First of all… WHY would u put his name on the lease if YOU r the one paying alllll the bills:interrobang:I’d Kick his ass to the freakin curb so fast his head would spin, but since his name is on it u probably cant. U prob can’t leave bc ur name is on the lease & it would go against ur credit & most likely hurt ur options of renting elsewhere. Not a good situation to be in or a good solution there. Maybe make his life miserable enough he wants to leave:woman_shrugging:t3:
Just break up with him and move on. It doesn’t sound like your compatible at all. Why would he do anything when he’s got you to pay all his shit and keep him comfy doing whatever he wants whenever he wants. You don’t even trust him and he refuses to even assist you around the home.
No way…give him the boot. Useless!
Holy run on sentence.
Sounds like he’s a hobosexual. Leave him he’s using you.
how did anyone even read this?!
Run to the courthouse to file an eviction
Omg! Talk to a legal counselor to find the best and quickest was to GTFO!! If you leave before the lease is up it could cost you a lot. Rent and damages.
This is how you know sis right here riiiiiight here
You know it’s time when you’re asking strangers on social media
Tell him to get a job or one of you are going to leave. And since you pay the bills, he better start packing, because he can’t afford to stay. Sounds like I’m sorry to say your his bank account. Your doing everything and paying for everything, he thinks he doesn’t need a job…you will pay for it. Kick his ass to the curb !! You can support yourself. You have been supporting the both of you this long. You will be money ahead. Good luck !
If hes on the lease you cant really do anything. If its just your property. Gotta personally give him a 30 day eviction notice. Idk how hes on the lease if he doesnt have an income to support rent. Maybe bring that up with management as well to see how they can help.
Get rid of him and keep your place go up to the office get him off your lease.
You need to set yourself free from bondage (him) seems like you have your priorities and you’re responsible. You can definitely survive without him, be strong and walk away to peace. Imagine living alone taking care of yourself, no one to stress you or make you feel insecure. Don’t let the love you feel for him cloud your judgment.
Finish it the lease or pay to get out of it and get yourself another place if you’re really ready to leave him. He’s using you and there’s no getting back to what it was if he’s lost respect for you because you’ve allowed him to be this way or he may have planned to do this all along. Either way. Throw in the towel.
Get him out? like yesterday! that’s your place not his.
Aww heck no I would never let some man sit around while I pay the bills lol I would be out in a heartbeat !! Then thinks he can go out lol who pays for that you?? You have a child not a boyfriend
You should have left the moment you paid all the bills
It’s been time to leave for a while. He isn’t contributing anything to you emotionally or financially.
Goodbyyyyyyye Earlllllllllll.
What are you waiting for? Dump the guy. He is just a plain lazy you know what.
Get out! He obviously is using you and does not love you. It will get worse the more time goes on!
Go to management and get off the lease and move!!
Ok so first things first! If you had to ask us you already know the answer to what needs to be done. Odds are because you allowed him to be a bum and took care of him his feelings for you have changed. You have obviously grown apart and if you feel he’s pursuing someone else your probly right especially if you can’t shake the nagging feeling in your gut! You need to move on and find someone who appreciates you and wants to build with you. Now since your sharing a place to live and both of you are on the lease your best bet would be to stay looking for another place. Talk to your landlord and see if he’ll change the lease and take you off. Find out if you can get any of your deposit back and use it for a new place. Your not a doormat and your not his mother he is not your responsibility to take care of.
Tell him to hit the road! Please wake up!
are you just gonna ask our advice or take it? Because you have to WANT to be done to be done.
Imma say what I have learned recently and it was a hard slap in the face.
Love is NOT all you need in a relationship. If you find yourself draining your cup faaaaaaar more often then it gets filled. Move the hell on and don’t waste years of your life taking care of a grown adult who refuses to do it themselves. I PROMISE it’s not worth your time and will ultimately destroy you.
Ew bye he needs to go
“You can do bad by yourself “ so why have the headache of worrying with him? Seems like you’re doing good all by yourself… put that “boy” out of your life!
U rent A place but have a farm? But ya he needs to go. Doesn’t work, has no ambition, uses you, cheating, won’t help, doesn’t pay for anything. Peace out
He’s just not that into you. In my experience if a guy would rather go out then hangout with you he’s most definitely cheating. Even if it’s just giving his time and attention to another woman. He’s taking advantage of you because he gets to be comfortable and he doesn’t have to do anything, but whatever he wants whenever he wants.
Lose him he’s using you
Wasted Days and wasted Nights. Run now.
Walk away… he is using u.
Run, don’t walk away
I’m sorry, but yes, throw in the towel.
Why am I starting to feel that these stories are just stories…plus whoever is writing them, they need to learn how to spell, and not rely on spell check…but I have been in a abusive relationship, but I NEVER dealt with the things I have read here
He’s useless and using you, dump him
It’s time to leave. What’s the point of your relationship if that’s how he’s acting and you’re the one paying all the bills and taking care of everything you’re already doing it on your own so you might as well be on your own.
Where do y’all meet these men? I don’t even want to have a date with a man let alone a relationship…
Get rid of him.
Throw in the towel and run
When you have to ask this question.
He is using you. Tell him to kick rocks.
get out if u pay the way or make him leave cos u pay the rent
Talk to the land lord. File a claim against him in court for monetary damages not paying bills . If he is abusive in any way file a ppo against him. He can go live with his sugar momma.
Move on. If he isn’t bringing Anything to the relationship then it’s time to cut your losses bc it will only get worse
Take name off lease and leave!
That’s a user right there. Someone who doesn’t respect your time, money, and love is not worth it. He clearly doesn’t care about your future. Leave him. Build yourself up. Make money. Do things to help yourself. Not him.
He’s dead weight and holding you back… you deserve better! Make him leave!
Talk to him and tell him what you want. If he isn’t willing to meet you half way and work towards building a future together you know what the answer is.
If he ain’t bringing absolutely nothing at all to the table… not even a little affection then it ain’t really a loss actually you’ll have so much more to gain if you get rid of this fool who is taking complete advantage of you .
It’ll only get worse, I’m a DV survivor and usually when you start thinking the question of whether to leave or not is when it is time. There’s plenty of good people out there who would gladly want to be with a hard worker with a plan and a heart. I promise the relief you will feel after leaving this toxic relationship will be worth it.
It’s time when you start asking when it’s time, you know what you need to do.
Codependency runs deep here.if your providing everything there financially,theres a lack of emotional support,and infidelity i say let him have his old lady he needs a mom not a partner.she sounds perfect for him
Leave and sue him for back rent. Ridiculous this is even a question.
Kick him to the curb, he’s using you and sounds like a real jerk. You deserve better. Stand your ground and tell him to hit the road! Good luck🙏
Kick him out and never speak to him again! Take his name off the lease ASAP. Move if you need to.
Make sure your bank account doesn’t have his name on it, nor any cards you pay for.
Also stop washing his clothes and such, Don’t cook for him either.
Talk to the person over y’all’s rant and see what can be done
Also don’t pay his cell phone bill, call the company and have his removed or put on hold. Explain the situation.
Your his mother, not his gf
Why would you be homeless? You’re paying for everything. Kick him out. If he won’t leave, start the eviction process.
Any man that would live off a woman, who doesn’t even help out around the place, should be filled under buh bye in your life folder.
Time to move on. He is taking advantage of you. Tell him its over and be done.
Why do women insist on paying all the bills? No man is that good in bed.
Go to magistrates office and have his ass evicted. Don’t say a word until he gets the eviction notice.
When you ask yourself if it’s time to end the relationship. That’s when it’s time to end it. When your man doesn’t talk to you about anything. When you pay all the bills and he sits around and does nothing. How can you love someone like that? Why would you want his attention back? Let his a*s go homeless. That wouldn’t be a loss for you.
I’ve always said - If you’re gonna do it on your own, you might as well be on your own!
If this has been a long term situation, like the majority of the time that you’ve been together, it’s not going to change. It happens because you allow it to happen.
Give him two choices -
Get off of his lazy ass, get a job, be a man and help support the household.
Kick rocks!
You walk away. Leave him everything and tell him to screw off. Wait until your lease is up and bounce…
You font need this bum in your life…ye are not in a relationship…he is using you for his own comforts, he has no respect, no regard, no consideration, no empathy, nithing at all for you. End it asap but get your ducks in a row first. I think you need proper kegal advice. Good luck
He’s a bum. A real man works, if he’s capable. And would never be able to sit on his a$$ while his girl pays his bills. He’s a little b!tch honestly. Lose him FAST!
You don’t have a boyfriend , you have a CHILD that Expects you to keep a roof over his head, pay for food, utilities and other expenses AND give him an allowance to go out with his friends in exchange for doing No chores what so ever …
A dog or cat will give you better companionship, cost less, and bring you more joy.
AFTER you have made other living arrangements,Go to the management of your home or apartment and tell them you want to break your lease and how to go about it.
Do Not say Anything to bf , so nothing bad can happen . Slowly pack and put things he won’t notice are gone in a small storage unit .Hire or have reliable ppl lined up for moving day, Don’t be alone
When he asks what’s going on , you tell him nicely that you’re
Moving On
that you can no longer pay his living expenses so he doesn’t have to work & you wish him the best.
Do not give him your new address , change your phone number, block him on all social media, inform Everyone not to give him your new address or cell number.
THIS is a Safe way to break the connection, some ppl SnAp when you tell them in advance your leaving and after your gone if they know where to find you and how to contact you
Protect your self from violence and harassment
Best Wishes
May your new life be stress free from leaches sucking you dry while they sit at home on their butt
Time to move on and put him out
Not sure why you want to keep this man but if you both do want to repair the relationship and you both are willing to do the work to fix things. Get into therapy.
You both must get into therapy both as a couple and as individuals.
With therapy, you two can repair the relationship and continue, hopefully, in a healthier way to a happy life together.
Or the therapy will help you to end the relationship in the least stressful way possible. And help you to form a plan to exit the relationship.
First even though you are paying all the bills, start asking frequently for money.
What does he use for money for his personal and day to day needs? Do NOT give him money, not one penny.
If you share a bank account or any credit cards jointly, close them all immediately.
Do not deposit any money in joint accounts starting now.
Get your own credit cards and bank accounts.
If you are giving him money, STOP. Not a cent more.
If you decide to leave, can you handle your lease and the work around the place on your own?
If you decide that you can financially handle the lease and the work around the premises on your own,
you must speak with the landlord in order to see if he is willing to give you the lease in your name only when it comes time to renew.
If you decide that you cannot handle the place on your own, for whatever reasons, start saving money, start looking for rentals in the area you wish to live, start packing up things and give you landlord written notice.
If he notices just tell him you are tired of the clutter and that you are cleaning up, discarding old and useless items and organizing things. Get boxes and bins, pack and label and stack until moving day.
Arrange for all utilities that are in your name be closed on moving day. If the cable boxes are in your name, take them with you; turn them in, and save the return receipt for the box.
I wish you well. You deserve better…………go for it.
Present him with each and every bill u pay that he benefits from or has his name on jointly. Ask for half the money to pay it. If he doesnt, then put in your 30 or 60 day notice and get out of this situation. For gosh sake, dont get pregnant in the mean time!
When you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired. Your gut tells you too!
This guy is a loser. And will continue to be. Why would he leave if you are paying all the bills? Move him out NOW
Tell him it’s over… that you can’t carry his weight anymore. Either he moves out today or you are leaving and he can pay the bills either way someone is moving
Man , reading this was super difficult. .
I’d say if you’re paying everything and cleaning everything so you can have an overgrown man child hang around that treats you like a piece of garbage…… should have ended last week . Maybe last month lol
First of all, you should check into going back to school to further your education. Second of all, why would you think you would be homeless? You just flat out said you are paying all the Bill’s…not sure how many Bill’s you have there, but they can’t be cheap. Farmhands? Anyways, you’re already paying them all and he’s just laying around playing on his phone…which I’m assuming you could be paying for as well. So if you’re already paying everything, that wouldn’t change if he’s gone. Just one less mouth to feed. If he’s not willing to leave, then stop paying all the utilities the last month you are there and save that money to move out. Talk to your landlord and tell them you won’t be putting your name on a new lease, and your man-child can do what he wants. So if you honestly are paying everything right now and he is paying absolutely nothing, how is that going to be any different if he’s gone? You’ve allowed him to be like that. It’s up to you to stop it.
Look at u adopting a full adult🤣. Being an unpaid baby sitter. That’s not a relationship. Use him for reference on a job application for caregiver. If he ain’t working who’s money is he using to go out?
Good riddance to bad rubbush. Kick his ass out.
This was the longest run-on sentence I’ve ever read
Give him his walking papers
Cut your losses. Give him a 30day notice to vacate your home.
No pay no stay . Give his ass 30 days notice .if you paying all the bills just think how much money yall could be saving if his lazy ass was working ,hell with you talking care business by yourself his whole paycheck could be saved there’s a old saying that goes like this .You either shit or get your ass off the pot. Not trying beat up on anybody but this is how i feel about it
Move on. People will respect you when you love yourself. If he doesn’t work or collaborate and he is rude to you, what is the point? Respect and love go hand in hand. If he can’t respect you he doesn’t love you. You aren’t in a relationship. Love yourself first
Please learn to articulate. This makes little sense.
That being said, kick his ass out. Give him a “date”, (i.e., three months to implement “X” changes, or you’re out).
Gave him his walking paper you not his mother ok talk to your landlord and see if you can take his name off the lease sat down with him and tell him it’s not working
This group helped me
You can obviously take care of yourself. Let the cougar have him. LoL
Seriously, why work and support a grown man that isn’t about companionship. You don’t have to buy love. He is using you.
This doesn’t sound like a relationship. There is nothing shared or mutual except where you live. Say goodbye…
Dump him unless you like being a door mat. It’s pretty plain to see he’s interest lies somewhere other than your well being. But you do pay the bills so he has one foot in one foot out. You need to jump out like today. Don’t go home for a few days stay away longer than the food in the frig will last. He will feed himself else where watch and see
I can’t completely read your post I’m sorry but from what I can read if your paying everything give him a notice to vacate in 30 days from the day given most states you have to start with a 30 day notice first.
Just say why dont you move out if your renting tell him your not renewing your lease if he wants to stay say you sign the lease. That’s a good wake up call for him.
This doesn’t sound like a relationship. There is nothing shared or mutual except where you live. Say goodbye…
l get paid over $187 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18918 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
M0re Info.
WHY would you want him to begin with? He sounds like a lazy parasite. Raise the bar and cut him loose.
What exactly do you love about him? That he doesn’t support you in anyway? That he snaps at you when you ask that he helps even a little? That he talks about making moves but doesn’t actually make any moves? Or only has no ey to spend on whoever he goes out with? Or better yet that your his sugar mama? Sounds like a bum to me.
Show him the door. He just using you for a place to live
Put his shit on the curb play the game only narcissistic understand it’s supposed to be comprising working together life to short to be always wondering if it’s not real it’s a waste of time
He is an ambition-less dud. I would drop him like a hot potato.