How can I get my two year old to stop swearing?

So you teach a 2 year old a word then make em bleed when they say it.

My son is two he says god damn it alot he hasnt said it for about a week because once he started that we dropped the curses around here

Whatever happened to good old soap on the tongue?

Whale meat ? Pinch his lip? He’s two
Just ignore it
Can I make your lip bleed and force you to eat whale crap witch

you don’t. it’s great to use words to relieve stress. they’re just words. i’d talk about the proper places to use them and to never use them toward a person in an angry tone. that wfar i do. other than that? pinching your child until he bleeds?? or just pinching your kid? god bless your sweet baby. making your 2 year old eat something he hates? abuse rates. try being fucking gentle.


You made your child bleed? Um… bruh

If you are pinching him until he bleeds then I don’t blame him for saying fuck. I’d probably say fuck too.


teach him the right and wrong times to use language like that…


Strict time outs for every time add 30 seconds

Ignore it and keep your vocabulary clean and appropriate around him.

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Is this a joke or true I’m applaud she pinched the child’s lip and it bled :sob:

Don’t be a terrible parent that swears infront of them

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Wow you’ve been abusing you son because he’s been copying what you say, what your address so I can report it :rage:

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Some people shouldn’t be parents.



Don’t pinch your kids lip Jesus… I’m not even against spanking but that is MEAN.


ignore it!

You’re giving him too much reaction, He will never stop by making a huge deal Everytime he does it ! I read something once that said once kids find a way to get your attention (GOOD OR BAD) THEY WILL CONTINUE TO DO IT!

In a child’s mind- no attention is worst then negative attention like spanking or yelling

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to be honest I really want to pinch your lip too. I dont care if it sounds mean. that’s messed up should probably watch your mouth around your kid :woman_shrugging:t2:

Soap in the kids mouth. They wanna talk dirty then they need their mouth cleaned out!

You need to look into circle of security parenting program

I taught an alternate phrase for the curse. For example, “That is most illogical,” instead of “What the hell/heck/f*ck.” It’s working so far. :woman_shrugging:t3: #trekkiemom

Holy crap. He is only 2. Don’t abuse him simply because you and your husband can’t watch your language. Poor baby.

By society’s standards its bad. Do what you want with that info.:smirk:

slap his dad’s mouth n tell him kids listen when they shouldn’t n don’t listen when they should.

:pensive: I feel terrible for some of yalls kids. Hot sauce, getting a switch, pinching your BABY until they bleed. Seems like yall need the discipline. Not your child. :roll_eyes:

Stop giving him attention for saying it. But give positive attention for good stuff they do

People here are horrible. When I was a kid and we didn’t listen out in public our mom would punch us u set our arm and we learn so many of ya being so nasty and wonder how ya kids behave but are quick to judge others. You make him atop by reacting to it when he say them and by NOT CURSING YOURSELF. Plain and simple

Maaaaaan. I say the F word more times than I’d like to count. It just happens. Don’t beat yourself up over it. My 3 yr old ran around singin “uptown f**k me up” for like 3 months :joy:
Best advice is not to punish or reprimand, that just dangles forbidden fruit. At this age, ignore it. Hes saying it because he realizes he gets attention from you (even if bad attention). As he gets older and understands it’s a word that can carry different connotations (which is as early as 4-5 if not earlier), teach him there’s a time and a place for certain words. This happens to be one of those words that you just have to judge your audience, like maybe not in school or work… unless it’s a societal norm in those environments.

I never understood who was the almighty decision maker as to what words were deemed bad, naughty, profane, etc.

Sounds like you need to take fucking parenting classes.


You taught your child that. Now you are abusing him and blaming him.

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Get mad and when you do use dang it. He will see this and then he will say dang it.

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That’s a little excessive pinching until he bleeds

Teach the use of the word. People swear in daily life. I’d rather my kid say “fuck” in frustration, instead of calling someone a “fucker”. Context, and circumstance. :slight_smile:

Also, you’re a shit ma for pinching your toddler until he bleeds. :tipping_hand_woman:t3:


I’m sorry you did what? Made your child bleed over a word. Wow yeah so not okay. That’s abuse.


My mom stuck a bar of soap in our mouths when we acted up

Make him stand with his nose in the corner every time he cusses!

Ignore him. Say it’s bad and keep it moving. He will eventually understand it’s not cute and will move on

If you do nothing the attention stops and in time the swearing. Sometimes they just want a reaction

I think I would be more worried about what parent pinched his lip to make it bleed (even if she did admit it wrong) rather than worry about which parent said the f word… Kids pick up bad words mommys usually don’t Pinch their lip to make it bleed


*Cries in Mexican * :grimacing::weary::sob:

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I simply told my children that it was a bad word.

Dish soap/ bar soap worked wonders on my toddler.


Honestly :woman_shrugging: they’re just words. He’ll grow out of it.

I spanked my 4 kids for bad behavior, period! And, guess what!? Their bad behavior never lasted very long! They got explained why they were getting a spanking before and then talked to about it after. They were never spanked out of anger. They are all teenagers now, honor roll, respectful, loving, caring, well rounded young adults, so for all you “omg spanking is bad, you’re a horrible mother” women out there, yall keep telling little Johnny "no no that is not nice while he continues to smack you all up in your face🤣 #badmomsclub sclub #Iwhoopedmine


Ignoring will work best. Punishing just reinforces it.


Literally. Whenever he says it, act like you dont hear it and walk away from him. Dont make eye contact NOTHING! Stop what youre doing and walk away. He will not enjoy NOT getting a reaction-you give him attention EVERY TIME by punishing him. Making it more fun!!

Yeah sounds weird but whelp hes 2 lol

I worked with tons of littles, trust me. Ignoring any bad behavior like hitting, spitting, swearing, is best.

Well, the next thing your toddler is going to learn from you is to pinch people when they say something he doesn’t like. The best course of action if a toddler is doing something undesirable like swearing is to just ignore them. Don’t give them any attention at all when they do it, no bad attention like time out or washing their mouth out, and no good attention either obviously. He’s not old enough to understand repercussions or punishments, he hasn’t put together cause and effect in his brain yet, and if he can’t connect punishment with what he did wrong, there’s no point in punishment. Just ignore him when he says it, stop using the word around him, and honestly stop participating in any actions you don’t want him to copy.

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I just told my daughters “No Ma’am those are Mommy words” they are teenagers and still don’t cuss, despite my horrible habits :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: then I didn’t have them trying to correct me LoL

Pretty sure this has to be fake or joke?!
It’s a word.

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Ignore it. No reaction from you and he’ll lose interest.

Take him to a doctor and get him help.

Just keep saying that’s not a good word to use. Suggest new words. Ur not a bad mom.

Put a little vinegar on his tongue.

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Ignore it, the more you give it attention the more he will do it

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I don’t know what’s worse, the FATHER using that language infront of a 2 year old or YOU pinching his lip as punishment for repeating it🤦🏻‍♀️monkey say monkey do that’s how it goes he’s literally a child🤷🏻‍♀️take this however you like but I think if anything you should feel more of a fail having made him bleed, never even mind the swearing!

Well…someone at home must be swearing.

My mom put a bar of soap in our mouths when we were kids. :woman_shrugging::rofl:

Oh my… bleeding? It’s not that serious. It’s just a word. Honestly your punishments just sound abusive. Him saying that word doesn’t mean you’ve failed as a parent. However, your punishments kinda says otherwise.

Omg just stop reacting to it …he will stop …pick your battles

Wtf is wrong with you??


Just get over it. He’s two. No one really cares.

Don’t pay him any attention… he will get over it

Do any of you ever punish you’re child

Other than talking it out lol
Just curious lol

She’s obviously coming here for help
Get a grip
It’s sickening to see all
These moms here screaming abuse
It’s not that serious….

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You cannot reason with a 2 year old. You can tell them it’s a bad word. But you also may as explain to him why the sky isn’t purple. Really all you can do is ignore it. You give a reaction they’re going to.keep pushing for a reaction.

Do you hit his dad when he drops an F bomb.

Children mimic what they see at that age. Tell him it’s an inappropriate word and he shouldn’t say it. Give him another word to use if he is “frustrated”. Just watch your words and say age appropriate words around your 2yr old. They learn and hear more than you know

You stop swearing might help

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Hey u came for help. Thats great! Ignore the hate. U know ur a good mom and thats all that matters. My 2yr old daughter say bitch all the time. I ignore it sometimes and I teach her its not ok for kids to say. Shes gonna hear it somewhere so I’d rather teach her the skills to handle a situation even if I’m not there. Thats how I raised 2 boys.

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I first corrected my kids from the start. Saying those are words only adults can use and if they kept saying then they would get in trouble. I’m a spanking parent, so it did get all the way to spanking with my first but not with my second. My personal routine is, verbal correction, time out and conversation, spanking and conversation, spanking and taking favorite things away and conversation. It usually doesn’t go passed spanking. My kids never cursed around adults. Of course they will eventually curse, especially if they are around adults who course freely, but at least the respect of the elders is there.

Bro. You did what. You should pinch your lip cause he learned it from you. :pray: lord grant me the serenity.

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My 3 yr old says “oh shit” every time he drops something or whatever. I just lol in my head and ignore but he still does it. You seem bit extreme with the discipline. Dude he’s just little and most likely doesn’t even know what he’s saying. Pinch dads lips for teaching him.

Why is killing and eating whale even legal or apart of anyone’s cultures? It’s just sad & disgusting the kind of things people are killing and consuming STILL in 2021. I understand some people in some countries don’t have options but the whole “it’s a delicacy” or “it’s apart of our culture”… yeah, idgaf. It’s cruel & disgusting! Then to force your child to eat it & pinch them til they bleed for someThing they learned from your husband?… that’s like the parents that HIT their kids for the kid HITTING them or someone else. Counterproductive.

Stop cursing around him, and when he uses the word…correct him. “No, you mean shoot!” He will forget and when he fails to get a reaction from the word, it won’t be as funny to him

Stop abusing your kid and let it go they’re just words! Unless they’re being used to hurt someone ignore them when they’re said and teach using kind words instead.
You make the situation worse by punishing a child who literally doesn’t understand what’s happening to him

Also- Do not use food as a punishment.

Last time someone punched my lip, I too said fuck.

Teach him other words like fudge or fooey or shoot.

When my daughter would swear I’d tell her “you do not say swear word. That is a naughty word that little girls are not allowed to say. When you’re older you can say it”, she’d reply with “when I’m big like daddy, I can say naughty words” and I’d say “that’s right” and now she rarely swears. When she stays at her great grandparents, they let her say “bullshit” (inside joke, it’s harmless) but she doesn’t say it at anywhere else, so I’m calling it a win
Edit: my husband and I swear like sailors, so all swears and the knowledge of context comes from us :joy:

He learns swearing from your home then you pinch him for repeating what you’ve taught?
What kinda crap is that?
That’s abuse

How about …be the proper example for your child .Don’t say it and he won’t repeat it.
We are all guilty of letting an F bomb fly here or there but it’s up to you to not be so fluent in F bomb in front of your child.

Uh wow.
My 7yr old has been swearing since she was 3, but she knows she is only allowed to swear inside the house when no one else can hear her.

I’m not going to punish her for it and never did because it my mine and my family’s fault that she learnt to swear. I think maybe you should think that his only 2 and will grow out of it as he gets older. I’m sure his not the only kid that goes to daycare and swears.

Dayum, the punishments now are nowhere near what they were when I was a kid :rofl: I am 43 and still don’t cuss in front of my parents. Respect and fear still hold me in place after all these years.

never in my life have i ever heard of anyone pinching their child’s lip as a form of discipline😳 and then forcing disgusting food down their throat? wtf???

Put a drop of hot sauce in his mouth everytime he says one!

So you abused your child by hurting and making him bleed and you wonder why he’s acting up! Look around you, he’s not the problem he’s only mimicking what he see’s. You being aggressive and violent towards him is only making him worse plus he’s a toddler they don’t understand!!

This has to be a spam sent to admin. Surely

I made mine repeat the swear word over and over and over. Until they were annoyed. Then asked if they were tired of saying it. They said yes. I told them if they said it again, I’d wash their mouth with soap. We never got to that point, and I didn’t get a report from anyone else.

Literally says for all you perfect Karen Moms out there that she accidently made him bleed and after that has not done it since. It’s not abuse it’s called discipline. She didn’t intentionally make him bleed it was an accident😒. Not like any of you have accidently hit your kids before and shit.

Id swear at you too if you did that shit to me. Wtf

Lotta moms supporting abuse in this comment section :eyes:

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Tell him to say piffle instead of cuse word. And tell him good boys dont talk like that

:astonished: he learned it from you! And you pinched him until he bled? Yikes! Pretty lucky you asked this anonymous because you’d probably have cps knocking at your door.

Mine yells SHIT! All day. :woman_shrugging: He will grow out of it.

Just stop reacting. Eventually he’ll stop.

You sound like a moron wtf you pinch his lip until it bleeds yet he learned the damn word from you and your husband you shouldn’t have kids

So you’re punishing your child for something his parents taught him? That makes a lot of sense.:roll_eyes:

You pinch my lips til they bleed, I’d cuss you out lol.

Ignore it. The more reaction you give the more they do it

They do not even have impulse control at that age.

Pop in the mouth. Not hard but enough to get his attention and tell him that’s a bad word and not to say it again.

:roll_eyes: don’t listen to all the twats screaming abuse. You are just doing your best. Not everyone parents the same way…I myself will absolutely pop my kids in the mouth for swearing and it absolutely worked for 2 of my 3 kids. The other didn’t mind a pop in the mouth and kept doing it but biting down on a bar of soap every time he said it seemed to do the trick. Just because he picked up this word from your husband doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be disciplined for it. Don’t be too hard on yourself…you are not failing as a mom. All kids go through this and the fact that you care enough to reach out and ask for advice proves you are a loving and caring mom.


Well…someone has to be saying it around him…

Pinched his lip and make him bleed what even is that :face_vomiting: Stacey Chatfield

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