Girl forget about that man and go back to school! I usually don’t comment on grammar, but jeez!!!
It sucks. I was so upset I didn’t get to give my child siblings but then I had more children with my now husband. It gets better. If you child has a relationship with their father, yes they will probably spend time together which can be good but I also understand the concern for having your child around a child raised by a trashy mom. All I can say is if you plan to avoid the sibling for that reason I hope you don’t expect public school to be any better.
You mean… does your kid have to be around his own sibling? He should… that’s his bro/sis. Don’t seperate children over adult issues.
You sound like a ball of fun…the farm… I have never heard that before.
This can’t be real:person_facepalming:t3:
Ok, regardless of the situation, if y’all aren’t together and he has moved on, if he is trying to be an active parent in yalls child’s life why on earth would you ever stop him??? Because she wears low rise jeans?? Are you absolutely kidding me right now? If she isn’t harmful to your child in anyway, then so what! Y’all aren’t together let him live his life and you move on and live yours. If he isn’t trying to be an active father then why worry about what she or he is doing. Focus on becoming a better you!
By quit being a judge with their hand-me-down clothes and a load rides and jeans just be proud of what you are and your children. Pray over it
Am I the only one who finds this absolutely absurd???
I need ibuprofen after reading this
Therapy. Get therapy.
Are you for real or just someone trying to get attention? Either way please get help for yourself & your kids.
U sound like u need to grow the hell up. This sounds like a teenager post
Wait- is this a plot twist kind of thing ?? Are you the kid asking this question orrrrrr.
Come on ! It’s not about you and the farm and witch and whatever. It is about the kids. It ain’t there fault y’all a bunch of looney tunes.
That other child is your child’s sibling… It’s not the other child’s fault they are alive. Be kind to this other kid and let them be siblings.
What in the tarnation
Apple bottom jeans , boots with the fur
Wow so your THAT kinda female smh grow the hell up. Be a better person woman mother then THAT how u feel about ANYTHING involving your ex’s new life is not your business your child is about to have a sibling!! And it’s his time when he has him/her and as long as he/she is safe and cared for u have NO RIGHT to interfere in your child’s relationship with his/her father or new sibling to be gtfo with your immature selfish bs and grow the hell up. Smh
It’s not the kids fault.
You sound really jealous
I dealt with that but chose to be the better person and I love my exes two boys like they were my own…be the better influence on your child…
This post is embarrassing.
What’s wrong with low rise jeans don’t hate on jeans
I think uuuuu the promblemmmmmm sounds like he came out ahead sir if uuuu read this ,we know why uuuuuuleft keep running forrest with that porch
let your kid be a part of the siblings life its not the kids fault that your ex was the way he was towards you so why make them suffer
It’s your ex… so… move on.
There’s so much to unpack here, so I’ll just say, your kid is getting a sibling. Ready or not. Your kid has a father. Like it or not. Fast fwd to teens/early 20’s… Will your kid resent you?
Meagan Pyke comments
Its not right to keep ur child from the sibling down the road when u are past the hurt. Tell them the truth when they are old enough to under stand.
My mother taught me not to say anything when I have nothing nice to say so imma keep my mouth shut
That’s their sibling so yes they have right to know one another with their father. Sounds like you’re salty and acting petty I feel bad for all kids involved.
Yes, your child should meet their sibling. No, you’re not special for having a kid with the dad first. Golden uterus syndrome, much? Good grief.
That’s their sibling. Start saying it that way to remind yourself that ain’t “your ex’s kid.” That’s your kid’s brother or sister. Don’t let your petty shit rob your own damn child of that
Sophia Janine Asmal comments
What did I just read?
What in the Ke-tuckican?! Ex… so move on and not worry about his parenting unless it involves YOUR child.
It’s his sibling, and they are both children… Don’t be another one in the situation.
Honestly you sound immature and petty sad for them babies! I dont like my sons half sisters mother but im nice to her and my middle son is super close to his half sister why would you wanna deny that to your child?
Well, does your kid spend the night at the storage unit with daddy now?
Looks like many of the commenters here have not been following the farm witch saga from the start
Chill out people
She’s a funny story teller slipping in a serious question.
If this bugs you I don’t know what to tell you, lighten up a load, laugh a little.
As for the OP, just wait and see if it’s even his before you worry.
Good parents try to ignore it great parents have them grow up together I have 4 of my own and 4 stepsons and you would never know which ones are half or whole or just step. Takes a tribe to raise now a days. If he’s your x it shouldn’t matter the more the merrier
This is ridiculous. You sound like a 12 yr old.
Just worry about yourself and your co parenting relationships with your ex.
Lol the farm witch is fortnights along? I love these stories.
The new kid doesn’t have to meet and shouldn’t you sound horrible and don’t deserve the kid(s) you already got
Omg for everyone saying Nah ur kid doesn’t have to meet them I cannot wait till your child grows up and figures out youv been hiding sibling this whole time. Grow the fuck up get over yourselvs and teach your children to do better with their attitude towards people. Fuck me dead. This is a pure definition of a child having a child. Just coz your at age doesn’t mean your mature enough.
You don’t even have a choice if he has visitation, his child is your child’s sibling.
How can you punish a child… it’s not the child’s fault how the mom turns out to be…
She’s not your problem that child isn’t your problem. Those are both his kids. You don’t need to do anything except be there to pick up and drop off on his time. What he does that doesn’t put your child in danger is none of your business. Please seek counseling as it sounds like you’re bitter over the situation. I promise being able to free yourself of all that will help you move on in life towards better things but the longer you stay bitter the less any doors that lead to better things will open.
Oh bless your heart, honey, take a seat and grow up and sober up.
I really don’t see where any of this even involves you
Wow this Karen needs to grow up big time
Y’all could be potential best friends, learn to co parent, IF the baby is his, that’s your child’s sibling.
You sound like a horrible person. I’ve seen several of your posts now and you honestly don’t seem to be any more respectable than the ex-husband and other woman you’re complaining about. What your “ex” does is none of your concern. As for whether or not you let “your kid” see “theirs “, you seem to be forgetting that your child is his as well and inevitably will eventually spend time with the other child. Why would you deprive either child from spending time with their sibling? I would, however, insist that they do it somewhere besides the storage unit.
You cope that’s all there is to it . The only reason to be upset is if he or the new gf are abusive to your other kids. 1 do not talk bad about the other parent to your kids . If something happend let your kids tell you don’t be like other people who have narcissistic mentalities thinking they own another man’s blood lineage
That child is your child’s sibling, don’t let petty get in the way of your child getting to know thier own sibling. You don’t have to socialize the with farm witch but you can’t keep your kid from thier sibling.
Talk about petty. That’s sad. They would be siblings and you’re going to let your judgmental attitude step in the middle of that?
I don’t that train wreck has nothing to do with my kid, so why would I expose him to it.
Umm yeah if they are siblings what’s is wrong with you??
Using your child as a pawn is downright disgusting. How is any of the bullshit going on between all y’all adults, these children’s problem?! Why tf punish either one of those precious souls.
If he’s still with her when the baby comes your ex should have visitation with your shared child and most likely he’s going to be around this woman and this new child and you really have no say in it. And would you really keep potential siblings from one another? My mother did this so I grew up without them and only found out I had older siblings once my dad got super ill and died. I resent her for keeping them from me. You can be all up in your feels all you want but in the end you have to be what’s best for the child.
You sound so very immature jealous and petty. If thats your child’s siblings they should be in eachothers lives. They didn’t choose to be in that situation. You don’t have to like your ex or the other mother. You should however be an adult snd put your childs best interest 1st…
On the next episode of Jerry Springer…
Regardless of what has gone on.
Your background or theirs.
The children will be siblings.
Sounds like you all need to grow up and put the children first.
So because she’s confident enough to wear low rise jeans you’re going to be jealous and petty and keep your child away from their sibling? My infant has 4 half brothers and sisters all with different mom’s. If one of the moms decided to be nice and ask for her to get to know their child I would jump at the opportunity.
My oldest has a half brother and is about to have a half sister from her father and their mother treats her like shes her own and I couldn’t be happier about it. My daughter is going to be loved more than I can ever show her thanks to others in her life.
I honestly read this post like this
Yeah because it’s not about how you feel.
Have to? No you’re the mom and can make those choices. However it would not be best interest of the child which is really the angle you should look at it from.
The kids didn’t do anything wrong. Don’t be petty. It’ll only hurt your kids in the long run
Erin thought you’d enjoy this
They’re siblings…you better get over yourself and start thinking about what’s best for the kids, not how you feel
Just wow. Please please seek professional help.
If the kids are related it would really suck to not let them know each other. My siblings are right there with my children in who is important to me as an adult. No matter how I felt I could never do that to my child. Look at it as a parent instead of a petty ex. Be petty to him and her however you want as long as it doesn’t affect your kids life and relationships
If the kids are related it would really suck to not let them know each other. My siblings are right there with my children in who is important to me as an adult. No matter how I felt I could never do that to my child. Look at it as a parent instead of a petty ex. Be petty to him and her however you want as long as it doesn’t affect your kids life and relationships
Girl, do what you need to for your babies! If his there then by qll mean but when it comes to your babies don’t let them see any ugliness between you two or should I say three
It’s not children’s fault that adults make mistakes. Please don’t make the children suffer.
Is your problem your ex? His new gf? Or the baby? Why do you feel the need to state she was buying hand me downs like its an awful thing to do and what she was wearing? Sounds like jealousy to me and that you are using the kids as an excuse!
Me and my ex separated I moved on and married had another child my ex was happy for me and my husband he was so good with our new little one always holding her when he would come and see our 2 children and buying her little outfits as well as Xmas and bday presents, he’s now in a relationship and of course if he was to have a child with his girlfriend the 2 children we share would see the child it would be there sibling! God grow up!
This sounds so pathetic I am hoping it is someone being a sado with nothing better todo!
Is she still wearing 90s halter tops with her low rise pants?
Maybe throw a butterfinger blizzard at them to let them know how you feel or see if you can ban them from the neighborhood
She might be buying hand me downs but I bet she has a finished deck
So my advice is grow up and stop putting adult issues onto children those kids deserve to know eachothrr if they are siblings period you do not put your dramas onto your kids you put you’re big girl pants on and you drink some concrete .
Really thought this was dulsey from chugs. Had to look at the group I was seeing it from
Whats kid done wrong, grow up
Its not about how you feel. The kids haven’t done anything wrong they will be half siblings.
You really have no say if he has parenting time!
Maybe it’s not actually his kid? she might just be big I looked a lot further along then I was from when I started showing all the way through
But if the baby’s his you don’t have to have your kids interact especially if you can’t find common ground where ANY of the kids are going to be made to feel uncomfortable or brought into grown peoples problems.
“She still wears low rise jeans”
This is not the vibe. If that child is your childrens new siblings swallow your ego.
You have healing to do, I would start now. Your kids deserve it.
Does your kid HAVE to be around their half brother or sister? HAVE? Eventually your kid will find out they have a sibling(s) and that you kept them from getting to know each other bc you could get over yourself and the bs that was a you problem you forced on them. Welcome to teenage resentment and emotional distancing from you. Most likely while trying to get to know the sibling. Seems like a no-brainer to me…
Sometimes you’d just really like to put a face to the status
i hope this is a joke. you really sound like you shouldn’t even have a kid.
I mean what did the baby do to you? That’s your child’s HALF SIBLING, And you want to just what? Disregard that they even exist? Your child’s going to learn about their sibling and think very negative about you. It makes you look petty and like you haven’t moved on with your own life.
Wow glad my ex didn’t have kids with you
I’ll stay in my lane with my low rise jeans
“She still wears low rise jeans”
And I would too if it weren’t for the fupa
I’ve been laughing all fortnight at this sitting on my half porch wearing my low rise hand me down jeans from the gas station!
I’m guessing by your first statement y’all ain’t divorced or separated, she can wear whatever she wants to, and lastly, as the half sibling in a similar situation, at least let them meet, if they want to build a relationship let them. If they don’t then you at least tried, right now you sound bitter af, let go, move on and heal. For you and your kid
If your kids are his kids, and he has visitation rights, then … yeah. It’s up to him.
You sound bitter af, it ain’t the baby’s fault. That’s your Childs family now. Also, what is wrong with low rise jeans? Are you also bitter because you NEED the high rise ones tho? Lol if your happy he’s out then be happy. Wish them the best of luck and move on and act like an adult
Life is already complicated in Half-Porch Holler. Don’t make it even worse by keeping the siblings away from each other. No judge is going to give a rat’s furry ass about Farm Witch Franny’s low rise jeans ; they are going to care about the rights of the children to know each other as siblings. No one has asked you to watch or care for the new baby, so I’d concentrate on my own kids and my own half-porch.
Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans Boots with the fur The whole club lookin at her / She hit the floor Next thing you know …
Really now what does low rise Jeans have to do with a baby , just get over the fact that ur hubby has a moved on and let your kids get to know their new sibling that baby is going no where
Think your husband and a lucky escape!
You sound childish af!
Talk about judgement!