How do you know it's time to end a relationship?

Gooooooooooooooo! You don’t need to rely on him to have a good life

Leave now before it gets worse. Can you start looking for a job, find assistant in your area to move into a new place. File with the attorney general to start the process for child support. I wish you the best.

Get a job, get out. You can do better. No one should ever lay hands on their partner in a relationship.


Yes leave,i dont think you will get a single person that will tell you to stay.Please dont stay becouse of money.There is plenty of help out there for you :heart: please message me too if you need someone to talk too

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He is having affairs with other woman , trashy woman.he might bring you something that is not curable. Your children are watching you this is a toxic relationship.He sounds like a Narcissist…Run now !!!


Start applying for jobs and focus on you and your kids. He obviously is no longer invested in your relationship, so it sounds like its time to go. Move in silence. Don’t allow him to try to talk you out of anything!! Focus. Plan. Make moves and get out of there!! It will take time but you can do this!


As soon as you feel ready to, for the safety and sake of you all my lovely. It won’t be easy but will be the best thing you can do, you all deserve happiness and not to be abused x

I know it’s probably scary to think of yourself and your 2 kids living without him. However if you stay your kids will think the way he treats you is appropriate and it’s not. Sometimes reality hurts.
Sending prayers and positive thoughts to you and your kids :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Stay strong :heart:

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This shouldn’t even be a question!!! Girl leave this is toxic and your kids will think this acceptable behavior and hate you later

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Dating for 6 and a half years would be my answer to that.

It’s time when he starts acting different and treats you like your nobody! Putting hands on and not watching his own kids ? Nahh kick him to the curb girl !

“I’m not happy…” is time to go. The more I read the more I thought please leave…


Leave and be happy :blush:


I live in Indiana, and if you need a way out, I will physically jump into my vehicle and drive to where you are and get you out of there caring it you and your children need to get out immediately.


To be completely honest, you’re showing your kids that a “man” should treat a woman. I know it’s scary but get the F out. I had to do that for myself and my kids. Thankfully my kids are older at the time. Family isn’t always blood. Is there any friends who can watch the kids while you work or work from home.


I can GUARANTEE you love, as soon as you end this relationship, start healing and eventually find the person who will love you with respect and kindness, you’re children will soak up your happiness and end up happier themselves. They will love whoever loves you, because they will sense that you’re happier and healthier and they will grow and learn from that


This is a toxic relationship. You need to leave for your kids sake. Get them out of that environment. Make plans to move slowly

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Leave his ass. He sounds like a piece of shit. You can find better and someone who will love you and your kids and treat you all with respect and love you deserve

The only person /(s) I feel sorry for is the kids. This is what happens when you first give up your financial independance and rely solely on that person. Then to further add, bring children into the mix with no commitment. People may think marriage is " just a piece a paper" and maybe it is. But that paper comes in handy when you need alimony and child support. Wake up. Get on your own two feet and teach your kids to be independent… Do not go find yourself another man to take care of you either. Until you are self sufficient, should you seek a relationship

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Get at least a part time job working the days he’s off, save every penny. Lie if you have to and don’t let him know you have a job. Maybe family can watch kids while you work…. Once you have enough money for deposit and 1st months rent, find a place and then file for state assistance if need be, could probably do that now tho if not married. Then move out when he is at work if you need to. Then tell him it’s over and move on with your life. Or have you tried to talk to him about how you feel? So sorry, tight spot for sure.

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say bye bye you dont need crap you have kids

It should’ve been over when he stopped giving 100% and he cheated

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I look at it as stay and be miserable or leave and be happy.

You already know the answer to that question.

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If the man refuses to go for counseling, then you have already answered your own question. I don’t think you want your children to think that this is what being a couple with children should be like.
Public assistance is an option until you can support yourself. He has “put his hands on you?” That behavior could accelerate. Children can continue to love Dad from a distance.

You answered yo own question when you said the kids deserve to see a happy family…


Is there any women and children shelters in yoyr area. That deals with spousal abuse. They will help with counseling for you and your kids, provide a place to stay and help you get out on your own


I’m in a situation similar to yours. I’m financially dependent on him but I’m applying for jobs and focusing on myself and my kids till we can get out.


I know how most of this feels, he’s never cheated he doesn’t go out a lot and he’s never hurt me. Everything else is pretty much the same. But I would leave, I was in a very abusive relationship a long time ago and that’s hard to get over. If he is hurting you and cheating on you please do something before it gets worse.

Contact Women’s Aid for advice. This sounds controlling and abusive. You deserve better :two_hearts:

Stay and keep taking abuse-the kids witness this, it will become normal to them. They could possibly have abusive relationships later. Thinking it’s okay or normal because they grew up watching it.

Leave-and the kids have a heathy & happier mom! Also a happier and healthier home and future.

If you decide to stay, only stay because you two decided on counseling and are working on becoming better to and for each other and for your children. If it still doesn’t work you tried.

Or leave and also seek counseling to heal yourself from years of abuse that you didn’t cause or deserve.

Also kids shouldn’t blame you. It takes TWO to make a relationship work.

think about how you want your kid’s to see you. i stayed when i should have left for several years. Now neither of my kids have long term relationships so my staying for them backfired and i was my 50 when i left and I made it less than 5 years later and so can you. hold your head high… you got this…

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Stop depending on him. Make a plan an get out. What relationship you don’t have one. Your holding on to a dream that’s not going to come true. Go get s job and apply for assistance like free daycare and low income housing.

So he can do whatever he wants and you get to suffer because kids? The kids will notice this. And they deserve happy parents. Happy parents make happy kids.
He’s abusive. You need to get out. Get your friends help.

There isn’t ever a reason for a man to put his hands on you! That’s a deal breaker! Leave you and your kids deserve better!:heart:


Leave him and don’t waste anymore of your time. Won’t be easy but it’s so worth it.

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Ummm sweetie…your family is already broken.

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Why are you asking ? You already know the answer —- should have left the first time he physically put his hands on you.

You know it’s time to leave when there is no respect, and it sounds like that went out the window a long time ago.

It’s time to refocus girl. Take some online courses, apply for jobs, assistance - anything. And wait it out until you can make the move to leave. It’ll never change. You can’t make someone do things they just don’t want to do. You also can’t change a person no matter how hard you try or pray. You deserve more and so don’t your kids :heart:

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As a survivor of domestic abuse, I can tell you, GET OUT! Do it quickly and quietly!! No discussion, no warning, no ultimatum. I’m not sure where you live, but try your local state or county services. You aren’t married, so that’s a huge plus! Here in Michigan we have a help line 211. Again not sure where you are. Maybe try your personal physicians office. They might be able to help you find a shelter and a way out! I HAVE BEEN THERE! You are never truly STUCK except by your fear. Your kids and you deserve better! You can PM me if you need to.

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You want your kids to be in such relationships?
Get out! Save up some money, make a plan, tell a friend and your parents and leave!!

Please don’t stay. I did this for 18 years and ended up divorced and now have cervical cancer due to all the cheating. For the sake of your kids, get out cuz it won’t change

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2 happy homes is better than one miserable one. Help is out there


See if you can get assistance through state. Sometimes it includes housing. There’s a child care certificate you can apply for to get reduced day care costs. My girlfriends daycare cost is only $10 a month. Leave. It’s not doing you two or the kids any kid to be miserable. Be separate and be happy.

Man hey im going through exactly what you are but not the abuse part ive made my mind up when my youngest who is 3 turns 10 im gone. My life has been shit an i havent been happy an i have no family that accepts my children for crazy sick reasons ive just come to realize my time will be here soon. Good luck to you!!

I believe you already know the answer to this question

What dad? He is not a dad. A dad spends time with his kids and helps care for them physically not just financially. Girl you have got to get out. This whole situation is toxic. This is not how you want to raise your babies. They gonna grow up thinking this is alright. No way girl, time to get out.

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Find a way out. Make a plan. Don’t look back. Move on with your life. If there’s any chance he’ll change, he needs to do it on his own. After a long period of separation you can reassess the situation, but be very careful!

Contact your local domestic violence office ! They will help you get out and into a place to live

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As a domestic violence survivor, take it from me and leave… make a plan, apply for assistance, get a job, do whatever you have to to get you and your babies to a better place… I promise it’s out there… I’m praying for you

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You already know the answer.
Just get your finances together. Get yourself and your kids a new place to live.
Leave this bad boy in your past where he clearly belongs. The cheating on you was bad enough but the fact he put his hands on you is a deal breaker for me. You sure don’t want your children to think that is normal behavior.


Run! You and the kiddos deserve better! Been down that road myself!

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I read the first few sentences and don’t need anymore information. Leave and fast.

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Run! The moment he put his hands on you is when you should have left. Go to a women’s shelter if you have to, get away from him ASAP!

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Say see ya and shut the doot…lock it

Please leave. Cheating And putting his hands on you ?? It’s definitely time to GO :v:


I didn’t even read the whole thing. Once you said he put his hands on you, THAT’S IT. This shouldn’t even be a question. Leave TODAY. There are resources out there to help you financially get away.


I think you answered your own question girl

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He puts his hands on you? Hes not a man. You do not have a happy home. You should leave quick as you can for your children. Dont let them grow up thinking that is normal


Take classes, get trained, find work, get out!

You can go to the county and explain. They should be able to help you considering your history. It’s never too hard or too late to leave. Your life literally depends on it.

Run to the near Domestic Violence shelter Now

Well the kids should be ur they need there mom

So rather have your children in a home where there mom is happy, you decided that they should live in a house with two miserable parents and abuse??? Yelling is abuse!! Think about that.

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If you have a poor relationship your kids will think that’s the norm. We all deserve happiness. People feow part. But as humans we expect certain things from each other that aren’t unreasonable. Like bathing your children. Your kids deserve much more. And Spending time together. Not acting like a single person when you are married. You are accountable to each other. If that isn’t happening it’s a bad sign. We do grow apart. It happens. It doesn’t sound like you will find happiness here because sounds like you both are unhappy. The fact that he works and you don’t of course makes it hard. Imagine U did work, it would still be hard. He knows if you leave he will be paying his support so could be it’s easier for him to stay and act like your home is his hotel. Hate to say it but you need to start thinking about how you would live if you separated. Research. Find a friend. Have a free consult with an attorney and know your rights. Do it now. Then have a serious conversation on how both of you can move on. Saying this is no simple thing. This stuff is HARD. It’s why we put it off Good luck to you.


Once they put their hands on you…IT ONLY GETS WORSE!!!


Get a job and move on. Not fair to any of you to be miserable

It’s only gonna get worse. Save $ talk with a lawyer and leave as soon as possible

women abuse shelter
Help with kids job and homelessness

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Don’t stay for the kids this could have been my post I stayed for the kids worst thing I could have ever did taught my kids to be disrespectful and act like him in a lot of ways so figure out a way to take your kids and go

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Because of domestic abuse #1 and cheating this I beyond being “being happy” you are probably being verbally abused and you’re just walking on eggshells by this point. (Been there) make yourself an exit plan. Keep it from him. There is a ton of support for you. You got this.


Please leave my love , you deserve so much better xx

  1. Domestic abuse is worse then having your kids be upset with you. 2 go to a shelter, file fpr emergency assistance that’s why it’s there for people who really need it, until you are able to find a job etc to get you on your feet. You answered your question a long time ago. But you need to put you safety and your children’s over a “relationship”.

As soon as you stated he put his hands on you. All I could think of is how did he have kids because I know his not a man

When you have to ask the question. It’s basically confirming you need to leave

Get a job. Get your shit together, and get out.

Leave him. Without a doubt

Kids witnessing domestic violence actually has the same mental effects as if they were being abused themselves. Please leave this situation. You and your children deserve better. So many places are hiring right now, it won’t be super difficult to get a job. Apply for government assistance. Do what you gotta do, but protect your babies. (With love, from experience).

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God has something better for you and your Children. Please pray and ask God to order your mind and your steps :two_hearts::pray:. I put my Husband out after eight years for a lot of reasons and I did the best thing for me and my children :two_hearts::pray:. Go get your blessings honey don’t waste any more time. Praying for you :two_hearts::pray:.

If you don’t leave now you will look back and realize that you wasted your whole life

The first time he put his hands on you it was time to go


Leave there is lots of programs to help single Mothers for EVERYTHING ,WIC welfare. . ebt( for food )Low income housing. the list goes on , it’s a temporary thing Intill you get on your feet. Be Happy , and do what’s best the the children

Leave do you want your kids too turnout like that.

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Hun it’s not easy but you know the answer, when you make the decision it will feel much better believe me I’ve been you, your kids need a happy home to understand how a normal relationship can work otherwise you are setting them up for the same heartache good luck stay strong and remember you should be respected as a woman and a mother :bouquet:

Not going to lie. I only read half of this. My question is why the hell would you stay??? Leave his no good for nothing ass. You should have a long time ago.

He lays hands on you and you’re still there?? Go to a woman’s shelter they will help you get everything you need. Housing, food, childcare, job or job training. You owe it to your kids. By staying you’re teaching your children how to treat you. They will follow what they’re being shown. Leave now for your kids sake and your own.


Where are you? I know in the states it is alot harder to leave a relationship than here in England.

Chuck him in the bin

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A broken family or one where your children think that abuse is ok. I was there and it was not easy but with a job and going to court for child support it worked. My children where 5 and 6 weeks.

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Why are you still with the idiot. Anything would be better. He’s another worthless piece of crap taking advantage of a woman. Kick him to the curb and call the police if you have to.

You need to walk away, deep down you know it’s best for you and your kids. I understand financially your stuck but you need to figure how to get childcare and start working. I say this because if you are both truly unhappy you do not want to wait until he has the same idea and leaves and your left trying to figure it out then. Some men feel in control when they are the only ones financially supporting a family. They don’t realize what goes into a mother supporting the household. Apply for programs and get as much help as possible.

Break up with him. He is doing you no good. You don’t need him. Don’t waste any more of your life on him. This is a no brainer. He is abusive and he cheats. Be done.

Leave. He is showing your kids how to treat you like a door mat. So stay if you want them to model that behavior.

Call 211 for resources in your area, find domestic abuse support because if he’s been violent, he will absolutely be violent if you leave.


Time to leave sweetie.

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You deserve so much better than that.

Re-read what you wrote. Pretend you’re reading someone else’s story. How would you respond to that?

Your children will be happy if you’re happy, and it’s better for them to be from a broken home than in one.


Bide your time. Get your ducks in a row. Start school and look for a job and save money. That’s where you start. Good luck. :pleading_face:

When you ask about leaving

Do a good turn for you and your kids, leave. There’s help out there of you need it. At least on your own, you know where you stand. Good luck with what ever decision you make.