How Do You Get Over — Forgive, Even — a Partner Who Cheated on You?


"How do you trust your significant other again after they cheat on you? My fiancé has a lot of issues, and he’s depressed a lot, so he drinks a lot and does a lot of things that even he doesn’t necessarily want to do but does anyway because he thinks it’ll make him feel better, without thinking of who he’s hurting or how it’ll affect others.

I accidentally found out last night that he recently slept with a girl I went to high school with, and it turned into an argument/talk that lasted from midnight to 3 am. There was a lot of crying, a lot of deeply personal stuff was said, and I would like to say we are in a better place now, but I didn’t sleep at all and am still sick to my stomach about it.

He’s at work today, and last night while I was on his phone, I turned his location on in iMessage. It feels a little wrong to be spying on him, but it gives me just a little bit of reassurance that I know where he is and what he’s doing."

RELATED QUESTION: My Husband Cheated on Me With His Ex-Girlfriend: Advice?


“It sounds like you come up with A LOT of excuses for him and enable his behavior. Either he’s incredibly manipulative or you need to wise up.”

“Stop making excuses for him. He made a huge mistake; let him wear it. Our traumas do not give us permission to hurt other people. You will likely never trust him again and it will be the downfall of the relationship. It hurts to lose someone you love, but it’s not love if they’re willing to hurt you.”

“Addressing the issue of him drinking could be a good place to start. He’s an addict so he’s always going to have an excuse for why he did what he did but drinking isn’t an excuse to cheat. Sounds like he needs to make his mental health a priority.”

“That guy is toxic. My bf of 7 years is extremely depressed too. It’s been a tough year. His great-grandma died and it caused a huge fight between every greedy person in the family. Work has put a lot of pressure on him as well. He has been so depressed at times that he contemplates suicide and has even been hospitalized or it. But did he ever even consider cheating on me? No way. He loves me and just wants me to help him through this tough time. Your dude is a pos for using his depression as an excuse for cheating.”

“I would not give him another chance and I’d walk away. You deserve so much better than that. If he cheats, he doesn’t respect you or love you. There is someone out there who would absolutely cherish you. Don’t settle on garbage. And if you make excuses for him and believe his excuses, then that’s on you. He’s obviously convinced you that you’re not worth much, which is a complete lie. You are worth so much, so why waste it with someone who doesn’t treasure you?”

“Okay coming from the exact same experience as you… I am still with my man. He had a drinking issue that caused a lot of problems and yes cheating was one of them. To the point and we lost literally everything including our home because of it. We took a little break so I could get back to life. He’s still here but he doesn’t drink anymore and he definitely doesn’t cheat anymore. It all depends on call grown-up your man is really. If it going to continue to act like a child and cause problems then you need to get rid of him and now.”

“Sounds like he gave you a lot of excuses and you fell for them. He drinks and does things he really doesn’t want to do? Seriously? Don’t be a chump!”

“It’s not your job to fix him and you do NOT have to stay with him and wait while he fixes himself. It’s not fair to you. Don’t put yourself through misery just because he has issues. You’ll find yourself suffering. My advice is to leave. If he loves you, he will take that time to seek therapy for his issues, and only then should you consider continuing your relationship. I left my ex so he could fix his issues. His issues were killing me. I became depressed. He sucked everything out of me for years and he chose to not fix his issues. I moved on and I found a healthy relationship. He didn’t. That’s on him.”

“First off, you’re finding excuses to justify his behavior. There is no excuse. Only HE can change himself. It doesn’t sound like he wants to get the professional help he needs, he only wants to self medicate. You don’t need to stick around for that kind of toxic behavior. Cut your losses now.”

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I could never get over my partner cheating. That would be the end. No question.


Girl…leave while you can…

Its hard and takes a lot of time,communication, and commitment. We are very open with our phones and we do have the app on our phones that tell where the other is. It is possible if he is ready to change his behavior it sounds to me like he needs to get some help for his mental health. He may not change until he gets that stuff under control. I truly believe in right person wrong time after going through what I have.


You will never get over it, it will always be in the back of your mind. The question is can you live with it and move on.


Hell no. You don’t it will alwags be brought up quesfioned or asked. Not a life to live.


Leave… if you have to track him, it’s not gonna work… The trust is gone…


Been there . Never changes never gets better you never get over it. Don’t waste your precious time

Toxic…even though you may care for him and understand where his faults are dont undervalue yourself and settle


Dont waste your time darlin.

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If you felt you had to track his movements, than its over. Thats a privacy issue and now youre being toxic aswell. Time to go.


You will never be able to move past it trust me. You will think you are then boom it hits again

You will never ever get over it. You don’t cheat on someone you love.

Sounds like there’s more here than just cheating. He sounds like he has some serious issues that he needs to work on himself. You also have had your trust violated and need to work on repairing yourself on your own. Best idea is to take time apart from each other and heal yourselves. As long as he’s drinking, depressed, and making bad decisions you won’t ever be able to fully trust him because it will be a matter of time before he makes a mistake again which means he can’t be the best partner. Until you fully heal from the hurt you’ve been caused, you won’t be the best partner either.

As for getting over someone cheating on you, the truth is you never do. You learn to live with that knowledge and either learn to cope or go your separate ways.


Screw that.
You never get over cheating. There is no forgiveness for anything of that nature and there are no excuses.
Just no. Cheating is an ending. Time to move on.


I am bipolar, however I rarely drink but I would never cheat on my husband. If you truly love someone, you would not ever do that. Depression and alcoholism is never an excuse to cheat, it is a cop out to not take responsibility for what he did. Had you not discovered it on your own, he wouldn’t have told you and now he is just using his depression and alcoholism to manipulate you.


Meh, I wouldn’t be checking on him until you really really think he’s cheating again. Give him time to let him earn your trust if he’s willing to stop cheating.
If he catches you Checking on him you’ll lose trust with him, then odds are he WILL cheat again. Check yourself everyday :metal:t4:


“He has a lot of issues, and he’s depressed a lot, so he drinks a lot and does a lot of things that he doesn’t want to necessarily do, but does anyway because he thinks it’ll make him feel better.”

To me it sounds like you’re sticking up for his actions. It sounds like he could use some professional help. Maybe try couples counseling. If it were me I’d be out. That’s one thing I couldn’t get over.


Maybe couple counseling? Than separate counseling. I’m not sure if you can repair that trust but if you really want to make it work couples counseling is a good place to start. Just don’t break yourself fighting for him. If he doesn’t want to put effort in leave. You deserve better if he won’t put any effort in, please remember that. Remember your self worth. On another note I hope you can find a way to heal, sending love❤

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Dump him the trust is gone.


You don’t. You keep your head held high and have him kicked out. You deserve better than someone who is going to sleep around with other people.


I think assuming that he doesn’t want these things are dangerous. If he didn’t want to do them, he wouldn’t. He does them and feels remorseful. But was he thinking of you in that moment? Definitely not. You could definitlely try counseling but Id consider moving on


I’ll say this, I definitely think this is a toxic relationship and you need to let go. But I know you won’t do that unless you want to. But you’re defending his actions after he cheated on you. I think that says a lot by itself :woman_shrugging:t3:


Maybe he was feeling guilty about the affair, that’s why he was acting out.You have to do what’s best for you,maybe now it’s out he will be different. Guess only time will tell,but now you know the signs,its up to you stay or walk away, how awful for you,sending you love & strength goodluck xx❤

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You dont, you tell them to fuck off cause they dont deserve you

You end up on snapped when shit like that happens :woman_shrugging:t2:

First, research Betrayal Trauma.

Second, reach out and find a therapist to begin getting help to heal yourself because your mental health must come first.

Third, figure out through a calm (if possible) discussion if you feel that the relationship is worth saving, and if it is, he must seek help on his own to stop his own negative behavior and get help and heal as well.

Fourth, you didn’t cause it, you can’t control it, you are not responsible for fixing it, that is up to him to get his behavior in line.

Fifth, you must do whatever you feel is right for you to feel safe and respected and he is responsible for maintaining accountability for his actions that have caused you emotional pain and trauma.

Do not ever let ANYONE but YOU tell you when you should be over something or done healing. Only you have the right to decide if or when you are healed from a traumatic event or experience.



Leave him, life’s tooooo short


Look sounds like someone has to present an opposing view of the circumstance.
First of all…IT WAS ONLY SEX!


He still loves you, he loves you more than you realize.
He came HOME to you didn’t he?
You do not own HIM.
Just look who he comes home to nightly.


You dump his ass and get on with your life

Move on. You don’t cheat on someone you love. It won’t ever get better. The trust is gone.

If they do it once, they will do it again. I was cheated on while I was pregnant and 2 months after my son was born was when I found out. They broke it off the same day I found out. I was really young and scared so I decided to forgive him and try to be a family for our baby and I couldn’t trust him. I constantly had to check his phone just to get reassurance. We was never the same after, it ruined us. It took me 3 years to realize that no matter how hard we tried or what we did , i myself could not trust him to even go to work or if he was smiling at his phone, I would jump to conclusion. I finally decided I wanted a peace of mind. I don’t wanna be worried about it and be up his ass to make sure he was staying faithful.

And i believe It wasn’t accidental you found it, if he didn’t want you to find out, you wouldn’t have. No matter the state of mind if you truly love someone, especially one you tend to marry, WOULD NOT do anything to hurt or betray you. I hope you can try to bring yourself to find peace and know you are worth so much more then this.:heart: best of luck girly​:heart:

I’m sorry but being depressed and drinking doesn’t excuse shit. He does it because he wants to point blank period. So the fact that u started off excusing his behavior is crazy and this is TOXIC. They say “damaged people , damage people” however at some point u have to own up and grow up. Depression doesn’t excuse cheating. Nor does drinking. I suffer from depression … have my entire life. Not once have used my depression to go out and cheat. Even when I’ve drunk from being depressed. Nope. This entire situation is toxic. And you need to take a step back and evaluate the self love and self worth for yourself

If you are in a relationship where you have to babysit (check his location) get rid of him. That will always be in the back of your mind. He WILL cheat again. You deserve better.

Bipolar 2 has depression and mania episodes, the second one leads to cheating as well, not justifying but maybe he has more than just depression

You won’t ever be able to forgive just forget the actions he did. If you really want to make it work id suggest counseling. My husband has cheated twice in 7 years and i have a few times also, we take it day by day.

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(In my opinion) He sounds selfish; Everyone deserves a level of love & respect in a relationship. When someone cheats it creates a ‘stain’ on the relationship, that makes it very difficult to adapt. I think you should think if it is worth it and go from there. I hope you find happiness either way.

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Both need to go see a therapist separately and together.


Stop making excuses for him. He made a huge mistake let him wear it. Our traumas do not give us permission to hurt other people. You will likely never trust him again and it will be the downfall of the relationship. It hurts to lose someone you love but it’s not love if theyre willing to hurt you.


Personally i would tell your so that if you had a way to track him when not with you it would bring reassurance until you can learn to trust him again. I get it people make mistakes but if both parties are willing to put in the hard work you can overcome this. My husband cheated early on in our relationship and he knew i didn’t trust him so he gave me free regin to go through everything from social media email phone even internet history. He also would check in with me every 30 minutes or so not because i asked him to but because he knew he damaged me emotionally and when i was alone my thoughts spiraled to the point i contemplated suicide quite frequently. We have been together almost 11 years and we have an incredible bond and our trust is amazing.


Sounds like there are bigger issues and the cheating is just a side bar to that. He should seek professional/ medical help. It’s still very fresh but I’m sure you can get over the cheating after some time but he should really get help with his depression.

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He will use the “i have deep personal issues so i dont know any better” every time for as long as you let him. Once a cheater always a cheater. I say cut your loses and say Bye Felicia!


They don’t do nothing drunk or anything else they wouldnt really do anyway. I kniw alot of people try to holler it was the drugs or the alcohol is why but it really aint. As far as the getting over the cheating you will never it will always be right there in the back of your mind


If you cant trust him why live with him

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How can you say you accidentally found out?? You should be happy you caught before wasting more time. You should both get help or move on because he wont change by himself.


If he doesn’t correct the primary problem the secondary ones will continue.
He needs to seek treatment for the depression and the drinking. Unfortunately without that I almost guarantee you’ll never have a stable relationship and you’ll never move past this.


Just read the main question. You don’t. Kick them to the curb.

Leaveeeee. It’ll never work. That shit will be at the back of your head for life!! You’ll question absolutely everything and drive yourself nuts! Not worth it.

Cheating is a deal breaker for me. But then again so would the drinking. Sounds like he needs to work on himself before he gets into a relationship. Remind yourself you deserve so much better no move on with your life.


Go to a counsellor get help. Relationships are hard work and require communication. If he has a drinking problem he needs help but if he is not willing to see that he has a problem then that can be really hard. Life is not perfect however how do we tackle a problem instead of walk away. You want to remain in relationship then both of you have got to figure it out.


It sounds like you come up with A LOT of excuses for him and enable his behavior. Either he’s incredibly manipulative or you need to wise up.


My marriage counselor said that you will always get backlash from people for staying with your spouse after infidelity… that’s a given that you have to be prepared for. Only you can decide what is worth saving.

I don’t agree with once a cheater, always a cheater.

Therapy for you, therapy for him & therapy together. If you both don’t work on yourselves, it makes it difficult to work on the relationship as a whole. & I’m not saying that you or your souse have something “wrong” with you & I’m not excusing anyone’s behavior, but it’s really nice to have someone to talk to that understands the thought process behind how we are feeling & acting.

Good luck girl, sorry your dealing with this :heart:


I will never track mine. Trust is a big issue for me and every time that gut feeling that makes you feel sick is right! I won’t say I haven’t before for reasons the same as yours… Let go of those feelings and drop him. I didn’t track his phone but more or less the info and addresses that i had. Turns out… I was right all along :thinking:

I forgave my husband of 9 years. More then once. Only to find out he got a woman pregnant and had multiple full blown affairs even with tons of counseling. So looking bad I’d never ever make that same mistake again

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Worrying about where they are and what they are doing all of the time answered your own question. Move on. I would never get over the betrayal and the fact that he does that when he drinking, etc. is a no!! He needs help and sitting around thinking it will just change and watching his every move is no kind of relationship worth being a part of, I say let him go.


Sophia Poulos they sorted it out in 3 hours im dead lmaooooooooooooooooooooo tf


As sad and painful it is to say this. My husband of 16 years cheated many many times. When I found out it broke me. He also suffers from depression and sounds similar to yours. I never got over it. To this day and we have been split 3 years.

From experience… people don’t change for a relationship.

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So he must be the gas man because he is just lighting lamps and somehow there is ANY justification for cheating…

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You don’t. You leave.


You should walk away. Sounds like your making too many excuses to justify his actions. It will only hurt you worse in the long run. How many excuses until your miserable and drained and you missed so many opportunities to be happy.

If you do stay, you need to stay and do it hard. You need to leave this in the past where it belongs. You can’t hold it over his head. If you stay you need to put your trust in him, despite what he has done. Not obsess over what he could still be doing.

It’s in my experience (my parents are both serial cheaters🤷‍♀️, I have never) that they don’t change. They try to turn it around on you eventually like it’s your fault and they become narcissistic.

What would happen if he got her pregnant? What if she gave him an std and he brought it home to you? He wasn’t thinking about you when he did it.
Not all men cheat, just like not all cheaters repeat.

I guess you need to ask yourself if your willing to settle for him, cause that’s what it comes down to.

The next guy could chest or he could beat you. Or he could be perfect in everyway. It’s really like trading one thing in for another but what are you willing to tolerate?

Personally cheating isn’t something I would never tolerate cause I wouldn’t be able to forgive and I sure would never forget.

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Drinking will not help depression. If he cheated once he will do it again. It’s hard telling how many times it’s happened. I’d personally walk away. Nothing & nobody is ever worth me feeling like I’m not enough.

U dont get over it just like u turned the location on… The trust is gone now.


Some people can get past it but I told my husband before we got married there was only two things I would ever leave him for one was cheating and the other was if he ever hit me, in my opinion there is no excuse for cheating so I would leave and obviously if you turned his location on, on his phone you will never trust him again.he is trying to justify it by saying he’s depressed, drunks and dies things he doesn’t want to, you deserve better than this!

If someone cheated regardless of his reasons, you can’t just trust them again. Next time he does that, it’s still gonna be the same reasons that you believed. Cheating and doing things even if it hurts you makes him feel better? It’s not going to end because he would think he is allowed to cheat.

Nope. Cant be repaired.
Even with counseling


This whole relationship sounds toxic. You are better off especially if he’s not dealing with any of his stuff with a professional. Let go and heal from this so you can meet the true love of your life. :heart:

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I know you’re trying to help wtth his mental health however it will cost you your own. Depression is no excuse to get drunk and sleep with people. Look after you first.


Nothing is an excuse to cheat.

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So y’all worked through things in 3 hours, huh? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I’m gonna level with you sweetie, he’s going to keep cheating so you will have MANY more 3 hour conversations while crying. Take it from someone who has been there and done that, move on. You will never trust him again and he’s going to keep cheating because his only consequence was conversation. My advice to you is, if you catch he cheating again(which you will) just leave and move on with your life.


Sorry if my fiance cheated on me he would be using the door. Cheating is one thing I won’t stand for as I’m a firm believer if you can’t trust your partner then you have noithing. I would walk away from a 10 year realationship

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He may change if he really wants to be with you! Otherwise, you are just wasting your energy and time!

I’ve been divorced from a man for 5 years almost who over the course of our 8 years together cheated on me numerous times. I was young and thought he was what I wanted to I tried to move past it. The man I was with after, though I have no solid proof, I feel in my gut he had cheated on me.
You don’t. Ever. I to this day feel like I’m not ever enough for anyone. Do not put yourself through that. If you have to track him, the trust is gone and it’s not going to work.


If he cheated on you he doesn’t want you. You need to leave you will find better and even if you don’t you deserve better and will be better off on your own. I wasted 4 extra years married to a man that I forgave for that shit. Never again

3 hours lmfao im going through the same shit and my decision is to really think if he is worth it, if it is worth me always wondering about everything, multiple times and this last one let’s just say im more than pissed off. Honey they all say they will change and no 2 wrongs don’t make a right but let me tell you. I don’t know if I could forgive and forget it this time trust me I love him very much but to say the least I am not sure if im in love with him as I once was or if our relationship can be saved.

A women always says she will forgive & forget , but she sure won’t forget what she forgave . Run as fast as you can . He won’t change .

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First off, you’re finding excuses to justify his behavior. There is no excuse. Only HE can change himself. It doesn’t sound like he wants to get the professional help he needs, he only wants to self medicate. You don’t need to stick around for that kind of toxic behavior. Cut your losses now.


Unfortunately if there is no trust it’s not going to work out. Cut your losses and move on. The drinking is what your worst problem. He sounds like he needs AÀ and get himself some much needed help. If after he gets sober and you want to see where it takes you then by all means give it a shot. My father was an alcoholic and would disappear for days at a time and I also had an ex who was an alcoholic and it didn’t end well. I hope that I helped you.

Leave now while you still can :woman_facepalming:t3:

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If you’re writing, asking for the opinions of people you’ll never even know, on social media, who honestly dgaf…

Your insecurity is already at an all time low and honestly you more than likely won’t leave, so our OPINIONS don’t truly matter 🤦🤷🏻‍♀️

Youve already mentally decided to make excuses and stay :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:
Find some self worth and get out :100: #MuchLove


You can forgive and move on but believe me when they cheat again the pain will be quadrupled because you didn’t walk the first time!!

It’s not your job to fix him and you do NOT have to stay with him and wait while he fixes himself. It’s not fair to you. Don’t put yourself through misery just because he has issues. You’ll find yourself suffering.

My advice is to leave. If he loves you, he will take that time to seek therapy for his issues and only then should you consider continuing your relationship.

I left my ex so he could fix his issues. His issues were killing me. I became depressed. He sucked everything out of me for years and he chose to not fix his issues. I moved on and I found a healthy relationship. He didn’t. That’s on him.


Do what Lorena Bobbitt did :blush:

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Tbh sounds like he is just using excuses for what he did , there is no excuse for it , I’ve been there and took him back and he did it again with same person five years later so it was over with after that , I’m all for giving someone a second chance but once they fk up that one they are out the door and tbh if u need to spy on him then yous haven’t sorted anything out and a some point u will just blow up , because even tho u think u know where he is your always going to keep wondering if that’s where he really is because unfortunately location services are not always accurate


Nope. I would never forget it and couldn’t live my life without trust. I’d rather be alone.


I wouldn’t just let it go. Not even the first time. My husband would be gone! I don’t take cheating lightly. Not even any form of it


He is a cheater and an alcoholic. Get higher standards and learn your worth. This will never change


There’s no excuse for cheating. Hes a pos and you’re his doormat. Have some self respect and leave.


Love isn’t perfect. You have to decide if that is worth fighting for.

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Why are you making excuses for him? Don’t do that. I did that for seven years and got hurt for seven years over and over and over again…

He left me a year ago for some chick 12 years younger than us. And i am better mentally than i have ever been.


Stop accepting and making excuses for his behaviour.
He slept with someone else … There is no going back.

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Girl, run! You don’t get over that and you don’t trust him ever again. Be smart and get out!

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It sounds like you are making a lot of excuses for his behavior. You can always forgive but forgetting will be very difficult.


That is a deal breaker. Why do you want to be with someone who doesn’t love and respect you? You also don’t trust him now. Trust is so difficult to rebuild. He also has substance abuse issues, while that isn’t necessarily a deal breaker, it is if he isn’t willing to get help and get sober. What “other things” is he doing? If those things are hurtful things again why do you want to be with someone who doesn’t love and respect himself much less you? Understand that who he is and the person. he is showing you is the person that he is. He isn’t a fixer upper project to save or make better. You will deal with his issues for the rest of your relationship unless he wants to be a better person. Cut your losses and walk away.


I personally could never trust him again. You will always be wonderi g and questioning. It’s not worth it. YOU deserve better!!!

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If you have to spy on him in any way, there’s no trust. And without trust there’s no relationship. If he truly loved you, he wouldn’t cheat. No excuses

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Time to let go and move on. The trust is gone. His behavior is unacceptable and you deserve better.

Sounds like youre making excuses for him.

Girl just stop. A grown ass person is responsible for their own actions, whether they are “sad” or inebriated. He knew what he was doing and did it anyways without regards for consequences cuz it felt good at the time. This dude is all about self gratification. He needs to work on himself to make himself happier. Its not something you can do for him. Cut your losses and wish him well. Love without trust is no love at all.


You’re making excuses for him, Don’t do that. i know you love him but honey love yourself more!

Just because he’s going through things doesn’t mean he can stick his penis inside anyone that isn’t his SO. That’s trash af. Everyone is going through something but that doesn’t give anyone the right to cheat or treat someone else like they’re less.

If you want to make it work go to counseling but the first step is stop making excuses for him and basically giving him a pass, you deserve to be treated so much better than that.