U should have left awhile ago but I wish u luck it won’t get any easier with the twins. If urs were anything like mine they didnt feed at the same time, they ate every 2 hours on their own, and idk whether its fortunate or unfortunate but my twins have had 2 teeth come in at a time about a week apart and they’ve had 4 molars just come in all at once. Teething throws off their schedules. Anyway 2 other kids won’t be easy. I’d say stick it out until u can afford 2 be on ur own but it won’t ever get easier and it will be awhile before u can do that. U dont need that stress on top of everything else
If possible try find a job you can do from home right now that way you can have some of your own money coming in. And I’d give him the ultimatum it changes now or he leaves period! It does sound like you are in fact being taken advantage of and the more you continue to express yourself to him and the longer nothing changes the more stressed out you’ll become and you don’t need that. He’s continue the same habits and telling you what you want to hear in the moment because there has been no actual consequences to his actions your sort of enabling him to continue this way by not actually doing anything about it. If you made him leave he will do one of two things, he will either wake tf up and become the partner you need, or he will run off upset and continue acting the way he does either way it will be less stressful on you then dealing with what you are
It might be hard for a while but I’d rather struggle for a bit than be with someone like that. It sounds like you’re already doing it on your own, you’d be better off without him. At least you’d know where your money is going and can support your babies.
Get a bank account he can’t access!
If you are in a relationship and he’s not helping you, you don’t need him. You are doing everything on your own so that’s proof that you don’t need him right? Yes he’s the father of your kids, but get out of the situation. It will only get worse. I would definitely make him leave if it’s your house. He would be paying child support. It sounds like you are a free place to stay and as long as you allow that behavior, he’s not going anywhere. I’ve been there. Just my opinion. Good luck to you and your family
You must take away the emotion and live and breathe the LOGIC. Thats how we read this, no foot in the race. You can do this! Logic. Not emotion. Your new mantra
Everyone is so quick to scream leave, and don’t get me wrong I agree, however, you are pregnant with two more babies that are going to need you. My advice would be to wait, save up, and get the hell out. There will never be a perfect time, but go back to work, don’t allow him access to any funds if he’s not working. Set real boundaries, set a date, and stick to it. If he doesn’t get help, get a job, and contribute, then you’ve done all you could, and it will be hard to walk away, but you’ll know everything you could do is done.
Sweetheart, congratulations on the babies coming your way!
Please take a minute and write down the pros and cons of staying. It will be an eye opener. You’re a go-getter! It won’t be easy, but you already know what has to be done. All my love and good vibes are for you
You let this happen so now you need to get yourself out. Don’t let him have any access to your money. Him being a grown man and having all these children should make him realize that he needs to step his lazy ass up and start making money. Either he gets better and steps up or get him out of your life.
End it. Been there, and no matter how many times I tried to talk to him, he always gave empty promises, all the while draining the money and acting defensive.
Being a single mom is tough, but I’d choose that time and time again over being in a dead-end relationship, and struggling because I allowed someone else to take advantage. It’s been 5 years now and we are better off, and he is still in his never-ending cycle of Payday cash out, casino, booze, and broke by Monday.
Open up a separate bank account as soon as money hits the bank transfer over money to start replacing what he took. I agree with others give yourself a deadline for 1 year giving time for your babies to be born and you get a job. After that I say be firm on leaving him if you didn’t see change of behavior from the prior months. You could do it without him, going to be a bit hard but no woman should be having to support a man like that.
Kick is assuming to the curb you deserve better! If you’re the breadwinner establish responsibility unto the rest …you got this go girl!
You know. He’s dead weight. Time to move on.
I think you know your answer!
I’m in a very similar situation as you girl, so my goes out to you. Currently 6mo preggo with #2. My hubby of 3 years, together for 9, is by the book BPD. He made me miserable with my first pregnancy and promised afterwards he’d do better next time around…got pregnant again after 2 years and it’s the same BS if not worse. I do 99% of the work around the house, plus work 30 hours/week while raising our toddler and managing the ups and downs of pregnancy. He’s never been able to hold a job for more than a year, and finally landed a dream job/career last October. That I helped him get by doing the application, background check, paperwork etc.
When we argue, which has been a constant companion the last 9 years and most especially during this pregnancy, he pulls most of the money out of the joint account and goes to the casino, plus drinks everyday. I’m past that breaking point, emotionally, mentally, and psychologically. Everyone is to blame for his actions/behaviors except him. Even when things are good, he never makes much effort to change or be the husband I need.
My toddler sees/hears more from our arguments than any child should, and that alone makes me cry. It’s scary to think of raising two children in this world by myself, but I can’t even rely on my husband to man up and do right by me or his family…
I was with my ex for 9 years. I too was the person that made the money while he stayed home. He never held a permanent job for more than a week and then would be off for months. We finally had a daughter together. I worked my entire pregnancy while he stayed at home. I thought about leaving multiple times while pregnant. I chose to stay. Even after pregnancy I was the only one that worked. I left him when she was 2. I was 17 when I met him and he was 19. I don’t regret leaving at all. I was worried about sitters in the beginning also because she was so young. When I left I found sitters to help out. It was a scary step. While I was pregnant I didn’t have a job that paid a lot for a sitter either. I found a great paying job and that helped push me to leave also.
My boyfriend drained my bank accounts and kept telling me he was working towards getting a job, never did. Whenever I got paid he would take money from me and spend it before I even noticed it was gone. He kept telling me I’ll give you all of my tax return “it’s gonna be big” I kept thinking he would change but after time he never did.
I left and now he has enough money saved up that it has me thinking about all the times I thought I was the problem. He just was using me for money. I really hope you see the potential in yourself for you and the babies
Sounds like you’re a mommy daddy meaning you have to do it all and sounds like you can With Gods help if he’s a good husband & father in other ways be patient and things will get better the best things in life aren’t things your kids need the love of their dad
1.Get gim out of your house. 2. If it´s financially too hard to keep the house, sell it, get a rental and don´t look back! He is scarring these kids for life and you for that matter. You have 2 kids and 2 on the way, you don´t need a man-baby to take care of! You have been doing it all alone, you can and will in the future and it probably will be easier because you don´t have someone sabotaging you every step of the way. I wish you a lot of strength and wisdom, hang in there, you can do it!
How about he leaves, since it’s your place, and he pays child support? Can you get a WFH job in your field? And I agree with others about the separate bank accounts he can’t access.
Contact your local women’s resource center, they can guide you to services that can help you and your children. Attend some al-anon meetings. It’s a good source for family members dealing with alcoholic behaviors in a family.
Kick his ass to the curb! You don’t need him
I would start with a bank account that doesnt have his name on it. Id stay for now. Save up again and dicide when theres enough in the account he cant touch.
Kick his bum of an ass out the door. Congratulations on the babies xx you will be better off solo… you dont need a grown ass baby bleeding you dry x
Someone gave me advice many years ago that made so much sense to me when being afraid to leave, afraid of how hard it would be, not having help etc.
I was doing the same, bringing in the money, raising the kids, he too was an addict who couldn’t hold down a job. I tried so hard to fix him, almost married him but called it off until he got sober.
The advice (I’m paraphrasing as the advice is well over 15y old now); when someone is there you expect them to help, to want to help, to “do” things for the family. But, when they aren’t there, there’s no expectation of help, you don’t have a daily reminder that this person is physically there and not helping which only frustrates, hurts and infuriates you; the expectation makes it harder to do the things alone that you’re already doing, because the trickery of the expectation. When all along you’ve been doing it all yourself anyway. When you are on you’re own, you aren’t doing any “more” than you’ve already been doing, except taking out the trash, but kids grow and learn to help mom. What makes it easier, is that there is no one around to expect to help you, there is no one to remind you daily that you SHOULD have help. Suddenly the workload doesn’t seem so bad. When you’re on your own, there is no other option other than to figure it out and “get shit done” yourself. In some ways it’s a powerful reminder of how strong and capable you really are.
Not to mention, your mental health improves, and you find you are happier for yourself and your children, who in turn aren’t feeding off negativity and become less fussy and moody themselves.
We will still worry about finances, childcare, a good ol’ break, social breaks, keeping it all together. That’s normal. But you’re already worried about finances, keeping it all together and possibly childcare from an unreliable “partner”.
Build your village. It’s scary and hard to reach out for supports. But build that village momma. Start looking for your support team, be brave and ask for help, get a plan together, you may be surprised at how much of a support system you develop. Life would be so much better without the dead weight, without the extra mouth to feed, with less of the extra stressors. Maybe talk with your mom, she may be more willing to help more often if she felt you truly needed it. My close friends and family were just as frustrated with my ex as I was, so they weren’t jumping to help me with the kids when I was with them; in their eyes HE should’ve been doing more and they refused to enable him any more than I already was.
Another piece of advice I was given by a teacher once (I had my first baby while I was very young); your child grows and develops better, is happier and if they knew the future and had the capacity to understand at a very young age, they would choose your happiness (as the trickle down effect of a mother being happy and mentally and emotionally healthy, has a stronger and healthier impact on them) over having their parents together unhappy.
My son is better off with his father and I apart. He’s happier, I’m happier, and eventually his father up and left his life anyway. But I’m a better mother to him because I looked after ME.
As they say, you can’t pour from an empty cup. My cup was always empty. After having left his father, my cup started to refill little by little, and because I was happier/healthier so were my children.
(I had two kids, two dads ten years apart; teen mom for first, 20’s for second. I raised both of them mostly on my own, raised one from pregnancy to adulthood without her father. My daughter has struggles bc her father was NEVER in the picture, but she has many fond memories of her childhood and we are so very close. My son has no good memories of his biological father, but has a good and happy life and a very strong bond with his sister and I. He is also a very respectful young man to women, unlike his father.)
There are many GOOD men out there, men who won’t be scared off by single moms with babies, or young children. Men who see the strength we have from demanding more for ourselves and our children.
My last advice to consider is this; we teach our children by example. They often (not always) learn what is and isn’t acceptable treatment by what we SHOW them, not tell them. If you raise your children like this/in this environment, your daughters (likely will) learn this is “good enough”, and your sons learn this is acceptable to do to their partners. We know we always want better for our children, we work hard so they love themselves and are happy. Teach them by showing them what is and isn’t acceptable from a partner, what is a healthy relationship, what is actually “loving” your partner. Teach them to be with true “partners” who respect and love them, who also support each other. So they make sure they only accept the best. We accept less for ourselves than we do for our children, we’d fight like the momma bears we are if someone were treating our children poorly. Apply that same love to yourself. Because that IS expecting better for your children.
Your job isn’t to fix, nor enable him; and frankly, he has no reason to change. He’s got it too good to make any changes. Maybe leaving saves your relationship later on down the road. Maybe it doesn’t. But either way, you’re better off for it (IMO) to get out of that situation, to allow yourself happiness, to treat yourself with more self love, to make room for someone who will love and treat you (and your kids) so much better, and to have your children have more happiness. You will all be sad at first, and have bad days after separating, there will be struggles as you adjust, it will be scary at times; but it will pass, and you will get through it.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you know it's time to end a relationship?
Unfortunately he’s not going to change, he’s already refused therapy. That alone should have given you a clue. Take his name off all your accounts, you are not married! The first step is always the hardest but gets easier the more steps you take. There are resources out there, just do some research. Get him out of your home. He needs to grow up and learn to stand on his own two feet. It will be hard but you’ve got your kids so you’ll be ok. Keep your chin up, stay strong and look to a better future.
Run don’t walk! Unfortunately I know first hand he will never change and doesn’t care about you or any of those beautiful babies deserve this! Being alone and healthy is far better than being in an unhealthy relationship. There are many resources, I don’t know where you are but at least your mom is available to help you at times (but it’s more than I get from mine). Check into w2 (cash assistance) programs with the state consortium that you live in. Stay strong momma!
I was in a similar yet different situation… lots of excuses from him and really I was no better. All the excuses to stay … when really it was better to leave which I finally did. You will know when u r ready. It’s not easy… you can do it.
First thing I would do is take him off the bank accounts. I have worked 85% of the time since I was 17 and most of the time I had a full time and a part-time job. After I was 8 years old my parents divorced and my mother got $12 of child support. Part of the reason I have never married is most the guys I met were lazy about work. I had to do without a lot because of my father and I am not supporting anyone and do not expect them to support me. I would also suggest he go to treatment for his addictions and then see what happens. But I would have a B plan to take care of my self and my children.
Depends on state - he could get take the babies home without you. I had blood clot - we seprated " he got 50/50 in flordia from day 1 -
My son released before me.
Prayers -
" Figure way to earn income -
Hire a lawyer - get free " -
1- see if you can find an online job that won’t require too much of you or stress the babies.
2- open an account he has absolutely no access to.
3- as stressful & frustrating as it may be focus on yourself and the babies. If the other kids can help you out, give them chores so you will have less to do. Stay safe and I wish you & your babies a safe & healthy journey.
You need to leave him immediately! You can go to the women’s shelter to get help. I wish you well.
It is time! The last thing a mother of 4 needs is a freeloader with an alcohol addiction. He needs to tackle his issues. Although motherhood is hard, going it on your own should be more peaceful without the constant strain of worries of what he might do next.( Iike drain a bank account, run up a credit card, steal from the babies , reck a car while impaired etc) You deserve much better times. God bless !
End it. If he cared about you and your babies he would not spend the money on himself. Saying it’s "your hormones " is bullshit . He is trying to blame “your hormones”'so you go easy on him. Dont ever put him on a credit card . Get seperate bank account asap.Look into resources.good luck…
You should definitely leave hom and it will be hard at first but in the future you will be much happier and so will your children… It’s all about them and you… I wish you the best of luck❤
My ex husband left me last year after 25 years of marriage. I thought I would never be able to do it but somehow god has helped pull through. I know it’s going to be hard if you leave but he doesn’t do anything for you anyway. He is like having an extra child.
I had 3 like this I gave up and decided to kick them to the curb, I saw all three with other women, too much forgiveness there, it was awful, I gave my life to Christ and he gave me someone great! I had 5 children.worked 3 jobs to support these kids. Nice to get child support at the age of 67…he, he.Trust the Lord kick this guy to the curb. They dont change, reading your story was so similar to mine one husband like to beat me. Two husband didnt want to work, he was to lazy to teach my boy the pottie printed it on his bottom bruised from the seat, cheated also. Three that is all he did was drink, cheat, and do drugs, boy I know how to pick them huh. God will be the father of your babies, he was the father of mine, I am so proud of my kids. Let God take over.
your life will be better. Enjoy those babies.
Honey…you and your babies deserve better than this man child! He has already shown you who he is and unfortunately he will never change. Don’t waste time waiting on something that will never happen. I wasted 8 years of my life waiting for change and finally called it quits. While it may be scary have faith in yourself. You got this queen…straighten your crown and show him and the world what a bad as* you are. Prayers and Good vibes your way!
Big Hugs!! Sounds like you have a dependent and not a partner. I’m so sorry for you, you need to put you and your babies first and go. You’re a go-getter, I can tell!! You can do this without him. I hope you have friends to lean on or your Mom will help ’s and love sent your way!! Best wishes to you Momma and your babies today and always
Everyone can give you all the same advise, tell what you should or shouldn’t do. But until you learn to love yourself more than you love him there won’t be anything you will change. When you love you things happen, life starts to change. Have faith in God not in a loser. First step, you must leave him or ask him to leave. His addictions become yours because as he won’t stop drinking, you won’t leave him. Making this two addictions. His and hers. You always have a choice. He’s not your child, let him go, be strong!!!
Just by the mere fact you are asking this question means, it’s time to End the relationship. If you weren’t already sure, you wouldn’t be asking complete strangers this question.
Honestly I know ultimatums are not good. But either he’d go for inpatient treatment or I’d end it. Sometimes enough is enough. You and your children deserve better.
You already know its time to RUN ,if you have to ask…wishing you the best.
1)Put him out.
2)Change ALL the locks.
3)Arrange visitation for the children at a public location “once” he has maintained sobriety for a year.
4)Remove him from all your banking accounts. *This should be done before kicking him out.
5)Go “completely” NO contact! Until he get’s a Job, stop’s the drinking for (1) WHOLE year, and has a place of his own. Set boundaries & make him rise to meet them. Period!
*If you need help with your children, find someone who’s NOT an addict, like a student NURSE … who needs Free room & board in exchange for watching your children while you’re working. Or someone studying child psychology.
Sounds luke you are already doing it all so why are you holding on to him? You could probably pay a neighbor kid $5 a week to take out the trash and it would be cheaper than paying for the gambling and drinking. You answered your own question in your post by saying you want to move away from him. Show him the door!
When I left my abusive ex the difficult days were like a vacation compared to what I had to deal with when I was with him. If the house is yours make sure you put the money from selling it, if you go that route, into a savings or where he can’t access it if that is legal. Maybe your Mom would help you with the children. Congratulations on your precious twins!
Sounds like he is also your child.
You need to leave, and yes it will be hard but it will also be worth it.
Run. He is not going to change. Check any and all local, state, federal programs. My prayers are with you.
Run & dont look back. You & your childen will be better off without him. Doubtful he’ll change. Been there, done that.
Don’t let him get in to your money I think you can do it by yourself he’s not not helping you he’s taking away from you and the kids make him pay child support and make him leave find somebody to help you not take away from you geeze
Well your relationship must not have been tooo bad as you are currently pregnant by this man again with twins. You helped create this man child by enabling him so deal with it. He did get a job so he is trying and that’s progress. You think you’re going to get a better replacement to take on 4 children??
You’ll know the time when you’re ready.
For your sake, get out! First of all, I know from experience that you can’t change anyone! Only Jesus can. So, knowing how hard you have worked I would say before the babies come, kick him out. Sell out. Keep him out! He isn’t contributing to the household anyway. Def dont let him take care of your children!
Should’ve ended that one 11 yrs ago
If it’s your house kick him out
I think you already know the answer but need reassuring… OKAY so here goes : he’s a lowlife scum who uses you and doesn’t give a crap about the kids ,if he did he wouldn’t drain your money and be drinking etc
Okay so put another way…would you want your daughter going out with someone like this?
You deserve better, your children not only deserve better but need a better (and let’s be honest with this guy he won’t take much) role model.
You got this girl, you know you can do this alone, now go show the world and your kids that YOU deserve better!
Kick him to the curb. Do for you and your kids what you need to. It is hard. And hard work by yourself. But you deserve better.
You’re smart woman. You can see the signs. Don’t ignore them .
Walk you are wasting years you will never get back!!
Nothing changes if nothing changes. Leave him.
Take him off all the bank accounts start getting all the paperwork done for custody of all 4 children then give him a 30 day notice then go sign up fir medical unemployment also sign up for assistance for child care through the state
Send his ass packing.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you know it's time to end a relationship?
Honestly it’s gonna be hard but he can’t man up then you needa lose the boy and get a real man:woman_shrugging:t2: if y’all been together for 10yrs and he still ain’t got or held down a job and drains your money that you make to provide for you and your family then no he doesn’t deserve you nor them babies. It would be hard af but worth it in the end. Cause guess what? Mommas always make a way
I was in your same exact spot, what I did was call my relatives and let them know I was in trouble and asked if they could help. We set up a plan to move to a relatives and sell my house. I let my baby daddy know it was temporary but that there would be no room for him. He threw fits and threatening, etc. We move in with my dad, he was not invited so could claim no residency. He had run is with the police and threaten our childs life, I made a police report and cps came and said safety plan, no contact with him. He ended up leaving us alone after that and I got state aid for everything including the birth of my child. If he’s draining you bank accounts he most likely has narcissist personality disorder. He is not good for your kids. Please get away from him, these guys can and have snapped and murdered their whole family.
Get out! You need to take care of yourself and those babies. You gotta do what’s best for you and them. He’s a grown ass man. It’s not your job to take care of him. He’s only hurting you guys
I usually jump on these and try to be the voice of “fix it, don’t throw it out” but girl, you can’t get out of this relationship fast enough. If you own that house, kick his butt out. He’s not allowed back until he’s sober, attending gambler’s anonymous, and able to pay for half of the household. Otherwise, I would nope right outta there FAST.
PS: you’d be surprised how much people will come running to help when you go through something like this. I’m sure your Mom is one of them!
Not the exact problem but my husband had substance issues and when I got pregnant with twins I needs him to sober up he wouldn’t , so I left then he realized he needs help and got clean . Maybe leave for a period of time and see if he can wake up and realize what he will lose
You’ve got to get out of that situation as awful as it may seem, imagine what the kiddos see and think is okay to do or how to be treated! It’s not easy but it’s better in the long run
I hope everything works out for you
It’ll be hard but in the end you will be so happy for your babies that they don’t have a role model like that…get him for child support. Maybe that is the change he needs but then again don’t count on it
It’s time for you to take out the trash (him)…
You’ve been supporting yourself & your babies ALL this time, from day one. You have been standing on your own two feet. I believe you have come to your own answer. You are one strong-tenacious beautiful warrior of a momma. It will be hard but have been a fighter. God bless you:pray:
You’re basically doing everything yourself !! You’re a single momma and doing great !! Just throw out the trash out and it will be better !!
Dead weight alert!!!
You WILL be BETTER OFF without him around.
FORGET the “struggle” you think you would IF you moved away… Methinks you are struggling WORSE NOW than you would on your own!!!
Try and move in/ closer to your Mom so she can help out MORE when you do leave his lazy ass!!!
Honestly it’s gonna be hella hard, especially on how he is. Just keep your ground and work until you can’t anymore. Then go back to work. Keep your money to your account so he doesn’t spend that shit. That’s your and your kids money. If he wants to be a bitch he can work for that shit.
He is never going to change mamas, but right now don’t seem like the right time to do it…its all timing and have a plan set
If the house is in your name I’d find a way to kick him out. Put all his crap outside while he is at work and change the locks. You can apply for food stamps at least. Maybe get Medicaid. You can start an only fans page to bring in some cash. Some people are really into seeing a pregnant woman’s body whatever you do I don’t recommend staying with him. He clearly doesn’t respect you your children or your relationship doesn’t sound like he’s going to change or be a real man. Especially since he hasn’t bothered in 10 years. Sounds like alcohol is more important to him than his family and responsibilities. You deserve much better than dealing with that crap especially being 6 months pregnant with twins. Good luck momma
He isnt changing because he doesn’t have to…why? Because you are still there. At this point he knows you will still be there so he doesn’t have to change. He tells you what you want to hear to buy a little time to get you off his butt. He doesn’t want to change or he would have.
And get on birth control
It’s been 10 years… it will be harder keeping him around then doing it alone. Best case scenario you kicking him to the curb will wake him up and he will get it together, but don’t count on it, and even if it appears that way- don’t let him move back in.
If you and the kids are worth it. He will get it together, do what he needs to do, for himself and his family and provide for you all. Period.
If you’re not married, pack up the kids and LEAVE.
Get out of your lease agreement and move on without him.
Is he a good dad?
If so, tell him he can see them on whatever days you say.
If he isn’t, tell him to get an attorney and he can file for visitation if he wants.
I hope you figure it out
Honestly I think you already have the answer but you just need to find the courage to do it.
When you don’t recognize yourself in the mirror anymore
Take his name off of the savings accounts. Get a job as soon as you can. Build up your savings and kick him to the curb.
To the moon. Your doing it all by yourself anyway, except for the sex part… Get someone who won’t use and abuse your emotions and trust
Hes a loser kick him to the curb,when u do hav money keep it secret from him save up and leave his sorry ass and go after alimony and child support
When you ask the question!
Get rid of him!! That’s theft and all he is doing is using you to supply his habits. Take him off the accounts and kick him to the curb! Disgusting. Those babies deserve better, and so do you!
I was in a similar predicament and tried to make it work. The day I brought my son home from the hospital his dad went to play football all afternoon. How a person does one thing is how he does all things. My dad paid my rent and electric bill that month. I left after I went back to work. I should have earlier, he was like another child I had to take care of. It’s something you can do!! Never doubt your strength! My son has grown to be a wonderful man with very little contact with “him” - who still tries to reconcile with me after all that, a new wife and a different state. Still the same loser…
Honey, you’ve set the standard of what you accept.
You have accepted his shitty behavior for 10 years now. He isn’t going to change. I’m sorry to say it, but he WONT.
Time to get out. He is a namchild. You are about to have another 2 children. THINK ABOUT THEM AND YOURSELF.
I didn’t even need to read this. If you are thinking about leaving in the slightest, that’s how you know it’s time.
If you’re going to do bad… You can do it on ur own… You don’t need to man girl !!!
You know. You know when you’re done and you don’t question it, you just go.
Make sure he doesn’t see or go anywhere near your money
You will cope your doing everything now so its not a change
Hes draining you and you don’t need that around your or your beautiful babies
Make him leave he will either do everything he can to come back and be a better person or he won’t
You’re stronger than you think xx
Bruh, kick his ass out. Get on social assistance and start from scratch
Take away his access to the money. If you don’t give him access to money, he can’t blow it on gambling and he can’t buy any alcohol. If he’s drinking like that then has has no business staying at home with the kids. That’s not a good situation for them to be in. Save your money. Make certain he cannot access any of it. Get a legal eviction on him. He’s not going to change. Tell your mom what’s going on and tell her what you need from her. Hopefully she’s the kind of mom who will do everything in her power to help you and your kids get out of such a toxic situation.