How do you know when it's time to end a relationship?

Have some self respect & leave? :woman_shrugging:

Dump him!! You alone can’t fix things. Life is too short to deal with jerks!! Value yourself more

If you’re asking, it’s time. I had a 14 mo old and 9 weeks pregnant when me and my hubby split so I know it’s especially hard to make the break when you’re pregnant but I gotta tell you it was the smartest thing I ever did because it would have been tougher on the kids if they had actually known him ever being in the home and having to endure who knows what between us. It was so much easier raising them without an anchor around my neck…and to dispell any questions I had no family at all to help me and didn’t date for 11 years so there was no interference from a non parent. Sometimes I think it would have been nice if I could have found an appropriate man for all of us so they had a male role model but honestly the risk in that is more than I wanted to take. Soon you’ll be so involved with the baby you won’t be alert to him straying so just nip it in the bud and raise your baby happily and independently.

If hes already disrespecting you like that, you should’ve left when it began.

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Girl it’s over. Take that L and your raise that blessings, together, but separately.

He should call an uber or lyft to get you home but you should leave him

Honey I think, hope, you already know the answer. What does your gut tell you, not your heart that thing will get you hurt big time. Obviously you’re gut is telling you something isn’t right or you wouldn’t have come here asking. If he’s making you question your sanity/hormones then kick him in the nads and tell him it’s all in his head. I’m mean like that. The civilized way would be to confront him, give him a fair amount of time to fix his ways or fix him a gutter closet.

Oh I dated that exact man honey, he’s a douche. He will string you along until you’re done. He has shown he doesn’t really care. Trust your instincts. Let him go

Dump him now or you’re in for a miserable life!

Drop his ass.You deserve better than that.

If you ask to ask this question, then there’s your answer

Kick him to the curb :leg:t3:

Leave now he lets you walk home pregnant and is cheating

Kick him to the curb! You nor your children deserve to be second rate citizens in your own family!!! Ditch that loser before he teaches your kids to treat people this way… you do you honey, YOU matter!!

Girl leave leave now

Sounds like a similar experience with my sons father I thought I was in a relationship with him you should leave now and never look back it’s too much stress to even try to fix it, because if people cared they wouldnt be so shitty to the ones they love. No thing as overreacting your gut is telling you something

Leave :clap:t2: his :clap:t2: ass :clap:t2: and :clap:t2: never :clap:t2: look :clap:t2: back!

You deserve someone who’s there early to pick you up with whatever you’re craving and ice water cause you had a long ass day.

Leave that mother fucker. Let’s you walk home pregnant. Hellllllllll no.

You need to end it, but be smart about it. Are you financially stable without him? Do you have a support system? If either of those is a no, wait. Save your money. Research your options for housing and what a concrete plan of action will be. You and your baby deserve better.

Dump his stupid ass.

If he loved you he wouldnt do that

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You deserve better. :heart:

The fact that he is talking to other females never mind taking them to lunch is reason enough to be pissed if that was my dude he would never be allowed to talk to another female he most definitely would not be taking another female with out me there if he won’t tag you or mention him then write a living status and tag him in it that way your friends see it but most importantly the females will see also post the recent ultrasound picture and tag him in it start putting him on the short leash he wants to take someone to lunch tell him your coming with he wants to talk to other females write posts about the baby and tag him in it find the girls he’s talking to and tell them that he’s yours and they need to back off or you will find them and slit there throats or you will torture them and make them regret they ever spoke to him make them beg you to leave them alone if they keep talking to him put a lock on his phone that only you know change his Facebook to something you know never leave him alone torture him to show him whose boss slice his fingers off or slice his tounge

It’s time to get the hell out before that baby is born

Leave!! He is an absolute piece of s***!! I’m sure if you really wanted more proof you can even set up a fake profile and talk to him but I just have a feeling it’s going to hurt you more. I think you know the truth. leave his sorry ass. I can’t believe he’s not claiming you on social media that’s the first red flag but there’s a million more. I can’t believe you that you walk home from work that’s just evil. Leave leave leave

Emotional betrayal is hard…and you need to leave now. His attachment to the phone is more than you, you are already alone in ur relationship. Walking home? Wow…and you probably pay the insurance on the car, you know the answers,go now, you deserve better as does your child


Get out now! What kind of man let’s his pregnant gf walk home from work? Praying for a safe & healthy remainder of your pregnancy💕


Post on his time line… “hey I love you Soo much and am sooo excited about our baby… and thank you for being such a great boyfriend”
Soooo everyone can see… if he gets mad leave… … Or just leave and not do that… He sounds like a dbag anyway


People treat you exactly how they feel about you! Let him go and move on, please. Your mental health is at stake.

When we hear a funny joke and laugh, we don’t question why… yet we always doubt other instincts and it works to our detriment. Your instincts will become more important as a mother, and I suggest you trust them. I questioned, doubted, trusted, etc. for years and it didn’t serve me well. I finally “got it” and found a man that put his best foot forward from the start. Don’t play into the “boy loses girl boy wins girl back” scenario. There is always an excuse for bad behavior, don’t listen to rationale about why someone treats you like shit being about them feeling low about themselves. It is a toxic cycle and you have one priority right now. If he cannot be trusted with something so basic as being honest, I assure you he cannot be counted on as things get more complicated down the road. You have to model self respect for your children and they will be happy and well adjusted in a happy well adjusted household. You and that child deserve to be first. You will find this, but not with him in the picture. Set him free to find what he needs. You want something else and will find it once you cut the cord. Be prepared for his dramatic attempts, but remember. Best foot forward from the beginning. You deserve to get what you give. :heart: be strong and congratulations and best of luck with the little one!

Noone texts just for common chat my x would say I had to call 900 numbers to talk about our relationship he would order porn and saying wasn’t home…your just wasting ur time dear hes one of those it doesn’t change it actually gets worse more costly and don’t forget the humiliation when everyone eles knows except you.

Every singe comment says almost the same thing BUT we all know she’s staying right? If she’s coming to fb KNOWING she should’ve already run for the hills she’s definitely staying “for the kid”


He’s not that into you.

All the answers are in your post. You are stronger than you think. That little one you are carrying is the basis of your strength and a new life. You and the baby deserve so much better. Sending love and strength your way through prayers. :orange_heart::yellow_heart:


Know your worth! He doesn’t deserve you. Leave now or you’ll regret it a year from now. You can do so much better!

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Leave it will be worse when baby arrives


My ex was that way.
I left
Being a single mom near my family was 200 times better
Have since met a amazing man who worships the ground our children and I walk on.

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Every single thing that you think or feel is probably EXACTLY what is going on. Your “BF” is with you because that’s what he’s supposed to do but he’s not there for you and he’s not going to be. It doesn’t matter what you do and he may have cared about you but this guy right now is NOT going to be the partner or parent you want and need him to be. So unless you want to be stressed out all the time about who’s he’s talking to or why he’s with you I’d plan on being on my own and focusing on the next stage of your life with a kid. Get out and get yourself on the right path. You deserve better than to be a secret or a forced situation for some douche canoe. You get your own life and be great and good without his sad sack ways. Don’t waste tears on him because he’s not doing that over hurting and lying to you.

Your feelings are VALID.
You are NOT overreacting.

He is treating you poorly. He’s not a man. He doesn’t love you.

Love yourself enough to WALK AWAY❤️ You are so much better than that


Ok so I’m going through the same thing and actually told him I’m leaving his ass in about 2 weeks yesterday and he said nothing soooo I’m packing mine and my daughters stuff and moving out…I have caught him several times talking to other women video chats all kinds I f stuff now for the past three weeks on his days off goes to a freinds house and stays til early morning wont answer a call or txt so yea I’m done…

How he treats you is exactly how he feels about you


Trust your gut. If you are asking… I think you already know. I can promise you one thing you can’t “fix” him or “change” him.
Sending prayers for you and that baby. :heart:

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Leave the piece of sh!t


Not sure why you need strangers advise but since you feel the need to ask it seems to me like you already know that the relationship is one sided. You need to move on and settle yourself in a peaceful way for your own and your babies future. There will be a person out there that will put you and your baby first. That won’t happen while you are with a self centered person


He’s using you till he finds another

He already cheated on you the second he was texting other women. Unfortunately your relationship probably ended then too.


It’s not you. It’s him. Until he wants to change, he won’t.

I’m not one to ever say leave…but GIRL!!! He’s making you walk home pregnant? Doesn’t respond so messages? Talking to other women? Hides you?

You are so much more than what he is offering you. Please don’t stay and let him destroy you emotionally. Get the fuck out of that trap before you lose yourself and your confidence.

Ask yourself what advice you would give your child if they came to you with this same question come we usually expect whole lot more for our children than we do ourselves and put up with too much bullshit because we love someone…

Its time to leave girl pack your shit up he doesnt care and if you care about your self and those kids you will leave

He’s already cheating that was my x too .

It’s much more fun to stay single :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Only you will know when the time is right for you. The definition of
cheating is giving time to another that should be devoted to your partner. There doesn’t have to be actual physical interaction.

Bounce. Just because you have a child together doesn’t mean you have to be together. I guarantee after you leave he’s gonna realize what a piece of shit he’s been

Kick him to the curb!!!

Girl you need to leave like yesterday. Let him go be with someone else and you can love your baby and be happy on your own and love yourself again.

When you have to ask “when is it time to end a relationship”…it’s already time.


Even if this guy cares, he isn’t showing it AT ALL. Dump his ass!

How he treats you when you’re carrying HIS child is how he really feels/cares about you.

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Time to go and improve your life.

why would you move in with somebody that would not want to marry you-now you are having a child, pretty soon another one-can you raise them by yourself? Think!

He’s a narcissist and doesn’t seem to care about you at all. You don’t see your worth and need to focus on yourself if you ever wanna get healthier and happy. Think of your baby. He will treat the baby like he does you. Find someone you trust and see if they can help you figure out where to go. Try to think about being on your own. It’s scary but you deserve to be cared about. Wouldn’t you be happier in general without him? Focus on how people make you feel about yourself. He doesn’t deserve you or that baby


I would leave him…seems like ur the only one working on the relationship…ur just gonna end up more hurt the longer u stay! Best of luck

You poor thing :sob: that’s not fair. I am so sorry.

If you don’t leave now, you’ll regret it down the road. You’ll be mad that you were wasting time on a BOY who dgaf about you. So do it now and don’t look back.

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You and your baby deserve a Man that’s all about you. Not searching for something else.

Your first instinct needs to be addressed up front.

Going through the exact same thing. 24 weeks pregnant, had to just be done with it and walk away. It’s hard as fuck but I have to do what’s best for my little family even if it means kicking him to the curb.

So many know the answer, leave. If you need permission consider it given.

Run it will only get worse after you have the baby. I know from experience. Not worth the pain

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To be honest completely honest… I think you already know the answer… since you’re technically asking a bunch of strangers in the internet. Move on! He’s not worth it. Keep him updated on the baby to be unless he shows no interest in that as well. If not, move one for the emotionally stable for you & baby :black_heart: might be hard but it’ll better for the both you.

Self love will save you from the heart aches that will come if you stay. Good luck if you do stay “I love you!” You’re gonna need this. :green_heart:

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End it. Now. Save yourself from even more heartaches.

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Sounds eerily similar :unamused:

You know at that first sentence. I was like better keep reading to be sure. Yup. Move on, he’s gross.

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I didn’t read past him letting you walk home from work. Get out. He is a dead beat


I didn’t even read all this because if he’s texting other women, he has no respect for you and it won’t stop. It’s too easy to hide it. Get out while you can before that baby comes.

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if its your home the 2 of you are living in then its time to boot him out.things arent going to get any better.good luck😉

Oh honey
Run ! Do not walk ! Gtfo of there!


Holy shit please leave!

You should have been gone after the 2nd time. I thought it was 3 strikes your out. Why did you even allow it to get to 5 times? You must have some respect for yourself.


The cynical person in me would plaster him on Facebook about how great and exciting it is to be expecting “our baby” I’d be tagging him so it shows on his page.


Um. After you plaster that on social media. Then I’d dump his ass! Don’t let someone treat you like that!

He is worthless. Leave.

If you need to ask this question, it’s time…

LEAVE hes using you girl I know easier said thN done but if he can show other girls that attention he don’t want you

End it your will only end up more hurt, he is only trying to “do the right thing” by staying for the kid. You can end the relationship on good terms be friends and he can still be a good father if given the chance. The longer you stay the harder it will be on you to leave.

LEAVE!! One thing you can’t get back in life is time. I have tried to stay to fix the relationship a couple of times but in the end… it ends anyways and then all you did was waste precious time. Enjoy being pregnant enjoy all the great foods that you crave. enjoy the sick moments because when that little bundle of joy comes it is such a blessing. And you’re never puke at 6 a.m. ever again ( unless another comes)
I was single with my last one. I finally decided to walk away and I had some of the best experiences ever. Me & my chunky little belly would waddle on down to the beach… No drama. No stress. No one to see you struggle and not care… It’s NICEEE
I’d go to the nail salon and they are so respectful and kind.
I would even go to the library and read.
And I worked all the way up until the day I had my baby.

:heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse: It just does something to you girlfriend… it builds strength you never knew existed!!! Leave… You’ll be so happy
You are beautiful :heartpulse::purple_heart:the baby is a gift.:gift_heart::gift_heart: Your bond will be amazing :blue_heart::green_heart::purple_heart::heartpulse::yellow_heart:… YOU DONT NEED A TAG ALONG…


Ew. Leave. You deserve better.

If he lied about it, I think you have your answer. Know your worth, it’s the greatest gift you can give urself.

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Its because he doesn’t want to be with you. I don’t mean to be harsh, but ive been in this position. He wouldn’t post me, I couldn’t tag him in anything on facebook even though we were having a child together. He didn’t post a single thing about being in a relationship or the fact he was having a child until she was born. Soooo many people were like oh my god I didn’t even know you were having a kid. But when he got with his now wife, nothing but post after post etc. He posted everything with his girlfriend before me. It hasn’t bothered me in a long time and Id like to say im close with his now wife since she is the stepmom. She is amazing!! Ive also found someone new and now have a second child with him. Not trying to ramble, but if he is acting that way, its because he doesn’t want you and he doesn’t want people knowing about you.


You don’t have time for that nonsense

When the second female was being texted. That’s so shitty I’m sorry. You aren’t over reacting. You are carrying yalls baby and he’s out being a dick.

LEAVE! He’s nothing but an inconsiderate a-hole!


You deserve so much more

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He doesn’t respect you or is concerned for you at all. My ex was never supportive and often sided with others and not me. He alienated me from my family. Everything was a joke and he couldn’t be serious about anything. Time to move onward and upward.

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He’s acting pretty single


Your his comfy side piece. Leave, he won’t acknowledge you which is why he hasn’t put on his social media. He is living the single life and your just there. You deserve better for you and the child your carry

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