How do I cope with my ex having a child with someone else?

This is a joke, right?
Say it’s a joke…

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This can’t be real. :rofl:

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Whew child you need help


You should probably grow up. 50/50 custody is pretty common now days.

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Sounds like you still have some growing up to do.
Bump size does not determine how far along you are!!!
If she says its another mans, why you making it so that only your ex hubs is the only possible father??
You just deal with the fact that he is not yours to control. If he’s going to be messing around, there will always be a chance of him getting someone else pregnant
If you really do care about your child (and not just yourself) you will let you child visit their father, which means there will be a chance your kid knows this kid
IF This Baby Is Even His Baby


I mean, if I found out my ex was having another kid… would I be thrilled? No. But would I have my Daughter meet and be a part of their life? Of course! I know how to be an adult.


Ewwwww grow up
Are you upset at the fact the girl is pregnant and hot!!!

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Unless she’s done something terrible to you, you’re being harsh. Let’s lift other women and if possible have your kids know each other and grow up with family. Will be better time spent than you guys being on your own and resentful.


Man. You seem…mature. But eventually you’ll have to allow the kids a relationship. Otherwise both kids will hate you. And coping? Grow up

You sound bitter, that’s your child’s sibling, even if it’s not your kid. What does the type of jeans she wears matter? If you kicked him out then why do you care if he has another kid? Move on


Why would that be an issue ?? I got pregnant by a guy who chased after me for 3 years… he already had 2 kids by 2 different women. Sometimes pregnancy just happens. It’s not the kids fault. Both the other moms didn’t know whether to like me or hate me but we found peace in the fact we shared children with the same guy even though he was the shit pile on the mountain… our kids have known each other since mine was just a few months old my son and his half sister don’t have their half brother anymore due to a heart attack that struck him at 7 years old. My son and his sister didn’t get to see him a whole lot but they still miss the fact he will never be around again.
If you find comfort in the fact y’all share a child you’ll always have some one for your child to play with. My sons sister stayed at my house a lot while she was still living close by her daughter found peace at my house bc of the step dad that never treated her fairly when it came to his own children. I also never questioned her mother it was more my son had a sister he could play with and that was enough for me.

Off topic butttt I wore low rise jeans almost my whole pregnancy :sob::joy:

The alternative is they meet later in life fall in love because of a bond they don’t understand then it’s really gonna stay in the family is that what you want


What is a half porch?

Oh geez, how old are you?:grimacing:


It’s the jeans comment for me


Since he’s living in a storage unit , I’d say he’s is homeless… and she is not claiming him the dad so hopefully she keeps lying and you can keep on with your life.

Your kid his kid her kid remember this children are not responsible for what ADULTS do!!! You know how the game has been played, MOVE on with your life! At some point if proven to be his then you ALL 3 need to be Adults for the children!!


Eventually yes, that is the mature thing to do. Children don’t ask to be here and it wouldn’t be fair for you to rob them of the experience of having a sibling. That relationship has nothing to do with the romantic relationship you once had with the father.


What is the child’s relationship with him/them now???
My daughters ex and his new wife just welcomed their little man late last night!!
My daughter was one of the people they sent pictures of the baby to whom she shared with me! We were waiting all night for the news!!
My daughter showed her son the next morning his new baby brother!!
And I congratulated them both, ex son in law and new wife…
The common denominator is we all care about my daughters and her exes child, so his well being is all that matters…
It sounds like perhaps you need to do some reevaluating
Why are you so bitter towards them??


You sound n@sty af. Who gives af about thrift shopping?


Ladies her hubby cheated, unless he gets not homeless and legal and custody of both kids , she won’t habe to worry about it. Being cheated on by your love with a dirty whore is not something you take lightly! File for divorce asap and do it while he is homeless and keep all proof for custody. Problem solved.

I’m pretty sure this is a jk post…:thinking: right? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


No wonder he got the farm witch pregnant. You put his beanie baby collection out on the half porch! :woozy_face:


Wait wtf did I just read🤔


What did I just read

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You don’t he’s your ex.:roll_eyes:

Hard asf, but gotta do what’s right for your kid aswell. If it’s their sibling or going to be their step sibling I’d definitely allow them to meet :confused:

I think if she can save money for baby by getting hand me downs she is not selfish. I think this is more about you being bitter. He will answer for it eventually!


“She still wears low rise jeans” :joy::joy::joy:


Half or full, that’s your child’s sibling. Give them a chance to be family, even if you & your ex didn’t work out. I know you’d expect more maturity than this from your child’s father if it was you who moved on & had a child with someone else.

It was the low rise jeans that was the final straw wasn’t it?! :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:


Since when does a gas station sell hand me downs!!!


She wears low rise jeans! Oh no…

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Technically if you get shared custody with dad yeah your kids will have to do the whole play meet and great for the rest of dad’s relationship with said other child :grimacing:…… he will probably get nailed for child support and a paternity test at some point once baby is born …. I highly suggest you go for child support and full custody now :woman_facepalming:t3::warning::triangular_flag_on_post: get as far away from that drama for you and your kids as possible :flushed: ps thank goodness you are smart enough to NOT GO BACK !!

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Oh no, not the low rise jeans :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

Please submit an update, we need more updates. :eyes::popcorn:…First post you got rid of your exes beanie babies and now this. I am dying. :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:


If he cheated on you newsflash you already share children with someone who’s terrible to you. Her jeans are not indicative of the type of mother she will be.

That’s potentially your kids sibling. Don’t deprive your kid of knowing their sibling! Children have no place in adult issues!


This HAS to be satire. Has to be. I refuse to believe someone cares this much about weewee they are this mad.


I think i lost a few brain cells :upside_down_face:

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Wow :hushed: this is the problem right here! Immature and very close minded thinking! If u r divorced, separate or never married even and not together (and the person is a safe person) then u don’t get a say.
Also u show ur character by what u wrote and the judgements “about low cut jeans” like what.
Please seek help! Leave the kids out of it! He’s ur ex not the child’s ex

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Wtf did I just read. Who cares what she wears and what she buys HER baby. I brought a lot of 2nd hand clothes when our girls were little. They don’t last long any way :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:


You sound pretty ghetto and toxic. To be honest with you. You really judge people based on the type of Jean’s they wear?
I have no idea what the other girl is like but you sound terrible.


You need to stop being petty and grow up, yes your child would need to meet their new sibling. Time to move on.


I don’t care how much I hated the dad or his other baby momma, I would still want my kids to have a relationship with their siblings. They need to get a paternity test done to see if it’s his or not.


I feel like I’m the only one that didn’t take offense to this persons sense of humor lol lighten up a bit ladies holy cow. To answer the question though, if the baby is his just be the bigger, and clearly better woman and allow the kid to know their sibling/siblings. That’s always the right thing to do, no matter who the mom is.

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Your kid and her kid same dad they’re siblings wither you like it or not.

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You mean should siblings get to be family? Yeah. YOU sound like the terrible one.


Angelica Morrell :joy::joy::joy:

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By trying to cut someone down, you made yourself look trashy. Are you any better?


I popped out super early in my pregnancy. 1st and 2nd and 3rd time. So it could still possibly be the other dudes and isn’t something you need to even worry about

Hmmm all I want to say is I am 40 and still wear low rise skinny jeans :clap::clap::clap::clap:, jealousy is the mother of all screw ups


“He’s living in a storage unit now”


YOU are the problem. You’re poisoning yourself with your own resentment, not to mention your kid. If that baby is your kid’s sibling, don’t be a dick. It can’t help who its parents are any more than your kid can. Get the fuck over yourself, him, her, and her fucking pants. You’re jealous and it’s ugly.

Wtf she doesn’t even make sense lmao


Children are innocent please don’t let your children be a tool in order to circumvent your Emotions of hurt and anger


Love theses posts! :sweat_smile:. (I really hope they are satire. :laughing:)


I feel bad for the kid…parents don’t know how to spell


My baby daddy has 3 kids with 2 different women besides my daughter and I’m cool with the mom’s and my daughter can see her siblings whenever they want unless there is any real danger or drugs in the situation it’s about your kid and they should be able to know their family.


Wait she was buying hand me downs form the gas station ?


Kimberly Mays …half-porch update


I’m best friends with my husband’s 2 other kids mother and she’s the aunt to our 2 babies and she lives with us :woman_shrugging:

Ummmm what’s wrong with low rise jeans? Are you mad coz you can’t wear them? What about wearing those jeans makes her a horrible person?

You sound like you been sipping on some HATERADE and you need to stop! OF COURSE your child should have a relationship with their sibling.

He’s your ex! There’s a reason for that. Let him be the next chick’s problem!


I’m just here to ask… What’s wrong with low rise jeans!!!
:eyes::thinking::grin::joy: lmao

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you should ask her to move in with you immediately! y’all family now, the farm witch and the kitchen witch


Nope. You Don’t need to interact with Anybody You Don’t Want To !!! Ignore her. Ignore him too !! Just go about your life & be happy. Just cash those child support checks and take care of your family.


Good on ya sweetheart lol

This can’t be real haha

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Tell me you got pregnant to keep a guy but it didn’t work and now you’re resentful, without telling me you got pregnant to keep a guy but it didn’t work and now you’re resentful, :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Let the smoke clear and then decide. Your comments about her are very immature, and shallow, maybe you should not be worrying about those things yet until you get your personal feelings separated from the reality and his ability to parent. A shitty husband/partner doesn’t always equal a shitty father.

This post says more about you than it does about her :grimacing::bangbang:


This post was funny too me. :laughing:

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…you sound so toxic…


Farm witch? Fortnights? What in the Salem Witch Trials is going on here?:face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I can’t find the first one and it’s KILLING ME! I have the 2nd one but can’t find the first one! Someone save me with a screenshot

Kids have nothing to do with it! Why make them suffer over your bitterness. Get over the jealousy and move on! Do you have to let you leave kids meet their brother or sister? Do you have too. That sounds just evil of you! This isn’t about you get over yourself

Here was episode 2!!! I need the first post though for posterity


Sounds like OP is the ‘farm witch’

I’m so lost.

Do what’s best for your children. It’s not about you, her or him.

A little piece of advice with dealing with custody babe, vindictive spiteful behavior often will never go in your favor. You have no control over who he’s with after you who he has a baby with and if your current child has a relationship with their sibling


Unless she is hurting or endangering your child which getting pregnant by your now ex and wearing low rise jeans don’t count for that.


WTH did I just read?! :thinking:


Wtf did I just read!


Is she the same woman that was mad because someone was bringing her husband lunch and he wouldn’t tell her no???


Is this from a 10 year old or an adult ?:flushed:
Sorry to the 10 year olds I think they are a tad bit more mature!!!


Keep in mind this child is your child’s half sibling. Don’t let emotion take over. I have been in your shoes. It’s been 35 years, and a lot can happen. Your child has a father, and soon a sibling (?). Don’t cheat your child out of the relationship. Don’t let your emotions take over. You could very easily sour your own relationship with your child. It doesn’t make you the better parent in your child’s eyes

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Yes you have no choice on who your ex has the children around :disappointed:.

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What? You’re joking, right? There’s absolutely no way you’re being serious. He isn’t with you, so what HE does is absolutely none of your business. What if you had another child by a different man? Girl, stop. :laughing::laughing:


You don’t even sound like a Mother :pleading_face:


Chloe Jones omg lol so glad you’re not like this. Appreciative to have you in my life and to have our babies grow up alongside each other.

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This has to be a joke

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If you have to cope then there’s unfinished feelings on your side


Any court will say siblings should know each other. The only way you can keep her away from your child is if shes on drugs, if shes abusive and violent. Otherwise you really cant stop it

You just sound childish!! You were happy to get rid of him and his shit, but now he’s got a new woman and baby on the way and you wanna cry? Sounds like your jealous. Just grow up, it’s not always about you!!

I feel like this person is literally trolling everyone. Lol. These posts get more and more stupid every time.


What in the cow tippen Billy’s my brother, but I love em kind of s**t is this?


I’ve been waiting for part 4

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I thought this might be an actual question until “a couple fortnight’s “ :joy: I remember the original post too about the farm witch!


Admin stop this nonsense :rofl:

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The fact you are publicly announcing her every move on here suggests you are envious and maybe still love your ex. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want too or not comfortable with. Better yet how about you move on and forget about what everyone else is doing and focus on your family.


This is some dumb shit. Let kids know their family!!