How do I parent my mean four year old?

a swat on the back side and put in the bedroom with no toys for awhile will eventially work. you cannot pamper them when they act like this it will only get worse. no one ever died from one swat well placed

I love all of these wonderful, caring suggestions.
So go on continue to spare that rod and spoil that child.
I’ll be watching the idiot box one evening and your story will be in Investigative Reports, Snapped, or Dateline outlining how your child killed you or you killed your child.

It’s called a belt. Applied each time she gets groggy will change her attitude in less than a week! Guaranteed!

Therapy if you don’t do the hard talk and the old fashion spank and not give in to things she wants . Shit shit her ass in a corner and scream her lungs out .

Sounds like “Oppositional Defiant Disorder” to me. Get her tested.

You started too late. Her training should have started when you were holding her in your arms.

This thread scares me with the number of people that think it’s OK to physically abuse their children using hitting, bitting, kicking, not spanking.

I have to ask if you were angry and losing control would you want someone to do those things to you in order to “ learn”

This is your child not a bar fight

I went through MATC for my daughter I dont know if your from Canada but it’s in winnipeg it’s been so helpful for both me and my daughter. If you can try to reach out to occupational therapist in your region I highly suggest it they have a lot of good coping mechanisms to deal with an over-stimulated child. a thing that’s really working for me what might not work for everybody but when my daughter is in a tantrum and a very aggressive State of Mind I get her to tell me out loud 5 things she can smell, five things you can touch, and 5 things she can hear the point of it is to redirect their brain to distract them from the bad habits they’re doing I really hope this helps best of luck to you hun. I know how hard it is dealing with a child who is very angry my heart is with you

Make here stand face forward house corner guarantee after a couple of times their quick to change their tune

Is she getting enough physical activity , do you guys take her outside to do things ,I know with the pandemic it can be harder but I noticed in my children if they don’t get enough regular exercise and we in the house to much they act up way more , as far as the physical abuse she dishes out it’s her way of expressing her feeling because she doesn’t know how any other way , you guys need to help her express her feelings another way

Look up a lady called karin purvis. She has strategies that work.

And when she goes to school telling them you are biting…kicking her .School will call CPS on you

A spanking doesn’t hurt any child misbehaving time out on a chair

If shes 4yrs old with this violent behavior, evidentally they dont have any parenting skills .

Check her diet - too much sugar?

Is there a younger child in the house?

Try defuseing clary sage oils or have dried leaves in a bowl around the house. Try anointing her temples with clary sage oil See if any changes in a few days. Japanese use this

Buy a 2" wide leather belt and spank her ass

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First of all it’s not being mean to discipline your child unless you’re calling her names and putting her down. that’s your job and I question if she’s mean for what have you not been doing that created this child to treat you that way

Rule out any physical or social things that are happening is she hungry is she tired? There’s a lot of context to the scenario that we are not getting

Are use TBRI Karen purvie I teach parent education.

She’s getting out of control because she’s trying to regain and keep the power that she already has over you she’s training you you’re not in control of her and it’s gonna take a lot of work in order to get your power back.

You could utilize time out 4 minutes sitting in a chair standing at a corner you’re sitting in a chair next to her and keeping her from getting up you’re standing in the corner with her. As soon as she gets up to get out of the chair her four minutes starts over you never ever add time that it becomes a punishment not a consequence punishments are about power and control over other people that leads to abuse she’s not on your level but she needs to know that you are the boss but she has choices.

You could ask her is that being nice or kind when you hit mommy she’s going to say no and then you can respond would you like a do over would you like to try that again being nice and kind?

When you speak to her you need to make sure that you are at her eye level either contact and make it known that is not OK to hit or kick you or anyone.

Instead of always saying no give her choices so that keeps her in control say do you want oatmeal for breakfast or do you want Siri and only give two choices

Keep it very short very to the point you’re not talking your four-year-old to death they don’t understand that

You could say do you want to lay in bed for four minutes or you can sit in the chair for four minutes you tell me do you want chicken nuggets or macaroni and cheese when she screams at you you can say I’m sorry that didn’t sound like a kind or nice voice would you like to try that again being nice and then give them time to respond

I always tell my parents that I am teaching you never ever want to give a child a consequence that you yourself would not want done to you you never ever use a belt, A spoon or any object on a child you use your open hand. The object becomes a weapon and that becomes abuse I had a four-year-old client that died from bleeding internally because they were whipped with a belt.

After you provide the consequence and she has complied then you need to hug her and tell her why it’s not OK to do those things and tell her that you love her.

Also kids that young do not manage transitions very well so you need to provide them with a heads up an every day at home needs to be exactly the same that helps provide the child feel more secure and safe

She could also be responding to your heightened emotions kids that young have a sixth sense they feed off of your energy are you anxious about something are you feeling scared are you feeling sad they can feel that energy from you that’s why babies cry a lot with new mothers

Is she spending time with someone or not getting to see someone that’s causing this reaction?

the Bible warns that not giving a child HARD boundaries is sinful. Apply the board of education to the seat of knowledge.

Lay the board of education to the seat of knowledge. The Bible says, Spare the rod and spoil the child.


Find the source of her anger. Could she have been traumatized?

Time to Take her to the pediatrician doctor for evaluation. It sounds like it could be something more than a behavior issue.

Have her evaluated with a pediatrician she may be on the spectrum

Help a mama out…just learn your child and be consistent in disciplining

Seriously,have her evaluated for autism.

you have a big problem- get therapeutic help-it does give you help in dealing with the problems- consult a child psychiatrist or psychoanalyst

Have her check out by her doctor she may have a behavior disorder.

I think that maybe you need some help from a doctor.

She sounds very angry. I’d look at a child therapist for her

Send her to me. After 1 month you will get a cooky of a girl. Well disciplined

Pray first and seek professional help for her.

Take her to the therapist Dr. Belt, la faja will straighten her up.

I got old fashioned spanking did the trick for me.

Easter Seals is a great place to start

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When I pulled my moms hair when I was little, my mom pulled my hair harder lmfao :joy: and I never did it again :man_shrugging:

Therapy for the 2 of you not the kid.

I honestly can’t follow this page anymore… it clearly is asking for shit … cheers :clinking_glasses:

IMO you need to be a parent and NOT her FRIEND, sometimes you HAVE to be mean, a LITTLE mean anyway, just to get your point across

give her a good spanking every time she does it

You are her mother not a friend make her listen

I would try a gluten free and lactose free diet. It may help

Spank bottem end. After I bit my kid back he never bit me again

Have her checked out there may an underlying problem.

Quit ‘redirecting’. Discipline the little shit.


have you tired whipping her?

Get her a check up.
Sounds abnormal

I swear everyone wants a therapist to parent their kids. She needs boundaries and a spanking there is a whole lazy entitled generation bc thier parents didn’t want to be mean. Big difference between a butt whooping and abuse.

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Strong follow-thru on your end (be on same page as your spouse) times outs/consequences.

I got a spanking or soap. I lived!

Professional family counseling…?

Do unto others !!! See how she likes it.

What is wrong with a spanking.

spanking gets their attention and sends a clear signal.

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Set up a time out area…. Chair by a table perhaps…. NO absolutely Nothing to play with…. Set up a timer and depending on the action decide the minutes…. Keep calm, lower your voice, be firm and consistent …. You can work through this in a positive way…. You are setting boundaries and respect….

Consequences, teach her, every action has an equal (positive or negative) reaction. Good actions have good consequences and bad actions have bad consequences.

I also always tell my daughter your amazing but this isn’t a nice thing your doing! That was important to me to reinforce that I loved her and she can do the right thing but what she was doing at the time wasn’t it.

I tried everything with biting. Then I bit her back (after being bit for a while) she stopped biting.

If my kid threw something it went in the garbage, if it wasn’t hers she threw I took something of hers she would consider of equal status and threw it out or took it away.

Popping that ass cleans out their ears!!

If they learn mean that’s what they will be. You live what you learn

Two ways you can handle it IMO either do whatever act she did back to her to show her it’s not nice out whip out ole trusty and give her a few swats. Best way to mend any child’s behavior :person_shrugging:

Take her to a behavioral specialist and have her assessed

I’ve always been a Love and Logic parent and it’s worked for me.

Redirection doesn’t seem to help. Put her in her rom, shut the door and let her throw her tantrum all by herself in her room. She cannot come out until the tantrum is over. Then speak to her about her actions snd make her clean up the mess she made while having her tantrum. Or sometimes a big spanking may help. U can’t teach compassion or empathy , it comes from the heart.

Bust her butt with a paddle! A few smacks will get her attention and let her know tantrums will not get what she wants!

Just whisper, " please dont do that" problem solved.

Stop being so nice. The kid doesnt need therapy or “redirection” She needs a damn good yelling and a pop or 2 on the ASS! Come on now! Is everyone afraid to upset their damn kid?!

Stop being a friend to her and be a parent. Apare the rod, spoil the child

Call the department of social services, they may refer you to a parenting class.

Children are a reflection of there parents. Just saying.

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Maybe a little swat on the butt to wake up her senses…obviously discussing and redirecting aren’t working…The 4 yr old has your number and dials it out all the time

You need to discipline her when she acts up. Kids will push you as far as you let them. It’s not always a medical issue a doctor can fix. It’s what you allow her to get away with and not get away with

Could she be autistic.

Ignore her…let throw a fit…just don’t react to it…when she sees she isn’t getting any where with it…other wise bust her butt

I literally do time out and she screams bloody murder for 20 mins until she calms down

Four years old should have started being a Parent when she started hitting biting and kicking WOW not being mean just telling the Truth WOW

Teach her the fear of the sound of a leather belt clearing a set of belt loops. It straightened me out quick.

Have another baby to take your mind off it.

You are two years late in starting

Enforcing rules and discipline is not being mean, it’s called parenting. Not doing it results in the kid running around and being mean.

Jerk a knot in her behind, she’ll get the picture. Spare the rod spoil the child.

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Read the book: How To Have A New Kid By Friday

Get control now it will only get worse

I would spank her cute litte butt!

Take her to see a nutritionists may just a change in her diet may possibly help. Seeing therapist won’t hurt! God Bless and good luck.

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Therapist. These behavioral issues point to something else. Children don’t act like this for no reason.

Alittle tapping won’t hurt

Look into her mental conditions. May be something she can’t control. If find out all is well then need to face the fact you have created this monster by allowing her to get away with it with no retaliation or disciple. She needs some tough love. Talking nice to her won’t work now. She has gotten away with her bad behavior too long for gentle persuasion. Needs disciple and stick to it. Don’t cave and let her win or you just lose again. I’m sure you love her so show it by showing her she will not get away with bad behavior and who is boss in your house. Know some will have a fit for my saying this, but spankings truly do work.

Over your knee, 2 or 3 pats on the behind just might help.

You paddle that butt

I agree if she bites, bite her back kick, kick her back and so on! A swat on the butt won’t hurt her either.

Same way I did mine…two warnings…and third…a butt smack
Used switch few times to.

You ever heard of a spanking

" Kicking her daddy between the leg" … that really got me. :joy::joy::joy:
Poor daddy. :grin:

It is called spank that ass

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Get her into sports with a lot of kicking and jumping …

An old fashioned ass whooping.

Pop her ass she will listen.someone didn’t make her listen to no no.hope the kid does good​:pray::pray::pray::footprints::footprints:

Wow… Just kick her and bite her back. Sorry but that is abuse. You don’t kick and bite a 4 year old child and just because you did it and they never did it again doesn’t make it right. Some of the advice on here is shocking. Put the fear of God into her because that’s what my mum did and it worked… Imagine your 4 years old and have a giant adult yelling and screaming at you! Some of you need to rethink your parenting techniques. Children at that age have very little concept or understanding of emotions and its not their fault they’re tiny brains are still developing and learning how to process emotions. Hitting, biting or yelling at a child is abuse. Shes 4 she doesn’t need corporal punishment!!

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Discipline, it is hard and you don’t have to be cruel. But it sounds like it’s a requirement. Nobody wants to be mean to their child. I cried more the first time I had to give my kid a swat. But here is the thing. Take a look at the lack of morals in society. How do you want you girl to behave when she gets older?
Always explain why she may have to have a time out. Or whatever is required.

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You folks are crazy…my grandfather could look at us and we would instantly straighten up…know why? SIMPLE he didn’t play that, we knew it…he was the adult we were the kids…you all want to be friends instead of set the rules…ever see Leave it to Beaver? 1950s show…tiny little kid you said yes sir no mame…You don’t teach respect…

Yep. I completely agree. Both my daughters are well rounded well behaved kids who wouldn’t dream of lashing out at anyone. But i have bitten them when they’ve bitten me, every action has a reaction. And they learn very quickly that if you don’t want something to hurt you, then dont do it to others. Because if you go round in the real world doing that, someone is going to punch you in the nose