How do you know when it's time to end a relationship?

It’s past time. Go, take care of yourself and your kids and find your happy again. Good luck!

You’re in an extremely abusive and horribly toxic rrelationship.You passed time to run a long time ago. Run. Everything you are describing is serious control, isolation, and abuse. Get help and get out.

I learned the hard way. If he is keeping you from your friends and family, it’s time to go.

When are u waking up? U are the maid.

Well i don’t even know u but i am a good listener so if u need to chat with someone on the phone im your woman i hope everything gets better 4 u

His mom, his niece and nephew out of the house immediately!!!

Girl leave now! let his mommy take care of him!

Sorry you are going through this😟
My only advice is that Life is too short to be miserable!

If you have to ask yourself if it’s time to give up, then it already is. Prayers for strength

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Life is way too short. Live and be happy. So i would leave asap. Good luck

I feel like you already know you need to get away and just move on.

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Listen. Me and my mother in law hate each other and never speak. She talks to my husband that’s it. My life is much much better without her in it. She is not your family. I’ll repeat she is not your family. We have been married for 18 years and I’ve never regretted a day that I’ve not spoken to her


It’s time. You need to worry about u honey. Nobody else will. Go and take care of ur self and daughter.

By Felicia, might not be good situation, for her staying! My opinion! :pray:t2::pray:t2:

My dear run as fast as you can.
This îs borderline abusing and it will affect your children, too.

Praying for godly wisdom for you to be able to discuss your marriage with him. But if he is physically or verbally abusive PLEASE seek help immediately. Praying

Girl. If you have to ask yourself or others, that should be your sign…

Time to get out is NOW. It won’t get any better. You are worthy of happiness. Good luck

I think you did what you can time to go live your life with your kids

Sounds like you have already given up on him, for good reason.

Marriage isn’t to just end you both signed a contract to have this for the long haul

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Get out now before it gets any worse. Take your kids and go.

You know the answer. You got this girl. You only live once and putting up with BS is dragging you done.

It sounds like you take care of everyone and no one’s taking care of you including yourself. I’m sorry you’re going through this. If you think there’s something left to repair maybe couples counseling would be helpful. If that is not helpful and you separate or get divorced he would still be a father to your daughter just not living in the same house. Being treated like a doormat is not a good example for your daughter.

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You know what to do ____& you don’t need any of our attention — because you exactly know what to do

Tell them all to go to He*l… And run as fast as you can go !!

Go see a therapist and learn how to work on yourself. For example setting strong boundaries. And than you will be able to answer your own question.

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If you have this question in your mind then you already have your answer … take care of yourself

Life is too short to be with someone who makes you miserable.

I couldn’t have handled it this long.I am so sorry.

Take your kids and run don’t even look bk

Your gut feeling is all you need…

You said daughter. The time is now. She learns what love looks like thru watching you. If thats the image you want her to see stay if you want different for her get out.

Sounds like mom can take care of him. It’s obviously what they both want. Leave.


Sounds like you might already know what to do.

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Best piece of advice I can give is (similar to what has been said before) what advice would you give to your daughter who was in this situation…I think then you have your answer. It will not be easy but short term pain is worth the long term gain. Be kind to YOURSELF, as it doesn’t look like many others are. Take care, be brave x

Why are you taking in his neice & nephew? Sounds like his mother would be fine to be on her own seeing as she can keep up a household. I would first talk with your husband, let him know how you feel! That should tell you everything you need to know & make your decision easier bc he is either going to feel bad & want to work on things & help strengthen your relationship or hes not going to care & will tell you he wants to separate. I would have had his mother out of there long ago!!

U don’t have to b in a relationship w him for her to have her dad, when my x n I split we coparented from separate homes, n tbh we were better friends than spouses… U don’t need to b scrutinized or put down by n e 1 esp the one who’s supposed to support and lift u up… Ur kids see that, they will grow to believe that’s ok n ur daughters will not only expect that in a relationship but they will accept it… If ur not happy, neither r ur kids

You are being abused mentally and emotionally. And they always accuse first, because they are doing it first. That’s abusive. Divorce his whole family.


Take your daughter and move. Let him and momma have the damn house. You will never have any peace if you stay. Be prepared to be cast as the bad guy but hold your head high. Your daughter doesn’t need to see you being disrespected or she will think it’s ok

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This does not sound good at all I would be gone in a flash!

How do you feel about him? Do you still love him? Or even if you still love him seems his respect is little. And about his mom don’t mind her and if she told your husband that you are lazy talk with him that you have kids that need to take care and you are not their Maid or Helper. If he choose to believe his mom then talk with them both tell them anything you want that why they called you lazy even you are doing house chores. About snapshot if he doesn’t understand then delete it.

The fact that you are asking, means it’s time to go.

This don’t sound to good. You deserve to be happy.

I can really relate there’s tears in my eye right now after reading this only difference is we weren’t married just living common law but his mom his brother are bad influence and he never sees it she abuses me and my kids now his mom gave me an eviction notice to leave the house that I made a home because its his family’s premises

You should have been done two years ago girl. Get out now and live your life! You said it yourself, you arent getting any younger. Those babies need a happy mama.

Gurl, he’s accusing you of being unfaithful? That’s the opening right there. He’s unfaithful. It’s over. Just pack up the kids and leave. Leave the nephew, the niece and the MIL with his ass and RUN for the hills. It is over. No need to keep putting yourself through the abuse

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Sounds like you know the answer already. You don’t need validation your feelings are valid and accurate. Stop second guessing yourself! Like you said we aren’t getting any younger.

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Girl if he is accusing you of cheating he is more than likely the one cheating. I used to date a guy who was stuck up his moms ass and let me tell you it NEVER gets any better. Find yourself a place, take your 3 kids, and LEAVE. Then file for divorce immediately because of custody laws so you can be ahead of the game. Ghost his ass, he has his mommy, he doesn’t need you! :nerd_face:

Just get rid of him,he sounds like a total loser

Seems like mommy dearest is the housewife and he doesn’t need you! Take your babies and let him and her raise their kids (niece and nephew together). If you don’t want to up and leave right away. Stsrt taking things slowly like your papers - birth certificates, social security cards, marriage license, all that, pics that mean the most and momentos along with items you know that you can take without them noticing. Get those out to family or somewhere safe. Go thru clothes and sat they’re too small and you’re giving them away but in fact they’re really ones you can wear and you’re just storing them for when you can leave. Then one day just take you and your babies and tadah you’re gone!!

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Run girl.or you will never find happiness. He has shown his colors. And a leopard doesn’t change it’s spots.BEEN THERE, DONE THAT.

No love between each other

Live this life down to a T… get out if you can

Run run as fast as you can.

Leave him with his mommy. Don’t worry about your kids a man who respects their mother and makes her happy is what they will want/need.

Get out or go to counseling

You are damned either way…

For me personally? It’s when I grab a weapon for protection, not even that they are physically assaulting me or , I mean , I’ve been psychologically mindfucked to the point IM SCARED ILL hurt them ! Takes a lot to push me , but it’s time to go at that point !!

It sounds as though you already know that anawer.

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If you’re asking, it’s time.

Have you tried taking to him about how you feel? If you have, and nothing has changed, then I’d leave.

JUST END IT. You know its time to end it otherwise you would not have asked the question. Forget about therapy. Therapy isn’t going to make you happy. Don’t spend the best days of your life in a unhappy unstable marriage.

Have a sit down with just your husband…tell him everything you said here and that changes need to be made, if he doesn’t agree to make necessary changes…LEAVE.

Here is something I learned from being in a relationship with my daughters father: Never stay just because you want your daughter to have a father. That’s the worst possible reason to stay. I was with my daughters dad for nearly 6 years. He’d leave to go wherever he wanted at any time day or night, we were never a priority. I was expected to the care of everything, including his friends when they were over which was nearly every day up until late at night, he’d get pissy when I went and saw my family but he’d make me take him (he didn’t have a license) to see his family who, I’m not exaggerating, hated my guts and they only got things for my daughter because they felt sorry I was her mom. He also wouldn’t allow me to get necessities for myself especially if there was something he wanted and we didn’t have money for what I needed and he wanted. I fought tooth and nail to get my daughter what she needed, I always took the hated and abuse afterwords because I refused for my child to go without just to make him happy. I was a glorified babysitter. When that wasn’t enough he had me get a job and I was still in charge of taking Care of everything and he wouldn’t touch anything. I came home to a completely trashed house more than once and my daughter had food and dirt all over her and a diaper that was leaking urine because not only would he not clean up after himself, he wouldn’t take Care of her. He accused me of cheating all the time but the funny thing was I never did. I never sought better because I wanted her to have a dad. It turned out he was cheating on me the entire time. From the time I got pregnant to 2 1/2 years after I had her. This is long but I’m saying I know what you mean and how you feel but leave. Take your kids anywhere you can get help to get back on your feet and leave. It’s better to be a single parent than your kids seeing you being treated that way and think it’s okay because its not. You are instilling what it means to be in love and in a relationship to those kids and that’s not what love Looks like. Take it from me, get out. Before he starts taking it out on your daughter get out.

“Molly, you’re in danger girl .” RUN! Your husband is mentally and verbally abusive and needs to check his mf’n mother! None of this is ok and it wearing on you physically and emotionally. Your happiness should always be a priority because you can’t give your kids what you don’t have. You have to protect your sanity and your peace. I pray that you make the right decision for you and your children.

Those who accuse are usually the ones doing.

You should Havre been gone when his mom moved inà. It women ĺike you that keep hanging on and take the beatings and or the abuse that are stupid to keep hanging on for what, who got out now.

Read the book Co Dependent no more

Sounds like you’ve already made your decision. Go. Leave.

Time for some changes.

Now. Pack your bags and leave.

You have to realize that our Mother’s grew up in a different era. They were stay at home mother’s who busied themselves in the house. His mother is judging you based on that. Understanding that much will help you see why she thinks less of you and complains about you to her son. But let’s talk about why his mother is still living with you to begin with. Why? She was sick… now she appears to be healthy enough to take care of dishes & laundry. Why have you allowed her to pitch her tent so long at your home? Where’s your voice in this marriage? Sounds like you are both married to his mother. It’s time for her to move out. This isn’t a good arrangement. You’ll never have a healthy relationship with your husband as long as his Mother lives with you. And now why have you allowed a niece & nephew to move into this already intense dynamic? Are you looking to have a nervous breakdown? What about your health? Your peace of mind? Your children’s security? You are putting it all on the back burner to manage other people’s lives that aren’t your responsibility to begin with. I’m mad at you for allowing yourself to be a doormat and a punching bag. Your worth so much more! I don’t suggest a divorce. I suggest you start to use your voice and make it crystal clear that you honor his Mom, butttt it’s your house! Her advice will be warranted when solicited. Treat her with respect, but with boundaries. This will be an uphill battle because you’ve allowed her to take charge for so long… you had better move the niece & nephew out too. Be transparent with your husband that trust is broken on BOTH sides because he hasn’t stood up for you! He’s a Mommas boy and may need a clear outlined ultimatum. Use your voice! Stop showing your weakness. Don’t be intimidated. Take your control back before you lose your damn mind.

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If you’re asking that question, it’s time.

Run. Don’t walk to the nearest divorce attorney.

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Put your foot down. This is your house, you make the rules

Did a Sagittarius write this :thinking:

I think it’s time. Long over due

Have more respect for yourself I know it’s hard been there done that.You need to leave asap take your kids and do what you have to believe me you and the kids will be better for it.God bless you and I wish you the best

Get out of there. If he’s accusing you then he’s probably the o e doing it (been there done that, yes I was accused, yes he was the one cheating not me) they are alienating you from your family and friends and that is not normal nor ok. Jes toxic and so is his mother.

Oh hun, my heart is with you… but it’s time to tell him you are leaving :cry: your mother in law is a manipulative person and the stress will only kill you

Now. Not is the time! Take your children and move with your family!

Girl bye pack ur bags u can have 15 baby father as long as ur happy & free

You definitely deserve better and I would definitely feel used

First problem his mom needs to go !

Don’t walk RUN out that door!:point_up::point_up::point_up:

The time is now. Walk away.

You could have stopped @ lazy & worthless. I would be GONE.

It should have ended the first time he called you lazy and worthless

If MIL is so capable of doing all those things and still has energy left to tattle on you, tell her to get the F out and get a damn job…b!tch ought to make a great supervisor, since she’s so capable of running your household. Also, your hubby needs to get off his mother’s t!t🤦‍♀️


It’s too much for me. “She’s a runner, she’s a track star. She gon run away when it gets hard…” Byeeeeeee


I’ve learned the hard way that when your partner accuses you constantly of cheating… it’s because they are.


Sweetheart I’d hit that door running I promise you it’s already started and will absolutely continue for you to be their maid as he moves in family. If he doesn’t have your back you’ve got to know he’s just not loving you as a help mate but only tolerating you as a maid. RUN RUN RUN!

Break the cycle now put your foot down or leave obviously your husband nor his mama has any respect for you. Personally I would file for divorce and be out. Get your ducks in a row and leave that toxic relationship and situation

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Sit down and talk to him and let him know how you feel.

Perhaps it’s time to put mom in a care facility? It’s for your health and sanity.
Kids grow up fast so make sure the kids go to school and prep for college. When they hit 18 they need to go to school or get a job and pay rent if they want to stay.

If he doesn’t like it, pack up your kids and go home to your family.

After all that, I felt the stress for her. LEAVE. That’s unhealthy and a nervous breakdown is sure to come. Being a parent doesn’t require living under the same roof. Seems like no one has any respect for her. F them all, kick them out, heal and be happy!! Let them go ruin someone else’s life.

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I think you already know because ur asking… don’t feel bad for taking the leap and getting outta dodge… ur mental health is way too important to your kids…

He isn’t checking his mom, he isn’t checking his other kin, he puts you down and probably gets in your head.

If you can’t speak up about things in your house, then it’s time to pack up and go make a better happier life for yourself…

First off I’d start by telling him it is time for his mum to leave. It is your house not hers. Then I’d tell him his behaviour is unacceptable. Tell him that things need to change because you can’t live on pins. As for his Niece and Nephew they are under your roof so have to abide by your rules he should be supporting you not arguing with you and letting his nephew do as he pleases. Would he let the girls? If not then he shouldn’t let the boy either. If he can’t support you and understand why you are unhappy then I think that says it all.

I stopped reading at “called lazy and worthless” it’s time for that women to go. Is she paying rent? No? Ok, bye!!! That is your home and if you don’t clean to her standards, well her ass can leave and let the door hit her on the ass. Bye!!!

Walk away!! He can be a dad and y’all not be married! Teaching your kids this unhealthy relationship will do more damage! I did it with 2 daughters and $20. It was hard but so worth it. I’m now married to a wonderful man who loves my 2 older daughters as his own and we have one together ( he’s a great father and husband)

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