How do you know it's time to end a relationship?

They were family too :woman_shrugging: just because they arent married anymore, it doesnt mean she needs to ‘break up’ with a family she seen as her own as well.

Honestly, it sounds more like a ‘you’ issue


Dam I sure wouldn’t come to this group for opinions :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::rofl::rofl::rofl: smh


Time to hand him over to his ex :100::raised_hand:

If it has only started recently I have to wonder why.This family ought to respect you more.His son who is 40 ought to have his own life good grief,he isn’t 8 anymore.But if your relationship is good otherwise maybe if you ignore the ex she might go away.:pray:t2:


See a therapist for your insecurities


That’s petty as crap

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He also has children to is ex and tbh I think he is trying to keep the piece between his ex and son and just isn’t as insecure as you and could still see this lady and his son a big part of is life plus his family might be friendly with her has she does have there grandchild I don’t see the problem he is with you you been together along time so he must love you or he walk away and be a father to the kids only now there all grown up .

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Girl, put your petty panties on and kill her with kindness… seriously, bitches hate kindness

My husband’s ex still carry his name even though remarried. There is grandkids now involved. It’s small potatoes compared to the love we have now. His mom still talks to his exes (moms to the kids) and has pictures up of them. Again, this does not bother me. What this means is my husband has a past and made beautiful children w these women. With grandkids in the pic, the exes are not going away and I’m perfectly secure and happy about that. I have a past too, my kids dad is not my husband. We all act like adults and live our lives.


When you have to ask this question !

You’d leave your husband over that?

Yes, you deserve to be respected. But, it’s social media. Let it go. If he doesn’t care about your feelings then that’s a whole different kettle of fish. Time for counseling!!!

Is there more to this decision of wanting to leave? Because this seems so small for a almost 29 year marriage??


Let it go… you’re picking at this to leave ?

Yep leave for sure. You can’t handle marriage and baggage.

yes you do I would tell him to step up or step out !

Are the ex’s friendly with you or do they do this intentionally to bother you? Have they been doing it for 28 years? If it just started and your husband doesn’t find it weird, then they are all playing games with you. If it’s always been this way, then you should have addressed it 28 years ago.

No matter what they say and do or call each other, it’s all past history. Don’t feel so threatened. You are the one he is with. I f he didn’t want to be with you he would not be with you. Don’t sell yourself short!!Everybody knows she is an ex.

Your with a man who had baggage…suit cases full when you entered this relationship…his children also diserve respect, you are clearly jealous of his former wife’s…you may have his only daughter, but he loves all his children…I have former inlaws myself…but I still consider them my sister in law or brother in law…if they have children related to my children…they will always be family and will more then likely show up at the funeral if Grandma passes away…if you can’t bare the thought of sharing this man with anyone from his previous relationships…then leave…but your children with this man will always want to see their half brother’s and their Dad…

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Would you know this if it wasn’t for social media… if not, nothing to concern yourself with

Id just leave it and mind my own business.
Just because they divorced doesn’t mean they dont still feel like family to each other.
Let them call each other what ever they want. Its not yours or your husbands concern. He doesn’t get to dictate her life choices and certainly neither do you.
Stop before you make even more of a fool of yourself and remember that life is about picking battles and this isn’t one of them.
If this is a reason to leave your husband then you’ve got way bigger issues. Just wait until you have real problems and drama if you can’t handle this without carrying on.


I still call one of my ex sister in laws my sister and I have ex nieces & nephews that still call me aunt & I’m still friends with ex stepkids… it’s not their fault because of divorce… that’s the view she probably has :woman_shrugging:. I have nothing to do with my ex’s, but that doesn’t mean my sis isn’t my sis…

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Too many years together! He is with you! Get out of nonsense social media

You wanna leave ur husband over this petty thing… well to me it is… And why does ur husband have to stand up for u against his family. Do that for urselves… then by his response when u do then u can see where his priorities are… I doh need my husband to stand up for me with his family members… my mouth works quite fine

Y’all need to have a deep convo about this

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How do you know it's time to end a relationship?

It usually never changes.

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If your questioning it, then it’s time.

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It doesn’t change trust me. Leave


You know it’s time babe. Leave. You deserve love and respect and patterns who supports you in every which way.

Poor mama. Sit him down and give him an ultimatum. Either you stop drinking and start treating me right or I leave and move on. Give him one chance and stick to your word! You might see some change. Good luck :heart:

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It’ll only get worse as time goes on. You know your worth. Don’t let people try and tell you it’s cause he’s stressed either or cause he’s drinking those are just excuses and those excuses don’t give him the right to verbally abuse you under any circumstances.


I think you know the answer to your question.he is showing your children this behavior.

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You need to go. It doesn’t get better.


It’s time to leave when he doesn’t appreciate you period !!

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It’s time mama. Maybe it’ll work out later on but right now you two need separation, at least for your own mental health.

It doesn’t change. And if you’re working full time with 3 under 4 and you’re not getting emotional support or anything else from him then why stay.

Kids are better having two happy parents and homes than 1 miserable one


I feel like when you have to ask when it’s time to leave, it’s time to leave. You’re ready you’re just looking for a little insight from others to make sure you’re in the right track . Trust yourself

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its time to bolt. The drinking never changes. and no matter how you try to explain it to him, eventually leads to verbally abusing the kids. if he is doing it with you, he will do it to them.


Leave. It will only get worse. Trust me.

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Just because you break up doesn’t make a you single parent. You’re a single parent if the other party isn’t involved at all :roll_eyes:

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Sit him down and explain if he can’t see things from your point of view as well then there will be no change. He sounds like a little boy.

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When you’ve fallen out of love :broken_heart:

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Don’t say anything- Just leave and stick to your guns.

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Leave you are worth more


The first year after having a baby is often the hardest. And if you had back to back babies it’s even more trying. Not only is it a big change for us but to dad’s to. It’s time to get real and have a serious conversation. Don’t bail…fight hard to make things right so your babies know you did everything in your power to make it work.

Oh hell no, you are being way way way under appreciated and deserve so so so much better than that & do your kids. I’d be done with 100% besides coparenting. What an idiot.


When you ask yourself that question.

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You are the only one that can decide if it’s time to leave. Listen to your heart.

Your feelings are valid. Follow your heart. If you feel in your heart that leaving is what you want then do it. You are never in the wrong for feeling your feelings and wanting happiness. You have 3 beautiful children who deserve a happy mama! Best of luck :two_hearts:

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If the home is yours I would tell him to go. Otherwise put money aside until you have enough to move and you and you kids go be happy alone. No mom should ever have to deal with that shit. I’ve been there and I done just what I advised you to do. Now if I want the father of my baby to leave because of his actions I don’t lose nothing cause it’s all mine.

So he’s being a narcissist…definitely unappreciative. Sadly it will probably get worse in time. :pensive:


All of these leave comments make me so sad… You have 3 kids together…maybe get checked out for PPD…go together to the apointment…sit and have a long talk with him and suggest couseling…DONT JUST LEAVE …many steps can be taken before you choose to leave or work on things…the drinking needs to come to a end that’s for sure…it ruins many relationships…I’m so sorry your going thru this and I pray it all works out for you!!!


Co parenting isn’t the worse thing

When you’re asking the question.

It sounds like you guys need counseling. He sounds like he could have some depression that’s turning into alcoholism. You have every right to be upset with how he’s acting but i think marriage counseling would be the best first step. Don’t just go straight to divorce, try to work things out.


That’s not postpartum babe, that’s a narcissistic person gaslighting and verbally abusing you. Boy bye!

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Leave him now you think!

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Maybe if u leave him he will see what he has but honestly is leave for my own self worth no one deserves that. My husband and i have been together 11 years basically our whole 20s and part of our teens and we have 4 kids and my husband would never dare call me lazy… he has had to stay home w kida bwfore he knows how hard it is no man should cut u down

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If you’re asking then it’s time to go. But yah reading that legit go

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Get you n your children in a safer environment ment

You should take your kids and leave.get a restraining order.he is abusive.even if it doesn’t bother you much,trust me it is affecting your poor helpless kids.


It’s time & you know it.


You questioning whether to end the relationship is a sign that it is time to end it. It will never end so leave asap.

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U can drink when breast feeding stout beer even helps milk production

Take those kids and go. Their are so so many resources for you out for you in the community.

You are beautiful.

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It is hard things have changed tremendously… but don’t just leave talk it out … you have a new life now a new life together three baby’s things won’t be the same .

Communicate how you feel.

No your not lazy working plus a family not you it’s him. I think it’s time, move on if you can. It’s not fair he treats you like that. Your intuition is telling you something.


When it’s the end of a relationship, it’s the end of a relationship. You’ll keep having that feeling. It won’t go away.


This is abuse.
He is being verbally abusive.
Your children will learn that this is acceptable if it doesn’t change immediately.
You can ask him to go to counseling. If he won’t go, it’s time to leave. Sometimes it’s hard to do it for ourselves, so do it for your children.


It’s him nothing to do with you…Love and Prayers…:purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::pray::pray::pray:

I would tell him that if he would stop drinking for five minutes he might notice everything you do. Tell him it’s time for the two of you to see a therapist and get your marriage back on track. If he won’t go, tell him to go.

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Yeah, I would leave. Seeing as how you try communicating and he doesn’t, it’s really a no win situation. Your kids will probably benefit better with a happy single mom than a married unhappy mom. Remember, you have eyes watching you. Good luck. I hope everything works out :+1::pray::heart:

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I would leave him, if your single you won’t be treated that way. You would be more happier with yourself :heartbeat:

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You already know what to do. If you ain’t happy your kids won’t be either. Think it’s time you put u and ur kids first and be happy


He is Verbally abusing you ! Name calling is absolutely not ok leave him now no way I would put up with that !

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When you’re with your children 24/7 you’re definitely working more than 40hrs a week. And 3 kids! Handful for sure. He’s lazy, not pitching in and helping you.

The truth is you guys need counseling. He needs to talk to someone about his issues and depression, you as well, and then work on your relationship with a counselor.

It’s a hard road being a single mom of 3 children. The visitation and custody hearings and child support hearings, getting a lawyer and moving and getting a job as well as juggling the kids will be tough if you decide to go that route. It will make you strong.

It can be done, though. I think you need to work out those issues in your relationship if you guys really love each other. But you need to decide something and focus on the kids and having them in a healthy and nontoxic household.

Wishing luck your way. I hope things work out for you one way or another positively.


When you ask this question maybe?

Damn bastards should try doing our jobs for the day!! They fuckin can’t

You’ll never be enough for an ungrateful man. You can work , take care of the kids , deal with the kids like a parent should , cook, clean , do laundry , drop and pick up kids , never have time for your self . You’ll become insecure bc of things he says and does and the way he disrespects you , you’ll start to blame your self & constantly be angry and never happy . Instead of arguing you’ll start to ignore , instead of wanting to talk and be around him you’ll be annoyed . Thats when you your self knows that your completly done . When you put up with so much bs from an ungrateful person whos a narcissist and who plays victim when you leave him after ALL THEY HAVE DONE , make you feel guilty for what they do to you , thats when YOU KNOW YOU DID RIGHT BY LEAVING. When ever they know they cant get their way back in by BEGGING AND CRYING , they get mean and disrespectful trying to belittle you ! I pray for anybody, women/men having to deal with someone like this , I hope you find the strength to leave and be happy FOR YOU!


Take your kids and get out.


Your husband can also be suffering from depression due to having 3 kids back to back. That’s a lot of change in just 4 years for anyone! Get a sitter and have a night out together. And suggest therapy!


This is what happened in my marriage. If he’s being verbally abusive and then acting like everything is fine, he obviously doesn’t think he has a problem. If he gets defensive if you try to have an adult discussion about it, it might not be worth saving. It wasn’t in my case.


How are you lazy but work full time tell that man to kick rocks

Kick his drunken, narcissitic ass to the curb!

I would never call a woman lazy if she had 3 kids in 4 years. Even if you do the bare minimum… that sounds exhausting to me. And you work 40 hours a week!!! You are Super Woman! You deserve love.


Start going to Al-Anon meetings immediately. They’re for friends and families of alcoholics. There are in-person and virtual meetings at all hours.

Remember that your children are learning every day how relationships should look. Your daughters are learning how men should treat them. Your sons are learning how to treat women. He needs therapy with a chemical dependency counselor. You can’t allow the current situation to continue. It helps no one and hurts everyone.

I would definitely seek counseling first before you make the decision to separate, he needs to understand your feelings more, you have children together, the answer isn’t always to throw in the towel. Try counseling and see if things get better

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Girl, what!!! Just pack your stuff and go. You work 40 hours a week and come home and breastfeed your baby and do everything else too…he aint doing anything? Screw him! Yall need to write down everything yall do for the house and kids and show him who really is the lazy one…hell breastfeeding alone is a full time job. You have a job, you have a better chance of succeding than most women who experience verbal abuse. When do you know its time to go, if you have to ask that, then you already know the answer.


Ya leave like yesterday, sounds like a real d bag


Time to go if he isn’t willing to get counseling

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3 kids back to back is alot on the both of u… your man wants to spend time with you but that attention is split between 3 kids no time for him to adjust, while you have no choice. Maybe try to sit down with him and map up a working schedule for all kids. See what he can help with to give u time to rest. U can be more fun if u are well rested.


I just want to mention you can drink while breastfeeding and you don’t have to pump and dump.

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I lived in a marriage like that. He never got better. He got worse. Counseling doesn’t fix that. Leave while you can.


I would tell him to step up to the plate!! Sounds like he goes to work, and his day is done. Split chores, have him cook dinner. He’s looking for a mother, not a wife. Tell him he needs to act more mature than your 3 month old !! Selfish and self serving he seems. It sounds like your doing it all on your own without him anyway. What’s the point? You have to communicate and come to agreements and set boundaries for yourself as to what you are going to tolerate from this man.


I bet he won’t do counseling,so let him go Your doing it all any way.


Don’t EVER feel you need to defend yourself from being exhausted from moming it day after day. Learn that. And never forget it.


Take a break… Let him care for the kids for one week while you watch from the background and only breastfeed your youngest.

If he doesn’t see clearly and change then take a longer break… Kick him out until he gets himself fixed before you take him back. One child alone is a lifetime job not to talk of 3…

#sighs… Some men really need lecture on childrearing before they start a family

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If you’re asking that question then it’s probably time to end it. You’re just looking for validation. If he’s being verbally abusive and has a drinking problem you need to think about your kids. That’s not a good environment for them.