How can i talk to my son about his relationship without pushing him away?

Yeah I get that no one is perfect but there are people out there who are willing to admit when they are wrong. There are people out there who are not manipulative like his ex is. Tell him he should put more expectations and boundaries within himself. No one deserves to be lied to and manipulated. The girl still needs some growing up to do and it seems like right now she isn’t willing to be mature. Your son needs to grow up to but it seems like he might be willing to be more mature in this situation if you just let him know he should never settle for less than what he deserves. He sounds like he’s got a heart of gold but he needs to protect it a little more. I think the best thing for you to do as a mom is to let him know that there is someone out there who can be so much better for him if he just waits. Tell him to wait and see if this girl matures and stops manipulating. If he finds someone better for him he will realize how much more he is truly worth

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Sometimes you just have to let them learn…trying to intervene can have a negative impact. My son was dating a girl that I thoroughly didn’t like, I saw what she was, as did everyone else in the family except for him. However when I tried to PASSIVELY place my opinion, I was met with extreme hostility from him and it led to a huge argument that put a shadow over my relationship with my son. A few months later when he told me they were engaged, I feigned happiness for him while PRAYING that he would wake up and see her for what she was before making the biggest mistake of his life…as it turned out, within two months of their “engagement”, she cheated on him with a married man…broke up the married mans family…and my son finally dumped her. I hated seeing my son hurt, but was so glad that he learned what this girl was before she destroyed his life… Sometimes, you just have to let it play out and pray for the best outcome.

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As a mother of 3 grown sons, I will tell you to sit down with your son tell him you feel he deserves to be happy, trusted and not emotionally abused. Then let him make his own decision. It will break your heart, but you can’t protect him from the world; you can only prepare him to live in it. I went through this with all 3 of my sons. They all had to learn the hard way.

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I feel like you need to tell him what you see and feel. Explain the red flags and I agree with telling him to see it from the outside and picture it was a friend’s girlfriend doing this. I think after explaining, step back and let him learn. If you forbid him seeing her, he will rebel.


I went through the same thing with my daughter. The more I pushed her, the more she went to him. She ended up pregnant at 16. He hurt her verbally an physically (he stabbed her when she was pregnant) she finally called the police and came back home. Yes she ran away to be with him! I thought it was finally over after crying all day and night. Nope she went back one last time. He gave her herpes and beat her beyond belief. She was finally done after that. Thankfully. I now have a 8 year old granddaughter and she has moved on got married to a wonderful man and has 2 more kids. I wished things were different but my interference caused a whirlwind of events. Prayers to you and him. I hope it gets better soon. :two_hearts:

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Let it be, he will learn its hard my son is 16… it killed me to watch him but now be sees things differently and is more responsible.


Put a stop to it! Tell him it is not a healthy relationship for him or for her & forbid him from seeing her. Have him block her on all social media & on his phone. She is way too manipulative & controlling from what you’ve said here. My husband & I did this with my daughters ex a couple years ago. She didn’t like us for awhile but then got it thru her head that we were right & he was not good for her. She now knows how she deserves to be treated & knows all that drama is not good for her! This girl is toxic for your son. If he can’t put a stop to it himself because he’s feeling guilty or whatever, it’s your job as his parents to do it for him!

This all seems to be at fault of the cell phone, take the phone away and give him a flip phone. I’m sorry but I am completely against social media for my kids and I will dammed if someone is “tracking” my kid. That girl sounds like she needs some help, therapy or something.

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Honestly you need to let him do his thing. Be there when he needs you and he will. It is so hard as a mom to see your son heartbroken, I know I have 3 adult sons. I gave advice when asked for it, but let them make their own relationship decisions. My youngest was hard he fell for girls who played him a lot. He was super sensitive so seeing him in tears was so hard, but I stuck to letting him do what he needed to so that he would learn. He cried on my shoulder so much, it was hard to see at the time, but it is memories that mean so much to me now.

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I think being involved to the extent of listening to him when he confides in you with his feelings and such but I also believe you should let him learn on his own. As much as it pains us as parents to want to protect our babies it is just as important to let them live and learn by their mistakes. Eventually he will see the problems and be tired of feeling that way and part ways for good but he has to decide himself when that point is. You can help voice your concerns and all but don’t tell him what you would do or what he should do. I’m sure he’s very smart and he will see the toxicity in the relationship

Goodness how old is he!?

I would just sit him down and tell him about respect. Respect for himself abs respect to whoever he’s dating. As well as to you and the other parents of the person he’s dating.
If he’s not happy he needs to communicate that to the person he’s dating. Let him know your there for him if he needs help figuring out the right way to handle certain situations. I would also have that girls number blocked so she can keep texting him but he won’t get the texts

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We can’t control everything are kids do. But we can give them advice. If the girl is fooling around with another boy , he needs to open his eyes…but just make sure he don’t end up raising someone else’s baby.

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My son had a very similar experience in 8th-9th grade. The girl got him started on drugs and sex and lying and violence. As a mom, it was gut wrenching. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through with him. Every day was turmoil in the home because of either her or some drama she was causing, or just ways she’d manipulate and control his behavior. And she was constantly breaking his heart, cheating on him, breaking up with him, etc. Two years of that hell. Thankfully her family sent her out of state and he never saw her again. And now (5 years later) he looks back on it with regret, knowing how stupid it was to put up with her and put himself through all that. It takes time and it is extraordinarily painful, and may cause serious fights between you and him, but he will overcome. Eventually she will go away for good.

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Honestly I would stay out of it all except for the location thing. I would tell him he is not to be sharing his location with anyone but you and his father. There is absolutely no reason as to why she needs his location. Especially since she’s the one doing shady crap. This is a very toxic relationship but he has to learn that on his own.

Um until she gets knocked up and then they are all stuck with her… I would definitly have him read some of those signs of a toxic relationship like someone else mentioned u can literally google it. She sounds like she needs counseling and I would definitly not allow my son to be trapped into a relationship with her. Be crazy mom if you have to.


First of all… how old is your son? Do you have a strong bond with your son? Does your son talk to you about anything personal? Do you have an open & honest relationship with your son? This kind of controlling from anyone is extremely unhealthy. Also, teenagers will be teenagers. This is a different time from when we were young ourselves, things are different. Yes its good to let them handle some things on their own but maybe a different approach needs to be taken weather you interfere or he handles the situation. What happens in another household is out of your control. As a mom we always want to help our kids regardless of how old they are. Its hard to watch them get hurt or struggle in difficult situations. Good luck momma!

Going through a very similar situation. It is breaking my heart and the hardest thing I have ever had to do but he has to see it for himself. You have to let go. It hurts but it really is the only way he will learn. Like we all have. Trial and Error. Just be there when he falls. That’s all us parents can do is trust the job we did and the sons we raise to make the right choices.

I agree with you, your husband and your son, but at some point if a line isn’t drawn with this girl she’ll start making a whole slew of other issues for him. Tell him that kind of behavior is toxic, and the split was necessary because now they can both grow from it, and to use the broken relationship between them to learn the signs for future relationships. Tell him he’s right, no one is perfect but it’s important to realize when you’re wrong and take responsibility (meaning her and her manipulative ways) and that if she isn’t ready to acknowledge her own toxicity in the relationship, that’s not something he can force her to figure out but it’s good that he’s realized he doesn’t want that kind of relationship and that’s perfectly fine. Tell him the best thing he can do because of how toxic she is, is cut her off completely, walk away. Lose her number, lose her social media links, don’t give in to her selfishness and she’ll have no choice but to move on and hopefully one day she’ll figure it out. He doesn’t need that kinda of BS at such a young age but that doesn’t mean he can’t learn from it.

Just talk to your son. Love is blind. He may not get it now. But one day he will understand it. It’s ok to be hard on him. And being respectful to the person he is dating is different then being their friend. He will see this.

I would talk to him about toxic relationships and how damaging they can be. Let him know at the end of the day it’s his decision but definetly explain to him that how she treats him isnt a loving way to treat your partner. :heart:

Like your husband said stay out of it .Once your son is man enough he will do what he’s gotta do.Cos if you interfere than it be you they’ll attack for interfering and they will carry on with the dramatics.

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I would most definitely talk to him. Even if it is just motherly advice. Unfortunately girls are mean and can be very manipulative. Tell him to take some time away from he, maybe even block her so she can’t contact him and see how he is feeling after a few days. She is winning if he goes back. If she’s lied to him once she will do it again

My son ended up marrying a girl just like this. For 3 years I stood by and watch my son get to the brink of wanting to end his own life. He finally made the decision to divorce her and even during that, she taunted him. If you have a good, open relationship with him, you need to guide him and express how you feel. Ultimately, it is his decision.

You are way to involved in your sons business that will eventually come back to bite you in your behind. You seem to have control and maybe some jealousy issues. Let him live his life. Only get involved when he asks and listen when he needs it.

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I’m praying :pray: for you momma we just we through something like this with my 17 year old son it was extremely tiring just give him your advice and let him take it from there ,a person can take for so much he eventually would tired like my son did

He is a teenager there all drama I wouldn’t be encouraging him to have any long term relationship with anyone at that age

I say take him to lunch have an honest talk with him about how you feel and your concerns. Let him explain this from his perspective and why he is considering taking her back and whatever else he wants to tell you. You can support him with out agreeing. Who knows how long she will
Stick around and how long he will
Actually put up
With it. Yes he does have to learn but you can simply ask him What would you say if it was your brother or sister in Thai situation or when your older one of your children. What would you do. Good luck

I would tell him your concerns in s neutral way… that is, not picking her out or criticizing her, but highlighting the behavior she shows and how it can escalate in future. It’s all wonderful when you are in love in the beginning, but time makes these behaviors less bearable, and its harder when there is more at stake like a baby.

Be supportive yet understanding but keep the lines of communication open…it’s hard but please don’t give up…my son was in a situation with someone similar and he had his own place and the girl invited herself into his home …I recognized the crazy when he brought her home for a holiday dinner…I prayed on it and talked to him and discussed similar situations… because truth be told it’s a crazy world we live in and if she is showing signs of a narcissist it will only get worst …Get a male role model to maybe talk to him this is your son’s life… many of our young people are killing themselves over depression and going to jail …get him away from her . Because if you stay out of it and something happens to him who are they going to look at??

You knowing this many details of the situation but not actually having any influence is alarming.

Teach your son about toxic relationships and the trauma that comes from it, set rules and boundaries for your child that protect him, and pray for him to take heed.

She sounds very toxic and narcissistic. Manipulative. There’s so many red flags here in this young relationship. It is abusive to him. My ex husband was just like this girl. Why is his location being shared via social media? He needs to stop tagging himself in places. They are broken up she doesnt need to keep tabs on him

If your child is over the age of 18 my advice is the following: Tell him you are there if he wants to talk or wants your opinion on how to handle the situation. If he wants to know your opinion, you give him your honest opinion and you tell him no matter what he decides to do you can be respectful to her for him but in your opinion he deserves more. If he doesn’t want your opinion don’t give it. There are times you have to let your kids learn by letting them fail. I know it’s hard Mama and it’s heartbreaking.

Unfortunately just hearing it from you isn’t going to do it. He has to feel these things for himself. I know it sucks! Just remind him that you are always there for him if/when he needs you!

Ask him if he wants ur advice then give it to him. As for the girl tell that girls mama about hat boy!! She don’t need to be acting that way! & if ur son is done w/ that behavior after u sit him down have him block her on all things & accounts even if it is just to see how she will respond he needs to see her behavior as unhealthy


I do feel like going through his messages is a bit over bearing tho. I’ll see WHO my daughter is messaging but never what she is messaging because everyone is entitled to some privacy. I’ve definitely blown up my ex’s phone when I was 18 because he was playing games with my heart. I’d just let him live his life and learn.

Personally stay out of it because seems neither are mature… He shouldn’t have went to her house regardless if he was done, leave it be. their KIDS, just let him learn.

Flat out ask him if he seen a man doing these things to you, how would he feel about that. Would he consider that acceptable behavior and not want to step in and protect you. Often it’s about getting someone to step out of the box they are in and look from a fresh perspective.

I want to say let him learn so bad like we all had to as kid’s BUT suicide rates are so high in the younger generation now. And in your sons situation it could end up being him OR her. I know I’m speaking like wayyyyyy in the “what if’s” but this needs to be thought of too. Let your son learn. Let him make his own choices. Accept them but watch him closely. Make sure there’s no mood changes that are drastic. I don’t know how old he is but hopefully this will be his life lesson not to allow negative abusive people in his life getting older, growing to be an adult. Just be strong mama. Keep an eye out. DO NOT let her get out of control. Restraining orders are still a thing. I’m so sorry I’m going overboard but I dealt with someone like that for two years. Was abused in EVERY way and had to get an order of protection on him when I finally had the nerves to leave. Just be careful and tread carefully with him.

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Have him read an article on dating abuse. He can read the circle of abuse there. It’s important teens know it’s not just girls who suffer.
I’ll pray for him!

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I’d let him know my concerns, then have to let him make his own choice on who he is going to date.

Let him do this his way Mom. The more you try to get him to stay away from her the more he will want to be with her. We have to learn our own lessons in life. Be there when he wants to vent but do NOT offer advice unless he asks for it.

Similar situation here, but he has to go through it, we as moms have to be here to help put it all back together when it explodes. If they are sleeping together it makes it more difficult because he knows what he knows. Personal opinion he needs to turn off all the social media tracking, that can only lead to more of the trouble they have been having. Where he is isn’t her business or anyone else’s for that matter. If you are tracking his location that is one thing you are his parent but giving her the ability to stalk him seems to be leading to a large part of the issue. She is trying to control him by tracking his locations thusly his actions.

When I started reading this it sounded like you were talking 12-13 years of age. My opinion try to achieve a more matured view of your son. Constantly monitoring his phone also implies that you don’t trust him to follow the rules and boundaries that you have set for him. Ease up a little bit. Let him know that you do not see a proper redeeming quality in the girl and what you feel she is trying to accomplish then let him make his own informed decision.

I pray for you, this sounds like a page from my book several years ago, I tried everything, this girl was known to my sons friends and parents as CANCER, the trouble she caused was unbelievable, after a few years it ended, she found someone else to torture, it was a long three years, we tried it all, it was over when she wanted it over and not a minute before God bless you you’ll need it

I would honestly just stay out of it. We all have to learn on our own honestly. When I was that age I was going to date the love of my life no matter what I had to do. Was it stupid? Yeah. I definitely learned a valuable lesson tho.

There’s a good chance that if you do say something to him, he will just want to do it more because that’s how most teenagers are and he might start hiding stuff from you for fear that you may not approve.

I would simply tell him how you see it from your eyes, but then tell him it is his life and he has to make decisions how to handle. I would even ask him to make a list of pros and cons about said girl. Let it be known he doesn’t have to show anyone the list but maybe it will help with the decision if it is worth going back to or not.

Sorry mama as much as we want we can’t protect them from everything and he won’t learn if you try n run interference & you could possibly push him away. I know it stinks but best to let him figure it out for himself and just support him.

I say just let him learn on his own just be there for him when things fall apart.

Just do what I did in a similar situation with my son. Wait til the girl calls and flip out on her and remind her that she’ll be 18 one day and that you sure there’s gonna be plenty of angry people lined up waiting for her so she better grow up and stay the hell away from my son!

It’s one thing to show someone you care about them in a relationship but to demand they have a tracking device on is another. He is not free to be himself and will always have to live under control and it will never stop and he will never see that by hearing it. He has to see it for himself and basically live through it until he can’t take it anymore. A lot of people you can say don’t do this because hears the dangers I see but they don’t see what others see until it’s to late. Otherwise so many bad things could be avoided.

i agree with the husband. the more you tell someone it’s bad. the more they’ll want to do it. some people just have to learn the hard way

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It’s hard but uhave to stay out of it and let him learn for himself. My boy did. They were together for almost a year and she broke up with him a few days before his bday. They got back together a month later, broke up again for good after another 8 months.

  1. Change his number.
  2. Teach him about narcissism.
  3. Teach him about stalking.
  4. With his assistance block her on his social media.
    Last I’d have another chat with her momma. Specifically about her daughter leaving your son alone and the many charges shes looking at should she continue.

Stay out of it!! He will learn what he likes and what he doesn’t through relationships. Just like we all did. If you were my mom I would honestly be more mad at you for being so involved in my relationship.

honestly we are getting the story from the boys mom. she is clearly way too invested and is only hearing his side of the story. they are teenagers, you and this girls mother do not need to be in the middle of the situation. thr more you try to push them apart, the more they will start lying and sneaking around. he needs to figure this our on his own. he is old enough to drive and be away from you, I also feel like he is old enough to have his own phone privacy. you cannot control his life, and he will eventually have to make his own decisions

If she is an ex have him block her on all social media & his phone…the issue doesn’t seem like its him but her. It’s a toxic relationship and sounds like something I once went through. The power is in his hands to do something or nothing will change.

Was in the very same situation with my 16 yr old daughter. Unfortunately they have to learn on their own…As a Mom, it’s hard to watch knowing what you do. :pleading_face:

Because you’re MOM… It’s a double edged sword. I have a 3 year old But I know someday h e will have these kinds of situations to deal with. When /if he does I hope to be close enough with him that my opinion bears weight without being overbearing. It sounds like you respect his boundaries and that is SO REFRESHING to read!! With that said… Moms KNOW how to gage young women… A lying, controlling Psycho can change to violence socially, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, and physically IN A FLASH, and That is avoidable… Someone who lies has NO respect for the person they are lying to. Also… Projection. It’s HUGE and kids have NO idea that it’s basically like someone telling on themselves… She seems like Bad news…

Wow. I don’t know what to do as well if im in your situation. So scary to be a parent, :grimacing: I don’t know? Maybe diverting his attention? Blocking the girl’s number on his phone? Or buying him a new cellphone number? He’s too young for toxic people?

Keep him busy such as trips to the mountains where no signal can reach. Campings and such?

Say your peace, but in the end the decision is his. And let him know you’re always there no matter what.

I think you’re way too involved. How is he going to learn when you’re leading him. Let him do and think for himself. Keep monitoring absolutely but don’t engage unless he invited you to do so

Tell him to run! Delete her form all social media turn off locations and change his passwords to all social media. If she doesnt stop there is stalking charges that can be filed.

PLEASE take steps to prevent your son from taking her back. Get him a new phone number, block her, don’t let him see her…whatever it takes. If he refuses takes his car and keys away. Take it from one who knows. Our daughter was in the same situation and with all the red flags she took the as*hole back. He begged and cried and promised to change. They ended up getting married and she ended up divorcing him because he was mentally, physically and emotionally abusing. Sending prayers and support that your son sees through her and runs away as fast as he can.

Speaking from experience, stay out of it or you’ll push him right into her arms. Let him know it’s his decision but you’ll always be there to support him and catch him should he fall.

Be there to give advice and guide him when he asks, but he has to go through it. We all had to go through the bad relationships to learn what a good relationship is and he will have to do the same. As hard as it is…take a step back

Unless your son is in danger you really need to take a step back and let him figure it out.

You can’t “come to the rescue” in a situation like this. He will never learn how to handle these types of things if you do.

How old is your son?
If you’re this involved in his dating life already… I can see problems mikes up the road mama.

I don’t understand why people are saying that you shouldn’t be involved. If parents were a lot more invested in their kids (female or male) we would have a lot less ‘lost’ people in the world. I think it’s amazing that you have the type of bond that he actually speaks to you candidly about his feelings!! When I read this before reading the comments my initial thoughts were ‘this is not his first love’ but then that’s just because I’m sure there is a lot to love he has to discover!
You say teenage and that he can drive so I’m guessing around 17? He’s obviously going to do what he wants ultimately but do your best to stay neutral while offering up advice every so often. Like don’t seem like ur gunning for her but at the same time let him know there is a lot to life and he’s young, live it :brown_heart:

You need to just be there for him when it falls apart. I can promise you that getting involved, giving advice, or giving your opinion without being asked will keep him from telling you anything. He won’t listen anyway, so you’ll accomplish nothing but getting yourself put in the dark.

Ughh. My kids are still young (6&9) I can’t even imagine this. I’d want to pick up and move lol (obviously not an option) this is so hard. I think she should be able to talk with him about how she’s feeling and try to open his eyes. But there is only so much she can do with out pushing him away.

I would talk to the other girl mother. I had a similar situation, but the guy was threatening other boys with pics of guns. Threatening boys that liked my daughter, checking her location and yelling at her. I talked to the mom about counseling for the son. Be supportive, but realize sometimes they have to make their own mistakes.

Stay out of it would you have wanted your parents to get involved in your love life…

Do what you can to keep them apart…trust me you don’t want her as a daughter in law. She may be crazy enough to get pregnant!

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Just be there. Listen to him but let him figure out this isn’t what he wants. If I were you I would sit him down and ask him in 20 years where does he want to be. Like no thought first thing that pops in his head. Then ask if what Hes dealing with now will get him where he wants to be. Don’t tell him what to do. Help him sus what he wants to do.

Have convo about safe sex and that a baby means lifetime connection to girl even if they are not in relationship. Have him read articles about gaslighting and narcissistic personalities without actually saying it’s her directly. Limit the time he has available for girl by doing family things if he is of age for you to still do that. Depending on age the micromanagement of technology is going to bite you in the butt with rebelling so step back from that control. Don’t trash talk girl directly that will push them together. Comment about positive aspects of your relationship with son in ear shot like " husband I love when you let me have time to myself with the girls and I don’t have to give you min by min replay or have you track me "
Push dad to have some father son time cause sons tend to listen to fathers more.

I would say hmm make a list of pros and cons and see how that shakes out reassure him he is a young man and you trust him to make the right choice…love,trust control what would your future look like?

This is going to be hard. You need to be very honest and ask yourself how did my son get habitualzed to this behavior and level of drama? You asked “how I can approach this without pushing him away and into her arms.” This question is so loaded with manupulation and guilt.

How old are they?
Also, if shes stalking him and whatnot & you have proof, get a restraining order cause sounds like the girl is a bit off


How old is your son? Personally think if he wants to speak to you then he will, maybe stay out of it a bit and let him approach you in regards to it. As horrible as controlling behaviour is from anyone it was YOUR SON who ended it due to being so down over it.

I feel like if you’re this involved in your kids dating life, they may be too young and immature to date.


I have four boys and when they were teens I would always tell them that you must worry about school and they future.and when they ask about girls I would tell them only you can decide the happiness in their life if you are not happy with someone then what do you think that you should do ? And that you are young you have a lot of time for girls in the future.enjoy your friends,sports and your teen years .I can sit and talk to you but only you can decide your life .

She sounds like she’s obsessive, I’d probably be worried about his safety. Girls like that can do crazy things.

Unfortunately he won’t learn until he’s ready to learn… My first boyfriend and I were back and forth and it was extremely toxic… But I learned a lot from that relationship that I wouldn’t have if my parents had tried to control it (I also was q teenager and when my parents tried enforcing things it ended in sneaking out and stuff like that)

You can say that certain things seem like red flags but the only thing that matters to you are that they are treated well and that someone loves them as much as you do. It has to be your kid’s choice though in the end.

My oldest is 22 and had her fair share of stupid moments with boys well actually 3 boyfriends and we told her they werent good for her. Wasnt until later on in said relationships that she figured out we were right. 2 of the 3 have kids with the girl they dated after her. If he is that invested on making it work let him know he can do better and then just sit back and watch what happens.

Do some research and offer some reading material to allow him to draw conclusions on his own.
Only he truly knows how he feels and knows exactly how this other girl is acting.

My mama stepped back and let me make my own mistakes. I will not do this with my kids. I will voice my opinion and let them know if I see signs of manipulation especially when they are still living in ny home and are under 19. I have to protect my children and this situation sounds scary. Your son has to be like… 16? Omg. This girl is tracking his phone. Thats a huge deal. Me and my sister were both in very abusive relationships in our pasts and I cant watch my kids go through what I did. I cant let them make that mistake. He may not listen, but he needs to know the red flags that you see. When in that relationship, the victim is often blind to it. He will probably regret going back. Lord knows I did… every time. Bless both of yalls hearts. Protect your baby

Let him watch a snapped or fatal attraction episode and allow him to see the similarities and let him make the decision. She sounds crazy.

I don’t mean this hateful at all but that being said u are WAY too involved in their relationship. I really hope u see the damage that can do to YOUR relationship with your son. I’m saying this from experience. My parents were that way and I moved out and married the guy basically to spite them. I was young and dumb but so is your son. (All kids are. Not downing your kid) them being so involved pushed me away.

Do Nothing as long as there’s no physical violence or sign of depression. He has to learn how to walk away

to be honest your blaming her for tracking him when he’s driving by her house checking if cars are outside. both sound toxic to me. stay out of his business and stop checking his phone. if he’s old enough to drive and go on dates to restaurants then he doesn’t need his mom to track him as well as his girlfriend

Some kids just love to live the drama and torture of love, especially kids this age, it will be a hard lesson l, but it won’t break him, but bring it to his attention that some girls/boys can be deceptive

Well if your boy knows you don’t like the girl, he will like her even more. Same with a daughter, she knows you don’t like him, she will stick with him.This truly happens. Don’t knock the girl.

Use reversed psychology, ask what makes him happy. Have a heart to heart talk about it. ( I went through this with my son) Ask about pros & cons of this relationship.
Encourage him to do what makes HIM feel right.

Give him space, be there to talk when he needs you. Just keep showing him you love him and only want the best for him. Sounds like an obsession to me. If she is this controlling now it will only get worse. I might would recommend a little break from each other…if after a few weeks he still wants to try again …oh well. But sometimes these young girls can use manipulation and all but brainwash a young guy. I will be praying for you and that he will see the light.

The heart wants what it wants not what others want. Let your son live and learn.

It would help to know his age but I agree that you should stay out of it except having one more productive chat with the other mother to ensure the girl is on birth control. The last thing you want his her getting pregnant on purpose to trap him. Once you know she is on birth control, it would be best to let it play out. Be supportive but let him learn on his own.

Its human to try to protect our kids. Sometimes the less we say the more it works.

The only thing you can do is say your peace and let it be. Remind him why he broke up with her to start with, that he is young and this is just one part of his life, real love doesn’t feel this way, etc. but ultimately he’s going to do what he feels led to do. It’s hard watching your kids make mistakes but unfortunately we’ve all been there. My son was a little older but also in a very toxic relationship. I tried my best to tell him it wasn’t how a relationship should be but I also tried to let him work it out, eventually he figured it out, thank goodness. It’s life lessons. While it does sound like she’s very “stalkerish” at that age it’s hard to have any impulse control and this day in time we live in it magnifies the means kids have to do so. Back in the day, girls/guys would drive by ppls houses, the 3 way calling crap, etc. it’s hard to say only hearing one side (the mama bear) side if she’s really as dangerous as she may appear. You could try and talk to her mom since these kids do seem underage but ultimately if they want to be together they’ll find a way. We hopefully give our kids the tools to navigate this world but we have to let them use them and hope their mistakes are just a bump in the road and not life altering. Raising kids is hard work, watching them as adults with no control is soooo hard. Advice is all we have and they have free will to take it. Good luck!

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She seems to be trying her best to stay out of it even though she is seeing everything for what it is. She wants the best for her son and she is asking advice. My son went through a similar situation and I stayed out of it ans this girl completely broke him. I wish I would have done more. She’s being Ana amazing mom and trying to give him his space but it’s very hard when you see what it’s doing to your kid.