How do you know it's time to end a relationship?

He sounds like a spontaneous adventurous type of guy and you sound like you have stuff to do that keeps you from being spontaneous including motherhood. Maybe you are in two different phases of life and why waste either of your time. We have the right to live life to the fullest and it sounds like that is what he wants to do. Let him live and you do you.


you are two very different people.


When you have to ask the public for help!.

If he’s not willing to help, and thinks you should spend money you don’t have, time to split.

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I know how you feel. You two are at very different stages in life. I honestly don’t think it will work. He seems like he is beginning to resent you for not being able to get up and go with him. You will get your time to do all that. Just not right now. Focus on yourself and getting your things in order

Distance yourself quite a bit and see if he pursues you.


He can’t have a woman bc ur there…? So ur not exclusive. I’d leave that.

You many be over thinking. You need to have “the talk” where u stand where u are headed and what u can and can not offer. Put it all on the table and see how he feels.


Be honest with him and if he wants to help financially, let him. If he doesn’t move on you are definitely at different places for a relationship.


Sounds like he came from privelege & didn’t have to work hard for anything. Otherwise he’d understand. Also why are you spending the night with him instead of being with your kid? Learn to put yourself & kid ahead of any man. You’ll be much happier that way.


I would probably move on and maybe try to remain friends if you like him enough to do so!!

If he can’t" have a woman because your always at his house". Then I would permanently give him the needed space. Do for you and your child/children. It just sounds like he’s ready to move on.


Maybe talk to him…….

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How about …compromise …let him do him and you do you but from time to time…take a break and travel with him…

Say goodbye,life is to short to waist you time.


In some ways you are ahead of your boyfriend in life, since you already have kids & makes it harder to actually date. What do you do with your kids when you spend the night with your boyfriend? It don’t sound like he is actually taking you on dates. I don’t think he is interested in settling down with you, especially if he is bored .


Being a single mum before I know where you stand, this man isn’t for you.
Take him as a lesson in life of what u don’t need in a relationship. A man asking you to just drop life and go on holidays with him doesn’t have your Children’s mind in heart.
Not all relationships are meant to last.


I’d just explain your circumstances and if he don’t understand your side, then unfortunately you will have to move on because you said it yourself your a mother too .


If he can’t understand that life is hard and you can’t just drop everything and you have to budget then maybe he isn’t worth it… he sounds like a turd to be honest. If he’s not happy just hanging out with you one on one and not doing elaborate expensive things then I would move on.

Communication is the key…
Lay it all out to him …
Any man that u are dating should also include ur kid every now an then to create a bond with the child…
If he is also willing to help u financially go for it…
Going a trip from time to time is not bad but as u mention u have ur job…
So if he knows u are working an at the same time he wants u to travel with him is it that he is willing to help u financially seeing u will have to stay away from ur job to go on board with him to these trips…
U need to communicate with him an pop all ur questions to him then u will know where u headed mention ur kid in these questions when asking him ur Questions …

Communication is the best key in any relationship an marriage…
If u dont communicate then u will never knows what’s going on with ur partner an ur future.


Tell him how he feels and if he doesn’t understand then leave.


I’d level with him, tell him everything you just laid out here. Let him know, this is his chance to break it off with no hard feelings. If he chooses to stay in your life, he’s going to have to embrace the partner role. If he’s not up for it, better to know now.


I HAD THE EXACT SAME QUESTION. I was given goof advice… if you have to ask, its most likely time to leave. The longer you stay in something thats not amazing, you’re blocking an amazing opportunity


He’s not worth it. He won’t compromise. Leave

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Even if he seems great, if you’re in different places and have different priorities it’s going to complicate things. A struggle for my husband and I is that I’m content at home with the kids, he likes to do stuff like dinner and concerts. It’s harder on him than me tbh.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you know it's time to end a relationship?

I was in a similar relationship for 3 years although I had no kids he did and I done everything for them and him. But I was 22 and he was 30. I was getting jobs and being happy and he was stuck in a rut in a job he didn’t like and was just generally bringing the mood down. We lived together for 2 years and I just asked him to move out on Wednesday past. And honestly I could feel a weight lift off my shoulders. It was hard and I love him but somethings just dont work out :two_hearts: best of luck in whatever you choose xx


Be kind to yourself and let it go,seems pretty self centered from where I see it.

Save ur marriage.
He is ur person.
Make time for him.
Travel with him.
Dont be afraid of a little dependency on ur husband.
He needs u and u need him.


Talk to him about how you’re feeling. I TOTALLY understand what you mean. I’m kind of in the same position right now. But I think it would be good to express to him your concerns and how you are feeling.
You should be able to make an easier decision based off how the convo goes.

End it now. Him saying he doesn’t have a woman because you’re always there basically told you y’all aren’t a couple and there is no future.


I just think you absolutely should sit down and talk to him about everything you just said. Tell
Him your feelings and his response can let you know if he’s down to stay by you while you get it together, if he’s down to help you get it together or if he just wants to walk away. He either wants to see you win with him or he’s just looking for a woman capable of fun right now and you won’t have you’re honest answer until your honest with him about all of this because his response will let you know exactly where his mind and his heart are at

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All I read was the first sentence/question. With all due respect, if you’re asking yourself this question… it’s time to end the relationship.


You guys will never be on the same page because u have a child and he does not… Even if u had the extra $ to do the things he wants to do u have a child who he isn’t going 2 want on all ur guys trips… And when he told u that he doesn’t have a woman cuz ur always there did he fail to mention he allows u 2 be there everyday, it’s not like he told u hey don’t come over and u went anyways…

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Have u explained it to him? Totally like finances.

If the situation was reversed would you want to stay or would you want to end things?
Sometimes things just don’t work out.

Focus on yourself and your child.
You don’t need the added pressure of keeping up with someone that doesn’t want to be there (since you mentioned he doesn’t like doing anything locally).


He expects a woman who can go out and about with him. You have a child and unless he wants to have that child along, this isnt going to work. As a couple he should be at least be willing to make concessions for your child for your sake as well as the child’s. If he thinks you can farm out your child and go do fun things all the time, then, simply put, - he’s already not interested in your child so don’t expect that to change except to perhaps become worse.


Sometimes its just not your season. If hes with you its bc he wants to be… sometimes we get ourselves in trouble because we think for the other person. If you are dating him then talk about it with him. Let him know you want to jet set but you are building the foundation he already has. So your priorities are a bit different. He needs to understand that. See what he says. Hard convos are necessary for great relationships. You may find he’s not thinking like you at all. Either way, yes, you should still get on your grind. Talk to him about local or semi local things you’re willing to do.

From a fellow single mom who isn’t anywhere near close to being happy with where I’m at in life, TRUST me when I say this, you’d much rather have a man that’s established, professional, who has his shit together than not. Use that as support and motivation. talk to him about the future together, set some short terms goals, ask for help getting you to where you want to be so you can grow together.


Get you a man who includes your children in everything, mine does makes me love him even more


Mmm… think of it this way. Is he adding to your and your children’s life for the better ? Or is he causing you stress and negativity. The right man will make you feel good no matter what and will be positively adding to your life not standing still or taking away from you and your children.

Why doesn’t he want to do anything local is the question & answer. Leave he doesn’t want to be seen locally with you for a reason.

open , honest communication…if you can if you can’t say the words you just typed on facebook to HIM…then you have nothing

It sounds like he wants someone who can stop everything and run around.The sad part of being a single mom is dating . if he wants that from you , he should be like babe in a month lest do this and when it’s tome to go he can help you with child care some bills when you get back . if he wants you to really go he’ d be offering this help . So your best bet is to talk to him. Best of luck

You need to let it go and take time to get yourself stable and secure. Mentally, physically and emotionally… And financially. I can’t express this enough. Let him go!!!

Umm maybe idk have a conversation with him and examine your logic and reasoning…you may find he’s supportive and appreciative that you didn’t try to use him as a answer to your financial struggle… we have to start normalizing communication because we tend to want people to just know how we feel of what we want but im pretty sure he isn’t a mind reader.

If he was the right guy, he would be there for you. I have learned that if you are questioning it beyond sometimes maybe having a bad day here and there, he isnt the one. No one is ever going to be at the same place in life like that.

Is he not open to taking your child with on these trips?
If his not okay with that it might be best to move on.


When your even questioning it

Looks like time to.move on

Let him go. Work on you :slight_smile:

Too early? Why would he be financially responsible for you???

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For starters you don’t ask ANY man you are not married to for help at any point. If he sees you in distress and all he does is criticize you… that’s your cue.

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I would end it. Looks like you both aren’t really wanting to work anything out as it is. Work on you and be there for your child. If he’s for you, he’ll be back where both of you are happy together!.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you know it's time to end a relationship?

Tell him what you wrote out here, either he’ll understand or he won’t… but communication is key especially for something you want to work.


The right man would understand your position and be understanding of you and your circumstances. If he gets frustrated at you being unable to do stuff because you’re working or don’t have the funds it’s his issue, not yours. You don’t need to get your sh** in order, he needs to recognise the different places you are in your lives and support you.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you know it's time to end a relationship?


I agree with talk to him and explain. Just tell him “I would love to go do all these things with you but currently I’m trying really hard to accomplish ____ for my daughter and myself.” That you aren’t quite able yet to afford the luxury of spontaneous vacations or things of that nature but you would love to in the future when you’re able. Say that you would love to do more things together but things that can work with your current situation that are closer to home and allow you to continue working, maybe small evening trips to nearby spots, dinner, a walk, drive to see a nearby beautiful view, etc. If he isn’t willing to wait for you to be financially able to do those big things and will get upset at you not being able to then maybe he isn’t as supportive as he should be and it should be considered whether or not y’all can make it work.


Sweetie, if he’s already bored in the relationship it isn’t going to get any better. Move on to someone who values and appreciate you and your situation. Good luck!


“He never talks about doing anything locally, and he doesn’t have a woman because I’m with him too many nights at his house.” I’m confused…he doesn’t have a woman because you are at his house for too many nights? So is this an open relationship? Is this even a relationship at all? Are you just a friend’s with benefits thing to him?


I don’t think either of them are boring or that she isn’t doing enough. They’re in 2 different places in life. Their finances and responsibilities are so different. If they can communicate and come to an understanding that’s good. If he doesn’t understanding her financial limitations and her responsibilities to her child, he just isn’t for her.


Dear young single Mom. If you are asking for advice instead of having a heart to heart talk with him something is terribly wrong with this relationship and it will not get better. Call it a learning experience and call it quits.


I would love for my man to want to go places all the time. Sounds fun!!! Talk to him, someday he may be ur partner in life. Communicate,get u guys on the right road together. He knows ur life and ur struggles. Talk and see if hes the one. Best of luck


I would have a full honest conversation with him and say “this is our situation. What do you think of this” while explaining your feelings. Anyone worth being with in the end will be someone you can be 100% honest with


Your child has to come first. They will know if you’re unhappy and it will affect them even if they can’t tell you. Sounds like your gut is talking to you.


He wont change. Does he love your child/children? Put God first then you will know what you need to do.


Right now the two of you are in very different places, so it’s time to sit down and discuss where your relationship falls. It sounds like it might be time to part ways but he doesn’t want to be the bad guy and be the one to break things off. You have things on your plate with your child and your job, so concentrate on those right now.

I once dated a man like this when I was a single mother, always felt like I had to choose b/w him and my kids. Broke it off and never regretted it. Went on to meet a wonderful man who always included the kids. Happy ever after!


Talk to him, explain your situation if he doesn’t already know. Make sure not to leave anything out about what is happening in your life so he knows and can make the choice himself. If he doesn’t get it or walks away, be done, no turning back. If he’s bored, it’s really not a good sign and there may be things going on you don’t know about in his life. Relationships are really hard when you are in different financial places.


Be friends! You have a child and you can’t just up root your child and take him places because he has a schedule as well. Break it off and just be friends and hang out with each other and locally when you can. This relived the stress and allows the two of you two later fine people that are ready equally yoked

His remarks are telling you to walk away. He is foolish to believe he is where he wants to be in life. He’s in a good place right now; life changes in the blink of an eye and he may not always be where he wants to be in life.


Sounds like it’s good for him when you go into his world. You’re running circles tending to your kids & working to make ends meet in your world & then still have time & energy to run to his house a few times a week? What’s his effort in all this?


No offense, but this is an immature problem that a lot of people have. Your bond with him is suffering because you’re too afraid to just come out with it and tell him that you’re broke and that you can barely get back on your feet. Swallow your damn pride and communicate. You’re complicating this for no reason whatsoever. You think he was always well off? A GROWN man understands that shit happens, and you need a little time to bounce back. Just talk :roll_eyes:


You want someone who will be there for you in good times and bad. It doesn’t sound like he values you enough or that he has enough compassion for you and others who are not quite as comfortable as he is. I’m not sure he’s all that great…

I’d have an open conversation with him. Tell him how you feel. Where you are in life right now and let him know your doubts that your not able to have the life style he has. He may feel the same way and end it our may want you to understand he can provide also but didn’t want to over step boundaries. Sometimes communication can fix it all. And if he’s not ready for your life, then that clears it all versus doubting and being unhappy


Sounds to me like it would be better to go your own way and let him go his ,get all of your poop in the proper sock on your own and then when you meet someone new ,you can stand square on your own two feet and not have to compromise or be compromised


Pray girl pray
If you love him it’s worth fighting for if not walk now it as it will only get harder and be good friends maybe


If you have to ask I think you know. Just not comfortable with it. Trust yourself and keep growing which ever route u take. Best to you.


Three strikes and they are out. I’ll bet that wasn’t the first strike. Does he make you pay for the babysitter?


Singel man will fine woman with her own responsblty boring. Bcoz it’s not his responsibility. It’s smpl as that. Try to talk with him. I hope he understands. But I will not put your hope so high. Bcoz if he wants to understand you he would have done long time ago.

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Have you got CARE GIVER written over your forehead as you say he is where he wants to be and you’re not. For you to ask such a question. You defintely know the answer.


Sounds like you’re not suited anyway.


Tell him what you are going through, if he is really interested on you, he will help you out, if not, he isn’t the right person for you. He needs to understand that a single moms priority is her yong child, plain and simple!


I wouldn’t end things just yet, but maybe have an open relationship where you two can explore more to see where you truely want to be whether it’s with him Or maybe alone or with someone else!


He’s not the one
He’s just not that into you
Love isn’t that hard


If he doesn’t try to see what you are going through and been through then communication is a must. If he’s bored that soon, then I’d look at the big picture and really soul search where you are headed.


I’ve been in his place before where I had it all together and the man I was in love with did not. It didn’t last long term. Unfortunately. I waited as long as I could but he could just never catch up. I got bored spending every weekend at home hanging out. My soul needed more adventure.

If he seems bored he is, trust your gut and ask yourself is he really that into you. You are a single mother you don’t have the luxury of games that are being played.

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I w just lay it on the line. …but it sounds like u r both going in different directions
…I w let him go…get yourself in order…or don’t and just move on…stick and move …its what makes u happy. but to me it doesn’t seem like u r happy @ all???

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Compromise and communication is the key to most Amy relationship it sounds like he has tried to be patient so you can get things on track but at the same time are you going and doing anything he suggests? Things would get boring for me too if there was never anything but work and hanging out

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Err…hello? Why should you do anything differently?
He sounds like a player , always looking for the next exciting thing or place.
He knows you have different responsibilities and he is whinging. Cut your losses.

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It’s entirely possible that he doesn’t have a clear picture of what’s going on with you. Sometimes es, when we try to handle things on our own and feel like our issues could be a burden to others, we don’t communicate our reality to others. Speak with him, outline all of it, and see what he does with the information. Then you’ll know… Don’t feel as though your circumstances are less important or to be minimized because of another. Live and rebuild anew whether with him or another…

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Being a single parent and dating is hard. You can’t be spontaneous because you have plan for sitters and what not. The children always come first when you’re a parent. The right guy will understand this. I don’t know if this man understands this. I don’t know if this man is the right one. But it’s not my relationship. You should sit down and have a real honest conversation with him about what you both want out of your relationship. If you two want two different things, then it’s probably time to cut ties. I feel super blessed, my boyfriend understands that my son comes first. And we will often include my son in our activities. Since, it’s so hot where we live, we haven’t done much. But we have plans to do things together. All of us. Maybe that would be an option too when you get your financials in order.
Also, if he’s saying things like “I can’t have a woman to do things with because you’re here too much” that’s a red flag. That shows that he’s thinking about other women then it’s likely that he’s been thinking about being with other women.
There’s this book called “He’s just not that into you” and that book changed my life. It has really helped me in my dating life.


If he was dead serious about the relationship in the first lace time wouldn’t matter and he’s be understanding and as helpful as possible

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If you’re unhappy more often than happy.


If he really loved you he would buy you a car because he would see that you are stuggling without one & working extra hrs to pay for one…

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Communicate and figure out where each other’s feelings and situations are at this moment. Talk about goals and dreams. And if at the end of it you both don’t see eye to eye or he doesn’t seem interested in talking or just not interested at all then that’s your queue to leave.

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why do people feel the need to be rude and laugh. You’re adults!

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Yes I realise you are both on different level in life at this point but when two people love each other they want to share each other’s joy,and happiness.We all have our own issues/problems/concerns whatever we may call it,that we take with us in relationships,to work etc;How we deal with it is the most important part.Before you decide to give up,give it your best shot,ask questions that are bothering you,find out the plans for both of you(and your child because he or she is priority)If he is that into you he’ll make all the effort instead of criticizing your action and your thoughts before you even think about then
:thinking:take your time and be extremely good to yourself​:heart_decoration:remember there’s only one you.I’m learning about relationship too​:slightly_smiling_face: