Can’t keep up hire a housekeeper
A clean neat house is a wasted life
Do a chore chart for everyone
Not much you can do…learn to live with it.
Get some home help.
Pay a house keeper 2 hours a week
You are not alone… it’s life😊
I would say, firstly, list all the things that must get done, prioritize and cut out all the additional steps - example - laundry - sorting, washing, ironing, folding, stain management, all takes time - my ex was very picky about his work shirts and slacks, but would would wash/ rinse his underware while showering, and would always hang his towel to dry… taking his work clothes to the cleaners saved me 2 loads (so an hour) in washing/drying, and another two in ironing, my own underclothing and most blouses dresses were rinsed and drip dried - so only maybe 4 loads of wash a week.
Groceries shopping and cooking - meal plan, shop according to plan, meal prep, and plan set and forget meals. Meal clean up - paper plates cut down on at least an hour of dish washing - use livers for crock pot and insta pot, or line backward with parchment and foil - chiscare - if the children are cared for in the home, why is the caregiver leaving a huge mess?
Ditto!! I just have to be ok with it… literally nothing you can do, other than take 2 weekends a month and clean, instead of doing other activities. Prioritize your time. Take a few hours after the kids go to bed every single night and both of you do the house work. Get up a few hours early every morning and do housework. Literally the only thing you can do is get less sleep, or do less activities on your days off. I mean quite literally that’s it. Other than hiring a maid. That’s also an option.
Hire someone to help you
Get a house cleaner even if it is once a month. Put every thing away as that is not her job but there is nothing better than having everything clean!! Make your 6 yr old learn to put toys away when done playing with and the younger one can learn as well. Organization and family responsible goes along way.
One room per day with the odds and sods ongoing
I clean houses for a living, most of my clients are in the same situation as you. That’s where I come in to free up more family time, and give them a clean home. You are not alone my dear.
Watch hoarders your house is clean
Get a cleaning lady. Saved our marriage.
I had to make a schedule when I was working full time. And that’s what helped me and my husband. We sat down together and made it.
Organization, a schedule, have others help.
Tell him to get off his ass and help out.
Hire a maid u both work
Because you are trying to do it by yourself. You have a husband that should be helping too or just hire help
Get a dishwasher. Get up an hour earlier on the weekends. Put a load of laundry in the washer and put it in the dryer before bed … fold in the morning. Have your 6yr old help. Set aside one hour per day to devote to picking up and cleaning the house. You will be amazed at the difference
Bc your husband should be doing his share too!
He’s not pulling his share
What great feedback!
Your husband needs to help out. He lives there too. I don’t know why men have to be asked or told to help out.
Like you said nothing is dirty dont worry x
Buy a dry erase board
Write chores broken into 10 minute or less -
Put away
Air dry
Put away
And accomplish so much more, while allowing your spouse to know what still needs done.
Take turns !! M W F mom baths kids/ dad does dishes, T Th Sat dad baths kids/ mom does dishes . . Etc
Don’t be too concerned with housework! Your kids are only small for a short time
Honestly? You can’t. And that’s okay.
Sounds like there are 2 adults in that house…
Then dryer before bed
Its EVERY WORKING MOTHER:heart: Some just pretend well, or has a cleaning service visiting on the regular.
Stop being so hard on yourself - you’re doing a great job mama
You have a job, you can’t stay on top of it.
Prioritize your time, make sure your husband helps you, make a schedule.
So you both work the same amount, but only you cook and clean?
He needs to pull his weight, the reason you can’t keep up is because he’s not helping.
My suggestion is an “easy fix”. Don’t feel bad about getting a cleaner in once or twice a week! I know stay at home mums who do this.
I always leave 1 day to do all my house work for the week. And if I happen to get backed up on washing clothes, I will just wash dry and fold 1 load every night after work.
Can you afford someone to come in once a week and he should definitely help you
I’m a house cleaner. I’ve had my own business almost 4years and most of my clients are in the same situation as you . Enjoy your children because they do grow fast. Get a house cleaner to come in and take care of the mess. Most of my clients have me come in 1 day every other week,some once a week or month. Price check around. Just know that you’re doing the best you can and if you need help,it’s well worth it to have stress free family time
Tell your husband to get off his lazy ass and help you around the house… marriage is team work, you work together to create a home and family, if he says housework is women’s work, throw his ass out and find an actual man not a little boy, an actual man understands what team work is… problem solved.
Both working? Pay a teenager to come by every Arvo after school to help tidy. They got them some pocket money, you got less stress. You’d be surprised how much a teen will work for cash
I mean… sounds like every family I know of. This isn’t the 1950’s. You aren’t a stay at home mom with nothing to do but pin up your hair and smile while you wash the windows every single day. Your kids are fed, clean, and happy. You’re spending time with family and friends. Your getting shit done that needs to be done. That’s enough.
If its really THAT important to you, maybe look into hiring out some of the chores? Having someone come in once a week for heavier cleaning, or even paying someone to do the laundry could be a burden off your shoulders. Maybe hire someone to take care of yard work if that’s something both of you dread. Get creative. YOU don’t have to do it and there’s no shame in using the money you work hard to make to make your life easier.
Single mom of 3 and full time 3rd shifter here. I just do it, tired as hell but it has to be done! I save the outside work for the weekends!!
The 6 year old is old enough to do simple chores. Hubs needs to either stop spending his time on softball or step up and help more. Visiting family if it’s all the time needs to stop so y’all can get the house under control then take baby steps from there.
You can do this.
I did it alone during deployments with 3 kids and no help.
Just breath, make a plan of attack and tackle it one step at a time.
I do dishwashing/ cleaning the house/ garbage disposal/ a driver/ wife does the cooking/ drive her to groceries because she doesnt drive.we both have FT jobs a daughter.
Sounds like life to me we’re parents not miracle workers I suggest maybe finding a cheap house cleaner just somebody to come in once or twice a week straighten up the house maybe do a couple loads of laundry that would help a lot
At my house the washer does the clothes washing and the dryer does the drying. Laundry is easy.
Have you tried meal prepping? It’s a lifesaver!
I’ve never had this argument but once in a relationship EVER. And he learned real quick that my job (an hour drive away and 12-14 hours a day) I couldn’t keep the house perfect, cook him breakfast, have lunch ready in the fridge, and come home and cook dinner but have laundry and the house perfect. He didn’t complain again after I cleaned everything and he had to microwave himself food.
Instead of visiting family, tidy up?
Can you afford help? Maybe just the laundry?
Consider hiring a house cleaner to help you get caught up and then maybe have him/her come twice a month or so to help you stay caught up. Once the kids are older, I’m sure it will be easier.
Do the shit after work like every other married couple that work full time jobs do
Any chance your husband can get away from his weekly softball game and help you…
Learn how to manage your time. Many people work and keep house!
Get a housecleaner to come in every 2 weeks. Problem solved.
Hire a housekeeper/cleaning person for a a couple of hours per week or every couple of weeks.
Help her out man damn
Housekeeper once a week… Lifesaver!
Get yourself a cleaner problem soloved
Hire a Housekeeper !
You are lazy and not organized.
That’s life sweetheart!!
Double income- hire a housekeeper
Welcome to happy loving family…don’t stress do your best
I pay $73 a wk for someone to do it for me. (I’m in Australia). Bf works full time and I have 2 jobs and I’m pregnant and also have 2 teens. Housework? What’s that?
It’s called ‘Family Life’.
Hiring a weekly cleaning lady was the best decision ever. It was so much when my sons were playing sports year round and my then husband and I worked full time. Now,I live alone and still have the same cleaning lady. The money I spend is worth the time I save.
Dedicate every other weekend to stay home and clean, TOGETHER!!!
Become a housewife
I was told to do one room a day when I had little people, so the house gets done in a week but its not such a huge job everyday
What is your husband doing to contribute to the housework? Maybe assign each of you tasks for the week like he picks up while you cook or he cooks and you do the bedtime stuff.
i’ve realized picking a task for particular times of the day helps best !
And everyone needs to participate.
make the kiddos pick up their toys at the end of the day, hubby can do laundry and you can do dishes etc.
i make a habit of after dinner dishes get washed.
pick ONE day for laundry and stick to it.
and usually sundays i take the time to do a quick mop and sweep. can’t tell you the last time my house had a DEEP clean ( saving for a day off )
but the house stays relatively ok.
You are not doing anything wrong , maybe your husband could help.
You both work, have someone to come in and clean once a week
Get your husband to pitch in like he should be? If your expected to work full time and do all the house stuff so should bloody well he! X
I hired someone to clean. I would rather make money and pay for someone to do the things I can’t/don’t want to do to do the things I like to do.
Does anyone have any good cleaners around
Our house is always untidy, not dirty but always things out of place. With 2 kids and us both having full time jobs its never gonna be a show home; and we’re ok with that. Our kids are happy, fed, clean and loved and that’s what matters most!
I work full-time, I’m a student, plus I have 2 kids with no husband.
I am HUGE perfectionist. I had to teach myself to let things go and it doesn’t always have to be done my way. Also your 6 year old can help. I don’t pick up after my 6 year old anymore. Haven’t in like 3 years. She even puts up her own laundry.
I enjoyed my kids when they were small but 12/6 now really helps me.
Hire a housekeeper twice a month to help you stay on top of thkngs
Have you tried Marie Kondo? For me, it was life-saving. I was going onder with all the mess. Now my house is tidy and clean. And I also work 2 jobs and have 3 children.
When my kids were little, I had the most energy in the morning. I picked one thing each morning before anyone was up and moving and cleaned. Laundry was done daily and before the kids went to daycare I had done at least one load. In the evenings after dinner, dishes would be loaded into the dishwasher and run. Hubs would unload the next day.
Is there something wrong with his hands that he can’t help you clean? You both work full time it should not be in you too do all the cleaning. Marriage is a partnership be partners and work together to get it done
Short answer: you can’t. My kids are 12 and 13 now, and my fiancee and I both work full time. I can’t afford to hire a cleaning service to come in regularly, and I’ve accepted that mess is part of a busy life. Between kids sports, trying to balance family, and everything else in between, sometimes things stay dirty longer than they should, but it gets done. Don’t stress and enjoy those kiddos!
My spouse and I both take 15 mins a night to power clean together. Keeps our house pretty clean. It’s not perfect my any means but it’s not as crazy!
Honey, the traditional 40+ hour work week was based on someone always staying home. Since you work also, do not beat yourself up. Housework is a full time job in itself. Its never done no matter how much you do. Im a stay at home mom and its still never done. Maybe try to take a day or 2 off to get caught up and relax then try a new routine where you and hubby trade off, and get the kids involved in cleaning. Ive had mine doing house work since the age of 2. Its never to early!
You are not alone!! This is motherhood! Invest in a house cleaner! As the kids get older teach them chores, your 6yo can do a lot, they can help you with laundry, pick up their own toys, pull a chair up to the kitchen sink and have them help you dry dishes as you wash them!
I do one big clean on Sunday’s (kids help) with sweeping/mopping etc and then my husband and I tidy up on Sunday nights. I stopped bothering during the week - unless I’m working remotely that day. It’s helped my stress levels immensely and honestly my kids play with the same toys almost every night so if we don’t put them away they just play with them again the next afternoon.
We do do a quick pickup sooner than Sunday if we have company and I empty the sink nightly and wipe down counters each night.
Hire a cleaning company.
Hire someone to come do the big stuff, like scrubbing bathrooms and changing sheets. Incorporate laundry into your daily schedule, even if you have to get up 15 mins earlier, and go to bed 15 mins later. Fold laundry, or straighten, or put away clean dishes while you do homework. Wash dishes while making dinner. Hiring a cleaner to come on Mondays while everyone is out is a great way to encourage Sunday evening as a pick up and organize time. It forces you to find the time because the cleaner will be there in the morning and everything has to be in its place for them to do their job. Have your 6 yo help with chores, before bath and bed he has to pick up his toys. He can do that while you clean up the kitchen, and your spouse gets the bath ready. Then while your spouse gets baby ready for bed, and your son bathes, you finish straightening downstairs. Then it’s up to say goodnight to the kids and both you and husband clean up the bathroom, or fold laundry, or put things away. After school/camp your son has to clean his bag out and put his belongings away, and then he has to go pick up 10 things in his bedroom to put away too. It’s just little things that you work into your daily routine. Everyone has to participate though. Don’t settle for less.
Well your 6 year old can help with the maintaining of the toy clean up. And just pick one room every night and maintain the kitchen. It’s rough sometimes but if you guys work together it’s really not that hard - things don’t have to be perfect but if you set aside 25 mins specifically to cleaning. You’d be surprised how much you actually get done.
Hire a maid once a week and create a daily chore lists you can do before work and when you get home
Can you afford to find a reasonably priced person that you can pay to help you with the housekeeping? You can find someone & pay a small hourly fee. If you can afford it, then i say your problem is solved and your life made so much easier!!
I have a 4, 6 and 9 year old so I get it! As being a mother I’ve learned you don’t always have to pick up rite behind them. Let them play, let the toys stay on the floor. Pick up 2x a day, one being after lunch and one before bedtime routines. Also we have a toy room and usually don’t have/keep toys downstairs. Sunday is also our deep clean day which includes the kids help also.
My biggest issue is keeping my white walls clean with having 3kids of my own and 10 nieces/nephews that come over
The best thing I’ve found with my spouse and a crazy 3 year old on keeping up with the house so you’re not overwhelmed all in one day is each day my fiancé and I both dedicate 15-20 minutes to a specific room in the house. Usually the kitchen and living room because that’s where we spend most of the time as a family. My 3 year old is responsible for her room all the way down to taking out her trash and putting away her clothes (with supervision and a little help of course) but most days him and I will rotate who does what room which is mainly dishes from that day and wiping down counters and quick sweeping up after our 3 dogs. Living room is just sweeping vacuuming and tidying and little stuff and I do laundry throughout the week as needed so I don’t have it all staring me in the face one day. It allows us to spend days we have off together doing more stuff together and less cleaning
Because it sounds like you’re doing it on your own. Rotate “mom duties” with him. When one of your are cooking, the other is cleaning. It should not be your job to work full-time, cook, clean, laundry, and kids. That’s not how parenthood works.
Hire a house cleaner lol. Our household is exactly like you just desecribed, only we have 3 kids. (8, 5, 18mo) We have a maid service come every other week or once a month depending. It’s helped a lot. We try to clean as we go as much as possible but with 3 kids and a dog it’s just not always possible. The money we spend on that has been worth not feeling stressed out or drowning all the time.
I have a maid come in twice a month! It’s a life saver. And I pick up the house the other days.