How do you know when it's time to end a relationship?

Take your babies and leave! Let his momma do it all. Go live your life and your babies n u be happy. U just need to do u and ur babies


If you have to question it then just end it

When it causes more stress than pleasure it’s time to go

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It’s time to move on babe! It seems your feelings don’t matter to either of them. Leave before it gets worse.

Yuck. He sounds like a selfish baby. I know from experience that when someone constantly accuses you of cheating with no basis, they’re the ones likely out there doing something. He obviously takes you for granted and sounds like there’s no love left between you two. Are you two intimate anymore? Does he show affection or compliment you? If not, I personally wouldn’t waste anymore time in a relationship like that. Good luck! You deserve much better!


If you feel you need to ask you already know the answer. Take your kids & go to your family. His momma can take care of the others.

Life is short. Dont spend it with an asshole.

Enough is enough. Its not going to get better

Now. The time is now to get out

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Hmmm🤔 Well the one that accusers there partner for cheating is the one that cheating.
But I could be wrong!
He could be a loyal hubby to you
and knows what buttons he can push

Have a meeting with the household.

It ended when his mom moved in


That’s awful!!! I believe you deserve to be happy and when there is so much more pain than happiness then it’s time to go. Plus if you can’t have your family; then that’s a deal breaker.
Sounds like he has a Momma to do what he needs done…if he can’t appreciate you like he should be!!!


Go to college or get a job, if you are doing it right anyway, leave the kids to your mother in law to watch. Then take your kids out on dates to get them out of the negative environment. If you can’t take it anymore don’t. College will get you a better job opportunity if you ever have to leave. Then you and kids can start fresh. When you are out don’t start a new relationship. That would be Big Mistake. Get yourself feeling good about yourself 1st. Grant’s, financial benefits of school should take care of that bill. If Mom will not watch kids, put them in day care. School should take care of them that. If you can’t make it leave with your kids now, but I don’t think you are ready for that.

Sounds like you deserve better. :two_hearts: you have one life. Make it a happy one. Work on your next chapter but make sure it is a better one.

It was time to go 2 years ago (or longer) they are mentally abusing you. Get things in order write up a parenting plan and divorce papers and get out. He can still be in your daughter’s life. YOU DON’T DESERVE THE ABUSE.


Get going now. Dont waste your young life on this situation. Daughter will be happier without rhis. Move on and dont look back.

What adults forget is kids see EVERYTHING or hear EVERYTHING. Your kids are seeing you get mistreated and soon they are going to think it’s okay to treat you like that and start doing it too. Get out girl. Get. Out. Not just for you but your kids too

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It’s not going to be easy, and he’s going to try to make you feel terrible about it, but please leave that situation and file for divorce. Everyone deserves to be happy. And anyone deserves so much more than what you are being given

When I. Was accused of cheating he was not me


I’d save ur money get job stash money in cash else where… and give ultimatum and be super ready like phone call away pre signed ready to file for custody.


If he’s accusing you of cheating, more than likely, he’s cheating.


Check out Kevin samuels . Life is hard for everyone just be the best you can be workout exercise and take care of yourself you can still do all these things and be married and check out Kevin samuels

Usually when this question comes to your mind, then it’s time.

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Hugs sounds like you are putting up with a lot. It’s hard to say when to walk away sadly only you can decide that but sometimes time away can help… I was having some issues and I took the kids and we stayed at my mums… at that point I thought things were over… husband didn’t seem to want to meet in the middle… but after a few days he came around and now we are back home and working on things…
If you can find a safe place to stay you always try that??? Sometimes people need to see what they have by losing it…

Hope what ever you decide that you end up happy :heart:


tell him they leave or you are leaving


When his mother moved in .

My MIL was same way…Would get up early in the morning…I didn’t bc got kid on the bus early and went back to bed…and she would clean, then go back to bed…I would get up,take care of toddler until other got off the bus while husband worked and do laundry and make dinner. She would constantly mutter that i was a lazy,sorry pos and crap and ,when mad at me for bringing up her throwing my stuff away without asking and me telling my husband to talk to her…she would blow up if I tried…she would say did everything and I needed to be the one to leave…not her… In time,my husband saw past her crap and made her leave bc she couldn’t get along with me and she called him a sorry pos too and left… She needs to go. And need to tell him if he can’t discipline his niece and nephew so they aren’t causing issues,then she needs to take them with her. Sorry…I have no sympathy for those kids either bc experienced that too. Practically raised our nieces bc mom,SIL,is a piece of crap that throws them off on everyone to drink and whore around…The teenager would use her mom as an excuse to get anything she wanted out of us and run us to death driving her everywhere or she would refuse to see us anymore…which hurt my husband bc he raised her with me and loved her like his own…but she was just using us…And the toddler,same age as my own daughter…would bully and hit my kid and everyone would baby her after she did it and I spanked her for it and put her in time out. Take her out to eat and crap after,like rewarding her for treating my kid like crap but I’m expected to watch this kid days at a time and pay for food and crap for her. No. Kids can’t respect your rules and they dont want to help make sure those kids keep the peace in your home…need to go too… Share this story if need to to help ur husband see the light…I dont mind…

If you don’t want your children to be treated this way by anyone then you need to get out. Because what they see is what they believe a good relationship to be. It’s no healthy for any of you


Let him know how your feeling, see how you can work on your problems… maybe counseling or maybe it’s time to leave… I wish you happy endings :pray:

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Mom ain’t going anywhere and that man isn’t ever going to change. Leave and move on with your life

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You husband is a douche!! He’s the problem. Not the MIL, not the niece and nephew. Your. Husband!!


Follow your happiness. He isn’t worth it.

If you’re unhappy, your daughter feels it. Sounds like they all just kind of walk all over you in your own home. That’s not ok. If it hasn’t gotten better by now, it probably won’t. I hope you get out and find your happiness.

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Leave now it won’t get better until you do.

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Time to start putting yourself 1st and move on with out him a happy house with 1 parent is better then i miserable house effects the kids more then you think

Since it seems like your husband is only interested in moving people in and not out, it’s time for you to make a move of your own. Just know that it will NOT get better as long as his mother (and his niece and nephew) are living there. Keep that in mind as you make your decision. Also, if and when you decide to leave, be prepared for him and his mother to fight tooth and nail to prevent you from taking the daughter that you two share with you.

If you decide to leave, then you need to files for a legal seperation so you will have custody of your daughter. That way until you are divorced he will not be able to keep her from you. In a marriage your spouse should always come first. You always have each others back. You tried to tolerate his family for him but now he does not have your back. If he is not going to stand up to his family for you then you have your answer. If you do not have a family relative or close friend to stay with you can contact a women and childrens shelter and they will help you. Good luck. Praying for you. :pray:t2::heart:

Time to leave. He won’t ever change!

Tell moma to hit the road with her baby boy.

I say now is the time. He is obviously controlling and your in a unhealthy unhappy relationship. Grab your kiddos and peace out. If he chose not to see your daughter that’s on him but SHE WILL BE OK. Because she has her strong momma to take care of her. Peace and love to you!


Run he is proabbly cheating atleast more than likely any guy that accuses I you its cause he is the one cheating! You need to leave but let him still see his daughter and maybe you can work it out after you leave if he changes only some guys get to comfortable and need a wake up call to realize what they have!


Now. Now is that time. He does not care about you. He wants to control you. And being in a relationship without any appreciation is not healthy either. You need to leave because one day your daughter will understand better what is happening and you dont want to teach her that that is a healthy relationship. It is also okay to teach to leave when she isnt being treated the way she should be.


You sound so unhappy. I believe you need to get back to you. Put your self and your children first. Make a plan and move on with your life. You deserve to be happy. You will never find it in an environment like that. My mom always told me when a man accuses you of doing something, it is actually them that is doing it. Find you some happiness. Good luck


You’ve really answered your own questions… it’s not worth losing yourself to someone who doesn’t know your worth, and is tearing you down constantly. It’s worse to let your children witness this, and it’s most likely to be a relief for them to be away from the situation. If he chooses not to co-parent peacefully, then he doesn’t deserve time with them. You have to protect yourself emotionally and physically to be the best you, and parent. Don’t let this situation be your biggest regret. Maybe you will all be happier in the long run. :hugs: hugs.


Run, not walk away. Your daughter will be fine. It is better to show her that it is more powerful to walk away and stand up for yourself then to stay and allow someone else to disrespect you.
Set the example- you would not want her in the same type of relationship


I’m a man and I say you should leave him and his family you should not have to take care of his family and yours too just to be accused of things and called names I would never put a woman in that kind of situation and I dam sure wouldn’t not want my daughter in that kind of relationship


It is beyond time to take back your household. Have a conversation with your husband and tell him his mom has to go. And then find a reasonable time frame for the niece and nephew to go as well. I didn’t get if they are children or not. If they are adults I’d give them the same time frame as his mom. It sounds like there is so much chaos at your house that it’s not even your home anymore. Maybe when all the riff raff is out of your home you can focus on your marriage. Get counseling. If he doesn’t back you up on this I’d get the hell out and not look back. No one would blame you if you just packed up and left…it sounds intolerable.

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Get the hell out. Kids will adjust and much better for them out of that toxic home. Don’t wait. Don’t deny yourself the chance to be happy. Take it from me, life is extremely short


It never will be good enough by the sounds of it. Also could be wrong here but those who start shouting out the your having an affair argument are usually the ones having the affair.

If you love him then tell him and really tell him your concerns and frustrations and if he loves you he will not moan he will listen and he will do more to help you and put things right.
If he chooses to not do these things then ima afraid you have your answer then you got to decide if this is how you live the rest of your life or do you get out and make somthing better. All the best

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Sounds like you should’ve left years ago. I’ve wasted years dealing with jealousy. It doesn’t change. If you’re not happy neither are your kids. My son did a complete 180 when I left. When I met my now bf my son told me he had never seen me smile and be in a good mood as I am now.

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Now. The time to leave is NOW! He and his tattle-tale mommy can take care of HIS niece and nephew together! If you are not being treated nicely and are not appreciated and are being called lazy and worthless- it’s time to go. If you are not experiencing once ounce of happiness in this relationship- why stay? Your kids will be happier in an environment that isn’t so toxic and where their mother isn’t constantly being treated like crap in front of them. You’re not doing the kids any favors by staying in this negative relationship and having them see their mom being treated this way.
Oh and as far as the cheating accusations- he’s probably the one cheating. Tell him between dealing with his mother and taking care of his niece and nephew and trying to get the chores done before his mother tattles on you, that you don’t have time for anything else! Leaving won’t be easy, but it will be worth it…For your peace of mind! I doubt hubby and MIL will ever be happy and content with you- it sounds like they are the type of people who will keep criticizing and picking on you no matter how much you do for them.
Best wishes for happier days in the future~

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It might be ideas that his mom is putting in his head as well. Find a new home for her,then the niece and nephew. Then a good Ole heart to heart with a “straighten up or im out a here” I know its hard but start making a plan now in case he doesnt straighten up. Good luck…

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Now! I know it is so difficult to do that. I was afraid to do that because my children were small. I stayed in the marriage for 16 years before I finally said enough is enough. He was angry and he said he would make me pay and that I’d be sorry. Make me pay? Yes he did he financially took half of everything I had, I was the one that worked full time and paid the bills, but sorry? NEVER!! I can now see my friends and family whenever I want. I can have them to my home and not be afraid that he would be angry, upset or rude to them. I wish I would have had the courage to walk away when my gut told me to. I would have saved myself and my children The misery of being in a marriage for another 16 years.

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Do not stay another second in that relationship. You will already be beating yourself up for how long you have stayed once you leave. I’m so sorry they are doing this to you… please run and get your kids away from them they are crazy

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Leave! Money might be tight, but your emotional stability will be wonderful. You will be able to breathe.

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Having been in a similar relationship I can tell you this: First off, no matter how much you talk to him or tell him how you feel, the mental and emotional abuse will NOT stop. Not from him and not from his mother. Furthermore, he’s teaching his nephew and niece that it’s acceptable to treat you this way. And your daughter is learning that it’s not only acceptable to treat YOU this way but also be treated the same in future relationships, and if it’s not ok in regards to her then why on Earth would you accept it for yourself. If I were you, I would leave the situation before it turns more volatile. Take your children with you and reestablish relationships with your friends and family. Whatever choices he makes when you leave in regards to your shared child are on him. You do you Mama and don’t let anyone hold you back!

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When you no longer find joy, comfort, and for filled with your companion, it’s time to evaluate.
It’s never easy, and it’s a hard choice. But you must have self respect , love yourself and be able to look in the mirror and live with that choice.

start taking care of yourself and your own. Him and his mother are grown individuals and can do things for themselves especially if they don’t like they way you do it.

If mom is well enough to do dishes and laundry, then it sounds like she can find a new place to live. Husband needs to be told that you do not Appreciate being accused of things and treated like a servant. If things don’t change, hit the road and find peace for you and your children. Everyone is so scared of being a single mom. I really enjoyed my time as a single mom. I had so much less stress and was happy…so my kids were happy!

Also remember that you are teaching your daughter how men and people should treat her. Do you want this for the adult her? She can still have a relationship with her dad but you don’t need to be in a relationship with the dad. Make a plan. Seek help from your family and friends and be careful.

Boy bye. He obviously doesn’t value you as a person and life is too short to stay miserable. You kids deserve a happy mom

Let his mum have it all.Have you got a little job.Go and pamper yourself and book with friends.Let his mum babysit seeing as she wants to do everything else and tell him to buck his ideas up as you have had enough…Be kind to yourself x

It is time to close this chapter and to start writing a new one with out him.
He is keeping you away from family and friends that is abuse. You don’t want your kids to learn that kind if behavior.

Thats crazy. Your man should have your back and support you not just hide behind his mom since the heat isnt on him. There are respectful and loving ways to set bounderies even for elders.

Let her do the work that’s makes her feel useful and needed,but do something you miss doing for yourself and try to enjoy life and don’t let them control everything!

In my experience if a man is accusing you he is the one cheating!!! And he is isolating you from your family!!! Love is never enough to stay and he is still able to be apart of his daughters life even if you leave but girl you deserve respect and you are not getting it!!! His mother sounds toxic too!!! Again I say this all with experience… I watched my mother go through it for years and then followed in her foot steps for a long time till I started seeing a counselor who helped me realize what was happening! I hope you figure things out cause you nor your children deserve to live that way!

Seek out counseling, you need help with setting boundaries and finding your self worth. We all can use support and guidance at different times in our lives.

Well, I guess the question is, do you love him? If so, I would talk to him about what you want for he and the kids and consider giving his mom, the niece and nephew the boot.

life is short and you have to take care of you so your able to take care of your kids. its hard to leave but u really need too. you and your kids will be so much better off. I have been there but mo kids i not only lost touch with friends and family heb would track my every move and who i was with . even when i was at work he would have friends come in and watch me i left it took me almost 5 yrs from the start of the relationship to end but i am so happy been married know to a good guy 18 yrs and have 2 amazing kids. please go to your family and they will help you.

I would leave him now, what kind of example is he showing your children . Best to get out while they still respect you . Good luck for your future

It is not a healthy situation. Don’t live that way! Been there and done that! Give your children and yourself a gift of a happy you! They will benefit more from that than having a father figure around.!!!

I hate to see young women go through this. I’m sorry you are! When I was young, and contemplating this very thing, I was going to a very good, compassionate counselor. She told me, that if you are still making excuses for the things he does, instead of seeing him for what he really is, it’s not time. Once you stop, it’s time. Also, if he is accusing you of having an affair, HE is probably the one doing it. He accuses you, to justify what he is doing. I hope this helps. I’m sorry you are going through this honey!

This poor mom. Caring for 5 children, a home, the (ill) mother in law, and not getting a break, means you’re going to break. What’s the topping of this sundae is your husband’s unfounded distrust and accusations. I wouldn’t say throw the marriage away. I think the toxicity of the MIL is what began the tipping point. You were still in your honeymoon period, and then an added stress was put on your family. I really think an open conversation needs to be had between you and your husband. Find a counselor and even if it’s just for you to go, he should be given the option to join too. In the very least, you can take care of yourself, which is needed badly.

Make a plan and get out! It is only gonna get worse. Abuse is abuse no matter what form it comes in. You are teaching your daughter what to expect from future boyfriends/husband. You are also teaching your boys how he should treat a girlfriend/wife. Show them the respectful and right way, not the way you are currently being treated.

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First off he is ok with his mommy rub your house and puts you down because of the things she says then this is a very toxic relationship. You have to think about what this is showing your children! It’s not going to be easy if you separate as I’m sure you will have to find a job and a different home or he would have to leave. It sounds like he is very controlling and potentially violent! And if he is accusing you of cheating, he probably is!

I feel for you it’s a tough situation. But I think you need to really sit down and talk to him and explain enough is enough you have way too much going on with family living there and the cheating situation is a whole Nother story. Maybe counseling

This literally is just like my history, honestly it’s like I wrote this post, however there was quiet a bit of mental and physical abuse in the mix. This resonates so strongly that I have the urge to tell you, please leave, put yourself first! Your children are watching these behaviors and your responses will be what they will allow to continue in their lives as they get older, &/or your older two when old enough may hold hurt and pain against you because you tried to hold it together for the other sibling. At the least please seek outside sources. The best advice when I started searching for advice, is one if you’re already asking you already know and two it’s either one day at a time or day one?

This is your life dont let others live it for you!

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Talking about it is a good start, what you do next is all up to you. It doesn’t seem like you need a divorce just some self care, time with your husband and some marriage counseling…

You need to go now. Staying because of your child is not the answer. You are teaching her what is acceptable from a man and this is not it.

It sounds like you’re being taken advantage of. It’s almost like you are there as a care giver only and not really a wife since your husband seems to feel like it’s your responsibility to look after everything and everyone. Your husband seems to be in a relationship with his mother instead of with you. I would separate for a while and see how YOU feel after being away from this situation.

The time is NOW. Not to be harsh but you are traumatizing your girls and teaching them that this type of behavior is acceptable and may get into the same sort of relationship when they are ild enough and the boy will most likely exhibit the behaviors as well. Get out and take care of you and your children!!!

Run do not walk, pack your kids and move out. I do not say this lightly, you are in an unhealthy toxic relationship and your kids see it…I’m so sorry that you are going through this.

Happy parents = Happy kids. The fear of your daughter not having her dad means you think he may be a bad father? A parent who wants to be a parent will do so no matter the circumstances and how they change.

Using your child as an anchor to stay in a relationship you obviously are not happy in will just give you an lifetime of regret and much worse. If your desire is to leave do so!. The rest will fall in place.

You are as important as anyone else you make important. But for some reason you have forgotten that…

Mom needs her own place and she can take her grandkids with her. I was in a situation similar to yours where my husband put his nom first over me & his/our kids, needless to say after 34 years of marriage I decided I didn’t want to be married to him any longer, “plus he was living a secret life to boot”. I needed to put me & my kids first, which helped me mentally, it put me in a better state of mind🙏🏻

Leave him! Does not matter if you still love him! He clearly does not respect you. IF he loves you, he will kick mom and others out and ask you back. Then you can decide if you still love him. If he doesn’t ask you back, live your life with your girls!! Simple!!

If you still love him. It’s time to have a talk. A very serious one. Do not threaten divorce. Do not make excuses for anyone. Just be firm on the fact that mom needs to move out in order to save your marriage because clearly she can not and will never show you respect which is becoming very detrimental to your mental health and your marriage. If he loves you then part of him will agree.

It’s time. You are a slave and you’re teaching your children to be slaves. No way is what you’re going through right. Noone should live like that. Leave.


Sounds like he can’t cut the cord and if she does it so well let him have her taking care of him for the rest of his life obviously his mommy is more important than you hell maybe he needs to sleep with her also see how that works out you are only one person and have children I say F- HIM

Time to leave. You can take care of his family but he still treats you like this. It will not get better and may get worse

Honestly I would take my kids to the store with me and never come back that is literally how I left an abusive relationship yours doesn’t sound physical but you’re definitely being abused mentally and you don’t deserve it at all let those people have themselves they sound insane all of them

Honestly, i wish someone would have told me that i was able to do it on my own. I would have left so long ago. Instead i was there for 7 years. The second i left it was the best second of my life! There is so much help out there. There are also organizations that can pick you up and take you to a safe place.

The time to leave is now! When you know you’re not happy and when you have seen things consistently go against what is good or right for you. Stop waiting for things to change and make the change you need! If the man in your life is not taking care of you, time for you to do it for yourself!

Same situation minus the mother in law living with me. She was very vocal throughout the entire 5 year relationship. Finally had enough and left in January. I now have my own house and everything in my life is so much better. You don’t realize how your life can improve so much until it does.

NOW! If your unhappy then your not being their fully for your kids. Do what you need to do and leave you have to put yourself first sometimes! I’m sorry your feeling this way but it will get better

When exactly are you supposed to have time to cheat between taking care of five kids and his mom? :roll_eyes: Personally, I’d have already left.

Just because you’re not with him doesn’t mean that your daughter won’t have a dad… I mean one has nothing to do with the other! Choose what’s best for you in the end that’ll be what’s best for them (the children)

In your heart you will know. And there will be no 2nd thoughts, you will go and you won’t look back… you deserve to be happy and your kids will be happier also…