How can I make myself fall in love with my husband?

Maybe go get some counselling and fix yourself mentally?? U may have underlining issues that may be contributing to it?

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How cruel to marry someone you did not love. He deserves so much better. Shame on you


Just love the man for who he is and be happy in this relationship! Buy a vibrator if you think it necessary and enjoy whenever you have sex!

Passionate love is over rated. It can not last. It happens when a relationship is new and usually lasts for about 18 months. Once you start living together passion usually wains. It will turn into a different, deeper love relationship or it will fizz out. When you have a strong attraction to someone, and then you start dating, it is new and exciting and you both try your hardest to impress the other. We just can’t keep this up forever. Once we live together familiarity and comfort sets in and we begin to relax. Just because your heart does not flutter and get you all excited when he comes home, that does not mean you are not in love with him. Imagine losing him to another woman for good, or if he should die. If he is honest and dependable, supportive, clean and kind to you and to your children, then he is a rare man and you cannot help but feel love for him. Maybe he is not as handsome as you would like your lover to be. Looks fade over the years. What really counts in the long run is integrity and compatibility. If he has a good sense of humor, that is really a bonus. Most of us just don’t really realize what a good mate we have, until he is gone. Don’t let this happen. Love begets love. Be loving to your best ability and it will come back to you.


I hear alot me and my kids…what about him? Doesn’t he deserve to be loved, especially being such a great guy. This is cruel.


The way you write about him you are in love with him
The love your on about is fantasy
The next time you look at him imagine it is the last time you will ever see him ,or that he has left you for someone else then see how sad you would be xx


I don’t think you THINK you deserve him so you put up a wall. You were broken and he fixed you and you don’t want to be broken again so u are afraid to love. Take the wall down and let the vulnerability show. Get to know him for him and let him know you for you. Let him in your heart. Learn to love again because you’ll always keep that wall up and never allow love in otherwise.


You can’t just make yourself fall in love. If you are absolutely not going to leave him then maybe try and be passionate with him, get to know him, look deeply in his eyes(I bet they sparkle when he looks at you) and go from there.


The way you talk about him shows you most likely are in love with him. But your past is preventing you from being attached to one person, fully trust in one person. It’s kind of confusing to me tbh and ultimately if you didn’t believe you were in love with him then why say yes and marry him? If you didn’t know, or weren’t ready because you weren’t okay yourself mentally which is how it appears, then that’s a conversation you should have had with him. Saying “I’m not ready for marriage yet because I still have work to do on myself but I really enjoy where this is going and don’t want it to stop” probably would have been the most honest approach. And I think it was selfish to lie to him and marry him, noone deserves to not be loved especially now that he’s invested in your babies…

I would say you are probably in love with him but in abusive relationships there are extreme highs and lows .With the right person there is no extreme because you are not hanging on to every good thing that happens because it’s the norm to just be.


Is there anything he could change to make you fall in love with him? Could you talk about it? “Love” is weird or “strange” as the song goes. It has many waves of different feelings. My question is ok he was great and helped you through your abusive relationship and loved your children. But why did you marry him and continue the relationship to that point if you never loved him or had those types of feelings for him? Sometimes love is more about how someone makes you feel versus what they look like.

sometimes you don’t realise your in love with someone till their gone
just let go don’t over think it give back lots of kindness


Young one, you can not force love. He sounds like a good guy and you a good woman. Try to force yourself will only cause resentment. Date night- maybe a couples vacation- you need to communicate with him. He deserves it. A solid foundation of a relationship four corners are trust, accountability, responsibility and loyalty. This is only made stronger with good communication, sweetie. :sunflower::v:t4:


You do not deserve unhappiness ma❤

It sounds to me like you do love him, but you don’t know what real love is. What you’re describing is a happy, healthy relationship, which is something that you’re not used to, even after all that time. That’s what happens when you’ve been with someone who has abused you and treated you like shit. It takes time. A lot of time, after abuse, to heal. I’ve been there. I know. I think the perception of love that you have, like the expectation, may be skewed by comparison. It sounds like you’re preventing yourself from loving him based on your past, or like you feel like you don’t deserve him… which happens a lot after an ex has broken and beaten you down. I would suggest seeking therapy for yourself. It will give you someone unbiased to talk to, and someone to help you work through your feelings and emotions.

I think the problem may be you think it’s too good or he’s too good for you. The facts seem he’s done all the things a man can to prove he loves you. Because you’ve been hurt it is difficult to allow yourself to trust.


Love is a choice, you can do this!


Maybe talk to him about couples therapy or marriage counselling ? Maybe someone could help with ideas in how to rekindle that flame or give you ideas on how to start allowing yourself to love a little deeper.


Using him as a safe guard for you and your kids woman like you don’t deserve a good man like that …


You have a great foundation to build up to love. Just enjoy your life for now


Listen to the song “Then he touched me” by Jean Shepherd. Very old female country singer. You have to create the passion you are looking for from him. It may take a while. Just count 5 reasons why you love him. God Bless you.


You just picked somebody to take care of you and your kids.
If you don’t love him properly ,just walk away… don’t make his and your life even more miserable :roll_eyes:


I firmly believe that love is a choice, and it sounds like you’re in a safe place to simply exist for the time being as a cared-for human. Look for the things that you enjoy about his personality, or phrases he says, or values/ideals that you can find common ground with. Maybe have a talk about intimacy/ foreplay, to bring it to a basic “beginner” (for lack of better words) level almost, find those areas that feel like electricity and build on that. It’s not that you’re not in love, it’s that you may feel like you haven’t done anything to deserve it and you gotta know that you’re worthy of love and you are going to have to accept that :wink::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: best wishes


You are a very selfish person. You took and took but it’s all about you. He according to you literally saved you and your children, how can you not love him for all he has done


That man deserves better than what he has now…a very selfish spouse. :frowning:


Typical white knight savior. Comes in saves the women from the ground up and they they say screw you, cheat on. You, get pregnant with the other guys child and then leave you and not for the guy she cheated with because she just likes freedom… This is very typical in this world today. Men still cheat but it use to be 80% men 20% women and now due to the world we live in and the way women are they break more hearts then guys ever will again as it’ll never go back. It is a lot closer to 50/50 bow but also depends on age. Under 25 it’s probably still 80% men cheating but 25 to 35 percent might be 50% and anything over 35 is either a very broken women leaving a very bad man or you nailed it with your situation or the white knight rescue. They use some poor guy, build there confidence, cheat on him and then leave him. More women are to blame for divorce over the age of 35 then guys. Guys that aren’t happy at that age, just settle in and deal with the rise until they end up in jail or dead… This is from my experiences and even when I was younger, I never cheated. Never ever have and never ever will. I’m 35 and married and wouldn’t consider ever leaving my wife and daughter but I will also admit that I’m in the group of just settling in and dealing with the ride… I love her but sometimes I feel the same as the original post. So maybe he feels it too but he isn’t going to leave those kids who he thinks of as his kids… Might have to have some counseling and direct questions to get to the next step…

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I think you may still have ptsd from your previous relationship. When youre attracted to abusive types of people its very when its bad its terrible, but when its good youre so used to things being awful that it gives you kind of a high searching for that little bit of love you see every now and again. A healthy relationship doesn’t work the same. Things are always good. I think it can be easy to fall into a routine in a healthy relationship, and idk about you but id rather be with my best friend until the day i die and not the guy that gives me that one little ounce of passion after seriously bringing me down. My advise is to speak with a counselor to sort out your feelings, you could have ptsd and not realize it. Also if he is as wonderful as you say then sitting down with him and communicating with him is a good idea… tell him that you would like to take more time for yourselves, maybe go on more one on one dates, spend time watching a movie, taking a walk, and try to have an open mind. Start from the beginning. I wish you luck


How sad for your husband, to use a man for so long and live a lie has got to be exhausting. he deserves love as much as you and your kids to. You know you aren’t in love with him and yet you continue to leave the relationship one sided. I think you should be transparent with him and let him decide if a friendship is good enough for him or not. You’ve had your peace long enough, it’s his turn. 


You have to create it! Keep telling yourself how much you love him and how amazing he is!! Then you will start to believe it!


You cant force love. Even if he has been everything you didnt know you deserved…life is short. YOU deserve to be happy, but HE always deserves to not have his time “wasted.” Life is short…some shorter than others. We as humans are supposed to be happy! Do what you need to do and let him do what he needs to do. He can still be dad to your babies if thats what he wants

No where did you mention how he feels about your lack of love. Did you talk to him about it? Seek counseling through your doctor or medical insurance or even county. This can be resolved.


Its probably not what youre used to seeing as “love” . The super high highs and the super low lows- the chemical mixture toxic relationships produce in the brain are as addictive as hardcore drugs. You will likely never feel that level of “high” again w anyone who is HEALTHY and isnt creating raging trauma bonds and nonstop fluctuation of dopamine etc…


You both need quality time with each other. Go on a vacation. Dress up and go out on dates. Sometimes you can also do movie nights at home when the kids are asleep.


If you don’t love him- let someone else.
At the end of the day- both of you deserve to be with someone you love and someone that also loves you.
You shouldn’t have to go thru a romantic relationship with someone you don’t love. And he shouldn’t have to go thru a romantic relationship with someone that doesn’t truly love him.

Talk to him- see if yall could still be in one another’s life (in which he’d still be in the kids life’s aswell. Just not as a father figure but as a close family friend)

I’m not gonna call you names or etc. But what you’re doing is indeed wrong- you’re leading him on and it sounds like you want acceptance to do it even longer. It’s already going to hurt him so bad to know how long you haven’t truly loved him if you told him rn. Think about what it would do to any possible friendship in 3yrs-5yrs-10yrs-15yrs-20yrs.

You can try couples counseling but if you don’t love him then I don’t think anything would truly help or work.

Maybe try therapy for yourself? Maybe it’s nothing to do with him- and everything to do with that you just forgot how to properly love someone?


also wanted to add- maybe he feels the same way as you but is in the same boat as you- has no idea how to express/tell you or what to do or etc because you and your kids rely on him as a safe space? That’s alot of pressure on a person as is. And if he does feel the same way as you do rn- then I could see why he wouldn’t tell you; definitely if you’re playing it like you’re in love with him

Date him all over again :heart: Go out just the two of you. Go outside under the stars and lay on a blanket drink some wine. Go to a movie and make out like kids. Or just flirty touch him. Wear a skirt so he can also touch you. I have had to relearn how to reconnect with my husband after both of us cheating when we were in our 6th year of marriage. We are now going on 18 years. It will be a slow process. It is worth working.


Omg women would kill for a man like that :joy: it’s been 7 years and your saying you weren’t in love in with him. Come on

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Reread what you wrote from My husband…… it takes a deliberate effort. Best of luck. Hope you both fall back in love. I am sure
He does love you. Recite your vows…in your head and work at it.


You are blessed an hang onto to him Love comes in many different ways … eNJOY EVERYTHING HE HAS DONE FOR YOU AN YOUR GIRLS im sure it will all work up UP TO YOU … :kissing_heart::rose::kissing_heart:


With all the good that he does for you and your daughters how could you not love him what kind of man do you want to love you another abusive one


Therapy. Got tot her spy you are likely distancing to protect yourself


If you don’t love him let him go so he can find someone that does. You’re using him for your own comfort.


I think you’re being extremely selfish. Even though you claim your children’s happiness is more important than yours, what about your husband?? Doesn’t he too deserve to be in a relationship where he’s loved? Doesn’t he get to experience that whirlwind type of love that sweeps you off your feet? Because I can almost guarantee he doesn’t get the same reciprocated feelings, like he would if his wife truly and genuinely loved him. I think you need him to become fully aware of how you feel, and then allow him to make the choice if a “really good friendship” is something he wants for the remainder of his life. This should be his choice, not yours.


Cool it kid! Be good to him, to your kids and thank God He gave you another Chance!

If you don’t love your husband… How can you possibly make him feel loved? Even giving him a false sense of love is not fair to him.
Passion, love, truth, and communication are the keys to a successful marriage and YOU are lacking ALL of the above even if he isn’t.

Yikes, some of these comments don’t pass the vibe check… as someone who came out of a dv situation also very broken, it took a long time for me to realize that just bc someone wasn’t abusive didn’t mean they were the right person for me… BUT, I’d also evaluate what your definition of being in love is bc it’s also hard for the calm and peacefulness to feel comfortable and like love after years of abuse, it sounds like your husband is a wonderful man, but you deserve to be happy. The healthy relationship after the toxic one is by far the hardest momma, I’d suggest some therapy for yourself to help you work through your feelings and decide what you truly want, and also some openness and honesty with your husband, good luck :heart:


Marriage is all about a great friendship
The “passion” will fade.


Therapy. Date nights. Gratitude list. Personal development. Have helped me “fall back in love” when the lust has faded. Idk how to restore something that was never there tho. :woman_shrugging:


“In love” and to love are two different things. Love never leaves. Love is action, sacrifice, doing, giving, companionship, commitment. “In love” is a feeling. It’s a feeling that is normal to come and go. Sometimes even in healthy relationships it feels like a great friendship, or partnership. That “sparks flying” “in love” “we are one” feeling will sometimes be there and sometimes not. That is normal. Not feeling that “in love” feeling doesn’t mean you don’t love him. It’s normal. That feeling doesn’t stay forever. To me it seems like you do love him, the way you speak of him. I think you’ve just been through so much trauma that maybe you can’t distinguish between feeling numb and the way you feel for your partner. It’s normal for someone that hasn’t fully healed to feel numbness toward their partner. This isn’t a him problem. I think this is a you needing to seek help so you can heal problem. You deserve to heal. He deserves honesty. But I think you need to understand the way you feel totally and completely before you just tell him point blank. Life isn’t black and white. It’s a multitude of grey areas. I think you’re just feeling really grey if that makes sense. I wish you the best.


Go on dates. Take a vacation together just yall.


If you have no love and only appreciation you cant force it. He deserves to be happy too, if you don’t love him it’s kind of mean to not let him make that choice for himself. Now you know what a relationship is supposed to be you can find someone you can love and allow him the same opportunity to be genuinely loved.


I think you never fully recovered from the abusive relationship. You should go to therapy so you can learn to love yourself so that you can love that man.


I think since you had a rough relationship in the past you may not know how to love, I know you have been together for a long time with your husband but everyone is different, you can love and maybe you need to love yourself first. Good luck


Check your inner dialog. Are you trying to convince yourself you should feel a certain way to make the love viable. It’s not all fireworks and hearts flying around all the time. Don’t talk yourself into being unhappy.


Is he in love with you?

Love is a choice. Not a feeling. Choose to love him even when you think it’s impossible.


Look up “The Adventure Couples” on Instagram (they could be on Facebook too) and grab some of their date books- it may help you get that ‘dating’ live back and go from there :slight_smile: they have all different types

I am in the same kind of marriage. We have been friends a long time. But no passion.
My pastor says just keep dating. It isn’t an option to us just by schedules.
My personal idea of dating is more flirting. Try flirting and being silly together. My husband has no clue of either


Why would you marry someone you didnt love.That was your first mistake😳


Love is a decision. Love is action. You are so Blessed to find someone who loves you & your children & treats you well.


Love yourself first count your blessings start with him


Maybe the type of love you are expecting is “puppy love “.
You know the kind, when you are with your first love and think it will last forever. Like a high school sweetheart where you’re experiencing a romantic love for the first time.
IMO you will never that same feeling with anyone else. It was a love that you learned a lot from I’m sure, so if you love your husband but don’t feel “in love” with him, maybe you should try to figure out what it is your relationship lacks to make you feel that way. What exactly does it mean to you to “be in love”?


Sometimes a best friend is the greatest gift you could have.


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Passion fades. Friendship stays.


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When the looks fade and the skin sags and the body starts to fall apart and things just slow down, you’ll want a best friend more than anything. When I start to feel this way, it’s usually bc I’m bored with my life. That’s when I start to remind myself of the awesome ways my husband loves me, takes care of me. I remind myself how lucky I am and I make the choice to love him. Love is a choice we make every single day.


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When you tell yourself you are not “in love” you are talking yourself out of it. Love is not a feeling. Love is a verb. Love is an action. Love is a choice.

You can choose to love and be in love and adore your husband.

But you have to choose.

For some reason it is hard for abused women like you and me to accept love that is freely given. If we are working to earn the love it just doesn’t seem right.

You have got to throw that frame of mind away.

My now husband is my best friend.

We have a lot of laughs and affection. Do we have passion. Sometimes.

But I would go every single day loving my husband and never have passion that to live with a man that I have terrific passion with but he doesn’t cherish and put my feelings and needs first.

You have had the worst. Give yourself permission to love your husband.


You do love him just not romantically and that’s actually ok unless you gonna go after some else .

The time you have been together, you said 7 years, is about time for all of that to start. You love him , just not “in love” with him. Used to call that the 7 year itch. You are very blessed to have him, a good breadwinner, father, friend. Some women would give anything to be in your place. Take a good, hard look at that man. You are blessed so try to love this gift God has given you


Did you know that you was not inlove with him before you married him? What made you marry him if you were not? You can find safety in others and if the inkybreason you married him was to feel safe then I think that may be a little selfish. You deserve happiness however so does he. Do you not feel like you are wasting his time and efforts and vice versa? You do not have to be with him or married married him for him to be in your children’s lives. How do you lay with someone you are not inlove with? How do you stay married for 7 years to someone you never was in love with? I don’t know maybe I’m wrong I’m not in your shoes. Maybe you can try to start fresh with him. Like others have said try dating him again. Have you verbalized any of this to him? He has a right to know. He may can help with it tbh. God bless you babes I hope things work out for you. I’m sorry you are having to deal with this.

You gotta start going on dates and doing fun stuff together that each of you enjoy as hobbies like riding horses or something get out of your comfort zone and learn each other more the spark can grow but you have to want it


Love= Security and safety + unconditional acceptance.
Don’t question a good thing .

Practice gratitude.


And that is why you should take time to heal before jumping into a new relationship, because you are also lying to him and making him waste his time


Give it time. Those are hard wounds to heal. Love grows… its a choice not a feeling.

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Think long and hard what it would be like to not have him in your life. Could you live without him? Imagine life without him from now forward. How does that feel? Does it make you miss him? Does he do anything that attracts you? Focus on what makes him sexy. Realization of what is can help you. Maybe your inadvertently taking him for granted? It’s natural for couples to have ups and downs. Maybe some therapy would help you. Good luck.


Have you tried a sex therapist?

We’re you ‘in love’ with the person who abused you and your children? Some things just aren’t worth it.

I’ve learned that the comfort and calm, without the Whimsical things that you think it should be…. Is better. But, follow your heart.

I think that too many people mistake lust for what it feels like to be in love… Being married to your best friend, who makes you feel safe and protected is more than alot of people will ever experience… Could you imagine ever living without him or that feeling? If you can’t you’re in love :heart: xo.


What you want is Romance not Love. Love is what he is giving you and your children. Try forgetting about YOU and try to make him happy. Might make you happier too.


You’re being totally unfair to him. Telling him you love him and only pretending this entire time is bs. Let him go to find someone that truly loves him and just not for your satisfaction. You have stole 7 years of this man’s life for your own bs. Smdh


His happiness is just as important as yours Z and your kids. Smdh


7 year itch. Which I believe is true. And I think you do love him you’re just to scared to fully accept being loved the way he loves you. Choose to love him, go on dates, flirt, smack his butt. I wish you the best.

Love is an action and at times can be hard work. Marriage is not easy and every day you need to wake up and work at it. Your children are important but so is your husband. You are great friends so build on what you have together. There is a reason you got married and trusted this man. Remember that first attraction. There is a reason it is called the 7yr itch and it is normal but you need to make the choice of falling in love, possibly back in love.


Passion fades. Friendship lasts. You better stay where you are. He’s a blessing that might get replaced by a lesson.


I think most important thing in a marriage is compatibility. It’s not love that keeps two people together. It’s the life they’ve spent together, the hardships they’ve been through, the teamwork and everything they’ve done together. That’s the glue to a happy marriage. Because that burning sensation of love or whatever we feel in the beginning, fades with time. I think you already have a happy life and nothing to complain maybe that’s why your mind asks you to find something more thrilling because you need some dopamine. Maybe search and do things that will make your relationship better and happier. You’re one lucky person!


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Maybe take a trip together just you and him to see if you can rekindle any feelings for him. Spend one on one get to know each other or heal yourself first you might be holding on to past issues. Good luck.


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I’ve been exactly where you are now. Actually married him a year ago. Happiest I’ve ever been in my life! My husband now is exactly like you described yours. YOU should drop the crutch of being a victim to your past! It’s all in YOUR MIND! You have to learn to LET GO of past hurts and FORGIVE THEM AN YOURSELF FOR ALLOWING IT, that could possibly be a blockage in your mind. It’s in the past. You can’t change it now learn from it. (Just a thought but reverse the roles here) WHAT IFS are very important!! What if it were him writing this about YOU? How would that make YOU feel? Are YOU doing enough to make him happy? Are YOU giving him half of what he has given you and the kids? You are where you are now because he took a chance on you, he succeeded and put you back together again… BETTER! Are YOU showing him he’s appreciated? Are YOU showing him love? You said a mouthful on what all he has done for YOU/ KIDS! That alone is more than enough to allow yourself to give him a chance to show you. Drop your mental blockage and just let things progress. He has PROVEN HISSELF WORTHY, unwavered even though you continue to deny him. I’m sure he feels it, yet he STILL makes it his priority and SHOWS you! You have a child together so at one point in time y’all had it going on. YOU have to change your mindset and should SHOW HIM appreciation for what he has done for you and the kids! He DESERVES a chance! APPRECIATE HIM FOR APPRECIATING /LOVING YOU! TOUCH it takes TOUCH to get the spark :zap:back. Ask him out on a date, slow dance in the kitchen, hold hands, kiss him, intimacy is important!
PS We are not promised tomorrow, much less our next breath. What you have today can be taken away in the blink of an eye! You know what to do! Good Luck. Prayers! There are MANY women that wish they were in your shoes with a GREAT MAN! They don’t make many like that anymore! Keep us updated in the comments!

PSS…PS… start reading 50 Shades Of Grey! You’ll thank me later!


First thing you need to pray and as for God’s guidance. Also seek help the love you are looking for is physical and can be obtained with proper communication God bless and best of luck


You can’t make yourself fall on love with someone but there are many types of soulmates and different types of love as long as you guys are happy and being treated right that’s all that matters sounds like you got the right one for you and your babies whether your in love or not seems like u guys are loved very much


Passion is over rated - if he has your back and your kids he is a keeper


I think that what some people describe as love is not always the same definition for someone else being in love. Butterflies and sex 3 times a day isn’t realistic for everyone ESPECIALLY when you’ve been together for a long time and you have children and jobs etc. sometimes love is having someone that allows you to be the best version of yourself and you do the same for them. Sometimes it means just being content and happy and knowi by that your children have amazing parents that care about each other and teach them that love means respecting each other. Maybe you do love him. Maybe your expectations of love are unrealistic? The grass isn’t always greener :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Sounds like you love him and don’t know it. Find a nice church allow God in your marriage


I’m not a religious person. However, I do have a psychology degree. What I’m hearing is “this isn’t exciting anymore”. Marriage is not exciting. It’s hard work and commitment. He’s your best friend?? You aren’t being his. Passion does not last in relationships. It’s immature to expect it. You appear to have what most people want. Don’t throw it away for temporary passion with someone else.