers there how they deal with it and ask for tips from them if they have ways to stop it…

You asking for help shows you aren’t failing as a mother. I know some elder or someone else probably told you to do the pinching thing… Don’t do that, that’s very old ways of thinking/doing. Atleast, you stopped and don’t do it again or learn to filter out whatever advice people tell you. Admitting it shows you can talk about it and aren’t doing it anymore.

If timeouts don’t work, try rewording it to, “I think someone needs a body break” and get down to his level, then ask what the problem is with him leading towards a solution.

AND LOL I AM SO LUCKY MY PANIK (daughter) LOVES MATTAAQ (whale meat) as much as I do!

If you think terrible 2s are bad wait until you get to the fuckin’ fours! Lol feel free to message me if you want. My daughter has turned out pretty amazing and glad her vocabulary was over 4-500 words at 2 when it’s regularly 50, so don’t be shy. I won’t judge. Moms need to support each other if and when we can.

Who pinches someone’s lip? And until the poor baby bled? That’s crazy

Maybe don’t give him any attention for that word and give him attention for when he gets frustrated and doesn’t use the f word?

Mm that’s the fathers fault not his. Or urs

Frozen beluga whale meat… I’m curious :thinking:. Does it taste bad? Like I get he hates it BUT I have questions…is this like soap in mouth for swearing? Is it just food he doesn’t like? I am truly curious!

Tell him to think of a silly word to say instead of a cuss word. Like “fluffy”. Say that word instead and then giggle with him. When he cusses, don’t call attention to it, walk away from him. When he says fluffy, giggle. It works, I promise. He’ll start saying that word instead for positive attention

So basically you’re publicly admitting to being an abusive parent and think that saying fuck is the issue? :roll_eyes::flushed:

Still trying to figure out how to take this post seriously tbh.

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Get a belt & give him a few pop until he learn you ain’t playing with him.

You should hit his dad pinch his dad. Remeber dear if he learned swearing he can learn to hit and pinch too.

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