How can I stay on top of housework with a full time job?

I work full time my husband is disabled and tries his best to do things around the house but can only do so much. I pickup every night before bed, load the dishwasher after dinner, fold clothes while watching TV, clean the bathrooms 1 day each week right when I get home. I clean my floors after everyone goes to bed. My house seems to always be some what messy. I don’t have the money for a cleaning person. Lately my house is wores cause my husband had 2 surgeries in 4. week. One being a knee replacement . So I have had lots of appointments. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed I just want to cry. Ugh!

Enjoy life. You and your husband are in the prime of your lives. Enjoy each other,and your children. Dont worry about a spotless house. Dont let life pass you buy because of house and lawn work,because one day youll turn around,and your kids will be 19,20yrs old,and gone ,young adults,in college or working.


I always had my kids in bed at 8:00, when they went to junior high it was 10:00, high school they had to be home by curfew then into bed for school nights!
It’s the only way you keep your sanity

Absolutely not. I’m a single mom of 4, I deal with depression anxiety and ptsd. It took me months to get into a routine. Work on one space at a time. Just keep telling yourself I got this I can do it.

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Is Hubby concerned, uncomfortable?? Try letting “unnecessary…” things “slide…”?
Hire a house cleaner who will change the bed sheets & also wash, dry & put them away, not a big deal as the cleaner will already be there at least four hours, $140.00? minimum.
Reduce the number of toys available to your children.
Dishes go in, the dishwasher not in the sink, time to educate all household members.

Maybe a house keeper would help. Once every 2 weeks

Put the kids to bed a 1/2 hour earlier and use that half hour to get some things done!

I pay someone 75$ per week to come and clean my house and it has helped so much. I sacrificed lunch at the office and a daily Starbucks and it more than paid for itself. I know not everyone has the means for that but if you do and all it takes you sacrificing a convenience somewhere else I say DO IT! It saves me a lot of sanity.


Don’t beat yourself up over this, you’re trying your best…on your days off maybe get a family member or friend to help you out and get caught up, pay them for a couple of hours at least once a week. Don’t worry too much about all that mess, it’s ok to ask for help, don’t compare your situation to other “wives” that don’t work as much as u do.

Unfortunately even if it means staying up until midnight after working all day, I clean the best I can

Have you tried doing it together? Cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.

Nope not alone. Just chalk it up to experienced good. It will change eventually. You can’t keep a straightens house with children that young. Just live and do as you can. Don’t sweat it

You are definitely not alone

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I am having the same issue. It’s so hard.

Split shit 50/50. No softball or family visits until it’s done. Make it a once a week thing. 6yr old can pick up his toys and help too

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Nice that you don’t argue over in laws

I get feeling overwhelmed some weeks. So the best tip if you do it, wanting to feel soo ahead and better about your home and health. Wake up 1 hr earlier to knock out some chores. Because come nights end its too tiring and no one wants to do it. Before kids oh heck no dishes in the sink over night. Now I rarely tackle them the night of. It’s always the next day. But you can knock out tons in 1 hr before your usual wake up. Laundry. Dishes. Vacuum or sleeping. Laundry folding! Fridge sprucing. Bathroom spritzing. You could wake an hr early 3 times a week and feel Ahead again.

Hubby and I work full time, we clean our house daily, I don’t understand how people don’t have time.

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I feel ya honey!!! My house is a mess husband don’t help do crap!!! I can’t do it all

Hi hun I don’t even work…I have a 6yr old, a 4yr old and a 16yr old living here… plus 2 large dogs… and well my house always looks messy… even if I clean…it stays that way for 30mins the most aha…it’s not easy keeping pristine with kids…I just clean up before bed now and try my best to do at least 2 loads of washing a day :heart: best of luck and don’t be too hard on yourself…

My trouble is my Grandson and his toys😩

Can’t stress it too much. Just as long as it ain’t actually dirty. Team effort

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I stay on top of housework with a full time job?

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I stay on top of housework with a full time job?


Your house is not a museum. I have a 26 yr old, 22 yr old and 18 yr old. How i wish they would leave their shoes in the middle of the living room, their wet sports jersey’s in the washer and empty snack bags under their bed.
We both worked full time and yes it was rough. Keep the toys in one play area and play with your children. Make simple meals where everyone eats and cleans afterwards. Paper plates are easy with adults! Parents, take turns with the laundry or one separates and washes while other one drys and hangs/ folds clothes. Early bed time for kids and after an hour, parents to bed too.


Your six year old is big enough to clean their own mess, and another thing that will help is making one room a play area for the kids that way you’ll have toys in one room and not all over the house. After eating, everyone wash their own dishes. And for the laundry, pick two days out the week to wash. One put the laundry in, and you both fold together it goes way faster that way. Hope this was helpful.


Sounds to me like youre kicking ass mate! Give yourself a break from the pressure. It doesn’t matter how much housework you do there will always be more. Just do what youre doin :grinning:


Your house is not for display… Its a home and it sounds like its lived in. You family time is more important than the dust under the couch, who cares if you are wearing a day old outfit. Put the wash in and catch up another day on the deep cleaning.


My 6 year old unloads the dishwasher for me and then I load at night. I also take 5-10 minutes every night to put toys back in their rooms. I start a load of laundry in the morning, when I get home I put it in the dryer. My husband does cook though 3 nights a week which is a huge help. We eat out on Tuesdays and our weekends are crazy.


You’re not doing anything wrong! Taking care of the house is a full time job and there’s just not enough time in the day. It shouldn’t all fall on your shoulders. Both parents and older kids should be helping. And hire help once a month to do the deeper cleans like bathrooms , base boards, etc. a chore chart could help to assign everyone a job. Also putting a reminder in your phone to do one load of laundry a day. Just try different things but don’t let a messy house keep you down! It’s a sign of a well lived life!


I firmly believe that if two people work full time they should have a house keeper - one who also does laundry!!


Its impossible * for you to do it***
But… there is a way.
For Gods sake hire a cleaning lady… they are really not all that expensive and its an invrstment in peace of mind.
I work with my cleaning lady… but thats what works for me. You will both have to work together to " pick up" the night before she comes… but …thats OK :ok_hand:. Eventually the kids will be able yo keep their own rooms clean… the house will get caught up and its well worth the cost. Mine comes every other week for a few hours. Has made an enormous impact on how the house looks and feels. Im proud of my home again …and thats priceless


Hard to do. Simplify as much as possible. And may have to hire help once in a while. Or settle for a little messiness for a couple of years until your kids get older. Spending fun time with your kids and enjoying your family is more important than a spotless picked up house.


Possibly you or your husband feel that hiring help is “showing off”. I know my ex husband felt like that. But one year I told him that the young mother I wanted to hire needed money for Christmas, and it was true. He relinquished his feelings at that, and she worked for us for about 5 years until she was able to get a job at a bank. Best thing ever, probably extended the life of our marriage even though it didn’t save it.


That’s kind of reality, things won’t always be like this though, the kids will get older. Ask for help (from the kids too). Watch some minimalism videos on YouTube, they helped me very much, learning about what to do about clutter.


Hubby lives at home too, so he should contribute. 6 year old can help stack dishwasher, wipe dishes, keep their own room and play areas clean, put their own laundry in the basket, help make simple meals, set the table. My mum made me start helping her when I was 6 and it set me up for real life when I moved outta home.


Cut yourself some slack… it’s totally normal. Be sure your 6 year old has chores to help out with, like unloading the dishwasher. As the kids get older, it will get easier! My teenagers now do their own laundry. It’s awesome. :slightly_smiling_face: You’ve got this. It’s okay.


My husband and I work full time jobs opposite shifts and have no help and no daycare…People should know you lIve there I try and do things at bed time or making them play on their own… Don’t sweat the small stuff mama… As long as you and the kiddos are happy and healthy it will all be okay


Hire help or
Allocate time, have a chore roster for you, your husband and son to do . My family cleans our home Friday night, early Saturday morning.
I Do want to get in hired help to do bathrooms / mopping ect


hire some one once a week why do we have to do it all and be all. Cannot afford a cleaner… barter or trade for one. ask hubby to pay half the cost…or hire a sitter and cleaner and have a date nightout.


Pop load of washing on while cooking dinner, hubby does homework/general pick up - rotate each day.
Then one does dishes as other hangs out washing - also rotate
Then both bath, dress and put kids to bed. Enjoy your hour or two down time before bed.
Allocate and hour sat and Sun for everyone to do chores around the house.
Hire a cleaner if you can afford


We hire help. Every other week we have a lady come clean, catch up laundry, and iron. It “buys” me a clean house - but also quality time with my kids. I’m already short on that, so it’s priceless.

Other than that, my husband is in charge of keeping up the kitchen and I’m in charge of keeping up the laundry. If my laundry is light, I help in the kitchen - and Vice versa.

I save special projects (cleaning out a closet etc) for a weekend. I also take off one day a quarter when kids are at school to get a few big projects done.


I would get someone to help even if it’s just for the true cleaning or laundry that way u just have to do keep up. Worth the money as everyone less stressed


Clean as you go, tell kiddos if they want to play with a different set of toys they have to put the current toys away where they belong, do small loads of laundry throughout the week to avoid the big pile up, sweep and mop every few days. It feels like a lot, and like it’s too much but keeping up really makes a huge difference at the end of the week. Start small, like cleaning dishes as soon as your done maybe alternating cooking/cleaning days with the hubby especially if you both work full time. Try to split it up, having a sit down conversation I think would help a lot too. Good look babes you got this


My husband and I alternate taking the kids somewhere Saturday mornings. Then the partner with the “morning off” will deep clean the house and get some self care time in…during the weekdays, try to clean as much as you go as possible and take 10 mins to tidy with any downtime available. Some days/weeks are better than others, but life’s crazy and as long as the major stuff gets done, the rest can wait til our Saturday reset day :woman_shrugging:t3::heart:


It sounds to me as if you have your priorities very much in order. Family, kids, career, even scheduling quality time alone with your spouse. Most folks forget that bit and it can end up costing dearly. I agree with most of the people here. Hire a cleaning person. It may seem like an unnecessary luxury, but it is not. Look at your budget and see where it can be cut on places to afford it, uf necessary. Starbucks, lunches/dinners out? Maybe you can do without them. Chore list for everyone to keep it livable, including teaching the kids to pick up and store toys when finished with them alternating laundry nightly with your husband, and a professional to do the heavy lifting periodically. Most importantly understand and forgive yourself for hiring them! You are doing everything right, but don’t feel bad that you are not doing EVERYTHING. Big differnece!


I feel for her. I remember how frustrating it is. If I could go back, I would let the dishes sit, use disposable and spend time with the kids. No one ever remembers you doing dishes or cleaning, but they remember story time and walks.


Had the same set up when my kids were little. I hired a local. HS girl to come in after school before we got home. She would pick up toys , empty the dishwasher and dryer. I always ran the dishwasher before we went to bed… put a load into the washer and a load into the dryer. Just having the dishwasher and dryer empty when I got home was a HUGE psychological boost. … I didn’t have her clean and she only spent maybe an hour and a half or less….


I believe we expect perfect homes but it is impossible with full time jobs plus. On Sunday I wash early in the a.m. 2 loads priority clothes for Monday. Each night i wash another load until complete. I wash dishes as soon as i use them and make cleaning a family activity. Vacuuming and moping are done once per week and toys are pur in place as soon as kids are finished playing with them. I plan what will be for meals on Sunday so I can prep the day before for each. So sunday evening i prep for Monday then when i arrive from woek there is less stress. On Saturday i relax. No cleaning at all no cooking at all just family and personal time. Saturday is a great day to hire a house keeper. Hope it helps. Enjoy life relax through it all and smile as you do it.


Me and my boyfriend are definitely 50/50 and sometimes it leans more his way. I’m a stay at home mom but he still helps out because he knows kids can be tiring… especially 2 toddlers…and knows I can’t always do everything


It sounds like Ur actsjwlly pretty awesome,give urself a pat on the back Ur doing bloody good, hubby could do a bit more but in general once u have kids things are hard gdpod but hard xxx


Sounds normal to me. Don’t be so hard on yourself. If finances permit hire a cleaner. But seriously its ok to have a lived in house!


While you are settling the kids after supper, let HIM throw in a load of laundry. Laundry does not need any attention while HE does the dishes! I call it common sense, a woman calls it multitasking!


I bought enough clothes for two weeks for my little one and I so that I can do her laundry one weekend and then mine the next weekend. Helped make it a little less painful.


Enjoy this time…houses don’t have to be tidy all the time…kids will remember the time you spend with them not the toys or a clean house…all to soon they will grow up and won’t want to spend time at home and their friends will be everything


Wow, it’s amazing how many people are saying “hire someone.” <<Nothing against it, just shocked. I’ve never known anyone that has hired someone to clean their homes.
I’m in the same boat, both me and my husband work full time, my husband usually 50-60hrs/week.
We have a 3yr old and a 1yr old, it’s impossible to keep up with.
Thankfully my husband is amazing and cleans up after putting our 3yo to bed while I’m still getting the little one down.
Teamwork between the two of you is important. Once the kids are down, do chores together, it’ll get done faster.
Get rid of some of the toys you don’t need (that’s what I keep telling myself anyways).
Donate one of your weekend days to getting other things done you couldn’t get to during the week.
I’m guilty of doing laundry only 1 day a week, but because I can never get it done and folded on a weeknight.


Relax. They are only little for a minute. Enjoy them. Someday your house will be spotless but really, really quiet.
Memories are way more important than dishes or laundry.


We had the same dilemma. So we decided to hire some cleaners. They come in and do our floors, bathrooms and kitchen which make our lives so much easier. If you can do this, I totally recommend it.

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I’m in the same boat I’ve a 4yr old 3yrold and 11wk old house always look like a tornado had hit it but I really don’t care it’s a home not a show room cut yourself some slack x

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I have a 10-8-5 year olds along with me and my husband working full time. He does the meals When I work late I do meals when I’m home early. They have chores but the house is still clutter. We do the essentials every weekend and one extra thing. So house is always clean even if clutter. We have one day for friends and family the other is our cleaning day :joy: we do it little bu little but we have a lotttr of clutter with three boys :joy:


Get your husband to pitch in like he should be? If your expected to work full time and do all the house stuff so should bloody well he! X


Okay you’re both working hard…is there any spare money to hire someone to come in daily to clean and tidy up for you?


Chuck a load of washing on every night hang it in the am get the kids that can help with folding the dry stuff to help make it a game get them in on loading dishwashers or washing dishes right after dinner vacuuming 2ce a week is fine Sunday and Wednesday, turn cleaning up kids toys in to a game , even if it means spending an extra hour up at night and get hubby to take on the outdoors chores and join in on the games


I deep clean 1-2 rooms a night and tidy up the others. Can’t do an entire house in 1 day on my schedule either. I had a card game for my son when he was younger you might like…the # on the card was the # of items he had to put away in his room. I usually had 10-15 cards and at the end his room was cleaned and he had fun doing it.

Donate things that are not needed. It will eventually make the task house work easier.


Hire a cleaner once a fortnight to help do bathrooms, floors etc I did and it’s been the best help ever taken so much pressure off both of us.

When I was raising children I did my best to budget for housecleaning. We would always pick up and do dishes the night before😃

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Doing nothing wrong. Small kids create a lot of mess, it won’t last forever. Once they grow up the clutter decreases and the work changes.

  • Your six year could help with small tasks.
  • if affordable maybe a cleaner.

Just some suggestions. But you are not alone.

I would say do a full clean every 2 weeks instead of family every week

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I would have a list for the 6 year old, with incentives that would motivate him, watching his favorite show, a special treat, etc. Also do one load of laundry every day so it won’t pile up on you and become overwhelming., and share found it with hubby… you wash- he folds …

Whenever I’m tired from long work weeks or whatever I have going on and the house is dirty. I always think about my kids and say “ They deserve a clean house”. Sure it’s not always perfect, but as long as they don’t have to live in dirty clothes or a stinky house or step on everything, that’s a good start.

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We always had the rule in our house that I loaded the dishwasher. Now the kids are older and they each have their set of chores because we both work full time. Our 15 yr old does laundry while the 13 and 11 yr old sort. The younger 2 do the dishwasher.

My daughter turned 16 this week and has plans for her life that quite rightly don’t involve me :grin: I just decided to rearrange the living room and found balloon with 11th birthday on it, a cartridge from a game console that no longer exists and ive emptied my hoover twice.
I’ve also found 2 pots she made at primary school and a notebook where she wrote a story about our family so my advice is to chill now and tell yourself every forgotten corner/box/cupboard is filled with memories. And dust! You’re doing a great job mum :clap:


One thing I did (4 kids) was put a load of laundry in at night when I was on the way to bed. Throw it in the dryer in the morning for 30 min & finish it up when kids go to bed (with hubs help). I always washed towels/wash cloths/dish cloths together, same with undies & such & dried completely (don’t care about wrinkles). Ran the dishwasher at night, had a kid put away silverware & anything else they could reach that wouldn’t break. Paid them each 50 cents to either vacuum, dust, wipe the table after dinner. Not perfect, but it helped! :two_hearts:


Maybe hire a cleaner once a week.
Its hard to keep on top of everything.
Teach your children they must pack away their toys after play or they dont play with them.
1.5 year olds can pack away their toys as they are pretty smart.
Set aside 2 hours once a week where both of you do the house work.
Just a thought :smile:

Hi lovely! Hopefully these comments have made you feel little better that you’re not alone and that a home does not need to look spotless! But since the both of you are working full time, maybe you could each put away $50-80 a week and hire someone to do a clean. There are many trustworthy cleaning companies out there and nothing beats the feeling of coming home to a clean home :blush: also the idea that we got to have everything perfect and tidy while working incredibly hard and raising kids is a silly idea we’ve created socially. Don’t be too hard on yourself! And it’s okay to get some outside help :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Im not sure if it has been suggested but what about turning the more simple job into a game and include the kids ie pairing socks, washing up their own bowls ect. We do it to music and dance at the same time. Please try not stress though it sounds like you have a very busy life and you are doing the best any mum can do :grinning: x

Unless you agree to work as a team, then you’ll never get on top of things. Luckily for my wife, i enjoy the cleaning aspect and don’t mind doing dishes or laundry. (And yard work, and windows and vacuuming) And ignore anyone who says “as the wife, you should expect to do more”, that is total ancient sexist crap. My wife works harder and brings home work with her, so as her partner in all this, I recognize that and pick up the slack, and we’ve taught the kids to earn their allowance by doing chores. I wouldn’t waste money on a housekeeper…we never did. (Unless it stresses you out that much.) divide and conquer together and get your oldest involved…even if it’s learning to put clothes away or loading the dishwasher.

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Laundry I used separate colored hangers for the kids clothes so as I was sorting I would put them on the hangers for the right kid. The six yr old can be putting some of their clothes away. The husband can put his own stuff away. Maybe have the family visit you and entertain the kids and you can get a few things done.

Children don’t have to have all these toys your talking about. Take control. When you get up throw in a load of laundry. Start them either before or after shower. Fill kitchen sink, let dishes soak all day. They will be easier to do when you get home. There are a lot of meal that don’t take much time to prepare. Before your meal run warm soapy water in your sink. When clearing the table, take all the silverware throw them in the sink. Take plates and bowls to trash can scrape off excess food. Place in sink. If you do dishes right away they will be a lot easier. Before meal put morning laundry in dryer, start another load in washer. Your husband should be able to help.

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Your oldest is old enough to start putting toys away before bed.
For your youngest you can start to teach your baby to “clean up” with a song.
Dishes, wash whatever once you’re done using it. Its hard to remember at first but once you do it you won’t stop.

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We both work didn’t t have a cleaning person,kuddoes to you if you can do that.i discovered a few house keeping tips that may help…*Do a quick check when ever you leave a room to pick up items to go in another room
*If you don’t t have 1 get a d ishwasher
*cut back on your specialized cleaning products & go with something that does multi surfaces(use a spray bottle to mix your own safer cleaner)…(peroxide,& dawn dishsoap with water are an excellent cleaner for everything from counters kitchens,bath & floors…
*when making meals double batch & set one aside for freezer( this will really help when little ones get bigger & your life gets more hectic)
*create a laundry launch pad for laundry …each person has there own basket/ as items are cleaned put in basket & take for both to fold while recouping after supper
*my latest fav fav thing…purchase a robotic vacuum…( even though you can run it when no ones home if it gets stuck on something or trying to vac up something that fell ,it could burn out your vacuum… & its cheaper than a maid)

You can’t stay on top of it because you both work full time and value your family time and relationship. Unfortunately the way the world is it forces us to give the majority of our time to a job just to stay afloat.

Your house is messy because you live there and you’re putting in so much effort to stay afloat and keep your family close. You simply don’t have the time but please don’t feel ashamed of it. It’s not your fault there aren’t more hours in the day!

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It’s impossible to do everything yourself. If you are both working full time then the home/kid workload needs to be split as well… you’re helping to split the finicial burden of your lives He needs to step up and help with the other half. Period.

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Clean my house app. I swear by it. I paid for the upgrade (like 2$) and thats life long not monthly. Set your own tasks at your own times. I genuinely love it.

Your house sounds like a home for your family. I felt much the same as you but with older kids. I have always gotten kids to put their own stuff away ( well hound them to) now hubby and I are both working we either on sat or Sunday morning get everyone involved in tidying the house while ill do bathrooms and hubby does any washing we don’t get to during the week. That way it’s only a few hours of work

We work full time. But i have a 6 years old… he can put his own toys away, take rubbishes out, keep his own room clean… your son can help out with things that’s easy for him putting toys away make bed etc. 1.5yo can help by putting toys away. You need to show them… my son at 1.5yo puts his toys away and always try to take our dirty clothes and put them in the basin etc. Look up what 6yo can do… everyone that lives in the house need to help out… not just you or hubby… you both are a team… you both work etc… i would always do the bathroom and toilet etc on Friday nights just so i can do family thing on the weekend. Wash clothes at night unless you have solar.

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Hire someone to do the housework! Or put things back in place as soon as you finish using them. Put dishes in dishwasher and wash when you have a full load.

Ur the most beautiful adult wife mom in these kids lives… if u both work consider getting a cleaner use a crockpot get a hobby so u can have timeout… it takes time but u will get there… husband and wife is a partnershio… enlist his help

You’re not doing anything wrong. Growing up my mom was a stay at home mom. She would clean the house, take care of us kids, cook the meals, do the laundry, ect… When my mom started working full time, my mom and dad started splitting the chores. My mom works crazy long hours. And she will come home and clean one room of the house each day. And dad will work on the laundry and also clean a room of the house. They each make their own dinners because they have different dietary needs. And on the weekends since all chores are done, they get to have fun. I understand that with having littles it’s a little different. You’re always going to have little messes, and there’s nothing wrong with that! All you AND your husband can do is work together and do the best you BOTH can do. Marriage and raising babies is a partnership.
Also, there is nothing wrong with a house that looks lived in. It shows that your children are having fun being kids and you are spending time with them! Enjoy the time with your babies! Because before you know it, they are gonna be grown! Time goes by so quickly! My son is about to be 10, and I feel like just yesterday he was a tiny little baby toddling around. Wanting snuggles and bed time stories. Cherish this time with your babies!

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Your kids could help, or at least the 6 year old can help. Start him out with some easy things. Help with dusting, putting away his own laundry, picking up toys. As time goes on and they get used to helping, you’ll find other things they’re able to do. And when the younger child sees the older child helping, it may encourage him/her to pitch in as well. It’s a great way to spend time with your kids and teach them skills they’ll use later in life. And ask your husband to help as well. Make up a chore list of things that need done and put down one person to do that job for the week. That way one person isn’t doing the same thing all the time. At the same time, remember that your home doesn’t have to be perfect all the time. Don’t get too upset if dishes don’t get put away immediately after they’re washed or laundry doesn’t get done in a day or two. Happiness is key.

If you can’t afford a cleaner split the chores during the week 50/50 and on a Sunday afternoon do a deep clean together after you spent time out as a family create a roster if one person cooks the other person does the dishes . After the kids are in bed work as a partnership and do a chore each

It sounds like you guys may want to consider outside help if it’s possible? My husband and I had to hire a lady to come every other week and deep clean so that we can have more time with our toddler. Best investment we’ve made hands down!

My old rental was like that me and husband worked 5 days a week he sometimes on weekends i had to come home bath kids make dinner bedtime i struggled most of the time. I sometimes did uber eats cas i was buggered from cooking dinner. And weekends was washing galore and tidy up time. My son whos 8 did his tous packed away and he helped me put the clothes away for him and his sister

I have a 3 year old, 2 year old and 9 month old …and my partner works 12 days away …my house is hectic …but I leave everything until they day the both of the toddlers are at daycare to mop fold iron clothes etc

You are doing a much better job than me!!! I do not clean up before going to bed… Just too tired after 12 hours working as a nurse…

Seperate your/your husbands work clothes as a priority load and you can wash them quicker since it would be a smaller load and then hang dry if you don’t own a dryer. I started using those big home depot 5 gal buckets for small toys even though my daughter has a bunch of stuffed animals in her toy chest and standing shelves. I started sorting things that were too small, not being used at all for donation, makes laundry a bit easier as well.

Your six year old is old enough to start simple chores. My daughter’s daily chores are Cleaning up her toys at the end of the day, feeding the dogs, and bunny. Getting the mail and wiping off the kitchen table. Every week she has to clean her room and help me with some laundry.

Shit has been so much easier having her help us so that we only have to do big stuff. I’m honestly about to add dusting onto the list. She gets to earn some piggy bank money and it’s a few less things I Have to worry about.

It’s really hard , I can remember always be cloths to fold , towels to wash , cook dinner clean up and spend time with family , go to bed so tired and the next day start over , with out help from the other half you never get it done ! Sorry I could not be of any help !!

I wouldn’t worry about it. These things will still be there when your not. Your looking after the family and working, any wonder why you get behind. Your not on your own though.i used to cooked a couple of joints at once, say chicken, some meat. Chicken and chips with tinned veg, gravy mix, (cos I can make gravy). All you have to do next day is spuds for meat…put a couple of extra items in washer every time, might cut down onit.