How long did you wait to get intimate after giving birth?

They say six weeks because it’s six weeks. Be imaginative and do other stuff with your partner. If you get an infection it will be longer still.

I had a really bad recovery so I waited past my 6 week checkup. I also had a 3 week checkup at 6 weeks dr gave the ok but I waited till 8 weeks

I waited till six weeks

6 weeks. They aren’t lying when they tell you to wait. There are reasons, like healing.


First baby - 4/5months I was SO sore and had so many stitches…
2nd babe 3 weeks…
3rd baby was a section- 6 weeks

I waited 3 weeks and I regretted it… so wait the 6 like they suggest :kissing_heart:

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Tried after 4 weeks and I tore again. Best to wait till the ok.

They tell you to wait 6 weeks for a reason.


At least 6 weeks if not more lol

I would wait till 6 weeks so you don’t get an infection.


Just wait… my kids are 10mths apart :woman_facepalming: trust me


Like 3 weeks but I didn’t tear at all.

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That’s an individual question with individual answers based on your birth experience and your recovery process. I didn’t wait until the 6 week check up either time but I felt ready with no lingering pain or discomfort. If you feel you’re ready and have a supportive partner who will back off if you decide it’s too uncomfortable, why not give it a try? I suggest lube and an open line of communication. Best of luck

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Lol uhm the amount of time the dr told us to wait. Just because you couldn’t have sex before you gave birth doesn’t mean you should be disobeying drs orders to have sex before the 6 weeks. They tell us this stuff for our safety not because they want us to suffer. :woman_facepalming:t2:


Wait at least 6 weeks. The placenta leaves a huge open area that needs to heal. You don’t wanna introduce bacteria


So the reason they tell you to wait is because inserting anything can give you a uterine infection if your cervix isnt all the way closed. At your pp checkup, they check your cervix and give the thumbs up based on that.

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Wait at least 6 weeks or you risk infection

… 6 weeks. :woman_shrugging:t2: There’s a reason they say to wait that long, you have a open wound that’s susceptible to infection. Just because someone had sex before that time and didnt get an infection doesnt mean it’s right.


I waited 8 / 9 weeks

6 weeks as suggested or until cleared from your doctor. You need to heal.

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6 weeks cause of stitches! I probably should’ve waited longer.

We waited 8 weeks. I went for my 6 week PP check up and was told I wasn’t finished healing wait at least 2 more weeks.

They tell you to wait for a reaosn. Maybe you shouldn’t be risking another kid if you can’t follow simple rules.


Waited 7 weeks then once a month for the next 18 years :rofl::joy:


6 weeks because the stitches caused pain when we tried, and the risk of infection from the cervical trauma and not fully closed.

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I had stitches and waited 4 weeks. Just try it and if it doesnt work out there are other things you can do lol


6 weeks. I tore internally giving birth so waited the recommended time. As soon as I was told my stitches were healed, I was ready to get frisky lol

6 weeks on the dot even though I got the green light from my midwife before that because I healed very quickly.

With my first 11 years ago I don’t renewer lol but with my twins 7 years ago I was 2 weeks pp, with my 8 months old I was 3 weeks pp

My LO is 6 weeks I go for my 6 week check up on the 23rd. I had a c-section and hormones were raging pretty much right after I had him. My Husband and I ended up being intimate at 2 weeks. I was comfortable and still am.

I waited 10 weeks! I had horrible tears and was afraid of all the pain

You have a hole the size of a dinner plate inside your uterus from where the placenta detached. Wait until the doctor clears you for infection purposes.


Wait seriously!!! I got a massive infection and ended up on life support with a emergency hysterectomy it’s not worth it


Having sex before 6 weeks can cause you to get a really bad infection. There is a reason your told to wait.


When you are ready to ‘go there’ saying that a minimum of 6 weeks should be considered to allow your body to heal. The risk of introducing infection to newly healed wounds and an air embolism are too big of a risk.

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As soon as I felt like it!

But I was super blessed and had no stitches or nothing. Just be slow- and expect that it’s not going to be magical ha. But it gets better!

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Listen to your doctor… 6 weeks…why is that so hard to grasp?? Fucks sake


Go for it. If it’s uncomfortable, stop. I waited 2 1/2 weeks with one of mine and my ob said it was fine as long as I wasn’t in pain.

I need an eyeroll react for these dumbass posts


I waited 3 weeks after all 3 of my children and never had any issues but you’re supposed to wait 6 weeks because it is possible to get an infection due to the cervix not being fully closed and healed

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I would surprised if your not still bleeding at 3 weeks. I really wouldn’t rush it. You’ve just had a baby and your body is going through a lot of changes.
A month and a bit is not a long time for not having sex.

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I waited 6 weeks but i got c- sections!!

I would wait. It can cause infection. You can also get pregnant again.

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They tell you 6 weeks because your cervix hasnt fully closed and its at a risk for infection.


Wait 6 weeks sheesh is sex really worth the risk

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Lol waited until after he got a vasectomy :joy::joy: and even then months after I wasnt ready :woman_shrugging:

A month.
Clitoral stimulation is fine tho.

6 weeks. You have an open wound in your uterus don’t be an idiot.

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Don’t have sex before 6 weeks. I’ve had 4 kids. Vaginal and c section. Your body needs that time to heal and you need to be cleared first. You will make yourself bleed again or hurt

I waited 8 weeks until my doctor gave us the okay to do so

I had csections with all 3 of mine. Of course they said wait 6 weeks BUT my hubs n i did it 2 weeks after first one n second about 2 weeks however my 3rd with tubal i waited 8 weeks cause way to sore. If ur not inpain try it if it hurts do t do it. But u are at a bigger risk of infection and also getting preg fast

I waited a month he was very gentle didnt take long lol

6 weeks. Even then we stopped because it hurt too much.

I waited 3 but I didn’t tear

6 weeks, when my doctor said :roll_eyes:

I waited 2 months. Between the tearing & stitches, my soreness/anxiety over it, and the bleeding it was best to wait that long. I also made sure to at least wait the 6 weeks for recovery and I had to be on blood thinners for 6 weeks after my sons birth so I couldn’t get birth control till after the blood thinners were done and I was not going to go through that again so soon :sweat_smile: lol. But Despite differences they are medical professionals that have ya wait for a reason. Everyone has the “it won’t happen to me” mentality at some point. This is not a matter to have that mentality with because infections and other issues can happen if you don’t wait the suggested 6 weeks or whatever your doctor tells you.


6 weeks, but we did other stuff in the meantime. :wink:

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1 week. I know, I was incredibly stupid. Wait the 6 weeks.

Wait until after your Dr checks you out. It is not worth the risk of infection.

I waited almost 9 weeks after my 1st & 7 with my 2nd

I tore a little with my first an we waited a week(my choice) and with my second I was completely fine and it was about 4-5 days after… if you feel ok no pain go for it, just wait for that hardcore sex after doctor says ok lol

I waited until I was given the okay, around 5 weeks or so. They said it for a reason, it has nothing to do with how sore your entry may be but because you have a literal open wound inside you the size of a DINNER PLATE. There’s other ways to get off if you’re horny. And for anyone who says they did it early and were fine? Well congrats announcing you’re an idiot, you just got lucky so don’t give bad advice please lol


I waited about 3 1/2 weeks post csection

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Well if your PP bleeding has stopped at 3 weeks and you feel completely confident to have sex again then go for it!
I unfortunately was bleeding (c-section) untill 6weeks PP first went for injection then had sex again on 7weeks PP

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Your OB should’ve discussed this with you…you’re supposed to wait at LEAST 6 weeks.
I tried after 6 weeks and it felt like sandpaper.

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Uh 6-7 weeks… there’s a high recommendation for a reason.

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4 weeks but it felt like sand paper for about 2 weeks

2 1/2 weeks and 3 weeks and 2 days :woman_shrugging:t4::joy:

Dr said 4 weeks if you are both careful and considerate.

A week and I was good to go :rofl:

Think it depends on tears and such. I didn’t have any. And I stopped bleeding at around 4 weeks so we did. I had a minor 1 degree tear only

6 weeks should be the minimum. You basically have a huge open wound inside of you that is healing up.

My ob told me ro wait until I stopped bleeding which i always stopped bleeding a week after wards so I sex 1 1/2 weeks after each kid

Waited until I was completely healed.

I personally waited 12ish weeks because I was just SO sore. Even my physical exam post partum left me in tears, my provider then told me to give it another 6 weeks and we’d go from there

I have a superficial 2nd degree tear from my 1st baby that I got from having sex at the 2 week point it just gets worse

6-7 weeks per recommended and as tough as it is, I highly recommend waiting the full time. We started to get a little frisky around 4 weeks and although I did not get an infection, it delayed my healing and was super painful after. And that wasn’t even with intercourse. This time I will be waiting :sweat_smile:

Never waited the 6 weeks.

Until the doctor gave me the okay.

Six weeks so that I didn’t get an infection and die. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


They tell you to wait for a reason. If you don’t wait till doctor gives the okay you could get infections or tear and you are extremely fertile right after having a baby. I was dumb and didn’t wait after my oldest was born and I tore my stitches.

With my second we waited till we were supposed to. It really is important to wait till the doc says ok for a number of health reasons. Also depends on your body’s healing. With my third we waited several months due to health reasons brought on from pregnancy and delivery. It’s all personal preference in the end, but always best to follow docs orders.

7 weeks. You need to wait until you’re cleared from your doctor. If you’re not fully internally healed, you can get a uterine infection.

Wait till the doctor gives the ok. But sweetie, that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything. :wink: Just not the thing that got you pregnant in the first place. :wink::wink:

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I had a c-section and had sex 3 weeks after that was my 4 th c-section so I know my body pretty well

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Your body needs to physically heal, internally heal. Wait the 6 weeks.

Waited 4 months lol. Hubby came back from his deployment when my daughter was 4 months old.

6 weeks but it didn’t stop hurting until I was 8 months pp

It is possible to have strokes and seizures if you do not wait the recommended time. So wait til you’re cleared.

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I don’t know bout y’all but I still had p.p. bleeding for 8 weeks. No way was I doing anything until that was stopped :person_gesturing_no:


Call your care provider to discuss.

My doctor and midwives all said to wait till I’d finished bleeding and when I felt ready.

My first I was about 3-4 weeks pp (I had stitches plus grazing and bruising but healed very quickly) and my second I was 2 weeks pp. We used a condom and I went back on birth control by 3 weeks pp after both babies.

Curious though, I haven’t had a physical examination after either of my babies, just a quick chat with a doctor to make sure my mental health is ok, bleeding stopped and birth control was sorted. Is an examination a thing in the UK and I just have a shitty doctors or is it more of an across the pond thing? :smile:

4 months. Lol. Didn’t have sex by choice either.

Couple of weeks later… ended up pregnant after my first period… 2 babies born in the same year… :+1:t2: :joy:

I never got stitches with either of my 2 boys.

After my first i didnt for monthsssssss due to lack of a partner haha

After my second, hubby and I waited 8-10 weeks I believe it was.

Wait until your doctor tells you its ok, i waited 2 weeks now I’m pregnant again, please listen to your doctor!!


We tried at around 5 weeks. It hurt pretty bad so we stopped and didn’t do it again for probably another month because I had inner and outer stitches from a really bad episiotomy

9 days, hubby was having back surgery on day 10. It went fine

7 months. My body was not ready until then. I was in so much pain for months afterwards. Then one day I was fine. If you feel ready now that’s great but you should wait the minimum of 6 weeks so you can heal.