Uh like 6 weeks
Definitely not 18 days!! He can wait, your body needs to heal.
Uh like 6 weeks
Definitely not 18 days!! He can wait, your body needs to heal.
I only waited 3 weeks (I know I know, dont gotta tell me). It seemed like the bleeding stopped but nope. Picked back up, dont let it fool you lol. I am now 6 weeks pp and I’m pretty sure I’m on my first period uggggggggggh lol
I waited until I was cleared medically. I tore both times. I didn’t feel ready for like 3 months.
I waited almost 2 weeks. I was cleared, because I was ready. It’s what you feel, not what they tell you! No bleeding, no issues, no tears, just ask! I had no issues. Just made sure to not do too much activity. Them again, I gave birth naturally. No tears. I know we’re all different, but…
Pls wait the 6 weeks, just because nothing has happened to other women doesn’t mean nothing will happen to you. Your husband needs to be patient with you, you just gave birth. Give him a bj or something. But wait the 6 weeks to have sex please.
I waited 3 weeks with my last c-section
Omg please wait the 6 weeks.
This question, I swear.
18 days! You’re brave lol
6 weeks because you could cause damage to your insides
Please wait until you get cleared by your doctor. You may feel fine but your body is still healing internally. You are at an increase risk for infection and highly fertile right now as well. In the most respectful way possible if you are feeling up to it you could perform oral in the meantime if that helps the situation but only if you want too. You just birthed a baby, give your body some time to heal.
I waited until I got home from the hospital so maybe 3 days.
I didn’t wait that long w my last baby… lol noteven a full 14 days
my bleeding stopped almost a week…
There is a large gaping hole where your placenta was attached to you. This puts you at risk of infection, and that’s why doctors tell you not to insert tampons or have sex for 6 weeks. That’s roughly the time it takes for that wound to heal. It’s not worth the risks you could put yourself at. Let your body heal
At least 6 weeks. Hubby can deal. U just pushed a HUMAN BEING out of your vagina. Let it heal.
The shortest was a couple days, the longest was a few months. It’s your body, do what you want. Be smart🤷🏻♀️
You’re grown so if you wanna do it and feel ok then don’t let a bunch of strangers judge you. I know your probably gonna do it so the most any of us can do is to educate you. So with that being said, as a mom of two sets of Irish twins, use protection, EVERY TIME!! You are very fertile!!
10 days last kids my body my choice I know right that doesn’t apply to those pregnant
You can always please each other without intercourse.
I only waited like a week after this last one which was a c-section. My other one I waited maybe 3 weeks, and that was a vaginally birth
Whatever you decide, USE A CONDOM! You are so fertile post partum.
I mean the thought of the horrible infection that could be caused was enough to make me wait for my Dr to clear me.
Oh and the being fertile fkn mertile was a big deciding factor too.
Wait the time you’re supposed to!
We waited the 6wks but only did the deed like 6 times that first year. I had the Mirena placed 6wks pp removed 5 months later because it migrated and then I was in PT for my pelvic floor for 6mos. It was awful.
I stopped bleeding after 2 days had sex nine days later but I had no tears or anything everyone’s different but you no yourself when your ready it can be terrifying thinking about it a swore after giving birth I was never having sex again a was that much of a woose they were threating to put a cafater in me cause I couldn’t pee I was that terrified of the stinging then it passed but like a say everybody heals differently
My first I waited 6 weeks I also had stitches,
I’m currently 2 weeks from giving birth ive teared in 3 different places was nearly taken to theatre and my stitches have just started to dissolve n I can shave again, you couldn’t pay me enough to allow something up there rn😂
Welllll Went for my 6 week check up and was 2.5 weeks pregnant ended up having an ectopic pregnancy, emergency surgery to remove the 13 week fetus and almost died.
It’s not about bleeding. It’s a gaping wound from where your placenta detached that leaves you open to infections
6 weeks… girrrllll, your girl parts just went an awful lot trauma and need time to heal. Just be sure you (and your partner) are in tune with how you are feeling.
Uh clearance from your doctor would be the only answer.
We waited 5 weeks and it hurt internally. I didn’t even tear. It just hurt he had to go easy for like 3 weeks even after that.
You should follow your doctors advice. You can get serious infections from micro tears in your uterus. It’s not worth the risk.
At least 6 weeks. Give your body time to heal some
6 weeks post Partum and still haven’t. Waiting until I get on birth control…
Most ob offices recommend nothing before your 6 week post partum appointment…
Until my body healed and I wasn’t at risk for a terrible infection
They say 6 weeks for a reason…of course you will have people say they did it 2 days later and were fine.
The fact of the matter is, your uterus is basically an open wound at that point. Wounds take time to heal. Why would you risk introducing infection to an open wound.
But hell, why wait at all, just wait till the nurses take the baby out of the delivery room and get to it.
A couple nights after i got home i didn’t listen:rofl:… no infection, didn’t get pregnant but it was still a risk
Be careful is all I will say. I was 2 weeks pregnant at my 6 week check up. He’s born July she was June. Enjoy but use protection as its when your most fertile X
6 weeks. There’s a reason they tell you to wait. You have a dinner plate sized wound in your uterus that really shouldn’t get infected….
Wait the allocated time. Unless you want an infection that can make you sterile. Tell him if he had any care for you hed stop thinking with his dick. Relationships ARENT about sex
Do you want an infection. Listen to your medical team ffs
3 weeks. I mean ya Dr tells me 6 weeks. But we’ll he’s the man. And of course a man can’t wait too long. And ya it kinda hurt but. The more that I been intimate with him. It hurts less. But he never finished because baby would cry. So we would only last not even 5 minutes.
I made my jerk wait 6 weeks because he kept at ne every night after 2 weeks that it was long enough and I had to fight him off. With both girls. Peaceful with my 3rd, I lived on my own home and had sent him to live with his “Mommy.” He never called her anything else.
4 weeks and no problems, do what you want just be aware of the risks. X
For my partner and I it was about 3-4 months after the first and around 6-7 months after the second.
I waited 2weeks with all four kids but I had no stitches or tears and they were all vaginal births
There is a reason they tell you to wait until your Dr clears you… you’re more prone to infection and more fertile as I understand it. However I’m not an expert but strongly suggest waiting until you’re cleared
You’re supposed to wait 6 weeks. Doing it before increases the risk of postpartum hemorrhage or uterine infection.
I bled for almost 6 weeks solid after both of mine. I waited until my appointment, where I was cleared. If you don’t want to wait, just listen to your body. Stop if it hurts too much and make sure both of y’all shower beforehand and use protection, since you are extra fertile.
I ended up waiting 7 weeks but that was because I wanted to get my IUD in first. If you had stitches you should wait until your 6 week postpartum appt because just because you feel fine doesn’t mean your stitches are fully dissolved. It took almost 5 weeks for mine to completely dissolve
We were told 6 weeks
I mean you do you but beware of the risk of infections you’re putting yourself at. I waited 8 months and it still wasn’t long enough in my opinion.
Wait until 6 weeks AT LEAST and your bleeding has fully stopped. I had a pp infection that almost killed me and it’s not something you want to go through. Your cervix isn’t completely healed yet. Not even close.
6 weeks. Your vagina is an open wound right now.
Hubby needs to wait until you are cleared by the doctor unless you do not care about risking infection and getting pregnant again before your body heals.
Oh my gods. Wait the 6 weeks!
You’re body isn’t even healed yet. Feeling fine and being fine are two different things. Why risk an infection (and possible pregnancy)??? Wait until you’re cleared. Find other ways to be intimate
3 weeks after c section
6 weeks. Wait for 6 weeks. You can get a terrible infection otherwise. Or get pregnant again
My husband and I started after 2 weeks. Was a tad painful but motion it for what’s comfortable other than that, go for it! It’s whatever your preference is honestly and how you feel down there!!!
I waited the full 8 weeks and honestly longer than that because I bled for 10-12 weeks after I had all 3 of our kids
6 weeks is the soonest you are supposed to wait
Id wait the 6 weeks and have your doctor make sure every thing is fine down there. Plus i hear if you breast feeding you’re more fertile so you could get preggers again quickly lol
The recommended 6 weeks & with the OB go ahead. Sex isn’t worth risk of infection.
4-6ish weeks usually, depending on tearing.
4 days…had c-section… baby daddy wasn’t waiting anymore!! I lived!
6 weeks at least your just carried and birth a baby your body is still healing
6 weeks to fully heal.
First time after vaginal birth 5 weeks, second time after emergency c-section 4 or 5 days I think and it was my choice as to when we did both times.
When I seen the doctor day after I left the hospital after my emergency c-section I asked the doctor how long until we can. He said, in medical school we were told that “A gentleman waits until the placenta is out” lmao
6 to 8 weeks, like you’re supposed to.
I waited 2 weeks after the first
Don’t remember the second
1 week after the third and fourth
I’m waiting completely after my fifth
You need to wait until you’re cleared by your OB. Usually 6 weeks
Ny doc cleared me at 3 weeks but im waiting until 6 weeks …I had a csection too why did he clear me so early?
I’m currently 4 weeks pp & we have twice now.
Ask your doctor or midwife!
My hubby and I played but stayed away from the vag area. Boobs worked for his pleasure.
I waited like a week. We experimented on how it felt and went from there. Just depends on your body.
I waited the recommended 6 weeks.
I wanted the wound from the placenta (size of an 8 inch dinner plate) to heal and not risk infection. Something that also terrified me is is PPH, (post partum hemorrhaging) it is rare but was enough to make me wait.
I had csections, I waited but felt like trying to stick a dry cucumber in a deflated balloon that was stuck together…lol it also hurt. This was at 3 months mark.
I had my baby 3 days ago and the bleeding is minimal to basically just spotting. And still gonna wait afew weeks.
8 wks was my earliest n idk it felt gross tbh do keeglez let him do anal or do oral bcuz fr vaginal right away is not for me
Waited the recommended 6 weeks for intercourse but other ways to be intimate
There is a reason your doctor says 6 WEEKS & NOT whenever u stop bleeding & feel like it. You have a huge internal wound where your placenta detached. It needs 6 weeks to heal. The sooner u have sex, the higher the risk of infection. Wait till your doctor clears you
just wait till after your 6 week check up best
718 days and counting….
2 wks for 3 births , 1 week for the first.
6 weeks I’m sure your doctor told you that
4 days I had no bleeding and everything was sweet as down there
Just because you stopped bleeding dose not mean that you are healed.
Think about it like this the placenta was a scab and when you give birth you took the scab away and now you have an open wound. Just because the wound dose not bleed dose not mean it’s healed so if you introduce new bacteria to that wound would you want it to get infected? No. So wait the entire 6 weeks
6 weeks, that’s the recommended amount of time.
6 weeks like I was supposed to.
My cousin was already pregnant again a few weeks pp so I mean whenever you feel ready
6 weeks. Not only for your outside to heal but you have a huge internal wound that will take a lot longer.
I think we forget about the inside because we can’t see it but it’s important to wait.
I never waited with any of my vaginal births or c-sections, but my doctor told me that I’d know when I was ready. We took it slowly and were careful, and I never had any complications.
NOT waiting the recommended 6 weeks and being cleared by your doctor is a good way to get an infection.
6 months I waited. Husband was a little traumatized after I gave birth. Plus honestly I had NO desire to be touched.
6weeks both times. Once I got the okay from doc and felt ok.
Don’t do it sooner than that… risk of infection and all kinds of terrible things. Just wait.
This is a question for someone with a medical degree, not for people who got lucky when nothing happened. I would call and see what a doctor says
We waited 3 weeks