How do you know it's time to end a relationship?

You are doing everything on your own so why not just do that without him?My husband works 72 hours a week and still helps with the kids,helps clean the house


Easy answer … He put his hands on a woman it’s time to go


Obviously, yes you should.

It’s time to say so long

Reread this as if someone else wrote it and what advice you would give. Whatever advice you would give should be your answer.


I stopped reading at the “physically put his hands on me” part.
That’s when it’s time to leave.


You should’ve started your getaway plan the first time he put his hands on you, you can do better that him


Rather my kids deal with a split family than a dad that beats his mom and disrespects her by cheating. Get your head out of his butt girl and do it on your own since you already are basically.

You get yourself a job and a place to live. There is a lot of help out there. Put him on child support. You don’t stay with someone just because you don’t have a job. Put your big girl panties on and take care of yourself and your children. You got this! Good luck!


Should have called it quits from the moment he put his hands on/cheated :v:t4: why be miserable staying in that situation when you can be happy on your own


They can love their dad from a distance,

I understand completely what is going through your head but you are showing your children that it is ok behavior for you to be treated like dirt!

Your children need to be surrounded by love not toxicity! Trust me it’s better to come from a broken home than to be broken from that home

Get a job and leave.

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Dating an two kids together, omg it doesn’t get any funnier than that shit right there

Don’t walk run, since he has laid his hands on you believe me he will do it again, is that what you wan’t your kids to think, that it is o.k. to hit women, no you do not.

Do you want your kids seeing him put his hands on you?? There are safe Domestic women shelters that will help you get on your feet. Call them asap! Good luck!

Think it’s time to call it a day

He put hands on you its time to go. It will continue if you don’t. Try and find a job if you can and save up as much as you can and leave.

I stopped reading at him putting his hands on you. I mean if that’s not enough of a reason to leave then I don’t know what else is.

Children always come first. Their happiness and well being is the most important thing. He does not sound like a good role model and you do not want your children to grow up and end up in a similar situation. I know from past experience that it can be hard to leave, but there are resource centers that can help mother’s get away from bad situations with their kiddos, I went through Alliance and they were amazing. Also, I know talking to a therapist or counselor can be difficult, but they can help you and your children deal with the emotional aspect of the situation. I would reach out to family/friends and go get the help you need. Things will get better and you and your children will be so much happier. Hang in there and best of luck to you :two_hearts: I’ll keep whoever you are in my prayers and thoughts.


You should already be gone

He cheats, hits you, calls you names, and doesn’t help with anything? He sounds perfect… See how insane that sounds? Get out, get a job, and take care of yourself and your children the way you deserve.


Just read all the comment. Run run run

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Your family been broken from the day he acted on his bs. Leave get a job and find happiness


So me personally he does nothing around the house and works so I would suggest babysitting a couple of hrs a day to get up enough money to start your own company such as pampered chef ring bomb party nutrition drink seller and flip quick as possible so you have money put back go find a lawyer as well to get stuff situated and get a order of protection once you are gone but with doing a small business he knows nothing about would help a lot as you could plan ahead that’s what I did and I have sole custody and he has nothing to do with us

See a counselor, it will help you to understand this is not healthy, and could be downright dangerous. Plus, as the kids get older, you may see his bad behaviors developing in them.
The counselor will help you get strong, then get a job, and devise a safe way to leave

Right now is the best time to look for work with so many employers wanting to hire. Get a job, save and move on. You and the kids deserve more!

Kinda like what you did? At least we’re not alone.

Get a job. Everyone is hiring.

I stopped reading after you said he put his hands on you. As far as I’m concerned, that’s all I need to know. Why didn’t you leave then? Accepting that type of behavior sets the tone for how things could possibly be in the future. If you accept being treated that bad, than it sends the message to him, that you’ll continue to forgive him in the future. How bad does it have to get before you put a stop to it? A trip to the hospital, a broken bone? What if he’s abusive to the kids? There is nothing that anyone can say to defend physical violence, nor is there an excuse that can be used to stay. You hear all the time, “I stayed for the kids”, “I needed him financially”, “he’s not like that all the time”. No, those people stay because they lack the confidence to stick up for themselves and they’re children. They’re so broken that they believe they need their abuser. Pack your bags and run out the door. Stay with whoever will take you in until you can get on your feet.

Did u read what you wrote? If this was your daughter what would you tell her? Take that advice and follow it. If you wouldn’t want your daughter going through it don’t tolerate it either your children are learning how to be treated and treat others.

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i stopped reading where u said he put hands on you the moment he did was the end of the relationship periodt

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Honey, I really hope you find the strength to walk away. It’s time. I’m sorry you’re living like this.

I stopped reading after he puts his hands on you. Yes. LEAVE!


I read untill ‘hè put his hands on me’

RUN RUN RUN! Never ever return! You & your kids deseve better! You owe it too your kids. They deserve more then this. Dont give them an example that mom allowed to be abused!

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100 leave. I left an 18yo relationship with 4 kids because I wasn’t happy. 7 years later I have a better man (6 years strong) and very happy!
I wasn’t financially independent and it wasn’t easy at all but now I am and it feels sooo much better. Be strong, look for ur happiness!

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How do u know when it’s time ??lol u should of after having ur first kid

So, you let your children learn that behavior is acceptable? :woman_facepalming:

What the hell are you waiting for???

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Hugs mama time to move on you deserve better

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You had a second child with him even though you felt this way after you had the first?
He obviously sees you as a woman who will stay and put up with it all.
Find a job and start saving money. And know that you’re setting an example to your children what love should look like and how a woman should respect herself and be treated. He will always be their father, so the family will never be broken.

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Tell him your getting a job. YOU start with a plan b. So you have something to back your self up on.
You apply for housing. They can help with part of your rent and deposit.
You do this without letting him know what you are doing. When you can leave. LEAVE!


Girl, the minute he puts one finger on you, it’s time to go. A man would NOT do that to someone he loves


He’s touched you in appropriately. I didn’t even need to read the rest. You don’t need a man to validate who you are. Pack your shit and leave. Thats not ok.

Read that he cheated and put his hands on you and that was all I needed to read. LEAVE


It’s time dip! Get you a job or find a way to have an income and your own money and start stashing your money NOT spending itor blowing. Look into programs that will help out single.moms and reach out to them. Start making an escape plan. Focus on your kids and yourself and do what ya gotta do to stay sane and safe can leave. It sounds like he is either depressed, on drugs, or maybe he is just unhappy with his life and too weak to do anything about it either way it’s not your problem. I’m assuming you’ve tried talking to him about all this and stuff of course. Try your best not to engage him or argue especially in front of the kids. Like I said…do what ya gotta do to stay safe and get out of there.

There are shelters for battered women. Get counseling for you and kids. Leave.

Move the fuck out, take your babies, live with family, Get a job, and save up money to get your own place. Unbelievable that this is even a question in your mind, once a man puts hands on you or cheats he will never ever change. Run girl…

It’s past time to get away from him. You deserve better, and you deserve to do better for yourself.

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If he really loved you, he would never hit you. If you can’t do it for you, then do it for your kids. You deserve better! God bless you. There is somebody out there for you. Best of luck to you.

Please!! As a mother whose children saw me abused so often through their lives i have seen the damage it does to them. Leave him! If financial reason keep u stuck to him start looking tor a job, get the children into daycare so you dont have to rely on his ass for nothing. Once you have saved enough money leave his ass behind or better yet kick him out!. If he wont leave have him removed and tell the police he has been abusive so they are aware of him. If hes cheated in the past he will still be doing it and the abuse will only get worse. Your children are going to get older and its up to you to protect them. Do you want your son to think its ok to hurt woman or your daughter to think its okay to be hurt? No of course you dont… Hold your head up , and show your children what a strong, independant and courageous woman you are :heart:

For starters, contact a woman’s abuse shelter. If he abuses you emotionally and put his hands on you (which I took as an act of aggression), you are in an abusive relationship and it will get worse before he hits/kicks/punches you. You deserve better and so do your two children. At the shelter they have advocates and counselors to help you find a job, child care and a place to live. If you need to get away, when he leaves for work, pack up your belongings and your children and get out! Call the National hotline number 1-800-799-7233. You deserve better. Your children deserve better.

Plan out your exit ASAP, if he hurts you, throws things at you etc you go to the police every time, stop having sex with him he’s putting your life at risk, tell people what’s happening in real life so they can help you!

Why did you have a second kid?
You should’ve been gone after the first one…

If you’re questioning whether or not it’s time to end it then it probably is. The fact that he has laid his hands on you is not good and you definitely need to leave him. Abuse usually progresses and gets worse and worse. I’ve been in an abusive relationship and believe me it will not get better. You also deserve to be happy and if you’re unhappy you can’t be the best version of yourself for your children either. It’s better to leave him than have your children growing up in an environment like that. They will grow up thinking that’s a normal relationship and it’s not normal nor is it okay for him to be abusing you and calling you names in front of your children. You and your children deserve to be in a happy home not a hostile one.

LEAVE NOW…don’t stay and make excuses for him and get stuck…next thing you know 10 plus years have passed and it will be even harder to leave
Trust me…been there done that…took me years to get out and I regret everyday I didn’t do it sooner

He put his hands on you.

You get out. You protect yourself and you protect those kids. No ifs ands or buts.

It’s psychologically damaging to children to watch a parent abuse the other one. Not to mention, this is the example you are giving your children about to treat others or how others can treat them in their own relationships when they are older.

Get out. Yesterday.

Girl I would have walked the first time he cheated , laid hands on me etc ! Good choice to leave now! Goodluck with your new exiting happy life i promise it’s out there

I know mostly women, I’m a 62-year-old man that has a daughter that is finally leaving abusive go nowhere relationship same thing days off lays in the bedroom all day or sits on the couch playing his video games there’s nose in his phone five kids that have grown to have fear because of his mental abuse leave go get happy

Ew Get rid of him.I think not only you,but your children have had enough. They don’t deserve to see sht like that. Enough Is enough

Kick him out and get a job and file for child support.

All kids love their parents that’s not a reason to stay. It’s seems like there is no reason to stay at all

My first husband was just like that ! We had 4 kids and I worked. Took me 17 years to get rid of him ! Hope you established paternity. Get a job so you can start moving on. It’s very hard but he will not change!

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I stopped reading after he cheated. Yes leave him now

Beats you and cheats on you and you’re still there?


My heart breaks for you. First of all, he is definitely depressed. That isn’t your fault but you get the fall out. In a perfect world he would approach counseling. Get to the root of the problem. If the relationship is part of his problem then it can be addressed. You are not content and that is incredibly stressful. You, too, need counseling. All in a perfect world. In reality, a long conversation needs to be had. You may want to discreetly research budget needs, how to secure a lawyer, how to live without him laying on your couch. Start inflating the grocery bills by streaming a $20 to you each visit. It will add up. Basic slow and steady escape plan. You both deserve some contentment in life. Children deserve that from you, too. You already made your decision, but need to work out details. Positivity and prayers your way.

Get a job, find childcare and LEAVE ASAP what’ve u been waiting for another reason to go u already have plenty !!! It’s gonna be hard but sooo rewarding !! U will have to start small with minimal things and grow from there me and my boy left 2 years ago we were just in an apartment barely any furniture now we have a house and a puppy everyday gets better and better !!! You can do it make some moves


When you need to ask that question, it’s time.

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One man’s weed is another man’s flower… Good job Kim.

He’s cheated and put his hands on you , verbally abused you. Girl it’s been time to leave.


Cheating and putting hands on you? I would of done left ages ago for the sake of my babies…I know it is not always that easy as sounds…but even if I had no where to go I would make a way I truly believe a mother will always find a way when it comes to her children…I grew up in a home where I seen and went through a lot of things I should of never had to endure but in the end I don’t regret it cause it showed me exactly what I will not tolerate in terms of love…not necessarily seeing any of the cheating cause both my parents separated due to that when I was 4…and I was too young to really understand what was going on thanks to my great grands for always keeping me and my sister from that…but when my mom remarried…my step dad put hands on my mom out of anger and ultimately led to hands on us as we usually put hands on him in defense of our mother… my household growing up was very “hands on”…so much fighting so much discord…I heard “I want a divorce “ so much growing up that it made me never want to get married so I would never utter the words I heard my parents tell each other everyday in front of my own children…I would definitely look into resources in your local community or state wic…Tanif…anywhere where there is a women’s haven…work on building your resume…go out and apply for jobs while you’re still under the same roof and when you find one put the money to where he can’t touch it and use that to find a place and if he gets violent over it call the police immediately…talk to a neighbor or relative that you can trust and have a code word that if you message or call will tell them you need them to call the police ASAP cause I’m telling you right now: You donot deserve the abuse at the hands of someone who once claimed to love you…you donot have to tolerate that kind of behavior for the sake of your children just to have both parents…You and your children deserve happiness and them seeing the way he treats you isn’t going to bring them happniess, it shows little boys how theyre supposed to treat women and it shows little girls how to expect to be treated…our parents are our first teachers and they can still love him there’s no rule ever that said just cause you separated from their father doesnt mean they can’t still love him from afar…they also need to see better examples of their mom and dad happy with or without being together…


If your asking the question babe u already knownits time to leave x

Sooooo, he was a jerk after the first kid, and you thought a second would change that…:thinking::thinking::thinking:

Go. To. Dv. Shelter. They. Will. Help. You. Get. On. Your. Feet. And. Harbor. House. Is. Nice


Is that the kind of house hold you want your kids growing up in…a father who is there ,but absent in every other way, where the father shows no love to thier mother, where their mother is treated poorly, beat on and humiliated?? Your house is already broken, and your setting your kids up for that kind of future. If you have sons, they will think its ok to treat thier gf/wifes like that. If you have girls, your teaching them its ok for a man to treat them like shit and get away with it. You want them to know what a healthy loving household looks like, even doing it as a single parent.
Leave. Go back to school and get a degree in something. There are so many programs out there for single parents, you just have to get up and show up, even with your kids in tow.

Put hands on you, calls you names and you ask if you should leave? It will just get worse-GET OUT


Why are there so many women on this site that are unmarried with kids?


Leave, just wake up before him and leave for a day. Let him figure out parenting for 8 hours alone.

There are businesses hiring everywhere. If you are afraid of leaving right away then start to put money away for yourself so that you have some to move and get started with. Start a side hustle to make money from home.

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I stopped reading after he put his hands on you. Its time to leave.


I only read to the part where he put his hands on you and that’s enough for you to leave, I would have left after the cheating myself .


If you’re ever looking to escape a relationship but don’t have cash I recommend selling any jewelry he’s given you. Since he’s an a hole you should sell his electronics, any thing worth money and everything that would create an inconvenience to him while he’s at work. He could always take you to court for the money back, if he can prove he bought it, by then you should have enough to pay him back if so.

You qualify for free childcare… go get a job and dump his ass. Why are you staying???

You should’ve left long ago, don’t wait any longer you need to go.


You already know the answer. your just looking for clarification.


It’s time to leave him

First of all he is not a man. He’s a boy. Anytime he puts his hands on you boy I’d beat his ass. Your crazy for staying with him. And you’re allowing him to teach your sons this. Definitely not

Get a job put kids in day care you can get help with that start to be independent you will be happier get a life he has to help support the kids it’s not all about the kids it’s about you to

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This is very common. I think love is no more there. Decision in your hands.

Sounds like you should have left along time ago.

Get a job and move on. Your kids are still young they will be fine. It’s better to do it now then when they are older. What will they see if you stay? Will he begin hitting you in front of them. None of that is good for your kids. And when you are gone. He can have the kids on his days and that will be that.

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Leave you deserve better

Contact womans aid and get help :heart:

Leave for a week, find yourself a job. Let him deal with everything and see how hard it is. Go on a date or 2

I think it’s time to think of your kids and yourself !

Why is this a question? He beats you, cheats on you, and verbally abuses you and you’re asking if you should leave. The fuck?

Wtf are you waiting for? Start planning to leave now. Contact the closest women’s shelter and ask for help.

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If a man ever put his hands on me I’d be gone. Take the kids and go your healthier without him

Leave now ,don’t wait.

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You answered your own question. You know what you should do. Question should be whether you really want to commit to your answer or stay.

Get the fuck out go to woman shelter he hit u once it won’t stop go to court get custody & child support find work woman shelter can help u but get out now