How do you know it's time to end a relationship?

Read your post carefully. Then ask yourself…“why am I still here?”

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Leave life is too short for the unhappiness you feel

Some women are problems to themselves

As soon as you ask that question

That’s no life at all, You need to take a leap of faith so to speak. Leave and never look back.

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Run as fast as you can.

Get out!!! Like yesterday!!!

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He’s out of here, been there…they dont change!

Let it go. He’s NOT worthy. Love.yourself and your children. Try your best to make a plan and get away.

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It seems you already know the answer

What are you waiting for, leave him, there is obviously no commitment here.

Get a job ,stack your money , then make your exit

You already know what you need to do, and them kids dont need to be raised up in such a dysfunctional atmosphere, REALLY do it for THEM if you cant do it for YOURSELF! He does NOT LOVE YOU or he would want to HELP you by helping with HIS kid’s or cleaning for you, simple things like this, so please start stashing money and saving every penny until you can LEAVE one day, show him your DONE and you wont put up with any SCUMBAG hitting you esp in front of your children, thats PATHETIC and hes a COWARD! ANY MAN that HITS a WOMAN IS A STRAIGHT UP PATHETIC COWARD!!!

He’s checked out and it will only get worse. Hitters hit and cheaters cheat. It’s time to do the hard work and rebuild a life for you and the kiddos that you all deserve. It CAN be done. Best wishes.

Loves him so much for what?

Do you pay the bills with a joint account ? You can be stuck but you can aldo choose to be unstuck i know women who have been in yhe same position and have gotten out of it with struggles yes but teally after 6 years can you imagine 20 or 30 probably not if you can do you see it changing ? I think in your heart of hearts it is dusaopointing to say the least dont know your age but i am sure you can forge ahead and love yourself better than he is . Or flip the script on him and dont do anything and show him what he looks like Thennif you are giving it up when he wants it but only caring about himself that should tell you something in itself
Create your own reality money may be an issue somake your own means depending on your education there is lots you can do online that takes minimal time he probably won’t even notice save all you can pkan for a long trip with your kids they say long trips take even longer to plan then when you are ready to take your trip when he is gone to work or at work have your ducks in a row and go on a vacation called the rest of your life being happy dont firget money for a lawyer and empty the accounts on your way out of town If he does not pay the attention now he wont until he gets home to the garbage and everything he did not have to bother with before you know what kind of person he is so take everything said and use it to your advantage and keep your safety in mind at all times

Get out now and are sure he pays child support

Id say you already answered yourself. Yes you need to leave

Run away as fast as you can

When you ask that question

You could have stopped typing after “he cheated and hit me”. Leave.

Look at the page. Its asked almost daily.

A person should know when to leave

3 words darl GET OUT NOW

Are you happy? Are they happy? Do you see a future? Do they see a future? Do you want to make it work? Do they want to make it work? If the fires out the fires out.

Should have left a long time ago, and def not had kids with him.
Leave asap

I think you know the answer

What does it take to open your eyes?

Get rid of him, why do women put up with this.

NEVER give cheaters 2nd chances because they will continue 2 cheat & will NEVER change.

Brah!!! U better tell that lazy Ass.
We either sink together or we keep swimming together?

Go to nursing school and get a career

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Get help to get out and get a lawyer to keep your kids!

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Girl…what else you are waiting for to leave that piece if shit good for nothing???

If you have to ask
You already know

If you have to ask it probably is.

What part of get rid of him don’t you understand?
He sounds like a creep

Speaking from experience. Get out while you still have time. I wasted 18 years. Loveless marriage. Forgave a serial cheater, drug addict, mentally and emotionally abusive husband. Over and over. Until he tried to kill me. Now I’m 39 and with a teenager. Alone and wishing i had left the first time. While I was still young and so was my kid. I know it’s not easy. I know it’s scary. There is help out there. You’re hurting your children more than you know or understand. As well as your well being and happiness.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you know it's time to end a relationship? - Mamas Uncut

Staying together doesn’t make it a happy family. I’m sure they would rather see you separated than miserable. Life is too short to try and force something that isn’t working for either of you. Go be happy girl, you deserve it.


Girl he put his hands on you! Run and don’t think about him ever again! Their are domestic violence shelters and they can help you get established. Get a job and put kids in daycare


You should have left after he cheated the first time. He is absolutely telling you every day what he thinks your worth. Believe that’s truly how he feels.
NOW - trust and believe that he is wrong. You deserve a f*ck ton more than that. Even if that means being single.
Do you want your kids growing up thinking that’s how relationships should be?? They deserve better too!
It might be hard…but it might not be as hard as you think. Imagine him NOT being your problem. A “broken home” beats crushing bitterness and self doubt every time.

Time for your mental health n your esteem hon its over i think n your kids should not be observing him treat you this way they’ll see it as normal n grow up the same way start out baby steps till you have the means n the confidence to moved forward, You deserve to be happy n loved.

Ypur kids are young enough to probably not remember him living with you and then leaving, and you being so unhappy if he leaves now. Best to kick him out now and go it alone as you already have been doing. Youll feel happier and mentally better for it. Nothing worst than a 13stone dead weight of lump of uselessness around your neck xxx

There are resources to help women with children in your situation.
Physical and emotional abuse is a deal breaker.
When someone shows you who they are the first time,believe them.
This is only going to get worse.
Google social services and shelters .
You can get help in getting child care and a job for yourself.

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My kids completely understood why we were no longer live together. They were young Nd still knew. Better to live apart then let the kids learn bad habits for there partner to come. Good luck. It was dark days back then but we both found our own much happier paths.

Well when you are young and in love, love is blind, there were signs, yet we have all ignored. In any case, get the hell outa there, people are who they are. Can never change anyone. You have to be the strong one, an now problably have to do things you don’t want to do, time for you to take control, and don’t put up with. there is always a way, you may not like what you need to do at first. But this will never change. don’t live on hope life is just too short.

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He will pay child support so let a advocate work for you.Ask your church or google groups who can help you. Good luck!!

I couldn’t even finish this whole thing before I decided to tell you get the hell out he’s a cheater he’s a beater abuser he brings nothing to the table you and your kids will be a lot better off on your own

He laid his hands on you and belittles you in front of the kids. That’s abuse. Staying with him will just show the kids that the behaviour he shows is acceptable and the way you accept it is normal. Stop it. You can rebuild. Leave him.

You are suffering the dilemma many women have suffered. If the man isn’t willing to marry and provide for you why in the world would you have kids with him? That’s water over the bridge but does answer your question. He doesn’t want to be tied down. He may have already cheated on you or at least looking to. You can’t keep a person by holding anything over their heads like kids. If he won’t go to counseling you simply need to ask yourself if you are willing to wait for him to leave you or do you want a better, more loving relationship? I’d personally would choose the second option but you surely understand the complications there. There is help for you and you should start by googling for marital help in your area. You aren’t married but may be considered married by your state. You should check that out. First thing is to confront him about his attitude and some of his behavior with other women. Perhaps if he is willing to talk you can find out whats going on and you can work it out. But you can’t stand still there are kids in the picture and they deserve a better life too.


If you’re unhappy more often than you’re happy, it’s time to end it.

“should I leave my relationship of 6 1\2 years because I’m not happy?” He has cheated and abused you, what more do you need? Lol… unbelievable…

What’s the last straw?
The cheating and the physical abuse should have been the nail in the coffin, and could’ve been.
I think you need to look in the mirror and find where you draw the line.

Yea this is hard . People should really push not having kids until if you had to do it alone you would be capable. Financial abuse is really the worst Bc staying or leaving is a hard choice . If this woman has the means she should leave

If all is as you say, the question is why would you stay? And ask yourself, is this the role model I want for my children?

Get out. He put hands on you. That will never improve. It will only ever get worse

After the first time he cheated and yelled at you in front of the kids , there was your sign

Get a job and put up the money. Some states will pay for childcare if you need it. Take those kids and don’t look back.

Like I told my husband 20 years ago…“when you cause more problems than you solve…its time for you to go”

Do you really need to ask? You know you need to leave. Cheating and abuse? That’s reason enough. Your children need a mentally good mother, not this situation.

Does he lay around 7 days a week or does he go out on the weekends?:thinking:

Why are you even still there? Run!

Go get a job and get out and hit him for child support plus help with child care

He put hands on you. That should be enough on its own

Istopped readin at he put his hands on me… U dont need that the kids dont need to learn this is okay… LEAVE

This is one side of the story.

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Get a good lawyer and file for support.

You need to take your kids and kick him to the curb

You answered your own question.

Sweetie, it’s beyond time to leave or ask him to leave.

Good lord, just go! You can find help and a way out, look at some resources… start working save some money and go, you only have 1 life, go live it. ⁸

It will get worst if you stay

So, you made babies with an immature, little boy who is essentially worthless? Good luck as a single mother.

Leave take the kids and move on

If your at the point your asking, it’s time

I saw this right after a scroll down from your post. Seek into this organization to see if they can help you your children. God bless you & the the little ones. :pray:t5::slightly_smiling_face::hibiscus:

I think you know that answer

If your asking that question its time

This shouldn’t even be a question. LEAVE AND DOCUMENT IT ALL

First no one should have to say Don’t have kids and you had two. You didn’t say how old you both are. But I say young. But both of you should have talk about protection. And not just let it happen It takes two it’s the same old story. Gis kept it happen think it will tie the guy to them. It doesn’t work that way and you both should know that .Him putting hands on you is a big no you tell him you will call the cops if he touches you again .AND DO IT. YOU NEED TO TAKE YOUR KIDS AND LEAVE…LET HIM WSTCH THE KIDS FOR 3 DAYS AND YOU GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND GET A JOB.YOU SAVE THAT MONEY F.OR YO U AND YOUR KIDS TO MOVE.THE YOU GO TO THEN you FILE for divorce and get money for the kids . AND DONT GET PREGNANT AGAIN YOUR KIDS DESERVE BETTER.

Dear God, Let This Man Be Taken By The Geese

Ugly nerd to work on you, self found a job and see about getting housing

Maybe if you would have made him commitment and got married before you had kids you wouldn’t be a moron right now


Dump him he’s a knob

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Leave him. You dont need him!

You know it’s time because you have to ask that question :raising_hand_woman:t2::heavy_heart_exclamation:❤‍🩹:heavy_heart_exclamation:

There is no hope, leave him.

Your a moron for even staying in these conditions. . Deadset. No sympathy for ya .

This is the stupidest sign

Get a job and leave his sorry ass!

Didn’t even finish reading this leave him his an asshole, do you want your kids growing up thinking it’s ok to belt women? GET OUT NOW.

Get a job … Move out …

U know the answer already

I’m in that situation now…

Leave his a#$% …he is abusive.

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Yes. Leave immediately.

My best advice would be what would you tell your two kids to do if they was struggling like this ?
I stayed too long and now the fall out on my kids mental health is showing. It’s hard and scary but there is always a way out. There’s lots of charities that will get you and the kids to a safe place and help financially to get you set up independent. I’m in the UK safe to speak is a good website to look at and get some information and help starting out. To me you’re suffering domestic abuse mental physical and financial.

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Leave. Trust me and just leave.

Communications is the key notifier on when to hit the nail