How do you know when it's time to end a relationship?

Get out that mess. We cared for my dying mom 2 years and it took its toll on a 30 year marriage. It was life. However she is trouble and apparently can work. If they won’t go take a 6 month hiatus with your daughter and then decide if life is better or not. I bet it will be

Time to leave sadly and if he was to say " ohh I didn’t realise you felt that way. "
Well, tough. He’s not considering you at all. All the best for the future :wink:

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Get out now before some of the rest of his family move in. Not ur place to raise his family. Not good not being able to b around ur side of the family. A bit to controlling it sounds like. RUN

I think you know the answer to that … that is wayyyyy too much on ur plate and that is gross that his mother treats you like that in ur own home and he allows it ! I’m sorry

If you can leave with your baby, leave.
Before the choice isn’t yours to make

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Don’t stay just so the kids have a bad relationship to look up to. If he isn’t a bad parent there’s no reason your kid(s) can’t have both of you in their lives.
Any kid would rather their parents be separated but happy over together but miserable.
You deserve to be treated like a person, not a possession.

Do NOT stay for your kids! They are learning to have a unhealthy relationship.

It sounds like you are running a boarding house for waifs and strays. You have your own family, have lived isolated thru a pandemic and now being accused of an affair. I would say you have good reason to feel as you do. Sit down and talked to your husband. Find a compromise and make sure you are working together on the same page. Let you mil do more around the house. Learn to manage her and have less to do yourself. X

What you don’t want is for your kids to think this is normal. You don’t want your daughter to think a man found this is ok and normal. You don’t want your sons thinking this is how you treat a woman. The children will be affected more negatively if you stay and normalize this behavior and treatment. Not to mention you damn sure don’t deserve this. I say take your kids and run.

wow he has NO boundaries. I would definitely leave. Sounds like he’s the one that’s probably cheating and projecting that upon you.


Sounds like he’s the one that might be cheating. Been there myself. And he was the one cheating. Get out and move on. If he wants his whole family moving in then let him have them. You don’t deserve that.

Even if you want to make the relationship between you work, even if you still have hope to make things better… GET OUT. Take YOUR biological kids, your pets, whatever is valuable that you don’t trust leaving behind, AND GET OUT.
Let his mother take care of the niece and nephew.
Tell HIM that, (and you should quote this exactly), when you got married, it was to be partners, not master and slave. That HIS behavior is not acceptable, and needs to be corrected immediately. That since HIS blood family is the problem, HE needs to correct the situation IMMEDIATELY, and then and ONLY then, can the two of you discuss where he, you, and the children stand as a family unit.
Go stay with your family, you’ll need the support.
DON’T BUCKLE, DON’T CAVE IN. Stand your ground.
Remember, people treat you however you LET them treat you. So… Just TEACH HIM that he’s going to have to correct his behaviors.

Honestly as a man I can tell you there’s something wrong with him. More then likely cheating if not now he will sooner rather than later. Time to cut the loss and move on.

I think the fact you are asking, answers your question. It’s alot for anyone to expect you to take on xx.

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The ones accusing you of cheating, are doing it themselves. Take your kids and get out of that toxicity. So the answer is now.

Honey save up and kick him and his old ass mama to the curb


Oh noooo. Baby you’re with a narcissist! Step away if you can and best of luck to you!

Call your family and tell them to come get you. Leave that dude if you can

If you have to ask this question, then I think it’s time to go.

If you’re asking this question, you already know the answer.

If he’s accusing you of cheating…he is


Get rid of his narcissistic, gaslighting ass. And his family. Wipe your hands off from that hun, I’ve been in a relationship exactly like this and it only ever got worse as time went on. Got so bad that one day my exes mom locked me out of my own home. She had my ex change the locks while I was working so when I came home from work late it wouldn’t wake her up. I was a friggin bar tender and worked late nights always. I was the only one working or bringing in money at the time and I couldn’t get into MY HOUSE because it woke up her dog and she “lost sleep every night” because her stupid ankle biter wouldn’t shut up when I got home from work. The best advice my mom EVER gave me before having a family was, when you make a family it is yours! They come before the parents, the sisters and brothers… aunts and uncles… everyone else. When you make a family THEY COME FIRST ALWAYS!! If my mom asked to move in she would respect our home and our boundaries because it is OUR HOME.

Light his head up with a rolling pin

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Listen to your heart and you’ll know.

Tell them to FUCK OFF!! Tell the mum if her son was satisfying me than I wouldn’t be fucking someone else…

You need out of the marriage. It’s not a marriage, it sounds like he wants to control you. You have to do what makes you happy. Maybe he is cheating on you. He doesn’t seem like he is very happy or secure about himself. If you need someone to talk to you can write to me. My email is. Good luck. My prayers are with you :pray::pray::pray::pray:

Leave. Now. Take care of you.

Time for divorce. That’s abusive behavior he is exhibiting

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I think he earned a divorce.

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F*** that guy and his mom too!


This is a recipe for disaster. He’s not married to his mother. He’s married to you… Have you told him anything. To talk to her and if you have. Then I’d go straight to the source. 2 women can not live in the same home. Period. There is bound to be issues. If he wanted a woman like his mother. Then he should just stay with her. Depression will set in and your children will suffer. Either put a stop to it or leave. Fuckin mother’s man. Leave your son’s homes alone. I’ve been there. It didn’t end well. I called her a bitch and told her to get the fuck out of my house. Of course I was the bitch for it. But damn. You can only do so much. That’s not her home. That’s not her husband and those ain’t her kids. Toxic is toxic.

Now the time is now, get the fuck out of there

Ok I’ve been there my husband would do the same thing to me checking my phone telling me I’m cheating telling everyone even my boys I was cheating when it all came falling down on him I caught him cheating on me and telling that person everything he would tell me and laugh at me,So I say pack your shit and get the fuck out make sure you have money make sure you get your apartment first and don’t tell him move far away from them stay away change your number don’t call him He’s cheating on you and letting his mother take control of you ITS TIME FOR YOU TO GET THE FUCK OUT RUN GIRLY RUN

Poor Thang
You need your own place.

Personally I would take your kids and leave now.

Girl…HE’S A NARCISSIST and so is his mother…Better shut that shit down because it only gets worse and harder the longer u allow it or stay…

u deserve som happiness

Sit down and have this exact talk with him. Really learning to tell him or anyone how you actually feel has been such an eye opener for me. Since anger is just a secondary emotion. Your first emotion is always something else (disrespected, you embarrass me, this makes me sad, unappreciated etc). If he can’t sit and have this conversation without arguing or yelling. If he says you are just a bitch and doesn’t actually try to reach in with you. It’s time to leave. Love and light dear!

Tell him how u feel and if shit doesnt change… get out. Your sanity is more important. And without your sanity u cant truly be there for ur kids. Do what’s best for YOU and ur kids NOT what’s best for him

He checked your phone?! LEAVE

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You’re a nut if you stay.

Now. The time is now. I can tell you from personal experience that it won’t get better and he won’t change. Get the fuck out of there and don’t go back, even if it seems he’s gotten his shit together.

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I feel you on every level if your husband does not back that’s his own issue fuck shity in-laws

Now is a good time. Let his mommy have him.

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Id talk to him bout how u feel and what things need to go diff. How his mom is etc. if it was me MIL or not I’d open my mouth. Your letting her go to the laundry. I’d bitch her out and say don’t touch my laundry or dishes clean your shit and go in your room. This my mf house!

You deserve much better !!

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He doesn’t want a wife, he has made you into a prisoner. You are isolated from your friends and family, he is manipulative, controlling, critical, and you are the caretaker for his family members, and what are you getting out of this relationship? You are being abused. Call a shelter and get out of there!

Pack your bags take your kids and go.
He doesn’t value you or respect you.
I won’t be easy. But it will be worth it. You need to show your children that this is not what a healthy relationship looks like


:pensive: If you still want to stay with your hubby then you need to talk to him and tell him how you feel about everything and that you are debating leaving if things don’t change. But honestly it all sounds so incredibly toxic and like your husband doesn’t feel much love for you, if he did he wouldn’t be acting the way he is. It’s great that you are so willing to help everyone but there just isn’t any boundaries and it seems like his family are beginning to take advantage of your kindness. In order to take care of everyone else you need to take care of yourself. Tell everyone your unhappy and why and if there are complaints and push backs or they don’t understand and start changing then leave. You can always arrange for you kids to spend time with their father but you need to think about yourself. I would have already left.


Girl this whole situation just sounds so toxic from top to bottom. I understand the mother is sick, but now it’s taking a toll on your marriage and what she is doing is not right ! She is meddling! On top of everything, you’ve taken in more children that aren’t even yours!? I just want to take a minute to say you’re incredible. If it was me, I would have left already. I’m so sorry you’re going through that. It sounds like absolute hell. I would have a very serious talk with your husband and let him know if somethings don’t change (like his mother getting a place) and you guys working on your marriage, that you are at your wits end.


Take your children and leave! You are being taken for granted and treated as a maid and that’s wrong in your home. There’s no point in trying to talk to them. I can read between the lines and he is ruled by his mother and she will have the final say so just pack up your stuff and seek refuge and get them to help you get back on your feet again.


Guilty dog always barks first A group where we all tell you to leave them you are definitely way better without him and his mother. Kids are not a reason to stay in a toxic relationship


When someone accuses you adamantly of doing something loke cheating… it’s because they are guilty of doing it. You need to give him the ultimatum… you married him… not his family, either they have to go or you will. Don’t stress yourself over your daughter… be a cooperative parent for the child’s sake don’t argue or use the child as leverage… if this is only 5 years ot going to get worse.


Time to say Goodbye! So long farewell, Let it Go, Let it Go!!
Too toxic to stay, it will start affecting the kids seeing all the stress & hate & control, reminded me of my own situation I was in few years ago, it was the best thing I ever did walking away xx


I left an abusive relationship years ago and raised 2 kids by myself. It wasnt always easy but I had peace of mind. He sounds like hes headed in that direction. I would think about getting out if nothing changes.


Time to leave for both yourself and the kids. Do some research as to where you can go to arrange it all then go. You’re being treat like a doormat! It’s toxic by the sounds of things and a miserable mummy isn’t great for the kids and in the long run you will see its for the better to leave your kids will be happier and so will you! Xxx


Leave him, he’s making excuses for one child’s behaviour and the other kids who have genuinely done something wrong will feel resentment because they’re not being treated the same, I tell my other half everyday more then once I love her, we take care of each other, make sure we are both ok, and we can talk to each other when things are happening around us and we are struggling. His mum shouldn’t make a point of doing things just because you haven’t yet, to then tell him, you’ve got the kids to look after first, and it doesn’t sound like his mum is sick, if she was she wouldn’t be able to go out of her way to prove a point to her son. But take the kids and leave you’re giving everything and he’s giving nothing 1 sided relationships don’t work, you both have to put the effort in and he’s clearly not doing.

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Leave him. Your daughter having her dad is not okay when you factor in that you are miserable. She sees that.


Do you have any healthy boundaries established as far as how you are treated, with his mom, rest of the family, etc?? We teach others how to treat us by allowing it. You deserve better.


I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. I feel like you should do what’s best for you and for your children of course. But i believe if you leave, things will get better for you. Children see how their mother/father get treated and you don’t want your daughter seeing you being mistreated/unhappy. I hope everything works out for you :pleading_face:


He and his mother are abusive toward you and it will only get worse if you stay. He’s tearing down your self esteem, isolating you, and putting you in a situation where he has eyes on you all the time. He’s already making it difficult for you to leave. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Contact your family and start making plans to leave now before he starts to hurt you physically. Start collecting evidence of his abuse (voice recordings or video) and use it in court to get sole custody during divorce proceedings. You can do this.


Kudos to trying to stick it out for your daughter, but I promise you, she’ll be much happier with a happy mummy. Walk away and find yourself again, it’ll be tough but you can do it!


I am so sorry that you are dealing with it. Unfortunately, him accusing you of cheating all the time may mean he is the one cheating himself. He’s not trustworthy so he feels you aren’t either. I highly suggest couples counseling. If he is unwilling, then it may be time to move on.


I’ll just say this…you can both still be good parents to your kids without being married/together. It’s better for the kids to see their mom happy and not miserable every day.


Get out. It’s time.
Do you want your daughter growing up thinking she should be treated this way because she saw it happen to you?


From a kid’s point of view, I wish my mother had divorced my step-dad 10 years before she did. They were both so unhappy that we were all unhappy. She finally found the right person and it made all the difference for us kids to have her happy.


Now. Now is the time to give up and be done :heavy_check_mark:. Because if you don’t, he and his needy family will continue to walk all over you for the rest of your days. It’s also possible that your children will learn this behavior, and treat you the same way, stripping away any authority you have as a parent. How much more are you going to take? For your own sake, and that of your children, get out.


Oh sweets. Leave that dic* with his mommy n go get yourself a happy New life.
This is emotional abuse by all of them. They all are enabling each other to abuse you.
I know it’s hard to pick up and start over! Believe me I’ve worn those shoes.
But im here to tell you it’s so worth doing! YOUR worth more!
And I want you to imagine what your kids are watching daily of how to love ppl. Do you want em to learn all of that as normal?
Now, let them watch you get up n leave that bs and become a new stronger you. Let them learn that’s ok. Not the other. Trust me- I know for fact your kids will thank you in the long run.


I would definitely leave and set some major boundaries. Girl it’s time for you to focus on yourself and being happy. It’s not selfish its self love and self care. U dont need him or his mother. Toxic. Get out when you have a chance.


All these ladies here are giving you excellent sound advice! No need for mine because I agree with everything they are telling you 100%! Take care and good luck! You’re stronger than you think.


It sounds like you know it’s time to be done! Focus on YOU, mama! You are important & deserve to feel no less. :revolving_hearts:


Definitely sounds toxic, sounds like he has a guilty conscious if he’s constantly accusing you of cheating… You deserve to feel beautiful and to be appreciated for everything you do. Most of all, you deserve happiness. I hope you get things figured out soon.:heartpulse:


u don’t need a man child that can do no wrong in his mammys eyes…you are already a mom to ur own kids, take ur kids and run…reconnect with ur friends and family they will help u through this. I wish u the best it isn’t easy but u will get there.

Only you can make the decision to stay or leave. Others, with the best will in the world, can give you advise on what to do but when it comes to leaving a partner you have to feel it in yourself and believe in your decision, otherwise you will just end up going back! I left my sons dad a few years back and at the time it felt very confusing and wrong, but I tell you now, it was the BEST decision ever! It made me a more confident women who started making her own choices in life and it felt fantastic to feel in control again. You do what’s right for you and your babies, nothing else matters :heart:

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Mamas boy im sorry it will be hard a weird change of your life but you need to out your foot down and make him choose him mom or you and if he says you’re wrong for making you choose between my mom or you say you made me ask because you refuse to have my back and let her walk all over me

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It sounds like your marriage is beyond toxic, between the mother-in-law claiming the role of woman of the house, to your husband going through your phone. None of it is okay.
Staying in a toxic relationship is not going to do you or your children any favors in the long run.
If you have already tried to discuss this (privately) with your husband and no changes have been made… then it’s probably time to leave.

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Leave. Get out as quickly as you can. You deserve to be happy! And it’ll only get worse. You’re better than me girl cus I would’ve left the minute his momma said one thing about my house

It sounds to me like he made the decision for you… I have been with my wife for 7 years and we have been married for 5 and our relationship sounds like the opposite of yours. I’m sorry you have to go thru this but it wont get any easier or any better if ges accusing you of cheating and calling you lazy and shit? Fuck that find a man or woman that appreciates you for you


By writing this I think you already know what you want todo. No body can tell you when the right time to walk away from a relationship is because everyone is different and even when people are told they sometimes refuse to listen or leave. I think you have realised you want to leave but now is the scary reality of taking those first steps and the unknown.
You can do anything you put your mind to and if leaving is what u decide dont put your daughter having a father into the for front of your thoughts, if you do split it is his job to be there to support his daughter and be a good Dad and if not thats on him not you. X

This is definitely not the kind of environment you want to raise your kids in, and unfortunately they don’t have a choice, but you do… This situation is unhealthy for everyone involved.

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I’m sorry you are going through this x

In my opinion, when someone constantly accuses you of something…its because they are guilty themselves x

You are stronger than you realise and carrying so much on yojr shoulders.

Only you can answer…do you have the strength to leave? For your own mental health and the children’s…would this be the best outcome x

Good luck z


:pleading_face: That sounds like a lot of tough things going on. It’s not going to be easy however I hope you find a way to make it to a better place. You deserve it! :yellow_heart:

Rent a U-Haul, pack up your kids, and leave. This will not get better all by itself.


I’d say leave. Your daughter’s father should be someone compassionate. If the example she sees is someone insulting you and violating your boundaries, it’s better for her not to have one.

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I thought the mum was sick…?.?sick in the head x x get out x x

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I wouldn’t end a relationship over someone’s mother you’re not married to her as for Snapchat it should have been brought up not found all things that can be fixed

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How about counseling first. But only give it a certain amount of time. If he refuses to go, leave. So sad people can’t work it out. Have you tried to talk to mom?

You can try one last time to talk to him and explain how you see things and why. That you arent trying to attack anyone, just be heard yourself. That you both need to take a little trip by yourselves and work on you two, just a few days if nothing else. If nothing can start to come together, or even talked about, then you might be better off either saying you guys need some time apart and explaining why or leaving all together.

Pack your stuff and your kids. And get the hell out - run away from them as fast as you can.

Toxic… time to go. Get organized and prepare for divorce. You sound miserable and he sure doesn’t value you.

Get away from him. Have them move out. Go soon as you can. Plan all of.this and not let him know what you are doing.

Sorry for what you are going through. My advice is that it is past time to be done


Oh honey. It’s time to leave. Like yesterday


I think you already know the answer but you’re grasping for hope. Maybe separation?

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Your children need a happy mom girl…you have to do what’s right for you


Sounds like the MIL is the problem, tell her to pull her head in, or she knows where the door is.

Get tf away from that dumpster fire! I don’t even know why someone would deal with so much for so long, I would have said no and left looooong before it got that bad

Now. You’ll look back and wonder what took you so long. You can do this😊


Yeah, get him to fuck. No one should be dealing with that. Give his mum a slap on her way out too.