How long did you all wait to have be intimate after birth?

About 6 weeks, everything needs to settle back nicely beforehand

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Ya’ll realize the waiting 6 weeks is because not only is your cervix open and can cause an infection but you also have a literal dinner plate size wound from your placenta :woman_facepalming:


8 weeks. You definitely should wait until at least 6 weeks pp as recommended. The inside of your uterus literally has a giant gaping wound on the inside of it that needs to heal. You can get an infection VERY easily by having sex before you’re healed. And you’re super fertile right after giving birth. Just an FYI.

The fact the my doctor told my husband and I both (after our 4th) to wait AT LEAST 6 weeks lol

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Definitely wait till the doctor gives you the all clear.

I waited like 2 weeks but then i ended up pregnant again i have two 11 months apart

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4 weeks the first baby &it ripped me and my stitches and hurt so bad! So we waited exactly 6 weeks this time &it stilllll felt raw and hurt.

6 week or you can cause infection don’t risk it please.

The inside of you hasn’t healed yet. You’re far more susceptible to infections right now. There’s a reason why doctor’s recommend you wait 6 weeks.


6 weeks hubby can wait. It won’t kill him don’t risk the infection!!!

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4 weeks. But I dont recommend it. Its better to just wait as long as you can for your body to heal. If you can :blush:

You can cause infection and/or hemorrhage. Extremely high chance you can get pregnant again. It’ll probably also be quite painful.
I’d wait personally.


I waited 8weeks, 6weeks was all cleared by doctors but i gave it 2 more weeks just to be 100% sure

Just waited what the doctors recommended just cause of the risk of infection

U may feel fine but There’s a huge wound from where your placenta came off… Wait till it heals or might get a bad infection totally not worth it…


You have a large open wound where your Placenta was also your Cervix is probably slightly ajar from giving birth. Even though you feel fine they tell you NOT to because of those two reasons. You can get a bad infection. Some people just get lucky.

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With extreme dryness downstairs and no sex drive due to breastfeeding it took me about 3 months to even gain a want to do so.

I waited the full 6 weeks

My doctor made me wait 8 weeks but because I had a c section. But even then we took it slow because it was painful and I feel like I have a high pain tolerance

And I highly recommend that you wait because your extremely fertile right now. Unless you want to get pregnant right now :grin:

I’ve done it at 3 days earliest then up to 8 weeks (not by choice) the longest had both vaginal and c section. So it was fine either way for me. Little weird w the early ones tho . See feel like I was a Grand Canyon w a hotdog thrown in me :joy::joy:


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How long did you all wait to have be intimate after birth?

You should really wait until your Dr gives you the go ahead. You risk infection, bleeding again and other things. You really don’t want an infection


When you was discharged from the hospital they should of went over it with you in your discharge instructions. But 6 wks usually before resuming normal activities.


Give him a jar of Vaseline and a towel to clean up. You need to heal properly and that takes a minimum of 6 weeks.


Usually 6 weeks after your ob tells you that you can otherwise you can get a serious and painful infection in your pelvis. Don’t take opinions on the net- speak to your ob gyn about your health.


I agree with the 6 weeks as recommended by Dr. HOWEVER, there are other activities besides intercourse that may make you both “more comfortable” enjoy exploring one another.


There is a medical reason that women should wait 6 weeks before becoming intimate after giving birth.


It’s not even about comfort or need. It takes at least 6 weeks for the internal healing from your placenta pulling away and your cervix to close. Otherwise you risk infection. Speak to your MD. Labor and delivery RN here


6 weeks, I don’t think they recommend it before then as you are healing!


1st was about 10 weeks :roll_eyes: serious stitches! 2nd wasnt even 2 weeks :joy: 3rd was about 7 weeks but I felt very low in myself and it actually took a while to build back up to feeling ready. There is a reason you should wait 6 weeks though. When your placenta comes away it leaves an open wound that needs to heal, I would go with that and just allow yourself that rest. :heart:


You wait until the woman says now we can be intimate. She has already undergone enough pain, the man can wait.


With all my 4 kids born vaginally, didn’t have any complications thank God but I felt I was ready at 3 weeks! Just suddenly feeling it really good. Lolol. :rofl:. So We played it safe since iud was not in until 8 wks. The thing is, everyone is different. If you feel like you’re ready, do it safely and If not, wait a little bit longer.

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DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYONE ON THIS MATTER ASIDE FROM A PROFESSIONAL. Why are you even asking strangers this. Everyone is different and heals differently, you need to talk to your doctor


6 weeks at least. Even then it might still be painful for you and not feel right.


6 weeks… That is the recommended, but I felt I should have waited a little longer because it was not comfortable. :weary:


If you have sex before you are healed. You risk severe bleeding and infection. Always wait 6 weeks. Get the clear from your Dr


I had sex as soon as I got out of the hospital. Never got an infection from that. I did however get one from the hospital! :grimacing:


Your Dr should be able to answer that at your check up. You have to be sure that you have healed enough. Usually thats 6 weeks but it varies. Definitely not until you have your check up.


Back in the day when I had my kids 50 years ago and they always recommended 6 weeks


6 weeks to 9 depends on how you feel but alot of doctors say wait 40 days


I waited 21 years. My mother wouldnt let me be intimate before that.


With my daughter it was like 7 or 8 weeks I had stitches and felt pretty crappy. With my son I waited the full 6 weeks even though I felt ready sooner bc I knew I needed to heal fully. There’s a huge wound that could get infected. You need to wait the full 6 weeks minimum

I think my hormones must have been having a party cos I had 1st 14/9/95 2nd 10/10/96 & 3rd 22/12/97!!! I think every woman is different to b honest.

Remember you are a parent now and there is someone else depending on you to protect your own health in order to provide and care for him/her. Follow your drs advise.


6 weeks. Otherwise you’ll regret it when you’re older. Let your body heal


Six week has always been the time to heal.Nature will provide husband’s relief.


3 weeks with my first. I tore and had some complications. 7 days with my 2nd. He was a preemie and only weighed 4 lbs so no real recovery.

6 weeks is usually what docs tell you to do. Sometimes can take a little longer, don’t be in a rush, maybe very painful, need time to heal


Seriously, when I was in the hospital after giving birth the husband of the patient in the next bed snuck in and was trying to be intimate with his wife until the nurses told him to leave. :disappointed:


You are supposed to wait 6 weeks. Between the bleeding, tearing of peritium and then the uterus is not fully closed so there can be infection which can cause scars on the cervix and/or uterus. Hubby needs to be patient.

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Be careful…this is how my Irish twins came to fruition lol.


It was 3 weeks for me. My husband didn’t give me a choice.


My doctor told me 6 weeks and be careful use birth control of some kind you can get pregnent the first time .

Whew I almost feel bad… I made mine wait about 4 months … no comfort in having to get re stitched … I sat on the toilet wrong and popped one… sex can wait🥴 but to each is own…

Your placenta has to heal properly from the inside.
6 weeks and ask your OBGYN when you go for your check up.

U have to wait 4 to 6 weeks to heal properly and so u don’t get an infection

I was told by my doctor 4 weeks after all 3 c-sections, but I’ll be honest, it was very uncomfortable all 3 times. Don’t do anything you’re not comfortable with.

I had friends who went for their follow up check and were pregnant…. Crying hubby wouldn’t leave them alone

Research what can happen if (God forbid) you did get an infection due to having intercourse too early before uterus has full time to heal. I really don’t think you’ll have any problems waiting 6 weeks.

The placenta leaves a serious wound, and you should wait ATLEAST a month, even if you stop bleeding. Just because you aren’t bleeding much, or at all, doesn’t mean you’re completely healed. It can cause some serious issues, if you have sex, before you’re completely healed. Please, take care of yourself :sparkling_heart:

6 weeks is the norm. It gives your body time to heal. Bleeding is not the only issue.

6 weeks you have an open wound from your placenta! I would not risk infection. You can always do other stuff :wink:


Wait the full six weeks mama, you have a dinner plate sized sore on the inside of your uterus, if you wanna help dad out use your hands or even mouth, clitoral stimulation is usually ok, but absolutely nothing IN the vagina

Do you want your kids to be Irish twins? Only 10 months apart, go for it. Those Moms are exhausted.

I was told 6 weeks. I used other ways to make my hubby happy.

6 weeks for complete healing besides who has the energy :rofl:

Not until 6 week check up. I’m surprised your Dr didn’t say anything before they discharge you! Nothing inside you . Tampon , no sex you are still healing!

After I gave birth I will stay my self healed for 3 months, February is the making lol !imagine I have 5 November kids

Six weeks! Tell him to call on Molly and her four best friends (aka his hand)!

The 6 weeks as recommended by my doctor. Yiu need to heal, because until you do, you are at risk of an infection.

18 days he can be alittle more patient he won’t die from no sex ,:roll_eyes:. It’s recommended 6 weeks for a reason, your body needs to heal.

It’s best to wait a full 30 days because your vagina is still recovering and could get damaged or infected if you go too early.

6 weeks. Until you go and get the ok from the doctor. With one birth I had to wait 8 weeks because the stitches hadn’t quite dissolved and healed yet. I tore with all three vaginal deliveries and needed stitches.

Your uterus is still open… thats why they tell you to wait 4 to 6 weeks. You’re at high risk of infection.

The usual recommendation is 6 weeks.


Ask your doctor, be should have already told you. Usual answer is 6 weeks, but don’t know anyone who waited that long

He so post to wait at least 6 weeks for your safety

After my first I didn’t wait the full 6 weeks and it was sooo painful

Ps. Don’t forget to use condoms unless you want
Your kids to be really close in age. The old answer is …depends if you have a private post partum room or semi-private or ward.

My mom waited 4 weeks and was pregnant right away! My brothers are only 10 months apart!

6 weeks. Even if you feel ok the inside of your body is still healing

Whenever you’re ready you’ll know it and it takes after you have a baby it takes 6 weeks for birth control to kick in and if your breastfeeding you can get quick pregnant quicker because you don’t have a period when you breastfeed

I still had stitches in with my first :woman_facepalming: but it really depends on how you’re feeling and how bad you tore ect. And be careful bc you are highly able to get pregnant again around this time

My body healed faster than the 6 week mark. We tried it about 3 weeks after and was fine.

My ex husband wouldn’t wait so as soon as my bleeding stopped he was there for a good time

1wk, 3wks, 6wks.
I will say, it was uncomfortable regardless how long I waited and ended up waiting a month or more after each initial “trial.”

Why is everyone so impatient ive been married 22 years and havent had sex in 5, jeez

6 weeks is what the doctor said when I gave birth to my son.

Remember that you are most fertile after giving birth. Use birth control if you do t want to get pregnant right away.

One of the importance of the 6 weeks is because 1 you can get pregnant so close after delivery 2 everything is still open and it can lead to inflation that’s one of the reasons why they have you use pads and not tampons

When told by obgyn it was ok.

One man said it depends on if you have a private room or simi-private :woozy_face::woozy_face:

My drs said 6 weeks but that was a long time ago.

6 weeks for sure or 8 even better. Things are still getting back to normal on the inside.

It take 6- 8 weeks for you body to heal. Get a check before please for safety reason.

My doctor said to wait for my pp appt which was at 6 weeks.

Wait six weeks so you won’t get an affection

Im old fashioned i waited 40 days and well what the hurry your body has been through alot .

Please wait the prescribed 6 weeks, even if the outside has healed the inside takes longer. Infections can occur.