How do you set out toys from Santa?

Medium gift unwrapped from Santa with a bow. Big gift and rest of smaller ones from mom and dad. We may have let then open their big gift early this year. #BadParents #WhateverWhateverIDoWhatIWant

I read somewhere other kids wont understand why Santa got them something small even though they were good and their friend something huge… I was like well heck I don’t wanna give Santa all the credit anyways!!:laughing:

We use small stuff from Santa.

I wrap everything but bigger things either come in a burlap Christmas bag or with a bow. 1 present is from Santa. Everything else is from whoever got it for him

Most gifts were from Mom and Dad and wrapped. Santa only brought one gift and it was by your stocking.

We wrap everything besides stocking stuffers. We buy a few different wrapping papers and kinda use different ones and lay it out so it looks nice. It all says from Santa :blush:

We give smaller gifts from Santa wrapped in Santa paper. We save the bigger gifts from Mom and Dad.

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We never give big expensive gifts from Santa. I worry about the kids who’s parents cannot afford them. Kids talk and I don’t want my kids accidentally hurting another child feelings by saying Santa got me a insert item. So my kids Santa gifts are put under the tree or in thier stockings on Christmas eve after they go to bed.


I never really tell my kids what’s from santa and what’s from us, I just let them think what they want. But if they ever ask the one unwrapped present is from santa and everything else is from us

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Wrapping is more fun for them to open

Everything gets wrapped. Things from Santa are wrapped with santa paper and everything else is wrapped in cartoon character paper

I lay clothes out wrap only toys Santa only gets credit for 1or 2 toys because he has other children to make for the rest comes from me

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What we do is buy one or two toys from Santa and the rest is from us…the big ticket items.
Santa fills the stockings . Everything inside the stocking I wrapped with a wrapping paper that is special only to that person. So once they see the wrapping paper in their stocking, they know which presents under the tree are theirs because the wrapping paper is the same as each individuals stocking wrapping paper. It makes it sooo much more fun.
The presents not from Santa are not put out till kids are in bed either. For these we use tags and whatever wrapping paper.

I would give my kids a few wrapped things but all the big unwrapped stuff and stockings are from Santa.

Unwrapped & displayed!!! I wanted to see the excitement when they walked, or ran, in the room.

Santa fills our stockings with candy and knick knacks, everything else is from mom and dad.

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I put one toy from Santa wrapped , but this year I’m just going to do the stockings from Santa

My mom always did stockings and 5-7 gifts from santa wrapped in Santa paper. Then gave us big gifts from her and i do that with my kids too. They love opening all their gifts!

I wrap everything. Even the stuff that goes in stockings

We just wrap the presents from us very plainly. Wrapping paper with tape and their name written on with a marker.
They get one gift each from Santa, and that gift is wrapped really nicely, in a unique Santa print paper, with ribbons and bows and a Santa name tag with a “Merry Christmas” message. But when it’s big, like the year they got new sleds, not wrapped. But still bows and ribbons.

I always had my kids make two lists. 1 for Mom, & 1 for Santa.

Then they get 3 gifts from their :santa: list.
1 small, 1 medium, & 1 large, that they asked for in their Santa Letter. & Those gifts are the only gifts wrapped in Santa paper & always placed at the front of the tree, like Santa snuck in after bedtime.

The rest of their gifts are wrapped in character paper & they know those are from Mom & Dad.

I lay it all out unwrapped. I usually do the big toy and have it all set up.

I’m going to probably get crap for this but I don’t do the whole Santa thing. I have not encouraged it and when they get old enough 2ask I tell them the truth

My kids each have a designated wrapping paper from Santa. I don’t waste time putting stickers with names on them. I cut a small piece of the wrapping paper and put it at the bottom of their stockings. Once they are finished with their stockings, they know which presents are theirs from Santa. Like some others have said, I don’t usually do the big ticket stuff from Santa because I don’t want them going to school and telling others that Santa went overboard for my kids and not the other kids.

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Me and my boyfriend wrap all our sons gifts and put them under the tree on Christmas eve after he falls asleep.

Santa fills our stockings and leaves out 1-2 large gifts already put together. The rest is wrapped from mom and dad

I wrap all of them and put who I want on them and put them all under the tree it’s easy that way

We only give one or two from Santa-wrapped. The rest come from us- especially the big ticket items. We wrap up almost everything

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Each kid gets own wrapping paper, Santa has one paper, what they get from who depends on who they asked for it, larger items and such are put together. That’s what we did with oldest three 21, 19, 16. This year will start with youngest three again. Has been just their own paper, 5, 4 and 18 months.

I wish I would have done it different but right now all gifts are from Santa and I usually do the one “big gift” unwrapped just for effect. I wish I would have done just a couple from Santa. Honestly we never really talked about so maybe I can switch???


We wrap them all in same paper and their all from Santa.


I wrap everything mine is 2 and thats her favorite part

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Santa brings the stocking and 2 gifts in our house… both unwrapped

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My kids get 1 gift from Santa and their stocking. The gift gets set infront of the stocking not wrapped and everything else is wrapped under the tree from mom and dad

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Their " big" gifts and few others are from us other small gifts are from santa

Not wrapped and already put together. We do our presents on Christmas eve and Santa’s gift is Christmas morning.

I wrapped santa gifts in different wrapping paper than the normal gifts…

Gifts from parents were wrapped. Gifts from Santa were not.

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Santa brings 1 gift and stuffs the stocking. I use special Santa wrapping paper or gift bag.

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We never wrapped Santa’s gifts, we always said that Santa makes the toys he doesn’t have time to wrap them (plus they are only put out after the kids are in bed so they are still surprised when they get up in the morning and see them).


Ya I got all my wrapping done

My daughter gets 1 gift from Santa which is under the tree :christmas_tree: in a sack from the North Pole and the rest from mummy & daddy

I didn’t wrap Santa gifts. Not that he’s older and doesn’t believe I still do it the same way

Everythings from Santa, wrapped and put under the tree in the middle of the night. But he gets new pajamas on Christmas eve, wrapped and randomly laying somewhere from the Christmas eve elf.

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We put all of Santa’s gifts in a big contractor’s bag and tie it up with ribbon and a card that says “Love, Santa”- so easy! And the kids think it’s their own little sack of toys.

Our family wrapped all gifts except for the large items but most of the gifts were from us only a few from Santa so he could make sure every child had a gift and Santa had his own paper we also made sure the most expensive gifts were from us

I wrap my daughters stuff from me and put it under the tree the night before so she sees it. Santa gifts, if they can be wrapped, they are, if not, they are just placed out after she goes to bed, so she can see the difference

My daughter always had 2 wrapping papers for our house. One from mom & dad and one from Santa. Always expensive bigger gifts were from mom & dad. Santa only did clothes & some kind of game, weather it was a board game or a game for one of the systems, or a craft thing. Never did big gifts from Santa so she didn’t ever risk accidentally making another child feel bad for just getting clothes or necessities from Santa. We also always did the Christmas eve box, new movie, new Christmas jammies, popcorn, snack & a drink. My parents have always had every person has their own wrapping paper. The paper your stocking stuff is wrapped in all gifts under the tree in that paper are yours from Santa. My grandma started that when he kids were younger. When my daughter found her Santa wrapping paper though I started telling her that he leaves the gifts outside at night & I help him out by wrapping them for him.

Angelica Bieser Does your family still do 7 A Day gifts on each person’s birthday? I always thought that was a cool tradition.

My boys get one gift from Santa each, everything else is wrapped and we just put a name tag and set the Santa gift front and center unwrapped. :smiling_face:

Santa’s gifts are always wrapped whether they are small or really big & if they are toy’s they still get wrapped & don’t get set-up till after the kid’s have opened them on Christmas morning, I personally think it’s weird too see Christmas gifts unwrapped regardless who they come from :woman_shrugging:

We only got presents from SANTA. AND NOT WRAPPED… AND WERE HAPPY WITH THAT… :santa::blue_heart:

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We wrap everything from us. Santa only brings the one big gift that is not wrapped and already put together. I bought gift tags years ago with bells that say from Santa. Even though my big kids don’t really believe anymore we still do it this way. Santa isn’t getting all the credit in my house.

We have a big Santa Sack that all gifts (1-2 toys) from Santa go into, unwrapped and assembled if needed. Then the stuff in their stocking, plus a few movies on the coffee table. Then gifts from us are wrapped, 1 type of paper for one kid, another for the other kid…no tags on them.

Everything is always wrapped. Unless too large to wrap, and all are from “Santa.” Just do what YOU want! It’s always nice to live on traditions.

All big gifts or gifts under the tree are from santa unless theirs a tag… all gifts are wrapped unless to big or odd shape then it just sits under the tree or it goes in a bag… the gifts in the stockings are from mom and dad

We wrap everything too, his Santa presents are wrapped in different paper (we call it Santa paper) and get put him is Santa sack. Any big presents get made the night before with a bow on and a tag saying from Santa. The rest of the presents from us, family etc are wrapped and put under the tree and we hand them out one by one xxx

We don’t do Santa. But everything gets wrapped and put under tree with no names on.

Santa brings the kids one gift each, like in the good 'ol days, and fills stockings. The gift from him we usually leave unwrapped or will open it as if it came straight from the shop (removing boxes, etc). We get the kids a few small things each and wrap those (clothes, books, etc)

We wrap everything. Santa has his own paper.

I use a different wrapping paper my daughter hasn’t seen for Santa gifts

Presents from family could be put under the tree but Santa’s was a whole production my sons father would call me santa always asked if cookies where ready we giggled a jingle bell cause santa was near and off to bed we went then presents went under the tree when our son was down for the count

When I was little the way I found out santa wasnt real was because of wrapping paper lol. I noticed santa and my mom were using the same wrapping paper. So as a mom now we use rustic looking wrapping paper from santa and the bright colorful stuff we use to wrap our gifts in.

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We put santa stuff under the tree not wrapped

We do presents from Santa and presents from family. Anything electronic is automatically never from Santa. We usually do electronics and clothes from us or family and toys or coal lol from Santa. Everything gets wrapped though.

Everything gets wrapped in my house…stockings are filled…“santas” gifts, the big ones, are wrapped in santa claus paper with bows unless it’s an item that needs putting together like this year my daughter is getting a power wheel car and it will be assembled with a big red bow on it from santa

I wrap one gift from Santa in Santa paper. He never brings the expensive gift. His is usually under $20. The rest are from us and get wrapped in different paper. The stockings are from Santa too

I do one gift from Santa and the stocking is filled from Santa. All wrapped up. Everything else is from us. Everyone gets there own wrapping paper.

I wrap all presents and name the tag off us parents but then I get her to write a letter for one present off santa and I wrap that present up differently and more special and write it from santa, sprinkle some “magical” dust on it as well to prove that santa did indeed bring that present down from the North pole. Xxx

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keep in mind that lots of families can’t afford for santa to leave expensive gifts and may wonder why the child next door got a “better” gift from santa, then he/she did. just something to ponder. take the credit parents.


All big presents stuff that cost a lot of money or expensive stuff was wrapped and put under the tree from my dad (which wasn’t much we weren’t that well off)… small frivolous stuff came from Santa… I don’t know I guess my dad just wanted his credit :woman_shrugging: but I never had to play competition games… I don’t know I think I just look at things different

I use one kind for each child from Santa.

Our santa gifts come in their stocking. Stocking is santa the rest is us and family. But only 3 gifts from us parents. And I limit my parents because they live close and go a bit overboard. We find it keeps it from going insane and doing too much. And then i don’t have to wrap as many!! But we do wrap all of them. Even the little ones. Its fun to rip them open!

I wrap the Santa gifts in a “special” paper so we know those are from Santa. Unless of course it’s too big to wrap it just gets set out.

Santa has a special wrapping paper, different than what we wrap family gifts in.

Santa only brings one big toy and it’s put together and unwrapped

I don’t wrap Santa gifts. I usually only get 2 or 3 things from Santa and a stocking.

We choose the item she wants the most and we put it in a Santa Sack under the tree. Just one thing is from Santa and it’s usually not the most expensive either. That way when they go to school they aren’t saying that Santa got them this expensive gift or a ton of things because not all Santas are equal and that can come across sad for some kids.


Well this year for my son his Santa present is not going to be wrapped but the ones from me will be

We wrap everything, and we say that Santa charges extra for gift wrapping so that’s why we wrap it at home :joy:

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Santa brings my kids one present they asked for but it’s never something super expensive and it is wrapped in a different wrapping paper.


I use Santa wrapping paper to distinguish between presents from mom and Santa. Plus Santa only brings one small gift (usually books) everything else is from mom. The reason I do this is because when I was a teen I saw a post on Facebook that was about how all kids go to school and talk about what Santa brought the and some kids get the lastest and greatest toy while others only get clothes or new hats and mittens. It was simply a reminder that not all families have the sake means for Christmas so don’t do the latest and greatest from Santa because not every child is gonna get the coolest thing so by only giving a small gift from Santa it doesn’t leave a kid wondering why they only got said small item while so and so got a big expensive item.


Santa brings one wrapped toy that that cost around $15-20 and adds a couple things to the Christmas stockings. The rest of it comes from me.

We do our best to get the two or three most important things from his list to be from Santa. The rest is from mom and pop. I have special Santa gift wrap that only Santa uses and special name tags too. (I’ve stockpiled this Santa paper to last until he’s probably 25 :laughing:) Whatever you choose, just make it tradition and stick to it every year. If you want him to believe, you can’t give any clues for him to piece together. Kids are excellent detectives! Best of luck to you and merry Christmas!!:gift:

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Santa brings 1-2 gifts in our house. They are unwrapped. We don’t have a place to hang stockings so they are leaned against the gift. All the rest are wrapped. If it is a put together toy it is put together.

We use different wrapping paper for santa and wrap

Our Santa gifts had solid blue paper and were set aside the tree and the rest of gifts were wrapped in pretty paper

We designate a few gifts from Santa and use different wrapping paper and a beautiful gift tag with a message from Santa. We have a large Santa burlap type sack to put Santas gifts in sometimes too. The rest of the presents are from us. We usually leave any gifts that are rather large unwrapped and use just a large bow. (Like a ride on toy, bike, or large playset)
Last year we did the 4 gifts thing from Santa. (Something they want, need, wear, read) and the rest from us. He’s only 2 and we may do a version of this again from Santa.

Santa doesnt have time to wrap gifts in our house.

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I used to wrap all my kids stuff in different paper don’t anymore I haven’t had money to buy my kids anything but keep the utilities on and rent holidays suck around here with the other kids bragging on what they got for Christmas

I wrap everything except really big stuff. And only one non expensive present from Santa and the rest are from mommy.

i just wrap them and they think its all from santa lol :woman_shrugging:t2: except from gma and gpa. i put there names on it when i wrap them (my mom buys there stuff and has it shipped to me)

Santa brings family gifts only in our home (yearly passes to to do things, board games, movies, video games) wrapped in specific Paper, and with no name tags as they are for all of us.

We’re using a sant sack and putting wrapped toys in that. And those are from Santa. All the clothes and boring stuff, that’s from parents.

i believe something small and not too expensive should be from santa … kids grow up thinking santa doesn’t love them or they’re not a good kid because they don’t get what all the other kids get from santa & it’s simply because of their parents having more money


We told our kid Santa’s not real. We are foster parents and being a foster parent is already hard enough. We never wanted Santa to be real with our own kids and we are fostering to adopt so we just bit the bullet and told them SC is not real. All the gifts come from us and family.

If you do Santa keep it small. The big expense things from you and Santa’s things smaller and not so expensive. Adopting is not cheap. Foster kids that move from house to house don’t get much sometimes. For our kids they are bc well we have good jobs and spend most the stipend check on extra things and activities for them already.

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This is our first xmas together but my fiancee but a big ole Santa sack and puts everything in there and sets it out the night of. I put everything out under the tree, and put one out with different paper that says from santa… that one I put out the night before. And it’s usually the one that I think is gonna have the best reaction

We wrap the ones from family and set them under the tree,the santa presents get different wrapping and bows and we go out after we are sure they are asleep.Stay up and move presents from their spots and place with a note from santa with a pop up holiday card to make it seem authentic.The kids and i write our own letters and “send them off” by November 1st so they have time to get to santa on time.The kids and i will watch norad and make sweets and wait til he gets close enough that they have to go to bed or he’ll skip over our house and have to come back later when they are asleep.

Santa’s gift has been set out in front of the tree unwrapped. Usually leaving a note to thank the kids for milk and cookies and to tell them what gift belongs to who (4kids 2 boys 2 girls) and why he picked that gift for them lol. All other godts are from mom and dad.

I wrap everything (unless its too big) and everything is from santa except 1 or 2 things… I usually choose the gift they want the most and that is from us!!