U must still be in love…awwww
Mind your business
U must still be in love…awwww
Mind your business
If it is your kids fathers child, then yes. They are siblings.
What I want to know is what the heck does it matter what kind of jeans she wears??
Wtf is wrong with low rise jeans
This whole thing has been like a badly written novel. Makes me wonder if the op is E.L James
Size in pregnancy depends too on how someone is built and number of pregnancy
Lady… Get over yourself.
If they are both his kids I’m assuming they will meet sooner or later. Living down and out doesn’t make him a bad person
Pardon me, my good bitch. But what seems to be the fuck?
Wow! Get over yourself! It’s not about you it’s about the kids and what is healthy for them! I think you could be the problem.
You must still want him thats all I’m getting otherwise wtf your so jealous it maybe his kid. Also someday down the road your child will want to meet their sibling if it is their sibling. There is that I am glad my dad wasn’t this way because I was excited as ever to be a big sister to my only sister
I swear the person sending all these in is making it all up for shits, giggles and attention. It’s funny to read but grow up. I really hope your posts are not serious!
You got some stank pus energy. Get over yourself and grow tf up.
‘Farm witch’…‘Several fortnights ago’…‘she still wears low rise jeans’… lmao this HAS to be a joke, right?? If it’s not a joke, then she’s a joke.
I’m not sure that they your problem. It sounds like your bitterness and misdirected anger are a MUCH bigger issue.
Do you know what I was in your shoes a long time ago but guess what I was the bigger person and messaged my daughters half sisters mom and asked her if she would like her daughter to meet her sisters don’t rob your kids half brother/sister because your mad
She just found out her husband had an affair and has a baby on the way, yes the post is little mean but let her vent the way she want to. She obv heart broken, mad and upset ! Let support her. If my husband did that, it would take me a long time to come to term my children have siblings from an affair that destroy me. Give her time
It is not the child’s fault. Let your children meet their sibling… My now ex husband got my best friend pregnant during our marriage. (We were not even split up or anything. He denied when I found out. Then when she was born he finally told me. Her and I were not friends when she got pregnant)
You are letting your emotions with your ex shadow over what it is really important here. Stop focusing on your anger & focus on the fact that she is having your child’s half sibling. I know it can be difficult but start focusing on what is best for your child & not about judging the woman your ex slept with.
You don’t need to cope. Your child does. Obviously is dad lives in storage there aren’t over nights or anything. You don’t have to over extend. I pray he gets some where stable soon.
Don’t feed the trolls
Half the women on here talking about her being jealous and telling her to grow up would most likely be the same way lol. All though this did make for a tough read. I would suggest proof reading before sending to page to be posted.
Wow. A bit Childish ya think? no one said someone had to WEAR a certain piece of damn clothing because your pregnant I wore what I felt comfy in!
You do what you feel is right with sibling but don’t be upset when that kid is older and resents you because they never got the chance to grow up with their siblings.
Poor kid who isn’t even here yet…
His personal life is not your business or your concern. If he chooses to raise his children together, that isn’t your business either.
Jealousy is an ugly thing
Sounds like this is just a girl you have personal problems with
I kniw this is a made up story but I am enjoying the half porch farm witch saga.
On a more serious note for the real ones, I have 3 siblings that my father had with other women who I never met because all the parents where bitter towards each other and never let us meet. I probably would have had a better life if I was alowed to meet my siblings… put your shitty lives aside and let your kids be kids.
Wtf??? What do low-rise jeans have to do with anything? Or anything fortnight LOL I hope this is trolling because I’m dying right now
You Just Need To Stop Being Petty! & Mind Yahh Business
So you wanted him to leave but are now upset he’s having a baby with someone else? Girl make up your mind, and while you’re at it learn your place because keeping your kids from their half-sibling just because you don’t like one or both of the parents is SO childish and sets your kids up for bad life lessons. They need to see that even if you guys don’t always agree you still work through your problems like ADULTS and make it work for them. If you really want to be selfish though and deprive your kids of family for petty reasons then do you.
Am I the only one who couldn’t follow this
Petty Betty. If you can’t even spell pregnant then your ex having another child is the least of your problems .
I got added to this group for the farm witch saga
I done got lost on the half porch…
You don’t. But it’s important to get fact checked BEFORE you let the kids know they’re not alone. Just remember the child didnt ask to be brought into this world. Baby is completely innocent here.
Edit: did you ever stop to think that perhaps his cheating had partly to do with how you view the world and all the people in it? Because I would run a mile from this kind of person too if I were him
I know it may be hard to accept your brother has a kid with someone else but try to enjoy your little nephson
Holy judgemental. You’re heart is non existent woman.
You sound so salty.
What in the Jerry springer back roads hill billy shit did I just get a headache reading
What redneck state is this happening in the op the story everything about it
Ok, so I just spit my coffee out at low-rise jeans!
…. You’re crying over low rise jeans? And you don’t want your kid to know their siblings? Get over yourself, grow up, and move on! Geez you’re bitter
Oh my… someone’s SUPER self centered
This post can’t be real
No your kid doesn’t have to be around there kid I wouldn’t untill I saw a DNA test and if it’s negative for your child don’t do it
And in the next episode of what didn’t happen…
FIRST off act like an ADULT!!! That is all!!!
Seriously? This made my head hurt just trying to read it. It does not make any sense. If he is your ex it’s none of your business who he has a baby with.
Idk why u broke up but you wanted him out and expect him not to do what he wants? If he IS having a kid which seems 50/50 then who the hell cares ?? The kids would still be related regardless of your feeling it would be selfish to keep them apart. I love my half sisters I don’t even call them half sisters.
Lol you should at least get yourself some dairy queen.
Ahahahha oh the Half Porch Farm Witch update I’ve been waiting for
Doesn’t HAVE TO, but being an adult unfortunately means putting your bitterness aside so your kid can meet his/her sibling. Buying hand me downs isn’t a crime, actually it’s smart.
I’m sorry sis, but low rise jeans are the least of your worries… irrelevant and quite juvenile. Grow up babes
Better then apple bottom jeans with the fur…
I dont think im understanding this correctly
Is this real? This has to be a joke!
First of all you need to grow up. If you don’t want him don’t be pissed about another woman taking him in. Children do not thrive in a toxic environments so at least cut the shit for your kids and be nice you don’t know her and it doesn’t matter who he dates after y’all broke up. Act like a lady and have some damn dignity.
I must the WORST mom ever cuz I did and do wear jeans
She still wears low ride jeans so do l
If u share a child w him and he has another baby w someone else that means it’s your child’s sibling. Regardless how u feel your child’s relationship w their sibling is priority and should be treated as such! Put your child first snd your feelings are secondary
Wth does low rise jeans have to do with anything? This post has to be a joke. You must be bored!
Girl, he is your ex. Why are you stressing so much? Deal with crap when it comes up. Like you said; she is claiming the baby ain’t his. Stressing over stuff that isnt even relavent at this point
Grow TF up. For your children’s sake, please get into therapy ASAP. Or better yet, sign off them so they have a chance at a peaceful life without a narcissistic mother.
Is this real life?
Wow. I thought this was a joke at first. What tf?!?!?
Your letting your emotions get the better of you and being rude and making fun isn’t going to solve anything. What she wears or does is none of your business! Your married so you shouldn’t be bothered by this, oh and I hope you realise that your ex’s child is the half brother/sister of yours so yes they will be meeting eventually and there’s nothing your bitterness can do about that. Leave your emotions out of this and don’t project them onto trying to alienate your child from seeing their sibling, it will make you look very bad.
Cryinggg! I need more. There’s GOTTA be more to this sh!t show!
Still only have half a porch, that’s rough.
Well my question is did he run around on you and get another woman pregnant? If not and yall havent been together for awhile then i see it as no problem so if you have kids by this man and he never ran around in you then u dont think its right you hold your child against their brother or sister. If yall moved on then you cant control his life. Not that you could if yall was together cause you cant then either. But regardless that would be selfish of you to stop the siblings meeting each other. But thats my opinion. But like i said i could understand if he ran around on you.
Its not bout you it’s about the kids stop being bitter
Girl you need to snap back in to reality.Your ex has every right to have his daughter around any other children he has.Your clearly still upset over your break up and feeling are still there but you shouldn’t allow it to effect your child like not allowing her to know her own siblings.These kids didn’t ask to be born and then born to a mother that doesn’t have their best interest at heart.You have to put your feelings aside and do what’s best for your child.She deserves to know her siblings and her father.Unless it’s a safety issue it’s not ok to keep them away from her and I can tell you that no judge will be ok with you doing that If he takes you to court and he can the judge will make you bring your child to his house and then will tell you that you have no right.Its going to back fire on you if you keep acting like this he could end up with full custody if your behavior is out of control.You need to understand it’s over and he moved on and he’s going to have a baby and a new life.You need to move forward with your life and not make yourself miserable and your child sees that and that effects her as well
So Shakespearean; “it ‘‘twas a fortnight since she last laid with my husband!”
And… it’s a bit wild you don’t think being siblings holds any importance. How does one simply prevent them knowing one another?
Farm witch’s are the worst smh
This whole post is chaotic. Jesus. Who cares? He’s your ex?
It’s the “several fortnights along” for me
It’s the she wears low rise jeans for me. I wear those too homie. What’s that got to do with the price of eggs in China?? TF??
Oh no not the farm witch in low rise jeans! Don’t worry. Just ask Trish to make it a triple scoop Sounds like u need it
This sounds so made up but it’s hilarious & entertaining at the same time
I feel like you have some growing up to do. It is not that unborn child’s fault who it’s parents are as it’s not your kids fault about who her parents are… you sound childish and immature and I sure hope you don’t keep your kid away from it’s siblings
u share a child with him and that child is going to be at his house to see his father so yes. sorry to say but u need to get over it
Buying hand me downs at the gas station? What?
What does a half porch mean? Please explain?
That’s your kids half sibling. If they see the other parent then expect them to see their sibling. Grow up!
When I found out my ex was having a baby with someone else I was so flipping happy for them I’m over here waiting on his girl to just send me the info to where she signed up for the registry so I can buy my son’s new baby brother stuff!! AND thank God it’s a boy so now I can give them all of my kids old clothes, toys etc that he doesn’t use and fit into anymore
Oh yeah…
Grow tf up
So much to unpack here.
Lol, girl let them know their siblings. My sons dad has 6 kids. 2 of them my son has not seen in 8.5 years because of their mother and my sons heart is broke, he cries at every birthday because he can not see them. He LOVES his siblings. 2 of his sisters i even had over for a couple hours to play with him and my daughter and they held my youngest baby. His newest sibling is a few months younger than my baby. Now my daughters dad has two kids my daughter met once, her dad is. Truly a p.o.s if he wasnt and was not absent in my daughters life i would love for them to have a bond. If he is active in your childs life, let your child be active in his even if its not with you. Your child could grow up to resent you for not allowing your child to have a relationship with brother or sister. If roles were reversed would you feel the same way about your child not having a relationship with the newest? Its not about YOU anymore. Its about your child.
Your bitterness is going to eat you up and ruin your kids childhood. Get over yourself, act like an adult and don’t take your hatred and bitterness out on the kids.
Wtf do low rise jeans have to do with anything?? And if I’m remembering right she also brought him lunch? So she dresses herself, and im assuming her children. And feeds them. So she will also probably take cfeed and dress your child while in your ex’s care as her baby will be your child’s sibling. THAT should be what matters. That the children are loved by all the adults involved. And you would be one selfish narcissistic asshole to keep siblings away from each other. you need to keep your own feelings out of it. He clearly left you for a reason smh.
People like you shouldn’t procreate. Why tf would you ever stop your child from meeting their blood relative because you don’t like idk her jeans!?!?!?! . these posters make me sick! .
I wear low rise jeans, I don’t understand the issue with that… but also all I hear is bitter thus, bitter that…
You seem like a bitter hag, your ex dodged a bullet
You cannot control what dad does with your child on his time so if she’s there too, you can’t change that. When the child is born, your child has every right to see their sibling.
What in the one tree hill
You sound like my stepdaughter’s mother
This can’t be real😳 and if it is, get your head out of your ass and be a grown up. If this how you go about day to day life as an adult and your child sees this behavior, you should be ashamed of yourself! Whether you like it or not, he has the right to have another baby with someone else when you go separate ways and unfortunately at the end of the day we don’t get that choice in their life but this is about your child being related to that baby. Be an adult and suck it up buttercup
Sincerely a mom with a broken loving family with siblings from all different sides
If you go to court and tell them they live in a storage unit with a pregnent farm witch who wears lows rise jeans, your kid might end up with their kid full time
Eew…you sound pretty childish tbh. You need to grow up and think about what is best for your child. They are going to be very mad if they grow up and find out they have a sibling they never met, especially when they realize you knew all along.
Buying hand me downs at the gas station?