How long did you all wait to have be intimate after birth?

I waited 6 weeks but I got pregnant the exact day we had sex so I have 2 girls who are the same age for 5 days. 1 year apart but everyone is different.

I will be honest we did not wait with our first and now we have a set of Irish twins. They are 10 months and 8 days apart. Now they are 19 and 18. I could blame it on being 18 and young and not understanding the risk that comes with it. But looking back even though I was told the risk I was young and reckless at that time. I honestly would try to wait if you can until the doctor clears you. Like most have said you have a open wound inside of you and you want to make sure that everything is healed properly.

6 weeks there’s a reason the dr tells you this

Depends on how you gave birth. Yes wait til 6 weeks for check up for sure.

Till the doctor cleared me, 8 weeks for my csection.

6 weeks. Plus. Reminder you’re much much more fertile after birth than any other time.

Barely made it a week both times.


6 weeks gives u time to heal

Girl, he can wait. You have a wound the size of a dinner plate in your uterus that can get infected very easily. That’s why Dr’s say 6weeks and no items in the vagina such as tampons, sex toys, feminine douches…etc…

6 weeks. Your hubby will have to wait a little longer, but there’s other stuff y’all can do. Just don’t use that door.

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Six weeks. That is how long it takes for you to heal, for your cervix to completely close, and to reduce your risk of infection. Not to mention, it is WAY easier to get pregnant in the immediate post-partum period. If you’re in the mood, there are plenty of things you can do that do not include putting anything inside of your vagina. :tipping_hand_woman:t2:

Hubby can wait the six weeks like everyone else has… You guys can do other things that don’t include penetration.


Nobody can tell you when your body is ready or when your mind is… so, girl when ever you feel like it’s time :two_hearts:


Doctors usually say to wait 6 weeks. There are inside places that need to rest and heal.

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Definitely wait til your 6 week check up… I was pregnant again for mine :joy:

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6 weeks no matter how you delivered. You must heal on the inside. Don’t want to risk an infection.

Umm. You’re supposed to wait for 6 weeks. Because you literally have a wound in there the size of a plate. You open that up and you can bleed to death. I imagine it’s dependent on your partner’s size and being rough.

So use caution.


The hole inside your womb is essentially like a wound right now. It needs time to heal to avoid infection. That’s the purpose for the 6 week wait. Dont rush. Infection isn’t worth the risk.

6 weeks. Why even ask. It’s 6 weeks! Not 18 days. 6 weeks ma’am. If he’s that pressed use your mouth.


Jesus! Tell him to go take care of himself and let you heal!

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Not long enough and I ended up having 2 boys 11 months and 3 weeks apart exactly lol

Waited the 6 weeks & that didn’t even feel long enough to me.

Unless yall are going to actually wait the recommend time frame given by the providers.
Wtf yall come to fb asking.
There was always and will always be the same risks if you choose to be intimate before 6wks. That doesn’t change.
It’s the outcome that changes, fir each person and couple it is different


Wait until the doctor gives you the ok make sure to use birth control. In the mean time you cando things orally for your hubby or with your hands.

When you feel like it go for it !! You can’t listen to everything the doctors or people tells you.


csection or not, you’re supposed to wait 6 weeks. csections still leave you with a dinner plate sized wound INSIDE of your body. you can risk a life threatening infection. i’d talk to your OB.


Should really wait the 6 weeks that’s recommended to reduce the risk of infection


I waited 6 weeks. At 4 weeks hormones were raging but waited.

He has a hand doesn’t he? Porn hub is free :woman_shrugging:t2:

#1, 7 months.:see_no_evil: #2, 6 weeks

Like 2 or 3 months. It was the last thing I wanted to do and was so scared

Wait until the Dr okays it. You may feel fine but your placenta leaves a giant wound that needs rime to heal properly.

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8 weeks. Give yourself time to heal you are more prone to infection and could get pregnant very easily. Not worth the risk. Wait until your doctor gives the ok

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My husbands kids from his first marriage are 10 months apart…. They obviously didn’t wait

He’ll have to wait awhile longer. You’re dr. will tell you, 6 weeks.

Until you see the Dr.

Your told to wait 6 week’s for a reason you are extremely fertile after giving birth plus you could get infections. Your body has done a wonderful thing give it time to heal. Wait until your doctor gives you the go ahead

You are risking infection this early.

Never lol… seriously so long. Breastfeeding really does a number on my libido!! Pregnancy we were doing it daily then I could have gone a year. We waited I think 6-8 weeks though

6 weeks is what I was always told.

You’re risking infection not only that let your body heal and recover. Also high chance of falling pregnant again! Your hubby will have to be patient a little longer.

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Its like throwing a hot dog down a hallway… Wait the 6 weeks​:joy::grimacing:


6 weeks- it has nothing to do with how you feel, but due to infection.

6 weeks. You have a gapping wound the size of your placenta.

6weeks. Its not worth the complications that can arise. You had a wound the size of a dinner plate in your uterus. You do not want an infection.

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I waited til my doctor okayed me.

You are supposed to wait 6 weeks unless you want to introduce bacteria and possibly die/ loose your reproductive organs

#1 probably 2 months maybe longer, I can’t remember. It was like losing my virginity all over again. Not pleasant at all for a little bit. #2 5 weeks! I was literally wearing blue jeans shorts two days PP. I was perfectly fine! No pain or anything. I didn’t even go to my 6 week checkup bc it was a waste of time :rofl:

When cleared by the doctor at your 6 week post partum appt

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6 weeks you can risk infection

6-8 weeks. Bc your body is still healing internally from giving birth & being intimate before then can cause you to get pregnant again,& cause an infection,

6 weeks after i was cleared. This is for both children.

Omg no, that screams infection. Wait 6 weeks at least

Just because your bleeding has almost stopped, does not mean you are healed. Just because you FEEL fine, doesn’t mean you are healed. Minimum 6 weeks. I waited 10. 6 weeks standard, got birth control placed, then 4 weeks to make sure birth control was effective.


2 weeks, but both of my kids were Csection. That probably changes things lol

8 weeks after a episiotomy

6 weeks. You’re body has to heal the hole inside your body. Plus your body is more fertile the first few weeks after birth

I was 4 weeks and got pregnant with twins.

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6 weeks. I had irish twins😁

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6 weeks …didn’t the dr.tell you that?

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I think it was 3 weeks and I didn’t have any stitches down there labor was fast and easy , I was fine after 2 weeks and then did it at 3 weeks and for my 4 weeks check up doctor said it was fine :slightly_smiling_face: I would say if you didn’t have any complications with birth and you have no stitches then go for it ! If you did I’d wait just because you can reopen stitches

10 months with my first. 3 weeks with my second. :joy:

I waited as long as I possibly could. There’s a reason they say minimum of 6 weeks, you have a dinner plate sized hole in your body and you’re stupidly fertile right after giving birth.

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6 weeks is the time scale and just be aware your extra fertile after giving birth so make sure your protected

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3 weeks! I did have stitches too lol

You still have a dinner plate size hole inside you, that is susceptible to infection very easily. Most drs recommend 6 weeks, regardless of how you gave birth and how easy or hard it was. You are also extremely fertile in the weeks after giving birth. I would ask your dr, before doing anything.


Stitches , easy birth ect doesn’t matter. 6 weeks, the inside of your body needs time to heal, to avoid affections I waited 8 weeks, but atleast wait the 6 weeks.

You need to wait at least 6 weeks or you could give yourself a life threatening infection. 10cm of dilation doesn’t just close overnight. Wait the 6 weeks.

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I’m sure your doctor gave you that info when you were discharged. Hubby can use his :wave:


Once your dr clears you. You have a huge open wound inside of you that is healing. Introduction of foreign objects can and often does lead to infection. Surely " hubby" can use palmala Anderson for a couple of more weeks to make sure you are completely healed and not put you in danger


You are still at a high risk for infection whether you feel fine or not. Just wait.

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1st one 3 weeks but I barely had stitches 2nd one 4 weeks and regretted it

I only waited 2 weeks after my first one hahaha now I have irish twins both born in the same year but different months and day

My dr said to wait till the bleeding stopped because of the risk of infection. So I waited 4wks both times and was fine.

I waited 8 weeks after each baby
Give him a BJ or hand job & he will be so happy :laughing::joy::crazy_face:


I waited 17 days with my first. 15 with my second. And 3 weeks with my third. About 4 weeks with my fourth. And 6 full weeks with my last only because I had surgery.

It’s very important to wait. Complications can be severe.

Your doctor clears you at your post exam about 4-6 weeks.

A lot of people have stories about how they or a friend didn’t wait but it doesn’t mean it’s safe.

I don’t know, I get people wanting to rush back into it but my body is more important than rushing.


The inside of your uterus has a massive wound where the placenta was that needs time to heal. Intercourse can introduce bacteria and cause a severe infection. That doesn’t mean you can’t still be intimate though! This was a fun time for my husband and I to experiment in “other” ways :grinning:


They tell you 6weeks. Or at least they used to.

I waited the full 6 weeks till I was cleared. I know it’s tough when you want that intimacy so bad. There are other ways besides just intercourse. It’s better to wait till cleared than having an infection and have to wait twice as long!!


6 weeks. Your Dr tells you this after you have a baby. Maybe rub one out for your husband. There’s other ways to satisfy a man than just a vagina

6 weeks … if you don’t wait you will have problems … and you don’t want that …

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First 11 weeks cuz of my tear, didn’t wanna heal🤦🏻‍♀️
Second after had a csection, couple of days after they took out my staples

6 weeks, don’t risk a serious infection just because SO is horny. Have him use his hand or give him a bj so you’re involved too. I had to wait over 2 months. I started hemorrhaging at home almost 4 weeks pp and had to have surgery so my wait time was longer.

6 weeks before that the risk of infection is to high

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It’s important to wait until your OB clears you. You literally have a dinner plate sized wound in your uterus after the placenta detaches and infection is definitely a risk. If you’re still bleeding that wound is likely still open.

A lot of women will tell you that they didn’t wait and that they were fine, and I guess it’s all about how much you’re willing to risk as an individual


Way to soon honey. You can get infection and risk other things I’m sure.

3weeks with my first. I only bleed for 2weeks, and didn’t tear
7weeks with my second, as I was cut twice and tore. So wanted to make sure I was healed fully.

Recommend waiting the 6 weeks to heal!

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6weeks your husband needs to relax

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Never waited the full 6 weeks
I hve 5 kids
Never had any issues with infection or anything

I waited 3 weeks, it was the longest I’ve gone without it. I know you’re not supposed but I’m okay. Be safe and make sure if you do it before 6 weeks that you go easy and obviously stop if it hurts or if you start bleeding

6 weeks is the required time to wait u have to have ur OB clear you.

There are reasons why you have post op appointments and why they have you wait…

They say 6 weeks bc your uterus is still healing at 18days.
If you had many tearing, at all, having sex can cause infection and it’ll be a hell of a lot longer than 6 weeks.
There’s plenty of ways to handle business without risk to your health and healing.

Shittt…well after 6 weeks. I don’t care how much I wanted ro do it, after getting stitches twice, we waited about 3 months. Talk about pain just trying

When you’re medically cleared from your doctor. You still have a huge whole in your uterus. Just because you physically feel fine doesn’t mean you are healed internally.


Please don’t do this. You have a wound the size of a dinner plate inside of you and your cervix is still open. Honestly you wouldn’t let anyone :sweat_drops: on any other open wound would you? :expressionless: also you can start hemorrhaging. sorry if I sound harsh. But don’t risk your health for sex.

Two weeks tops with each. Wouldn’t recommend. I have two sets of Irish twins, a total of 5 kids and expecting twins.

6wks with all 3 kids