How can I talk to my exes girlfriend about wearing more clothes around my child?

Why is everyone so worried about this? I wouldn’t care if my sons step mom walked around the house in a t shirt or tank and panties. Heck even a bra and panties is the same as a swim suit. What kind of half naked are we talking about?


So what’s the difference with you taking him shopping and seeing half dressed women?

This is some you need to accept she is obviously very comfortable with her body so you need to leave it alone.

It seems to me your the one with the issue an using your son as excuse


Stop being jealous. Your son is going to grow up seeing women dress how they want too.


So, do you not take your kid to the beach where people are literally half naked? It’s her house and it’s summer. Let it go.


This post is disgusting!!!:grimacing::unamused:


Yeah Im going to have to agree with all the other women, its her house sweetheart. You dont have a say in what she wears. Would you expect someone to tell you what to do in your house? Well if the answer is no, then you have your answer on what to do :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


Are all the important parts covered? Yes? Then you don’t talk to her about it. Because you do not get to police her body.


My question here is how the hell do you dress around him? I get your his mom but so long as the woman is not fully naked what does it matter? It’s hot as hell outside.


No offence, but you need to grow up! :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:


Teach your 4 year old that it is normal to be comfortable in your home. That’s her home, she is dressing how she’s comfortable. I’m sure you do the same in your home.


Girl… it’s her house. She probably looks good!!!


Its pretty simple… you dont… and you mind ur own.


I’m a chunker and I’ll walk around my house in a sports bra and shorts :woman_shrugging:t2: I’m comfortable enough in my own body to do it so I’ll do it. If someone came to my house and asked me to “cover up” I’d literally laugh in their face and ask them to leave. I’m saying this in the kindest way but ya gotta mind your business girl.


Her house, her rules … she can wear whatever she wants, as long as she is not abusing your child there’s nothing you can do…


Plz stop being jealous cos he got someone new.

Literally what she wears in her house is totally fine.
How many times has your son burst in the bathroom when your having a wee? Or walked in when your getting dressed. Dont go telling me never either children dont understand privacy when mine was little trying get a private bath was hell.
Bodys are natural don’t be ashamed or embarrassed worst shit u can do and teaches kids the wrong message

You don’t. Your child isn’t effected by how she dresses.


Oo look, I think they’re your insecurities, let’s not take it out on how others are comfortable dressing.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I talk to my exes girlfriend about wearing more clothes around my child? - Mamas Uncut

Small Children do not sexualize bodies,
try not to do that yourself , especially in front of your child because you are teaching them to sexualize bodies.
We should never mention anything about anothers person’s appearance. Unless its a Genuine compliment.
Please don’t teach your children to body shame regardless if it’s not as modest as you would like, to modest, about their size, or even colered hair ot tattoo’s, anything. If it’s not your choice or style, that’s fine but unless you’re giving a compliment they do not need your opinion on their choices.
Children learn to judge and bully by watching their parents, their siblings and those closest to them.
More parents need to do better at teaching our children understanding, acceptance,
How to agree to disagree because we don’t have to be all the same to still be friends.


Best way? Leave it alone or talk to your ex and tell him your concerns, let him deal with it. It’s a very touchy subject. But if your child isn’t uncomfortable then the issue belongs to you. Best of luck!


For a group that’s supposed to be supporting each other, you guys sure are nasty when you want to be!


I say if your looking for a war you about to lose. Don’t blame your 4yr old with your insecurities. He’s 4! You probably the same type to talk bad about the other woman. Leave your child out of your drama you will only regret it later.


If your son was hitting puberty, I could see why you would be concerned. But 4 year olds do not look at women in a sexual way.


Unless it less than a modest swimsuit (covers her crotch and tits) than it really isn’t any of your business. Personally I don’t like scantly dressed individuals that look like hookers but I have no right to tell them what to wear, or not to wear. Sounds like a personal problem


Firstly: YOUR FEELINGS ARE VALID. I also have a 4 year old son, and although this situation might make me feel a little uncomfortable, that’s her house and I know my 4 year old would be unbothered. I trust his dad to create an environment where my son is safe and comfortable. In this case, I would address my feelings with myself lol I don’t think speaking to his dad will help; it will look like you’re just trying to control everything and you truly don’t have a right to control those things at their house. You will need to accept that there will be some things you don’t like that happen at dad’s house (I know, it’s hard. I struggle with it too)


STOP SEXUALIZING BODIES TO TODDLERS. My toddlers can walk in on me changing and not say anything or even notice I am not sure why people aren’t normalizing the human body in a non sexual way to TODDLERS​:weary::weary::weary:


You just said it yourself,makes you uncomfortable.Not that the child has mentioned it.If its a thing for you then make a plan where you dont have to see the women at pickup.Otherwise not your home or body to tell others what to wear just like it wouldn’t be hers to tell you what to wear.


Kind of depends on your definition of “half naked” tbh. If she’s just comfortable in her own house then you should get over yourself. If she’s literally walking around in just underwear then explain your concern to both of them, she may not even think about it because he is a child and children generally do not sexualize nakedness until they’re taught to…


I don’t think your four year olds is thinking the same way you are. Express yourself if you must. Because holding it in can cause problems as well. This is probably a good place to start. But honestly, I’m half naked all the time. I’m usually in underwear and a tank top or underwear and shirt. I just get so hot with more clothes and I get massive headaches when my body temp gets too high. Let people live and try to be understanding. But also know that your feelings matter.

I’d be str8 up we are women n when it comes to our kids face it as a women because no offence to you your just gna sound like a jealous ex that she will probly wna mock n your ex and her will be laughing about it so I’d be str8 up and it depends on what u mean by half naked but hey your his mama you know what’s right n what you have to do even if u just pull her aside u and her go on a coffee date explain cause tbh you cant really change someone if that’s how they have dressed there whole lives before your son and probly way later after your son but sending love n light mama :revolving_hearts:


I don’t get why the new thing is being half naked every single day why did that become a normalized thing? Also maybe she is doing it only when she sees you because she has an insecurity issue maybe just to upset you?


Get over it. I wear a sportsbra and panties around the house or a sportsbra and shorts on. Not one person is going to tell me what I can wear and not wear around my house.

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Unless her snatch lips are hanging out etc then I’m sorry but get over yourself. Almost everyone is half naked at the beach, hell even if she was walking around in shorts and a bikini top I say still get over it. To me it sounds like jealousy from your end and you’re just teaching your child how to sexualize a person simply from wearing what most people do? Unless she’s running butt ass naked in front of your kid, check yourself. I can guarantee you talk to him about it and he tells her you’re creating conflict. I run around in a bikini in the summer in front of my step kids. Summer and it’s hot out? Doing yard work? You bet I’m in shorts and a sports bra. So maybe just be an adult and grow up :woman_shrugging:t2: even if this is everyday attire for her…get with the rest of the world and maybe not see people for how they look or dress and teach your child how to respect a human being and then it shouldn’t matter what she wears.


Ehhhh just leave her alone ? It’s her body, not yours. I would be pissed if someone was telling me how i should dress myself. Your kids peobably don’t give a fuck, they don’t sexualise bodies at this age.

Are you inconfortable at the pool or the beach ?

And people who’s like “Talk to your ex” Yeah also no. Even your bf/husband isnt supposed to tell you how to dress lol.


Best wishes. When it comes to the ex’s house prepare for a free for all as long as cps can’t get involved.

To be honest this sounds like jealousy on your part , that’s just my opinion and to sexualise a woman’s body like is ridiculous, he’s 4 years old not 16 :upside_down_face:

Sounds like a you problem. So many women are telling you not to sexualize the body to a 4 year old like that, you may consider listening I hope! It’s her home it’s her rules there not yours. And the child is his as well so :woman_shrugging:t2:

You can’t not your home not your business if the child’s not in direct harms way

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Best way is to show up dressed the same way and then the girlfriend will be jealous of you. When your ex’s tell you to wear more clothes then you can turn the table😂


I totally get where you’re coming from. That’s your baby & you want to protect him. She sounds insecure to me. What is her attitude like, is she friendly to you or is she standoffish? I just wonder if she’s trying to do it to make you jealous? Don’t worry about all the perfect people on here commenting. :roll_eyes:


Nothing. It’s her body. Also we teach children to sexualize the human body. It’s just a body

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How about mind your own business and get over it. It seems you make petty things Into an issue for attention either that or you’re jealous the way she looks and want to act like a school girl

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You tell her that you would appreciate if she would wear more “covered” clothing around your child because it’s disrespectful and sickening that she could walk around half naked in front of a child that she didn’t birth. Hell I don’t even walk around without a bra on in front of my kids. That’s just me. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Whats she supposed to she wear to the beach :smiley:


He’s gotta see his first pair of boobies somewhere… If you had daughters it’d be more understanding simply bc you wouldn’t want the girls to grow up thinking it’s ok to let there Cha chaS hang out. But this is a boy… LET HIM SEE SOME BOOBIES!!! LoL -loving and caring father


Talk to your ex, explain your concern and let it go

Remember MY MOTHER making a big deal about women changing in an open area in a change room at a Hot Springs, and to that pt I had not noticed or cared…

Was the first time I wondered if I should be embarrassed for them? Sadly, it was not till I was much older and more secure that I realized that was about my mother and not them…

Face the problem head on

Define half naked please

Girl :unamused: leave that girl alone shes comfortable in her own home and ur kid is 4 not 14

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Unless the 4 yr old is complaining, why is it an issue?

You chicks are hilarious you think because you have a kid with a man that you’re going to control every aspect of what he does after y’all break up lol If your kid is barely 4 reality is going to suck for you for the next 14 years


Stop sexualizing bodies to toodlers, Thats a great place to start.
Please remember, everyone has bodies and everywhere your child goes in life people wont be dressed like nuns. Its best to normalize the body to our kids.
I’d also assume if youve witnessed the “half nakedness” then its probably moreso dressed than youre leading on. most people dont just wander around naked in front of people lol


Maybe your suffering self conscious from jealous define half naked. Shorts and t-shirt ??? O never hey my legs out I straight up size 4 but I think lady’s spec bigger lady who wear them have so much confidence I love to have. But I self conscious about my legs. See. If she got her moo moo out and boobs and down naked beach I get it but you find fault I. Anything she does.

Build a bridge and get over it. Decorate it. Turn it into a hobby. You’re over thinking it


What did I miss? Where did she say beach? If this lady isnt wearning shorts or pants then id say something…if shes just in a tank and shorts?? I dont see the issue.

Key words here. “I’m uncomfortable” sounds like you’re insecure with yourself and want a grown ass women to do as you say. Get over it.

Sounds like you’re just jelly :laughing: get over it.


None of your business, honestly.

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First off she should know better

Ya mind yer business ur just bitter.

You guys are all bitches, I hate this fucking group lmao. Bye :wave:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum.

Leave her alone. Shes clearly happy in her skin and shes in her own home. I’d say if anything it’s good to show you should wear whatever the hell you want x


Your child is 4, just think of the body positivity she is teaching them, can’t see your child being bothered.
If she was butt naked I’d not be happy but as long as her main bits are covered I don’t have an issue.


Get a gym membership, join a yoga group get more positive about your body issues. Some women just love the skin they are in . Oan she dresses like so because your ex likes it​:eyes::eyes::eyes:

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Honey you’re jelous l, try not to let it rub off on your little one xx

You cannot control what other people choose to do… :woman_shrugging:

It’s summer I’d be horrified if I couldn’t dress comfortably around other people. It’s not like you’re never going to take your child out during the next few months just because there will be 100s of woman in her exact same shoes, so you don’t really have the right to dictate to her what she wears in her own home. Unless of course you are planning on going absolutely no where then bring it up with them but until that point it’s just completely unrealistic and rather selfish to be honest


I think it’s so good for children to see natural bodies so I think if you have an issue with it then maybe you may need to look inwards at your own issues and deal with them XX

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Unfortunately as uncomfortable as it may make you feel, it should not be any of your concern. What they do when the child is with them is up to them and what you do when the child is with you is up to you and as long as all parties aren’t endangering the child put all other petty things out of your mind. Bite your tongue on this one.


I think maybe it bothers you what she wears rather than it bothering your child. If you would take your child to a beach or swimming pool without issue then I can’t see an issue in what the child’s father’s girlfriend wears. It would be different if it was Lacey lingerie but I’m guessing it’s just skimpy clothing


wow sounds like ur the one not comfortable for ur own reasons not that of ur 4 year old green eyes monster :japanese_ogre:


Not your house or your body… so it’s not your business.


OMG is this really the worse problem you have in your life?. :woman_facepalming:


Sounds like someone wants to carry on controlling the life of her ex. He’s your ex leave him and his gf alone she’s not harming your child in any way get over it


I’m intrigued by your definition of half naked? Short shorts and tank top? Bottoms and bra? I can’t imagine you turning up and her jamming out with her clam out in front of you…


When your son gets older and takes a squeeze at her butt you’ll get a chance to say your piece when they complain to you…relax


I mean you could take this opportunity to teach your son about respecting women’s rights to wear what they feel comfortable in without judgement :woman_shrugging:


tbh without sounding nasty unless it’s making your child uncomfortable (which I cant see that affecting a 4yo) then its ur issue and no1 elses as it’s her home her body :woman_shrugging: I’d politely tell you to jog on if it was me

Does your child bother :woman_shrugging:


Not sure how old your child is or the state of her undress…or just how conservative you are but if it’s making your child uncomfortable then mention that to his Dad - maybe he hasn’t noticed it so hasn’t thought to say anything…but if your concern is tinged with a personal bias towards the girlfriend then have someone neutral pick your son up and get their opinion…

Yall, her feelings are valid. She’s the mom and its her kid. Why y’all being so nasty to her. Learn how to give advice kindly!!!

I dont see what the issue is here, is your child uncomfortable about it? If so then maybe say something but until then I think its you that has an issue here.

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You can’t tell someone what they wear in their own home? You say half naked but your version of that could be a lot different to someone else’s. Are they actually walking around with no underwear on, or just short shorts and a tank top? Her house, her body, she can do what she likes. And unless your child tells you without promoting that she feels uncomfortable then you should stay out of it.

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And by half naked what exactly mean by “half naked”?


Unless she was in a bikini 24/7 I don’t understand? I’d think this was the time to teach your child to respect everyone regardless how they dress?

I don’t think you should comment on what she wears :woman_shrugging:t2: I don’t think anyone should comment on what anyone else is wearing!


Text her and say:
Bish put some clothes on this isn’t a strip club

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Imagine telling a grown woman how to dress her body, :joy::joy: I would laugh sooooo loud in your face and walk away


You don’t. That’s not your house and it has nothing to do with your child. She should dress how she wants just like you should. Never tell anyone how to dress just to impress you. Respect her as you’d want to be respected.


Self-respect, and respect for the man the 4-year-old is becoming :exclamation:

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Umm, you don’t. If her boobs, crotch and butt are covered, there isn’t a problem. She’s a grown woman and can wear what she wants when she wants…especially in her own home. If someone came to me telling me how to dress in my own home, they definitely wouldn’t like my response.

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Tell your ex he needs to make better choices, and moving forward, you do the same. Your issue is with the father.

So is the problem with your son or you? You mention that YOU feel uncomfortable but have you asked your son if it bothers him? And when you say half naked, is she wearing bikinis all day or shorts and a tank top, that you wouldn’t wear? Choose your battles honey. If it’s disrespectful to YOUR SON, then say something. If it’s only an issue that YOU have, leave it alone.

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Stop being a hater. Your just jealous of her body. How bout you work on yours and become confident like she is…
If she ain’t in a bra and panties, I stand by my comment.


Body’s aren’t inherently sexual. Don’t make it like that.

And that’s HER house. Mind your business.


She can be damn naked and I still wouldn’t be telling noone one they can and can’t do with they body. Even around a child. If you don’t think its appropriate for your daughter to be around, I’d be more concerned abt teaching your daughter how to sexualize people. Your modesty is just that, yours.

You say you don’t body shame, yet here we are

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It’s her/ their place if ur son isn’t bothered by it then neither should u it’s summer time I walk around in a sports bra and swim suit bottoms I don’t care it’s to hot to care I think In this situation u need to mind ur own

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