How can my daughter enjoy vacation while on her period?

Allow her to try tampons. You can now buy them for different flow type. Have an honest conversation with her about toxic shock syndrome and the necessity to change them frequently. I miss out on a lot because my mom felt the same way and knew I could never do that to my daughter.

Get her whats called period panties they usually have them at target or you can order them online all my younger cousins wear them and say they are so much better then pads and tampons

You could start her on birth control w hopes that it’ll skip her period only for that month.


Why the hell don’t you want her to use tampons? But sticking a menstrual cup up inside her vagina is ok? its still inserting something inside her. and the cup will be messy… There is nothing wrong with her using a tampon… it doesn’t take her virginity and gives her the freedom to enjoy herself and not have to wear a diaper aka pad… also at this point she is a woman you should discuss her options with her and let her decide.


Shes 13 let her make her OWN MIND UP .


You can try ibuprofen to lessen her period or stop it that’s what I did with my daughter when she had water day at school and didn’t want her to use a tampon. It helped a lot. I mean it’s a 1 time thing just an idea.

Seriously?? Lmao!! Ummm… Tylenol, heating pad and suck it up buttercup!!


Most people are afraid of the issue of toxic shock syndrome but now a days tampons come in many different sizes and as long as they are changed often and not left the chances of experiencing toxic shock are slim to none. Also wearing a tampon is not in anyway sexual so my daughter did wear them at 13 so she could swim and not have a huge pad sticking out of her shorts in 100 degree weather. I would wear a tampon before a cup that had to be washed out

I was a competitive swimmer for 13 years. I wore tampons since I was young. And I was fine. I Never let it stop me from living life. Tampons won’t ruin her “ virginity” if that’s what your concerned about. Cups are messy and nasty. They are made for women for a reason. Dont let her think women on their periods can’t live and enjoy vacations. I hate mom shamming but this is kind of sad Honestly.


Then let her wear tampons. As long as she changes them as necessary, she should be OK, & can be in the water


Why won’t you let her wear tampons? I find that weird


Using tampons does not break the hymen or cause her to not be a virgin anymore if that’s your concern. Take her to a woman’s clinic or gynecologist and ask about tampons. She is going to have a miserable vacation and so will you if you don’t explore the options.


Don’t they have tampons for juniors? Let her use them not sure what your issue is with it… I would at least ask her doctor if tampons are okay.

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You are a female did you stop living because you got your period ? I mean come on this is just craziness .


Period underwear. Period Underwear for Teens | Thinx Teens

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Not sure why your against tampons…they have ones for young girls…


They have tampons for teens

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I totally understand everybody has their own preference… personally being 42… I remember trying my first tampon at 13 and I have never looked back, I don’t like pads. Have you asked your daughter what she thinks of tampons? If it’s something she might be interested in trying… then why not? Xx

I think you’re making this more difficult than it has to be. Let her wear tampons and change them frequently if her flow is heavy. Ibuprofen for cramps. It doesn’t have to ruin the trip unless you let it


Let her wear the tampons.


Let her wear a tampon. The way they are made these days it is of no harm to teens. The period swimwear is like wearing a pull-up :weary:. The cup is disgusting :nauseated_face:

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Either let her wear a tampon or be a waste of vacation! Choice is yours!

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Why would you put your daughters personal information out like this? Do you not have women you could have personally privately ASKED ? SMH


Period underwear and there are 12 year olds out here wearing cups. Cups offer a safer alternative to wearing pads and tampons. But there is a learning cure. Check out the June cup they have a fb page

People should be more kind when responding. If you don’t want her wearing tampons!, I understand. Luckily… there are options that we didn’t have as teens…but prepare to spend some money.

Teen Period Swimwear | Set Sail | Ruby Love

I’ve done myself n girls too , if you don’t make humongous issue she can do it just the ocean ? I grab towel n get to bathroom ,

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Bro nobody said virginity issues in this post - yall need a medal for jumping to conclusions

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I would not use tampon not any age who might not like them have you talk to her about it what to use there are some nice ones that stick on to which are nice that you can’t see that got them on need to ask her what ones like not what you won’t stick on ones are ok on holiday to

Is this for real!? :rofl::rofl:


My daughter got her FIRST period while on vacation. it’s not the end of the world. It’s only a big of a deal as YOU make it.

Yall coming too hard for this lady🙄


Don’t know where you live. But in the UK you can go to doctor and get a prescription for some tablets that stop your period for the week. Take 1 a day the whole holiday and when you get home stop taking them and she will have her period

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She needs tampons for teens…the cup is way bigger than any tampon


Can yall get off the damn “why no tampon train” and offer a SOLUTION? Its not our business to know why they don’t want to. Just because we have done it or it went well for us doesn’t mean belittle her or bully her into changing their minds. Everyone has a preference
I didnt use tampons til i was 21
I prefer pads and that’s my prerogative

My dad had an issue with me using tampons at such a young age, seeing as I was a Virgin and blah blah blah. I see where you’re coming from mama, he sucked it up and let me use them for times like these, and I just went back to pads when we got home!

Good grief give her the tampons and let her decide if she want to play in the water or not… You should have thought about her period if it is a deal breaker for fun when planning the vacation… Ask her and see what she thinks… I’m willing to say she has already had this conversation with her friends and already has an idea of what they do…


She can wear the sport tampons…but I wouldn’t make a 13 year old use those new cups…I think that might be a little mature for her right now

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Let her decide what she wants to do… it’s her body! If she chooses a tampon let her use a tampon… they make tampons for heavy flow. Have her wear a small backpack with personal items in it. She needs to decide how she wants to handle her period not you. If you’re ok with a menstrual cup then why aren’t you ok with tampons. Honesty tampons would be easier for as opposed to a cup.

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I would go for the menstrual cup. My cycle is very heavy and even on my heaviest day I only have to empty it once every 10 hours. Buy her the cup and some gloves, because it is messy when you pull it out, plus it helps to minimize infection. They have cleaning wipes for them so she can clean the cup without moving from the toilet then pop it back in. Once in you can’t even feel it. I hated tampons they always hurt, the cup is amazing.

Im sorry im reading this and im just like🤦🤷


There are new bathing suits out that use the same materials as period underwear. I’ve read that most are capable of holding the same as 2 tampons would.

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Why do you get to refuse tampons for her? Shouldn’t your role be to inform her of her options and let her make choices about her body? Tampons would by far be the best option under those circumstances.


Tampons for teens! Just make sure she changes them often. She needs to have fun on vacation and periods suck!

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Maybe she can wear a tampon just for swimming and put a pad on after? You can make it work and just talk to her if that may be an option for her

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Mine was 11 & started off with tampons. It’s just about education.

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Tampons for teens or birth control. Let her do what she’s comfortable with. Not what you’re comfortable with.


Why are you not comfortable with tampons? I would just get the super absorbing ones and make her change it every few hours.

Diva cup o menstrual cup and lots Cranberry which helps with the pain or lots of hydration. Start advil a day before. I do not want to sound harsh but she has to live with her period for the rest of her life so she needs to learn early that it doesn’t always come when it is convenient


Menstrual cups are great :woman_shrugging:t3: it’s just blood


Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves for posting some shaming. She is a mom like most of us and having a preteen daughter that is asking for advice. Jesus. But my suggestion is either get her the teen tampons and let her try them out they won’t hurt her. I used my first one when I was 13 going on a beach trip and was my only option or now they have underwear/bathing suits that are used just for periods that absorb blood just like a pad would. Hope this helps and don’t let other people make you feel shame or guilt for asking

Sit down with her and discuss her options. Let her decide what she is more comfortable with.


Good gravy, wearing tampons for teens isnt going to hurt her.


You love your daughter so much its amazing

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Her daughter must be delighted that the mother put this on the internet.


I use the menstrual cups such as Softdisc. I think she would be more comfortable using a lite tampon for teens such as Tampax Radiant Light. Not sure what about tampons makes you feel uncomfortable. Just teach her how to properly use them including how often to change them. Use pads at night. I’ve had my period since I was 8 yrs old and was using tampons at 10 yrs old. Life was much easier.

Kinda bot your choice its her body😒

Why is the cup ok but a tampon isn’t lol? They both go inside your vagina… I don’t understand what there is to be uncomfortable about with tampons…


There are cups that are called “Flex” & they are disposable! you can also find them at CVS & target! The best invention since tampons. Just be sure to wear a panty liner with them when not in the water

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…just let her use tampons. Why does that make YOU uncomfortable. It’s for HER.


I’m lost with this post. Hasn’t mom had her period before that she can give advice to her own daughter?
Use a tampon, don’t wear a white bathing suit and enjoy the trip!


Idk but I grew up also not using tampons because they can break or take your virginity…this was my moms beliefs….
my mom never let us used them or ride a horse or a bike…. So I get it (if this is the case)

I’d say birth control is too harsh for such a small issue… have her wear pads and she may need to skip the water if you’re not ok with her wearing tampons. She is 13 and you are her parent. You CAN make choices like this for her… obviously I would talk to her and see how she feels but ultimately the choice is yours as her parent on what you want to do. I personally would say pads and a use a tampon when in the water… but i wouldn’t use birth control if she’s not sexually active. The best thing is to talk to a doctor.

Most girls have worn a tampon by 13. It’s her body and her choice even though you’re not comfortable with it. Is it really worth ruining her vacation? Because that seems selfish.


How about you let your daughter decide what she puts in HER vagina.
If she’s happy enough to try tampons please let her.


Tampons won’t break the hymen, let her use them

As a mother of 2 girls & grandma to 1, I feel like it really needs to be your daughters decision regarding tampons.
My own mom (in the 1970’s) was against us wearing tampons, but I jumped on my bike & went to the store for tampons the first period I had. End of discussion.
Maybe tampons & the period panties & period swimsuits? (Just so there’s no worries about leaking).
It’s hard as a mom to let our kids make the grown up decisions, but that’s how they learn to be self reliant & unafraid of moving through their lives in a responsible way.
I’ve used the cups, they are wonderful, but not for the faint of heart! :laughing:

Good luck mama, you’ve got this!!!

Can’t you get tablets from doctors to delay her period.
I am from the UK and we can go to our doctors and ask for period delaying medication for holidays and I even did it for my wedding.
She is 13 years old and about to go on holiday ofc she should be enjoying herself and jumping in the pool etc.
Maybe it’s best to ask her what she wants to do and what she feels comfortable doing :blush:

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If she’s heavy tampons won’t work. Talking from experience really nothing you can do. :woman_shrugging:

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I would allow her to wear tampons if she is comfortable doing so. They also sell those period panties… she could wear those in the ocean. Not sure about the pool


It’s not about your “comfort”. Even at 13, it’s her body and her period. Feminine protection doesn’t have an age. If you’re old enough to have a period you’re old enough to use anything on the market to manage it. I’d personally take a menstrual cup over a tampon. Maybe your daughter has a chance of not being disgusted by what her body does. Rinsing a cup is no worse than sitting in your own fluids for hours if you really think about it. Being left out of vacation activities is just as bad as being banished to a red tent. Research both products with her, discuss the pros and cons and let her choose.


Why are you looking at her period app? And using a tampon is her business, NOT yours.


My 15 yo got her period when she turned 8 has been using tampons from get go , she loves the diva cup and has been using one since she was like 12, you only have to empty it like every 14 hrs or so , theres also period panties.

That’s fucking weird YOU don’t feel comfortable her wearing tampons … do you think it takes her virginity or something ??? Definitely doesn’t. How about you dont ruin her vacay by stopping her wearing tampons


Just let her wear a jr tampon!! My 13 yo hates tampons but was happy to wear one at the beach! I’m not sure how a tampon is deferent from sticking a damn cup inside her tho lol

Look up Thinx panties…

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You are actually acting like the kid can’t get wet or go in water with her period :massage_woman:t2:


Birth control is used to regulate periods, I would suggest the nuva ring, you can wear it over the 3 weeks period,easy to insert and take out without pain

Period panties are a good idea. Or talk to her to see about what she feels comfortable with. I was scared of tampons too, but there’s little ones which will also ensure she’s changing them more frequently.

Flex cup menstrual cup. Although it’s a bit late in the game for this to be a great option. There’s a learning curve when it comes to getting it placed so that it deals properly. I’ve been using one for two cycles now and still am hit or miss on getting it placed properly so that I get a good seal and it doesn’t leak. Menstrual discs might be a slightly better option, but they require you to get even more up close and personal with yourself than a cup does and would be harder to remove than a flex cup that has the pull tab ring.

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Y’all some judgy beotches. Maybe she’s had a bad experience with tampons in the past. TSS is a risk, though not likely. It took my kid a LONGGGGG time to get used to them. She’s asking for help/ideas not judgemental comments. Lord have mercy on all you ladies acting out your mean girl vibes.

Have her try whatever you decide to use before you go to get comfortable with it. Maybe try to buy a few as different options. My kid dances and we bought thinx as backup to the tampon. The LAST thing you wanna do is leak up on a stage. Good luck with what you decide and enjoy your vacation!

I would let her try the tampons and if your worried about her not changing them remind her or have set alarm to change them. I mean it is her body but I understand you don’t want her to get embarrassed. So sit down and have a talk with her on when to change them etc and warn her of leaks etc.


Did any of you guys consider that if her daughter isn’t already using tampons there’s a good chance she doesn’t want to be. The post doesn’t say anything about her daughter WANTING to wear them. I wore pads until I was forced to wear tampons because our school system wouldn’t let you out of swimming in gym for your period. It was wear tampons or fail gym. :expressionless: Still to this day tampons are uncomfortable to me, even light sized, slims, etc and wearing them makes me cramp more too. I seen further up they are now making swimsuits with the period absorption material, I’d go that route.


Either is fine. Just make sure she has used the tampon or cup BEFORE vacation so she knows how long she can go without changing the tampon or she knows how to clean the cup. We all have to learn about our own periods, how it changes as we age, and the best products to manage it. Let her experiment with whatever products work best for her.


I use a cup best thing I ever bought doesn’t matter how heavy or light just need a few times to get used to it

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OMG… How did any of us ever enjoy things when we was younger with our periods…


I would talk to the doctor they can prescribed a drug that will postpone her period my daughter and I have both done this.

Stay in the shallow water :whale2::grimacing::joy:


Sorry not sorry, but this kind of thing is why girls and young women have no idea what’s going on with their bodies or why, and end up with limited access to information about reproduction and people’s bodies. You being uncomfortable is not a valid reason to not offer your daughter all the options available to her. You’re being dramatic as hell, and I can only imagine how terrible you could possibly make her feel about a perfectly natural biological process that happens every month by talking about how you might have to cancel your vacation. Over a period. Stop it.


You can get the pill from the doctor which stops her period whilst on holiday I have taken them before , for that reason nothing worse than been on holiday on your period

She’s got her period, not the plague! There’s no reason she can’t use tampons. When my daughter was that young I recommended that she wear tampons during the day and pads at night. Let her try using them as soon as she can, that way she can go in the water without feeling like she’s wearing a diaper with a pad.

I don’t understand why not allow her to wear tampons? My daughter is 12, and wanted to swim the other day…so she learned to use one. No issues.

Um, my only opinion and advice… talk to your daughter about this, not fb… she needs to know the options available to her for HER to be comfortable with her period…

I’m sorry…you were ok with a cup but not a tampon?

Anyway…Tampon is how I get in the water.


They make Teen tampons. Why not let her try it. They also make period swim bottoms. Or period panties under a pair of shorts.


If she is on birth control pills tell her not to take the sugar pills and continue on to another pack.
If not then it’s tampon time.


I think that cups are FAR more invasive than tampons. But really the question should be what is SHE comfortable with using in or on HER BODY. What YOU are comfortable with is (should be) irrelevant. Offer her all available options and let her decide. I don’t mean this ugly, but after all, it is her body.


First World problems

Idk but when I was 13 and a virgin I would of never thought of sticking any thing in down there call me close minded …:woman_shrugging:t4:

They have period underwear now , I also saw that for bathing suits .

Wow, what a post. The bleeding stops when your in the water anyways, so what’s the problem?


Have you ever compared a tampon to menstrual cup? Buy her PLAYTEX ACTIVE TAMPONS theyre TINY. My mom was against me using tampons, why idk its not sexual literally doesnt make sense o sexualize periods