How can I keep my toddler safe in public when he doesn't like to hold my hand?

Mommy helper from Walmart and it’s the best.

Wooden spoon always worked for me

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Swat his butt put him in the cart or take him home he will stop when he realizes he wont get his way

I have a deaf son. When he was small I had him on a leash as well. You can yell at the back of a deaf child and it does no good. Better safe than sorry

Put a harness on him, You won’t loose him.

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It’s up to you to be the parent!

Stroller time till older

Hold my hand or we go home and you can stay home. If we are at a very busy area with lots of stuff say the mall then I would harness. I have left many a shopping trips because of not holding my hand.

Put a kids harness and leash on his ass

Wow maybe whoop that ass and make him behave

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“Hold my hand or I will carry you.”

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Kid leash…you’re the grown-up

Oh, my gosh!! I am a teacher…are you kidding me!!! You are the parent-be one!!!

Just put him on a leash :woman_shrugging:t3: you don’t want to be the parent who has the child in the gorilla pit…

Put him on one of those backpack leashes .

Take him out of the store until he behaves

Tell him your scared and need him to help you by holding your hand. Not you holding his

It’s called discipline.

When I was little and I did that I would get my ass beat.

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Put the kid in the buggie

Get um a stroller or kid backpack with leash.

Spank the kid duh, why do you think kids act like they do now days TIME OUT IS NOT DISCIPLINING

Very true, this generation doesn’

Your child doesn’t choose…quit the power struggle

Boy are you trained,lol.

Get a backpack leash. Now a days they are shaped like stuffed animals. We had one for my niece when she was little and she liked to wear it backwards so she could cuddle the stuffed animal.

Maybe smack his ass and he will hold your hand

Bust his ass. Non negotiable rule

All I ever did was let my kids know that I was in charge and they were going to hold my hand and obey my rules. It baffles me that parents say their toddlers won’t listen. Learn how to discipline your toddler.


I have a “leash” that attaches to wrists -I have only used it once and in a crowded place but it locks on my wrists so the child or someone else can’t undo. I don’t care what people think if it keeps my child safe and takes anxiety away from both of us.


My son had a harness and he loved it.
No more having his arm up in order to have me hold his hand.
So what if other people make remarks.
I loved it he loved and he was kept safe.


If you are going to put your problem out in Facebook you are going to get some answers you don’t like but that’s life - so be the parent and make your kid hold your hand or don’t take your kid - it really is that simple


Have you tried the wrist leash? One end attaches to child wrist the other end to your own. If attached properly they can’t get it off their own wrist. Saves a lot of headaches and tantrums in the long run. Or a backpack harness usually works well too but they can sometimes escape from it. Good luck.

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When my daughter did that , I spanked her butt because a car was coming and she never let go . Now she’s 21 but my grandson I took a different approach and taught him why it’s important to hold my hand . I still gotta watch him but everytime a car goes by , I say did you see the car go by . Or look both ways and keep looking both ways till you are across . I’ll pick him up and he sees my head on a swivel so he does it now . It’s all repetition and patience

Harnesses are great and work great as a backup because kids are kids and sometimes the forget or you get distracted when having to multi-task. Honestly though what happens when you forget it or they are on the playground and they don’t have it on and decide they don’t want to listen! Teach them to listen when you tell them to do it! You are the parent that is literally your job to teach them what is ok and what is not. Be the adult and stop letting the kids boss you around and dictate what you do and when you do it. Use your deep voice get in his face and calmly but matter of fact ly " get your but up and hold my hand right now or your gonna sit in the basket" if he doesn’t then pick him up right them no talking and put him in the basket and go about your shopping. If he does it then tell him thank you and go about your shopping. If he does it again put him in the basket!

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I used to be against the leash/harness until I heard the true story of Adam Walsh who was killed by a pedophile in a very gruesome way

A swat on the ass never hurts either. Youre not doing it for abuse or because you like it. You do it because reasoning with a 3-4 yr old seldom works.

well, one you tell him he doens’t go anywhere unless he holds your hand. or two put a harness on him. I did it with my kids. I got the looks, but I didn’t let it bother me, cus they’d be cursing at me for letting him run wild and tripping people. so I did what I felt was best for me and my family.

I dont spank my kids. I do tell them though with authority that they absolutely must hold my hand or hold onto the stroller that we cant do what we came to do any other way. Sure they sit start their tantrum but i just stand there hamd on hip and give them a stern eye while i wait for them to realize im not kidding. If we need to go back to car and sit a spell we do it. They can have their tantrum right where they are too. I dont care i just stay with them they usually calm down in a few minutes so once they realize i mean business they do cooperate. My kids have tantrums in public but oh well shit happens in my opinion. My kids do act up sometimes in public but not very often and when they do well thats ok. I dont engage them until they calm down and can be rational

Hannah Martin read this tells you be parent!!!

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Use a leash and tell the judgmental fucks to fuck off. Do what you need to keep your baby safe.

Spank is but when he runs off. I don’t care what these new fashioned idiot say, even The Bible says spare not the rod spoil the child.


I had no issues with my first three, but my youngest, she’s my wild child. She’s 7 now, so she understands more, but when she was a toddler, I used to get her to hold my hand by not telling her that I needed her to hold my hand so SHE was safe, but by telling her she needed to hold my hand so I was safe. I told her I wanted her to hold my hand so no one would take me when we were out or so I didn’t get hit by a car. Worked like a charm. We would get out of the car and as soon as her feet hit the ground “mommy, I need your hand so nobody takes you from me”.


I hold my son by his wrist. There is no letting go. I pull him up and he walks. Or I put him in a shopping cart.

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Get a bag with a leashe on it he might like the funny back packs you can get

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Get them bags with a little handle on them from little life there great xx

… Tell him he won’t go anywhere until he can learn that being safe means staying with mommy and daddy. Say theres something fun coming up but you’d have to hold my hand or we can’t go. But also utilize some kind of leash thing incase he does run. Just try to get him to understand how important it is to stay close. Once kids realize they truly can’t do something they’d like to…usually most adjust… But kids are also curious and adventurous so again leash as well lol

I give my 20 month old the ultimatum , you hold mummy’s hand and walk like a big girl or you go straight in the buggy

The minute they run they get told off and strapped into the buggy

It did work

If not the backpack rains are good

My oldest daughter did that and ran out infront of a car in walmart, thankfully they stopped. I busted her butt and she never did it again she is now almost 10 and still holds my hand walking. Sometimes when everything else doesn’t work you just have to whoop them it isn’t abuse if its on their butt! And honestly I’d rather bust their butts then bury them!


Get your child a leash. Or a stroller

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Each of my 4 has had a backpack leash. I think the most I used the leash part was twice per kid. They hated it. So I told them stay with me or I yank you back and you end up on your butt. Surprisingly it workes.


Some of y’all are afraid to be parents and it shows.

You are the parent. What you say goes. It may take some work from you to get him to revert back to understanding you are the boss, not him… but it’s necessary.


Toddler leashes are fantastic, highly recommend.

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With everything going on in the world right now I’d definitely opt for some sort of attachment backpack or something similar.

I just bought this for my son. He likes to bolt and this will give him a little more freedom :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: it has a little key too so he can’t undo it himself


They have a bracket that attaches to your wrist and theirs. It really good for that and when you go big places


my son is autistic and he has alot of sensory issues. that might be one for ur baby. get him tested.

but i would consider maybe sitting him in the cart. :slight_smile:

I got a backpack with a harness. And a plain harness. My kid ran off once. Like literally in a blink of an eye she was gone. I found her 10 minutes later but it was the longest 10 minutes of my life. I wasn’t messing around after that…

Get the back pack with the lead.

Talk to him first and tell him that he could get hurt. If that doesn’t work pop that little ass it’s better than them getting run over by a car or somebody snatching him the Bible tells you to spare the rod spoil the child a little spanking never hurt

I have a backpack with a leash /lead on it🤷🏻‍♀️ he likes to run and wander and this way he stays close without having to hold my hand. Judge all you want, not your kid, not your say so in how I or any other parent chooses to keep their kid safe and comfortable. Definitely something to keep your baby close to you if they refuse hand holding or get bored in the cart seat. The wristlet things look cool and effective, so I might have to look into that to provide more stable freedom


I tell my kid idc what he wants. Hand holding is about safety. But I am getting a backpack leash


Your the Boss mom make him . Teach them young they have to do as you say .


Sit his ass in the cart or don’t take him.

He needs to hold your hand. Wrist straps or back ones can be cut when your back is turned and your child taken. Teach him he must hold hands.

I had 4 kids in 5 years I wish they had the devices they have now back then I would be carrying 2 and the other 2 would hold on to my belt loops of my jeans but you also didn’t have to worry so much back then about abductions

Don’t take him no where, when he asks why, telling him
You got to take control, if not, a stranger will do what you didn’t do go correct him or her

He simply doesn’t want to be controlled. As soon as you show you want control of him he acts out. Throw him in the cart if he won’t stay under your control and tell him when he learns manners he can upgrade to walking beside you with one hand on the side of the cart. Mom of 3 boys. Good luck! :four_leaf_clover:


Harness and leash my son love to have the space but he felt safe knowing he wouldn’t get away from me little independence with protection

Backpack leashes… I don’t care if someone will say " your kid is NOT a dog"! Well why do you put a leashes on your dog? To keep them safe and not running off… If you love your dog that much you can love your children that much and do anything to keep them safe! Backpack leashes save children and keeps them safe but also the freedom they need…


Dont listen to all they judgy people with their “perfect” kids that listen the first time not to run. They might be quick to call a person lazy but forgot that not all kids and parents are the same. I have worked with children with special needs and harnesses have helped to prevent kids from running into traffic. You do what you need to do to keep your kid safe no matter what and rest assured for every judgy comment you get you have the support of another understanding parent that have been in your shoes.


A back pack with a leash. Or one of those leash cuffs that you attach one to you and one to them. It still gives them room to move but they cant get away from you. Stroller. Shopping cart. Carry in a backpack. I always made my children hold onto the shopping cart when they were small

Mine was like this. He stayed in the stroller until he could stay with me - probably age 4. The penny dropped that he wasn’t coming out of the stroller until he was older. As soon as he realised that was his ticket to coming out, he changed. I took the stroller with me the first few times and he went straight back in if he started to run. No first or final warnings - just straight back in.


Harness or stroller. There is no other option. Do not let you child convince you they have enough impulse control to keep themselves safe…they’re sneaky and manipulative hahaha

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My 1 year old does this too. I got a dinosaur back pack leash for him he loves wearing it too!

Leash? Or I run with them. Either we run hilding hands. Or we stand here all day. They’re the choices.

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Keep him in the stroller until he will follow instructions. No negotiations. It’s a safety issue.

Mine was the same when she was a toddler. I got a safety first harness and that solved most of our issues. Good luck, mamma!

He is testing his limits. Show him you are the boss. My 4 year old tests me and tests me but we will sit in that spot together all day if we have to and when he is done we will get up and hold hands and walk down the street. He will eventually want a snack or a drink. Good luck. You got this!

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I would also start using a leash and/or harness until your child understands he MUST DO AS YOU SAY! I had 3 wild boys who would
run off when we entered the mall and hide from me anywhere they could. One son would hide under a rack of womens bras; another would mingle with the group of children in a large family . The other would almost always run straight for the toy department so fast you would think his pants were on fire! I literally had to round them up and go straight back home and sit
them down and told them if they did not listen to me when we were in a public place that they would never ever be going there again
with me. I told them very seriously that they are not safe unless they stay with me, hold hands with their brothers and listen to me. I explained I was their boss and we returned to the store to see how they acted. Of course they went running off again in 3 different directions & I spent an hour frantically searching for them. So I will be honest
The only thing that worked for my bad wild little boys was this: I told them there were trolls that looked just like regular people, except that there eyes glowed red in the dark. And I told them these trolls loved to eat little children who didn’t listen to there moms, and that they would snatch one of them up & EAT
THEM. Hopefully you dont have to resort to that , but that’s the ONLY THING that worked for me. :thinking:


Tbh I’d drag my kid if they sat down and wouldn’t move lol. I’m the parent. They aren’t gonna control me and do whatever they want


Harness leash…don’t let people judge you. Its better for them to be safe on one then to get ran over or someone take them… out of 3 kids I had one runner…she was our devil child and nothing fazed that child.


Backpack leash. My daughter is 4 and I still make her wear it.


Either stroller or a harness. I hate saying leash.


Back pack lease for sure

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My son has ADHD and I had the same problem with my child… I tried a toddler leash but it didn’t work he would just lay on the ground kicking and screaming and refuse to walk. I had to keep him in the cart or the stroller and when he cried about it and ask why he can’t walk I would tell him it’s because you don’t listen and you run off like you are not supposed to do… It took a long time but he is better now and when he does run off now he is instantly put back in the cart or stroller while I explain to him that if he can’t listen then he has to stay in the cart. Hang in there It gets better but it takes time :blush:

Backpack leash!!
I know some people don’t approve but I have a hyper active, never naps, or sits down for long 2 1/2 yr old.
I never take her in public unless I have her “backpack”.
Keeps her within arms reach and a great safety hazard with all the crazy going on with the world.


My son was like that. He was later diagnosed autistic

This is your toddler testing his limits. Totally normal. Sitting down while holding your hand is a form of tantrum. I, personally, refused to negotiate with terrorists when my son was little. He’s now 18. He either held my hand or got a smack on the bottom. And still held my hand. I was afraid to use the leashes, someone could cut the line and run off with him when I was distracted. Or he could take it off and run away. He was in a shopping cart buckled in, or a stroller. Or if he was throwing mega fit about hand-holding or minding we simply left the store. You are the parent. You make the rules. You have to decide what you are willing to reenforce, allowing your child to act however they please or making them mind. Its your child and your decision. You do whats best for your family.


Pick his ass up and put him in the basket… Otherwise put him back in the car until he’s ready to walk with mommy like a big boy.
Remind him that if he runs off he can get hit by a car or someone can take him and he’ll never see mommy again.

I always used the ole fashion method. take them by the hand and lets go! No choice.
They learn very quickly who has the control…and it’s not them!


I don’t know if you ever heard that kids song Freeze. My daughter loves it. I use that when we’re crossing the street, and I just make sure I’m always walking on the side of the street (because kids are kids, they’re unpredictable sometimes). If we’re by a really busy street, I pick her up. With the freeze song, I tell her “ok we’re coming up to the street, what do we do? Stop when I say freeze!” Then, I say freeze and she stops lol and now she’s at the point that she remembers. She doesn’t like her hand held across the street either, so I just hold the back of her shirt when we cross.

Since your kiddo gets upset and sits down sometimes, I would let them cool off first before trying again. I always let her just cool off before trying something because my thought is when us adults are upset too often times we’re not open to hearing what other people have to say. Try and bring them back or give them a moment to release whatever they’re feeling.

Someone in the comments mentioned that your child may have a sensory processing issue. My daughter does, so certain things that touch her hands, feet, or head really upset her and she breaks down instantly. It could be that. If it’s really bad and interrupting daily life for your child, OT is an option. My daughter did OT for awhile.

Or you could actually be a PARENT and stop giving in to him!! Honestly, if you can’t control a toddler wtf are you gonna do with a 10 year old or teenager?? This is what us wrong with ‘adults’ nowadays, they feel no need to follow authority because they weren’t raised with any sense. I raised 6 kids who are all well adjusted fully functioning adults and parents. Lort!!!:woman_facepalming:


Look into a toddler leash.

The kids leash harness is amazing

…parent up and put him on a leash

Watch Super Nanny on YouTube!

Her tip, crouch down to talk to your child. “Listen to mommy, if you hold my hand you can walk. But if you pull away or run. I will put you in a stroller. Do you understand, Mommy?”

If he runs follow through with the stroller. But start in small area’s like the grocery store or a nearby park.


If they don’t listen then they stay home


Idk why people are laughing at this. Human trafficking is real and I’m scared to death if my son runs away from me. I’m about to get a backpack leash for my son Because he doesn’t want to hold my hand anymore.


My two boys are 8 and 9 and I put them on the backpack harness lease and I hold on to them because they look like twins and they are not and I’ve had people ask if they are twins and I tell them no but I’ve also had people try to take them even though they were holding onto my hand