How do you know when it's time to end a relationship?

Kick his mum and your dumass husband to the curb . Give youself and kids a life yous deserve .

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Why should you leave the home? Kick the toxic people out of your home and get on with your life. Unfortunately this may include your husband, the story does not make him look like a caring, understanding partner


They don’t respect you. Tell MIL if she’s under your roof she’s to help with the chores. You’ve also taken on her other grandkids explain you will be treating them the same as your children if they don’t like it then don’t ask you to have them. If they don’t your best of leaving sounds like your other half is up his mums bum! And regarding the Snapchat your man sounds like a child.

Sounds to me like you’re in an emotionally abusive relationship. What’s worse is that it’s obvious that he’s learned that it’s ok from his mother, because she’s feeding it.

Don’t stay in a relationship because of children. It’s not showing them a healthy relationship to strive for when they are adults.

Tell your husband exactly how you feel and if he does not make an honest effort to change the abusive behavior, then file for divorce. File for an emergency hearing that gives you the right to stay at the house with the children, and he and his evil mother can skedattle


I think you already know the answer babe ,let him find someone else who will do all the shit you do, and put up with all the verbal abuse good luck xx

Run!!! Monster in laws suck, but it’s 7473736363 times worse if he is on her side all the time. Your his wife, you trump mom. Believe me, just run it will never get better. She will always be his number 1. Some women are okay with that second place spot. If you’re not, run run :running_woman:

Eventually no matter how much you love him, every time you look at him your heart will be so cold and distant. You’ll resent him for not protecting you and for not protecting your marriage. You’ll be disgusted with yourself for staying with someone who didn’t value you. The attraction will be completely gone and muddy. He will never see himself doing wrong and he will never see her as doing wrong. He will never accept responsibility for his actions because his mother has always made him think he was perfect. Idk if he is a good man or not, but you need to just run. It’s not worth wasting a few more years fighting for him. His loyalty lies with her and always will I promise. If you leave now, you could find the love of your life. Don’t live with regret.

Also, of course he is accusing you of cheating, he wants you to be the bad guy he desperately pretends you are to make himself feel better and to justify treating you badly. Best of luck :heart::heart:

I’d leave. To start with people who constantly accuse you of cheating tend to do so with a guilty conscience and turn it on you so they don’t feel so bad about what they’ve done.
Secondly, if you’ve taken on children, they need to stay out of it, its your rules and you need to treat them the same as you would your own children, so if they are naughty you tell them off and when their mother makes excuses you tell her straight that you aren’t letting them get away with anything you wouldn’t let your own children get away and if she doesn’t like it find someone else, you done this out if the kindness of your heart but you can’t have the children running all over you expecting to rule the roost! Your house, your rules. And if you want to make your marriage work, which I advise to leave you’d be so much happier, live your life for you not revolve it around an ungrateful man, you need to put your foot down and tell him his mother needs to leave she is the root of the arguments and they aren’t going away with her staying their, its her or you. You don’t expect him to stop having a relationship with his mother but he needs to realise living with her is ruining your relationship and making you miserable!

Take a break. And have time to think. You can do this on your own. Have faith in yourself and do what makes you happy. You don’t need the extra stress. Believe in you. You don’t need him it his excess baggage.

Time to say see ya. Its them or me

There comes a point where u gotta stop being the nice guy. They are treating you like a doormat

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Sorry , but he is giving all the reasons to want to so called cheat , why do men treat there wives / partners so bad , yet expect the woman to stay and take it ? - we are here once on this planet and you need to be happy - YOU NEED TO BE HAPPY! Tell him you have had enough and if things don’t change your leaving , I hope you will put yourself first lovely X

Leave. It’s toxic. And you have poor choices in men. Fix that.


If you’re already thinking it, it means you’re ready to move on to a new chapter of your life. It will be hard but be strong and you’ll find yourself and your happy place again. Life is too short to take crap from people who are meant to be your world but treat you badly :two_hearts:

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Ditch that whole scene tell em to look after themselves… i lose my shit every so often just so my lot see it aint worth it to mess with me…your lot are using you as a servant and a scapegoat and the mothers undermining you. As for the niece and nephew…my sublings know if i have their children they are getting treated EXACTLY the same as i treat mine…for better or for worse so help them God​:rofl::rofl:

Oh and btw…seeing you get treated like dirt is alot more damaging to your daughter then having an absent parent… you are teaching her that how you are being treated is acceptable.


The guilty accuse , and listen to your gut

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This sounds very emotionally abusive. If he is not willing to get help, I hope that you are able to get out.
I know that you don’t want your child to grow up without a father but please consider the damage that his example of how a man treats a woman will do to these children over the years!!
You don’t want you daughter to see this abuse as normal! Every child thinks that their dad is a hero, please don’t let her grow up thinking that this is how men treat the women they love or she may end up in a similar situation.


Long past time run everyone off take care of yourself and your kids

I think you already know the answer or you wouldn’t be having these thoughts and need for clarity. When we seek out things, there is something lacking… The mil will never leave now, this is your life. And it’s yours too do with, and choose, whatever path you want. I think we forget. We forget we are adults and can make our own choices. You don’t have to stay. You don’t have to deal with him and his family. You. don’t. Have. To. Do anything. You have the power. Good luck


The time to leave is now!

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Give up and get them out your house wtf.? His toxic so is his mother by sounds of things.


It too much stress and he does nothing to help the situation but only add more to it one piece of advice once your mother in law is there your household would not be peaceful is either she goes or you leave. I understand kids are involve but you are not happy and always stress kids are smart they will pick up on these thing and it not a healthy environment for neither u or them or physical and mental being is affected.


I’m sorry you’ve been living a toxic life for the last forever…his mama would have another thing coming if she thought she was gonna rule my household… my mama lives with me and she gets an earful if she over steps the bounds of the household hierarchy. Nope, you don’t deserve that.


Literally now. Don’t walk out take the kids and run. Sadly he already took 7yrs from you, don’t let him take another second. It is not your job to cut everyone you love off and take care of his family while getting beat down emotionally by everyone.


Here’s my question, if your daughter was going through the same thing what would you tell her to do? If it wouldn’t be good enough for her to go through then it’s not good enough for you. And just because she is not going through it she is seeing the behavior and she is going to think that’s how it’s supposed to be. You deserve to be happy, if your happy your babies will be happy.


Sweet girl… it is time. Let me tell you what I wish someone would have told me: your babies don’t need a family that stays together because of the kids. Your kids need a happy family, even if that means thats not with each other. Your kids are seeing this behavior and thinking it is okay and will use that as their model for healthy realtionships. The happier you are and the more opportunity you have to blossom and thrive, the better off your kids, and you, will be.


How do you feel about him ? Do you still love him ? Have you talked to him ? Is he willing to listen and change ? Have you tried couples therapy ? If you are unhappy things have to change. So be straight up with him and tell him things have to change or you are gone.
And just because you leave him doesn’t mean you are taking your daughters dad away. He can still be a dad and not be in a relationship with you. That is on him not you.


A home will never be a happy, healthy one if mom isn’t happy. It sounds like he is choosing his family over you and that’s never okay and it never stops. He should put you before everyone. He doesn’t value your opinion, work, self esteem or you. In my opinion this sounds like a toxic relationship and your kids will be fine and happy with a single mom as long as you are happy.


Don’t stay with him for your daughter. Kids pick up on the stress between parents so easily and it can make an enormous impact on her. She’s honestly better off with 2 separate households. The situation can always be explained to her. If you’re afraid of her getting upset, that is still 100% better than keeping her in a toxic household. All that creates is damage that is so hard to unlearn.


I have a dear friend who has lived with verbal abuse for years. Now she is in her sixties and says how she wished had left a long time ago. If you can honestly see the situation getting better then stay. If not save yourself from more heartache. So sorry for what you are going thru. Pray about it!

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I feel like this is a very toxic situation. Coming from a domestic violence survivor. Take your daughter and run. If he’s keeping you from family and friends, then that is a form of abuse. If you wouldn’t want your daughter to live this way then do the same for her. Plus it’s not healthy for her to live in that kind of environment, where I’m sure there is a lot of yelling and arguing. Prayers for you :pray::pray:


Normally, I am a huge supporter of trying to work it out, especially with therapy. HOWEVER, in this case you Need to LEAVE. There are lots of types of abuse. It sounds like you’re experiencing emotional abuse. This is not save for you or your children. Your daughter is watching how your husband treats you and that may be the standard by which she has future relationships. Definitely call a community agency that helps people experiencing DV and abuse. Definitely, set up a safe way to leave.


No one can tell you when it’s time, but listen to your gut, talk to your daughter, she’s probably wishing you would realize just how bad it is for quite awhile. I am always available to listen if you need too. I pray God be with you and help and comfort.

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It’s time to leave now and since you already had two before with a different dads please be focused on your kids now. It’ll be hard to be a single mom these days but believe me it’s all worth it. Focus on becoming a better mother for your kids don’t take another man in your life. Make yourself a priority and you’ll never be feeling less we don’t need someone to validate ourselves. Pray and ask guidance. :blush:


Run and fast. You need to protect your self and your children. You don’t want your children thinking it’s okay for a man to treat a women like a slave. Get your life back, your daughter can still have her dad in her life but you guys deserve much better


I am not sure what to say except I am so sorry you are going through this. My initial thought was that you should leave. Take your kids with you and leave him with the mom, nephew, and niece. Separation might be good to help you think and help him see things differently. You don’t need someone putting you down all the time. If he can’t understand what’s happened and work on the problems with you, then he doesn’t deserve you.


I believe it’s time to leave. It sounds like he doesn’t trust you if he’s going through your phone and he’s a mommy’s boy if he’s siding with her on everything. Right now, your daughter is seeing this and she needs to know that it’s not healthy. You need to take care of yourself first before you can take care of her so getting out is the best thing. I have been where you are and believe me, my kids still saw their dad. Hope everything works out for you guys.


Start taking care of yourself. You can’t take care of others if your running on empty. If they can’t deal with that call it quits. You are human and can only do so much.


Oh Damn!! I’d honestly beat some ass but hey that’s me.
Boundaries should have been in place day one. Unfortunately it’s a little late for that except for the sheer fact that it is your home!
Hubby’s got to back you up. He has to or it’ll never end.
My monster in law, accused me of so many things and it took my husband to stand up to her for her to realize that I’m his wife no matter what! Get out now. I promise you won’t regret it.


It’s already tht time. You’ve given 7 yrs.
Unfortunately your mil has made things 10x harder for you. And has made your relationship toxic. He also is showing how insecure he is along with not sticking up for you.
Good luck :heartbeat:


It’s time. He is more than likely cheating himself if hes projecting that insecurity and paranoia on you. Let him and his mother have at it and peace out. You and your kids deserve better than this.


Only you will know when enough is finally enough. My only input on your situation is this: your daughter is watching how you’re being treated and accepting it as normal. I’m sure you don’t want her to choose a life partner with these same traits and behaviors. As I said, only you know when you’ve had enough, but your children are watching and learning from your relationship.


A toxic situation can cause severe depression. If mom can jump up and clean and do laundry. Be ready to tell him everything she did and you didn’t then sounds like shes healthy enough to move out. Sometimes you gotta worry about you and yours first. Before anyone else. If you have given it everything and at the end you have nothing more to give yourself or your babys then its sadly time to move on.


If your asking then deep down you know it’s time…long overdue. Your daughter will be better seeing mommy happy. If he chooses to be a father, he will be one together or separated. Being a father is more than living under the same roof. Best of luck to you and your babies, you deserve to put yourself first. I second what someone said about him cheating, his guilty conscious is getting the best of him.


I think the best way in first place learn to put boundaries for everyone. Bc if you finish it now you will fall in another relationship like that again and again!
-Tell your husband to find a place for his mom.
-Stop him when he try to put you down.
-Do that like a training for yourself. Spend more time for you and friends.
-meanwhile try to get you strong both mental and economic.
When you can do those, he will accept or not, so you have a choice also, you are good trained to be yourself. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You need to get out now. Take your kids leave and dont look back. You need to take care of you and your children. I learned the hard way. Its time for you to be happy again, its time for you and your children to heal together and start a new healthy and happy life.


I unfortunately went through something similar… Lived with my mil for yrs… It was absolutely horrible… She was the same way… Always telling me what I was doing wrong or how to do things… Even taking care of my child… But I couldn’t say anything because he would basically take his mom’s side or his sisters would step in… I stayed… But it definitely didn’t get any better… Js!

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This sounds like emotional and mental abuse. Both from your husband and his mother. It sounds like it’s been happening from pretty much day one. As for your daughter not having her father? The only reason she wouldn’t have him after a split would be if he decided he didn’t want to be in her life and if he decides that, then good riddance! I won’t sugar coat it. It’s going to be hard. BUT it’s not going to be any harder than what you’re going through right now. Don’t think of it as giving up on your relationship. You know the time is up when you’re here questioning and you have nowhere else to turn. His mother and your husband has almost effectively isolated you from all your friends and your family. Reconnect with them. Reach out for help. Move out. Make sure you take your kids when you go. Get a court order put into place before they get your daughter. The ONLY reason I’m saying this is because if they are that controlling and manipulative when it comes to running your house, they will do everything in their power to take your daughter away from you. Don’t let them. Protect yourself and your children. You, and possibly your children (if nothing else they might have seen or heard the abuse), have been abused for years. Get out and surround yourself with people who care about you, will help protect you and your children, and where you can get help.


I suggest doing what I did. Start out by writing a list. A list of things he does that bother you and causing you to think ending your marriage. Categorize them. What are things you can live with, with tweaks, what are things that need to be addressed and compromised on and what are absolute things you need changed. Ask him to do the same. Have a conversation where everything gets put on the table( I suggest a restaurant with outdoor seating, so you know it’s just you and him talking, and, you know most likely an argument will not happen, at least not immediately) this conversation needs rules and a safe word. The safe word is to be used when you or him feel like the conversation is getting off track or to heated. Take 5 minutes change the subject, after the 5 minutes get back on task. Rules are No negativity, No blaming, No name calling, No raising the voice, No walking away, No excuses,and No invalidation, also you both need to be clear in what you expect at the end of this Finally, set a date for a reasonable time. ( 90 days is what we did, if after 90 days things had not changed at all or changed and went back or were inconsistent we knew neither would be dedicated to fully commit to changing to make the other happier)If after all this, you both can’t agree or things aren’t changed by the set date than you can walk and no you did everything you could.


I admire your willingness to be open. It takes a brave women to do that. You’ve been disrespected, taken advantage of, controlled, isolated, and verbally abused for sometime now. Yet and still you don’t want to leave because of your daughter who i’m sure is witnessing this or feels your unhappiness. When you get tired, you’ll leave; no excuses…


Sometimes enough is enough and you just have to walk away it sounds to me like he is a controlling ass


My initial reaction was tell your MIL its time for her to go but then I read about him accusing you of cheating all the time and… it’s time for you to go. Get out. It doesn’t get any better.


Wow, I’m sure that’s a lot for you to have on your shoulders and I hope you some relief by spilling it all out. I can relate to some of your story, my best advice would be do what makes you happy!! That’s the most important thing. If your not happy with where you are at in life it’s going to show. Your kids will catch on. I can tell you from experience that more than likely the person who is accusing you of cheating is cheating themselves. I’m so sorry your going through this. As moms we got to do what’s best for ourselves and our kids.


You know it’s time if you have to ask the question. I truly wish you the best in this situation. Be strong and start making your plans and move in silence.


Unfortunately if you are asking then it is time to walk away. If he is any kind of man he will still be involved in your daughters life. Best of luck to you.


You are being mentally, emotionally, and verbally abused. That is never ok. Either seek out marriage counseling (if your both willing) or it’s definitely time to leave. You deserve better. Your kids deserve better.


Don’t walk run take your kids and don’t look back. He can live with mommy. Let her take care of him.


Take care of yourself first so you can take care of others. Mother in law needs to leave. Not good for your marriage. Seek counseling after mom leaves. You found something to love about him try to rekindle that love for yourself and the children.


Well sounds like you know what you have to do and not to be mean his momma is not that sick if she is able to get up switch laundry sweep floors and do other house cleaning and tell her son what she has done


Life is too short… tell him how you feel & set boundaries if he can’t handle that then get out fast… good luck :four_leaf_clover:


That relationship was over the moment he started calling you worthless. Leave him. It’s better for the kids to not have their parents together than to witness a toxic relationship and think that it’s okay to be treated like that or treat others like that. Love yourself, take care of yourself and do yourself a huge favor… LEAVE HIM.

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Get out now. Ur daughter will be effected by your stress and the tention in the house. Trust me i been through it. It doesnt get better only worse.


If you are staying just for the sake of your daughter having her Dad, think about this. First of all she would still have him for visitation probably like your other two see their father. But most importantly the damage that’s being done to ALL three of your children by witnessing their mother being treated this way is all the reason you need to leave. They would benefit from seeing you be strong enough to stand up for yourself and walk away, rather than see you stay and belittled every day. It would be a much healthier environment for them to grow up in. Part of being a good mom and role model is loving yourself too.

They are all disrespecting you. Your husband especially should not do that. It sounds to me like he is using you to benefit him and his family. Your kids do not need to be exposed to that kind of relationship. It affects them negatively to be exposed to that type of relationship. I would take my kids and get out. You deserve so much more. Trust me, I’ve been through this. Don’t waste anymore time on him. Good luck.

It sounds like you already know your answer. Divorcing Dad won’t remove him from your daughter’s life. But it will prevent her from learning through example that the way you are treated is acceptable.

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Do you want your daughter to end up in this type of marriage. No you don’t. By accepting this you are teaching her it is okay. Sorry but the relationship you are in is a mentally abusive one. Leave before it becomes physical.

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Sounds like he’s controlling and planned all this, I would get now before you loose your family and loose all your self control, how can you take care of your children if you’re not the best version of you. Good luck xx

Run. This will never get better. Your daughter deserves a happy mom and if that means you are not with her dad anymore, then that’s what it means. You are in an abusive relationship. Emotionally and verbally for sure. You are alienated from your family and friends. If this isn’t something you think would be ok for a friend or for your daughter, then you need to leave. The sooner the better. Hugs and lots of love your way!!

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Sounds like you are everyone’s slave and don’t have any me time! And you are not appreciated! Perhaps seek a professional counselor and get some advice. Maybe things will change if your husband realizes you aren’t going to put up with this any longer. Personally I would make plans to take my kids and leave

Your a good person. It sounds like you need a counselor someone neutral to talk to. You also need a break I don’t know if the kids are in school but I know in some states if you are seeing someone and they feel you need time to your self but you can’t afford day care. The counselor can’t write a note for social services for you to get 3-4 hours a day where the kids go to day care for your mental health.

That is literally my love story so I completely understand. Right now I ask myself that daily and if any of it is worth it. And quiet honestly it’s not. I’d leave and never look back. I wish I had that strength

It been enough, time to move on. You know you deserve better and this is not the life you want to continue living.

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The time has come!!
Get out now! I know it may be hard but you’re obviously not happy and if he’s accusing you of cheating, thing will only go down hill.
Leave now, it’s better for you and for your kids!!!
Best of luck to you, go find your happiness!

I will say this… in my opinion, it’s ultimatum time. First of all, you’re grown you don’t need his permission to have Snapchat… what they actual heck?! Second, this is your damn house not hers. Either she goes or you go… he has a choice. What he chooses is your answer. I’ve been married 21 years and I really don’t believe in divorce but when you’re being mistreated and belittled in your own home and made to feel less then… aw hell no! Best of luck!

Put his and his moms stuff out in the curb, if he accuse you of cheating then he is or has done something himself. Trust me I lived with a man forc24 years married 22 years and everytime he accuse me of cheating it was him the whole time!!!

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It sounds more like you need to put your foot down and stop letting your MIL run the house. Go to counseling and get support but standing up for yourself is the first step. Then putting serious boundaries down for your husband, MIL and the rest of his family. Yes you have to be respectful but that’s your home and she is a guest not the other way. Please go and talk with a Therapist

Leaving would be the best thing for your daughter sweety. She is learning from you what to tolerate in a relationship so make sure she knows how you’re being treated is NOT ok and leave. What would you tell her to do if she was in a relationship like this? Also, I’ve found most people who speak ill towards you are projecting…if they call you worthless it’s because they feel like they are. His mom doesn’t have a home of her own so she probably doesn’t feel so great about herself and takes it out on you. And if someone accuses you of cheating they most likely are. You deserve better than this and I hope you find happiness. Hugs.

Take your kids and get out, why in earth is his mother still living with you, your very kind looking after his nephew and niece but you have to out yourself and your children first

Sweetheart it’s sad to say but you have been done for a long time…you being so miserable will affect the children and yes it is fine that he helped Momma but this is your home she moved into not the opposite she should not be so into your business no matter when you wash dry or even do laundry and your man should stand with you against everyone even his Momma he chose you and she should respect your marriage so honey you are done as I said and have been for awhile I am So so Sorry :smiling_face_with_tear:

Sounds like you’ve made you’re decision but you’re not confident in taking the next steps. You only get one chance at life at you need to make as many happy memories as you can and do what’s best for you and your babies :heart: I wish you all the luck and I hope reading through these posts help you to have the confidence to do what’s right for you :heart::heart:

The right time is NOW …this relationship is way to toxic for you or your children so for once think about you own worth and self being x

Kick em out. Its your house & u guys decide on who to share it with. Tell him his family there isn’t helping the situation. & if he doesn’t listen or understand where you’re coming from then it’s time for u to leave. I was in a situation exactly like this so I feel your pain. & the accusations of cheating are probably bcuz hes doing it… he must be trying to make u feel bad so he doesnt…

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Kids grow up in the environment around them. Seeing their mom treated like that makes it ok for them to treat you or others like that. You and the kids deserve better

You have to really do some serious thinking. If you can maybe bring up how you feel to your hubby and have a talk about it and he actually listens, then maybe he will start to understand. But if he blows you off and doesn’t even try to listen to you, maybe it’s time to leave. Marriage doesn’t work without communication and understanding. Things will never change for you if he isn’t by your side on this. My heart hurts for you. I just recently had my divorce finalized. My ex cheated on me, but over 18 years of being together and 17 years of marriage, I dealt with his drinking and sometimes physically abuse and lies and too many things to list. You need to do what’s best for you and your children. God bless you, and I will pray for you!

“Better for a child to live in two happy homes than one unhappy.” ~ancient proverb… jk… I heard a friend say that once, but it sure seemed brilliant to me.


This is my opinion on the matter…in my experience (married for 7 yrs total time together 9 yrs 3 kiddos together) i kept making excuses to stay all of them were for everyone except myself. When I finally came to the realization that if I’m not happy it also affects the kiddos nothing changed. Living separately doesn’t mean they won’t have 2 parents it means they will have 2 parents that are present if your relationship is toxic. So with that if you are miserable don’t waste another min!!

When you have to question the situation it’s time… but honestly you already knew that… and never allow a man to treat you in such a way that your kids learn those behaviors and think it’s okay. Meaning if you have sons you don’t want him to treat woman that way and you definitely don’t want your daughter to think that it’s okay for a man to treat her in such a way… it is definitely your time to heal and love yourself again… good luck

A lot going on in the household. A married couple shouldn’t have a parent living with them. Under these circumstances the mother-in law is capable to live on her own. If the husband takes his mother’s side instead of his wife then there’s trust issues and weighs down the marriage. Without trust there isn’t a marriage. Perhaps the mother is a perfectionist and there’s no pleasing her especially if she doesn’t want her son married at all…who knows. A separation is needed in my opinion.

Start hiding some money away, make a plan and run. Some of the things you are saying they’re doing to you is actually abuse. If you have to, call the domestic violence hotline. They will help you I promise. And as far as your daughter goes, know this. Children learn what they hear and see. Father or not, do you want her thinking it’s ok as she grows to be with a man like her father? RUN :running_man:

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All I have to say is if your unhappy then leave… dont stick around and be stuck… for you… I was married for 12 years… and found out he didnt love me for 10 of the 12… i feel like he took most of my life from me…

Having someone live with you except your husband and children is really a nightmare. Get all your kids and leave your husband with his mother. You do not want to waste another 7 years of your life with them, do you? Make up your mind while it is never yet too late.

In short, none of your kids need a mom that can’t be herself. They deserve to grow up knowing their real mom, not a stressed, emotionally abused woman.

Do you have a safe place for you and your daughter to go?
Are you in a financial position to do so?
Do you have family or friends you can rely upon?
Make a plan. Use a phone of someone you trust and call a lawyer.
You need to know where you’re running to before you take off.

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Why does it matter if you clean or if she cleans? To me, the family sounds toxic. Unless your sitting down watching tv all day everyday and living in a gross house…it really shouldn’t matter who does what since you all live in the house. I’m assuming MIL is well enough to pitch in and clean since she does live in your house. Of the roles was reversed and you lived in her house…she’d expect you to clean it as well. Your husband and children should also be cleaning! If you live there and get meals there and a bed and a hot shower…well you can keep it clean together.

And if your husband is telling you that you’re worthless…well I’m sorry girl but the entire husband appears to be broken.

I personally don’t really understand snap chat lol I never really liked it cause it just causes fights lol it’s literally an app to send pictures to other people and basically nothing else. Besides filters. But he should be able to easily tell since he went through your phone that you don’t have all these pictures coming and going. But if he’s always accusing you of cheating…that’s a warning sign girl that maybe he’s feeling guilty about what he’s doing.

You have your hands too full with this family. And if your nephew is living with you…why is his mother on your case? She can take her kids back. You’re doing a kindness to your husbands toxic family and you’re getting no appreciation…that’s your wake up call girl to get out and leave

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Take your kids and leave,and if his mom is so sick?how is she doing all this housework???kick them all out!! Or mom,niece, nephew can all get a place together, problem solved!!!

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Most of the time, when men accuse their wife of cheating, it is the other way around. They manifest their guilt by trying to frame their wife of their own cheating. Try to talk to your husband, Only the two of you can fix or destroy whatever relationship you have now.

Girl, no woman wants a man child! There is a huge difference of being there for your family members or growing up with the umbilical cord still attached as a grown ass man. His Mom sounds like she’s competing with you and may think if she does this, it secures get a place in his home and in his life vs being a mom to both of you and being thankful she’s been taken in.

Just my 02:
With 3 kids, pay down your debts as fast as possible while saving up cash to cover expenses for a move, EF and a retainer for an attorney.

Then file for divorce and make them leave. I’d be telling him that he’s forgotten he’s a grown married man and I’d be telling both of them separately that they need to learn how to be an adult son and mother and to cut the umbilical cord it he’ll forever be a man child.

Don’t let your boys and your daughter grow up thinking this kind of behavior is ok. You support the efforts of family members. You pitch in. You don’t tear each other down and you certainly don’t instigate fights.

I’m angry for you!

I dont know how old your daughter is but your children need to grow up in a healthier environment and see the way you were living wasn’t normal or acceptable. Do whats best for you and your children, you’re not responsible for the care of his family.

You need to put your foot down or leave. Let your voice be heard. They know they can walk all over you. If that doesnt work then go. If you get no happiness for your relationship then there probably isn’t any at all. It’s not worth it.

It looks like he never took in account of how you feel about his family over taking your home
Do a trial separation see how that work 1month 2 months your choice. Stay with a friend or family that can accommodate you and the kids or they move out and get a apartment