How do you know when it's time to end a relationship?

Sounds like you are lazy. How can an old sick woman beat you to the dryer? If he is the worker, then you live in a house he pays for while his old sick mother takes out the trash. You are lucky to have a home. How can you not see your family? He’s at work and you don’t like his mom, sounds like a perfect chance to take a drive. Why do people fucking whine so much these days? Did you build a school for disabled kids or something? How are you so entitled? What have you done in life that you get to not work, AND complain? Move out and get a job, then you won’t have to sob about free shit.


You answered your ur own questions the time is now! When yr tired your tired.

The time to go was the first time he accused you of cheating with no proof.
Anyone who cannot trust you enough to not accuse you of cheating all the time is not worth staying with, even if you have a child together.
He is mentally/emotionally abusing you and that is NOT ok. And not ok for your kids to witness either.

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I was in a toxic relationship 12 years ago I didn’t have kids thou but was always accused of cheating ect and his mother was a evil person too she use to say she saw me kissing or hugging some random person I left was the best thing I ever did

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This is 100% toxic
Divorce. Stat

Get out now your being Mentally Abused :triumph:

This man is far too controlling imo. Leave asap.

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Sounds like you already know your answer.

Leave. Forget that shit. He’s tied more to his mommy than you. That really sucks. She’s been living with you for 6 years?? HELL NO!! I wouldn’t allow my own parents to live with me that long. Not a chance. Get out and never look back. He clearly doesn’t care.

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Get rid of his mother if she does things in your house she can live on her own if not that if you live in Australia there is help for you and your children

You need to get right out of there with your chidren and leave the rest to rot.

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You’re a beautifully strong woman. Whatever you choose to do, just know that

This is abuse. It’s time.

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Sounds like a real dick you need to leave now

Cheaters accuse their partners of cheating on a regular basis. He’s already proven time and again he obviously has no respect for you. I’d be gone asap and let him deal with his harridan of a mother and his crazy family.


My belief is that when you finally ask this question, that’s when it’s time to leave. You sound like a very generous person but your generosity and kindness is being taken advantage of and you are being played for a fool. Your husband and his mother are using you shamelessly. It sounds are though your MIL and your husband are the married couple and you’re the hired help. Your daughter can still have her father, even if he’s not your husband. I’d start walking and leave them to it.


You have NO CONTROL over the type of father he’ll be. Staying won’t make him a better father, but it WILL make you a worse mother. It will also teach your daughters that’s how they should be treated. You can either break the generational curses or you can pass them on to your girls. There is NO grey area.


Sounds to me like you already know what needs to be done but you’re either scared and seeking advice anonymously and therefore safe OR you’re asking if what you feel is okay. If you’re asking for advice, I’d say you need to reach out to whoever you can and get the hell away. He’ll probably get really mad, call you every name in the book, use your kids against you and when that doesn’t work, then he’s going to get emotional and it’s ALL a ploy to keep you there where he can manipulate and twist you into someone you don’t even recognize anymore. If you’re asking for validation to your feelings, absolutely 100% yes, get out! The way he treats you, do you want your son or daughter or both to allow their S.O to treat them that way? Or treat their S.O that way? NOOOOPE. Stand up for yourself and be that role model to your babies.


Your happiness comes 1st. I think it may be time to move on. It doesn’t sound like he him or his mum respects you, and you don’t deserve that. Go and make you and your kids happy. X

Poor bugger sounds like he’s gotten away with being responsible n possibly a bit of a mummy’s boy I dont know how on earth you coping hon if he’s not interested in counselling thenmaybe it time to say good bye but ask yourself questions hon first , good luck remember you deserve so much :kissing_heart::green_heart::yellow_heart::orange_heart::100::v::palms_up_together:

Did the mothers health not improve?.. and now you have 2 extra kids that aren’t his either? I’d say now is a good time to give it all up. Sounds like you are being taken advantage of my dear. If you can talk to him about it then do, but if you think that would make it harder for you then quietly plan you extraction from the situation.

I go through the same thing and hon, honestly, it’s just not worth it. It is too toxic, get out of it before they drain you completely and drive you crazy. You’ll find someone who will respect you don’t waste your time with him.

If youve addressed every situation that bothers you and how you feel and nothings changed then its time to hit the road, shit aint gonna b easy but it will be better for YOU!!!

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My mum use to say " more good days then bad stay but when more bad days then good it’s time to say goodbye"

If you still love him, talk to him and tell him all this. If he takes note, agrees you have valid points and tryes to change, he loves you and its worth a fresh start. If he doesn’t respect your feelings, and doesn’t agree to change or can’t see your point, leave him he’s an asshole

It is YOUR house - everyone can move out except for you and your kids. GOOD BYE!!! But first - get a LAWYER!!!

If you have to ask? Its time.

Cinderella move! They are sucking the life out of you! Fine someone to share life with…

Nope, time to end it.

Pack your sh$t and your daughter and leave the bastard.

I would of kicked his arse out the minute I got called worthless

Leave him and his mother

Now is the time to end it

Kick him to the curb he is a POS

When you’re whole life becomes a struggle and there is no pleasure what so ever its time for change NOBODY!!! Will look after you other than YOU. Kick his worthless ass to the curb along with his ungrateful family FUCK THEM!!! :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

If you need help, dm me. I might know resources. Went through an abusive relationship recently. I know the drill.

Ditch the bitch and your husband. He obviously is a mama’s boy and will never have your back! See how he lines likes living alone with his evil mother! Do it now!

Throw the whole man & his whole damn family out.

Now. Now is the time.


You deserve respect.

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U will know. U might already


I think you know, you must go


Parents don’t have to be together to have a well rounded child. . Parents have to be committed to the child’s well being health and growth. . You sound like you are already there👍


I was never in your shoes but as a child of parents that fought and didn’t get along I think it would have been easier working through a divorce than dealing with the stress staying together unhappy. It would have been better on me as a child to see my parents apart and in a healthy relationships than to see what I did. Just something to think about if you are staying together just for the kids and comfort.


Just ask yourself one question. Do you want to live like this for the rest of your life ? :thinking:


When you’ve had enough.

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Sounds like u have a tittie baby and a helicopter mom who is trying to take ur place. Stand ur ground and if he doesn’t move her out then I think u know where he stands. Tell him if he wants to be a tittie baby he can do it without u. Ur relationship is toxic.


You have your answer, because its a question once asked cannot be forgotten.

You only have one life, make it count, abuse is not worth listening to and quite honestly, you are the only one who can ensure your happiness.

Tell your husband and his other whst you will and won’t accept then take appropriate action.


About 10 years ago, seriously, you deserve better


If you even have to ask your self that question its time to leave, simple as that. Not worth your mental or physical health.


I didn’t have my dad. Parents divorced when I was a baby. I did have uncles. Moms brothers. Uncle Archie was my hero growing up. Family can be what you make it. It isn’t always relatives. Friends, neighbors, people at church all can and do have an impact on your kids. Your husband doesn’t give a damn and doesn’t respect you. Run. He and his mommy can live happily ever afyer.

Geez lady i would be calling the husband out for not standing up for u… sounds like mil wants u out… pack her bags and kick her out… if husband doesnt stand up for u show him the door also


The fact that you asked the question tells me that you’re ready


Think about him with someone else, if it makes you sick to your stomach then keep trying but if you feel okay with someone else in his arms and giggling at his jokes then maybe you shouldn’t waste anymore of your years… I wasted about 8 years of my great years and I wish I had the balls to end it sooner.

If he doesn’t agree to go to counselling to sort out his problem and get to a place where your relationship is the biggest priority in your home, it’s time to consult a divorce lawyer. You’re not being respected and your life is no longer your own. I’d be making plans to exit or rather getting everyone but your 3 kids to exit.


Well all these people are pointing at you, when actually it could be them. He could be the one cheating, his mother could be the lazy one. Etc etc.


You only have one life is so short, its your life and you should be happy.

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Just because you’re not with the dad anymore doesn’t mean your kids can’t see him. Do shared custody.


Usually when someone accuses you of cheating is because they are doing it. I would leave there is nothing there. Mom will always win.


He sounds controlling and this set up with his mum and family living in your relationship is far from ideal.

To be honest, it sounds very one sided and I think it might just progressively become suffocating.

I think you should speak with a counsellor, just for you. Get a referral from a doctor and go have some sessions to talk through.

My gut read on this is that you shouldn’t delay leaving for too long. At 7 years you are young enough in but have enough experience in the relationship to leave in a better state than you would if you wait for things to improve.


When is the time? Now. Yesterday. As soon as you can pack your belongings. Leave that mom-depending babyminded bastard.

Don’t have answers for you, but want to say I think you are brave for asking the questions and considering what is good for you. It took me 30+ years to get to that point — my situation was different from yours. I occasionally have regrets after 20 years, but I cannot see me acting differently. Good luck and I really hope things work out for you and your daughter. :butterfly:

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Time to leave n move towards stress free life


Healthy boundaries are there to keep you healthy and your relationships healthy. Your children are watching and learning and they will carry the message you give them through your actions into their adult relationships. You can be a loving wife and mother and still not let others walk on you.


Sounds like you’ve had enough sweetheart, time to make yr own decision on this one I know what I would do, good luck x


Cut the B.S.
You know it’s time to go right now.
You sound like a child being held prisoner.
Step away now or…
Quit gripeing…


Don’t stay because of the kids, kids know when they are in an unhealthy home.
Kids will think more of you, in the long run, doing what makes you happy and allows everyone to not walk on eggshells.
You set the example that it is okay to be treated like that, surely you want better than that for yourself and her.

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Now . You are and have been Reaching and he no longer worries about grabbing your hand to save You .!:heart:

I learned along time ago, the one accusing is the one acting on it.


The time has come. You need to get out. Best of luck. You need someone who you can enjoy life with.


Walk away but prepare your new home first I’ll bet if you told 2 friends to meet you at mums and laid this out to them beginning with I need help to walk away you will get it and have a support system in place. Kids will adapt. Good luck love and remember if you are not looking after yourself how can you care for others.


Time to pack it in I would say

Every person is different. I understand part of what you are going through. This was the quote that helped me decide.


Someone on here the other day had free body bags I think,

well they were heavy duty garden bags but I think you get what I mean


You have done your best. Now it is time to move on. Look at it as a favor to them.

Your losing yourself by saving him his mom and his other family you take responsibility for I’m telling you from experience it only gets worse if he doesn’t trust or value you then who does? I want you to look in a mirror say…im worth more because you are.

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If you’re having to ask the question you already have the answer. Sorry, but it’s time for you to admit defeat and leave. Sometimes it wasn’t meant to be and that’s not your fault.


You don’t deserve to be treated that way…and you are allowing yourself to be treated that way. Stand up to them…tell them they need to shape up or you will be shipping out. Or, if possible, you ship them out…husband, mother, nephew and niece. Let them do it all on their own.

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Facebook says I cant tell you to get out now.

No one deserves to be treated like that I think it’s time to call it a day

It sounds like a really tough situation, with few boundaries and a lack of options and/or control for yourself. I would suggest counselling for yourself for clarity, then perhaps counselling for both of you for some very honest conversations once you are clear on what you need. Only you can decide what will work for you and hopefully this will help.

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Sounds like it might be a codependent relationship, toxic and unhealthy. I’d really try to communicate the issues and see if you both can agree to work on things. Ultimately it’s your decision. I don’t think there is a guideline as to when enough is enough. That threshold will vary greatly with each relationship. I also find it’s usually more helpful when you know have discovered things need to change, if you focus on you and not the other person changing. If that makes sense. Like maybe counseling to help support you through this. Practicing healthy boundaries, addressing expectations, and healthy communication.
A lot of times our own expectations can create disappointment and start an argument. For example, the pic you texted him … you expected him to say something and when he didn’t it caused some kind of undesired emotion and you may have even said something to him about it. If you did, and it started an argument… that’s an example of what I’m saying regarding focusing of you. Your expectations, how to respond when your expectations are not met, your perception and even beliefs of what a marriage means to you. You also indicated that your other two kids have a different dad, IMO, read like it’s not that big of a deal if you were to get divorced, which whether you say this out loud or not, sends a message that the marriage is disposable and that can also impact your attitude, engagement with him etc… without even being purposeful about it.
Does that make sense ?
IMO opinion we don’t get married thinking we are going to get divorced and unless someone is in danger of abuse then I think you should do everything you can to work on the marriage. Model that for your kids.
Marriage required maintenance. It should be the most important thing to us and we should spend time taking care of it. A lot of ppl spend more time doing maintenance on their homes or cars to keep them functioning at the highest level … how much maintenance are you doing on your marriage?

Honey get a job a car and leave i dont know if u can go home if so run and if not if your town has it got a income based apartment put them babies in daycare and show him and his family that you can make it alone never stay were you are mentally abused and not treated with respect God did not put you on this earth to be treated like a door mate hon if you dont demand respect people want give it love yourself and especially your children more enough to show them how a lady is suppose to be treated and that there momma is a brave and strong momma sorry so long good luck and get out of that mess

High time already. Don’t take it as a defeat, but as a move on. He doesn’t appreciate what he has, you must appreciate yourself. It’s him who’s defeated, if you know what I mean. He does not deserve you. Good luck

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Walk away honey. You can do it. The only thing you fear is fear itself. Trust me. You will be fine. Believe and trust you. :heart:


Life us too short to live like that. I have so many regrets in my life. Make the change now… and good luck.


Fuk his mum and his blatant letting her behave this way… Fuk them all leave and be at peace


Get out while you can!


You already know the answer.


First of all if he accuses you of cheating it’s usually because he is. Secondly, you have done way to much for him and his family. Take a vacation with your children and let his family miss you for awhile. That should teach them and you weather or not you need to stay in this situation.


I hope we get an update on this story in the fut

Hey lady, get rid you’re worth far more than what you’re getting.
Hubby needs to find his balls.

Sounds like you don’t know how to put a mother-in-law in her place… GET WITH IT !!!

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God bless u runnnnnn fast as y can n leave him with his mother


If you love your husband and want to be with him? Tell Meddling Momma,
“ this is my house and your no longer in charge here.” If the Niece and Nephew are of age, perhaps they can all move somewhere together.
Hopefully, Momma is financially able to be on her own. If not, help her find a way. Ask other relatives to help, but find a way to get her out of “your” home.

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Let Mom and son have their life together and let them be responsible for the niece and nephew, that is his side of the family not yours. You, your other two children and your daughter try to find a peaceful place to live. Hopefully your family will be supportive. If they are not, rekindle your friendships, you will need emotional support. Your daughter will still have a father, if he isn’t abusive to her then there is no reason for her not to spend time with him and continue to have a relationship. If he or the grandmother bad mouth you to your daughter you can have that drawn up in any divorce papers that they are to refrain from such behavior. You are over due to remove yourself from this kind of relationship and household. Please seek counseling for yourself, learn to be independent and happy with yourself and your children before seeking out another relationship. Best of luck my dear. It will not be easy but it WILL be worth it.


Speak your mind…dont cater to anyone…Momis there to take care of her son so go out with friends enjoy life

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Get out before you lose your whole self.
And… remember, you are setting the foundation on which your daughter will find & react in/to relationships. You are showing her right now, that this is normal & acceptable.
Get out if not yourself, for your daughters future self worth in & out of relationships.
What do you want her to model after? A strong woman who made it in her own or a beat down woman? You DESERVE BETTER :green_heart::black_heart::brown_heart::black_heart: Always

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Sit down with husband and his mother.
Tell them his mother can now be in charge of all domestic chores. Get a job so you are out of house. Start going out with yr friends.


Run. Run fast. Once the going through the phone starts, it’s already gone too far. You’ve taken on way more than you need to and all you get is grief. I’m sorry your child wont have parents living together but you need to do what you need. This isnt healthy.
Please take it from me. It started with the going through computer and phone, then devolved into punching holes in my doors, throwing food at me to finally stepping on my cats tail and degloving 6 inches… it needed amputation.
Get out now… best of luck girl

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