How do you know when it's time to end a relationship?

I feel like this is a joke…


You’re talking about leaving the relationship but I think we can all hope and agree that he leaves you! You’re literally upset that he did what you did :joy:


You’re both toxic as hell, how could you bring a child into this? :flushed:


I’m glad it isn’t just me who is confused

I’m confused reading this too be honest


Wtf did I just read?! I know somebody is playin!


This should have never been a relationship. First he was married. Second you had a past with his brother. But ok. And last the minute twin A went back to his wife and kids your relationship should have been done. But since it wasn’t it should have been over when you slept with twin B. Ps. invest in condoms and if you can get on birth control.

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Girl ur a hot Efin mess u wanna cheat with his damn brother u deserve everything u get u need to get it together and be alone so u can learn some morals

Oof what a train wreck

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Move on y’all both are toxic

Whew chile the ghetto


Just leave ALL the mess behind and start over fresh. Spend some time working on YOU so that you can be the best mom for your baby.

Whats ur issue he went with someone while you was on a break n by the sounds of it so did u …so why do u need to put ur walls back up over something that happened 8mths ago while YOU WAS ON A BREAK … so no issue as you weren’t together n both did the same. Should he put walls up cus u went with someone else. Enjoy wat u have now


It was done from the get go. Move on.

This post does not even make sense. What is even being asked?


Wth??? First of all there is a girl code! Never sleep with someone a friend or sister has slept with and damn sure don’t sleep with a boyfriends family members. Ewwwww

I mean how do you even know who your child’s father is ? Is number 1,2or 3 :woman_facepalming:t3:


You dated his twin and he doesn’t even know. This is gross


If your pregnant by one of the twin brothers , even a dna test cant help you :laughing::woman_facepalming:


You sound just as messed up as him get yourself straightened out first


So you’ve screwed around, he’s screwed around.
What’s the question?


Why are you mad at him if you did the same thing he did he just doesn’t know ?:rofl:


Is this a joke? If not, I am thinking the only people who can help you here are Maury, Jerry Springer, or Jesus.


OK so u had an affair with a married man, u guys split up for a week and you got with his twin brother but ur upset that he got with someone else when u guys were on the week break - If this is a riddle I think I solved it - if it’s a question SAAAAAYYY WHAAAAT lol :laughing:


Well… I mean ya both messed around. Difference is you know and he doesn’t. I bet your doings would make him leave you. Soooo… y’all need to fix yourselves :joy: you are both wrong with you being more wrong.

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I don’t understand the question? You done “stuff” with his twin & someone else in that week, he was with someone in that week … you’re both as bad as each other & now you’re bringing a child into the middle of that mess? Ummm :woman_facepalming:t2:

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Umm lol you’re going to end a relationship when you both were seeing other people while on a break, not even together? Sounds like you both need to figure out what you want, not about you or him you’re bringing a baby into this world and need to figure your crap out.

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I am way to confused with this post… who needs to put up walls and why? He went with his wife for a week and u went with his twin brother? What the what is going on here


I’m confused. If you did the same thing, why would you be mad?

So you both cheated on each other while you were taking a “break”? Sounds like you both either need to forgive one another and let it go, or split up.

They both need to go

Anyone have a decoder ring for this mess?


Their family functions must be fun when you’re around!! :joy::joy::joy:


Kayla Hazell Blansit

So are you preg by someone else then🤔

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Didn’t take long for either of you to jump into someone else’s bed. 1 week isn’t long at all.


You’re mad that he slept with his wife, while you were sleeping with his twin :thinking:


You slept with 3 men in 1 week. Guess it is time for all 3 men to take a dna test. Should’ve used protection.


There’s nothing wrong with sleeping with his brother but something wrong with him sleeping with a random girl?


Seriously, grow up. You have a child on the way. Get your act together, this whole paragraph is pathetic. Your child doesn’t deserve to brought into this shit show. So if I were you I’d get it together before my child gets here. Your relationship never sounded like much of a relationship to begin with. So pack it up and MOVE ON! This time focus on your child and not some man(men).

Wait. You both slept with people while on a break and you’re mad at him? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Does Maury still have a show ? :thinking:


This some jerry springer shit

:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: you should be ashamed of yourself
You sound like my ex! Want his number too? Jesus fuck lady.

You screwed his brother, his TWIN brother at that, and have the nerve to get upset and “put up walls” because he slept with the woman he married? Are you a troll? Is this for real? If you’re serious then the only way to “fix” this if that’s even possible is to get everything out in the open and seek counseling. He needs to know the truth about what you’ve done as well. How would you feel if he slept with your sibling? Bet you’d leave if he had. My other suggestion would be maybe Maury? Or a jerry springer like show :upside_down_face:


All I hear in my head is “Jerry Jerry Jerry”
What was your question?
The twin thing is too much. :rofl:


Get your sh#t together, a child is involved now

So you’re hurt he slept with someone else the ONE week y’all took off, but he’s supposed to be okay that you slept with someone else?? His brother, no less? Sounds to me like y’all are square. lol The only question here is gonna require Maury’s help to answer!


Ermmm I think your relationship ended 2 years ago, you both sound very immature he did it so ill do it!!! You both can’t be trusted obviously and I cannot believe you have the nerve to be upset when you slept with his twin brother :woman_shrugging:
Think you both need to grow up and do whats best for the tiny little human your about to bring into the middle of this farse!
Also maybe a dna test as you just said 3 men in 1 week :thinking:


This entire post is just confusing :rofl:


Please realize that when this baby is born it’s not going to be about you anymore, this child will need love and stability. Stop screwing around. Seriously, this baby should be your only priority now.


If you were doing to especially with his brother his twin you have no right to be mad also I highly suggest you get a dna test to see who the father is

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YOU WERE ON A BREAK!!! Also you have zero room talk you slept with his twin .

But… you’re saying you did the same thing. Sex or not you still saw someone else, and since you’re considering it cheating during a BREAK, shouldn’t he? The hypocrisy here :roll_eyes:


My god are you in high school grow up just because he went and fucked someone don’t mean to go do the same thing back at him didn’t you ever learn 2 wrongs don’t make a right like seriously you are about to have a kid and he already does how childish can you do act

Wow. Idk just get a dna and if they don’t want to be involved don’t force it. As for both of y’all cheating on each other. Y’all prob don’t need to be together at all.

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Sounds like y’all need counseling.

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Yall are both toxic and immature. Time to grow up and focus on your child. Not a man


I’m also confused :woman_shrugging:

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Well you both messed around and don’t seem to have the same priorities. Maybe instead of banging things out with guys that already have relationships or their family members you focus on yourself and get you together. You need to be ok alone. Once you can do that then see if you need someone to make life better. Not to add drama or stress. You have a kid coming in this world and he needs you to put him first not pining about some guy or trying to get a guy. Stay single and be happy!

If you’re asking yourself this question then it’s likely time

Wait…what was the question


What in the Jerry Springer is going on hereeee :thinking:


Should never have been in the relationship in the first place. :confused:

Hey Rachel,
you were on a break. Love, Ross.


wow this sounds like a hot mess there is now a baby to think about

You were on a break. You both messed around. You messed around with his TWIN BROTHER…
Look at it from both sides. I don’t see why you have any reason to be upset with him about it.


You both did stuff on your break and you have walls? :thinking: So…what you’re insecure now and he is to blame?


Twin bothers ??? What’s the question? I am lost …


Neither of you are serious

I think you both need to re evaluate this whole relationship. You both can’t be faithful you shouldn’t be together

Getting serious math problem vibes from this one


What a S#### show
Damn these poor babies being born into such a mess!

This sounds like a jerry springer episode honestly


I know it’s easy to say but I would leave I my self am dealing with something and I wish I had it in me to walk away. so if you can go.

Oh girl …go back to the drafting board and repost when it makes sense​:roll_eyes:…this post has immaturity written all over it…:upside_down_face:


So you both cheated and you want to leave because he cheated after you did? What??


You aren’t ready to be a mother if you can’t be responsible for your actions. You cheated too. You are to blame just as much as he is. Either work it out or just leave but don’t say it’s his fault.

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This is some West Virginia shit

So who tf is the daddy? Can you even tell by DNA that they are twins?(or was that the plan?)


You know your relationship is over when you take a break and, sleep with other people!!! All relationships have issues/ problems some time they don’t take break and, have sex with other people! If he really loved you he would have not wanted work things out With his ex wife you wouldn’t of slept with his brother… Zero respect for each other!! You having a child who knows baby daddy impossible to know… Ya all relationship is ONe big mess … That shit not fixable

If u both want it fix it

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This post gave me a headache :sweat_smile:


i havnt read any replies but please girl, give up the ‘relationship’ with him AND anyone else, think of that wee baby and have a break from men


So you both were seeing different people and you’re tripping? Girl. His twin brother?.. you’re pregnant so imma blame the pregnancy hormones for the ignorance & immaturity.


Yall are both are made for each other


All I can say is I understand why you posted this anonymously :joy::rofl:


What??? I think you both need to put your walls up


You was on a break. Damn the Friends debacle. Come clean to him and let him dump you if he wants to.

There’s a beginning to this yet middle or end.

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These comments though :skull:

Are you older than a teenager ? You don’t sound like it.

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Sorry I had to lol my advice is ro run lol

What about your child on the way, dont you worry about what you are soon facing? Do you have any family?

lol no business to be mad or went with his brother​:woman_shrugging::grin::woman_shrugging:


I think that you both need to put all the bs on the table. If you can come to place of honesty and make the decision to move forward without secrets and with loyalty, you may still be able to have a future. But its gonna take alot of work and you have to both accept each others past decisions.


You cheated, then you were on a break which means he can do as he pleases while you did it too, and you’re the one having trust issues? Yikes


Key word here! “WEEK BREAK” … If you were on a break agreed by both of you, there’s really nothing to discuss :woman_shrugging: Unless you both agreed that the week break wouldn’t involve either of you seeing other people, I don’t think he’s actually done anything wrong. You were both free to see whomever you wanted during the break. Yes it hurts. Yes, I would be fuming too, but with most men, you really need to lay your cards out on the table. If you wanted a break but still be exclusive, you should have pointed that out at the time.

Sounds like you cheated and yall were on a break when he did his thing. Zip up your pants and shut your mouth.

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So, who is the baby daddy? The twin brother or the one you are with now?..