Set new boundary’s stick to them and take your house back. Set chores for mom and kids . Set time just for you even if it’s in the bathroom with the door shut. Good luck
Tell him mom go or i go she take the kids or I am there boss and he back off people can only used you for as long as you let them
Hunny I’ve been where you are. I lived that life for 9 1/2 years I tried for my kids to but in the end I realized that my kids saw what was going on and I wanted to get them out of there as soon as I could don’t take anymore of the abuse. Get out. Take them babies and show them a better life
Honey…Pack your bags. This man appears to be a selfish ingrate, unlikely to change. Start preparing for a better life. You aren’t doing your children any favors letting them see you so disrespected. Good luck…do it NOW!
I a fool I take my two kids and gone some of us need to learn to be independent leave fine your self a job no matter what
This is an abusive environment and it doesn’t have to be physical to be abusive. This is not going to change. Take your children and leave.
I’m so sorry you’re going through all this. From what you’re explaining, it’s a lot to deal with. Have you tried talking it out? Letting him know how you feel, what your concerns are? Maybe you all should consider marriage counselling? But dont make the mistake of staying in a toxic relationship all because you want your child to have both parents around. It will only prove to be ugly in the long run. He can still be a dad and not be in a relationship with you.
Oh my… that’s awfully stressful and dysfunctional. Also, there’s that old adage… usually the accuser is the doer. Best of luck in whatever happens with your marriage/life. Oh wait- your mother in law is a so-and-so.
I believe this falls under the vow of… for better or worse… it can feel overwhelming but try talking to your husband, therapy would be another suggestion.
You need to leave! You can have joint custody. Do you want your daughter to have a husband like this? She will if you stay! You deserve better!
Lived that life, he is a narcissist and when one accuses another of cheating it is usually because they are doing it and attempting to shift the blame to make you the guilty one ! It takes the focus off of them and they will continue to control EVERY aspect of your life! Counseling doesn’t help
A narcissist because they never believe they are wrong so don’t waste your time( he will tell you , you need counseling, he doesn’t) Get out while you still have life left, you will not regret it !
If your mental health is suffering and you aren’t happy, it’s time to leave. Don’t stay because if kids. They will suffer more if you do.
If you guys are married find a good church get involved find a godly council. Ask him go go to counseling with u…If he agrees that mean a he wants to work on the marriage If not it’s time to make some hard decisions.
She is obviously the problem and if he cant see that, then its time! Its not fair but he clearly has him wrapped round his finger. That’s a hard one to navigate. I hope he comes around see the real picture. Maybe set up cameras.
Move on. You don’t want your children to think that that kind of treatment is acceptable. You needed to have set boundaries in a situation like that immediately and if he’s accusing you of cheating, HE is the one who is cheating.
He doesn’t Respect his self Respect ur self an kids an leave staying is doing more harm to the kids an u
Boundaries. Counseling. And Mom in law needs to zip it.
You have to leave this or you will break…take your children and go.
In my experience, every man who ever accused me of cheating was in fact THE cheater! Get out. It isnt worth wasting any more of your life.
Don’t Listen to Anyone’s Advice, you Need to make Decisions for Yourself that will Impact Your life
Just leave you’ll have a better life and more Time for relaxing . And your own kids will be happy with just being with you
If you’re posting this, take it as a red flag and get out of the relationship! You clearly are not happy and I don’t blame you one bit! Sounds like he’s got some issues you’ve been dealing with for way too long. Marriage is hard and sometimes it’s good to work on it and save the relationship, other times it can’t be saved and then divorce will be an arduous but much needed process. Take it as a time to heal and rejuvenate yourself. Don’t rush into anything afterwards either that you would regret. I also wouldn’t leave spontaneously. Better to plan your exit with something lined up like a place for you to go because obviously with so many people living there already that would be “on his side” (I.e. his family) more than likely you would end up being the one who would have to leave. Unless of course you own or pay for the house or wherever you live then you may have to strategically throw them out… whatever you decide to do, don’t leave the kids behind!
good luck
Take you and the kids out of that house or throw them all out and you keep the house
Everyone is saying run and fast. But it’s never that easy. You have to start by building yourself up financially and emotionally to be able to leave and live on your own. That’s definitely not going to happen overnight. If your husband does not be a father to your daughter if you guys were separated that is not your responsibility that is on him to play his part. And who knows you might find a wonderful man that takes care of all three of them. I did.
Enough Give him and his mother a two finger salute and get a life of your own Dont waste time as they wont alter xx
There are two forms of abuse, physical & mental. You are a victim of mental abuse. A husband that isolates his wife from friends & family is a control freak, not a loving partner. Any issues his mother has should have been shut down by him in the beginning. Taking in extended family members is always stressful & a burden to any marriage.
It’s past time to leave. I wish you all the best life has to offer. You and your kids deserve a happy & healthy home.
Leave. Leave now. That is a toxic situation. It’s not going to get better, especially being teamed up on like that. Leave and take the kids with you.
Sounds like it was time to end it a while ago and the fact of him accusing you of cheating well I’ve always been told it’s the accuser doing the running around. If he doesn’t value your a opinion or see your cry for help or trust you there’s nothing left it’s time pack up you and your babies and move on it’s time to do you
This sounds horrible. Time to go. You will never fix this narcissist and he will NEVER change. I’m not sure whether this is your house or his but someone has to leave. You need to be away from this situation asap. Your health depends on it. You don’t want your children to think this is normal or the cycle continues and they will treat you and their future spouses like this. You will never be a priority in this man-boy’s life. If he doesn’t stand up for you now, he never will. Just end it. There are worse things than being single. Just do it. It will never get better and for sure, the abuse will get worse. Good luck!!
Maybe try couples therapy. It may not work if he is not thinking he does anything wrong.
How do you know when it’s time to end a relationship?
When you start asking questions about when it’s time to end the relationship.
Also generally people who accuse you of cheating constantly are in fact the cheaters. They think you do it bc they are doing it.
Simple response, You are, and have been in a caustic relationship for years. On the loyalty scale your husband has placed you at the bottom. There is obviously no love in this union. You are a pebble of sand on the beach… 1. Counseling 2. Everyone must leave the house 3. No to 1 and 2… Leave and take your children with you.
It seems like you’ve answered your own questions. It’s time to leave.
Time to go your daughter still can have her dad in her life
I wonder f he is afraid too of you leaving him and he to feels controll ed by his mom i thinky you all s hould go to family councelling if not separate he wil have to make a choice i kicked my husband out when i ws 40 years old now am 62 no regerts my health was suffreing you only have one life !
Don’t walk, run. Claim what is left of your life. Your time is valuable and limited.
just take the kids and leave cause things will not get any better let him deal with his family
Now is the time. Don’t waste anymore of your life and time on a unappreciative man and MIL. It is not your responsibility to make any adult happy. The only responsibility and obligation is to be the best person for you and your children. You can’t be your best when someone isn’t letting you be your best. I wasted 6 years of my life on a loser, please don’t make that mistake. Don’t wait for things to change because they won’t. They wouldn’t of gotten there if he was a good husband to begin with.
I would say leave now. Pack your things and your children things. File for custody before he gets a chance too and file.for divorce. Before leaving him, move your money to a private account and take out some cash so that he can’t freeze your account and leave you stranded.
If you’ve discussed your issues with him and he’s not doing anything to change it then I would just leave.
start now with getting your ducks in a row, putting cash away, if you can start packing emergency bags and giving them to your family to hold for you. Once you have some cash put away and done clothes and whatever items you leave. You take your babies and go. If you think he will retaliate the first place you go is to the courthouse to get a protective order.
Trust me it will only get harder and worse as the time goes on. You deserve to be happy, your children deserve to be happy. And trust me your babies know your not happy.
I’m positive you knew the answer waaay before you spent ALL that time texting your feelings to strangers on FACEBOOK.
If someone accused you of cheating , they’re usually the ones doing it
TIME IS NOW, living this way is not healthy for you or helping your children?
If he is unwilling to seek counseling, and continue to deny there is a problem. THE ONLY RECOURSE is save your self and kids.Seek a attorney and move on with your life.
I haven’t even finished reading your whole story I’d pack up and go just from the first 5 sentences
Snd why have you stayed? The ultimatum would have been given as soon as the Mother-in-law started doing what she has done it would have either been me or her and I’m not sure why you’re even asking this question
Look for a women’s shelter grab your kids and go
Tell him it’s either you or the “house guests”
People who constantly accuse their SO of cheating are usually the ones cheating.
It’s hard to live with people I think you need to get rid of the baggage you guys would have a better chance you need privacy
Get out of that relationship, they are using you as a maid and nanny normally if a guy is accusing you of cheating it’s because they are(personal experience).
You should have gotten out a long time ago!
All I got through was the first paragraph!!
It was time then to leave him!!!
I’m a white woman (never dated a Black man before…so, I can not say anything about them.)…BUT! IF a man BLACK or WHITE were to ask me out on a date, HE would pay for the Dinner, Drinks or Whatever we decided to go…THAT BEING SAID, I would go DUTCH, but ONLY if we BOTH AGREED on the arrangement. (I’ve never gone Dutch so that would be new to me)… and if they were expecting some LEG afterwards NOPE…I’m not a F*@#K Buddy… or a Friend with Bennefits.
Run don’t walk now and take kids with you.
I do not… see a winning future for you there. Prepare and leave while you can The longer you stay-- the more time you waste
Take your kids and leave you gave seven years don’t give them one second more
You should’ve left 5 years ago. Leave now, and if he comes with the oh I will change BS, DO NOT take him back!!! They won’t change!!!
Leave now. It’ll be all on you but it sounds like it is now anyway.
If your husband calls you worthless it’s time to go… none of that is okay
Do you think it will get better if not move on ASAP. Counseling is an option but it may or may not work.
Get out now! I went through a similar situation and it’s only gonna get worse!
If he keeps accusing you of cheating it’s probably because he is, run!
Run, don’t walk away! This has been going on for seven yrs, and will not stop. They seem to like having a whipping post. You shouldn’t have to put up with that!
Like dr phill says the only thing that is worse than wasting 7 years with someone is wasting 7 years and one day
Leave. Now.
You still have time heal yourself and your kids
What’s good for you is good for your kids. It’s well past time to end that relationship.
You already know your answer, deep down. You know whats best for you. Kids can recover with a happy mommy
I’m sorry you’re going through this. You deserve better and your children deserve better
Leave now give him back to his momma tell her here you go with the niece and nephew
RUN!!! You deserve way better. He still has his momma to take care of him
Leave now babe- it doesn’t seem to be getting better. You can be your own strength and happiness
Get out you will find out you should have done it long time ago you will be much more content with yourself God bless you he will help you out
I feel like she already knows the answer to this question , because she’s asking it .
Follow your heart , it’s right !
Oh get out and get out now. Don’t let your daughter see you treated like this, don’t let her think it’s normal. Go.
I would leave him now before ur too old. Life is too short to not be happy. Take care of yourself and ur kids and say bye bye.
Yikes! The monster-in-law has to go. Could not and would not deal with that! Good luck!
It’s time. Stop being everybody’s door mat.
Take care of you! It will benefit your daughter
It sounds like you want to leave him.
Run, run,et him stay with his mom and siblings:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Now!! you have to think of yourself and your daughter you don’t need to live like that
Run! Take your kids and run!
Get out unless you’re ok with this for life. It won’t get better.
Yea… when he called you lazy and worthless the first time… time to leave
Take the kids and go.
If you leave now you spare yourself anymore wasted time!
Walk away . He will miss you.
Yeah… it’s done. I think you already know this. Take your kids and leave.
This man doesn’t want a wife, he wants a slave! Leave now!
Get out not good or healthy for the kids
Get your babies and get out!
If you’re in an abusive relationship, which you are, the time is right the F now. Get out, get your kids out. Watching you be abused is not the way to raise your babies. No father is better than a shitty father.
Get out…run as fast as you can.
When you start to feel unhappy and your mental health slowly deteriorating and your self worth becomes low. Because your kids need you to be mentally healthy and happy they depend on you. Our kids watch us. We show them what’s ok and what’s not ok. Don’t let them see you settle for less
Ain’t no man worth putting up with that kinda sh!t!
Normally when your being accused,…the other person is the one actually doing it. You don’t seem to be appreciated at all and you take care of everyone,…think about that. Never make your kids a reason to stay in a situation that you are not happy with, because they won’t be happy anyways if momma is sad. Maybe it’s time to pick up and move on with your life, be happy.
I think it is time to leave x
Move on!! Time for you time!!!