How can I protect my brothers baby?

Try getting along, get to know herfirst.Stop judging.


Her life
Her rules
Her child


It’s her baby. Her rules. You don’t really have a say so. Just be nice.


Im sorry but is your brother a baby? Let him tc of mess he made wth u getting into they buiesness lol


Are you leaving out any parts about what has made her feel the need to already be making thease decisions about your family??? And the tattoo while pregnant. Please come into 2022…:rofl:


If you want to have any relationship with this child you better check your judgemental attitude at the door get off your high horse and let her and your brother parent THEIR CHILD.


Just because you don’t like her doesn’t make the baby any less her child. You are not the parent and you zero say in anything about that child

Have your own baby and leave that lady alone


Any wonder the poor girl is putting her foot down is this is the level of stress her partners family is giving her while pregnant you’ll be lucky if the baby makes it safely with the stress I can only imagine your giving the poor woman


Not your baby not your say. Tell your brother to wrap it next time.


Fuuuck that, if you’re worried about your Neice/nephew, have the conversation with your brother and her should the opportunity arise. Go ahead and suggest to your brother to get that paper trail and/or proof in case there’s ever a custody hearing. You may not be her mother but you damn sure are family and if you sense some dumb shit on the way speak on it. Idk what tattoo artist works on a pregnant woman. Every woman who’s making the best decisions for her kid knows not to get tattoos when they’re pregnant.
Your brother, bring the father, does too need to man up and get her in line cause what she did is a red flag.
*go at it the right way, she is the mother so she does have a right to lay down ground rules. Show up to help to get face time with the baby but don’t get too aggressive or she’ll hold it against you.

WOW! Are you jealous??? Leave them be

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:joy: like every mom doesn’t have expectations for what people can do with their baby or when they can see them. Back off before she cuts you off :relieved:


Do the only thing you can do, mind your business :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:


It’s her baby. She is the mama. She makes the rules.


You can’t, it’s not your baby.


While I don’t agree with the tattooing while pregnant, it’s her in your brothers baby there’s not much you can do. If you wanna be a part of the child’s life you’re gonna have to get over and get along with the mother.

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There’s nothing you can do
The only one who can talk to her or say something is your brother
Befriend her maybe and you’ll get to see the baby but if you start fighting now you’ll probably only see photos of the baby if you’re lucky

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You sound like someone who will end up not being alloweed around the baby. Already looking to cause issues and that baby isnt even here yet. Hopefully they see who you are and go no contact sooner rather then later.


Leave her alone, ffs. It’s not your baby and not your business. Your brother can handle it. He’s grown.


Protect them by minding your own dang business.


The best thing you can do, tell him to keep records of everything and file for 50/50 custody when the baby is born.

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Ummmm no it’s her child her rules


Be nice and supportive even if you don’t like her for the sake of the baby and your brother


You need to sit down somewhere shut up and mind you’re own business getting a tattoo isn’t recommended but it’s not illegal or against the law. She’s the parent and you’re not she have every right to set boundaries if you don’t like it to damn bad. And for the people saying call CPS ya’ll sound ignorant.

Well… It’s her child…


It’s HER baby. Either follow HER rules or kick rocks


She sounds like the type that won’t allow your brother to see the child if they break up. So if they do split he better get a lawyer and fast!


You should mind your own business maybe the rules are because she knows your dangerous backside is band minded and wants to do her harm…I thought we were past judging people…yes she seems not to make food choices but is that for you to decide?..back off…you messy and triffling


Just pretend to like her, gather proof that the babies life is in danger… then take full custody and make your own rules… if you don’t want full custody then I guess you’re gonna have to live with it :rofl:

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HER child… leave that woman alone


I’d mind my business unless your brother or baby are In harm.


I think everyone here is neglecting fact that it is HER BROTHERS BABY… the mother should be nice to the in laws if she wants to keep the peace


OK so first u said ur sis in law so apparently ur brother is married to her and sounds like there is some history between u two. Ur brother has chosen to be with her and now have a kid with her. If u plan on being able to gave anything to do with this kid I suggest unless the child is in real danger u might wanna mind ur business and be nice for the sake of ur niece or nephew. ITS NOT UR BABY NOT UR PLACE!


Mind your businesses. It’s your brother’s life.


Ma’am you sound toxic and like you’re the problem. Maybe respect that it’s her child. She doesn’t have to let anyone be around it she doesn’t want to. Period. You don’t get auntie rights. Also, you say protect the baby, but it sounds like baby needs to be protected from you.


Lady make your porch is clean before you try to clean anyone elses. Stay in your damn lane and mind your business. Sounds like no matter what she’s does you’re going to disagree with just because you don’t like her. Focus on fixing whatever about her resonates in and triggers you so badly.

All you can do is be supportive of your brother and what he is doing. Follow her rules and as long as the baby is safe and not being put in harms way there is nothing you can do unless he decides to leave and wants to take the baby. For you your brothers sake though keep records of anything that can harm the baby before and after born.

Wow. Not sure I’d want you near my baby. Total control freak.


It’s her and his child. However they decide to parent is up to them, not you. Respect her decisions and support your brother. Besides, it sounds petty, like since you don’t like her and think your brother could do better, that you have any rights to the baby. You don’t.


It her child! You’ll probably find your brother has agreed with everything she said she’s just the one with the voice… Either way I was the same with my kids… for my family and his of course HER child HER rules that’s how an aunties role stands in any child Life unless said child is in danger of course

You sound like a drama queen. If I were your brother and sister-in-law I would keep you away from the baby. Just because you don’t like her doesn’t mean you have the say so. It’s their baby not yours. Get a life and mind your own damn business

I mean this in the kindest way, you will not see that baby. I tell women all the time, let your brother/sons live their lives. You are nobody compared to his new significant other. I walked in to a mil who was not nice to me, guess what? She did not see me or my children. Not because I didn’t allow it, but because if I didn’t go, my husband on his own, would not go without me, even when we were separated. even when I would encourage him to take the kids, he would not and I would still get blamed. It wasn’t until she almost passed that we made amends but by then it was too late. Stay out of his personal life. Let him be a man and stop thinking he is a victim. Whether or not she is a good mother, your brother made the decision to pro create with her. All you should do is be amicable, stay in your lane, and be there to listen to your brother, not force your opinions or give ultimatums or he too will turn his back on you. Good luck.


It is her baby not yours leave her alone.


It’s not your child or your body plain and simple get over it and you’ll be happier. Get it in your head that it is not your child mad you have absolutely NO say in what happens when it comes to her or THEIR baby… Leave it alone and move onto something that you can control


You cannot do anything to change the situation.

It is her baby and yes your brother,s too HOWEVER your brother is not standing up to say she is wrong. You may not like who he picked…his choice and you fighting with her is only going to break up this family. Back off! If your brother thinks she is wrong he will speak up. His silence speaks volumes!!!


Well you’re saying she’s making rules like your brother isn’t the baby’s father or whatever… yet you’re trying to figure out what to do with you BROTHERS baby instead of letting him figure it out. Like you think he was in a coma the whole time she got a tattoo and it got infected? His kid. Her kid. Not your kid. At least wait till the child is born before trying to take their child


all you can do is being this to your brothers attention then stay in your lane honestly.


It’s inlaws like you, I’m just saying. Mind your own business. The whole situation sounds juvenile, and good for her for setting boundaries. It’s clear you just don’t like boundaries and think the title “family” gets you a free pass to overstep healthy boundaries.


I would be supportive of your brother but ask if he’s okay with the rules she’s set in place. It’s their child so what they say is what goes. I feel like everyone should know not to get tattooed while pregnant and the shop usually won’t allow it but if your brother sees no issue in that then unfortunately he probably has the same mind set as her. I would interfere if your niece/nephew is being harmed. Until then you just have to follow their rules and keep the peace, they’re raising the child.

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Do you have kids? If so, did you have rules for your child too? She has set boundaries that you need to respect, if my in laws or anyone else did not respect the wishes of the boundaries my husband and I have set in place for our children then they wouldn’t see my child. I’m sure you want to be part of this child’s life so respect their wishes and remain peaceful for your brothers sake. Just because you don’t like her and think your brother can do better doesn’t give you a right to try to nit pick at every little thing he obviously loves this woman.


Girl your brother need to do the protecting that is his child he needs to put his foot down and check her and make moves to get the baby once it’s born

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Mind your business!! It’s her baby not yours


As the SIL on the other side… and being the mother to our child, there is two sides to every story. It isn’t your job to protect your brother or the baby. It is his job and her job. My advice? Stay out of it. If you have concerns, bring them up alone with your brother as a genuine concern and then leave it be.


Everybody saying it’s her child missed the part where the man helped make the child too so it’s not all up to her once the baby is born. It might be her child but she’s obviously not making good choices and it’s normal to have concern for family members. If the father of the child wants a say he will have to take it to court after the baby is born. If that’s what he wants to do the most you can do is be there for him.


It’s THEIR baby, sweetheart. You need to let them parent & just be a loving & doting Aunt.


There is nothing wrong with her seeing boundaries… I’m going to take a wild guess and say these boundaries include health precautions, not coming over for a certain period of days, not showing up unannounced,etc? You sound like you think you are entitled to do whatever even it comes to THEIR baby. I don’t agree with getting the tattoo, whoever actually did it shouldn’t have


Mind ur business n leave her alone


Unless you have proof of her abusing or neglecting the baby once it’s born, not alot you can do now unfortunately.
The hospital may have flagged her already due to getting a tattoo while pregnant but you can’t do much about that either as it’s her body in the end.


You can’t. That’s up to your brother.

This is your brothers child and her child, every parent has set boundaries for their kids, I do with mine. All this is is honestly mind your business unless she is doing something that requires intervention from children services.


I think you need to stay out of it, as hard as it may be, save yourself the stress and drama, That’s the best thing to do. I’m sure you wouldn’t want anyone trying to interfere with your baby either ( I know I wouldn’t, my babies are MINE PERIOD.) I agree that she’s already a dumb ass for getting a tattoo while pregnant lol but I mean her baby :woman_shrugging: good luck girl…

Convince your brother to leave and build a case now to get emergency temporary custody


Yikes. I see why sil has these boundaries. Leave them alone. You think she would have made these boundaries without her man’s consent?


Mind tour business lol


Her body her choice, leave her alone. We don’t get to chose the parents we are born too.


By minding your business. It’s not your relationship or child.


It’s none of your business. It’s his and hers. If they break up and he gets custody then I’m sure he will like your help, if he doesn’t think your a busybody.


Your brother got the wrong ladies


Step 1: Tell your brother to speak up if he’s unhappy
Step 2: mind your business


Before he starts paying child support he should have a DNA test! Once he starts paying it’s too late! The court will consider the child his or not and he will pay until 21!


If they are not a same household couple you or him can contact “Legal Aid” to find out what your and his rights are and Contac Friend of Court. Find out as much as you can BEFORE this child is born and get a DNA test. Some things she will fight you on but in due time if you don’t give up she WILL have to comply. You, he and she can argue till the cows come home…however, if you the have legal system with you … you will have far less issues and the child will always come first! Now, on the side of the coin, if they are a couple and cohabitating then you will need to walk softly and obey most of their wishes and rules. Don’t make waves in this relationship unless you have been called upon to help out.

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Not your monkeys not your circus.


Not anything but try and become her friend and lap her up because she’s in control for a long ride just buddy her up if possible

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You seem overbearing and controlling. I would set boundaries with you too


nothing none of your business NONE


You can’t do anything. This will be a defining moment in your life. You’ll learn people live their lives as they see fit, regardless of what others think. It’s hard. For now, stay calm and quiet. Reason is, this baby may need you at some point in life. Then you can be there to fill in the gaps and pick up the pieces. Hope this helps.


it really up to your rother to do something- srry but it is not really up to u to do anything -u will just have to put up with the decision


Nothing you can do leave it alone


So many judgmental Karen’s in here. Bet yall are single mothers.


If I was your brothers girlfriend I wouldn’t let you bear the baby. Your very negative and none of this is your business.


It’s her baby. Not yours.


Nothing. Not your baby, not your baby daddy :woman_shrugging:t2:


Report any child endangerment to family services.
Document incidents
Because someday your brother may be fighting for custody in court.


Is your brother still with her? A mother can make rules about seeing her child. Of course he can override them but that’s going to cause a fight especially when baby is tiny. Make sure he gets a DNA test at birth before he signs AOP. If he signs he’s saying he’s responsible for this child whether it’s his biologically or not.


Stay on your own lane.


Nothing. It’s not your kid as she has already made clear.


Mind ya business! Also, just so you know this is weird. The whole post. You sound more like a girlfriend than a sister…” my brother can do better “, being all in her choices. It’s weird. You need to worry about your own life. He has his own chart in this life. So does she, and so does that baby. All of which has nothing to do with yours. So what! She got a tattoo. It’s her body. It’s her kid. Her life. She can make whatever mistakes she wants because she needs to learn on her own. just like you and everyone else in the world. Don’t be the nightmare sister in law whose all weird about her brother.


Ewwww all the Karen’s in here… YUCK!!!:nauseated_face::nauseated_face:


Your brother needs to grow some.


Mind your own business
Not your monkey and certainly not your circus

You don’t have to love her. Your brother is the one to love her and live with her. It’s her baby so she has every right to make rules about her own baby. If your brother had an issue with the rules he is a grown man with a mouth of his own and would have discussed it with his wife. That’s none of your business either way. You can make your own rules for own child.


Not your baby… not your baby dad. Sadly, my advice is to back off. Your brother is a grown man…This isn’t for you to stick your opinions in. Also, getting a tattoo while pregnant isn’t as bad as your making it out to be lol. A good tattoo artist WONT tattoo pregnant women just for the key reason of the possibility of her fainting and falling. Stay in your own lane, they’ll figure it out.


By minding your own business stay out of your brothers if you can’t stand her I guess he can.:woman_shrugging:


Stay out of it and hope for the best… that’s what we did when my family member got his gf pregnant like she would drink too… but now that precious lil girl is staying w another family member :sparkling_heart: it turned out to be good…


Just be praying about the baby, & all concerned. PRAYERS are not just silly words thrown out there. Prayers really truly do work. Money back guaranteed.


Mind your own business and STFU. It is her baby and her body. Either respect that and abide by her rules or stay tf away. You have no opinion. You have no right to an opinion. Again, not your child.

Pray for and brother pray

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Butt out and let him figure it out while being a dope aunt?

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