why would you move in with somebody that would not want to marry you-now you are having a child, pretty soon another one-can you raise them by yourself? Think!
He’s a narcissist and doesn’t seem to care about you at all. You don’t see your worth and need to focus on yourself if you ever wanna get healthier and happy. Think of your baby. He will treat the baby like he does you. Find someone you trust and see if they can help you figure out where to go. Try to think about being on your own. It’s scary but you deserve to be cared about. Wouldn’t you be happier in general without him? Focus on how people make you feel about yourself. He doesn’t deserve you or that baby
I would leave him…seems like ur the only one working on the relationship…ur just gonna end up more hurt the longer u stay! Best of luck
You poor thing that’s not fair. I am so sorry.
If you don’t leave now, you’ll regret it down the road. You’ll be mad that you were wasting time on a BOY who dgaf about you. So do it now and don’t look back.
You and your baby deserve a Man that’s all about you. Not searching for something else.
Your first instinct needs to be addressed up front.
Going through the exact same thing. 24 weeks pregnant, had to just be done with it and walk away. It’s hard as fuck but I have to do what’s best for my little family even if it means kicking him to the curb.
So many know the answer, leave. If you need permission consider it given.
Run it will only get worse after you have the baby. I know from experience. Not worth the pain
To be honest completely honest… I think you already know the answer… since you’re technically asking a bunch of strangers in the internet. Move on! He’s not worth it. Keep him updated on the baby to be unless he shows no interest in that as well. If not, move one for the emotionally stable for you & baby might be hard but it’ll better for the both you.
Self love will save you from the heart aches that will come if you stay. Good luck if you do stay “I love you!” You’re gonna need this.
End it. Now. Save yourself from even more heartaches.
Sounds eerily similar
You know at that first sentence. I was like better keep reading to be sure. Yup. Move on, he’s gross.
I didn’t read past him letting you walk home from work. Get out. He is a dead beat
I didn’t even read all this because if he’s texting other women, he has no respect for you and it won’t stop. It’s too easy to hide it. Get out while you can before that baby comes.
if its your home the 2 of you are living in then its time to boot him out.things arent going to get any better.good luck😉
Oh honey
Run ! Do not walk ! Gtfo of there!
Holy shit please leave!
You should have been gone after the 2nd time. I thought it was 3 strikes your out. Why did you even allow it to get to 5 times? You must have some respect for yourself.
The cynical person in me would plaster him on Facebook about how great and exciting it is to be expecting “our baby” I’d be tagging him so it shows on his page.
Um. After you plaster that on social media. Then I’d dump his ass! Don’t let someone treat you like that!
He is worthless. Leave.
If you need to ask this question, it’s time…
LEAVE hes using you girl I know easier said thN done but if he can show other girls that attention he don’t want you
End it your will only end up more hurt, he is only trying to “do the right thing” by staying for the kid. You can end the relationship on good terms be friends and he can still be a good father if given the chance. The longer you stay the harder it will be on you to leave.
LEAVE!! One thing you can’t get back in life is time. I have tried to stay to fix the relationship a couple of times but in the end… it ends anyways and then all you did was waste precious time. Enjoy being pregnant enjoy all the great foods that you crave. enjoy the sick moments because when that little bundle of joy comes it is such a blessing. And you’re never puke at 6 a.m. ever again ( unless another comes)
I was single with my last one. I finally decided to walk away and I had some of the best experiences ever. Me & my chunky little belly would waddle on down to the beach… No drama. No stress. No one to see you struggle and not care… It’s NICEEE
I’d go to the nail salon and they are so respectful and kind.
I would even go to the library and read.
And I worked all the way up until the day I had my baby.
It just does something to you girlfriend… it builds strength you never knew existed!!! Leave… You’ll be so happy
You are beautiful the baby is a gift.
Your bond will be amazing
Ew. Leave. You deserve better.
If he lied about it, I think you have your answer. Know your worth, it’s the greatest gift you can give urself.
Its because he doesn’t want to be with you. I don’t mean to be harsh, but ive been in this position. He wouldn’t post me, I couldn’t tag him in anything on facebook even though we were having a child together. He didn’t post a single thing about being in a relationship or the fact he was having a child until she was born. Soooo many people were like oh my god I didn’t even know you were having a kid. But when he got with his now wife, nothing but post after post etc. He posted everything with his girlfriend before me. It hasn’t bothered me in a long time and Id like to say im close with his now wife since she is the stepmom. She is amazing!! Ive also found someone new and now have a second child with him. Not trying to ramble, but if he is acting that way, its because he doesn’t want you and he doesn’t want people knowing about you.
You don’t have time for that nonsense
When the second female was being texted. That’s so shitty I’m sorry. You aren’t over reacting. You are carrying yalls baby and he’s out being a dick.
LEAVE! He’s nothing but an inconsiderate a-hole!
You deserve so much more
He doesn’t respect you or is concerned for you at all. My ex was never supportive and often sided with others and not me. He alienated me from my family. Everything was a joke and he couldn’t be serious about anything. Time to move onward and upward.
He’s acting pretty single
Your his comfy side piece. Leave, he won’t acknowledge you which is why he hasn’t put on his social media. He is living the single life and your just there. You deserve better for you and the child your carry
Please leave. You don’t deserve that.
Trust your thoughts it seems like you know he is doing you wrong and want to see if he changes trust me if he didn’t respect you since Day 1 he won’t do it going forward just leave trust me you won’t regret it
Girl you already know the answer. Think of your child. Do you think that kind of behavior is what you want them growing up seeing? Or seeing you being treated that way?
Hell no. Thank you, next
drop the f***er he is not worth you and your child it won’t get any better only worse don’t give him any more of your life you are working leave find a place to live and nail him for child support!!!
Well, since we’re already pregnant by a man who doesn’t value you, now is the time to decide if you value yourself
Let this douche bag go! There isn’t any way to fix this. You show that you stay through all the bs he puts you through so he’s going to keep doing it. He doesn’t give two sh$&s about you
Nope, girl you have enough stress as a mama. You don’t need his crap. Its not gonna get any better if he didn’t stop and change the FIRST time. I know this is hard but I wish I had left so much sooner with my first husband. Things only went down hill. You deserve better
I didn’t even get through the first 3 sentences before making my decision, goodbye
Run like the wind and don’t look back!
The first line of this sentence is when it’s time.
You have to love yourself more than you love him. He’s never going to so you MUST!
Do the obvious and get out
Leave as fast as you can and don’t look back.
Seems like your relationship has been over for a while… Be with someone who treats you as the Goddess you are
Leave now before it’s too late.
Get out. This is does not have a good ending
Girl leave if he can be on his phone and ignore you AND let you walk home from work pregnant and he’s texting other women …time to move on girly
Oh honey, I’m so sorry. You got yourself in such a sad predicament. It’s not all a loss tho if u kick him too the curb now, you and baby will be so much happier. Pls believe me. He’s cheating and or is not into you. He is definitely using u. I don’t know for what but I guarantee your helping him survive or giving him a place too live. If that’s true, wake up and move on. Your worth it!
I think you have the answer. You deserve more
Know your worth leave! You deserve better!
All that sounds pretty awful. End it with him. If a man is all in he will do everything in his abilities to show you.
Your worth having that type of love with someone, your not going to find him being stuck with Mr. Liar.
Things won’t change there’s nothing to fix w him. He needs to go back to where ever he came from.
Focus on your baby n you. Hopefully he tightens up to be a better role model for the kid later on.
But fr fr, don’t be with a guy that just let’s you walk home or can’t even look at msgs from you. I’ve had a similar relationship and now I have that man that would do absolutely anything for us! You got to let that loser go in order to find that good one.
It’s time that you drop that deadweight off your shoulders. It’s time to leave. You or that baby don’t need that type of stress. BOYS like that don’t change.!
That is cheating what he is doing I would leave you don’t want to bring a baby around that and your child is seeing you sad
Um…now is the time to end your relationship. I wouldn’t have given him 5 chances to prove what a POS he is. One chance yes. But not 4 more. Save you and your baby more heart ache by getting out now rather then later when its harder cause you have a baby. No one ever wants to leave. And hes made it clear he doesnt want to be with you by continuing to text women. So take his hint. Either pack his stuff or yours and be done.
You answered your own question!!! He should be cherishing u even more right now. Stand up to him and tell him how u feel! If he laughs it off take it serious! Your going to have a baby!!! Does he leave and u don’t know where he is? Does he avoid eye contact? You don’t deserve feeling so sad! This should be a happy time for you!
I get your emotions are running high right now being pregnant The fact that you are pregnant makes his actions even worse. But ask yourself Why do you want to be with someone who clearly doesn’t want to be with you? Let alone talk about trying to fix things with this boy?!?! This is a boy sweetheart, not a man. You already know what the right thing to do is, you just have to make that step.
Don’t count on him. Make sure you have a family member or good friend ready to support you during your labor and delivery. What if you got sick or injured at work? Could you count on him? Or would he be too busy texting someone else?
Girl run. He’s a pile of garbage
I think you already know what to do. Now it’s time to just make that big move on leaving him. Go before the baby comes so you have time to settle down so when the baby comes you are not putting your child through it. If he’s talking like that w other woman chances are he has already done something. You and your child will find someone who will treat you right. Good luck momma
Leave so you can be happy
He shouldn’t be stressing you out while you’re pregnant. The texting w other women won’t stop, he’ll just get sneakier. It’s gonna hurt but do you want to be in the same place 5 years from now? Feeling insecure and doing everything while he plays on his phone? He’s already done enough damage, please let him go.
not to sound super harsh or mean but you wont only be hurting yourself but your child to if you stay
Unfortunately I went through the same thing with my ex minus the walking home from work thing. I didn’t leave him when I found out he was sending dirty pics to another girl while I was pregnant with our son and eventually it led to him sleeping with my sister. Run. Please run. This will cause you so much hurt and so manh trust issues in the future when you inevitably do leave him. Save yourself possibly years of being cheated on and lied to and leave. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Any kind of cheating hurts extremely bad
Get out, I know its scary when pregnant but in the long run it will be better for the welfare of yourself and your child. I have been here and we split when I was 7 months pregnant for him to never be seen again, best thing I ever did for my child cause he wasn’t making my boy feel like he was second class or not good enough,
If u have to ask, then leave.
Get out as fast as you can and don’t ever look back xxx
I’m sad to see anyone go through this, leave!! You will be better off… You will find someone who will give you the attention you deserve and your children. Always wondering if he is choosing you or someone else is the worst feeling in the world, so get out and find someone who wants you and only you and shows you that!! You deserve it, everyone does!!
Id leave. You need a man that appreciates you and wants to build a life with you
Get out of that relationship
Get out now. It gets worse after the baby comes, try to save as much as you can now to be able to provide for yourself and your baby after you give birth. Bringing a child in this world is already hard you do not need that added stress
Wow what a winner. And now you’re stuck with him forever because of the kid.
He’s not interested and is looking for an out. Get smart, get your crap together and leave before he leaves you.
I dealt with the same thing exactly! After 2 years I actually left, he begged for me to come back, went back after 2 months, hasn’t done anything since I came back, but not saying he won’t ever go back to his ways. You need to make the move and leave and go from there.
Doesn’t he work? Or just sit home on phone all day. GET Out now
long past time to say good bye
Sound a bit scary seems he don’t care about you or your feelings but the choice is yours no one can make that decision for you the shoe is on your foot!!!
Leave the bastard, he has made it pretty clear he does not care about you…get smart girl…
My suggestion would be to leave before the baby comes. It’s will be harder once the baby arrives. I know it’s gonna be hard & gonna hurt, but you have to think of the yourself & the baby in the long run. The signs are all there.
It’s time to end this “relationship”. If he’s that secretive, he’s not invested 100%. What is he going to do when the baby comes? They say fish or cut bait? It’s time to cut bait. You need to focus on you and baby.
LEAVE. 4 or 5 different women? That’s not a one time thing. Its not a mistake. It’s deliberate. He’s laying his options out for himself. Sad thing is he would probably treat any one of those other girls the exact same way. Get out and perhaps cut ties.
I think you know you need to leave but its hard because of your situation. My ex did the same stuff. Texting other women, lying about who and what. Didn’t give me much affection but sure had it to give away online to others. Couldn’t text or call me but always had his phone when im around. Then he cheated. Then he drank and found a way to blame me for it. I left and didn’t look back. You need to be happy. And I don’t think staying in this will make you happy
There are no excuses for his behaviour simples
I was done after reading your first line. Leave. Not worth your time.
U need to get out now!!!
I think you know the answer… these are all very blatant red flags. Sorry Mama, you’re strong and you got this.
Kick him to the curb girl.
Say bye to him yesterday!
I think you have your answer
He needs to Kick Rocks🪨
He isn’t worth your time at all, leave that boy
Stop trying to fix him and fix yourself . Go see an attorney.
When you have to ask yourself this question and when they shown that they honestly just do not care.