How do I parent my mean four year old?

Have ger checked out. First by a medical doctor, then by an allergist. Many food allergies can cause behavior problems. Also, have a child therapist check her out. Lots of neuro problems or hearing issues cause this type of behavior

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I’m sorry you’re going through this. It seems like maybe she thinks she’ll get her way if she’s mean. I would communicate to her that being aggressive is not okay and will not be tolerated. And let her know that the next time she is aggressive she will (insert punishment) ex: get put in time out until she can calm down. Then show her an appropriate alternative to being aggressive. And communicate with her that this replacement behavior will get better results.

I hope this helps! :heart:

My son didn’t bite or hit when he was that age, but he did throw big dramatic tantrums when he didn’t get what he wanted. What worked was putting a big box in the top of a closet, and a favorite toy in it every time he acted out. If he went a couple days without kicking up a fuss, he’d get the toys back.

My question is why is she attacking him between the legs. Maybe its because of my past trauma, but a 4 year old doesn’t just know that kicking the crotch will hurt. I’d seek professional help. Pediatrician, therapist, counseling.

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I would definitely get professional advice. If she is like this at age four you will be in deep trouble when she is fourteen. God Bless You.

some very strong dicipline let her know shes not the boss maybe some behavior issues that need to be addressed with a doctor good luck

Time out away from everybody and everything. No stimulation of any kind. I had to stand over the child to.make sure she understood why the first time but it worked

Lay in the floor and throw a tantrum with her, worked on my son in the middle of a walmart store. I was embarrassed but never did it again.

Maybe she needs a thorough check up from your pediatrician. She may have physical problems or sensory problems. On the other hand she could have experienced something traumatic. Either way she needs to be looked at to rule out medical problems. A four year just isn’t mean for no reason. There is an underlying problem and she apparently can’t tell you.

When she behaves so badly, bite her back and stand her in a corner for awhile. Take everything away from her until she quits misbehaving. Gradually let her have her play things back. The parents have let this go on too long before any punishment. Put her in bed at a certain time each time, get a routine going. If she is good, take her to a park or do something fun but she has to earn that right.

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Get mean!! Time out. When she is calm sit her down and tell her that her behaviour will not be tolerated. Tell her if she does it you will confiscate toys or what ever punishment you want. And stick to it and really praise her when she does be good.

My 3 learned quickly for every action there is a consequence good actions received praise and surprise outings but bad choices meant time out and then apology required with a clear message that they understand what they have done wrong. At 4 she should be aware of what is right and wrong she needs consequences

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All behaviour is communication. the first thing to do would be work out why she’s lashing out. Does she need more control? Is she having sensory issues? Maybe the change of routine being out of nursery etc. All these people suggesting hitting its really not the way to teach a child not to hit. Monkey see monkey do and they’ll be the child hitting at school when other kids don’t do what they want because that’s what mummy’s does.

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I think she needs professional help and I am not saying in a negative way but I think she should be evaluated cause at that age is when kids are the sweetess and she is totally opposite she might benefit with an evaluation and maybe the problem will be solved with treatment and therapy

Consequences need to be put in place you and her dad need to be on the same page she’s 4 so she’s learning what’s right and wrong it doesn’t have to be mean I use a timeout spot for my 3 and 4 year old when they are miss behaving and I praise the hell out of them and reward them when they behave appropriately so Consequences, rewards, and consistency will become your best friend

Sound like Professional intervention is needed. Pity the teacher when she starts school. Correct this now or it will only get worse. Kicking and biting now, stabbing and shooting later. This is a child in pain. With no limits and no understanding in how to express frustration and anger she will act out to get attention or make herself see and heard. Pain may be physical, emotional, psychological but it must be identified and eliminated. Go’s bless you all.

I agree with the parents that are saying if talking doesn’t work do it back. Our 5y old she can be so rude and we’ve already talked to her about it. So now whe she dont listen, we dont listen. she wants to be rude we are rude back. And when she asks why we are being like that we just say that must be how you want to be treated, cause you treat people how you would like to be treated.

If more kids were raised today the way we were instead of everyone looking at things as abuse kids wouldn’t act the way they do to. Kids in the world today are very rude, mean and think they are entitled. A child can be disciplined without it being abuse. We aren’t here to be there friends and make them think their actions are ok. Find a way that works for you and your child but above all stay consistent. Start with getting down eye level and calmly set the rules and boundaries in a way a 4 year old can understand. Whatever you say is going to be the discipline follow thru and stay consistent like I said. If at anytime she thinks she has the upper hand and is getting to you she will continue because she knows she has won. Is it easy no. Will it probably take time? Yes Will there be a time you may have to change the route you go? Yes but you will figure out what works. I’m sorry but I am one who says if the need a swat give it to them. Big difference in swatting a child on the butt versus beating them. No need for any parent to ever go that far.

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I’d take her to her doctor first, check for out of range chemicals in her body. If nothing there, discipline the behavior, but reward any and every good behavior with tons of love. Very sorry you are going through this.

i was no different then many children… when i had a tantrum once in the kitchen… my mother had it with me… she took half a cup of cold water and soaked my head… I STOPPED COLD TURKEY… after… if I had the notion of having a tantrum… my mother would turn on the tap… I WOULD STOP IMMEDIATELY… sometimes a little inginuity can do the trick…

I had 2 boys with allergies that could cause some weird behaviors. If discipline isn’t working, I suggest getting her allergy tested to everything.
Also definitely consider her gut biome and diet. You would be amazed, if she is eating correctly for her body, nutrition and probiotics will change everything! Our western diet is horrible. It makes us sick. It is killing us. There’s so much that you CAN do for her and your family.

You won’t like this but a good spanking often goes a long way. As kids we knew the consequence of our behavior. Makes a kid think
Is it worth it to do this.

Spank her butt. Empty her room of everything but a bed and a few set of clothes. Don’t give treats, no tv time. She is old enough to do 4 yr old level chores.

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When I was a little girl I bit people. One night I had a babysitter who bit me back very hard. I never bit again.

I think biting a child back at 2, just hard enough so they know it hurts when they do it is fine because they don’t really have a concept at 2 how they are hurting another person and they need to realize that. Now at 4! They should have already learned that. I probably wouldn’t bite back a 4 year old, because it could just become a battle… a 4 year old should have reprocussions for bad behavior… you can redirect till you are blue in the face, but you have to discipline bad behavior. Whether it is taking things away from her, making her sit in time out, or swatting her bottom when she needs it. Don’t be afraid to discipline your child. If they don’t learn they are responsible for their actions young. Your gunna have worse and worse problems the older they get! Promise. This comes from a mom, grandma, elementary school teacher, child development major

Get down to her level…look her directly in the eyes…remember she is also a person like you or me and is entitled to have her bad days but being so young she isn’t quite equipped yet on where to direct her emotions properly…let her know, and make sure you keep eye contact, that ifs ok for her to be upset or mad but its not ok to hurt others and throw a fit. Make sure you maintain your calm. Try and guide her.

As someone who supports kids, I can say all behaviour is a form of communication. Figure out what’s setting her off. It could be sensory it could be anxiety or anything just start to track it and see what the antecedent is before every behavior and that might lead you to find out how to help

I have a niece who has an attitude but can be sweet as pie her mother ask me what to do with her I tell her first of all don’t yell and scream never hit but you take away things that she loves and what makes her happy one by one she’ll have nothing then when she realizes that acting badly has consequences she will stop hopefully then you re introduced her belongings with acceptable behavior it may take a few times but in the end figure it out

Is she in any kind of preschool? She will see the other kids behaving the correct way and change her behavior believe me

You know how our parents took care of this kind of behavior!!! And it worked

Never threaten what you are not willing to do. If you tell her you will put her in time out for an hour, make sure you put her in time out for an hour. I had a child care instructor once tell me if you threaten it you better be prepared to do it.

Express what is exceptable and what is not what consequences are stand firm
Follow thru and realize you created this by not being firm. Better now than later. Love is hard

Supernanny (tv series where capable woman advises parents) would set up routines, ways to earn treats, and a place for the child to be sat [time out, 1 minute for each year of their age] ‘the naughty spot’ (or bottom step of stairs, or a particular chair). You may like to find Supernanny on You Tube.
Basic rule of parenting is that the adults are in charge, and children must learn to obey and to behave well.

Hey hun, I can relate to this all too well with my 3 year old. Honestly we were at a complete loss to the point where my mental health went down hill massively because I couldn’t cope. But we spoke to my early help worker and my health visitor and they suggested a few things. So we used a black piece of paper and every time she did something good or she didn’t hurt me daddy or her siblings then she got to put a star on it but you also do it for yourself and daddy too so she can she everyone gets rewarded. Then when you’ve filled it up you can do something special with her, we are taking her out next week just for a little day out - doesn’t have to cost a penny. It’s called the starry night reward chart and it’s actually helped us. We also use time out for her, which is a massive thing in my house with having 2 toddlers. Honestly you just have to try different things and see where they take you hun, it’s so hard especially when they’re like that but it does improve. Xx

I had my 2 year old granddaughter who had temper tantrums. I would take her into the bath room close the door she couldn’t open it. She would scream kick wall and carry on. I would calmly say when your done we will go out. It took 15 min. The first time. Each time it got shorter. She got the point.

Put her in the naughty chair and if she get off put her back continue doing it even if it takes alnight she needs to know whos boss at the moment she is the boss. she wont stop unless your willing to persist .take control now shes worth the effort

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My grandfather used to say: A bamboo shoot can easily be formed into a good shape while it is still young and growing. That means the parents must be stern and show how the child should be respectful and obedient. One way to make a child to be respectful and obedient is by making him/her face the wall as a punishment for being a bad boy or girl. Then show him/her how your love and concern without hurting the child.


If you dont do it soon she will be the boss over grown people. You know what to do. How were you raised.

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Yes you are the parent and you are her friend for life try using the time out for her And I am sure she will outgrow it

We give one warning and is she throws a fit or does it again we go to the corner to calm down then when she’s done with time out we explain why it was wrong what she did

You can choice your words carefully and if something is taken away from them do to their behavior stick to your guns don’t give in even they start acting better. Praise if they do start to do better as hard as it is stick to the punishment

I’m old school, whip that ass. Know if your child has autism or something mentally wrong with him a good ass whooping is not going to work. But if your child is being a straight up brat, give them a good ass Whoopin. if they’re smart enough their going to quit it. I’m not saying just go up on your child start swinging on them. Set them down and let them know what they’re doing wrong and tell them the consequences if they don’t quit it and if they continue to ignore you then that’s when you break out a good ass whooping. Then afterwards you tell them once again what they did wrong and that’s why they had the consequences and if they keep it up, then their going to get an ass whooping again. Most people don’t tell you it is going to hurt you like hell to whoop your child, because come on, no parent wants to see their child injured or hurting but sometimes tough love is necessary

I hate to suggest this, but it works, and it works fast. An old fashioned spanking, bare bottom, only use your hand. I’m sure I’ll get crap for this but time and time again I hear adults (older adults) say I would have never acted like that because I would have gotten spanked! Well BECAUSE IT WORKS!

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Parents don’t spank anymore ! So deal with entitled bratts ! We got our butts tore up and it didn’t take long to figure it out !

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I have nothing I can tell you to do at the moment as I am not there but have you tried taking her to a doctor and explaining what she is like at home and suggest she is tested for ADHD, and is she like this at school.
The sooner you address this the better

Swat her butt! I’m 45 and got my backside handed to me a few times growing up and so did all of my kids. It did us all good!

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If you find a four year old mean, then you need professional help, not for the kid, but for yourself. Take it as positive criticism. All the best.

Sounds like she has pent up energy. Watch her diet, low sugar, red dyes, no sugary drinks. Switch milk to Almond milk. Regular milk has bad hormones and 13 grams of sugar. Change of diet might be all she needs. Good luck don’t lose hope she is 4, could be a phase.

Ive bit mine back too not to the point of hurting barely enough to feel it but enough that they know it is not nice to do or that it is ok

I found this the most useful when I was raising a difficult child.

The Difficult Child by Stanley Turecki

Don’t do the crime if you Can’t do the time…please don’t have anymore kids, we have sufficient amount of misbehaving children and adults as noted by all the posts!

she is 4 so a time out seat for 1minute per age if she get off put her back on no matter if you have to do it for hours before she sees that she is must be calm and deal with her actions.

My young fellow when he was 3 years old use to bite and kick I bite him back enough to make him cry didn’t bite again

Address the inappropriate behavior before she gets to “that stage”. You might also have her checked out by a doctor; could be something physical…???

Quit being so easy on them . Talk loud to them & show em what happends when they dont listen . Idk why ur letting ur kids call shots already at toddler status

Take all toys and anything else she likes out of her room and until she starts behaving and acting like a good child she won’t get any back when she starts behaving and doing simple chores without argueing she will then get a toy one at a time slowly. Also make a chore chart and when she’s done her chores she’ll get a gold star, and after so many stars and good behavior take her out for ice cream.
Remember you’re the parent and you will not be disrespected and for everytime you are she will get a check mark for bad behavior.
She’s the child and you’re the parent.

Sounds like she is crying out for some help. She sounds like she is confused about boundaries and needs some help in establishing them. Gently but consistently establish rules for her with lots of praise and love for her when she follows them. The most important thing is for everyone to be consistant. It takes about 5 weeks to change a behavior so be consistent and kind but matter of fact and be patient.

I’m assuming the child hasn’t had help with learning and true development skills the last 4 years and now cannot express themselves appropriately. Don’t know many 4 years old thats parent just so simply “cannot handle”.

You could have been describing my little girl….she grew up and became a successful attorney. Keep the faith❤️

Do you and your husband both work outside the home? Then she is trying to get your attention. You need to spend more time with her if that’s the case.

I would talk to a doctor/phycologist/therapist this could be an indicator of something deeper. A professional Behavioral Therapist might have good advice. Having something like a privilege to earn is often helpful. Since she is so young, maybe a marble jar so that it is visible, when she does something good a marble go in and if she hurts someone a marble comes out. But make it easy to earn. Like if she asks for something nicely or puts her shoes away. Give her clear rules so that she knows what behaviors cause you to remove a marble so it doesn’t seem arbitrary. You can have a reset day every other day. Since she is so young, keep it short so that she can see the results immediately. By earning a reward you are affirming her positive behavior, and there is a consequence directly related to her behavior, rather than an unrelated punishment. If she uses a shoe to hurt someone, she looses that pair of shoes for the day/week. If she hurts someone on the playground, she has to go go home to continue play independently. If she throws a toy, she loses the privilege to use that toy for the day/weekend. But you must give her a way to earn them back and keep is short so that her young brain can process.
What also helps is creating a space where she can chose to go and process/chill when she needs. Start trying meditation/breathing exercises with her so she can have tools to cope. There are several YouTubes that she can listen to. Or if she needs a physical outlet: running laps around the yard or a kid punching bag. Allow her to be angry and express it without hurting people. And give her a marble for using her new coping skills.
Summary: Conscience instead of punishment, lots of affirming rewards, and tools to allow her to control her own behavior.

Give her a Choice of something maybe two different thing and let her pick

What worked for me as I was a bitter is neighbor kid bit me back

This didn’t happen over night she has had no consequences in her behavior so I would get some professional help :sos: this is just my opinion :smiley:

I agree about taking her to s therapist to make sure something isn’t going on in her life like sexual abuse or some other trauma that is causing her to act in the ways you describe …either it’s trauma or a mental/ physical condition of some kind

Her diet could have everything to do with her behavior. It’s proven that high fructose corn syrup and food dyes affect a child’s behaviors. May want to see a therapist and pay closer attention to what she’s consuming.

I don’t mean to sound rude but I would have her checked for behavioural disorders or developmental issues! She may not be able to properly communicate with you and as a result lashes out to try and communicate or let out frustration

My son had those same issues. Emotional disturbed was the reason. Special education is the answer. He became eligible for ADA and now is able to function normally due to the program services. I hope you take advantage of the free social services offer to help your daughter. :heart:

You are the parent and she is your friend for life no matter no matter what use some time out with her not with her time out is you don’t have to whoop kids all the time

My question is,at her age,how does she know to kick her dad between the legs,to hurt him.

Take her to Zimbabwe or South Africa for 2 months and let the maids deal with her. I guarantee a new child will come out of there. I’m speaking from experience!

In my opinion, children act out for a reason, they are bottles of emotion without the tools, experience, and development to express them with maturity. It is up to us adults to model behavior, patience, and grace. Yes, in safety issues I’ve spanked my son on the bottom but I knew exactly why he acted out in social settings (in my particular case). It was because I was a single parent with no support network whatsoever and family that was dysfunctional and abusive themselves. However, I was so in tune with my son’s needs and challenges. His speech was not well until he was almost 4 (began putting 2-3 words together, although sometimes unintelligible) and I was exhausted after working my full time job to give him adequate physical play in addition to being excessively more sick than most kids (so I tried to keep him very healthy so as not to miss work). There is not much in the way of resources in my area, let alone not much until children turn about 5 (unless they’re completely nonverbal and/or have good health insurance and/or say the right words). Once my son was 5 1/2, we got in touch with the right resources (after many dead ends and many phone calls) and medication to help him with focus, attention, and cognitive processing. I finally got a part time job (thanks to my budgeting of the stimulus’) after having my son in subpar daycare that had a revolving door of caregivers which lacked consistency (which has been studied and shows that children struggle with emotional problems from anxiety and inability to trust caregivers). My son is now 6 1/2 and finally able to verbalize his emotions and truly understands and appreciates the efforts and patience I have shown him throughout this roller coaster of a journey. My point is, we’re all trying to do our best, but we’re not perfect. But I think if we grow and seek to understand, truly understand what a child that has only been on this Earth for 3, 4, or 5 years may be feeling, experiencing, love will find a way. This way is hard, long, and almost drives you crazy but I think it pays off. I pray and hope all the children experience that kind of unconditional love, patience, and understanding from at least one being on this Earth. God bless.

Look into the “Love & Logic” approach.

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Hive the child a smack on the butt. Doesn’t have to hard or a beating. Enough to get their attention to show it won’t be tolerated

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Persistence is key no matter what. Discipline is key, and you can’t be her friend at 4 or else she will be running the house herself. Don’t give up and don’t give in.

My grand son is 2yrs old n gets mad n throw cars n hits people. My daughter took him to dr n they are going to work with parents . The father has the same issues but can control them now. Th err y are checking him she if its grnetic

She’s all pent up! Run her, make her swim, whatever makes her expend lots of energy everyday. I never met a tired child who does those things. At least test it out.

Teach discipline sometimes we need to strict with our childrens that’s not mean that mean we want to redirect them for there well being.

I don’t think this is normal behaviour for a 4 yr old. For a 1-2 yr old with limited speech and understanding maybe…
Does she have under lying issues? Speech, behaviour, not sleeping etc?
I definitely think talking to a peaditrician etc will help. Even if it’s something you haven’t done as she’s grown thats let her get like this, they may link you up with parenting classes to help.

Have you ever just aske her what is going on with you? Ask her what can we do to help this situation and make it better? Do you set boundaries with her? I am asking these questions because I had a child who had Oppositional defiant behavior it is not easy to deal with there were times I thought I might hurt her accidently a wonderful older lady took me under arm and encouraged me and worked with me and helped me a lot tell her how much you love her. You can do this there is a book called anger in the heart of a child it is a Christian book and might help you my daughter Tracy was three when when this started. It went on for several years she was in United Methodist children’s home for treatment she received a lot of help She became a nurse and had four beautiful children she passed away 4years ago her youngest child was only 13 at the time she did a beautiful job raising her children they miss her very much and are thankful for the time they had with her. I encourage you to pick up your beautiful little girl and tell her how much you love :heart: her

It could be a lot of things. However, I would check with a therapist (no, that doesn’t mean you’re screwing up as a parent), and/or get her in a activity which would require “discipline” (a sport), some kids at this age just don’t know how to express emotions like the next kid that’s not physically harmful. In the end, you’ll see what’s more fit for your child and family.

The bible says spare the rod spoil the child if I would have done something like that as a child my mama and daddy would have whooped me good theirs a difference between abuse and discipline no matter what the bleeding heart liberals say that’s what’s wrong with the kids today no discipline

There is such alot that could be going on, my suggestion would be you keep a diary on foods, drink,behaviour ,times of day and what’s going on around them also what activities they are doing. Could be something in the diet triggering them. I would keep an indepth diary for a month, change different ways of dealing with her and you will hopefully see some kind of pattern. Also questions to ask is she like this at school? Routine, and consequence for behaviour needs to be clear and the same each day. Children can get hangry she should be having 5/6 small meals a day. I don’t recommend any form of violence back at the child, else you are just reinforcing it is ok. I have no tolerance for violence of any kind my 7 yr old twins fight n argue like cat n dog and they are sent straight to the kitchen table until they can talk to each other civil. They get bored before me believe. Talking over why she’s feeling like she has to do that would be far more constructive that slapping her hand or butt. You could make a feelings jar , just a normal jar- she can paint it , then Everytime she’s having a moment walk her to the kitchen table / time out space / cool down area and you could ask her to draw or write down how she’s feeling and why if she knows, then pop it in a jar for the jar to eat. At this age they struggle to know what there feeling so a little guidance sad,happy,scared,hungry, excited …they will soon learn to recognize how they are feeling, feel free to message me if you need anymore suggestions, stay strong it will get easier when she learns the boundaries

I would find out where she is getting the lessons on these reaction and why they are directed on your husband and yourself.

Put her in military style preschool. She needs structure every 15 minutes and lessons.

Teaches them to just use violence when your emotions get too much take her to doctors maybe adhd etc

I love my kids and grandkids but as a gramma and mother if they made me raise my voice or get up or disturb what im doing and it wasnt an emergency, the eye of death happend, Id give them “the look” and if that didnt stop them, then ots reinforcement on to their room, or extra chores after the timeout, or taking things away… weve not only taken away but if they broke something of ours, something of theirs got broke. And last resort depending on situation a good ole fashioned spanking. Im sorry but if you dont have control as their children, you wont have NO control as their teenagers, thats why this united states is in the shape its in. Too many snowflakes… Ive raised many children and none of them are in jail, they respect their elders, and they have families of their own with well behaved children…

I think a butt busting about 3 years ago would have been appropriate but can’t do ,2 yrs ago now . I sure wouldn’t wait any longer, you’ll be surprised how fast a couple of butt bustings will cure it,.

It’s called a switch & bite back just hard enough for it to pinch! It works.

Have her checked for sleep apnea. Not sleeping well at night can cause behaviors.

Bite her back. Not hard enough to hurt but hard enough that’s the child learns that it’s not fun to be on the receiving end of the meanness.

For my children. I always tell them not to do to others that they don’t want done to them because not everyone reacts the same to “meanness”. So if they don’t want to get hit/bit/etc then don’t do it to others. I don’t hit my children unless they’re hitting. Most of the time they get put in the corner or have to sit down for the length of their age or until they calm down… tapping your kids on their hands, butt or legs isn’t abuse unless your hitting to cause extreme harm such as bruises/gashes/red marks… every child learns differently & it’s solely on the parent to learn their children to give the best approach when raising them :woman_shrugging:t4:

When I was raised, I got a pingpong paddle to the ass & screamed at for things that my brothers did or because she was frustrated or when she felt I was gonna talk back… my oldest brother never got spanked/disciplined, at least none that I seen (always a talk & his ass bailed out everytime he did something bad) & he’s been in & out of jail his whole life & still trying to recover from alcoholism in his 30s… My brothers & I had a rough start with our birth parents(abuse from the father’s & our mother died when we were grade school ages). & Were raised differently under the same roof when our parents died or went to prison when we went to live with our grandparents. & we all have different outcomes… they didn’t resort to only whoopings but I always received them on behalf of my brothers & their actions… because my brothers “didn’t like to see their sister get hurt”, but they always did bad shit & I always got punished (that’s abuse :woman_shrugging:t4:)

Just make sure to choose wisely & never give up guiding :raised_hands:t3:

Always different ways to raise your kids. Just gotta find what works & remember they’re children…

I would see a psychiatrist !! We had this issue growing up and my doctor told my mom my sister and I have “ODD”

Oppositional defiant disorder.

Most people say it’s just a kid being a brat but trust me it’s a real thing and manageable with the right treatment // awareness // coaching !!

Could also be ADHD or ADD or even autism as people have mentioned.

Never hurts to look into !!

DO YOU OWN A HAIR BRUSH, OR A WOODEN SPOON, if not go buy them both. Just a few smacks on her little ass may wake her up to who the boss really is. If you don’t start to change her behavior now at 4, to late at 12 you lost her by 16. Good luck

There maybe something underlying. Maybe a doctor could direct you in a positive direction.

I’m sorry but my mom whooped my ass ,didnt happen often because I knew better.
Or it is medical problems like ADHD

I have the perfect solution but idk especially in this day where people are so sensitive and can’t separate the difference between abuse and discipline that’s why this new generation is the way it is back in the day you got your ass whopped

give time out and spank that bottom wont break or dont pay attention to her trauma sound like she wants attention and thats a way toget it

Some of those answers are scary We raised a boy an girl Wooden spoon was my choice funny thing I didn’t use much just got it out

There has to be a form of punishment, time out zone until apologies are made,if you’re out and about you go straight home