25 years??? There’s no way that’s not a consensual thing or already been talked about
Why would you? Maybe she knows and is fine with it.
You stay out of it. Right now that woman is happy and not broken. Don’t steal 25 years from her. That’s just mean and heartless.
Tell her with evidences.
Just Tell her, she deserves to decide if she is ok with that or if she wants to divorce him. Knowing and not telling just hurts everyone in the long run
If anything its your mothers and his responsibility.
Mind your business. 25 years is a lot to unravel. And tell your mom she’s a h*e. Literally.
Why doesn’t your mother tell her?
And why would your mother cheat with a married man???
Men like this boil my blood how can you not say anything poor woman thinks she’s with THE ONE and clearly he’s just a scumbag happy or fkin not I’d wanna know if my man was doing this across me and for 25 yrs at that
and even more so ya mom’s a nob too knowing he got someone else WTF is wrong with ppl u not happy don’t drag some other poor soul along
If you dont know her stay out of it!
Rip the bandaid off. Just go right to it.
Stay out of peoples messy life!!! and if u for one min think this woman doesnt already know this…u are naive…
Leave it alone… truth will come out …eventually…25 yrs is a long time …maybe this women knows…if you do decide to tell just be prepare for all the drama and bullshit that will come out of it.
You have to just outright say it. No one deserves to be lied to like that.
Don’t excuse that behavior. That’s just wrong. People who say that are okay with being cheated on
Give her a happy step mother’s day card?
Gather any evidence you can and go into it remembering she may not believe you or she may become upset with you too. But I couldn’t live with myself if I knew something like that and didn’t say something, no one deserves to be played a fool. I’d also let your mother know how gross her actions are as well
You don’t, talk to your mother and let her handle it however she wants…not your circus this time, mom just needs your support
You don’t. That is not your battle to get involved in
Make sure you have hard evidence & mail it to her. She deserves to know. I would want someone to do that for me.
Mind your business. You hate your mother that much?
Maybe she already knows.
Stay out of it, it’s honestly not your business
Dannnngggg well maybe she knows about it and is OK with it
Just tell her. Its girl code, no matter the age difference. Who cares what all these people are saying. I would rather you tell me that I’m being wronged then not! Especially if there is evidence
Can you contact her on fb with some proof you’ve gathered. It is not fair to the lady who is being cheated on. She deserves to know!
Write an anonymous letter and let her find out for herself
After 25 yrs if his wife doesn’t have an idea then why say something now, from someone who has been cheated on by my ex husband u drop a hint and let her figure it out for herself if she doesn’t want to accept she will call u a lair other than that mind ur business bc it doesn’t concern u
I’d want to know if I was with someone who wasn’t faithful. You just have to come straight forward with the truth and have some physical evidence to prove it.
you say it like you know she doesn’t already know. 25 yrs is a long time to get away with it. she probably knows and accepts it. she may be even be doing the same. let it be. how do you think this will affect your mother? it’s your mother’s burden not yours.
Maybe let lying dogs lie
Wow, I see alot of women here condoning cheating … “if you don’t know her stay out of it” … would you say that if a stranger knew your man/woman was cheating
… she deserves to know the truth.
I’ve literally never met someone who was cheated on be thankful to the people who just “minded their own business” and didn’t tell her. Lol. Real shady people are telling you to mind your own business. I would just text or message her to rip the bandaid off.
You don’t. It’s not your place and I would bet that after 25 years she probably already knows and is ignoring it.
If I know someone is cheating. I’m telling. Sorry, but I’d want to know I would start by saying I know you don’t know me but I have some information on your husband that I’m not sure you are aware of, could you call me?
Tell her. Get her address and proof. Send it all to her. You would want someone to tell you that you’re getting cheated on.
For those of you saying keep quiet, 25 years is a long time… Imagine her finding out later, maybe 50 years into the marriage and realizing her whole life was a lie and she could of had another chance. It’s information she deserves to know and decide what to do with.
the people saying it’s none of her business??? she knows the woman is being screwed over, and wants to be honest. there’s nothing wrong with that.
All these people saying it isn’t your business, it might not be, but I’d sure as hell like to know if i’m being cheated on. How she takes it, wether she knows and don’t care or not is on her.
Send her dated pictures of him cheating and say I’m sorry but I couldn’t hold onto this. You have the right to know
To be honest she most likely already knows
Have you known for 25 years or just now finding out? If you’ve known then don’t say anything now. If you just found out Idk that’s tricky cuz you’re kinda throwing your mom under the bus
I have made the mistake of telling someone, who I considered a friend, that her husband messaged me on a dating app… had all the receipts. I emailed her anonymously. We exchanged a few emails then asked if I would reveal myself. I did & she told me she didn’t blame me, I wasn’t the problem, he’s done this before, it’s a shame the women get blamed, etc. Then turns around and keeps him, deletes me off all social media, etc.
There’s not right or wrong here but I’d stay out of it.
I guess if you absolutely had to, even though this is going to be very messy, give your mom or the cheater an ultimatum. Tell them if they don’t tell them you will. Maybe that way you can do it without actually doing it. Because it’s not going to end well for you regardless
If her husband has been cheating for 25 years, she knows. She’s just choosing to stay. Don’t get involved.
everyone saying “it’s not your business” wow just wow , I hope you get cheated on and someone who knows doesn’t tell you ! That’s ridiculous, I would tell her girl , she deserves to know. In case of a pregnancy , or most importantly STDs (that is still a thing) ! Gross
How do you even keep a charade like that going for 25 years?! He is the worst type of human being and the mother is no better. Just tell her. Drama or not you’re doing the right thing.
So many saying “don’t tell her” what if it was your husband cheating & someone knew and could tell you
Help her start a side investment and make money from the divorce.
Id text her with a temp number
Send her all the proof you have. You have to tell her. Could you imagine if someone was keeping that kind of secret from you?
You don’t. Mind your own.
I would be more worried about your mother and talking some damn sense into her. Jesus. Wtf that is wrong on her end.
Give your mom shit and have her confess …
Your mother needs to learn respect and the other wifey needs to know.
Sounds like an action out of spite. Idk if I would do that.
I would also mind my own
Sorry, NO ONE goes 25 years w/o knowing. She knows… And if she doesn’t “know” … She’s probably screwing around as well.
Why aren’t you telling your mother something? She’s as guilty as the man.
Chances are if it’s been that long, she already knows. But if you must make sure you have proof. I would want someone telling me I’ve been wasting any amount of time, let alone 25 years
Sis, she knows. Is he your father?
You don’t. It’s not your business and she probably knows anyway.
It’s been going on for that long. She already has an idea of what’s going on.
If it has been going on for 25 years…she knows
25 years?! Either the other person knows and chooses to stay for some reason. 2nd there’s no second person because you can’t cheat for 25 years and not get caught. 3 maybe your mom is in to other things you wanna know about
25 years …u dont sell out your momma
Just tell her because if you was getting cheated on you would want to know
Your mother clearly isn’t going to so don’t bother with going through her. If you care about what it would do to y’all’s relationship. Use someone else to tell the wife without her knowing it was from you.
25 years? Do you have evidence it’s been 25 years? If you do gather it up. If your mom is planning on coming clean have her be the one to tell.
That’s a LOT for you to sit with and although some may say mind your business— I’d say follow your gut. If your guts telling you that you need to tell because maybe your mom doesn’t plan on it, I’d just take into consideration the domino effect in what may happen and prepare yourself for it. Prepare what you’re gonna say, And make sure you include evidence, going by what your mom or someone told you isn’t gonna go over well. I wish you luck
Maybe they’re separated…you never know
Why now after 25 years?
I’d just say it to her…there’s no sugar coating it.
I’d deff have some words for my mother as well!!!..that’s not cool.
You don’t! That’s a lose/lose situation. If they split up, you will always be the one who broke up their marriage. If they stay together, you will always be the one who tried to break them up. I would somehow arrange for her to find out herself. Invite her to join you for dinner at a restaurant where you know they are…something like that. Then you are not to blame.
It should be the husbands job to tell her.
25 years!! She probably knows and has a side piece herself
Write a letter with picture evidence and keep it anonymous
You just tell her. Be better if you could provide proof.
After 25 years? You’re not telling her because you’re concerned for her. You’re telling her cuz you pissed at You’re mom. Work out You’re mommy problems and leave them alone cuz everyone knows.
I wouldn’t. I mean first question I’d ask, probably turning that pain on you would be, why did you wait so long?
Ummm… is her husband your dad?
You don’t! It’s their relationship, not yours. What happens behind closed doors should not be any of your business
Are you 25 years old?
You’re some kind of special to keep this a secret and knowing it’s been 25 yrs. I would speak up, two families are already ruined.
First of all talk some sense into you’re mother! Anyone ok sleeping with a married man that long has some major issues. What kind of person does that? I agree the lady knows she’s being cheated on but sending her some pics might push her to actually leave such a horrible man. Disrespectful🐷
First ask yourself why you feel like you need to tell her.
She probably knows. Its been 25yrs. Some couples have open relationships.
If she doesn’t know yikes! I’d tell my mom to stop dating a married man before i told his wife anything.
Your mom obviously knows hes married and gives no shits about his wife or her feelings. That says a lot about her character.
I’d stay out of it it’s not your battleand you going to end up being caught in the middle
Everyone saying you don’t. You do, you tell her and what she does with the info is on her. I’ve been cheated on and WISH someone would have told me!
She already knows. This is why she’s still married…
My guess would be sister wives n some one didn’t tell you
How long have you known ? 25 years is a long time , so why now is it so important to tell the wife ?
I’m guessing she knows honestly .
Send a message with out using your name.
No one is that smooth. I bet she more than knows all about it. And clearly is okay with it. Mind ya buisness.
Wait. There’s women out there that know someone’s man is cheating and think it’s right to not tell her?! get out. When you know for a solid fact, you tell. Regardless of how you do it, you tell her. When you are aware someone is being unfaithful they have slipped up for you to figure it out. That’s their problem. Not yours.
The only part that’s ‘not your business’ is how she chooses to deal with it, after you tell her.
Let it be known. I goddamn well would want to know if my man was cheating on me. If you have solid evidence. Bring it. Always.
I would
Stay out of it.
It’s your Mother’s business with this man.
It’s been 25!!! Years already.
I’m pretty positive his wife knows and has known for many many years already.
His wife may accept it because she may have a side life of her own.
You don’t know what goes on in other people’s marriages because it’s not your life, it’s their life…their business.
Stay out of it.
Tell her I know how it feels to be cheated on
Always tell her! If it was me I’d want to know. It is never okay to keep it a secret because then you become part of the problem
Mmmmmm lowkey I bet she knows & ignores it.
You don’t
It’s none of your business, now if she was your friend then obviously tell her but that’s not the case
Private message? She may already know but atleast you know you tried to do the right thing.
She knows. She definitely knows.