I mean there could be allot of things that would feed into that kind of behavior. If you’re not following through with punishments and standing your ground thats generally the first place people start. Its okay to be firm, it’s okay for her to cry because she’s upset but she needs healthier ways of expressing herself. If you’ve been okay with discipline and following through with punishments I would then lean to if she’s comfortable expressing herself. A good lot of children act out like that because their emotions are too big for them to understand and they just need help getting through them, which can be genuinely frustrating because they need help learning processing emotions understanding what each emotion is and understanding how to handle their outward actions based on what they’re feeling inside and that is ALLOT for someone who just learned to potty by themselves!!
If you work with healthy expression already I would move towards talking to a professional as it could be more of a behavioral mental issue rather than either of the things state above.
Below will be personal advice on how I deal with my 2 year old (but take it with a grain of salt cause he is just such a well-behaved and observant kid he catches onto everything so quickly)
My little boy has a punching bag for when he wants to hit people I direct him to that and generally he hits it twice and then rides it like a horse.
We also do time out for 5 or 10 minutes depending on what he did (limited time because he’s only 2 so waiting too long after the incident could mean he’ll forget what he did) usually he’s freaking out and screaming bloody murder until I go to take him out of time out so I sit in front of him and tell him to breath with me so he can calm down and talk to me and I start breathing deep in and out of my nose and then I reiterate that we need to talk about why he was in trouble ask him what he did and make him apologize and I don’t ever say “it’s okay” I say “Thank you” and “Thank you” only when he apologies, and I remind him now that apologies don’t mean anything if you keep doing what you’re apologizing for.
I have worked quiet a bit with him on naming his emotions and being vocal about his needs as well. This I just talked to him all the time like a normal person. When ever he was upset I’d ask him if he was sad and why he was feeling like that, throwing a tantrum I’d ask him why he was mad and feeling like that, when something obviously made him happy I’d ask something along the lines of “that just makes you so happy/excited?” Or “you love that so much huh?” Being as repetitive as they are in subjects that are harder for them is super helpful! And now he walks around and he’ll tell me “momma I’m sad” “momma I’m mad” sometimes he just yells “HAPPY”
When my son’s hitting and bitting got really bad I flicked him generally where ever I could get him sometimes It was the forehead his arm his hand but that really takes them back a second and generally pisses them off quit a bit. My dad gave me that tip said he did it with me and my brothers and it worked with every single one of us including my son lol.
Like I said this is just some of the ways I’ve handled things with my child and he is the kindest happiest little boy I have ever met!!
Good luck on your ventures with your little lady!! It will get better be strong momma
You are the parent she is the child act like it
That’s when you whoop that ass for throwing fits like that. Then try to find an activity for the extra energy she has. But see if her behavior changes first to see if she deserves it or not.
Take it back to the 80’s
Just because it’s a belt doesn’t mean you have got to use it.
But biting, scratching and kicking a male in the private areas are big no nos.
A quick, not hard, smack with a hand or belt and a firm no is all it takes. And then proceed to tell them why it’s not okay to do such actions.
Ask them how they would like it if someone was kicking biting and scratching them. Teach them to look at things from another’s perspective.
4 years old? Who’s the parent?
Super nanny Jo Frost and stick to it, you have to be cruel to be kind
See a child psychologist.
Lo primero q tiene q ha ser es no darle todo sus caprichos quitarle lo q a ella mas le gusta y disimular un poquito de cariño en q me refiero a ves es los papas somos muy exagerados yo se q los queremos pero no hay q demostrarlo mucho en esa edad de 4 años porque ellos son mas inteligentes q nosotros ejemplo cuando una niña o niño se cae debes desirle parate no paso nada a esa edad dale un cuaderno donde ella pinte raye también empezar q ella coma sola no importa si la primera vez se unta todo así va a aprender también enseñarle q cuando hay se le va a dar y cuando no es no no le des muchos regalos en juguetes golosinas porque cuando les das ellos en su mente pasa q cuando les das sus gustos ellos piensan q siempre les darás su capricho por eso son caprichosas has en sus berrinches si tiene mucha energía dale deberes en casa como por ejemplo q ayude a recoger sus propios juguetes q acomode sus zapatos y ai recien le das un premio al dar y resivir en pesar a a comportarse
Love,’ the teach 'ur child not to hit by hitting
read up on homeopathy it is magical
get her into doing some form of art with her hANDS, clay scribbling give her crayons …
Give her back what she gives. Kids need direction.
Give her full attention. She is pissed off and cannot verbalize what she wants. Observe her body language.
Redirect her to the nearest orphanage
Unless you want your child to be someone no one likes all her life, your job as a parent is to raise a decent human being. You need to impress upon her that her behavior will not be tolerated. I suggest beating her butt until she gets the message. You will be doing her a service.
she needs a full evaluation both psychological and psych
Duct tape works wonders!
I mean I got spanked but…
Spare rod spare child… bible ppl
Consult your pediatrician may be something else going on. Best of luck
Pediatrician or professional therapist to answer these questions.
Maybe a smack on the rear and a time out.
Still think these questions are made up by people sat around in officers. But some of the comments r funny
Please consider a mental health and learning disability assessment. It may not be you or your parenting at all. My 2 sons were perfectly normal children. Quiet and mostly well-behaved. Then my little Hellion Child was conceived and from the moment of Creation she has been challenging my 22 years of previous childcare experience.
She is nearing 17 and I am exhausted…but I could never have survived without outside help.
Light her ass up. Parenting starts with Respect… You are the parent… Act like one. I set rules and boundaries when mine were babys. When I speak you better listen to my direction or you get your ass whipped ( yes I said whipped). I have children In there 30’s 40’ grandkids in the 20’s and a great grand child. Again your the parent.
I’m glad I’m not a mom to this upcoming generation…smh
My parents used a belt, and disrespectfully slapped us in the face. Times have changed. When I was a foster parent, I raised boys who were much larger than myself. I made them bend their head and lightly popped them on their heads. They were respectful young men, but their mother had used her fists, hangars, boards, whatever. I really needed them to pay attention and it never came to more than one pop on their head to get them focused. They grew up very well. It doesn’t take beating a child, but if your child is not listening, then its time to find a way for them to focus. In some Asian countries, children who misbehave are made to kneel and hold their arms above their head. If children know the consequences of misbehavior and they continue, as a parent, its your job to call their bluff. Unfortunately, I was not successful with timeouts, the big fellows would just go to sleep, a swift reminder of expectations and refocusing worked for us. Good luck, parenting is not meant to be easy.
Do u have an idea about Indian Parenting??
She is 4 the comments on here are just gross
Check for ADHD, Autism, other processing problems.And: loving discipline.
I put my son into his nearly bare room every time he acted up in this totally unleashed way when he was between 3-4. I told him again and again that i don’t want to be hurt or get my stuff broken, and that i have to stop it.
He would have hurt himself on stone floor or cupboards otherwise, too.
Toys he tried to destroy came into a box on a high cupboard and were given back at the end of the week. In his room he had only soft toys he could throw.
I would go every 10 min to the door and ask if he wants/needs a hug or if he still felt too angry. For attacking i went out without comment.
For silence and talking normal with me he was allowed out and cuddle and everything.
He became a very very nice boy. He just had massive regulation problems.
He is autistic, like myself. The world is so loud for us.
We started with small rituals, and strict times and all that, to give us more structure. Also, not to many new things or to many stress at once for him for a while. That helped. But he needed the time to learn to deal with his anger.
It’s emotionally hard for yourself this way, the frustration is MASSIVE, and it went on for like a year- but i am proud that i didn’t break my kid, and how he behaves now.
it’s time to take her to her pd to get a referral for a developmental pediatrician for them to evaluate her to see if she has developed anything or need to be diagnosed with anything… I’m saying this because my son is 8yrs old now, at that age my son was doing the exact same things you mentioned of your daughter… My son was put on the Artisim spectrum, he was acting in the same manner because he did not know how to express himself or his feelings–to him he was getting frustrated & lashing out in a way to try to get me to understand how he was feeling with certain things & moods he was having… My son is Artistic but he is on the high spectrum of Artism…
Trust me, it’s not her being a “mean” kid, it’s a reason behind the behaviors that she is displaying…
Try family counseling. Parenting classes. I wish the best of luck to you. I had to learn to parent a wild one. It was not easy.
Heres on thing I can tell you that I learned. It is okay to be angry. Shes allowed to feel whatever shes feeling but it is not okay ti bite, kick and all of that. There are consequences for that kind of behavior. I minute of time out for her age. That woul be 4 minutes. You may have to sit there and not let her get up at first.
You could benefit from parenting classes really. Hugs. These days will go by so fast. When you get a handle on this you all will be so much happier.
Some kiddos are just more to deal with than others. Id try sports or more physical activity and def setting boundaries and consequences for her behavior. Most importantly follow through no matter how long it takes her to make better decisions.
Ok when a child is baby… We talk to them and they understand us. When they try do do something wrong we as parents sweetly say “no” so they do understand what it means and as growing up they knw right and wrong. Now this child is 4…seems like she has not been told what is right and what is wrong. Now about time you put your foot down.
Stop calling her mean for starters
A pediatric neurologist is sanctioned by the government to diagnose neurological disorders like autism.Most pediatricians refuse to diagnose it even if obvious. Our daughter could not speak at age 2.5 after vaccines. Now at 12 she still not speaking, years of therapy and medication help some. Not as much as you hope but even small changes make big difference in her life. But yea maybe just toddler development, but maybe not.
Also the book The Explosive Child by Dr Ross Greene, and join the group The B Team
Get help quickly as possible sometimes the older they get matters don’t get any better but worse as I had this with young one take care
She’s 4. A good spanking will stop that shit.
Your daughter is not mean ask her if dhe knows the meaning of mean and chances are she does not . At 4 children dont know the meanings of most words they even use or actions they take or emotions they feel start by aaking her if she knows what exactly or what a certain action is as she is doing it then define it for her and then ask her if she thinks its appropriate do do considering the time and place then discuss that very question of the time and place and if you feel it is appropriat start there
Immediate 4 minute time out followed by a hug, a little talk about what the problem was, another hug… and then never mention it again. Each incident is its own…
Try a reward program. Create a chart and break it down into morning, afternoon, and evening for a week… Whenever she goes through that time without an outburst, let her put a sticker in that space. Make a deal that when she gets a reasonable amount of spaces filled, which for a 4 year old depending on the frequency of the behavior, you might have to start with 1 day being the goal. Go for ice cream or stop by Dollar Tree.
Also, teach her coping strategies at calm, neutral times… Then when you see her escalating, remind her to use them. There are lots of fun ones for young kids. You can Google… But “blowing out the candle” is just one example. It encourages deep breathing and provides a nice oxygenated brain, so she can think clearly to overcome what’s upsetting her.
Discipline isn’t mean lol tf that’s the problem y’all don’t show her any consequences for her behavior. You just “redirect”
Several others here have explained that their children did this in response to an ear problem…Great valuable information… you are missing context has your child always been this way? Did she up and turn into a devil child at 4 years old or has she always bitten and kicked and hurt the people around her? Biting is completely unacceptable and will prohibit her from getting an education… If she has no empathy for the pain that she is causing her mother and father who love her and care for her she may have a mental disorder… You are right to be concerned and justified in your pain and worry… Children do not care if they get positive or negative attention all and any attention functions for them… The idea that she could bite and hurt me and then somehow get additional attention from me is counterintuitive… Reinforce behaviors no matter how small like so many have said such a big deal massive tsunami of love and attention for anything resembling normal behavior… Stone Cold isolation for anything else…not even a glance… Please make sure no one has done anything to her to cause this behavior… Who is biting her who is kicking her? Is anyone bullying her or worse molesting her? Unless she’s severely mentally challenged you can ask a four-year-old outside of the times when they’re acting out what do you want what do you need from Mama when you feel like you have to bite or kick or hurt me or your father what do you want us to do to help you? At the time they are acting out they should get zero less than zero if possible of your attention. 4 years old is also old enough if she’s mentally capable of course to understand if you continue to bite and hit you will be removed permanently from my presence to a hospital full of biting and hitting children … She needs to understand actions have consequences in this world even for 4 year olds…Do you no longer want to live here with mama ? You have every right to set the conditions for living in your home and better she learn now how to get along with the world before the world punishes her because you won’t.
Pur her in the bin:joy:obv joke. Jus ignore negitive behaviour dont reward it. If u think maybe something else is going on then spk to gp r hv x
I think this child needs to be assessed for an underlying disorder. Please get a referral from your Dr.
Could the father be taking advantage of his power???
Spare the rod spoil the child sounds like your child needs a belt or paddle or your hand
Hire Susan Smith or Casey Anthony as a babysitter.
Autism? ADHD? BIPOLAR? Good luck regardless.
Learn how to discipline your kid
I quick smack, or kick her back. You are allowing your child to rule your house.who is the adult.
So unless the child has an actually issue.
Idk about therapy unless their is a physiological problem, their is different methods that works differently on different kids, some kids need spankings, some time out, & some you can talk too, you should’ve gotten her out this years ago, this stage hasn’t just started, she shouldn’t be acting like that
Probably too late but a good old fashion ass whooping would have straightened her out
Decades ago we called them brats. Now we helicopter around them. Maybe allergies . Would see a doctor to sort anything medical
Do what she does back to her. She’ll learn not to kick as soon as she learns it hurts. Especially if you do it a couple times. Just hang in there! For anyone that thinks I’m serious, just know that I’m not.
Children communicate in the only way they know how. You have failed to listen and teach boundries and proper communication. Talk at their level of understanding. Rewards and discipline (not spanking as a 1st resort) will put you on a better path. Since you have already screwed up, you may want to seek help from a professional.
A parenting class called circle of security. Get with a family therapist and check it out it’s a great class and will drastically change your household for the better
Sounds like your kid is the mom not you try real parenting as in be the boss
with our 4y/o when she was younger we would copy her. if she “hit” us we “hit” her she didnt like that at all and stopped quick now she grunts when shes mad. well tell her to count to 4 and have her tell us why she’s upset. sometimes it works others time we bring out snacks
When your kids being a little shit give him a corrective slap, or use molasses when he fuckes up. Give him a spoon full of that he might act right. Or you know dont spoil the little shit
Biting at four oh my. Maybe get a referral to a paediatrician maybe.good luck.
You need to start by changing the word mean, she isn’t mean she is a 4 year old child . Then go to your doctor and ask for a referral to a specialist that deals with children and issues like this
Ever heard if a foot in the ass?
Redirect her outside and lock the door🤣
If it was my kid … !!!@#$%^&*!@#$!..
Bite back , kick or give it a bloody good smack on the arse that’s the problem WTF Really
take her to counseling is my non spanking her ass answer.
Not like you have been doing
Spank the hell out of her. She’ll learn real quick after a few.
I got nothing
I know if it were a black household asses would be whooped 🤷🏽♀
Spare the rod, spoil the child.
Spare the rod spoil the child
Slap on the arse sounds right
Is she feral all the time or after she eats certain foods, certain times? What devices does she have access to? iPad, iPhone, TV? What does she watch on those frequently? Does she have access to older siblings, cousins that you can be 100% sure have never done anything like she does to kids/adults? Kicking btw the legs is learned behaviour whether it’s verbal or seen on a media device. Does she go to childcare and maybe picked up certain behaviour from there? What recourse does she have when she bites / hurts others? I know when my kids starting doing that I’d bite back, or get the sibling to but back just enough to make them understand the pain. They would never do it again to us or siblings or anyone again. Just telling them verbally was useless as they were too young to fully comprehend what was involved- and just saying no with no explanation just didn’t cut it. Kids are inquisitive and just telling them no with no reasoning/ explanation just insults/ disrespects their intelligence. I’m not saying start smacking your child- coz depending on the child this will create an even bigger issue when ‘spanking’ doesn’t work. I’m against that but showing the pain they are inflicting is also painful on them usually works. If it doesn’t then preventing access for a set time to things they love when they misbehave is another tool. But don’t forget to find out the cause is most important. It could be food intolerance, bad behaviour towards them by someone else, watching age inappropriate shows, even an underlying illness that is causing them discomfort etc. No use treating the symptoms if the cause isn’t also removed.
Time out in a corner.
Redirection isnt working. Perhaps its time for you to try another tactic, and starg being " mean".
Tyler Tml Hennebury Terry Hennebury not Gabe lol
a good smack on the ass
Rebecca Benton Any ideas?
If you can afford it, hire an RBT who knows ABA.
Ignore her soon get tired
How would she even know…to kick between the legs?
How much violence has she been exposed to in her life?
Good ol ass whoopin
U gotta wh*oop that ass
A good smack on the arse helps,.
Sounds like temper tantrums.
Hugs for you and your little one🙏🏻
Hire an ABA specialist
Redirect with your belt!
Spank that little butt.
Bite her back. Just once. Don’t gnaw her arm off but yeah, make it hurt a little. Ask her how it felt and when she says it hurt tell her it hurts when she does it too and explain that there are better ways to express her emotions than using them against others. Give her a giant stuffed animal she can dive and claw into. Unconventional but effective.
Try finding out what triggers them to act this way, and handle the situation with positive reinforcement, patience and understanding, but don’t give in to what they want.
If this doesn’t work, look into making an appointment with a BCBA (some have their own private practices and will come right to your house, rather than you having to go to them) then take steps into getting your child into an ABA program at their elementary school (If your child is enrolled in one, of course!)
Good luck!
A child will do what they can get away with, I suspect this has been going on for awhile. You are her parent NOT her friend, so be a parent and discipline her, there are repercussions for actions sounds like there isn’t enough discipline in your home it’s called tough love and if that means spanking her so be it.
This sounds to me like a kid who needs lots of positive attention when she’s doing things right. Crafts, play games, bake cookies, go for a walk together…
Pple on this post act like you gonna kill your child if you pop their hand, go ahead and try those time outs though, by five she’ll really be running all over top of you. To each it’s own
Whip her ass. Stop being a friendly mom. You have to show her who is in charge, because right now, a 4 year old runs your house. Whip her ass, sit her in time out, don’t let her get up. Get loud if you have to. But YOU have to stop being so friendly like she’s your drunk best friend trying to fight at a bar.
When I was growing up if we even thought of doing that my mom would spank us till we couldnt sit down and we didnt get very many spankings cause we knew what we would get
Sometimes you have to be mean. Remember you’re the parent and not a friend.
Don’t spank her wtf why hurt your child for showing emotion i have a 4 year old son i never put my hands on him…that shit is traumatizing. You don’t fix attitude with anger and physically hurt the kid come on now.
Lower your voice try and get at there level and just let them know its ok to feel all these anger emotions and feelings but definitely not ok to hit others. After awhile it will stick…
Take her iPad tv away.