How do you know it's time to end a relationship?

When you start to question it- it’s time

You need to choose you. Read your own post. Your man has calls/texts from other women,babies with other women. Why,why would u stay? He isn’t going to choose you, he has shown you this many times and in many ways,so u need to choose YOU first this time.


This is no Red Flag, this is a straight up stop sign


l e a v e 2 children ago ma’am.

So he had three kids ON YOU . And you’re still there??? Or am I reading this wrong??


You think he would quit cheating because your together. Not gonna happen!!!

Sounds like these kids were conceived well you were together I’d be gone

First off, why you talking to your ex when you’re in a relationship?? Second of all no he won’t change. Leave him. And stop talking to your ex when you get in another relationship later on. They plant shit in your head and make you question stuff… not good

O.M.G. just run and never look back. :see_no_evil: You can thank us later and feel bad for the lost four years later.


He had 3 babies in 4 years with women other than you? You are the side chick my dear. Leave.


After the first baby while you were together it was time to leave. He’s never going to stop cheating on you.


I really can’t believe these posts are REAL :upside_down_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::smiley::rofl:


What… respect yourself and love yourself, leave this shouldn’t even be a question 3 kids later

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You already know what to do

You’re worried about what your ex is doing while you’re with someone else lol. Sounds like your boyfriend should be leaving you.


Wow. You need to get into some counseling and work on your self worth.

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He hasn’t changed. You’ve stayed and allowed it to continue by not leaving. He’s not going to change. You have to decide if you are ok with this lifestyle or if you want something different. Only you can decide what you can/can’t handle.

3 kids while he was with you? Once, shame on him. Ok oops. But 3? Girl, leave.

Run far far far away. He won’t ever change, you’re wasting your time.

Are you waiting for baby number 4? It was time to leave awhile ago!

Run but don’t run to your ex!


From the sounds of it you already know the answer. Are you wanting clarification? Know your worth!

This has got to be a prank question. :woman_facepalming:


Read this as if someone else were asking. You know the answer already. Leave now and save yourself more heartache.


Why is this even a question?


The time to leave was years ago. Cut your losses honey. 3 kids while he’s in a relationship with you! Sweetheart that man is never going to change!


Girl, come on now. The man had 3 kids with other women while in a relationship with you. That means he has cheated with at least 10 women in those 4 years and only 3 got pregnant. He’s got you out here looking stupid because you stay. Your ex is right but then again why are you even talking to your ex?

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Well you said yourself that he continues to lie to you. It’s too late now to try trusting him because he knows he can get by with his lie because you will continue putting up with it. I can’t tell you to leave him and I won’t tell you to stay with him. But I would like for you to ask yourself if that’s the kind of life you want to live for the rest of your life.


Only you can change. That is abuse by x. Go to a women’s shelter for help.

Has no one else realized he’s clearly having unprotected sex!!! Shows a clear lack of respect

If your waiting on a man to change, you’re wasting your own time. If your questioning whether or not you should leave a relationship then the answer should be yes, leave. Especially considering you know he’s cheated/cheating on you. Girl leaveeeee the drama behind. Block both of them! They are childish

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you know it's time to end a relationship? - Mamas Uncut

Maybe she has dementia.


I still call my ex in laws, my MIL, SIL ect. and they refer to me that way.
We were and still are family.
Your husband had a life before you and you were well aware of it. If you’re going to end a 29 year relationship over titles then you yourself have bigger problems.


It is time to move around… if he doesn’t have the decency to tell her they is nothing between them and that she is his ex… and his family interferes then it is time they go their way and you go yours … especially if after putting up with it for 29 years and it hasn’t changed yet … it most likely will never change… you have the right to be happy either with him or without him!!!


Well then if your really that upset then just leave… I don’t understand why you feel the need to be whining about it. I’m sure he’s tired of listening to you to … Just pack your bags and GTFO instead of making everyone miserable


If his family doesn’t mind, then they’re Still friends with her on that level.

I still call my ex MIL and SIL that and we hang out and talk even though me and my ex have moved on.

As long as they’re not talking bad about you, I don’t see what the problem is


Doesn’t sound to me like he’s disrespecting you. Just block her if you don’t want to see it. They were her in-laws, they’re still her son’s family, there is still a connection. Of she didn’t marry again, they’re the only in-laws she’s had.


So your issue is that someone he divorced is doing something you don’t like. He is not actually doing anything other than refusing to be petty and cause an uproar with someone to whom he doesn’t even have to engage with anymore (since their child is 40)…but because his ex is doing something you don’t like you want to divorce him. That sounds like a great plan…you should definitely do it, and let the man live the rest of his life outside of petty bitching.

Who are you to say what they call the mom and sisters? Go tell them yourself that you want them to call em ex in laws. Weird. Pick and choose your battles. What they say and do on their free time and fb is not up to you to choose. You can’t control people like that. If that’s their mother in law and sister in law. Then that’s it. Your husband and his ex are exes. The other people are friends and family. Sheesh


That’s honestly extremely petty. If the ex is still close with the parents and is not trying to mess with your husband than who cares, let it go. Stop sweating the little things.


Idk if I’ll be of much help. I still call my exs parents and siblings my in laws. Him and I have 3 children and we were together over 10 years. My husband doesn’t correct me when I call them my in-laws because they’re about the only family I have. We met very young and I love them dearly. I have remarried and so has my ex but I’m very close with his sister!! They still call me an in-laws and all of their kids still call me Aunt. I wouldn’t change it


Petty af. They may have had a good relationship and it isn’t up to you to determine if they are still close or not.


I feel you on this my husband ex still uses his last name and she married someone else and divorce the other man and pick back up my husband last name

Sounds to me like your just looking for a reason if after 29 years you don’t have trust in him then end it you are so dramatic grow up or leave


I wouldn’t let it bother you if everything else in your relationship is good. Just keep an eye on it and if she starts calling herself his wife then you step up and comment/say something yourself. Until then just let it slide. Ex could be doing a lot worse things. As long as he loves you and shows you in other ways he respects you then forget the ex wife drama. I think he’s just trying to avoid any conflict and I understand that. Post pics of you and him on fb and let it go. Everyone knows who’s husband he is.


You already know what to do :heart:

Is this a joke? Why would you let it bother you what she calls them? It’s sounds like your in the play ground. I’d say it you with the problem not them.

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most men don’t like drama, so blaming him isn’t really great to do. You seem to be the one bothered by it, work on you.

You would hope that they would have a good relationship, your jealousy is showing bad. When you have kids, you need to stay in touch and treat each other right. I don’t think she wants your husband, so what’s your problem, you don’t get to decide what is best for them or her to call each other…


After 29 years, if this is the only reason, it sounds like you’re looking for an out and someone to blame so you don’t take the hit for being the one to call it quits.


You’re not married to his ex and her family, you’re married to this man. Why is this so important to you? It literally has no bearing on your life.


It’s really not that big of a reason to get upset over. It’s incredibly healthy to get along with your children’s other parents. It’s what so many of us wish for. You are being petty and childish. Now if they’re hooking up, THEN you can be mad. They aren’t still calling her his wife instead of you. They are just including her as family and there is nothing wrong with that.

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Just because he divorced his ex doesn’t mean he can control her and the relationship she has with his family. They have children together and the ex has obviously continued to have good family connections and relationships with them. Just because they divorced doesn’t mean the family divorces each other. Stop being jealous and petty ,it’s silly. You’ve won the man, he’s your husband you have the title. No one is trying to take that from you. It affects you zero that the ex is in their life and she acknowledges them as her family and vice versa.


29 years and now it’s a problem give me a break your looking for drama


I still call my ex’s parents , siblings my in laws. I divorced him not them.


When that question is asked!

why be bothered by it…you’ve been together for 29 years come on!!!

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You’ve been putting up with it this long. Stay and let it go or let it ruin your marriage and leave. Up to you

don’t let it bother u that’s what she wants just laugh at her you know they aren’t her in laws anymore so who cares?

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Hell naw I really hope alot of you are joking on here I would NEVER in a million years be okay with this not happening however I wouldn’t be mad with my man about it but his family would sure be CUT off and kicked to the curb


This does be sounding lightweight petty. I’m still on good terms with some of my ex’s family. He divorced me, they didn’t. It seems kinda like you’re looking for an out and pinning it on this tbh.


I really doubt most of you would really be ok with this if it was your husband. Get off your high horses and be honest with yourselves.


I can’t speak for him but any girl that’s been with brother for a long time and we’ve grown close, we refer to each other as sister in laws. They’ll forever be a sister to me but I have room for q new one too. It’s not to disrespect anyone. That may be the case there. It’s not that serious. And men don’t like the drama. And you seem like your feelings are hurt over something not meant towards you at all. And wanting to stir the pot by having him do that. It’s making a mountain of not even a mole hill. You’ve been with him for this many years, what’s really making you feel so insecure? Because this can’t be the only thing.

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It seems to me like this if your union was strong with this man, you wouldn’t consider leaving over this. Sounds like you want out of the marriage and this is your excuse to leave.


If it bothers you , just upload a picture of both of you and under it write “29 years still going strong with hearts” , tag his sister and mom - even you not getting along — and if he gets upset about it then it’s time to move on


He can’t make his ex wife do anything. He can’t control what his ex wife calls his mom and sister. Get over it your being childish. You’re so jealous. I think your trying to find any reason you can to leave your husband. Just leave him.


Semantics, and extremely petty I might add. You, nor your husband, or anyone for that matter, can tell, make, or demand two other people to define their relationship due to other peoples choices aka- you and your husbands marriage or divorce.
Family can run much deeper than a piece of paper that ties two people, and then also both of their groups- then decide, oh we changed our mind, soooo now the rest of you have to fall in line…. Silly really.
Bonds are created, and that is a good thing for the sake of the step/half siblings to feel connected to each other as your husbands choice of partner has been a bit all over the place. Ex’s cannot be erased from the earth, and other peoples lives just because the current place holder is insecure, or looking for an excuse to feel invalidated.
Something much deeper going here, imo.

Step back and think about what is really bothering you, I think you might find it’s not them at all….


If it’s already a thought in your head then maybe it’s time to go only you can answer that.

When you have kids with someone, sometimes people stay close with the family. I talk to both my kids dads family all the time, my husband doesn’t mind. And my husbands family talks to his childrens mothers. It’s normal


All these women calling you jealous have never been in your situation. Its has absolutely NOTHING to do with jealousy, its the disrespect. However, she may feel like yes theyre still her mil and sil, shes the one making herself look like a fool because obviously everyone knows you are married to him, not her. You cannot control what she says or does thats just the way it is. You need to think is it enough of a bother to let it ruin what you have or can you let it go? Yes it’s annoying and disrespectful but at the end of the day, your the one hes married to and not her. Words are just words.


I still call my brothers ex wife my sister in law. Now my brother and his gf don’t approve and don’t even want us hanging out but we have a great relationship. I think it’s good my nieces can see that I can get along with both of their parents, even if they don’t get along.


I mean he can’t stop a grown woman from posting and wording things a certain way.


Get over yourself, it’s not that big of a deal.


My fiancés ex wife still does this shit. At the beginning it would eat me alive and I would bitch and complain but in the past 5 years I’ve just had to learn to just let her go. If it makes her feel better she’s still family so be it. I know his family loves me and despises her. I don’t take it out on my fiancé or his family because it’s not them doing it, it’s her! They can’t control what she does. The ex wife regrets cheating the whole 20 years she was with him. I get along with the ex wife now and I do feel bad for her at times. We now do family things together when it come to their adult children they have together, for instance baby showers, bday for the grandchildren. She’s accepted me and has allowed their grandkids to call me Nana. I know she’s no threat to our relationship so I’ve learned to let things go

Hard to say. Everyone’s saying how you’re being petty, they don’t know the whole story. 29 years is a long time and I doubt you’d have the time or patience to write down everything he did that made you feel like you were the one blowing things out of proportion. Even if you are making a big deal out of things he doesn’t think are, they’re still making you feel less than. He should respect that regardless. I would have a serious sit down with him and lay all your cards on the table. Tell him you’re thinking of moving on because you don’t feel he appreciates your feelings. Good luck, whatever you choose.


You aren’t 10. Your husbands right. There’s absolutely no need to be starting all the drama over something so stupid. I’m married and still talk to my exes mom and sisters like family. But have zero interest in my ex. If he didn’t stand up for you in the past over stuff that’s an issue and should of been handled then. Communication goes a long way….


I still call my ex’s family my family. I have their grandchild. I wouldn’t get upset if my husband family still called his ex wife family either. Just because a couple doesn’t work out, does not mean everyone has to hate the other party. My moms made it clear she would take in my ex before me even.

If you need to ask, it’s time. I’m sorry.

Idk I call my ex sister in law - my sister in law or the boys aunt I’m to tired to have to explain anything or even say ex but my kids are 13 and 12 - but it’s hard being his kid is 40 already that’s just weird

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You are allowed to feel hurt. 29 years and she still is like this? I guess she never grew up. I am almost positive she is just trying to hurt you. I think your husband should try to defend you or say something to show you are his wife. I’m sure he won’t though. If you can’t take the disrespect then take control and do you.

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I call my ex’s siblings my in laws. That’s family and won’t change. From what I read, y’all need to grow up.


After 29 years it bothers you? I don’t buy it. I think you want out and this is the starting point for you.

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Just outlive him and keep all his money

You are being petty. I still call my exs kids my step kids. We where a family for a long time and I’m still there for them. She still has a relationship with her inlaws.

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You have stayed together 29 years no point in breaking up now over something he has no control over

So let me get this straight… you want to leave your husband because of his ex posting her sister and mother in law instead of their EX IN LAW?

Ohhh :woozy_face:🤌


Some of us would prefer to give up the family member and keep the in-law when there’s a divorce. My sister divorced my brother-in- law, I didnt. He’s still family, even if he’s my sister’s ex. Why not just try to get over it, you’ve had plenty of time to get used to it. :woman_shrugging:


If that is the only problem you have in your marriage you should consider yourself lucky


They’re still family … they had a child. You are being petty. AF.


Your insecurities are showing… you need counseling to help you deal with your feelings.


Say something to her directly. Let her know how disrespected you feel and ask her how would she like it if it were done to her. I would be nice the first time and then after that I would get rude.

I have two sisters in law that used to be married to my brothers. They will ALWAYS be my sisters. Hard to deal with? Get over it!!


I divorced the man not his family


My sisters ex husband,is still my brother in law and I call him as such.I think you need to reevaluate your priorities here.


My husband had three sisters that divorced their spouses, his mother always considered them part of the family.


Sounds like much more going on.

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I don’t call my ex in-laws ex’s. I didn’t divorce them and they didn’t divorce me. They will always be my family if they want to be.
There is enough room in our hearts for all those we love or who become family.
I don’t really understand why this is hurtful to you…


You know it’s time to leave a relationship when you question leaving the relationshjp


I get along really well with my ex husband’s family. When there’s kids involved it just makes life better. Sounds like you are jealous