How do you know when it's time to end a relationship?

Omg why mad at him when what you did to him is 100000 xxxx worst you was with his twin bro .


I feel like we are going to see this on maury.

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Bruh you fucked his twin brother…??? And your mad he did the same thing as you but atleast it wasn’t with your sister…:joy:

Just a huge wow!! People really need to think before embarrassing themselves…:woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:


So wait. You’re complaining that he was with someone on your week break bs but you went and slept with his twin brother? The hell is the problem… You both were screwing other people…not just him? Am I missing something? I’m confused. Doesn’t this mean you slept with his brother while you thought he was being faithful while you were on a break? And now you’re mad because he too found someone to sleep with?
Damn… At least it wasn’t your sister or some sort of relative… You coulda chose someone random from tinder or something. Sheesh. You have no reason to be mad. Boohoo. You found out afterwards… You. Slept. With. His. Twin. Get over it. Either move past it, or split and be civil for that baby you two laid down to make. :woman_facepalming: The hell is this.

Hypocritical much?!!!
You messed with HIS BROTHER!!!

What did I just read!? This is worst than a Mexican telenovela… so complicated… how about just focus on your baby and growing up as a person for a while? Maybe in the future you will meet someone without so much baggage to have a healthy relationship with? :person_shrugging:


Sounds toxic on both your parts

You dated twin brothers? OMG


That just sounds like a lot of cheating. No one was faithful.

Seriously. You both sound like a mess when it comes to being a couple. You’re holding something against him that you yourself did, probably out of revenge. And with his BROTHER for crying out loud.

You have walls, but so should he.

If you want your relationship to work you both have some growing up to do


The real question is who’s the baby daddy?


All I can think of :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I feel so bad for your unborn child. Should he call you husband uncle or daddy🙄 you both have issues. Get it together before you screw up your child!

Send me a couple pics I can help u


Is this a trick question? :joy:

Doesn’t sound like he’s worth your time nor does he deserve it.


He is 100% not loyal to you nor does he give a shit about your mental and physical status sis. If you stay with him you are only going to continue to suffer his rath. Obviously you know what to do, we always do! Make yourself leave you deserve at least that❤

Um run! That’s not how healthy relationships work…


He’s already cheated, leave


When you feel the need to ask this question

I would leave girl. Sounds like he doesn’t appreciate you and your preggo. That’s a red flag babe. I would go

Sounds like you guys got pregnant pretty quickly and he doesn’t want that life at all. Move on and worry about your baby.

Also I guarantee, he’s already cheated multiple times.


Yeah probably after the first occasion maybe

It’s not hormones hon. He’s not invested in a relationship with you. Even if he hasn’t yet physically cheated, which i highly doubt but he’s mentally cheating. Please follow your gut with this and leave him. You know he’s not actually interested and just sticks around because he thinks he’s trapped you.


If you won’t do it for yourself, do it for your child - leave now. You don’t want to put up with this and you don’t want to model to your child that they should put up with being treated like this in life either. It will hurt at first for sure but you WILL heal and things will get better. There is someone else out there who would treat you better. Know your worth.


Girl it sucks that you’re pregnant by him but you need to RUN!


Sounds like you already know the answer. But if you need to hear it or be reassured- leave, baby. Get the heck away from this man and never look back. You’ll rebuild and you will heal :two_hearts:


You already know…
Find a man who doesn’t make you question. Best feeling ever.


Leave honey, hes hiding you for a reason. And a real man wouldn’t make you walk pregnant


I would have left the first time

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Leave leave leave. There’s a man out there somewhere who will love and cherish you and your little one(s)… Just never settle because you think they’ll eventually change or because you think you’ll never find better… I was in a similar situation with my child’s father & I am so damn thankful that I didn’t settle because I found out so much crap & also just so happened to have an amazing guy who entered our lives when I wasn’t even looking. :two_hearts:
Do you and your child a favor & leave momma, there’s someone better for you guys out there who won’t Leave you laying in bed at night wondering wtf you did wrong.:blush::two_hearts:

End it now and save the hurt.

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It’s time to leave. Maybe when he grows up you guys can work it out. But honestly he’s not being a good partner, and having a baby is hard and emotional. I wouldn’t stack worrying about a child of a partner on top of that.

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You need to leave. It hurts & you want to hope it will change… but it will not. Im so sorry. I have been there& looking back im so happy i ran. Focus on your baby and healing, for you!

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Make a plan, see an attorney for advice like support and visitation. He has shown you who he is, believe him. You don’t want your child to model either of your behaviors. Would you want your som to treat the mother of his child this way? Would you want your daughters man treating her in this manner.? It will be difficult for sure but you will be able to breath again without all the constant worry about what he’s up to. You and your child deserve to be loved,cherished and celebrated not hidden like some dirty little secret. Show him the door.


All that and you’re torn? Girl…run the F away from him like yesterday!


First of all ( referring to the person who thinks this is laughable ) you definitely are in the wrong group if you think this poor girl’s dilemma is in any way funny ! Secondly, I agree with the other ladies that it’s definitely time to think of you & your baby first & foremost & leave. Get things you need in order first though.


It’s way past time, dear

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Leave he’s not going to change he’s going to tell you he loves you so you will stay and still cheat as he will want to know where your going to be so he can make plans around you being sneaky :100: let him go


Ummmm please leave him now.

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You’re not even married and the baby isn’t born yet but he’s not even trying. Please save yourself and the baby.


Oh farout are you in the relationship with eyeballs closed wake tf up … and please don’t use as an excuse but I love him hes the father to my baby bla bla bullshit…
Hes cheating don’t be blind to that cos you wanna give him time to change LMAO not guna happen :rofl:

So, why are you trying to stay?
Sweets, you won’t change him or make him want the life you do.
Now, you’re about to be a mom…if your child came to you with this, what would you say??
You already know.
Stop settling so you can say you have somebody. Bc right now, that’s all you have: Some. Body.
He’s shown you who he is.
Believe him.


Leave he is hiding for a reason, does he work cause it sounds like he has to much time for a working man, get out u will honestly get more depressed when baby gets here if he is still doing this? Prayers

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As soon as I found out he has been texting other women is when it’s time to end the relationship


By the time I read up to occasions I already had the answer.


Dont ignore the warning signs dont waste your time he is not gonna change promise u its gonn a get worse.Your man that gonna love u for who u are is out there somewhere so leave him this is emosional abuse.


Its only going to get worse. You need to cut your losses and get out the relationship right away. It will get even worse when the baby comes. End it and move on with you and your baby’s life.

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He’s definitely cheating and he’s showing you daily how he feels about you… move on it’s not worth the heartbreak… just my opinion :woman_shrugging:t5::woman_shrugging:t5:


Those are all Red flags. You already know the answer you need to leave he isn’t worth another minute of your time or heart😉


Red flags!!! Get out and don’t look back! Staying with him will only bring you heartache!

Leave that’s your boyfriend not your husband you don’t have to get a divorce you’re not stuck. Do not raise that kid in a house with him when they’re gonna get older and notice the fighting and the split . Leave now and get yourself set to be a mother that’s more important than anything he will deff leave you to do it all and take care of the baby alone

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Save money and leave him. Kick him out if it’s your house/ apartment. You don’t have to settle… the baby isnt here and he might not want anything to do with your unborn child anyways. You and baby will be better off without a toxic relationship.


“Hello, Whole Man Disposal Service? Do you do same day pickups?”


You deserve someone who can’t get enough of you! Someone who would carry you from work if he had no other way to make sure you and that baby had a way home. Someone who wants to show you off, and who couldn’t look at anyone else let alone talk to someone else. Find better! Leave him in the dust.

You deserve better. Don’t tolerate that lack of love and care. Love yourself more and once that baby is here, love that baby.

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honey I was on a relationship like this I have 3 kids with that person I left, best decision I have ever made for my kids and myself, you will know deep down girl , you deserve better x all the best :kissing_heart:

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I have no advice but know your not the only one in this situation. :pleading_face:

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Don’t put yourself through the stress. Just step back for a bit until he can prove he is ready. And even then fuck waiting. Do what’s best for your baby. Only gonna hurt yourself with all that weight.

Totally tag him in pictures of your ultrasound pictures and say your really excited for your beautiful addition, get his password for his social media. Let the world know you two are expecting and if he don’t want to lose you to stop this bs!


Oh hell no. No man of yours should be entertaining another girl. Offered to buy her lunch. F*** no. You dont deserve that. Not even to try to make it work for the babys sake. Girl no. Thing we have to realize, is we are queens and deserve the best. Believe it. You’re worth it


Yuck leave, I left a gross situation while I was pregnant… trust me!! Being a single mum is better than being a mum stuck with a pig of a man


And as your leaving or sending him down the road make sure and tell him the baby isnt his, just say" I had a DNA test done and to my surprise the baby is 0% weasel", that should do the trick

Just leave, leave now before the baby. My sons dad was like this. And he turned abusive.
And later he was using me, cheated before during and after pregnancy.
Didn’t care or care for baby.
Now that he’s older he uses him to get girls and disappears for a while

You gave us a million reasons why you should leave; not one reason for you to stay. You deserve better!


I didn’t even read it all. RUN.


Time to leave. He will NEVER quit…I wasted 10 years on mine…Always cheating, even when I saw proof always denies it, then plays victim or gets angry. It is not the way to live. Leave asap, file custody for baby as soon as baby is born, and just go on with your life. Not a nice thing to say I know…But he’ll play your emotions like a fiddle and leave you empty, hollow, drained in every way…utterly broken.

What the fuck this is emotional amd mental abuse. Leave him. Wtf is even rhe question moma :black_heart::sob:

If you aren’t his focus while your carrying his child and he " let you walk home from work " when he could come pick you up then just know this is the best it will get . So if this is what you want then fine but it doesn’t sound like it . Its easier to leave pregnant then after the baby is home so put yourself first and get rid of him asap .


You deserve a better man

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Sorry but that’s all red flags…your better off leaving save yourself the heart ache now…youll find someone who is deserving of you and your baby when the time is right

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Kick his ass out… You’ll find someone better that will treat you and your baby like a queen. Clearly he isn’t ready to have a family. I am so sorry this is happening to you sweetie. The best thing you can do is leave him.

Please find people who will care for you and your child; friends, family, neighbors, support groups. You are getting zero support from this loser. He’s no help AND making you feel bad. Find a caring person to be a birth partner as it sounds like the sperm donor has already checked out. Find people who will surround you with love and care after the child is born or let you live with them for a while after the baby is born. Maybe a lonely older person would welcome having company and an instant family.

Look into moms groups, people in your childbirth classes and more organizations where you can find friends/other moms to be mutually helpful. Maybe some women on this forum live near and could be present for you, and you can always come online for advice and support.

Don’t look for another man for at least two years. Focus on yourself and the baby. Find a couple of good babysitters and go out with groups or girlfriends for fun, or take up a hobby that brings you joy and gets you out of the house and with other nice people once in a blue moon.

Talk to a women’s center, social worker, lawyer to figure out your options, benefits you can sign up for, and figure out what you want to do. Put him on the birth certificate or not? Get sole custody or joint? (Sounds like he wants nothing to do with you or the baby already.) Have him give up his rights to the child but forfeit child support or be stuck dealing with him & his emotional abuse forever?

Are you financially dependent on him? If so, big mistake, don’t ever do this again. Always have enough money to be able to leave if you have to. Sounds like you’re employed, though so that’s good.

Regarding housing, do you stay and kick him out, you leave for your own place (maybe with a housemate who would actually help out and be kind vs your current deadbeat), or both of you leave and find different housing? Or can you move closer to friends and family now or later? It might affect custody or the medical benefits you have now, so ask about that.

Figure out finances with a social worker and set up some budgets to determine your best options. Set some long term personal and career goals. Figure out cost/benefits of childcare vs. stay at home. Do everything as though you will never have another man in your life. Then when you meet Mr. Right, it will be a choice, not desperation, and if things don’t work out, you can get free.

Get tested for STDs. This might be included in your prenatal care anyway. If he has given you one, stop having sex with him, or at minimum have him wear a condom, demand he get treated and give you a clean bill of health from a doctor. Buy a device if you need the stimulation. Decide once baby is born what kind of birth control you want to be on immediately (you will be super-fertile and super susceptible to infection right after birth) or commit to celibacy (you have to abstain from sex for at least 6 weeks after anyway while your uterus heals). No exceptions! Does not sound like this child was planned, or wanted by your so-called boyfriend. You do not want another unplanned pregnancy. Kids are tiring, frustrating and expensive as well as miraculous.

Talk to your OB/GYN about the signs of post partum depression and what the options are if you’re affected.

Get whatever therapy/counseling you can, including finding mental health hotlines and online options. Between breaking up (sounds like he’s already not present), getting ready for a baby, and pregnancy hormones, it’s going to be rough. I’m sorry, but you can plan for the best options available to you and learn techniques for resiliency.

Learn calming and strengthening techniques to help you get through. Check out Carmen Brocklehurst: Joy Through Movement. It’s an easy moving meditation (Tai Chi Ch’ih) that strengthens mind and body and requires no athleticism at all, and You Tube is free. Helped my mind, body, spirit and improved my overall health immensely, takes 30 minutes max. Tap into a religious/spiritual institution for spiritual support and possibly more. They may have ways to help you and/or a parents or young adult group you can tap for friendships.

Sending positive vibes to you for an easy pregnancy and birth, a very healthy baby, and joy and love beyond measure. May you find your inner badass warrior woman, find and recognize your maturity and intellect—you can be a very wise woman, and I know you’ll be a fierce and loving mama. Inspire yourself and learn from books, movies, and television programs of amazing women who achieved great things on their own or with friends. Read “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” and the first year one. Do it now before baby claims every waking moment!

Challenge yourself to make one connection, research one thing every day. Plan one day at a time with your eyes on the prize of being a happy and successful mother and you will get there. We believe in you!
:+1:t3::heart::tulip::baby:t3: :crown:

Slash his tires and burn all his things. Then leave him and get him for child support once baby is born.


Get rid Get rid Get rid.!!! Your worth so much more then this his taking the absolute piss out of you :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:… KNOW YOUR WORTH GIRL XX

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Best to face what you already know… He’s a creep and needs to go… Learn to respect yourself

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So sorry hun. I also had to walk away after getting pregnant. Was in the best interest of my soul. In my head these are the actions of someone who is either not committed or is like me and does not worry about social media . Is it hard being alone.? No it is not . Does it take a month or 2 to feel better ? Absolutely. He turned around and abandoned his child anyway . So I am thankful during my pregnancy I didn’t have to deal with the anxiety and bs . Enjoy being pregnant at all cost .

What will it take for you to get the message. It’s not a warning sign. It’s like saying get the heck out. Get on with your life. You are wasting time by being there.

So what would you say if your girl friend came to you and said:
My boyfriend flirts with other women. My boyfriend lies to me. My boyfriend doesn’t help me when I need help. My boyfriend hides our relationship. My boyfriend doesn’t take me out or compliment me, but does this with other women. Am I overreacting? …:expressionless:

Girl, who hurt you? What kind of household did you grow up in that you question if this is a functional relationship?? Have you ever been loved in your life? Was your mother a doormat? Is that the example you want your child to grow up with? Would you wish this relationship on that baby? If not, then leave, a don’t date again until you see a therapist. You need to learn how to value yourself before you destroy this child’s life. And this all assumes you’re not newly pregnant. If you are, then 1. You’re not ready to be a parent and 2. This is not a dude you want to tie yourself to for the rest of your life.


Your best to leave looks like to me he dont want you

Please do not stay with him because of the kids because it just ends up hurting you and
The kids I did it years ago because I let my ex family talk me in to going
Back I told him he had
One year and if things didn’t change I would be gone for
Good I left 50 weeks later he didn’t want to go to counselling or quick drinking and I have been good ever since

If he isn’t making you his main priority right now then its time to move on,

When you find yourself asking that question, it’s time.


Definitely time to end it. My ex was the same way. He was constantly entertaining other females. If he can lie to you he doesn’t love you. Also to let you walk home from work pregnant? He is a piece of shit. You deserve better. It will be hard at first but you can do it. Your life and your baby’s life will be better in the long run. Your baby needs to see you happy. I dealt with what I didn’t deserve for the longest time because I wanted my kids to have a family. Little did I know I was doing more harm than good. Now I have the most amazing husband and he treats my kids as his own. Be strong and kick him to the curb!

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went through the EXACT same thing for 5 years with the “emotional cheating” (wasn’t pregnant though). They do it because they have childhood trauma, low self esteem and want to boost their ego. They constantly need to feel wanted…to fill a void within them. Narcissistic, gaslighting, etc. It doesn’t have anything to do with you. Slowly he will crush your mental health; always wondering who he texted that day. It will eat you up. I wasn’t a priority, but an option as I sat back and let him do his thing so I wasn’t controlling…he showed me where his priorities were and I left. He was devastated…and to this day, 2 years later he is still struggling without me. I won’t go back. Respect yourself, respect your self worth, respect your mental health. If you are asking the question…it’s your inner self/intuition telling you this isn’t healthy. I send you healing energy to get through this; whatever you choose. :sparkles:


You know what you need to do

Red flags run far away

I’m sure you know what to do but I’ve done this and honestly I would’ve left 3 years ago and never looked back. I don’t regret my daughter by any means but I’m still on this dumb roller coaster with her father and it doesn’t get any better…

Leave. So many red flags here


Move on darlin’. Its a pattern that will never change. He will cheat.


If he always seems to have his phone in hand but doesn’t respond to you, he’s simply ignoring you. You deserve to be treated like a priority and a queen. Envision your ideal relationship and go find that.


You do know what to do - take your dignity and go. That’s not love, and it won’t blossom into it.


So many i mean so many red flags and please don’t even think he wil change even after the baby comes it will not


Get out now. I know it doesn’t seem easy. But I was you. Our daughter is almost 1 now and it’s hard but you should not have to question your worth because he clearly doesn’t see it. You deserve more and your child deserves to see you happy.

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After the first time.

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Leave :clap:t3: his :clap:t3: a**. You are a convenience to have around knowing he has to put 0 effort into the relationship. It sucks and it’s going to hurt but you are being used.
Hugs to you :heart:


Leave!!! He’ll never change!

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Oh my. I usually say try and work it out, but like others have said…there are so many red flags. I’d leave and move on. Focus on your new little one coming :heart:

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Won’t claim your relationship, doesn’t text back, talks to other women… bye

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