How can I stay on top of housework with a full time job?

THIS!!! :point_down::point_down::point_down:


You have kids. You work. He works. Give yourself a break and don’t stress out over it! Sometimes, the best way you can keep your sanity is to realize bills are paid, your kiddos are taken care of and have Mom and Dad time, you have family time. Sometimes, all other things can take a back burner and guess what? THAT’S OKAY!!! I used to be the same way… as a single Mom with 4 boys who all have special needs. Now, I have an amazing fiancè and like our PCP told us… one thing at a time. One day, wash the dishes, the next day wash the laundry, the third day… fold the laundry and put it away. Get organized. Buy toy boxes and have your 6 year old help put the toys away. He can also help put laundry away. One day at a time. Don’t try to force everything in one day and get overwhelmed by it all. Sit down with your guy and make a list of everything that has to be done. Check it off one by one. Set schedules for the chores. If nothing gets done because you’re both exhausted one day… IT’S OKAY!!! When we as parents, learn we can’t do it all the way we’re expected to do it… a weight will be lifted. It’s all a learning process that can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be!!! :heart::heart::heart:


We made a chart. So every day had one cleaning chore to do. We made sure they got done on that day.

Sundays were meal prep days. And also Saturday or Sunday morning we would clean. It take less than an hour and we power clean and we both know what needs to be done etc.

Laundry I had to make myself a rule that once the basket was full then I washed I wouldn’t let the baskets heap. I also started once something was dirty it goes right into the washer. Then we have less on the floor or baskets and when it’s full then we run it.

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I used to do laundry at night , meaning I would start a load at bedtime then change it when I got up to pee at night I pee like three times so I could get at least two loads wash and dry but not folded

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Learn some habits of minimalist. Give your 6 year old some responsibilities too.


I feel you need to get a medal :medal_sports:! As far as I can see your attention is going to the right place, family! Housecleaning is not a priority over family. I guess some people can do both but don’t beat yourself up over it. Enjoy your family!


He is capable of doing laundry and dishes ect. Nothing more needs to be said.


We choose a room a weekday, then do what we need to do on the weekends, he starts a load of laundry before he leaves, I swap it and he gets it out of the drier when he gets home.

OMG I was just talking about this last night… We both work and have three kids at home 1,9 & 14… It’s not that our house is gross dirty it’s just messy and messy all the time! There’s just not enough time in the day! For a really long time I would beat myself up about it but lately I have been thinking that yes our house is messy, I choose to call it ‘lived in’:rofl: But best believe it’s a happy home… My kiddos will remember the walks to the park and the time we spend together, not that the kitchen was spotless… Idk yes it does bug me at times and like I said its not yucky gross dirty it’s general stuff! Don’t be too hard on yourself! If it’s a happy home and everyone is cared for I think that’s what’s important!:heart:


One room a day but do your dishes everyday or everyother depending on how much

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A woman work is never done. We just go in circles. Wish I could tell you it will get better, it won’t.


I feeeeeelllll you! I work full time so does my fiancé we have 2 boys together and I clean clean clean clean clean aaaaallllllll the time. I don’t ever sit down after I pick the kids up from daycare I come home and immediately start cleaning n then dinner n then dishes and I have a little bit of OCD going on when it comes to my house I have to have it a certain way if it’s messy like toys out of dishes in the sink - I can’t I just can’t. So I often have an attitude because I’m the only one that f****n cleans!!! Also his mother stays with us right now. Still, …I’m the only one that cleans. :disappointed: so my only advice to you is… I actually don’t have any :upside_down_face: I guess you just have to exhaust yourself. Seems like that’s the only way unfortunately.

Make a schedule. I’m a single mom, work full-time, and do school. Get your kids involved even the 1 and a half year old anything so minor as to having her put a toy away.

For toys Ever think of limiting toys available for play. I decluttered my sons toys and have minimized them to 6 tiny bins. I also only let him play in one spot so if it’s his room okay but he will not have spilled toys in numerous locations and I also make him pick them up. He’s 3

Dishes tbh I buy paper plates as a back up on busy busy days but if not I clean as I go maybe have everyone start cleaning after themselves. Again I involve my son he knows to empty his plate and rinse before.

As far as cooking maybe meal prep to save time or pre prep stuff . I always meal prep on Sunday’s and usually leave one day for a lazy meal or to order out. That day I also try to fit laundry in my son also knows how to put his laundry in the washer and dryer he’s only 3 so I haven’t gotten beyond that . But like I said your son is 6 he is capable of helping you use him lol find a way to make it fun for him to the point you ain’t gotta be on him to help.

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It’s hard I have two full time jobs and my apartment is a mess! I don’t have kids or anything but I’m always on the go! Nothings dirty but it’s super messy. Rn I bought some furniture I build one piece in between jobs then had to leave!! It’s A MESS! Maybe you guys can have chores switch off on who does what this day or that day but never one person doing all the work. Teamwork makes the dream work. Also maybe teach your child to pick up their toys and have a little reward for them so they can enjoy it! Good luck!

You’re supposed to split everything half and half if you work and he works then when y’all come home y’all should have to work at home that’s the only fair way of putting it

Does he not help? :woman_shrugging:
Get a dishwasher, that does help!
But seriously, theres nothing wrong with him helping

You are raising kids. Your house is not meant to be spotless hunny. Give yourself a break

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I could not stand a dirty or messy home…Our home was our safe place … so I only let my two boys play with their toys in their room or outside…after dinner they had to put things away…
They went to bed since the first day home from the hospital at 8 pm . So that gave me time to do the cleaning
I was a single mother who worked two jobs
Once they were older , I would make them each a list of 10 things to pi k from and told them they had to clean something for 15 mins every day
I was their mother not their maid. Every thing had a place if not then throw it out or give it away

Downsize toys and belongings to things actually used / wore / played with donate or sell the rest it will make your life so much easier.

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Set a timer for 15 minutes for each room and only do 2 spaces each day. Get everyone that is capable to help. Also thinning out the toys or other areas that may be overfilled with stuff may help with straightening

Maybe because there are two people working full time jobs and only one of them is pulling their weight? Your husband needs to help. That is why you can’t keep up, you are working and everything should be split down the middle.

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I wouldn’t know how to cope with that. I cannot leave the house unless my house is tidy and I’ve done my cleaning but I’ve been like that for years. I clean everyday. I work part time have a 6 year old and due another one anytime now.

I don’t know but if you ever figure it out, let me know because I am in the same boat as you!


WHY isn’t your husband HELPING?!

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If you are both working full time, hire a cleaning service.

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Everyone is asking why isn’t your husband helping, but my husband and I do everything 50/50 and we still can’t keep up. He works 50 hours a week and I work 50-60 as well. And when we are home we rather spend time with our sons instead of doing laundry or dusting.and when it comes to the toys any time I pick up a toy my son all of a sudden wants that one toy lol. It’s hard to find a balance.


I am now retired but when my Ex husband and I both worked full-time I did all of the housework. I did a load of laundry almost nightly, did dishes right after dinner, put everything in its place before I went to bed. I just never let anything pile up. It was another part-time job that I did not get paid for.


Advise from another the single mom: enjoy a well lived in, clean house! There will always be dishes, laundry, and many other chores to do. Soon the kids will be old enough to help out with small chores that can be turned into a game. On the other hand, call in a cleaning service if the mess is bothersome to you. It’s worth the $ if you’re happier spending time with hubby and little ones, and not focusing on the mess left behind after a good time with the littles .


It’s hard just do the best you can do :woman_shrugging:

My hubby and I both share duties and when kids were younger they all had a chore to greatful i have a hubby that was tought by his mom its both spouces that share duties.i have not been able to do anything for the last 9 weeks and am so proud to say my hubby has been the greatest through all of this cooks cleans works 9 to 10 hour days and still help me .but every now and than its ok to have things out of place people come to see u not your house

Start a load of dishes and laundry before you leave for work, when you get home move laundry over to dryer and put away before bed. Dishes will be done by dinner and just load it up and run it or wait til morning.

Biggest thing I did was downsize toys. A cluttered environment doesn’t help kids play, I guarantee if you have your kids pick 3-4 things to play with at a time, they’ll spend more time actually playing instead of “toy hopping” and leaving a mess behind. Rotate the toys every few weeks so they don’t get bored

It’s tough. Been there. Spend a weekend hitting the inside of the house cleaning hard core. Then make a pact to always pick up and clean up before you go to bed. Always do at least a load of laundry a day too.

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That’s normal for everyone in American that works, enjoy the family


I started using paper plates to cut down on cleaning dishes. I had to down size all toys and box them up into a storage room. They are only allowed a few toys in the house. Everyone has to help out with cleaning. My son takes out the garbage, does the dishes when I need help, vacuum and sweep. My daughter, 4, must clean up after herself after she plays. My husband will hear me bitch until he helps out. Laundry is daily for me too. Keeping the bathrooms clean is the hardest job. For some reason, these boys can’t shoot straight lol

Your husband should be helping. Have your child pick up there toys everyday. My kids are 8,6 and 3 and we all do housework.

Sometimes you have to learn to let some shit go.

It’s just life, as long as there are kids in the house it will NEVER be clean😂


Clean as the mess is made. They take a toy out, put it away before another one comes out. You use a dish, wash it, don’t leave it in the sink. Then cleaning won’t be so overwhelming

Don’t beat yourself up. My kids are 8, 11 and 12 and I’m home but still can’t keep up.


Commit at least 1 hour a day to clean or do what’s needed.

You clean as you go. That’s the only way I can keep my house semi clean. My 3 & 4 year old pick up after themselves now and I try to deep clean on weekends or when I’m off. A well lived in house is hard to keep clean. Spend a little bit of time each day cleaning up clutter. Easier said then done, but ill clean off my table and put things back. Or pick up the livingroom. Sometimes spending 15-20 minutes picking things up in a day on top of the other daily stuff, really helps.

  1. Pay the sitter a little extra and request her to help.

  2. Teach your older one to organise the toys after playing with them.

  3. While you are cooking in the kitchen, ask your husband to help with organising the stuff or with a load of laundry.

If you do things little everyday, they won’t pile up. And above all, please don’t beat urself up over this. What you are doing is just amazing :blush:


Because it’s a big job running and trying to clean a household when you have kids plus looking after the family - doctor visits, paying the bills etc. Your only one person and it’s hard to do it all and find your own downtime, respond to friends and have your own family time. We used to have these disagreements over the house work, I explained I still had to clean up everything when I was working full time and if I wasn’t here he would still have to clean up after himself. I’m not the maid, we should be a team and work together or we hire outside help. So we hired a cleaner which helps me feel like I have a bit of break from doing the floors, bathrooms and when that cleaner is here my toddler is at kindy so I make sure to use that time for me. I still have to pick up toys, do dishes and washing etc daily but that small break I get from the cleaner doing the floors toilets and bathrooms really helps especially as I’m heavily pregnant. My husbands also getting better at cleaning up after himself as he goes along and he will clean on the weekend one morning and I’m happy with that, I don’t mind doing majority of the cleaning and housework and errands I just don’t want to feel like everyone’s maid 24.7 as I’m not one lol

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Heather Tiffanyis right. I just let things be messy. Especially the common play areas for the kids. Also, I hired a cleaning team to come in and do a deep deep clean once a month. It’s the only thing that’s helped me keep my sanity

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Hire someone to come clean?

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Hire someone to clean and tidy up the house for you, 1 or 2 times a week, so that your house is always clean and you get to enjoy your family.

Sounds like another man baby husband that doesn’t want a wife, but a second mommy he can bang that does all the cooking, cleaning, and child minding while he goes off to play with his friends. Tell your husband to grow up and do his share of the cooking, cleaning and child minding. He lives there too, they are his kids too. He has no excuse.


You’re not alone. Believe me, most moms struggle to keep up. The most important thing is your family and making time for them. Dishes and laundry will always be there, you’ll never have it all done. Don’t stress about the little stuff. Them babies are only little for a short time, enjoy em. You’ll have the rest of your life to worry about housework.


Girl sounds like you are killin it :clap: and I definitely agree that cleaning up some before u go to bed is a life saver try spending the first 15 mins of hubby hour cleaning up together. Hope it helps

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If you have a tiktok look up domestic blissers. She is fantastic about making your space functional and work for you/your family. I’ve implemented a few of her ideas and it’s greatly helped the anxiousness I feel about having a messy house.


Ur doing fine! The kids n ur husband r more important than a perfect house. My son r men now…they don’t remember dirty dishes or laundry that was always around they remember me sitting on the floor playing with them.


I am in the same boat! We both work on average close to 50hrs a week and have 4, 2, and 1 yr olds and ALWAYS have multiple loads of laundry and so much cleaning

I hear your pain. One thing I learnt is less is better. Pack away some of the extra toys.
Minimise any clutter.
If you can put a load of washing on at night and hang out b4 work. That way it’s not all left for the weekend.


Get a house cleaner ounce a week. It’s not costly…. Helps a lot

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What does your husband do around the house? If he isn’t helping with dishes, dinner, baths, and picking up then that’s your problem.


Minimize your stuff from dishes to clothes. Do laundry every day. Fold it while talking with hubby/ watching tv at bedtime. Bins for easy pick up for everyone. And no, you are not alone. I’m 45 and i struggled most my mommy life

  1. You are not the only person in your house contributing to mess
  2. Your husband and 6 year old can help out
  3. What does “wifing/moming” mean? Last I checked EVERY person should learn the skills necessary to survive no matter if they become a mother or not and eating/ cleaning falls into survival for me :woman_shrugging:t3:
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You’re doing fantastic… Know that there’s going to be a mess somewhere and it’s ok

You’re not a robot, it’s hard to keep up with housework. Take a half day and both you and your husband clean together and organize.

This is my life. Mom of 5… twins that are 8 months old. This mess/clutter is giving me serious anxiety but if im not working or in the shower, im holding a baby or tending to one of the other 3 kids. Its overwhelming.


You and your hubby work together and clean and have the 6 year old do some chores . Laundry situation once you get a load wash it at night

Hire someone to come in once or twice a month to do a good cleaning keep up on it the best you can I between it’s worth it

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I prefer a cluttered home. It looks lived on. I have bad anxiety and a spotless home makes my anxiety worse. I can’t live on a home that looks like a museum. I have toys on the floor. Dishes on sink all day. Every time they eat they dirty another plate. We pick one day usually Sunday to do a pick up day where laundry is done. Toys are pit up and dishes done. Trash taken out to curb It works for us

I won’t go to someone’s house if it’s spotless. I won’t let my kids on there. It’s stressful to constantly try to be spotless.

I quit going to a friend’s house because every time we got up from sitting on couch shed make us smooth out the material so there were no butt prints on her couch. Shed sweep behind us every time we walked through her house… nope can’t do it.

Come hang out in clutter or stay home.

it is hard, I did it, 3 children, got up daily fixed full breakfast for family, drove 22 miles to work, stopped at store if needed on way home, did not sit down (or would know how tired I was) cooked full supper for us,( not sandwiches or junk) washed loads of clothes at night) went to bed around 12:00, got up and started over the next day. Changed sheets, etc on week end. Your nerves get bent out of shape at times but, hang in, you can do it. My husband worked construction, hard work. He never cooked nor, helped clean house. Just seems to me, always i

Get a cleaning lady! I never did when I worked and now that I am older, I must. Looking back I was a fool to spend weekend cleaning.


Lower your standards on a clean house, have the kids help. Take a day and instead of going to play softball or visit family, spend that energy on getting the house clean to the standard you want. After that, work to keep it that way. Run at least one load of dishes and laundry every day.

a cleaner at least once a wek

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the above is the only real solution

Your house will be clean one day mama.
I saw something one day and it has always stayed with me.

Because children grow up. So quiet down, cobwebs; dust, go to sleep. … Because children grow up while you’re not looking, There are years ahead for cleaning and cooking; So quiet down, cobwebs; dust, go to sleep. I’m rocking my baby, and babies don’t keep.

This has helped me through my hardest of days when I feel I am not doing enough.

One day your going to miss those toys all over. The noise, the chaos of it all. And all of the hustle and bustle of everyday chores, someone always needing you.

My grandma mentioned something about “vacuum lines” once. How she didn’t need to vacuum as much anymore because she could still see the lines where little feet use to walk.

Trust me mama. You’ll get through this stage of your life. In the mean time. Try to enjoy the moments, minutes even seconds you have in the middle of all the chaos.

Good luck

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I find it easy to make a chore list. I write down my mission for the day. Sometimes the list just says vacuum rooms. I do a load of laundry every day and dishes each night. I also have baskets for each person in the house so if it’s toys it goes in my sons basket, if’s it’s something of mine I put it in my basket etc. At the end of the day my next list for the following day is put sons basket away and put Husband basket away that means put it where it goes. Then I put the baskets back to easy access and continue with this so at the end of the day I just keep up as I too work full time.

Your family needs to prioritize your home over softball & visiting family every weekend. There are 4 weekends in a month. Take at least one and get your house in order.


Honey I don’t have a full time job. Neither does my husband. I am disabled and he had a wreck almost 2 years ago that left him not able to work as of right now. And we are always behind on laundry and dishes. He tries to keep all the outside work done with the help of our 12 year old son. And I cook big meals several times a week and small meals several times a week. I try my best to keep dishes done as I go but sometimes I just can’t do it due to my back/hip pain and they get backed up and it’s the same with laundry. I can’t expect my husband to help with those things as I do not help outside because I just can’t do the standing, walking or bending and so on. But he doesn’t question me when I do not cook a big meal and instead fix something simple. Our son helps with laundry a lot too thank goodness. But anyways we do our best. Y’all have small children and that alone takes a lot. And if y’all weren’t getting behind I would accuse y’all of being on some kind of drugs… lol.
Y’all are doing fine.
But I will say since you both work, both need to be contributing to house-work/yard-work.
Maybe?? If y’all can afford it find someone to help out a couple times a week. Around where I live most people only charge/pay like $40-$50 a week or $20-$25 a day for just normal housework like dishes, laundry, dusting, sweeping and mopping. And it’s usually someone coming 2 times a week.
I do hope y’all can figure it out so life isn’t so stressful. Praying for you and yours!!! :heavy_heart_exclamation:

If you both work full time, surely you could afford to pay a cleaner to come in for a few hours a week?


Send your husband with the kids to visit family without you and take one time a month to clean and relax alone. During the week make a routine of kids pick up toys before bed. Just get a couple baskets and chuck them all in. If it doesn’t fit its time to purge. Same with dishes. You don’t have to get rid of them but only keep enough in your cabinet for one for everyone, maybe 2 for kids. Forced to wash and only a small amt vs letting the pile just for you to wash them all. Tell your husband he needs to pitch in too.

When someone figures this out, let me know. In the meantime, my kids are only young once and I refuse to waste my whole life cleaning!


Hire a cleaning lady

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Pay for someone to come to your house to help.

Hire a cleaner! I worked full time as a single mum and couldn’t keep up.

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Hey, I work 6 days a week so around 45 hours, I find it super hard in the week to find the motivation but I make sure it’s not messy. I leave all the cleaning (except my kitchen which I do after cooking) till the Saturday. It’s my only day off but I spend the first 3 hours of my day spring cleaning my house from top to bottom, catch up on washing through the day and putting it all away. I feel like it sets me up for the week abd it’s just keeping it tidy then through the week. Hope this helps in some way xx

For me : Rest and play come first. House work comes second. My home isn’t dirty but it is messy. I’m a single, full-time working, mom of 3 in my home. Laundry gets done but it take 7-10 business days to get folded and hung, if even that. Most of the time we recycle. Dry the wrinkles out, wear, and back to the basket it goes. :rofl: do not , I repeat, do not stress over it. Your children won’t remember “my home was so messy”. They’ll remember the toys, the love , the fun. Maybe, if you really want, schedule one day a week everyone helps and gets things done , deep cleaning happens, whatever. But I promise no body will lose their life because the dishes stay in the sink for one night. This is how I run my home, most won’t agree, but I’m happy and my children are to .


Is your husband coming home and cleaning too as not just your job x

Use paper plates, plastic cutlery,throw away when used


I own my own cleaning business and this ALWAYS my advice (if you dont have someone to clean your house) pick 1 thing to do when you get up in morning and before bed/relaxing for night to clean or pick up ! I do my bathroom weekly before I shower clean sink, toilet then shower as I get ready to shower thats 1 time a week
Laundry i pick a day to do 2 loads before leaving house in morning then finish it at night
Same with dusting
I literally get up an hour or half an hour to do stuff before anyone else ! But also, pick your battles as you children do not stay small forever and will be grown and gone before you know it !!


A house is aloud to look lived in.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I stay on top of housework with a full time job?

Hire a cleaner! I wish I had when I was working and driving all over to visit by hubby on the weekends. My house was a disaster and I never had anytime to clean it. I learned my lesson and will be offloading this once I’m working agaun


I’m a stay at home mom and my house is still messy. I did get a shark robot vacuum with self empty and a dust bin base. It takes an hour for it to do my kitchen/dining area. It takes me 2 hours to do it with my 2.5 and 5 year old boys. It does a better job than I do. Hubby likes it so much he got me another one for upstairs because he’s tired of the pet fur. I haven’t been able to vacuum in months. Teach your hubby to put his dishes in the dishwasher, you do the same. It takes an extra few seconds and it can be run when it’s full. It takes some training to get into the mindset. I got an instant pot for cooking meals. It cuts cooking time in half or not more. It’s also one pot and done. If you can, batch cook on weekends so you can just reheat.


Minimize what u have ,less clutter =less cleaning and hire a house cleaner.

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Use paper plates and cups even plastic silverware to minimize dishes. Toss a load in the wash each evening and then toss it in the dryer each morning. Have your 6 year old start picking up their toys instead of you or keep the toys limited to their room so it’s not in the main living area. Prep meals so you don’t spend so much time cooking or cook easier meals. Ask your husband to be responsible for the garbage and other simple tasks to lighten your load. Im a single mom of 5 in school full time. It’s hard to stay on top of it all.


I don’t have a husband to help out around the house. It’s overwhelming at times. My kids are getting older so it’s easier but it still sucks. We use paper plates. When I’m in over my head with laundry I use a laundry pickup service. They charge by weight so I wash the heavier stuff myself and send the lighter stuff out. I’d rather pay a little extra for things like that and maybe not get to spend extra money on stuff I want than to spend all my time at home cleaning and not get to enjoy my kids.

It’s called…your husband lives there too, and he also needs to help with the housework and chores! You aren’t doing one single thing wrong, I promise any working mom who says they can do it all, without help or stressing is LYING!


You can’t do it all. It’s not possible while working. Your husband HAS to help. Hire someone to come in once a week or twice a month to do the deep cleaning. You AND your husband take an hour or less each night to wash dishes and pick up and hire someone to come in and clean. It might cost around 75 bucks but it will save arguments and your sanity. If hubby doesn’t want to hire someone he can do what he expects to be done.


Hire a cleaning lady once a week. Preferably one who does laundry too!!! A little clutter disappears as kids age, so ignore it most of the time!!! Lol.

6 kids, 2 rabbits & a dog. I work 40hrs, my bf works 50+ hrs.
Load the dishwasher every day and run it when full. Nothing in the sink at the end of the night. A minimum of 2 loads of laundry a day. Never leave a room empty handed (because there is always something in a room that does not belong there) each day has a designated chore, such as Tuesdays: fold laundry (cause I can never fold the minute it comes out of the dryer), Thursdays: rabbits cage, Wednesday: sweep/mop, & so forth.
Set up daily chores for the kids to help.
Getting into a routine is difficult at first but once you get in it, it won’t seem so overwhelming.


We just clean little by little at my house. Granted its never fully perfect or immaculate but when you work full time & have children thats impossible unless you hire someone but that’s pretty pricey usually

You’re not doing anything wrong this is how life is at times especially in your situation! I say if it’s bothering you get a cleaning service comes once or twice a month other then that keep on trucking mama

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Your not doing anything wrong. Your absolutely winning! My house is the same. I don’t know your finicial situation but I invested in a dishwasher and honestly never looked back. I involve kids for 2 hours per week on general cleaning and the rest well, it’s not dirty it’s just messy but I guess we’ll get there when their older ha x

Do a load of wash every night…clean one thing before bed…ie vaccum Wednesdays, clean the bathroom on Friday…little bits help so u don’t have a “cleaning day” it will take u a little while to get used to it but so worth it. I have been doing it for years, and I have a 10 ur old and a 4 ur old… Also teach the kids how to do chores, ur 6yr old can vaccum!

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Shout yourself a dishwasher that’s one job always done for you might lighten the load

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I hope husband helps. And if he doesn’t then he has to

I take out a bag of garbage, start a load of laundry and do dishes every night before bed, throw in dryer and unload dishwasher every morning before breakfast. Invested in 3 extra laundry baskets so kids each have their own basket for clean clothes that they can carry to their bedrooms. They don’t HAVE to get folded but I don’t want them piling up on the couch either. Designated cup for each person that just gets rinsed out and reused after each meal all week. Designated day for different chores so it’s not overwhelming (I do kitchen on Tuesday nights, vacuum and do bedding Wednesday, clean bathrooms on Sundays). Divide chores with hubby but make it clear who is responsible for what so one person isn’t slacking and just waiting for the other person to do it for them. Also, highly recommend a “chuck it bucket” (aka my fuck it bucket). I have a wicker basket at the bottom of the steps for all the random junk I find around the house (toys, books, art projects, chargers, shoes) and kids know that if something sits in there too long I throw it away. “Important thing belong in important places” so if it’s been in the chuck it bucket for a few days you obviously didn’t really miss it or care about it enough to put it where it belongs.