How often are you and your husband intimate?

depends on how hard we work during the week there are time we only have sex once a week then on vacation possibly 2x a day seriously depends on how exhausted we are… but normal for us is 2-3x a week and we’ve been together around 31/2 4 years now

My husband and I have sex so rarely that it’s a treat :joy:
I don’t think everyone is going to have the same definition of what a healthy sex life looks like.
Physical touch is not my love language, but it is my husbands. So, that is part of where of lack of a sexual relationship steams from

It’s up to each individual couple. Don’t let this fuck try to guilt you into something you don’t wanna do.

There is no normal it’s difficult for everyone. Sex slows down as we have family and become busy. Speeds up when we become empty nesters and evens out as we become senior and Just comfortable with each other and ourselves

Together 6 years and I’m lucky if it’s twice in a fortnight lol


I have an almost 8 month old we r lucky if we do it once a month but before we had our son we do it about 5 to 6 times a week we was trying to have a family

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We try for two times a week. But it can be hard bc of kids and we are both in school.

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Almost everyday here.

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I’d say it varies. Sometimes once a week, sometimes 4-5 times a week. Sometimes we go without for a couple weeks. :woman_shrugging:

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2-5 times a week. We have 5 kids with number 6 on the way

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It depends on the relationship. Sometimes 7 days a week and sometimes less

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I think you should give him a reminder of what “sexless” really is :roll_eyes:


I wish for three times a week!!


Lol my partners lucky too get it once a month :woozy_face::joy::joy: I have no sex drive, not since our son, and we’ve been together 10years lol

My husband is +3 a week, I am +2 a month, it’s really all about compromise. I learned to not say no. Lol although I do say hurry up or fake it quite often :joy::upside_down_face::see_no_evil:


You’re pregnant so that’s also gonna put a slow down on things. It’s normal to go through slower phases. You should be basing your relationship off of a lot more than sex though if you want it to work out. Maybe try a couple of couples counseling sessions :woman_shrugging:t2:

Together 6yrs married 3 we are at about 1-2x a week due to opposite schedules. But sometimes we go a couple weeks without.
Also if your pregnant and not feeling like you want to that is completely normal.


My fiance and known eachother for 15 years on and off for a long time we can’t keep our hands off eachother.


You are pregnant. That means however much/ little you want.


Together 21 years, 3 kids with a 4th on the way and we have sex at least 3-4 times a week.

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We don’t schedule it lol. Sometimes it could be 3 times a night other times we could go 2 weeks. It really depends on how life is going but usually never more than 2 weeks


Sometimes once a week sometimes 2 or 3 times sometimes not all :tipping_hand_woman:t3:


It’s twice a day for us morning and then again at night I seem too want it more :grin: and husband does not complain :raised_hands::blush:

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Sex? Is that even a thing when married :smile:

I wish we had sex 3 times a week!!! I would be on cloud 9. I’m 8 months pregnant and I’m lucky to get it once a month to be honest… he is scared to hurt the :baby:

Once a week. Been married almost 15 years

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Your pregnant so tell him to suck it up however my bf is a once a week person and I am at least 3 times a week or more. I hate it. It takes a toll on us and me. Everyone is different though.

13 years. Kids 18yr, 17 yr, 6yr.
My husband is unhappy with this amount

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My husband and I do it at least 3-4 times a week! And even my ex husband and I did it a few times a week. Don’t make it a chore. It’s suppose to be fun and enjoyable by both. He can’t do all the work to get going and neither can you but do little things to get his attention trust me it’ll get a spark going.


Depends on how much the hubby helps out around the house. But seriously, if your relationship depends on quantity of sex, you better rethink that relationship.

Everybody’s normal is different. Just to be fair about that. With that being said, when I was pregnant and a few years after I had children, it was not that frequent. My youngest is now almost six and my oldest is now almost eight, and the game has changed drastically. We are probably intimate four to five nights a week. But again that was not something during pregnancy or anywhere near immediately after it. There are ebbs and flows.

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We have been together 21 years until recently we have been 3 to 5 times a week. Except for when I was pregnant then it was less. Now that we arexa little older 1-3 times a week. Sex ebbs and flows with your relationship. He’s gonna think sex less when you have to wait 6 weeks!

Together 4 years. Have sex at least 4x a week and play for hours at least one night on the weekend. We have 4 kids together. Sex drive is much higher now that kids are older and we have way more time not chasing around kids.

25 years married, I work full time nights and husband works full time days. 9 children, lost one child at the age of 13, 6 years ago on the 10 of March. May hug 2 or 3 times a year and sex maybe once a year since Beth…

Being pregnant…he needs some patients


I’m currently 6 months pregnant and 1-2 times a week


There is no such this as “normal” and just because he feels that’s how many times it should happen doesn’t mean you have to if you’re not in the mood.


:joy::joy::joy: mine has gotten laid once in the last 3-4 months :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3: ain’t no body got time for that. 4 kids and a hectic ass job come first

Together almost 2 years and its still 2-3 times a day.


My husband is lucky if he gets it 3 times a month and when I was pregnant I couldn’t stand for him to touch me at all

I think normal is whatever a couple can agree on


All relationships are different. My husband and I have been together almost 18 years. We do it everyday except for when it’s that time of the month.

Kaitlyn Francis amen to that!!!

As I’m complaining that 2 times a day isn’t enough :persevere::persevere::persevere:

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normal? isn’t everyones normal different? we’re work different shifts, and lots of overtime. sometimes it’s once a week, sometimes once a month. quality over quantity. :clap:t2:

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9 years and maybe once a week, sometimes 2-3 times a month. Sometimes 3 times a week. It just depends


Sex should be spontaneous so whenever you have the free time is wherever y’all should have sex… Period!!!

There is no one size fits all “normal”. You do what works for your relationship not someone else’s. However, sex isn’t the only form of intimacy and guys tend to forget that. A lot of women need more emotional stimulation in order to get to the sex aspect of the relationship. It’s not just you that needs to change to fit his needs but maybe he needs to put forth more effort to meet your needs. Intimacy without obligation (of sex).

I’ve been with my husband for ten years. We have sex at least every other night. Most of the time it’s every night though. If I only had sex with him once a week then I don’t what he would think lol.

If it were up to me it’d be everyday :tipping_hand_woman:t4:

I’m not even pregnant and my boyfriend and I will go 1-2 months without having sex

If it was up to my husband it would be two to three times a day​:joy::joy:
We do it maybe 2-3 times a week, sometimes 2 times a day

Usually 1-2 times a week, but sometimes we end up going awhile like 2-3 weeks. It’s hard to find time when you have kids to take care of and house chores to do all the time lol plus when that time of the month comes around we obviously don’t do it then. There is no “normal” sex life really its just whatever works for each couple.

Hah be lucky if we have sex once a month :rofl::rofl:

Lol I am lucky if I get it 1 time every 2 months! We used to have sex 3 times a day between 5 to 7 days a week!

Not about quantity but quality.


I would prefer once a night or more honestly

Me and my husband have sex maybe once every 2 weeks.

I’ve been married for 23 years yesterday, and we have sex about 3 to 4 times a week at least. Sometimes more, and sometimes multiple times a day. Every relationship is different though💁‍♀️

We have 3 kiddos under the age of 6 we get about 2 times a week in sometimes more if we sneak away “do laundry” :rofl:

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We have been married 6 years and do it atleast 3 times a week and usually up to 5 times a week. My husband is very sexual as well am I.

We have been together 2yrs and sometimes 2-3 a day, sometimes 1-2 a week, sometimes 3x’s a month so it just depends on what is going on


Married for 20 years and my husband works out of town but when he is home it’s everyday for about 4 days then every other day ish. Sometimes two days in a row then skip a day. He usually works month gone, month home. Phone sex, videos and pics while he is gone 2-3 times a week. There is so such thing as a normal amount it’s about what works for u as a couple.

If I had the right man, it would be good.

In our case, it is now NONE bc my SO has stage 4 prostate cancer & dr removed his testosterone ( it was feeding his cancer). He is only 61 & always saw dr regularly, so we weren’t expecting that diagnosis 1 year ago. I am 56 & still have a strong drive, but i love him. We have accepted that this is our new normal bc we love each other.


Three times. Month lmfao sometimes once a week but we still share A room with our almost 2 year old

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Ok sometimes me and my partner have sex every day for 2 weeks then sometimes once a week then sometimes 3-4 times a weeks just depends on how tired we are or what’s been going on. If he loves you sex will never be the center point of your relationship my husband loves me regardless of how our sex life is. Every night we kiss each other goodnight and we love each other endlessly.

While pregnant is also so different than while not pregnant. Just wanted to add that in

It varies. Seems it gets less the older we get. My husband is disabled and on a lot of meds so he is not in the mood much and me starting menopause. It’s kinda hit or miss. We schedule nights for together time.

Honestly 3x a week is considered average. If it were up to be it would be 2x a day :sweat_smile: he’s fine with 3x a month with the occasional extra lol(he works nights and 40-60hrs a weeks) but everyone is different and tbh usually opposites attract :rofl:

Sometimes my fiance and I don’t have sex for at least 2 weeks or more I have low sex drive and he has other ways of pleasing himself

My boyfriend would like to have it 2-4 times a day but he gets it at least 1 a day

My husband and I have been together 20 years. Married for 10 and have 2 kids. We are intimate every other night


That being said. There is no “normal”. I have been in relationships where we had sex once every once in awhile, once a week, once a day and multiple times a day. It’s about desire and chemistry. And if MY spouse talked to me like that, I wouldn’t put out either

It all depends on the couple. Sometimes my wife and I have sex twice a week, most times twice a month. It seems to slow down with age and longer you are together. I think it’s different with every couple and I’m sure every person has a different opinion on this topic

Coming up on 4 years together but if it’s been more than 2 days unless someone is sick then even if I’m not in the mood I’ll start something. Might not be full blown sex, might just be oral but there’s something every other day. We had a talk and we’re both feeling a little neglected at going over 4 days between intimacy of any kind.

we have been married 7 years together 11, have 3 kids… we usually have “us time” once a week. he runs a business and I stay at home, homeschool and babysit… im tired lol but this season of life will be over soon and we can spend more time together

Shit sometimes it’s once every two weeks really just depends how busy and crazy our life is that week😅

Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 3 years now. We use to have sex couple times a week now it’s lucky if we have sex once a week and 4 times a month. We don’t have our own bedroom (we sleep in the living room and our girls (my 13 year old biological daughter and my 11 year old bonus daughter (boyfriend’s daughter) share a room and my bonus son (boyfriend’s son) has his own room). My boyfriend had his house 2/3 years before we got together and he brought a 2 bedroom trailer and automatically gave his kids their own room and he took the living room then me and my daughter moved in with him he had the girls share a room. His kids use to only come every weekend until the kids mom wanted to ship off my bonus daughter to a psych ward because of my bonus daughter had a melt down because something her mom was doing and my bonus son wanted to stay with his sister. So now we have all 3 kids full time. (My biological daughter biological father passed away in 2017 and my bonus kids barley see their mom and only talk to them when she calls them about 1-2 times a month)

It all depends on our relationship is. No one’s is exactly the same as the next. Plus your pregnant. You shouldn’t compare your situation to anyone else’s. Everyone is different

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He’s about to have a newborn and is already complaining about 3x a week :roll_eyes: he’s about to have a rude awakening :joy:

Anywhere between 3-5 times a week

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Used to be multiple times a day, now I’m lucky to be touched by someone else every few months. He can have my sex life lol.

We are, and always have been, every day. We’re perfectly matched. I have friends who are happy with once a week. I don’t think there’s a cookie cutter answer. It’s just the number that keeps the both of you happy and satisfied. We also have five children and I’m a sahm


Once a week here! (Sometimes 2) But he works 3rd shift so Friday and Saturday night is usually all we have together!

Normal for us is a couple times a month. I’m asexual and only have one ovary so :woman_shrugging:
Luckily my husband and I have very open communication and he loves me for more than sex.

Men look at sex like women look at hearing I Love you. How often do you like to hear those words? Men are definitely different yet the same

Hard to say sometimes it’s a couple times a week other times it’s every day depends…he’s on nights this week so yea I dunno yet haha xx

Ours is probably 3 times a week. Married 7.5 years. Pregnancy was a roller coaster though. Sometimes like wild and others nothing

This depends on age of the individuals and the couple (length of relationship), communication levels, ages of children, activity levels, etc. There is no set answer.
Once a week some weeks, 3x a week others. Just depends on all other factors. We don’t schedule it. We let our moods dictate.
If you’re scheduling it, your relationship needs some attention, darlin.

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Sex while pregnant is different. Can be stressful painful and tiring specially to a pregnant woman. There is no exact amount of times that you should have to do it. One person always has a higher sex drive than the other but that is no reason to EXPECT sex all the time from the other person. He /she should be understanding of the other person too.

I like how women say that because she is pregnant she can decide when and if at all to have sex
But if a man was to knock back a women beacause he was dead tired from a big week at work then women would say he is cheating

On average 4-5 times per week. We go through stints where it’s twice a day 5 days or if the week and saints where it’s 2 times per week. We’ve been through stages where our was twice per month but that was many years ago and many underlying issues from both of us as well as within our relationship.

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I have a 9-month-old and a 2-year-old good job in us if it’s one a month right now.


18 years together with 5 kids and my husband works out of town M-F. We get 2-3 times a weekend

I have pcos so my drive is t great its like 0 and it has become a problem on and off thru my marriage. He tries to be understanding. Once I got pregnant there was no drive at all. But before I got pregnant it was at least once a week

Well dang. Mine is a sexless one then cuz we have it around 1-2 times a month. lol


I’d lòwer it to once a month if he wants to àct that way


3 times a week most weeks. Sometimes less, sometimes more. He works 80+ hours a week. I run our small business plus we have 3 kids all 5 and under.

He sounds like he’s being a douche
Does he ask all the time and get turned down or is he just waiting until you tell him you want to? If he’s being turned down, it’s probably making him feel unwanted. But you ARE pregnant, so he needs to chill