How can I stay on top of housework with a full time job?

One thing that’s helped me clean because I’m ADHD is setting a 15 minute timer every couple of hours and pausing it if needed but doing all the work I can in 15 minuets in one area
It helps me

It might be beneficial to take a pto day and just clean and organize?


Same problem. My 8 year old does help some but it often becomes a fight because the 3 year old makes most of the mess but she is the most difficult at getting to clean unless it’s her idea to help. I work opposite shifts as my husband so we only see each other a few times a week. (He’s days and I’m overnights). He also has 0 initiative so I normally end up nagging. We try to make Saturday mornings yard work and pick a night we are all home to tackle a room. Still needs work.

Unless your cleaning and washing naked, and eating elsewhere, housework is never done. Ease up on yourselves and try to take a little time each day to pick away at the biggest issues, then there isn’t so much to try to tackle at once.

Guess you’ll have to do it on the weekends and plan activities around it

Do a room a day after work and try to pick up some in main rooms daily make a scheduled day and stick to that room I struggle with staying in one place to finish one room but I’m getting better

Are your kids healthy? Are your kids fed? Are your kids happy? You are a good mom. Life happens. Your son is old enough to help some, make it a game when you guys are spending time together. I’m single with 3 pets, have a full time job and love my free time. But, my home is not perfect. It sounds like you are doing your best! Keep up the great work, mom!


Teach the kids early that they are expected to help. 6 year old can pick up toys and do simple things like take his plate to the sink after a meal. Takes a lot of teamwork. Don’t beat yourself up over it.


Housekeeper is all I can say. Life’s hectic just have to roll with it. Things could be worse but you got this. Maybe have the 6 year old help I know not easy to get them to do. Make it more of a system give him rewards . At the end of every week special surprise? Otherwise I’m not much help sorry


Just do 1 thing at a time. Such as pick up and wash all clothes each night for you and hubby can vacuum one night.

Just do your best to keep up and try not to stress it so much. If your kids are happy and your home isn’t filthy, you’re doing amazing.

I’m a sahm with a 3 and 9 yr old and one on the way and I cant keep up either. Most of the time I say fuck it. Idc

Get a cleaning person…I thought everyone had one these days.

No only in movies they stay in top

Try getting dishes loaded every night(or morning and everyone do a 10 min sweep of the house for what’s not in place. How about adding cleaning your own toilets on Friday or Sunday night ? Littke things add up. NO CLUTTER ALLOWED AT BEDTIME!


Sounds a bit one sided. What does hubby do?


Give the kids chores as they grow according to their age.

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Sometimes as moms we focus too much on trying to keep everything neat and tidy rather then just enjoy being during that moment.

Maybe make a chore list! Do certain things certain days- maybe the 6 year old could help! My four year old loves to sweep and swifter!


Your life sounds like my life; I dedicate one day to cleaning, only to have the next day dedicated to making it a circus.
I think we need to teach our kiddos to lend a hand at a young age. We also have a 6 year old, and I’m to the point where offering up a small allowance for chores/ trip to the dollar store for some minor help around the house may be an idea

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Those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind. One day your hour house will be clean and quiet and you will miss this.


That hour you spend with your husband… you take half of it for you BOTH to complete a chore.


You need to spend a few days getting it all caught up and in order so that it’s an easy straighten and wipe down and done from now on.

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I wait tell my family goes to sleep and I stay up and clean the whole house up before bed every night. I have gotten faster to over time! I work 8-5 plus I clean houses and office buildings after work. Meaning I get home about 9, I take a shower and eat then I clean and go to bed about 10:30. Sunday’s I dedicate to cleaning and changing sheets and laundry. Hire someone to come clean for you every other week, I do this for LOTS of people in the same situation as you and it helps them out so much

At least once a week plan a meal you can make in the crockpot. It’ll give you a break from cooking, as well as cut down on pots and pans while cleaning up.

Go through the toys you have accessible for your kids. Leave the toys they play with the most accessible to them, and put the rest away. When they get bored with the toys they have readily available, swap them out with the toys stored away. It cuts down on clutter, mess and boredom.

Give your 6 year old small jobs around the house. If you’re doing laundry, have him fold wash clothes, or match socks, and put his own laundry away. My son started helping me with dishes around that age too. He put the silverware and food storage containers away.

Most of all don’t stress about it. I work part time and have a 13 and 9 year old. My house is always in a state of disarray.

These are all small changes, but can make a big difference.

I have a new mantra I repeat a lot “Don’t put it there, go put it away”. I also implemented the “don’t go into or out of a room empty handed”. If I’m going from the dining room to the kitchen I take a quick look around and gather stuff that needs to go in the kitchen and take it there. If stuff needs to go up stairs or in the basement I set it on the stairs so when I go up/down it is right there for me to grab. Work smarter, not harder. Baby steps and you will get there. My house is never spotless and I’m ok with that. It is clean and mostly picked up. Lol

They’re young, you’re working, you’re not a robot

Take a deep breath girl!!! As long as your house is clean…all too soon the clutter will be put away and replaced with a clean quiet house. Make sure that you are filling the now with great memories!!! :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

Live your life with shit everywhere. One day your kids will be grown and your house too quiet, don’t stress it.

You cant stay on top of it because you work… fulltime! I do too, so absolutely NO judgement. Maybe a house cleaner might be helpful? I had one for a while, and boy was it nice having someone wash my floors!

Did I miss that your husband helps??? If he doesn’t then it’s his fault the house is messy. Why argue he should clean too. Happy

I’m a single mom with a full-time job AND a part-time job AND 2 kids AND 2 dogs. This just sounds like pure laziness. I take care of all of us, got to sports, the grocery store, garden, do laundry, cook hot meals twice a day and tend animals. My house is immaculate.


Stop looking at it as messy and call it lived in!!! I have 4 kids and 2 of them are teenagers 2 are toodlers. I only got so long before there all gone and I will miss every mess they make


Yes this is just not possible to get it all done tried wired myself out do daily things and hire a cleaning company to come out once a month to do things you can’t get to you work full time and deserve that for yourself and your husband my daughter does this and her husband has someone to do yard work once a month!!

I would get a cleaner twice a week find a way for u both to work it into your budget it will be worth it

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My husband stays at home with the kids while he goes to law school and I work full time. Our biggest arguments come from chores and keeping the house clean and taken care of. We would constantly fight over it up until the point where I had to leave him detailed lists of exactly what I wanted done bc his excuse was he doesn’t know or he doesn’t have my eyes. I came to realize instead of always fighting about it, I hired a cleaner to clean the house regularly. Best thing I ever did. Now I come home to clean home and he doesn’t hear me screaming at him. I get to rest on my off days instead of passive aggressively cleaning. Only thing he does now is take trash out daily and make sure dishes go in the dishwasher after cooking/eating. I usually do laundry and he sometimes helps fold and put away when I ask him. Important thing is developing a system that works and keeps marriage healthy. If your both working, getting a cleaner will save ALOT of headaches!!!

Hire someone to clean 1 day a wk.

It will look like that until the kids are old enough to help out. Just stay on top of the laundry and dishes and you will be fine. Oh, and I recommend finding an activity for yourself since hubby has softball—you shouldn’t have to do it all. He can clean when you are out too!!

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Your doing nothing wrong. Everything you are doing is normal life. Catch up on long holiday weekends, vacation or when the kids grow up and move out. It’s a wonderful life enjoy it.


Okay so you said you cook dinner and pick things up, what’s your husband doing at that time? Can he do the dishes while you cook dinner, and put a laundry load on while you pick things up?
Also your 6 year old is absolutely old enough to tidy their own things away.

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Been there done that!
Here are somethings I did that worked for me.
Went down to 4 day work week, Tuesday- Friday.
On Fridays I would grocery shop on my way home from work, Friday dinner was always leftovers, sandwiches or call in pizza, then one day a week I prepped and cook food for the week in order to easily warm up food for dinners (less mess and time in the kitchen while working the other days)
Pre-selected my work clothing and kids clothing for school - in my closet I had each outfit hanging with accessories and under clothing and stacked the children’s school outfits in their closet including underwear and socks (they would just grab the stack for that day.
First thing each morning I would throw one load of clothing in the wash machine and dryer, fold and put up when I got home. On the weekends I only had bed sheets, towels and wash clothes that needed to be done.
Kids and husband on the weekend with dusting and vacuuming.
Good luck!


You need to stop worrying about things like that. Make memories no one’s going to remember you for having to clean house. Plus you have children, children and clean houses are very uncommon to come across

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Ma’am I am a stay at home mom and currently only have one child and have a hard time keeping up. Even with treating my cleaning schedule like sidework at a restaurant. The fact that you come home and tidy up after a long day at work makes you a saint! I would suggest making a “chore list” for you husband and 6 year old. Just small things for the kiddo that will help teach importance of cleanliness. I also try to do one load of laundry a day to try and keep up even though it’s impossible lol deep cleaning every quarter helps with all the stuff that gets messy but you forget about like walls baseboards and under appliances/furniture. But don’t beat yourself up, you work full time and need to make sure you’re meeting your kiddos, husbands, as well as YOUR needs and that comes before a spotless house.

Pay for a house cleaner. It’s the only thing that has kept my sanity. She comes every 2 weeks and it gives me a hard reset.

Get rid of the idea on how others think your house should be like. I have an 8 year old and 3 year old. I have my 8 year old clean her room, and gather her own laundry and toys around the house. If it doesnt make it in the basket then it doesnt get washed. My 3 year old is actually a pretty good helper. She will help me gather all the laundry and she even helps me put up laundry. She likes matching socks. Now does it take longer to clean when she is helping, sure. But she is also learning to be a helper. My 8 year old might complain but she does it anyways. I also started them young though at about a year old (they would put the clothes in the laundry, one item at a time). Make sure you are having your own self care day as well (mom shouldnt be the only one doing all the work). If you do small things through the week, then you dont have much to do on the weekends. Just being okay with the mass chaos is when you will find yourself unstressed. If your husband is getting upset, then you need to communicate that you cant/ shouldnt have to do this on your own. Communication is important.

My husband and I work full time on a 2/1 roster 84+ hrs a week. We have 4 boys at home. We make sure everyone knows there jobs that need doing on a daily basis. Also we try to allocate 1 day of our time off to do a big house clean. Definitely getting everyone to help out will make things easier on you

Honey you have rich people problems ! Teach the kids to play in a certain area. Any toys outside of that area gets taken away. Any toys not picked up after play time before gets taken away . If you keep taking them away and put them in the box so that they can’t play with them once they run out they’ll learn to clean up and put things where they belong . Do you still need that everything has a place . If my husband doesn’t pick up his shoes did they get relocated to the garage. Teach them why they’re young. Start cleaning during the week instead of leaving it for the weekend! Stop visiting other people if your house is not put together. Every time you go to someone else’s house (every weekend) your household chores get behind. Divide cooking, cleaning the kitchen and the laundry between you and your husband since the kids are too young to do it right now. As I stated before, don’t wait till the weekend to try to do it. One parent goes to the sports practices while the other stays at home and get some housework done. When you decide to have children just know that it’s a lot of work but it can be done!

Honey! I am a single mom working full time and have 3 kids 2 cats and a home to keep up with. My house looks clean maybe 1 or 2 days a week, but that’s not counting the closets that need cleaned out, the cupboards that need reorganized. It’s stressful. I cannot keep up with it either. Even with the 3 girls helping out there just too much to do and not enough time to get it all done. I don’t mind though. On a day off I may get to one of my special projects but usually I’m exhausted from working all week and cleaning the main areas is enough for me. It is what it is. And I’ll keep up the best I can, but we live here. We make memories here, we eat and spend time together here. My home looks lived in. At any point in time you can walk in my house and see that our lives are in motion.
I personally try to think of it as a reminder on how lucky I am to have 3 healthy beautiful kids who are able to make messes.
It doesn’t get my house clean, but it sure does make me feel better about the mess.

You make it work. Sometimes the house is a mess. The kids don’t care. Invite friends over. That’s when the great housecleaning takes place. You might find shoes in a kitchen cupboard the next day, but you got it done!

Me and my boyfriend don’t even have kids and our house looks like the depths of hell. We both work over 40 hours a week and with it being the summer season, we can’t catch up. We come straight home, eat then die. Days off we’re gone to see family, friends, date nights… canadian summers are so limited
I’ve learned to just accept the chaos instead of wanting to rip my boyfriends face off over it. I try to clean a room a day to keep it from getting over whelming, but I’m truly waiting for a civic holiday (3 days off in a row) to really properly deal with my house :sob::joy:

both work full time and can never get time to do housework only bits and bobs after both being on our feet all day we need to rest once home. I feel like the only ones who cannot keep up its so stressful :weary:

Get your husband to do 50% of the work…he doesn’t want to?? Stop doing any work!!! Give your child reasonable chores…pick up your toys, make your bed, clear the dishes etc.

If there is any way at all you could adjust your budget to afford some cleaning help, do it. It is totally worth some other sacrifices.

Don’t be so hard on yourself, someone told me once that children don’t remember how tidy their house was they remember how mutch time and fun they had with their mam and dad the things they got up too all the memories stay with them all their lives. And the time flies by so fast, I wish mine was small again, but doing a full time job, keeping a house, and children to look after you’ll look back on this and wonder how you did it but you will, but like I said, stop being so hard on yourself, you can only do your best which I think you are. :+1:

Get a
Cleaner in for a couple of
Hours a week to do the things you struggle
Most with. Toys round the house isn’t the end of the world but you can teach the kids that they can play with anything as long as they put it away when they are finished. Six year old is big enough to have chores like taking the trash out or helping take the dishes to the sink., putting dirty laundry in the basket, making his bed etc. Try to clean the sink while the meal is cooking and throw in a load of washing then too. It only takes but a moment. Also - big thing- hubby should be taking his share of it ALL

You both work more than full time. Hire a housekeeper to dust, clean the kitchen, bathroom and floors. And do NOT try to be a supermom. You need a strong and loving partner. I taught full time for 40 years, raised two sons, had a large vegetable, and for 18 years a spouse who believed that I should have a hot dinner on the table for him when he came home from his second shift job, and do ALL the child care and housekeeping while he mowed the lawn and watched television. It was so much easier to enlist the kids after the divorce…and I finally got a full night’s sleep!

My friend who had three would cook on Sunday enough meals for suppers all week and freeze them then everyone could enjoy each other after work. Put the plastic plates in the washer in

First of all… Is your husband helping in any of the household daily/weekly “chores”?.. If not, then it seems like you have a third, hopefully somewhat better at keeping up after himself than actual children) child on your hands… and that is not fair at all. (Esecially if you are getting into arguments about it not being able to be done). Second of all, I continue with the rest of the majority (it seems): you’re house is being lived in, used for its main purpose (keeping a safe roof over someone’s life and loved ones and belongings) it’s perfectly okay for that to show throughout it on a regular basis. Give yourself a huge break, no one should be expected to be “perfect” :dizzy_face: (and maybe ask him (point firmly out to him) to do something to help fix the “problems” if he doesn’t like seeing them around anymore and you are doing as much as you can and still staying sane (or just enough!))

We were working 40 hrs per week, but we live in Delaware and worked in Philadelphia. We left home 4:30 am to be at work by 6. When we got home sometimes about 8 PM, I had to cook dinner and wash dishes but he went to bed and I stayed up and washed clothes. I cleaned all night on Friday because he worked part time on weekends. It is hard and your body gets tired but a lot of my friends have somebody come in every 2 weeks to clean

I had 9 kids - once my kids were old enough, they knew how to play a part in keeping the house tidy. They had assigned chores that changed weekly, once they were 12 they learned to do their laundry. At 61, I now have a cleaning lady because although I’d do it myself, my back says nope.

Actually it’s entirely possible. This comes from a mom that works full time and goes to college full time. You just have to set up a schedule. Have your husband clean up during the times he gets home earlier than you and other days just wake up an hour earlier than usual. I feel that at times we use the term “Oh I have kids” as an excuse and honestly I think we need to stop. I see other people’s cars and houses and at times it’s disgusting. Had a friend of mine where there was weeks worth of dishes in the sink and toys and trash everywhere and roaches.

No your only human. The struggle is real. Time management is hard. Work /home life balance is hard especially if your job is exhausting. Honestly if everyone in the house can just do one thing in the house daily I think that will make you feel less overwhelmed and everyone is helping.

Do not worry about it. We are the same. Both work, twin 8 year olds. They somewhat help, but not really. I honestly do not care. I do what I can when I can. As long as it is not filthy or gross. I call my house “organized chaos”. Do what is right for you. I do not stress over it. My motto is: if you are coming to visit me, cool. Come on over any time! If you wanna see my house? Make an appointment… As long as my bathrooms are clean and kitchen is kept, the rest is secondary. Laundry gets done on Sundays but I always have loads waiting. Lol. Oh well… life goes on. Good luck. But honestly. . You will be fine. If your husband doesn’t like it, he can help. The minute my husband starts moaning, I hand him a Broom, vacuum or something. Guess what?!? He shuts the hell up and suddenly, it’s a non issue. :slightly_smiling_face:

Start off by getting rid of junk… This includes kids toys… They don’t need all that crap and you’re at fault for buying it needlessly. Next teach your kids to put their stuff away… If they are old enough to take it out they are old enough to put back. If it’s bad then you need to prioritize and keep a day like Sunday as a family cleaning day. Everyone works or is single parent working with kids. We all got things on the go. It’s up to you to make the time. It doesn’t take long to clean at all. Just gotta have less stuff and make the effort. You can’t tell me you don’t have an hour before and after the kids go to bed to do somethings… Yes ok you want to relax, but this is the real world and work doesn’t stop at the job… No we have homes to run also. Just make the effort.

I worked for years and raised a family and kept house. You have to make time to do it. I always cleaned every 2 weeks on Saturdays for 2 hours (w the exception of cleaning the potties twice a week) and kept the house picked up so it always looked clean. Dishes always get done as soon as the meal was over and no dishes are ever left in the sink. My husband was real good about doing the dishes for me, as he said the cook should never clean…(what an angel, right).
Always put stuff away after use and immediately throw out all junk mail. I did laundry on Fridays and laid it out flat on the dryer and had everyone fold and put away their own clothes. You need to get the son to take his toys (when he is through playing with them) and other stuff to his room and put them up. I bought groceries one a month and just stocked the pantry and deep freeze. That cuts out a weekly chore right there. A friend of mine did it a different way…she would do one chore each night she came home from work while keeping the house picked up. The hubs should help out because you help make the living, but if it is too much, consider working a part time job instead, which is what I did. That way, I was able to pick up my son from school each day and had more time to do things. To me, it was the perfect balance. But with all this being said, hire a maid if you just can’t manage it.

A house cleaner or time for hubby to step up to the plate. He can do dishes, do laundry,and pick up toys. Cleaning the house is a family job not just the woman’s.

So you are listening to those that say you can do it all have it all. As you have clearly stated, no you can not. Something is going to suffer. There are only so many hours. Figure out what is most important. What makes you the most money and what gives you the most time? You also need rest dont forget to figure that in.

Hire a housekeeper weekly or biweekly. Studies have proven that women have higher stress levels at work. It doesn’t get any better when we get home.

Hire cleaners to come once a fortnight to do the heavy lifting. Makes such a dent in the work!

Be a stay at home mom with two little ones. They’re being raised by strangers. Problem solved.

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I make dinner, clean everything while I let my kids play (3.5 yrs & 2yrs), then we do our bedtime routine whether it’s bath then pjs or just pjs (they take a bath every other night since my old has sensitive skin), then they have a cup of milk and watch a movie with all the lights off to wind down and then they go to sleep, I’ll do whatever is left after they’re asleep

Don’t worry I’m the same and I’m a full time stay at home mum I feel like I’m constantly cleaning and tidying and getting no where :roll_eyes:

I tell myself, used dishes mean i cooked for my children, toys around means my kids had fun, ect. You have young children, it’s difficult but your doing great. Don’t beat yourself up. Try to use this time to teach your young ones to help you. Make it pleasant though, no yelling and getting stressed or your kids will hate cleaning. Also it won’t be this hard forever.

« Dont put it down put it away » anything that takes less than 1 min, do it right away
Ask husband and 6 yo to contribute, you cook, he cleans etc
And last option is to get rid of stuff you dont need

If you are both working full time you need to split the home chores equally between you.

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You are carrying more than half the load. Make one area the play zone, use rubber baskets to collect kid detritus. Everyone can do “ten second tidy” when things are too messy. Consider getting a cleaning service once or twice a month. It is not reasonable to expect, or be expected, to be a Donna Reed mom when you work full-time outside the home.
Don’t be a General - ask hubs what he thinks is a workable strategy for doing what needs to get done. I bet he is, and knows he is, dumping too much on you.

Everybody needs to help that lives in a household - Everyone ! They live there - they help on the weekend to do any housework before play time or visits. You should not be the only one being the work horse and the rest playing all weekend !

Kids wont remember the iron pjs or the dishes in the sink or the dust on ur tv but they will remember the stories u told the walks u go on the silly games u played. Make fun happy memories

“You can have it all” is a myth to a point- you CAN- but no one said you’re supposed to do it without support. Hire a cleaner. It will change your life

If you’re trying to do everything at one time you’ve already failed. Do smaller more frequent chores

Have the children put toys away before they go to bed everyone put dishes in the dish washer after there meal every one should use laundry baskets in there rooms teach them to vacuum once this is accomplished your life will shine

It’s team work. Hire someone to clean or he can skip playing ball & help you wth y’all house work

In my time, mother was expected to do it all and not complain. Sons were raised to expect wives to follow this. My brother used to come home and go through the house leaving first his shoes in the kitchen, then his jacket draped over a chair, next his socks and shirt on the stairs and finally his pants somewhere between the top of the stairs and his bedroom. My mother had to retrieve all of this. And instead of teaching him not to do this, she sent him on to a wife, when he married, with this habit well ingrained. Bet there was some heated discussion in that household.

There is a lovely lady called the fly lady. She breaks everything down into manageable bits. Look her up x

Yeah i agree with most people here… Youre doing your best and that counts the most. Kinda sucks two full time jobs arnt enough to give you cash flow for a maid service… Or takin less hours a week (giving you free time) would probably financially destroy the family… But hey this is America… Lol

Get a cleaner. If you are working that many hours you can probably afford to get some one to come in for an hour or 2 a week.

There are 168 hours in a 7 day week, if you sleep 8-10 hours that leaves 98 hours left for work and cleaning, if you work 50 of those hours then you have 48 left over for playing with kids, baths, tidying up the house. With your husband on board that leaves 96 hours to accomplish those things. Why would you put all your effort into work and not take time to ensure you and your family are cared for and have a clean nice home to enjoy? That just sounds lazy to me. Get motivated and take care of your business. Caring for a home takes two people. Each should have responsibility to do that. Including kids. Messy home will keep you unmotivated and feeling overwhelmed. Take 3 things a day and start there. Then maintain it.

You simply dont, I recently started back at work full time, with a child of 1 ½ yrs and now a 8week old puppy, the house stays in order apart from some washing building up and dishes in the sink and then on my day off I blitz the house. Clean as you go to some extent and leave the big things for a day that you actually have the time… I’ve actually found my house is a lot cleaner since starting work because no ones in the house to make a mess in the first place ahahah​:rofl::rofl:

You’re doing fine. Maybe a chart with what needs to be done and what your spouse is willing to help with. A 6 year old can help also.

buy a bigger dishwasher and find a nice we sport activity as well … so he will have to share or … or you walk away !

I remember those days and I feel better now being stuck home the last year with my kids/being full time homemaker/stay home mom vs my previous 8-10 years at an extremely physically demanding long hours job… housework is a full time job on its own. Your doing amazing don’t feel bad mama you’ve got this your doing way more than you realize!!
Looking back I wish I’d found a way to hire a maid or something lol
When I go back to work I will hire help for some things because it’s too much if you want to relax when done with work and enjoy your family etc also teaching my kids to help with a lot of the chores helps too doing everything together etc it becomes quality time together switchingover laundry and putting it away etc or doing dishes together with my six and nine year old. Reorganizing and putting away things… developing healthy habits of putting things in “their place”… We like the bonding time while doing chores together now that I’m home this past year. I used to think I had to do it all under radar while working full time… but now I know it’s family time not do it all myself time. :heartpulse::kissing_heart:

You will find a maid is cheaper than eating out

Check out “the organised mum method”. Once you’ve done a boot camp it’ll help you stay on top of everything.

Don’t worry about it being perfect. Your spending time with what’s most important. Your family. In the long run, the kids will remember time spent with them. This comes from someone who stressed with clean house, time spent with the family. I was always stressed. When my kids talk about their youth, they only talk about what trips they went on, time spent with them. Now their grown, understand the stress that we went thru to make things work . Messes will always be their, your kids won’t Choose family.

Show homes are not happy homes. Just battle on.

It’s normal to not be able to keep up with housework. Enjoy your family time.

Pick one day on the weekend for both of you and ur 6 yr old to clean

Dad needs to step up! Get rid of half the toys. Teach your kids how to help out!

Teach the 6 year old to help pick up

this too shall pass. Sounds like a typical busy family life. Don’t stress the small stuff. And remember…dull women have immaculate houses!

Maybe your husband should do half the housework