How do you know it's time to end a relationship?

Wake up! Get the hell out of there.


Is this a joke? He might as well be in his mama’s basement…. Oh wait he is, his sugar mama’s. Come on!


I would open a separate bank account and start putting some of your money in there to get enough for a down payment on your own place. Once you have enough, inform your landlord that you will be moving out in X amount of days/weeks. Since his name is also on the apartment, he will become responsible for the rent and utilities and anything else apartment wise. Hire a moving company to come in and pack up and move all your stuff for you to your new place. Then tell him bye boy.

He’s what we call a hobosexual.

You deserve more , he isnt worthy of you …he sounds a bum xx


Get out. He sounds like tye basic loser honestly. If he can’t provide you with any real reasons to stay with him besides you have been together for 4 years keep keep it moving why waste more of your precious time working hard to pay for things he takes for granted. Take the loss now on the apartment and move out. If he wants to stay he can pay the bills or go find someone else to take advantage of. And (if( he’s cheating you will know right away when you tell him you’re moving out. He will try and talk you in to staying or blow it off knowing he can go stay with her. Things will only get worse with time if he’s tyat much of a liser and doesn’t want to help tye women he is with why cater to his needs.

You deserve so much better. Cut your losses & find someone who gives you what you need & is willing to be a partner in this crazy life. No free loaders!


Well since he’s on the lease you may want to talk to someone about evicting him and yes sweetheart let him go


He’s using you, throw him out


By the sounds of it, he’s happy not doing a thing. I think you’d be better off parting ways. You need someone to share your life with, not someone you need to take care of.

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I think you know what you should do. Stop wasting your time.


The relationship should have been ended years ago .


Get rid of him hes using u ! :woman_facepalming:

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It’s time to go when someones not helping and not working or paying bills


What else would you need to end a relationship? Unless you enjoy being a doormat, now would be the time!

Walk away. You’ll be ok.

You don’t need that kind of life. You shown yourself you are able to be responsible, he is just dragging you down. You deserve a better life.

Walk away theirs someone out their who will be their for you and help you with your goals hes using you

And I personally would talk to the person your renting from and have his name removed


I was moving out n leaving him right there


Yeah you do know what to do.


You should remove your leech. He doesn’t deserve you.

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You already know kw it’s passed that time.

Either leave and let him figure out the rent on his own (remove yourself from the lease) or go to court and have him evicted (removed from the lease)


It’s time for him to grow up and it’s time for you to move on


This was my reality up to a week ago. The exact same thing. I had to say good bye. For my own sake. For my own sanity. Its hard but each day it gets easier. Walk away. You dont deserve to be treated or disrespected that way. I put up with the cheating and all the lies. No proof until I found out the truth. Kick him to the curb. It will continue unless you put a stop to it. He will never change.


Throw the towel and run :running_woman: seriously you don’t have kids with this man and you don’t want kids get out before life get 100 times harder !!! Their is so much better put their not that you will find the perfect man but this is absolutely not a good relationship or healthy


Get out. He’s a deadweight that’s holding you back. If he cared about you and your relationship he’d want to do something that improves things for you both. His not caring is because he legit does not care. I would put it all on the line and make something happen. The worst that can happen is he admits he’s a cheating ass and helps you come up with a plan to get out of lease amicably or leaves. The best case scenario you talk work done stuff out and it gets better. What are you waiting for? Life is happening now. Good luck.

Kick him to the curb!


That’s too much baggage…get rid of him. You aren’t happy…hes just holding you back


Time to have a serious talk together, !

Your miserable all the time . Your goals are different… your fighting a lot… Partner being controlling…if you don’t feel like your achieving anything in your relationship or it’s going nowhere…

Find out your legal courses do it and get out

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Off with his head !!! Ha

You need to end it, however and in whatever way you can.


You are like a parent with a child that You spoiled! He will never be a Man! The picture of future behavior is what is happening right now!!! Run Forest run!


Time t make some changes

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If you are asking, you already know. You know that you can get by without him. Some couples grow and change together and others will change and grow apart. It’s okay to not be who you were 4 years ago; however, who is now is not right for who you are now and don’t let the ugly side of life get you down. Walk away with your head up, dignity in hand and don’t go down with the ship. You may love who you want him to be; but are you in love with the man that he is today? If you aren’t, find someone that has the same drive, goals and determination.

Clearly you don’t need help deciding what to do. Red flags everywhere!

Kick his ass to the curb

lease up soon? move it along.

I think you already know what you need to do, out

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You pay the bills and he does nothing… sell the farm and Run …You deserve better… good luck…


When you ask yourself this question, then that’s when it’s time


Sounds like he’s got a pretty cushy life! Other than sex ( which you don’t need him for) why are you there?

First off talk to your landlord tell him you don’t want your name on the rent. Explain why that is he will probably work with you. Second thing is are the bills in both your names or just your name.
Thirdly I would start staching money away and pack up what I want to keep. Put a packed bag in the truck of the car. Be ready to leave at a moments notice.
Last and least he is an anchor and weighing you down. Get the hell out before you have children with him.
He has no plans to grow up and why should he if you are going to pay his way.


You already know the answer to your question, get out and find a partner not a immature grown man to support and raise!

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You can do bad by yourself you don’t need no ones help. An you are doing it now all by yourself .so no you don’t need him .hold your head up an shine on like the sparkling diamond that you are.

you have already proven you can do it alone, sounds like you have a dependent not a man, look for another place call the landlord and explain the situation and remove yourself from the sitch its better off

u wasting ur time find someone that will help you not be against you. U can do bad all by urself also which means if he cant help you u dont need him especially if he dont pay bills he needs to quit mooching off ppl and be a man if he dont want to get to a job let his mama and daddy tke care of him u raising a grown ass man Leace it alone

You pack up and go, he will get kicked out! Run and don’t look back! Tell your land lord the situations.

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Leave you don’t need that jerk


Love is actions are his loving?

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That should have been your first clue. Relationship is a shared investment. Start making plans to move out and be wiser on your future descions

What are you waiting for? Throw the bastard out and keep on keeping on. He contributes nothing so it is clear you can make the rent by yourself.

Have a serious discussion, tell him if things don’t change you will leave. If he doesn’t change then just kick him out.

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Are there any positives to your relationship? Don’t wait around for permission, just do what you feel is right. Leave. Be happy.


Kick him out! Get rid of him, he’s clearly using you honey, what do you mean go homeless, you say you pay all the bills yourself! Why should you be putting yourself on the streets, speak with your property manager and see if you can line up a smaller cheaper place and move on. He’s sounds nothing but a piece of shit. Good luck, it’s hard to stand your ground and move on when your in a relationship that you are just comfortable with, but just know and push yourself to leave. Someone is out there better suited for you.
He most likely is cheating on you and you can tell he doesn’t love you back. Don’t waste anymore time and effort on him. All the best. Life is too short.

If you’re going to kick him out or leave, you need to get either his name or your name off the lease so you don’t suffer the consequences. If you want to kick him out and he’s on the lease, I believe you need to give notice, depending where you live it might be 30 days. If you want to leave, you need your name off the lease so it doesn’t hurt your credit when he doesn’t pay the rent.

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Wake up. He is just using you. Get him out, He is a total BUM.

You got this girl you don’t need a sponge so kick his butt to the gravel road and be amazing by yourself someone will find you…

He is so clearly using you as his cash cow.


I think you know! Make plans ad run.


ALWAYS trust your gut feeling. If you think he’s cheating he is cheating. You already know what you need to do, kick him out. You don’t need this.

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Looks like your the DUMMY you think

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What is your question? Go to the court and file for an eviction


It is time for him to leave, you are paying the bills anyhow and doing fine, tell him we are done and he has to move out, you will be fine on your own. You are already doing it, get rid of this free loader!!!


If he really loved. you he would be a man and step up. he’s no man sorry.


get rid he is a waister

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Throw in the towel and send pics.

If you’re asking that question. It’s about time to end it.

You are supporting a bum, why are you trying to keep that? Give him his 30d notice and notify the apartment management too and kick him out. Don’t be paying for him to bum it out, have a little self respect and love for yourself.


Let his loser ass go

Kick him out you deserve better

Please use punctuation! Wow!


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talk to him first and tell him how you feel and what are consequences of staying the same

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you have ALL your answers in your post…read it to yourself…its clear what you need to do


Sounds like he has emotionally disconnected, sorry but it’s time for you to finish it and move on.


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He’s a dead beat get him out go to court get his name off the lease. He does NOT deserve you!!!


Tell hime he has a week to get his stuff out, you are already doing everything your self so get rid of the extra baggage

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GET rid of the user. Why should he do anything ------you do it all!!!DUMP him .Get some self respect and move on. There are plenty of good men out there------------and you sure as heck do not have one with that looser.


Before you tell him to get out, I suggest you see a relationship therapist for a few sessions. You will find out very quickly what’s up with him. Obviously you are both responsible financially for the property but if he’s not pulling his own weight and refuses to do so, and nothing comes out of the counseling, then ask him to leave. There’s some legalities here and you just can’t kick him out because he’s on the lease right?

If you have to ask the question you already know the answer , you deserve better. Show him the door .


Probably when you’re asking people online when it’s time to end a relationship.


Time to get rid of him.

Time to hit the road for him. What a user

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Throw in the towel. He’s a mootch. You have your whole life ahead of you, don’t waste it on someone’s who isn’t being a partner when you guys should be a team. A relationship doesn’t work when 1 person does all the work.

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He’s using you for money and a place to live. You pay all the bills and he gets away with having to contribute nothing and be a loser.
Kick his ass out girl, you deserve better!!

why are you letting him treat you like this be self caring


Throw that dirty towel in the garbage can girl!

How is he able to go and run about if he is not working, where is he getting his money from

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What could you possibly love about this LOSER? Do you love that he is a lazy good for nothing! Do you love him because he is clever enough to sucker a not so clever woman to totally support him? Do you love him because he is screwing around on you? If you suspect him you can bet that he is. Talk to a lawyer as to any legal steps you should take to leave. You are not married, you are only renting where you live. Did you have to sign a lease? If not then it should just be a matter of giving notice you are leaving by yourself. But best to have a consult with a lawyer first. Rent yourself a nice apartment or house, build up your self confidence, and get back your self respect. You are worth so much better than that poor excuse of a man! Good luck sweetie.

Just kick his ass out

Kick him to the curb if you got to work take care of yourself not a bum.

Get rid of him he’s a user now

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Go to the real estate and terminate the lease with him if you can afford to stay just change the locks and leave his stuff outside and go on holidays if not terminate the lease and move away in the middle of the night and don’t tell him where your going. You need to sack his sorry arse don’t worry losers always get another one straight away and claim it is the love of their life

throw in the towel…he sounds useless

Um. It’s time. Dump the freeloader and get a real man that will help take care of you

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