How do you know it's time to end a relationship?

Apply for jobs online. Contact a women’s shelter for a place to stay or resources. Salvation army sometimes helps fund a place to stay temporarily. Ask. Call and ask for help. Then quietly and quickly leave. You are doing yourself and the kids a cruel disservice by staying.

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think you already have the answer to that…since you are not married …you do need some legal advice…about child support if the need arrises…but get it soon…there is going to be a time frame if he decides to cut and run…

Dump his butt !!!
Your children deserve a father that loves them and loves and respects their mother, and get every Penney from him that you can get !!!

I wasn’t even halfway down the post before I said time to go….but continued on in case there was some other reason for something. But I read on for nothing. Time to go. Better to be a broken home than to teach your kids it’s okay to hit women and flat out disrespect them


Most definitely time to walk away. A cheater will always be a cheater, and in top of that put his hands on you? Hell no. You deserve much much better. Your kids will be unhappy too, if they don’t see it now they will as they grow older. As much as they love their dad you guys don’t have to be together for them to still see him. Co parenting is your best bet. You can start working and save up, maybe have family watch the kids. Whatever it is don’t give up!

The first time he physically mishandles you and it’s not just to keep you from harming him, others or yourself. That’s when it’s over. IMO A person can change, but a violent nature can only be managed with therapy, drugs, or a tragic event that shocks the system and forces a psych reboot. Either way you and your kids need to be absent for it to happen. Good luck to you. You deserve better and you’ll never find it while you allow him to devalue and dominate you.

Leave, there’s no p
peice of paper keeping you there, other than birth certificates… Take your children and leave. There are shelters out there to help. Try a local church, but you need to look at what’s going on in your life and take action while you can. Just asking is the fathers name on the birth certificates???

Sounds like you really want to leave but think you can’t just because of financial issues. I would highly suggest starting to figure out your financial woes and tell him you don’t want to be with him anymore

Please end this…kids that stay in unhealthy environments or parents a bad role model don’t benefit at all…you owe this to yourself .xx

The minute he put his hands on you, is the minute you should have took your kids and left.

Yes, leave. Sit down when the kids are napping, write out a plan and make some visits to family assistance offices. Get that ball rolling. If you have access to bank account start taking money for a fresh start. Do you have job skills, if so get a job to support yourself and family. If no particular job skills, decide what you would like to do, get some grants, many single mother’s actually get enough each semester to pay for schooling and household expenses so you can get that education for that special new job in your future, nurse, xray technician, computer skills. Police fire dept. So many options. You can do it. I did and so many others have. He can’t put hands on in anger. Don’t wait for it to be too late for you and your babies.

You already know the answer. Get the kids in daycare get a job or het a job after he gets off work. No need to discuss this change with him. Save money and move out.

An abusive relationship is not the place for anyone to be. That includes you and definitely your children. Your boyfriend is the equivalence of a ‘spoiled brat’. You can get into affordable housing with children and you can take a short course and take a job or take a job. Today, the market is overflowing with job offers and more people could get a job now than at any other time. Check into available baby sitting. Trading with another mother in addition to affordable day care. Open up. Join a church, get involved and have a network of people to help you. And always Pray, it can get better. Once someone lays their hand on you in angry time to go.

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Check with your county extension office. Your children are being taught that this is acceptable. You deserve better and so do they.

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Wow it sounds like no respect anymore marriage is 50/50 I would talk to him to see if he would work it out if not bye bye.

theres already a broken fam bc of him but with that being said dnt tell him but get u a job and go to a shelter now esp since he cheats and beats

They may love their dad, but, a dead mom won’t do them any good.

You deserve better. Take it from someone who has been in your situation get out before it’s to late. Remember your children see how you are being treated, which means if they are boys they may think that’s how a woman should be treated or girls may think it’s acceptable to be treated like that.

Did you guys plan your child? Or did it just happen because it sounds like he may have not been ready for children. But you should first look into getting a job so you can be financially stable for your move. Tell him you need to get out of the house.

Get a part time job either on the weekends or for when he gets off work. Then he’ll have no choice but to help. Plus then you can save up money to leave… otherwise the only thing I can think of is a women’s shelter that also takes children. Most shelters will help find housing and resources for you.

I won’t repeat what everyone else has already said. Truth is I think you know it’s time to go, but you just need to hear it from someone else.

LEAVE, it’s time for something better for you and your kids it may be hard for awhile but your kids are worth it

This does not traditionally get better. At least divorce is not am issue. I would prepare to separate, make a plan, ensure your safety, do not give him a heads up. Let social services know as soon as you leave so that he does not get visitation easily.

Go back to school and get yourself into a situation where you are no longer dependent on him to live. No one should ever get themselves into that situation. Why didn’t he marry you? After 2 years of dating he should have. That’s a red flag for someone who doesn’t want commitment and you should have ran fast and far.

LEAVE!! NOW!! There are women’s shelters that can help you. They can help you get job. Or return to school to better yourself. Just do the research on jobs and pay.

Leave, if he lays his hands on you, take your kids and leave. He has no respect for you or your children. It can and will get worse. Do this for you and your children, the very best of luck

You are blaming to much on yourself and not enough on him he wants you to end it so he can blame you but for the sake of your children leave do you want them growing up it’s ok to treat women this way or be treated this way themselves??

Research shows kids with divorced parents are happier than parents that stay together “for the kids.”

I don’t blame either of my parents for their divorce but I do blame my mom for staying with my step father after all the shit he did to her but she also constantly looks for sympathy for it and blames other people and blames her relationship with him on why she was a bad mom because “no one cared and she was just trying to take care of herself” but I cared and I tried to get her to leave him over and over again for all of our peace of mind because my step dad was terrible.

Your not a girlfriend or “spouse” anymore. You have become his mother. Lose him.

You say he’s physically abused you too? You have kids to worry about. If he has that kind of temper the next time it could be one of them. Are you just going to wait until that happens? Get out now! Plus he’s mentally abusing you. Call a women’s shelter. That’s the reason they exist. Worry about the financial issues later

Get a job, child care assistance is available to you. Save then make him leave you stay and get a room mate. Or leave and find an apartment with assistance. This abuse is going to kill you mentally. Currently going the unit with a family member and it’s really hard. File for child support. You are not married. You can do it. You are worth it and your kids are worth it. Start planning now there is no need to jump ship. However you will need to step out into nowhere and catch yourself. Freaking hard but worth it.

its been time to get out of this relationship a long time ago run for your life

Start with a part time job, it’ll get you out and start a change , change is good

Go see a counselor. Together! It helps to see things through a strangers eyes. Maybe it will help.

You are teaching your children how to be in a relationship. How to stand up for yourself. What kind of a partner to have and be. Kick him to the curb and go do better for yourself. Never bad mouth him to your kids. Make the high road your home.

It’s a toxic relationship for everyone involved. You’re wasting your youth on someone who isn’t worth it. Child support and a job is your ticket out of there. You need to plan now.

You need to leave. Contact any agency that helps abused women. They should help you find a place to live while you look for work.

Run, do not walk, away with your children from the relationship. There are programs to help you.

Just because you have children doesn’t mean you have to put up with someone who doesn’t respect you and your children. Who is going to take care of your children if his physical abuse kills you? Think about that.

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The time to end this relationship was the first time he put his hands on you. Get out now.

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Why did you have children with this person?

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Look at his action n not words. If his action don’t match his word, there it is. Listen to ur gut it never lies.

The time to end the relationship was when he first put hands on you.
Get a babysitter and get a job.

Get a night job (kids will be home sleeping so his lazy ass can’t complain about taking care of his own children) and start saving half your income in a secret account. When you have enough money in there to get yourself a place to live, change jobs to a day job and move into your new place. Get state assisted daycare.

leave now if hes putting his hands on you next it could be the kids

Dating someone does not include having children together. Leave by all means

You will demonstrate to your kids how to accept being abused. Leave him. Better to be a single mom than a doormat.

Your children are learning from him and you how to be in a relationship. Think about this, would you wish this same family life on your 2 children?

kick that slimeball to the curb, your children should not live in this environment.

Get a job and leave
It will be hard but you don’t want your children in unhappy environment.

If you have to ask that question than it’s time to go

I think you know the answer before you asked?

If one of your children came home and told you this story, what would you tell them?

It sounds like you already know the answer.

You could apply for HUD for just you and your kids and there is a section that asks if you live in a Domestic Violence situation. Answering that will get the ball rolling.

When the minuses are more than pluses You know

Time to leave him. Plan it first though. Get money togethef, plan where your going and what items you need.

Bad choice. Women usually recognize a good man the second or third time around. Your fault ladies.

He is setting a bad example for the children. I would ask him to leave. File for government assistance if you need to. Put him on child support. Find a job if you have too.

Why did you have another kid???

Reach out to GOD in Prayer! Make a commitment to trust HIM! Ask the LORD into your heart. Start taking the kids and yourself to church. Start reading the Bible. Ask others to pray for you! :hugs::heart::pray::pray::pray::pray:

The moment you said he puts his hands on you physically (as in abuse) that’s an automatic yep kick his ass out now.

Why are you still there?

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I’d be leaving in a heartbeat. No one deserves to live like that.


Why is this even a question?

Walk away now, you will manage fine and you and the kids will be happier otherwise you will never be happy, you deserve respect

How do YOU know when to end it? You’re showing your children how a woman should be treated by staying, but they are young and staying in that situation, is doing more harm than good! Trust me!

Make sure you have a safety net, a group of people to help protect you and your children.

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Leave now. While your young and able to find work. Do not wait!!! Get financial aid. Get any job. Until you can either better your job. Or get some schooling… trust me. Don’t stay thinking he will CHANGE…
CHANGE your self. Do it for your children… yes it’s hard and scary.
But he Does work so he will HAVE TO SUPPORT you and the kids.
Don’t wake up in 20 years in the same situation. With your kids now grown. And no Job.

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Time to get out and find your happiness again x

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Love yourself and your kids and go get counseling IMMEDIATELY – while you still can

What makes you think your babies love him if he has nothing to do with them
You have one life your

Your kids deserve one happy parent.

Take your kids and leave. Better to leave than have your kids grow up thinking it’s normal to treat a woman the way you’re being treated. Your kids will respect you for being strong and keeping them and yourself safe. Get a hold of Dshs. They will help you with housing, food and cash assistance. If there is a domestic violence issue they’ll have you out of there today.


Look for work… Keep ur self busy… Look good… If he dies let the fool die… Good luck bby gal

When respect for yourself is gone👍

You already know the answer.

If you read what you have written, I’m sure you will have your answer by the end!
Hugs :hugs:


Cheating is one thing!!! Him putting his hands on you…that’s a game changer…leave!!! Take the kids with you…you will survive!!!

If you have to ask it’s time

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You and your kids deserve to be happy. Prayers for you.

I am guessing you already know the answer to your question.

Pack. Your. Stuff.
It will never get better.
Someone like that doesn’t deserve you, doesn’t deserve kids.

The moment he puts hands on you is time to go. Run and do not look back.

Abuse abuse love yourself and leave

You know what to do already but change is hard!

You answered your own questions several times.

OP, it sounds like you’ve answered your own question :heart:

Get out now, and reach out to your community/your government for support.

Get a job. Save up and leave. I did and I promise you will not regret one minute of it. Go live a wonderful life without someone dragging you down. :heart:


Move on
For your sake and the chikdrens

And why are you and your kids still with this S O B

I had nothing.
He even tried to sell sex with me for a 580$ debt. Last straw he grabbed my son by the collar and my son gagged.
I have been the bad guy for 14 years now. Its been hard, no lie, but I have my self-respect and whats left of my sanity.
My last one is a year and a half from 18. Ive done my best.
At least Im alive.

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Patch him. Get a girls night out. Meet a well hung man :smiley::smiley:

I say leave as soon as you can I put up w my ex for yrs n finally got out on my own much happier

I left my first marriage. I stumbled for a few years but it was well worth it.

Best decision of my life.

Today I am happily married.

Where there is a will. There is a way.

Good Luck :heart:

Girl soundslike same boat im in :sleepy:

It is passed time. You yourself know it already.

Time to leave …hear is ur sign

If a man is willing to physically hurt a woman, he will eventually hurt children too. He sounds like a piece of shit.

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