That story replecates my life with my ex and his family.
I got out of the relationship albeit with horrible consequences, but I had to stay strong and battled through it.
Best thing I done getting away from him and his family.
They were totally controlling.
Had no life at all.
Stay strong and walk away.
It won’t be easy but you can find freedom and happiness on the other side.
If you’re asking then maybe you know what you want to do and just want backing to do it. Sit down with him and tell him how you feel about things. IF he isn’t prepared to help you and back you against his mother’s opinion then is it worth the effort??? Tell his mother that as much as it’s nice having her help that it’s small thanks for helping her when she was ill. If she is so desperate for praise then maybe she’s been made to feel useless in the past too and is just making a point by doing the same. If they can’t ( or won’t) change then it’s up to you alone to decide whether you can manage on your own with your daughter. DON’T let them shame you into staying if they’re not prepared to change too! X
I’d honestly be getting my ducks in a row to leave already. Staying together with someone like that for the kids sake is only going to ruin you and teach them that’s how relationships are and to settle.
You’re living in Mental abuse, and it’s worse than physical abuse alot of time’s, trust me I know, I went through the same thing not wanting to leave on count of my kids, after 25 yrs in it I finally left after finding him in bed with what was supposed to be my bestfriend, he cheated for yrs. Trust me your mind will feel so much better…praying for you
A guilty conscience likes company. It makes the person feel justified in their own actions if they can accuse others of doing the same. Pull the phone records, go over the bank statements, check the credit cards and verify his work schedule Take back control and get your facts straight. Once you do that making this decision will become easier. This isn’t about honoring your husband, keeping a clean house, having dinner on the table or raising up kids. You’ve nailed that. This is about your husband not respecting you. That’s what is destroying the marriage.
Y’alls answer for everything, every single time is LEAVE! How bout…communication?
Also I second what a lot of people said you don’t have to leave your house. Especially if you haven’t been working, and you’ve been raising kids. Get your ducks in a row call a lawyer kick him and his mother out of your house. File for divorce, you keep the house he pays alimony, and child support. He owes you at least that especially if you have not been working you have rights, and even if you have been working if his salary is providing the majority of the funds to take care of you and the kids he cannot leave you high and dry. Use that to your advantage.
& please reach out and find some support. Even if its sending a msg to a stranger who has commented on this post. You need people in your corner. Reach out to your mom, find yourself some support and people who can be there for you. Believe me it will make all the difference.
He can still be a dad if your not together. He’s abusive his mom is abusive. Get a lawyer and leave the marriage
Better stack money away to leave, him and his mother, will make you poor…you are living as a slave
Yesterday. Yesterday was the time to leave. This is awful. I’m a SAHM and my partner still makes me feel like an equal. Don’t take the abuse from him and his mom. You definitely don’t want your kids seeing that, they’ll pick up those behaviors and treat you and others that way. Save yourself!
Run now and your daughter will be ok if you are ok.
You answered your own question. Leave and let them do it themselves.
C’est le temps là maintenant tout de suite .ne te fait pas chier avec tout ce monde autour de toi .prends tes petits et te choses et vide le plancher si tu peux
Pack up …. It’s not going to get any better.
Stand up for yourself and if that doesn’t work, leave him. You need a life and it sounds like he is wasting what you have!
Time to kick him and his mother to the curve. Ur in a toxic relationship with a mama’s boy. If u don’t end it now it’s just gunna get worse. Do whatever it takes to have a better life for yourself and ur kids.
You are allowing your daughter to be taught that this type of behavior from a man is acceptable and that a woman should do all she is told without an opinion or word said back…it’s wonderful that you have such a loving heart and have taken in his family members as you have done and take care of them but what isn’t right or fair is that they abuse that kindness and your husband takes their side without listening to you. And the point of accusing you of cheating is crazy bc it sounds as if even if you wanted to cheat you have no time for it bc you are too busy taking care of your home, kids and his family members. You and your children deserve better than this especially with having a daughter and sons bc they do not need to be taught that it’s ok to treat a woman as your husband treats you. If I were in your shoes I would give them all a break and go away for a couple of months and let his mom take care of the situation at home then he may appreciate what he had before it was gone. God Bless and good luck in whatever you choose to do.
Nows the time to leave while your daughter is young.
Please take care of yourself and leave.
Kick everyone out and go to counseling with your man
Time to leave take your kids and leave…
My question is, how was he and your marriage before MIL moved in? Maybe it’s time MIL moves on…
It’s time to leave when you have to ask. And honey, RUN
You only get one life and you literally sound miserable!
No one should go through that !
I’d probably be done honestly.
You need to get out. You don’t want your daughter seeing you tolerate a man treating you like this.
Your husband sounds like a mommas boy!! You have two choices, stay and continue to live like you are OR leave and be happy! Take your kids and move out. Let him take care of his mom and niece and nephew. That isn’t your responsibility.
You can’t please everyone, and you surly can’t begin doing so if you’re personally unhappy. 1. You need to discuss boundaries, 2. You shouldn’t have to ask permission to download anything on your phone, you’re an adult. 3. If mom wants to complain, she can find an assisted living facility to live in. If your husband is honoring his mom (& that family) more than your marriage, there is an issue there. It’s healthy to have boundaries. It seems as if they are a narcissist, and only want you for themselves; to clean, cook and to take care of them. If a conversation doesn’t work, then maybe finding a place to stay for a little while may.
Now is the time to leave for sure. It won’t get any better
Ask yourself this, what is healthier, your children seeing a controlling man who abused you emotionally or a strong woman that intellectually says I will not be abused. I am sorry but we need to get out of this toxic relationship. You are ALLOWED to be safe and happy.
Stand up & demand what you want & deserve. Is she still sick? Maybe time for her to be looking for a new place.
7 year itch… let your MIL do stuff around the house if she able and if tbey call you names, sticks & stones. There is a time we need to become selfish, maybe its now.
I would be moving on life is to short to be unhappy, it sounds like to me you went from being happy to just settling for less than you deserve it’s time for you to live life for you and your kids when you get your belly full you will walk away just don’t look back
I would give him ultimatum either his mom and the Niece and nephew moves out or you’re leaving. It’s as simple as that. I was the one who stayed in a marriage just because we have kids together and like Natalie in the above comments said, would you rather your children see you in this type of relationship? It’s a toxic marriage and nothing good will come from unless he tells his mom to leave and have the niece and nephew go with her so y’all can fix what’s left of your marriage or I would be done.
It’s time mama gets her own place again. She needs to move on already. If she can clean your home she can move on an clean her own.
No one can answer that question but you. When you can walk away with a clean heart, knowing you did everything you could to make it work, you will leave and never look back. (And not being with him doesn’t mean your daughter won’t have her father. You are not responsible for his relationship with her, HE IS. Don’t sacrifice your own happiness and sanity.) Good luck!
Get all the extra people out if your house Get his mother an apartment and let her and the others go together.
I would of left.your better than that
Stand up and take your home back or pack up and leave it to him and his mommy
Wow!! You’ve stayed alot longer than I would have if it’s over a week.
He chooses YOU or THEM! If he truly loves you, he’ll choose you every single time…
Okay, first off do not ever allow your husband to talk to you that way. Next time, blow up on him and let him have a piece of your mind. She lives in that house to, she can help and she isn’t special. Second, if she wants to start things between you and he wants to say those things, let her do EVERYTHING. Maybe than either one of them will learn that you are in fact not useless or lazy. At the end of the day, she is another person staying in your home and you are owed respect. The cheating stuff I’d watch out for because a lot of times they start accusing when they are doing or it’s straight out of his mom’s mouth. Tell him you didn’t sign up for all of this and that, due to all he says, his mother seems to have all the wifely duties down.
When you have to give up your happiness for others it’s time to leave. Put your foot down and make his mother leave and if he doesn’t like it he can join her. You deserve better.
NOW. The time is now. Get your kids, do your hair flip, check your nails and dip.
Kick him in the balls, HARD AS YOU CAN, leave and let him grovel
Time to clear the swamp and set some guide lines. If not u and ur kids will be fine on ur own. Kids will probably be happier!!! Let his mother raise the niece and nephew. Yhere her grandkids!!!
Move out with your kids, try marriage counselling where you can tell him what’s wrong and work on fixing it. If he doesn’t then he doesn’t care and move on.
Yesterday. The time to leave was yesterday. Seriously though, at the least pack a bag and just go somewhere for a week or so if nothing else. Let those assholes see how good they have it when you are there. As for mom and the “lookie what I did” start treating her like the kid she’s acting like. Cut out some cardboard cookies and hand em out when she’s done good. If she talks shit about you take the cookie back and send her to her room. So sorry. Girl go take you a vacation!
Leave! If he won’t move everyone out, go, see how he likes it without you. This sounds very draining
Change the locks … it is yours and your childrens home first …
leave. you have rights! if he can’t stand up for you and support you and always putting you down, your kids are seeing that and sees that as a ok to be in a relationship
From what I have witnessed via friends that I know that cheated they seem to always accuse the other partner of cheating regularly even though they are the ones doing it. I call it a guilty conscious. If you’re miserable and completely unhappy in the situation then you have to decide if that’s what you want your kids all three of them to grow up watching because they’re learning from you what a relationship should look like. If you’re miserable even if you don’t think you are showing it your kids are picking up on it and can see it. Ask yourself if this is the example you want them to see and think is right.
Run don’t walk !!
Get out! Run Sis…it is time to move on!
Sounds like it ended a long time ago
Start ordering her around make it very Dracula for her then maybe she’ll calm her hores down
Be blunt say
I will respect you when you start to respect me
And say it to your wimpy husband (Mommas boy )
Go. Now. I raised my X’s (note the X) daughter while he did what he wanted and drove a truck. Also has his brother move in for a short while which lasted 4 years. Finally divorced after being married 11 yrs. guess what….he was cheating the whole time!
Only you know your limits. It sounds like you need to take charge back of your house, & your husband needs to support u. But seems like he don’t… two against one. It sucks.
Yeah if he’s calling you worthless and shit it’s time to go and if you want to try to work it out it sounds like mil needs to go.
Take your babies and leave! Let his momma do it all. Go live your life and your babies n u be happy. U just need to do u and ur babies
If you have to question it then just end it
When it causes more stress than pleasure it’s time to go
It’s time to move on babe! It seems your feelings don’t matter to either of them. Leave before it gets worse.
Yuck. He sounds like a selfish baby. I know from experience that when someone constantly accuses you of cheating with no basis, they’re the ones likely out there doing something. He obviously takes you for granted and sounds like there’s no love left between you two. Are you two intimate anymore? Does he show affection or compliment you? If not, I personally wouldn’t waste anymore time in a relationship like that. Good luck! You deserve much better!
If you feel you need to ask you already know the answer. Take your kids & go to your family. His momma can take care of the others.
Life is short. Dont spend it with an asshole.
Enough is enough. Its not going to get better
Now. The time is now to get out
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Hmmm🤔 Well the one that accusers there partner for cheating is the one that cheating.
But I could be wrong!
He could be a loyal hubby to you
and knows what buttons he can push
Have a meeting with the household.
It ended when his mom moved in
That’s awful!!! I believe you deserve to be happy and when there is so much more pain than happiness then it’s time to go. Plus if you can’t have your family; then that’s a deal breaker.
Sounds like he has a Momma to do what he needs done…if he can’t appreciate you like he should be!!!
Go to college or get a job, if you are doing it right anyway, leave the kids to your mother in law to watch. Then take your kids out on dates to get them out of the negative environment. If you can’t take it anymore don’t. College will get you a better job opportunity if you ever have to leave. Then you and kids can start fresh. When you are out don’t start a new relationship. That would be Big Mistake. Get yourself feeling good about yourself 1st. Grant’s, financial benefits of school should take care of that bill. If Mom will not watch kids, put them in day care. School should take care of them that. If you can’t make it leave with your kids now, but I don’t think you are ready for that.
Sounds like you deserve better. you have one life. Make it a happy one. Work on your next chapter but make sure it is a better one.
It was time to go 2 years ago (or longer) they are mentally abusing you. Get things in order write up a parenting plan and divorce papers and get out. He can still be in your daughter’s life. YOU DON’T DESERVE THE ABUSE.
Get going now. Dont waste your young life on this situation. Daughter will be happier without rhis. Move on and dont look back.
What adults forget is kids see EVERYTHING or hear EVERYTHING. Your kids are seeing you get mistreated and soon they are going to think it’s okay to treat you like that and start doing it too. Get out girl. Get. Out. Not just for you but your kids too
It’s not going to be easy, and he’s going to try to make you feel terrible about it, but please leave that situation and file for divorce. Everyone deserves to be happy. And anyone deserves so much more than what you are being given
When I. Was accused of cheating he was not me
I’d save ur money get job stash money in cash else where… and give ultimatum and be super ready like phone call away pre signed ready to file for custody.
If he’s accusing you of cheating, more than likely, he’s cheating.
Check out Kevin samuels . Life is hard for everyone just be the best you can be workout exercise and take care of yourself you can still do all these things and be married and check out Kevin samuels
Usually when this question comes to your mind, then it’s time.
Hugs sounds like you are putting up with a lot. It’s hard to say when to walk away sadly only you can decide that but sometimes time away can help… I was having some issues and I took the kids and we stayed at my mums… at that point I thought things were over… husband didn’t seem to want to meet in the middle… but after a few days he came around and now we are back home and working on things…
If you can find a safe place to stay you always try that??? Sometimes people need to see what they have by losing it…
Hope what ever you decide that you end up happy
tell him they leave or you are leaving
When his mother moved in .
My MIL was same way…Would get up early in the morning…I didn’t bc got kid on the bus early and went back to bed…and she would clean, then go back to bed…I would get up,take care of toddler until other got off the bus while husband worked and do laundry and make dinner. She would constantly mutter that i was a lazy,sorry pos and crap and ,when mad at me for bringing up her throwing my stuff away without asking and me telling my husband to talk to her…she would blow up if I tried…she would say did everything and I needed to be the one to leave…not her… In time,my husband saw past her crap and made her leave bc she couldn’t get along with me and she called him a sorry pos too and left… She needs to go. And need to tell him if he can’t discipline his niece and nephew so they aren’t causing issues,then she needs to take them with her. Sorry…I have no sympathy for those kids either bc experienced that too. Practically raised our nieces bc mom,SIL,is a piece of crap that throws them off on everyone to drink and whore around…The teenager would use her mom as an excuse to get anything she wanted out of us and run us to death driving her everywhere or she would refuse to see us anymore…which hurt my husband bc he raised her with me and loved her like his own…but she was just using us…And the toddler,same age as my own daughter…would bully and hit my kid and everyone would baby her after she did it and I spanked her for it and put her in time out. Take her out to eat and crap after,like rewarding her for treating my kid like crap but I’m expected to watch this kid days at a time and pay for food and crap for her. No. Kids can’t respect your rules and they dont want to help make sure those kids keep the peace in your home…need to go too… Share this story if need to to help ur husband see the light…I dont mind…
If you don’t want your children to be treated this way by anyone then you need to get out. Because what they see is what they believe a good relationship to be. It’s no healthy for any of you
Let him know how your feeling, see how you can work on your problems… maybe counseling or maybe it’s time to leave… I wish you happy endings
Mom ain’t going anywhere and that man isn’t ever going to change. Leave and move on with your life
You husband is a douche!! He’s the problem. Not the MIL, not the niece and nephew. Your. Husband!!
Follow your happiness. He isn’t worth it.
If you’re unhappy, your daughter feels it. Sounds like they all just kind of walk all over you in your own home. That’s not ok. If it hasn’t gotten better by now, it probably won’t. I hope you get out and find your happiness.
Leave now it won’t get better until you do.
Time to start putting yourself 1st and move on with out him a happy house with 1 parent is better then i miserable house effects the kids more then you think
Since it seems like your husband is only interested in moving people in and not out, it’s time for you to make a move of your own. Just know that it will NOT get better as long as his mother (and his niece and nephew) are living there. Keep that in mind as you make your decision. Also, if and when you decide to leave, be prepared for him and his mother to fight tooth and nail to prevent you from taking the daughter that you two share with you.
If you decide to leave, then you need to files for a legal seperation so you will have custody of your daughter. That way until you are divorced he will not be able to keep her from you. In a marriage your spouse should always come first. You always have each others back. You tried to tolerate his family for him but now he does not have your back. If he is not going to stand up to his family for you then you have your answer. If you do not have a family relative or close friend to stay with you can contact a women and childrens shelter and they will help you. Good luck. Praying for you.