How many parents are considering home schooling due to COVID?

I’m considering it. For sure. I work at my children’s elementary school so not made. Definite decision

Mine won’t be going in September for sure. I think we’re gonna see how it goes and maybe by December send them but who knows at this point. I’m prepared to just do it from home. Thank god I have that option!

I am. Not because of Covid but because of restrictions and so that if the schools close again, we won’t have to change anything.

I am in Amarillo, TX and we are keeping my son home. I just feel like there are too many cases to be sending them back right now. Plus, you know some parent is gonna give their kid Tylenol and send them to school sick. We have immunocompromised family, so we don’t want to risk it. Our school is offering distance learning that is supposedly going to be better than what happened at the end of the last school year. We are gonna give it a shot and then switch to a homeschool curriculum if it is horrible haha.

I feel my daughter would be safer at home too but I’m a RN who works 5 days weekly so I don’t have the option, unfortunately.

I’ve decided to go with remote learning. Honestly living in Miami the hot spot there is no option for me. I will try to balance myself and my kids learning the best we can.

I will be sending my kids back when school opens. My son is special needs and has regressed from being home.

100% home. Schools are already riddled with germs. I’d prefer to protect the teachers AND my children

My daughter is supposed to start kindergarten this year but I’m deathly scared of the unknown. And my son is supposed to head back to college and that scares me just as much because he’ll be away from home. I’ve decided to do online for my baby girl and thankfully my sonny boy made the decision to do online from home for the Fall semester.

The school district I am in is doing virtual learning because we are in a city being alot more students it will be hard for them to stick to guidelines but there hopeing by January they can fully return

I am considering this depending on what is decided for Carroll county schools.

We’ve been homeschooling for the last 4 years. I encourage others to homeschool if they are able to and do not let fear during this time take over. Its the biggest blessing!:house_with_garden::heart::pray:t2:

We’re homeschooling. We have kids with special needs. It’s going to be an interesting year.

I haven’t made a decision yet either, I will have an 8th grader, 3rd grader, kindergartener and 2 year old. I’m already a stay at home mom but I still don’t know if keeping them home will work for us. I’m so torn. My oldest is Type 1 diabetic so his immune system is crap already.

My sun has registered for all online classes for the fall. Not worth the risk esp since his dad had a heart op last December. Does not want to bring such a contagious disease home

I did my own study during the school closures with my kid and I realized that anybody sneezes his way in school and he would get sick or if anybody was sick in the classroom my kid would get it he could go to school fine in the morning everything‘s good come home with the runny nose eyes red feels like crap fever running but I came to realize in these past months that school has been out and he’s been homeschooled my child has not been sick one time so now I feel like if I send him to school he’s going to end up catching something from a child who’s parents don’t show them like hey this virus is serious or something and I’m not trying to bash other parents but as it is half of these kids they’re different at school my child is a whole different person at school so I think that homeschooling is the best choice for My child and for my family’s well-being And they’re not gonna require that kids wear a mask And I feel like if I were to send my child with a mask there’s gonna be some thing in the day that’s gonna make him want to takeoff his mask like if his friends oh I’m taking off my mask my kids are gonna want to take his mask off too because somebody else is doing it so I think homeschooling is the best option for my family so best of luck to all of you guys with your choice❤️

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I’m sending my 5th grader back to school he needs in person instruction

I thought I was okay with sending my 4 year old back to school. Then his headstart program started a 3 week transition period for him to go to Pre-K last Monday. He went the first full week, everything was okay. Then over the weekend he became congested. I ended up having to pick him up early from school Monday and since then everyone in the house has become congested, sneezing, and coughing. Now I’m reconsidering it because we were all fine no sickness since March until he went back :sob:

I’m hoping the school will do distance learning. Otherwise I’ll have him home schooled until there is a vaccine

Our school still doesnt know if we will be full time or online. Idk when we will find out. And idk how to feel about either option.

Nobody is better equipped to teach your child than you.

We pulled ours out for at least this year but it might be forever

Both back to school. One starts high school this year. One is in her last year of junior high. They will be going as much as the school allows. I drive school bus so I’ll make sure of it :grin:

Traditional school here. Studies in other countries have shown that there’s low Covid risk at schools. I’m sure it’s due to extreme disinfecting. But I doubt things will be bad when schools start. No worse than usual.

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I have a senior in high school who is in a vocational program. I’m nervous but, sending him back.

TBH people are so excited to get their kids to school already! They’re tired of their kids already they feel they need a break and they want them back in school and they also need a babysitter. Just saying truth 100%

I have a 6th grader and a toddler. I have to student teach for my masters. Me and my husband are trying to have opposite schedules (he’s military though and they always screw us) in case they close schools again or do cohorts and the oldest isn’t in school fulltime. I don’t want my baby going to daycare. So… rock meets hard place.

Back to school for mine and Me as a teacher.

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I homeschooled my 3 from K5-12 using ABEKA Curriculum and video school. I didn’t want them programmed by the public school system’s ideology. As a Christian, I believe in respect for authority, personal responsibility for one’s actions and love for God and country. ABEKA has been in business for over 50 years and my kids tested 3 to 4 grades above their school year each time they participated in the public school’s mandated SAT tests. They have accreditation so their diplomas are accepted by the military and colleges. I was a stay at home mom and teaching them was more rewarding them watching “soaps” on TV. Church youth clubs and private sports classes provided better “socialization” than being bullied on the schoolyards at recess! It worked for us and with all the varied homeschool associations now in place it makes it easier to do than it was in the 80’s and 90’s. Momma’s you have options. Good luck.

No… my kid love being back at school…will never consider home schooling

Well it wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t have 5 kids

I’m torn. It seems like school districts are so uncertain and disorganized. They are putting so much pressure on teachers. How effective can teachers teach students in class, remote and hybrid? That’s way too much. If one person get covid the school gets shut down. Just another disruption in teaching. How much are our children really going to learn and retain this year? I’m feeling it would be best for me to homeschool yet at the same time how qualified am I? Will I hinder their learning or will I help them? Too many unknowns.

I am homeschooling, because my husband has health issues and I don’t want him to get sick.

I can’t home school. I work 7:30 to 4 ish. Come home, walk and feed the dog, make supper to feed myself and my daughter, do laundry, do dishes. By then it’s already 8pm. To late to start any schooling. Plus, I don’t have a computer, tablet or internet because I’m a single mom on one salary with no assistance. Soooooo.

Virtual learning for my 8 year old. I’m not sending mine back to a packed classroom with no social distancing guidlines in place.

My daughters new school is trying to do a new program where the younger kids a.k.a. kindergarten through third grade I think, do two days at school and three days at home online. they haven’t gotten it perfect yet and they don’t know how many kids are actually going to be returning to school because of this whole mess, so they’re sending out surveys and sending out newsletters and just trying to keep us all updated on it but my daughter starts kindergarten next year and if they do want to do full-time I definitely will send her to school. I’m not a very bright person so I think she would get a better school education with classmates and her teacher right in front of her. She is a very smart girl and definitely way too smart for me and I don’t wanna end up holding her back. But it’s looking like they’re going to do a flip-flop scenario where half the younger kids go to school for a couple days and then they switch to the rest of the younger kids so they’re smaller classes less students and more time individually with each student so the three days at home online are not as stressful on parents. I am a stay at home mom to her and my nine-month-old son so either way I’ll be OK with her staying home I just feel she would be better educated at school.

Me. We technically don’t start school til after Labor Day. & the final decision making for our state is happening today, I believe. Without any input from teachers, or likeness there of. Whatsoever. So the decision when to start, a full week, half in school half at home, any or all decisions are being made. Supposedly we’ll be notified. I only have 1 child left & he’s supposed to be going to the High School. I am not comfortable in sending him. I’ll most likely home school. My husband wants to take him out & allow him to take the GED. So we still have decisions to make

I am so torn but we have made the decision to home school.

I wouldn’t mind my kids going back to get the education my kids need esp my LO that has learning disabilties. If the kids have tos tay home and do virtual the teacher needss to sit and actually teach. I was given the work and became a teacher. The teacher didn’t taught. I have raise my concerns to LO couselor cause I don’t want to start off the new school yr as if Im a teacher. I never imagin my kids being home and I def don’t ever saw myself doing work. I hated school as a kid and I was never good at it. If the teacher sends me work and she don’t teach she won’t get out of me much.

So my kids started daycare figured I would try it out. We are in Massachusetts. This is their third week in and my daughter was sent home because she had diarrhea. Fine I totally get it. Her brother is at the same place so both kids get sent to an isolation room and they wait until I get there. I just started working again and I had to leave work early and now I cant work friday or Saturday because I dont have anyone that will watch them. This morning she had a normal poop, but regardless I have to wait the 48 hours. I’m guessing this is what we have to look forward to when we all have to go back full time and put our kids in school. Just figured I would share my experience to give you guys an idea of how this is really going to go.

I’ll be doing the distance learning route despite what our district decides

We are doing our districts online option cause remote learning lacked terribly.

Saying no to homeschooling and yes to virtual. The process for homeschooling is trash

I have my grandkids in a church relaited school. Wedo it from home you can get everything you need…If you do homeschool you still need to answer to the school system

Our school district has an online option…we are taking it for our senior at least half the year

My kids school or doing the hybrid 2 days of in school and 3 days online classes

I’m doing the virtual or homeschooling Option with my kids.

I will be homeschooling!!! If there is just 1 case then they will have mandatory quarantine and then put in the covid tracking data base. I’m good stepping up and homeschooling them.:100::ok_hand:t3: Plus we will go on our own field trips and they’ll be out just as much.

My daughter will be going back. She has an iep and needs those services. And her father and i work full time.

I already planned to homeschool my children.

I am keeping my son home our school is offering an online approach through the school

If it’s an option for your family and you’re considering it, I’d say you have your answer

I can’t homeschool my daughters … my sons a self starter … but my girls are normal kids who don’t want to do what mom says…
My girls’ teachers don’t know the children I do at home. Something about the social pressure to behave and do what your told because that’s what everyone else is doing… also like when we’d goof off if the teacher left the room for any reason …

We are choosing to do distance learning though are School district.

Honestly I would send mine back but I don’t think its going to be opening up for fall. We are still waiting on our governors announcement. We shall see!

Me only because I do not want my child to be forced to have their mouth and nose covered all day. She NEEDS fresh air.

Back to school not caring if I have to wrap in a bubble everyday

Remote learning. I have a barely 2 wk old and my 70+ yr old father watches my 5 yr (6 in august) son when i have to take the newborn to appts.

Virtual learning and it’s not a choice for in person schooling in my county at the moment

We will not be sending our daughter to in person schooling. Currently we are waiting on the district’s decision to determine if we will go with online school through the district vs homeschooling.

Unfortunately, covid is not a regular illness. Sadly, it’s killing people

Yes these thoughts are turned. just like when you choose to vaccinate or not vaccinate your child. will they be able to attend public schools? or will they not be able to attend public schools? will you be a part of the majority in the flock of sheep? or will you be the minority, and be by yourself. your kids will never experience prom or sport or have any yearbook. I mean you have to choose for your next children right! you already have children that are f****** autistic vaccinated . so the best thing you could do is protect your next f****** Offspring right. Don’t vaccinate. No federal public club school.

I’m keeping my daughter home for the first 9 weeks

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I have grandchildren here in the California LAUSD and they will not be attending any in person school this year.

Dead kids can’t learn and dead teachers can’t teach. Home schooling can be great if parents took on the responsibility of teaching and talking to their kids. I know you’re tired after working a full day, but you had them you need to step up. The government should spend the money to provide folks who can’t afford computers and I pads instead of handing out stimulus money to their friends millionaires who don’t need or use the money :moneybag: for anything but themselves. For instance Kanye West , mrs Mitch Maconell and many others who have benefited from our taxes

I am a single mother, and a teacher myself, so my daughter has to go back to school for me to go to work.


How is a virus so dangerous u have to let people out of prison but safe enough to send our babies back to school?

Do we have a choice in Scotland

My kids will benefit from going back to school but they are a junior and a senior

It depends on how they figure out the school plan. Right now my daughter who is going into grade 10 will only go every other day and then the other days she will do work from home. There will be mandatory masks, plastic cubicle dividers between students, lunches and breaks will be in the classrooms and you have to transport your student to and from school. If that is the plan come September she will be home schooled and she can see her friends on her own time. That’s just adding to the already mounting mental health issues kids of all ages are facing right now and I’m not going to force my child to attend school where she can’t hug her friends or hang out with them.

I am keeping my daughter home because I have a baby at home too and don’t need the added worry

Once school starts back up my children are going back to daycare and myself to school

No, the kids need to go back to school people. We as a society need to return to normal. Ok I know(boo hoo)that I will piss someone off but stop be stupid.

I’m not sure how I’ll do it, but I’ll be homeschooling.

Both of my children will go back to school…

Don’t have a choice - I need to go back to work.

My daughter is going to school. I am worried about her getting the covid, but she’s tired of being home, and around us so much. She needs to get out and be with kids her age. Plus we don’t have internet and I can’t afford another bill.

I believe my children’s school district is doing a great job of getting things ready for school to begin.
My children want to go to school and I’ve weighed my opinions, my options, and their needs and wants.
I will be sending my children to school with shields, as I do not believe masks are hygienic at all. I’ve worn one and had to adjust and fix it way more than I expected to. It seems very counter productive.
Hopefully they’ll be here so we can practice well before school begins. As of now masks are only going to be required in hallways and buses. My children do not ride the bus.
I’ve decided at this time to send my girls 5&7 back to school where they both thrive!

It’s whatever you need to fit into your life and every mom knows what’s best for her own family.

I struggled all the way up until right before midnight the day of lol. I want them in school, I know I could never replace their teachers and the education they would learn while being in school but they would only go for 2 days a week and wouldn’t be able to socialize anyways. And I know I’m going to go insane with them home but I rather have them drive me insane than live with any other circumstances. My husband had covid and was sick for 2 months. 5 ppl died at his work so we’ve seen first hand how scary it is.

We are 100% homeschooling

My child can always catch up on her education. Her health comes 1st

Wish I could.but I don’t have the time or patience. Or daughters school says grades k thru 8th goes daily but 9th thru 12th goes 2 days out the week and the other 3 they have to do online schooling.i hated the online stuff they tried to make us do in the beginning of this Corona crap,I refused and they still passed my daughter to 1st was more or less dumb activites to keep her wasn’t even curriculum.all year they had her do easy crap her 4 yr old sister could wasn’t teaching her nothing she didn’t already daughter is advanced for her age and she tested 80 percent smarter than the other 22 kids in her class.she was born a I’m not wasting my time if shes not even learning.shes gonna go everyday as required but shes gotta wear the dumb mask and shes got bad claustrophobia and has had it since it really sucks.i told them just to cancel all year.but they won’t listen.

With them doing partial in class what do you think parents are doing twiddling there thumbs? Wake up

Is someone making soup?:rofl::joy:

Will be sending mine back.


Back to school for mine!


Back to school for mine!


Ours are going back once it starts.


I have a dream…that all schools will close and children will be safe at home loved all day by a parent. This extra security will help children succeed academically more than ever and improve their self esteem and confidence.

Nope. Not my two high schoolers…off to school they go

I’m doing the remote learning

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Nope running from a virus your whole life sounds like a great plan :woman_facepalming:t2:

Depends on your situation and where you live.

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Back to school for mine❤

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We are for probably the first half of the year!

My son is going back to in school learning Remote learning wasn’t for him he wasn’t interested and wouldn’t stay focused… He also has an IEP so he needs that extra help that I can not provide… with him being home he thought it was vacation even though he had stuff that he needed to do but him being home he doesn’t think of school

We are going that route this year.

Doing virtual. Health and safety are more important.

Im doing the remote learning with assistance of the teachers

Back to school… plus they need to be around there friends again

I love my son but there’s a reason I don’t teach :joy:

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My son has to go back. I cant teach him, I cant help him, and I have to work. Single mom he has to go to school