How do you know when it's time to end a relationship?

You don’t want my answer you’d know what it would be

Run as fast as you can

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Been there done that, get out now

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Kick his ass to the curb🤷🏻‍♀️

E xit stage left asap. He his showing you how he feels you just aren’t picking up the cues. Save yourself and your new baby, you must take care of you so you can take care of the little one.

Four or five times ago…

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He will never change. You think he will, you think it will get better, it won’t. You will always wonder. Spare yourself and your unborn child and leave the relationship. You will be happier in the end. He will continue to lie to you to your face and continue to sleep with other women. Don’t be a doormat to him! You deserve so much better love :heart:
The more chances you give someone, the less they value you. They’re not afraid to lose you bc no matter what, you won’t walk away. Never let someone get to comfortable with disrespecting you!!

Leave him unless you wanna be in an unhappy relationship…

One question why are you with him? If you say you love him, then what is it you love about him?.. do you have answers now ? Cause I honestly couldn’t think of one reason why I would be with him, except maybe it is a narcissistic relationship and you think you love him but truthfully you don’t, cause there is nothing there to love. Does he support you? Why are you wasting your time on a boy who supports other women and not you? 5 years from now once you have left you will look back and think wow that’s 5 years of my life I can’t get back. Just leave and save yourself the wasted time.

Run now nothing will change he is not the one that will do anything for u

Sounds like its past time to send him down the road. Then you can find some one to truly love you ! Life’s too short to live like that !:unamused:

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The first sentence you said in this post is the time to end the relationship. Texting another woman is cheating regardless if he’s met them or not. You’ll thrive a lot better on your own without a horrible person brining you down. Ditch him work on yourself then when your not looking someone who deserves you will fall in place :heart:

You are setting the example for your child’s future relationships. Is this what you want your child’s future to look like? Always wondering if they are loved? Feeling betrayed? Feeling cheated? Doesn’t matter if he’s having sex with other women or not. You are being cheated out of a healthy and happy relationship. If you are having to ask yourself if you are being used and cheated, then the answer is yes. Always yes.

Once a cheat always a cheat Sorry your going through this please leave you can do better than this he should be taking care of treating your a lady helping around making nice meals doing house work :broom: you And the baby comes first that’s important right now go to a women’s refuge and they will help you hope you have family and close friend by you hope you get the help you want and good luck with the baby hun x :heart:

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This is the shape of things to come. Do you want to care for this grown baby along with your child? Believe me, it’s easier with just the one!

Leave. He don’t deserve you and isn’t ready for this new responsibility of being a father if he can’t respect the mother

You deserve better hun! Find someone who is proud to show you off and love you! It’s hard but you got this. I’ve been there. I raised two kids all on my own no child support and full custody. It was hard but the best decision I ever made.

I’d leave now, before if he doesn’t respect you now, who knows if he ever will… if he doesn’t seem to care now, having his baby isn’t going to make any difference sweetheart… if you don’t like being treated like this and you have a daughter, then leave and teach her how she should be treated correctly…

First off if your asking this question and doing all you say. You already know the answer.
Secondly your looking for validation for what he’s doing. I know how your feeling. Don’t feel guilty at all WHEN you finally decided what your gonna do.
Thirdly as long as you keep letting him get away with it he’s gonna keep doing it.
And last but not least you and your baby don’t deserve being treated like that.
I did it. The streets were more important to the Love of my life then our family was. It took me a minute to get my wits about everything. But I packed me house and kids up and moved.
But I was still there for him until the day he died. And believe me it was hard. At the time I let go of a 12 yr. relationship. But every year after I still received my anniversary card. So we were together but not. I was a single mom of three boys. And thanks to no one but me. My sons are gentlemen and know how to treat a woman.
So see it can be done. Oh also don’t keep your kid away from him unless that’s what turns into. And never talk bad about the father. Because if you do the opposite it. He will turn it into your fault.

Try counseling, just a suggestion. You are already moody, your pregnant. Complaining about everything is no good.

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You already know the answer. Leave you are the only one in the relationship. You and your child deserve better.

Oh you know the answer already. It was going through you head when you though he was cheating… You are too beautiful to have to wonder if your enough. I was with my ex husband for 15 years with a newborn… best thing ever! You can do it on your own… trust me… it will be hard, but not as hard as you always wondering if he’s cheating, or who he’s talking too.

It will never stop, please get out you will be so much happier

You need to take care of you.
It seems u care way to much for him.
He not going change . Get while u can !

Just leave him, if he doesn’t care about you now that you are pregnant he will never will. You mentioned he lets you walked home after work smh in my opinion he is not worth it.

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Leave & level up . Just because your pregnant doesn’t mean you can’t move on.

Sounds like a one sided relationship

My wife and i have been having lots of problem living together, she never gives me attention or make me happy all because she has fallen in love with another man outside our marriage. I tried my best to make sure that my wife leaves this man but the more i talk to her about it the more she makes me feel sad and unhappy, my marriage started leading to divorce because she no longer gives me attention. but seriously i adore her so much, I lost my integrity, all my project stopped, i was DOWN for 3 months both Health-wise and mentally. I tried to forget about her but i love her beyond measure and didn’t want to lose her to any man outside my home, we’ve been married for 5 good years and she’s all i could call a true best friend and best in all, she’s the only woman that handles my problems perfectly, the woman that sacrifices for my happiness. I wanted her back in my life. I was so confused. Until a Friend from college told me to book an appointment with PROFESSOR LAGO, whom she claimed she had been consulting for years for “CLARITY”. I read about him and saw his family has been in the business and he picked it right off from his father, also had lot of great amazing testimonies about this man then I decided to give him a try so i contacted him immediately, explained my predicament to him. Same day PROFESSOR LAGO did some Wonderful prayers and counseling for me and assured me that in 3 days my wife will return to me and to my greatest surprise the 2nd day my wife came knocking on my door and start pleading begging me for forgiveness. I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that, we are about to say our vows again, i proposed. And I wouldn’t stop talking about this miraculous hand work of God so for any assistance Contact him today if you need his help via email address: or WhatsApp him: +2347060550594. and you will see that your problem can be solved without any Delay.

Hes lying… and cheating

It is time for you to
Pack up and leave


You gotta take care of yourself too
To be able to take care of the kids
It’s too much for you at the moment
Time to take a break and figure it out
You don’t have to stay somewhere you are suspected of doing something daily or are not appreciated


Its been time by the way it sounds! Let them deal with all the stress!


He sounds very controlling. I was going to say talk to him about his family and how they need change but it doesn’t sound like he will listen. I think its time to leave.


Leave now, you’re not appreciated.


It was time to leave when Mommy Dearest didn’t.


It’s time to go, darling.


Life is too short to be unhappy all the time.
I totally understand that you don’t want your daughter to have to be occasionally be away from her dad…but they can still have a good relationship…even if you and him do not.
And…what advice would you give your daughter if she were to ever date a man like that?


Run and never look back.

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Girl by the sounds of it you already no the answer. Its time for you to go. Your kids will be fine. Better to have two happy homes then 1 miserable 1.


They both sound like narcissistic people. There will be no winning. Trust me my marriage was the same. I wasted 18 years of my life thinking i could fix him…you cant.


Time to move on to someone that cares about you. If Mom can clean the house before your husband gets home then his Mom should be able to move out on her own with the nephew and niece. If your husband doesn’t like it pack up and leave. He’s taking full advantage of you.

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The one accusing you is the one who normally stands behind that door . I would say now is the time to leave , for your daughter and your own happiness , you are your own person too


Girl, it is time to move on.


Your more patient than me! I wouldn’t tolerate mummy’s behaviour

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It’s not harmful to kids staying in an unhealthy relationship than it is to separate and create two healthy homes for them. If you feel you are ready to depart from your husband, than it’s time. If you are not happy, it’s time. If he can’t trust you, it’s time. If you don’t have trust, you don’t have anything.

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He’s cheating. Get out!!! Run like hell girl

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Now is a good time. He seems more happy with his mum anyway the jerk!


My ex accused me of cheating, come to find out it was him cheating. It’s time to leave.

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If you even have to ask, you already have your answer.


You have to take care of you if you’re gonna take care of anyone else. I cant even imagine how you’re dealing with all those ppl in your house! Much props to you! If your husband doesn’t show any appreciation, love, affection, or any respect its time to go! Hes nonstop accusing you of cheating, does he have a guilty conscience? You’re not going to harm your kids if you leave a bad situation. They will see that you are making things better and that you’re not going to put up with the disrespect and constant accusations. Move on! Easier said than done I know but it is time.

Ultimately you have to be ready , we can give you the same advise but it’s up to you. Your daughter will cope with a divorce and having 2 homes. Ask yourself this question (its the question that helped me make the final decision) do you want your daughter to grow up thinking that it’s ok for someone to treat her like that? If the answer is no then show her it’s not ok and stand up for your happiness by leaving and making a happy home for you and your children away from all of that craziness.

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Mayb it’s time to move out. And have some YOU and your kids time.

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It’s unhealthy to stay if you aren’t happy. My ex and I are no longer together and the kids are better for it. So are we :slightly_smiling_face:
There is light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t stay where you aren’t loved right.

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You need out,not from your marriage but from the house.make friends or take out your girl cousins and go have fun marriage doesn’t mean you have to be a super woman no leave mother in-law to work in your house she wants to mos, young or not make effort with your body buy new clothes and try out new hairstyle also…he will come around,as for the accusations of cheating as long as you know you are innocent don’t try to proof a point … and last but not least also get someone from your family moved in your house and if he has a problem with them the his nephew and niece must go… stand your ground you ain’t his child you are his wife and you have 50% over what must happen in that house

The part where you say you dont want your daughter to not have a dad i think you should show her to not let any one treat her the way her dad treats you because later if she finds someone like that she might think its ok to just stay and after all those year that you have given to him and to everybody else its time for you to do something for you start by taking care of you because girl we just get older by the day dont waste your life on someone that doesnt respect you. Your kids will understand… Good luck and best wishes will be praying for you


I’d been gone along time ago

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You answered your own question.
She wants to run the house, get your own place & let her have at it.
That environment is not healthy for your kids.

The time to leave is now!!!


I wouldn’t be happy in such a toxic environment. Your children see when you are unhappy and it takes a toll on them as well. Do what you need to focus on you and don’t let that bad energy drag you down

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Yeah sounds like you should let his mom keep raising him

It would be them or me!

She’ll still have a father it’s just as important to have a happy mother. And unhealthy relationship is not good for the kids. I felt the same way with my kids dad. We had 5 kids I was gunna stay for them and I did for awhile but I didn’t wNt them to think an unhealthy relationship was normal. So I left n I have zero regrets


My 15 year old daughter is amazing, despite never having her dad and/or Grandparents that have already passed on

Now !!! You cannot be a prisoner in your own home, and you certainly shouldn’t be second fiddle to his mother !!! I was in the same boat years ago and finally did walk away best move I ever made. I am now in a loving relationship with a man that treats me like a princess. While ever you allow yourself to be treated awfully and don’t close that door no other door can possibly open . It’s hard babe . Good luck x


Its time to leave!! RUN!! I am moving out this week abd leaving my husband, this week, due to his 21 year old daughter coming around for 1 month, after never being in our lives the whole 6 years, that we have been together and trying to take over my house and take control of his life. Im not sticking around to watch it happen and the bitch will not ever run my life!! Tour mental heath will go to hell real fast!! In a month, mine has, to wishing for death!! I snapped out of that, real fast and am walking away!! (Shes a recent heroin and fentenyl addict only in recovery a little over a month)

Sorry your going through this. I would definitely move out if that’s possible. No one deserves to be treated like that. The fact that he doesn’t compliment your picture or stand up for you… says it all.


If you are asking this question you already know and are seeking validation. Don’t ever settle for anything less than you deserve!


You know it’s time when you are ready to start over.
I’m sorry you’re going through it.

That is waayy too much, I couldn’t do it, I would walk away. No one deserves that treatment!


Sounds like you’re unhappy, talk to him. Express how you feel and if nothing changes move on.

Sounds like it’s time to me !!!

Those don’t seem like huge reasons to give up on someone. Just talk it out. Him not trusting u is a problem tho. But although I do disagree with snapchat in relationships. So there is problems with both of that. His mom doing the work an helping isn’t a problem. U could be doing those things first if u wanted too. But them calling u lazy is fucked up if they do use those words an call u worthless. If they aren’t saying that an ur just upset she’s helping then u need to chill out and stop assuming. And if they don’t want u saying anything about someone else’s kid that isn’t yours, then fine. Cause it isn’t your kid. I’d just keep your mouth shut about that in my opinion cause it just caused problems.
And the thing with him not calling u beautiful, yes we deserve to be uplifted and all but not everybody is aware to do those things. Talk to him, talk talk talk. That’s all I can say. Communication is a big de in relationships. I don’t think it’s time to give up. These seem like minor things.

Sad to say it’s if you really have come to the point where you ask this out loud to other people should tell you it’s probably best to separate. It sounds unhealthy and quite frankly that doesn’t do the kids any good to stay in a toxic relationship either.


I don’t know you but I know that “profile”… LEAVE NOW WHILE YOU ARE STILL ABLE", go somewhere Safe & Far Away… It’s only going to get worse :disappointed_relieved: Sorry you are in this situation

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You need to either take back your home and relationship and go to couples counseling or walk away , leaving doesn’t mean she wont have her dad it just means you wont have to be unhappy in your own home. I would stop drop and roll meaning put out tbe fire and set boundaries with his mom and his treatment of you .


Take care of you first… everything else will fall into place. But you have to be solid to be solid for the ones you love the most.

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The mom doesn’t seem sick anymore. She should be on her own running her own house if she can run your house.


You need some fresh air

You need to give him an ultimatum! You or them, if he doesn’t agree then at least you tried!

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You need to speak these exacts words to him and demands changes, even if some are requested from you too. If that can’t happen, it’s time to go. And if mom can do all that shit, she can do it in her own house. The kids are a different story…bc theyre kids and defenseless, but y’all MUST get on the same page. However, never ever loose yourself for anyone else. Period.

Firstly I find it strange he going through your phone? And accusing you of cheating. That would be the first sign he is hideing something or cheating him self. Living with other people family or not pits a statin on relationships. I think it’s time to think about your self and happiness and leaving doesn’t mean your daughter will not have a father.


Yikes. People (the majority of responses given) are so quick to split and divorce.

If you haven’t, sit down and have this exact conversation with him. Let him know how you feel about it all. Also give ways that you think would improve the overall situation. MIL should be the priority in leaving the house before you. Nephews don’t get special treatment. Then you go from there.


Girl go! She can still see him, but you need to live your life for you :two_hearts:


Get out now. Before it’s too late.


Nope none of that sounds good. I’m gonna guess you have at least attempted to talk to him only for him to start a fight over it. If he keeps you from your own family but expects you to take care of his family thats bs. I would run not walk and never look back.


Leave him. You can do better than this

It’s time to give up.

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Imo if you are already asking yourself if it’s time to leave… you’ve already made up your mind. Idk why the MIL is still in your house if she isn’t sick. And as for the cheating garbage from your husband? Is he projecting??? Cause it sounds like it. Also being kept from family and friends is a form of abuse.


Get the hell out and let
his mom have him

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Now! Please educate yourself on narcissism and abuse!


She needs to cut the apron strings and Respect you as his wife your husband also needs to Respect you which they both are not. Leave while u can he can live with her it will only get worse. It’s the ones that accuse the partners of cheating that are the cheaters to.


Just because y’all split up doesn’t mean he can’t be in her life. Unless he doesn’t want to continue still being apart of her life but either way his relationship with his daughter is on him not you. Only he can mess that up, plus most kids just want their parents to be happy not miserable. This is definitely emotional abuse and he’s isolating you as well.

If you split up it doesn’t mean that your kid won’t have a father, just means you won’t live together. It is an adjustment, no doubt, but even though kids may not see it when they’re younger, as they get older they understand why you did what you did and they’d prefer to have separated parents than parents in a toxic, horrible relationship. He’s being a mad dickhead right now from what you’ve said and there’s no way with that attitude that you’ll be able to talk to him, so cut your losses now and leave him with his psychotic mother!

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Never stay in a relationship to benefit your child! You’re doing more harm than good for the child.


Sweetie this sounds like mental abuse. He shouldn’t be accusing you of cheating and he needs to stand up for you not put you down. His mother would go or I would. I would not be made to feel like I couldn’t be free. Its your life but I wouldn’t put up with it

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Girl… if you have to ask yourself or others this. Then deep inside you already know what to do.

You always need to put urself first too and if the mom isnt happy… no one is happy.

It’s hard to leave… no one wants to ask themselves if they did all they could. You dnt want those kids getting treated like you are and dnt want them treating others like he treats you.

Leaving is hard… I’m in a similar situation. If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to reach out. Us moms need to stick together!!


For the love all things, leave…it is not healthy to stay in a toxic relationship, especially with a child…You are teaching them what is normal, and your situation definitely isn’t.


Kick the mother out for startes. Decide if you want in or out.

Now is the time to leave! Never stay for the children. You’re teaching them that this is what love is and they will recreate these toxic relationships as adults and teenagers. They deserve to see you happy and treated correctly. And you deserve to be happy!

Run… Get child support and live your life.