How do you know when it's time to end a relationship?

Get out!!! Or the disrespect and toxic environment will suck out all the joy and peace out of your life!! Sounds like there isnt any healthy communication to be had…sorry.


The time is overdue for leaving and moving on and I think you already know that.


Usually if a partner accuses you of infidelity it’s usually them doing the dirty.

Girl. Straighten that crown and proudly strut out of there. <3


You have been given some good advice but only you can make the decision mentally abuse is sometimes worse than physical abuse good luck

I would have moved out a long time ago. Right after the MIL moved in and started taking over.

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If you are talkin about it you’ve made up your mind…


If hes accusing you of cheating he probably already is. A cheater always accuses to help them feel better about their self cuz they no its not right.


Are you happy?
Make sure you’re happy first. Don’t please anyone else by draining yourself.


Please keep us up to date. We care and as you can tell were always here to talk and give advice :heart:

You already answered your own self :heart:. Thinking of you and cheers to fresh starts and putting yourself first! XO

Leave. Life is too short and this is not a healthy relationship.

Run as fast and as soon as possible. it’ll only get worse, prayers for you and your babies :pray: :heart:


"I’m not allowed " should be your first reason ! Get out of that relationship ! Think about what your children are learning. Is this how you want your daughter to find a guy like this or have a son treat someone this way ??


IMO, it’s either time to end the relationship or tell his family to GTFO. You 2 need to focus on YOUR family. Why is his mom still there a few years later? Sounds like his family is putting the wedge between you.


My love, it will not get better. If he’s accusing you of anything, HE is the dog that’s doing it.
I’m sorry, love, but I lived it.


Look back and read what you wrote. Your answer is there.


Only you know when you’ve had enough… then an only then will you be ready to pack up leave an begin to enjoy life with your children. The kids can still see their fathers… life is so short do what makes you happy because he obviously doesn’t
Just sayn !!!

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Now is your time. Before gets worst. If you smart enough to realize his and his mom’s behavior you smart enough to do it on your own. :muscle:

When you kill the b**** that means it’s over

Sounds like my situation, only his mother lives across the street and watches everything I do. I left for two hours today and is wanting to put time frames together to see if I’m lying. Mind you I’m 37 weeks pregnant.

This is your sign to get out

Leave !!!’ I shouldn’t have to tell you twice !!!

Move out and move on!!!

Get out at fast as you can!!!

Sounds like he’s projecting

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been with someone… you deserve to be loved & FEEL loved :purple_heart:

You cannot pour from an empty cup.

Deep down you already know what you need to do hun. Sounds like mother and son deserve each. I’d run, not walk away

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I hate divorce but honey you need run. Its abuse what he is doing to you. He sounds very controlling and he doesn’t stand up for you to his mother. You need a man that has your back and makes you feel beautiful and wanted. I like to tell people to work it out and get counseling but I honestly don’t think he will ever change and things will probably keep getting worse. One day you are either going to be break as in him completely breaking your spirit or you are going to snap and fight everyone treating you badly. Neither is good. Also think of your children. Your daughter will think its ok to have men treat her badly and your boys will think its ok to treat women like that.

Give him an ultimatum them or you if not than** Time too hit the road!! **Been there done that~ he’s not going to change .
Start fresh ~


Sometimes you gotta set the nice wife crown down and pick up the crazy bitch hat. Flip the fuck out.

You’ll handle it as long as you want to, you are the only one that can change your reality, I can’t really give you a definitive answer, as I don’t really know you or your husband, one thing I’ll say for sure, is that when people attack their SO of cheating, it usually means they are… I hope you can muster the strength to do what’s best for you and your family… that doesn’t sound like a heslthy environment for you or your kids… I wish you the best!

The one who accuses is usually the cheater

You’re questiong it… it’s time :heart::fist:t3:

Now is the time. Right now.

I think you should talk to your husband, I would let him know how I feel and demand changes. I would tell him that if thing’s don’t improve that you’re going to remove yourself from the situation, explain to him that you love him and want your marriage, but you deserve to be happily married. Tell him you are not leaving him, but you are leaving the situation. I believe he’s not happy with the situation either, but that’s his mother and a mother son bond is so strong that he need a little help to ask her to move on. Good luck and God Bless You.


It sounds like a lot and would be overwhelming for anyone. Do you guys still love each other ? If you do, is there a possibility to have councelling therapy? I wish you the best. The way things are seem very toxic to you and the children. Hopefully you guys can work things out :heart:


I hate to see a marriage end. And I hate to tell anyone it’s time to move on. Therefore I will not tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. But I will tell you what I would do… And I most certainly would not stay. That relationship seems very toxic and undeserving for anyone. Listen to your heart mama. What is it telling you to do? If it says “let’s make this work —- the try to work things out and have a heart to heart with your hubs; if it says otherwise, then - bye Felicia!” Hugs and prayers and much love sent to you!


If you’d be embarrassed to have your babies see the way you’re treated, or try to hide it from them, it’s time to find yourself again. That can mean time apart, separation, divorce, whatever you feel is right, momma


This seems abusive. You need to get out now. Is this what you want your kids learning a relationship is supposed to look like?


You have to put yourself and your children first. So much toxicness around you, I’m so sorry.
I think you know it’s time to leave. With his Mom right there, nothing will ever change. Hugs to you.


Around the table open discussion is needed with your husband and his mother . If they can’t snd won’t listen or at least try and resolves the issues you and only you know what to do . By allowing all these things to go on and you not speaking up you have taught them it’s ok .,
Best of luck lovely n I hope you find peace within your family with your children .

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I wouldn’t bother to even argue with them. Best thing would be to leave ASAP. Then write a letter to him with how you feel. And just move on. You aren’t alone you have yourself and kids. You are very much worth it don’t forget that. You haven’t done wrong then walk with your head up not down, let them do that and they will.


I am so sorry. I am not the best to advise bc I am in a similar situation just no parents living with us. I recently found out he was messaging someone else. We’ve been together for 13 years and it is always something. Get out before you waste any more of your life like I have. It doesn’t get better they just get better at fooling you.


Sounds like you already know the answer. Leave now before your to depressed to try.


Wow girl! You have alot on your plate and NO support, contact a women’s shelter near you and they will help you. Life is too short and let me say your daughter will NOT appreciate you staying in an unhealthy relationship. Remember you are teaching your children what is acceptable. Best of luck to you :heart:


Dont wait any longer do it now . nothing will change it will only get worse. Believe me. You and your children are better off on yalls own… I pray that you and the kids find peace


His mom and ther other 2 grandkids need to move out first to see if that improves your relationship and if it doesn’t then you know what to do next.

In my my past I learned the partner who accuses the other of cheating was already doing the cheating :sob:


I hate to tell you this but he might be projecting unfaithfulness on you. What I mean is, he’s doing it but can’t come to terms with the fact that he’s doing it so he accuses you of doing it to make himself feel better. It’s a common defense mechanism with narcissists. It would be best to take your kids and leave. Maybe your monster in law will finally be happy then, who knows? What I do know is that you already decided you want to leave, but you’re looking for confirmation. So here’s your sign, darling. Get out while you can and take your babies with ya. Love and prayers and hugs to you and your little ones! Good luck and keep us updated!! :heart::heart::heart:


He’s a narcissist. My recommendation is to educate yourself on narcissistic behaviors. The more you read and learn the more you will realize that there is actual terminology for what they/he is doing to you, the roles they play in his narcissistic behavior and how it affects you insidiously, slowly breaking you down. Leaving someone like that takes tactical planning and being completely sure of yourself that you are done with the relationship. I left a similar marriage 3 years ago in Feb and it was the best decision I ever made but extremely hard and I hit rock bottom but it was better then being miserable under his rule. I’m here if you’d like to chat. Strength and Selflove to you, you will need it. :muscle:t3: You got this.

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He’s married to o his Mother. His fami ly is obviously more important than his wife. Don let them gang up on you anymore. Get out and away from all these rotten people. Don’t worry about your daughter. She will be fine away from all the drama.Put you and your children first. Noone else will.

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Only you know that answer and the fact you wrote it out says to “me” you already know. Now it’s taking the step.
I am always a message away if you’d like to don’t have to do all this alone


I think things are already in motion. You are being secluded. You aren’t apart of the decisions in your household. People who
Accuse of cheating are usually cheating or traumatized from past unfaithfulness which can be toxic. I just think with our communication and compromise it’s going to be difficult to withstand

For. Better or worse. Remember your vows. Get couples theropy

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You need to get out your kids will always have a dad if he wants to be in ther life need take care of yourself if not you won’t be able be there for your kids

Coming from a person who grew up in a home where the parents didn’t get along, it’s best for you and your children if you just move on. Your children deserve to see their mother and father happy and flourishing. If you wait too long you might end up with children who grow up to have all kinds of unwanted relationship and mental issues such as myself. Your husband can marry his mama if he’d like. Do what makes you happy. Happy mom, happy kids :heart:


Wow if you don’t get out now it’s only going to get worse he sounds controlling to me and you don’t want your kids thinking that acceptable because it’s not

I would say either go to marriage counseling and get all of those extra people out of your house or you exit the situation because it’s not good for your mental health, which in turn is no good for your babies

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Get out now! Don’t walk, RUN!

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I can only tell you what I would do, go to a lawyer… get advice… I am sure an attorney will tell you if you are buying a home tell him you want to end things and he, his mother and anyone else except you and your children need to leave. The hardest part is first step.

Leave now before it gets worse. You should have left the first time he accused you of cheating. Clearly he’s insecure. Should have never let the mother in, first of all. lol

The moment you ask this question is the moment you already know the answer. Give yourself permission to choose you first. You don’t know anyone else to tell you what you already know you need to do for you.

Pack your bags and leave as this is not going to get better.

Sorry to say this but you know in your heart this relationship of your husband is done. There’s no respect from him and there’s too many accusations thrown at you. It’s better to move on than being in a relationship that you feel underwhelmed and not having any respect. And for the sake of your children just take them and go. She will always have a father but she needs you more to be the responsible parent and adult.


It’s past time.
When you’re at your breaking point you’ll do it

I think you have your own answers.

Time to hit the road. Sorry.

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You should ha e left 4 years ago. Run

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Like now is the time to leave period

When I read your story I immediately thought of the power and control wheel for domestic violence. Only you know when it’s time to leave. Reach out to your family for support and let people help you.


They need to get the hell out if your house first off if his mother can cook clean bitch n complain shes well enough to go bk to her own home ur home is for you n him n your kids not his whole side of the family. Second he n you need to communicate more and express concerns. A man will only treat him how u allow him too so enoughs enough. Speak to him put ur foot down n if he wont fix the issues its time to go.


First of all he would have to choose either his mom or me


Counseling and having that mom move out will do wonders.

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Oh man I would make him make a choice or leave because you have to make yourself happy first before you can make anyone else happy when you got married you married him not it not his family

Wow. Yeah I agree with the :point_up: comments above. It’s time for some major changes. Good luck!


Soo sorry for you. Your so called husband needs to grow some balls and stand up to dear old mom.She is in your home and your husband is an idiot.

Dipendra Khanal padha baeee

Leave now it will get worse

Truly Women should lift one another and not fast each other’s thrashings, seeing someone and relationship divisions. I had an issue with my significant other a couple of months earlier explanation his ex was moving beginning with one healer then onto the close to amaze him and leave his marriage and kids, he started cheating and resting at another woman’s home which hurt me gravely, and he was moreover keeping up a key good ways from me, He no longer got my calls. I was totally jumbled cos I hadn’t the foggiest what to do. So I was riding the web for warmth spells to get him back and I saw Dr. Mama Shamirah +27790792882 tributes and when I connected with her. The expert was anxious to help me. furthermore, we started to coordinate. Dr. Mama Shamirah unvaeiled to me everything as if it had been a significant piece of my life. Dr. Mama Shamirah did the examination and it was simply dazzling, I didn’t for the most part have confidence in spiritualists, anyway after scrutinizing, I understood I can trust in her and her work. Doc uncovered to me that I expected to cast a couple of spells for my life and marriage, so I did what I expected to do to finish them. To stop the story. My ex called me in so long and said to me that we should meet and discuss our marriage and what had happened? We met and I could see he is a changed man when he was upset for the torment he caused me he lamented, I agreed considering the way that he gave a sensible and excited explanation of what happened and I excuse him besides, I loved my life partner. Much gratitude to you so much, Dr. Mama Shamirah for sparing my marriage and bringing back such ecstasy in our lives. Continue with your extraordinary work? For any help Call or WhatsApp +27790792882 OR Email:


Oh girl this is heartbreaking! I’m so sorry! I can only tell you what I would do and hunny I would have BEEN GONE! Life is to precious and to short to live like this :cry: Take your babys and go enjoy life!!! They need mama happy again! :two_hearts: please keep us updated I’m praying for you and your precious angels!!!


It’s time hun get out


Ill be honest I stopped reading half way through not because what youve said doesnt have meaning but because your in a toxic relationship and you need to leave before it destroys you.


He wants to be at home with Mommy? Let him. Either they all go or you walk.


You & your kids need to get out asap. They don’t value you at all. If his mum wants to do everything then let them be together. Get yourself set up somewhere else & your daughter doesn’t need to lose her dad, you just need some of your own space.


Time to move on honey and make yourself happy I have already been there and done that you end up in misery


It’s definitely time to go! You are teaching your children that its ok for a man to treat his wife like that which in reality its NEVER ok. You deserve a man who always has your back and adores you and loves you! Try to leave! Know your worth.:pensive::cry::two_hearts:


Honey…take it from a grandma with 4 children & 13 grandchildren…you are being abused by this man…and his mother. They sound like horrible people & you & your children need to get out of there. Please do it now…


Time to move on. Took me some time to realize this myself, I was in a similar situation. I made the choice to choose myself and my son. It was the best decision I made.

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You answered your own question love either they treat you with more respect or if me i would leave .you can do it on your own gai your life back you will be so much happier xx


Please leave please don’t ever let your daughter think this is how men treat women that it’s ok and normal. It really isn’t ok.
As your husband he should be in your side and telling his mother to stand back and putting her in her place.
Know your self worth honey you do you and your kids let him be a mummies boy you don’t need him as a single mum of 4 myself my word to you you can do this


Sk sit down and ask them what they want from you and get it done. Stop being a ballass about it and grow up. If u weren’t cheating you would not have gotten snapchat just for the filters. You got snapchat to make you look cute and younger. Well no matter how many filters you use in your pictures its definitely not what you look like in person.


Now … now is the time to leave . And also remember that while you’re leaving him he may still have legal access to the child. So she may not be " without a dad " and you said you have nobody you can message me any time if you want :woman_shrugging: even add me on snap just message me you’re name . .

Your daughter is watching you and she’s going to think abuse is normal and end up in the same relationship. Run :running_woman::running_woman::running_woman::running_woman::running_woman::running_woman::running_woman:


Please leave him. <3


Your in a toxic relationship time to leave

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I have so much to say, but I keep it short and sweet. He is an emotional terrorist, who is capitalizing on your diminished self-worth. It’s not going to end until you put an end to it. People only treat you how you let them. When you think about leaving and all of things you think you can’t do come to your mind just know that you can and you will be just fine. Moms have done it for a million years, we find a way no matter what. You don’t have to be scared to leave, rip the Band-Aid off and save yourself and your daughters future. Because more than anything else they are the ones suffering from watching you getting treated like this and it will have a permanent effect on them. There is another guy out there for you who will treat you how you deserve to be treated, who will build you up and not tear you down but only once you have work on your self-worth. You CAN DO THIS. YOU WILL FIND THE STRENGTH YOU NEED TO OVERCOME ALL THE HARDSHIPS. YOU ALREADY HAVE WHAT IT TAKES. If it cant get any worse it can only get better.


Time to end it. When you ask this question on social media, there is a reason you are asking. You already know the answer or you wouldnt ask. You can do this. No it wount be easy but much better than what you are in now.